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Updated Apr 19
Updated Apr 19

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I follow Posh Rules. No Offline transactions. No Trades. I will only negotiate thru the offer button. However, I DO NOT accept ANY offers on Bundles. (I already have a bundle discount in place, and my items are Fairly Priced to begin with. ) Thanks for coming by and shopping my Closet! Have a great day!
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valeriemark Thx for the shares!!
May 11Reply
flutter_buys No problem! I was there anyway! ;)
May 11Reply
abstractdreams 👍🏽💋
May 17Reply
bethjennings Hi Karen! Welcome to the family!!
May 23Reply
oyuki76 @kcford24 no problem!!😃💕 anytime!😘💐
May 29Reply
urbanhaven2014 @kcford24 Great to meet you Karen. Best of luck and remember I'm here if you have any questions! 💕💕
Jun 03Reply
mlevene @lucidemotion Hello Love!! If this Lovely Lady isn't already on your share list, I would love for you to check her closet out. I didn't get all the way thru it but what I saw was legal!!!🌹🌹🌹
Jun 12Reply
flutter_buys Awl.. thanks, actually I did just meet Courtney @luidemotion yesterday! :) Thank you lovely ladies! Have a great day!! :) @mlevene
Jun 12Reply
lynda721 @kcford24 Your closet looks Awesome, Karen! 😄👍💕
Jun 19Reply
flutter_buys @lhaag721 thanks! Trying to find what looks best. 😉💕
Jun 19Reply
marykat 💕 Hi Karen! Nice to meet you!
Jun 29Reply
Jun 30Reply
flutter_buys @maira2190 Thank you for taking a look at my closet,and letting me know about the other closet!! ;) Have a great night! ;)
Jun 30Reply
_sochic Your Welcome💕😉 HAVE A WONDERFUL NIGHT🎉💕🌷
Jun 30Reply
randikandi @kcford24 hi Karen...tysm for sharing. Nice to meet u
Jul 18Reply
mlevene @kcford24 I know this Posher💖! I have become a better Posher just knowing her, learning from her! Karen, has always been there to help! Besides being rated a Top rated closet since I met her. I just found out I am now a Mentor myself!! Thank you Karen for being an outstanding Posher and Friend! 🌹
Jul 24Reply
flutter_buys Awl, My PFF, Thank you Margie!! you are so sweet!! And Yay, Good for you!!! ;) Congrats!!! ;) @myleven
Jul 24Reply
matadora1978 Np karen it happened to me too!! 😊 the sale tag for the non compliant. Closet...after i noticed she didnt follow rules she blocked me ! Hahaha!!!
Jul 27Reply
flutter_buys @matadora1978 Hi Jess! I know after I saw it, I was like OH s*#t!! lol!
Jul 27Reply
matadora1978 LMBO!! XOXOXO
Jul 27Reply
omgitslatin I like the way you did this! I am new to poshmark and would like to know how this was made.
Aug 20Reply
flutter_buys @omgitslatin I used an app called "Phonto". It's super easy!
Aug 20Reply
vintage_lass @kcford24 Hello Karen! I'm Susannah :)
Sep 08Reply
mlevene @kcford24 Karen Thank you so much!!!! What does it all mean??? 🌹
Sep 15Reply
flutter_buys @mlevene I'm not sure I know what your referring to. I nominated you for a Host Pick. :) Hope all is well with you! I haven't been on quite as much lately. Catch up with you soon! ;)
Sep 15Reply
flutter_buys @muneewoo hi Mandy! No, you are totally right!! I was thinking it was underwear. So sorry for the confusion! I have been pretty busy lately, trying to get pictures taken for my Fall items. And my friend was here for a day or two, so it gets me all out of wack with Posh! Hopefully everything is going good with you my PFF!😘💕
Sep 16Reply
autumnlynn3 Guess what?! I'm hosting a party!!! Just got the email today!!!
Sep 23Reply
flutter_buys @mimismenagerie No worries Misti!! ;) If I am on and sharing, don't worry about getting me back, I don't keep count! lol! Hope your having a good day! :)
Sep 28Reply
autumnlynn3 Hey! Have you heard back you about Suggested User?!
Oct 05Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 No, no word yet!! It's been since like the end of July too!! So almost 10 weeks now!! How long was it for you? Should I email them again? Maybe I'll give it another month! 😜. Hopefully I'll hear something soon!! How are you?? Busy feed I guess!? Hopefully your making some good sales!! 😉💕
Oct 05Reply
autumnlynn3 I would definitely email them again! Sometimes they just need a little nudge 😉.. I'm great! Yes, feed is a bit crazy but thankfully not too bad yet!! Sales are awesome! I have at least one sale a day right now!! 💜
Oct 05Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 That's awesome about your sales!! Good for you!!! 😊. I hope you get a theme you want!! Yeah, maybe I will nudge them! lol. I guess it can't hurt! lol! Have a good night!! 😘💕
Oct 05Reply
autumnlynn3 You too! Keep me posted! 💜
Oct 05Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 Oh, I will! lol! You'll be one of the first to know!! 😉💕
Oct 05Reply
otsana428 Sorry if I confused you with the party tag earlier, Karen!! Haha, I just happened on the post before anyone else had liked or commented and knew you could help her spread the word ❤️
Oct 06Reply
flutter_buys @otsana428 No problem Amber! I just got excited for you! lol! :) Thanks for the tag tho! ;)
Oct 06Reply
otsana428 Haha I'd be way excited too! Actually, do you know if the same rules apply since they've started having hosts for afternoon parties? Do you still have to be on posh for at least 6 months? I'm antsy 😂
Oct 06Reply
flutter_buys @otsana428 No, I would send them an email to hosting @ poshmark . Com. I have already hosted and I started in May!! 😜 My friend was here a couple months before me and she wrote in right away! Then when they asked her to host she said she wanted me and another friend to host with her!! And they accomadated us!! That was really nice of them! And her! 😉😊. Yeah, send one in, it can't hurt!! 😉
Oct 06Reply
flutter_buys @otsana428 yeah I sent in to be a SU before the party back on July 18th. So it's been quite awhile! So I shot them another one yesterday!! They said the usual. That there's a long list and they have to look through my closet! But that's way better with the day hosts now. Because more people get a chance!! 😉💕
Oct 06Reply
otsana428 Oh that's great to know! Thank you so much! ☺️💕
Oct 06Reply
autumnlynn3 OK seriously.. Have you still not heard back about SU?!
Oct 20Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 Hey! I did email them to jumpstart something like you said. Then they got back to me saying I'm still on there very long list!! It just seems to me, it's taking longer than usual. LOL. I follow a lot of people, I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Because some of them are non-compliant ( I'm sure, I don't check when I go down the list).
Oct 20Reply
autumnlynn3 I wouldn't worry about it!! You should hear from them soon!! 😄
Oct 20Reply
flutter_buys I don't know! It seems kinda long to me. Exactly 3 months. You really got a lot of followers from becoming a SU!! 😜. Oh well, I guess we'll see. Have a good one! 💕 thanks for the tags!
Oct 20Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 see above 👆👆👆👆 Forgot to tag you! 😯
Oct 20Reply
autumnlynn3 My friend actually wrote them about 3 months ago and she just found out this week!! Don't lose hope!! You are an amazing Posher! 😘💜💕❤
Oct 20Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 wow, now that's depressing! Ugh!! I did just emailed them about a name change though too! I want my name shorter. Quite a few people have done it so, I guess we'll see about that too! lol😜
Oct 20Reply
xaris Could I be apart of your tag list please. I'm trying to make it to 10k, i have some ways to go .. but every lil bit of help is appreciated
Oct 23Reply
lilmilo @kford24 after you run a flash sale do you keep your prices down or return them to your previous asking price? thanks and congratulations on last night's sales.
Nov 19Reply
flutter_buys @lilmilo, I put the prices back to where they were originally. But I mark the original price in the description. So I don't forget. Then for a few hours or how ever long I put it on sale. I tried it twice now, and both times it worked. So far , so good anyway! Have a great day! Good Luck with your sales!! Are you fairly new?? I'll have to check out your Closet! :)
Nov 19Reply
chiara08 These are thank you shares! No need to share back! 💜💕
Nov 21Reply
flutter_buys @chiara08 Thank you so much!! So kind of you! 😘💕 I'll share a bit though. 😉
Nov 21Reply
chiara08 Haha! I'm the same! Thank PPF! 💕💜
Nov 21Reply
flutter_buys @chiara08 Thank you too!! Have a good weekend and I hope you get a lot of sales! 😃
Nov 21Reply
chiara08 Thanks!! Same for you. I finally sold a skirt last night!! The sale continues through Sunday. The items on sale are marked ⚡️. Any shares will be appreciated and shared back 😊
Nov 21Reply
flutter_buys @chiara08 no problem. Whenever I am on I'll try to share it! 👍💕
Nov 21Reply
sweetvabreeze @kcford24 Thank you so much for all the shares today! 🎉❤️😊
Nov 24Reply
lisadraper Hi KAREN. Thank you for being such a great supporter of all the Poshers ...we need this app full of ppl like you 😃. I so glad our paths have cross my PFF 😃. I would like to help you sweets. Plz tag me on something in your closet you need to push. I would love to help. Happy Thanksgiving 😃
Nov 26Reply
flutter_buys Thanks Lisa! I'm so glad we got a chance to be PFF's as well!! :) Your so sweet! I check out my closet and tag you. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! :)
Nov 27Reply
lisadraper Thank you my friend for sharing my others fiends sales today sweet lady 😃. Much love. Lisa 😃😘
Nov 28Reply
flutter_buys @lisadraper Anytime! 😉 💕 Hope you did well on sales today! I did better than expected. But then again I wasn't really expecting much, because I don't have new items. 😉 Have a good weekend!! Ttyl
Nov 28Reply
mlevene @kcford24 Hello!! If your new to Karen's closet, Please let me tell you - your in for treat!🎄. Not only does Karen have an amazing closet you won't find a more honest, helpful, kind Posher out there!! Shop and enjoy!
Dec 16Reply
matadora1978 hey karen ty for saying hi to jessy! some shares coming your need to share back! ;) xoxoox
Dec 31Reply
thatonegirl72 Thank you for all the shares!!
Jan 04Reply
flutter_buys @neechelle Hi Jo, I just thought I'd show you these listings in this post, so you can understand where I'm coming from. 😊 Have a great day! 👍
Jan 09Reply
ferngoddess @kcford24 hey Karen quick question. I see that it's prohibited but didn't specifically say no mens clothes but says do not sell items that aren't related to womens fashion. However i see alot of men's clothing on here and even men sellers.... What's the poshmark feeling on this? Are they looking the other way or not?
Jan 09Reply
autumnlynn3 I'm switching up my photos again 😜❤
Jan 13Reply
kymstewart How do you make these listings? What kind of app do I need
Jan 16Reply
flutter_buys @kymstewart Hi, use "photo collage" then hit free style. then you can search the web or your photos or ht backgrounds. you can put all sorts of things into it. Then after you find a picture you want double click on it and it will allow you to then make t your background. After that if you hit the plus sign you can add text or stickers. I personally don't use their text. I save the photo and then use "phonto" app for texts.I find that one easier for text. let me know f you need a hand. :)
Jan 16Reply
lisadraper ☺️ Thank you so much for sharing my party listing 😘😘😘. Your the Best!!!! Lisa ☺️😘
Jan 17Reply
lynda721 @kcford24 I have an idea. Since everyone, still have some of warm weather listings, why not advertise them as "Winter Break/Vacation" items? So many people flee the cold weather to go somewhere warm on vacation. Families who have kids get winter break. College kids do Spring Break, and a lot of others go south just to get away from the cold weather. It may be a great way to get rid of your summer items that did not sell instead of waiting for the seasons to change. What do you think?
Jan 19Reply
flutter_buys @lhaag721 Hey!! I was gonna text you today! For some reason you've been on my mind. Is everything ok? But yeah, sounds like a good idea!! And I took A LOT of summer items off too. I figured I would leave a few. You have summer items too. I'm trying to get ready for Valentine's Day. All pink and red things. I just got a ton of handbags!! Like 2 bins fulll!! 😃
Jan 19Reply
flutter_buys @dkraning, I don't know if you actually read this before making your offer? But I usually do not respond to offers like yours. My prices are extremely low for quality items.I don't up the price so I can negotiate lower, like a lot of users. II offer reasonable prices from the start..However I still do negotiate on some items. You did make me realize my mistake. I should have stuck with my normal routine. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my Closet. Happy Poshing. :)
Jan 21Reply
darlang Hey Karen! Thank you for the big welcome!
Jan 23Reply
flutter_buys @certified20 Hi, just in case you didn't see this listing. Please read above. My prices are VERY low and very reasonable already. Plus I offer a 10% discount on 2 or more. The Jacket alone is $25. So basically you want the shirt and bag for only $5. Sorry, not happening! Have a good night! :)
Jan 30Reply
andeyg Hey there! I'm kinda newish to this Posh thing & still have yet to get a nice boost in followers :/ I'm sharing a lot and joining share parties n' things of that nature. Any suggestions? 🎀 Thnx! & love you're closet!
Jan 31Reply
flutter_buys @zebra_x3 Hey Kara!! How are you?? Sure! Your not leaving are you!?? How's school?! Hope all is well sweetie!! Thanks for the Shares too!! 😘😘👍💞
Feb 04Reply
autumnlynn3 Thanks dear! 😘
Feb 18Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 👍You got it!! How did you get another so quickly?! Whatever your doing it's working! 😉 I'm happy for you Autumn! 😘🎉
Feb 18Reply
autumnlynn3 It's been over 3 months!! 😁
Feb 18Reply
mlevene @kcford24 @mlevene Hello my Friend!!! I hope this finds you well! I just recently found out I have to move by June/July the latest! UGGHHH!! I posted a sign in my closet and tagged you asking you to share but once again your name wouldn't come up for me. I have noticed when then happens you don't always get my messages. So could you check it out and share for me? Your the best! Margie
Apr 05Reply
lisadraper Hi my friend :)) I am asking everyone who (party, sales, etc.) tags me to temporary take me off their you know already so much traffic when hosting, Congrats again BTW :)) Thanks for your understanding my PFF Lisa xoxo
May 13Reply
flutter_buys @lisadraper Hi! Are you Hosting too? That's great!! :) No problem, I'll take you off right now. :) I'll be over to share in a bit! Have a good night Lisa! :) xoxo
May 13Reply
flutter_buys Wow Kimberly! Thanks for sharing!! What did you do, my whole Closet? lol! Thank you! xoxo @oneluv918
May 18Reply
josjag89 @flutter_buys thx Karen... When I have the same brand names I join parties.
Jul 03Reply
flutter_buys @josjag89 Hi , you should share to all the parties if you can! Especially the night party! And get to know some of the party hosts. That helps too! But definitely share, share, share. And share again. Your closet as well as others! 😃😉
Jul 03Reply
cristi2025 @flutter_buys Karen, thank you so much for all the shares!!😘🌻
Jul 21Reply
klbc3 @flutter_buys Thanks for cheering me on in hosting my first party! I'm not quite sure what I'm doing yet, awaiting cohosts and theme. I may take you up on your offer for advice as it gets closer! You're the best 💕
Aug 09Reply
flutter_buys @klbc3 You gotta it! :) I'll share your closet to the party if you want, cause you will be busy posting your picks to the host room. :) I wish you a ton of sales leading up to the party! And you'll have fun!! :) xoxo
Aug 09Reply
klbc3 You're the best!!! :) Thank you!!!
Aug 09Reply
vickisueellison Hi,I can write in this area? Thank you for all the shares! That takes time I'm sure. Not much luck. I've reduced many items to next to nothing but still no hits. Other then deleting and re- shooting in outdoor background, brighter light ( views here are gorgeous!) I don't know what to do? Not techie so don't go banners,etc. I'm older then much of the gals surfing out there but I as a mature women buy tons on Posh. Fire smoke bad today. Poor Ca. Fires everywhere. We're 60% contained after 3 wks!
Aug 17Reply
flutter_buys @vickisueellison Hi Vicki, yes, you can write messages here. Glad that the fires are more then 50% contained. Your closet is looking great!! But you have to share. That's a very, very important part of Poshing. Yes it is time consuming, but that's a part of it. To be successful here you must share your items. Even if only once a day. It's sooooo much faster to share from your laptop then your phone!!! And there are a lot of older women on here!!! Very much so! LOL. I'll introduce you around. 😃😉💕
Aug 17Reply
vickisueellison Thanks for advice. I share others closets guess I need to share mine more! KC! I grew up on the KC Ranch! My fav horse was KC ! Stands for Kemper Campbell. A dude ranch in Mojave desert.
Aug 17Reply
vickisueellison See, I'm not sure you'll get this messg. Can't figure it out! When to do the @ thing do I add my email first. Not tech savvy on this site have no lower case slash on my cell either! Ugh. I do know how to pkg up something pretty tho! Yes it sold! I loved it! But I'm too busty for it...sob..going to good home. thanks
Aug 25Reply
flutter_buys @vickisueellison hi! You can write in anyone's closet and they will get the message WITHOUT the @ sign. When you are in your own closet and want to talk to someone, you have to tag them with the @ sign. NEVER Ever put your email in a listing anywhere!! That is a BIG NO NO by Posh Rules.
Aug 25Reply
vickisueellison My comments just disappeared! Ok will try to remember rules on no- no's! I need a cheat sheet! Crib notes! Tape a paper on the frig! Something! Fall coming n I'm going to start listing warmer clothes, stuff, etc. My closet is a warehouse I never wear!
Aug 25Reply
mlevene @flutter_buys Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!!!😊🌟I have missed you so much!! Wow! First I love your new name! Second, Congrats on all the sales!!! I pray you have been feeling well! I hope your Vaca was wonderful!! Just looking at your pictures (specially Lily) cheers me up and makes me feel like we met for the day. Take care and much continued success!❤️😘
Aug 30Reply
flutter_buys @mlevene MARGIE!!!!! 😘 Hay sweet girlfriend!! I miss you too!!! How are you feeling from the surgery?? And the move?? We sold the house in Florida, and are still getting things put together here. A lot of work!! Plus renovation here. So, are you back online for now? I hope so! 💕👍😃 miss you!
Aug 30Reply
mlevene @flutter_buys Wow! You are always so crazy busy I don't know how you do it!!! Super Congrats on the house sale!!🎉🍾 renovations always worth it, but the journey! Something you will share and talk about for years to come!!! 😊. The move was hard, really hard. I really hurt my back to the point it was so swollen and inflamed they couldn't operate. More...
Aug 30Reply
mlevene @flutter_buys so they did a procedure on me that ended up so darn painful, (in fairness I all ready was in crazy pain). I was laid up for over a month. All that kick my Fybro, into over drive, seriously couldn't even write my own name for a while😫. So it's not been a party🤗🙄! Wasn't sure I was coming back, it all seemed so overwhelming and still does some days. No sales, being rejected after 2 years of trying so hard over a silly bank that was just posted less than a month? Low ballers....
Aug 30Reply
mlevene @flutter_buys But truly, I missed you and thought about you and Linda and what you have both been through and I was like Whaaa! Get over yourself!!! The important people are out there pulling for you now get up and rally! Soo, I do think I am going to at least try. I see they have made some helpful changes. I need to take some new pictures and I do have some new items. Maybe I could use aname change too?!! Thank you so much for caring, listening and being such a love!😍
Aug 30Reply
mlevene @flutter_buys Hi love, I am so sorry!! I just went on and on! Just told Lynda you are probably sorry you asked!! Please forgive me!😔
Aug 30Reply
flutter_buys @mlevene I'm not sorry I asked!! Your my friend! Love you girl and we miss you!! 😘
Aug 30Reply
pammalla Hi KC, Thank you for sharing my Moving Sale. I really appreciate it.
Sep 06Reply
flutter_buys @pammalla Anytime Pamela! Nice to meet you by the way! You have a beautiful closet too!! 😃💕🌷
Sep 06Reply
klbc3 Hi Karen! I LOVE the SU wheel ;) One of these days I'm going to start selling more stuff hahaha! How am did you move go? All settled in now?
Sep 21Reply
flutter_buys lol, not even!! We are kinda stuck in limbo because of the renovation!! But, little, by little we are getting there. 🙄 lol I still have a lot to go through! How are your sales doing with the Party coming up and all?? I hope you're doing good!! 👍😉💕
Sep 21Reply
flutter_buys @klbc3 I forgot to tag you Kristen!! See above 🖕🖕🖕
Sep 21Reply
klbc3 Renovations can drag on and on, but it's so exciting to see it all at the end! Sales have been slow the past few weeks, back to school maybe? Hoping to generate more with the party in a week+! Thanks for asking💕
Sep 21Reply
stylenu Hi Karen! I was wondering what happened to you 🤔🤔🤔 I don't know if we both changed names at the same time or not. This is Leigh, I used to be cbltrio. So I just figured your name out because I was used to kcford24. So glad to have found you again. Hope all is well with you !!!!
Sep 23Reply
flutter_buys @stylenu Hi Leigh!! I'm doing ok, and you?? It's nice to catch up to one another again!!! lol! You seem to be doing great!! Good for you!! :) i'll be over to share! xoxo
Sep 23Reply
klbc3 Hi Karen! Question for you (my sweet Posh mentor!) I haven't counted how many HPs I've submitted so far. Will it alert me when I get to 100? I don't want to go over by accident and violate the rules!
Oct 01Reply
flutter_buys @klbc3 Hi, no it won't tell you! You were suppose to count. :(
Oct 01Reply
klbc3 Drat! I had my list of 100 pre-selected, but some things were gone and then I wanted to include active members. Hopefully I did ok! Thanks so much!
Oct 01Reply
flutter_buys @klbc3 Go thru and count real quick??? If you think you have a lot left?? It's an idea. You have plenty of time :) lol :)
Oct 01Reply
klbc3 Yep I'm doing fine. Thought I should ask before I got too far ahead of myself hahaha! This is so much fun! ;) Thanks again for your help! 💕
Oct 01Reply
flutter_buys @klbc3 lol, Oh good!!! :) Yay!!
Oct 01Reply
lynda721 @flutter_buys Looks GREAT! 👍
Oct 13Reply
violet507 Karen love love love your profile picture!!!! You are so pretty and what a beautiful smile!!!! 💜💜💜💕
Oct 15Reply
flutter_buys @violet507 Thanks Jazmin! 😘😃💕
Oct 15Reply
flutter_buys @graciesdeals Hi Tammy, 😃 yep! I remember when I only had a couple hundred followers. And it does take time and patience and we can't forget sharing! lol! You'll get it! And we'll try to get you a Host pick, so you can get more followers for some sales! 😉 if you want I can put you on my list so you can congratulate Party Host's or just so you know what's going on in the community? If not no big deal! 😃 Hope you have a good night 🌙. Ttys 🌸
Oct 22Reply
flutter_buys That is great news that you ARE in fact a SU!! 😉 I'm glad they got back to you so quickly about it!! And you did not bother me at all what so ever! Don't be silly! I just got confused about if you got the letter or you were trying to email them. Cause at the end you asked "does this mean I'm a SU". So glad we got it cleared up!! (Continued)
Nov 09Reply
flutter_buys @tgavril I can always tell when I'm on the "SU Wheel". I got like 500 followers in a couple hour period. 😃 Now you need to write in to host a party!! 😉 Have you hosted before?? I didn't mean to drop off the site, my oldest friend stopped by and we were gabbing away!! lol. I just wrote in to host a little bit ago too! 😉🌸😃💕
Nov 09Reply
flutter_buys @tgavril hi Tanya! 😃 No, I just sell online. On a couple other sites too. But Posh is my main place. Feels like home base. I can barely keep up with this, let alone having a boutique!! lol. What about you?? You seem to have a lot of items! 😉 I have fibromyalgia, so sometimes it really makes it difficult. 💕
Dec 05Reply
flutter_buys @tgavril oh, wow😃 Well then you should have some contacts then?! I wish I could step up my game a bit! But my health doesn't really allow it. Are you going to buy wholesale for a boutique? I was thinking maybe after Christmas to try and get some, I'm not sure yet. 😃💕
Dec 05Reply
flutter_buys @tgavril Hi! It is automatically entered! That easy! Every new listing is considered 1 entry. The more you list, the more entries. So it gives you a better chance!! 😃 Good luck! I'm gonna try to list as much as I can! I never win anything! lol! Happy New Year Tanya! 😘🍾💃
Dec 27Reply
macsgal2010 @flutter_buys Hello...thank you for the incredible "biography"! I loved it. Straight & to the point but kind at the same time. I especially love the last part oof following the rules & no offline deals! I, personally, get tired & frustrated when asked about using a different site to purchase. If i wanted to purchase from somewhere else, I'd be there instead of Posh. Thank you very much! Lucy 💙💚💖
Jan 01Reply
flutter_buys @macsgal2010 Hi Lucy! 😃 Thanks for the kind compliment and for stopping by! That's basically the way I am. lol. Kind, but at the same time, to the point. I don't like those that beat around the bush, so to speak. I'll stop by your closet to share back!! So nice to meet you too! 😉💕🌸 Thanks for the shares! 😘
Jan 01Reply
tracyblue69 Hey Karen 😃 How you feelin love?
Jan 14Reply
flutter_buys @tweisy, Hey! :) I'm doing ok today! :) How about you? I actually got a few things listed today, so that makes me feel productive! lol! :) Hope you are doing good my friend! :)
Jan 14Reply
tracyblue69 @flutter_buys Aww good, I'm happy to hear. I'm doing well. Staying mobile and stretching. Waiting for the dr to schedule my knee surgery 😣
Jan 14Reply
flutter_buys @tweisy Ah! I hear they are not too easy to go thru! I'll keep you in my prayers! xoxo
Jan 14Reply
tracyblue69 @flutter_buys Thanks love ☺💖 I've had my left one done so at least I know what to expect. Hey, what's the 1st item you see when you go to my page?
Jan 14Reply
autumnlynn3 Hey! Miss you! 😘.. We just got moved into the new place this week so it's gonna take a bit to get settled 😜.. But then I'm back to hitting it hard here on Posh! 💕
Jan 15Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 Oh, I hope your move and unpacking goes well! I know that can always be a pain in the ass, but a great time to get organized! 😉💕 glad you are coming back! 😘💕 Yay! 😃 Ttys Sweetie!
Jan 15Reply
autumnlynn3 Yes! I love the purge!! ❤ ❤ ❤.. But organizing 6 people's stuff is still so time consuming!! On top of just trying to keep up on daily life of coming and laundry and cleaning up after them 😜😝😝😝
Jan 15Reply
boshea10013 Greetings I am fairly new to poshmark when you get time check out my closet. Have a awesome day
Jan 16Reply
apriljerseygirl You have the prettiest closet n love Ur bags! If I had it like that I would definitely buy a lot of Ur beauties. GOD BLESS MY FRIEND! !
Jan 16Reply
flutter_buys @apriljerseygirl Awl, thanks so much April! 😘 Hope you are feeling well and good luck with your Sale! 💕😃
Jan 16Reply
apriljerseygirl Ty 3 tops for $ of 1? N not a sale Ty tho. I need a better system. Have a wonderful day!😘
Jan 16Reply
briannastull @flutter_buys I'm only kinda new to selling - maybe a few months. I was always a buyer but my mom had a stroke and I'm trying to help with college expenses. I would appreciate any tips on my closet, tag list, Great FG, etc. I also tagged you for a new Posher - hope that's okay! ❤
Jan 22Reply
greatnanacloset @flutter_buys thank you for the shares.... I like your rules... 😊
Feb 04Reply
flutter_buys @tgavril Hi Tanya! Yep, everything is ok. I just lack energy!! 😔 How are you making out?? I bet you're busy with the party stuff!! 😃😉💕 If you need anything, just ask! And remember I'll share your closet to the party for you. 😃 are you making more sales because of the party listing and traffic?? I know I did! lol! 😜🦋
Feb 04Reply
flutter_buys You are so welcome! 😃💕 Have a nice day Tanya!
Feb 04Reply
flutter_buys @angelcake1211 Hi, thanks for your interest in my bags. Sorry I do not except offers on Bundles. They are already discounted PLUS one bag is on a Flash sale for today only. Have a great! 😃
Feb 05Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Just checking on you! Hope you're doing better. Take care of yourself & God bless. 🙏😘💕
Feb 23Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 hi Sherry! Thanks 😘 Still feeling horrible. Hoping you are feeling better too!! I've been on very little today. Just to check sales. Talk to you soon! 💕😘💕
Feb 24Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys prayers for you 🙏😇
Feb 24Reply
ginasjewels4you 👍👍👍
Mar 13Reply
autumnlynn3 Hey hun! Can you keep us in your prayers... My husband just found out he is losing his job because of cutbacks 😩😣.. I know God has a plan and everything will work out in the end! Just praying for guidance and what to do now ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 21Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 Oh Autumn, I'm so sorry to hear that! Of course I will pray for you and your family. And so true sweetie, God does have a plan, and this might even lead to something better! 😘 Miss you! Are you gonna be on more now? I'll share more for you. 😘😃💕💕🙏💕 Love you Girl. How is everyone besides? All healthy?! 😃💕
Mar 21Reply
autumnlynn3 I'm definitely going to try to be on here more! We need everything we can get! He thankfully has a 60 day notice, so he is working as much overtime as possible too!! But we definitely need to find something before that time is up since we just bought a new house too 😩... We are all doing great though! Couldn't be more blessed honestly! We are happy and healthy and have a roof over our heads and plenty of food in our fridge 😊😊😊... Thanks for always being there 😉❤️.. I really appreciate you 😌
Mar 21Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 Well Thank God they gave him a 60 notice! That really helps! 💕 I will definitely be praying for you and your family, know that! If I can do anything else please let me know. 😘💕🙏💕
Mar 21Reply
autumnlynn3 Thanks dear! Love you! I will! ❤ ❤ ❤
Mar 21Reply
csego Check my page!
Mar 22Reply
flutter_buys @csego don't advertise in my closet. Not proper posh etiquette!
Mar 22Reply
girlinpearlsco Thanks for the share!!
Mar 22Reply
flutter_buys @h_rodgers hi, I really don't do offers on bundles. My prices are already low and I have a discount when you purchase 2 or more. You can read it in the listing above. Thanks so much for your interest! 😃🌸 Have a great night!
Mar 30Reply
flutter_buys @evilone22 hi again, just wanted you to see above. I don't do offers on bundles. I have a discount in place when you purchase two or more items. And my prices are very reasonably low to start with. Thanks for your interest and stopping by. 😃💕
Apr 06Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Hi Karen. Hope all is well with you. I had such bad insomnia last night that I've got fibro fog today! I just created some new listings since I couldn't sleep. It just leaves you worn out the next day. Thanks for the shares & have a blessed day. 💕🌺😘
Apr 11Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Sherry, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well! When I can't sleep, I posh also! Keeps you busy anyway. 😉 Hoping you get the rest you need to boast your energy. That's what I lack so bad! Sending hugs my friend. 😘💕🌸🌷🙏💕
Apr 11Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Hi Karen! Hope you are doing well & getting back in the swing of Poshing. It's hard to do if you've been off a few days! I'm slowly adding new items but so much more to list & so busy here at home it's hard to find time! Have a good day & Ttys. Hugs 🤗💕
May 16Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Hey Girl! I hear that! I have so many dresses to list. It's hard to get back into the groove! 😏 how is the house coming along? Hoping you are feeling well! 😘💕🙏💕💜
May 16Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Hi Karen! I just saw this! I have a ton of stuff to list still! Got a couple of items done this morning. I'm feeling much better today but still weak & my face isn't completely cleared up yet. My right eye is red & swollen but at least I feel human! I was so sick 😷 I just hope it doesn't come back! I never know but stress makes it worse! Like I don't have enough of that too! Lol Thank you for always being there & sharing & prayers! I really appreciate you! Hugs 🤗 🤗 💕💕
May 23Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Anytime Sherry! 💕😃 I'm so glad you are feeling a bit more human!! It's bad enough with the pain let alone your eyes being swollen and face. You shouldn't be taking pictures and working! You need your rest to fully recover. But you know your body. Just happy you are healing!! 😃👍💕 I just added about 12 listings. It took me about 24 hours!! lol! I was up all night Sunday. 😳 💕💜 Hugs! Ttys!
May 23Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys I know & you're right but I'm s little stubborn & hate when I can't accomplish things! I bet you were worn out after all that! Ha! I'm gonna take it slow because I do still feel weak. It's just so good to feel a little bit normal & be able to even get outta bed! I wouldn't wish this on anyone! You take care & I'll ttys .💕🤗💕🤗
May 23Reply
flutter_buys @123lynne hi! Well, that's odd!! What,? Did it have your name on it but just in someone else's closet?? Or was it your item in someone else's closet?? Crazy! But anyway I was just checking your Closet. Thanks for tagging and sharing!! 😘💕😃
Jul 14Reply
mycache2u @flutter_buys Thank you so much for offering to help me get used to the community. I LOVE your closet! It's so organized. And the color change is soothing to my eyes. I will be taking notes in your closet and I'll reach out to you with any questions. Thank you so much! BTW My closet is a work in progress but if you see something terribly wrong please let me know 💓💓
Aug 22Reply
flutter_buys @klasykitten You got it! 👍😃 And your Closet looks great!! 💕 I love your name too!! 😜
Aug 22Reply
mycache2u @flutter_buys Thank you so much 💓💓💓💓
Aug 22Reply
ppamprrd I love your closet😉
Sep 30Reply
flutter_buys @ppamprrd Thanks so much!! That's nice to hear! 😁lol Hope you have a great weekend! 😃💕
Sep 30Reply
maleah17 please check out my closet for a possible host pick tonight ❤️
Oct 10Reply
flutter_buys @classyvintage Hi! Thanks for the shares earlier! I haven’t been over in your Closet in forever it seems! Had to go through and share! Beautiful items as always! Have a great day! 😁💕
Oct 21Reply
jpederson92 I greatly appreciate the shares. I love your items and love that you stated everything straight to the point! Can't wait to see all that you have to offer and shop!! Thanks again for the support and tips earlier!
Oct 25Reply
aries20601 Having so much fun starting my closet and learning more about the setup here, really addictive! Neat community and I love that there are mentors amd ambassadors too, how cool is that!! So since you offered ... I’m trying to figure out how to show good feedback on a sale so everyone can see, I left a comment but how can you see ratings? 🤗
Oct 26Reply
flutter_buys @aries20601 hi, if you go into the closet. At the top it says “about “ click on that. That will show love notes from people. But I’m not sure if you are talking about you giving one or getting one? Or do you want people to see you are having a sale??
Oct 26Reply
flutter_buys @aries20601 after you hit the about button scroll down.
Oct 26Reply
aries20601 @flutter_buys perfect I see it now! And my love notes are there, so fun! You’re the best, thanks again for your help and tips 😍
Oct 26Reply
flutter_buys @jennyd954 Please read this before making an offer. Thanks.
Nov 08Reply
flutter_buys @jennyd954 especially the 6th page.
Nov 08Reply
flutter_buys @lockmarie I’m sorry I normally do not do Bundle discounts through the offer button. I already have a discount in place and my pricing is very fair. Thanks so much for your interest tho! You can read above. Thanks again. Your order is waiting to be picked up by the mailman now. 😁🌻
Nov 10Reply
lockmarie Okay great and I'll be back as soon as I get paid for my bundle 😉 I don't give up on good purchases- money is just light now but I'll be baaackkk
Nov 10Reply
flutter_buys @lockmarie ok, sounds good. Have a nice weekend! 😁
Nov 10Reply
kellyzcloset Hi Karen! My #1 PFF & Mentor! Thank you so much for always being there to help me out, don’t know what I would do without you! You’re the best! The introduction you did here was so well done! I’m really impressed!!! 😃👍🏻❤️❤️😘💕💕💕
Dec 26Reply
flutter_buys @fkard50 Hi Kelly, thank you! I’m so happy to have met you on Posh!! You are such a sweetie!! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!! Here’s to a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous New Year!! 😘🤗💜💕😁
Dec 26Reply
jovigraham @flutter_buys hello PFF. I Was reading these slides earlier which are awesome. Do you mind if I use this idea as well. They are so well put together.
Apr 04Reply
flutter_buys @jovigraham Hey Tonya, 😁💕 Sure you can use them! Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate that! If you need anything please feel free to ask. Tag me when you finish too! 👍💜😁💕
Apr 04Reply
jovigraham Ok .. thank you so much .. I appreciate it. 💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸
Apr 04Reply
flutter_buys @jovigraham Anytime Tonya! 👍 Just be straightforward but kind. That’s what I tried to say. Anyway, have a great night! Ttys 💕
Apr 04Reply
jovigraham @flutter_buys 👍🏽👍🏽yes .. you too
Apr 04Reply
jerik Hello!! I just wanted to drop in and say hello! I love your closet, I am sort of new to Poshmark, but am trying to better myself and my closet every day!! I’m also looking to make friends here and would like to further dedicate myself to Poshmark, if that’s what’s in store for me... have a wonderful week!
Apr 10Reply
lynda721 @flutter_buys I just thought of something! We are officially 4 years into selling on Posh now that we are in the middle of April. Happy Poshiversary to us both! Love U! ❤️
Apr 13Reply
flutter_buys @lhaag721 HAPPY POSH ANNIVERSARY TO BOTH OF US!!!! I’m so lucky to have done this with YOU!!! It would never be the same without you Lynda!! 🎉💃🥂🍾😘💜💕
Apr 13Reply
originalsbyliss Thankyou for stopping by and your kind words!! You certainly have one of the best closets ive seen on posh!! I like to buy EUC name brand designer or good quality mall more cheap boutique items for me unless its like umgee or POL for example ,but lately im trying to really slow down on shopping, but its hard with this app😥
Apr 27Reply
flutter_buys @melissacrump Hey! 😁👍 I totally agree with you on that!! Recently I was looking to purchase bulk and sell boutique, but I noticed that they are not good quality!! Crazy! Because so many people carry those items!! I love Name brand quality items too! Thanks so much for your compliment! I appreciate that! Nice to meet you btw! I’ll be around now that I’ve seen your beautiful Closet! 😉👍👌💕😁
Apr 27Reply
whiskeyneatbtq @flutter_buys Hi, Karen! 🤗 Great to see you back, beautiful! 💕💕I hope you had a fabulous vacation and enjoyed your time off! 💕🌼🐦 We missed you! Your Closet looks awesome! Sending you lots of love for a wonderful weekend filled to the brim with Sales! 🐦🌼💕GM
Apr 28Reply
flutter_buys @gm2017 Hi Woman! 😁💕 Thanks so much! I’m really glad to be back! I’ve been busy listing and making some sales! I missed this little money coming in for those 3 months. lol! But I love it there! Sunny all the time! ☀️🌸 Helps with the Fibro and depression. I miss that part! lol Thanks for sharing my FG! 😘👍💕😁 Hope you have a beautiful weekend my friend! 🤗😘💜💕😁🌸
Apr 28Reply
lynda721 @flutter_buys I unblocked @abeautifulchaos on my side, now she’s got to unblock me... lol. I have no idea why we blocked each other... lol
May 03Reply
lynda721 @flutter_buys Same for @creitzel. I unblocked her & she’s got to unblock me. Don’t know what happened with here either. It’s water under the bridge as far as I am concerned.
May 03Reply
lynda721 @flutter_buys One more. I unblocked @momogo. She’s got to unblock me as well. Maybe they all know each other? I don’t know or remember. The only time I block anyone in the past couple of years is because they are totally non-compliant.
May 03Reply
lifeinstiches Ty for checking in 🤗 I miss everyone but I will be back soon I promise 😘
May 26Reply
cathykasi I just shared all your bags to the "Best in Bag Party"
Jun 07Reply
flutter_buys @cathykasi Hi! Awl!! Thank you so much!! 😘💜🌸 I really appreciate that! Because I haven’t been on here in a couple of days. Hoping you are doing well and making those sales?! Ttys! 😘🌸💜
Jun 08Reply
cathykasi @flutter_buys It’s my pleasure 💕🌼. Are you Ok? Sending hugs 🤗 🤗 Sales are at a stall but I’m patient. I added a few new items today. 🔴🔹🔺🔷
Jun 08Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Hi Karen! Just concerned about you. Haven’t seen you on here in a while. I’ve been sharing for you. Hope your ok. Ttys 😘💕💜
Jun 11Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Hi Sherry, thanks so much for your concern and for sharing. I’m just not doing too good. I should have put up a listing and closed for a little bit. But I never did. Still might, I’m not sure. I am feeling a little bit better today. Just going through a rough patch. I’ll text you. Don’t want to talk here. But thanks Sherry. Love you! 😘🤗Ttys
Jun 11Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Awww I hate to hear that & I def understand & text anytime whenever you feel like it. I’ll have you in my prayers dear friend 🙏🏻😘💕
Jun 11Reply
bltking @flutter_buys hi Karen I am new to Posh about 2 weeks to a month I sold a purse that was not authentic but I put it in my listing as not authentic I sold it and got paid But Posh took it off my listing But there is a posture that is selling nothing but dishes not fashion or accessories why is Posh not taking her down does anyone have that answer
Jul 05Reply
bltking I did read later that I have to sell authentic things not authentic I will not do that again cuz it's against the rules so the lady selling dishes she's doing everything against the rules I'm very upset
Jul 05Reply
flutter_buys @bltking4 Hi, Yes, you stay compliant! I will tag you in my listing that tells you what you can and cannot sell. You can’t write the words “inspired “ by or similar to.... But as for other Posher’s that sell anything from mugs, cleaning supplies to rugs you can always report them. Right top corner of your phone. Click that then click report then select reason why. Once they get reported (continued)
Jul 05Reply
flutter_buys @bltking4 Then Posh support will eventually take them down or close their closet. They may send them an email also. But they will not be able to Host a Party, won’t become a Posh ambassador (which, refers your Closet to others) As long as you don’t list anything that you aren’t supposed to you will be fine. Support doesn’t look Only if the posher gets Reported. You don’t want to take that chance. Especially if you want to be an ambassador or host AND risk being shutdown!! (Continued)
Jul 05Reply
flutter_buys @bltking4 Try not to be upset about this! You are fine. However it is very frustrating seeing all these people selling couches and lotions and dishes! I know exactly how you feel. But just report them. However don’t go out of your way and spend the time on looking to report. It will drive you crazy!! My friend did that. Horrible!!
Jul 05Reply
bltking @flutter_buys thank you for getting back to me so soon I do feel better now that you have seen the same things I will never sell anything but authentic purses and other items and I have reported her several times
Jul 06Reply
bltking @flutter_buys she's sellingr Rea Dunn
Jul 06Reply
flutter_buys @bltking4 Sometimes it takes support a month or so to even take the non compliant items off!!! 😏🤭😡 What is Rea Dunn??? lol!
Jul 06Reply
bltking @flutter_buys sorry I spelled it wrong Rae Dunn it's dishes just go into shopping and put that name in and it'll all pop up I hope
Jul 06Reply
cle957 Morning Ken! Just popped in to say hi & shared a little while I was here. 😀💕. Hope you are doing well my friend! Summer is flying by. I could do with a little less humidity but can’t have everything I guess. 😁😁. Do you have any big vaca plans this summer? Not sure if you do that since you go south when the We gets colder. Hope sales are doing okay for you too! Drop me a quick note when you have time. Much love. ❤️❤️ - Chrys
Jul 11Reply
matadora1978 hello darling !! ive been m.i.a. but missing you hope everything is well ...enjoy your sunday :) xoxo
Jul 29Reply
cle957 Morning! Thanks for sharing today Karen. Good to see you. Hope all is well with you these days. Seems like summer went by pretty fast but ai am looking forward to cooler days. Who doesn’t love Fall? 😀. Wishing you a great rest of the week my sweet friend! Big HUGS to you! - Chrys ❤️❤️
Aug 08Reply
flutter_buys @cle957 Hey Chrys! Nice to hear from you!! 😁💜 I’m hanging in there. Hope you are well and doing good with both closets!? I’ve been taking care of my mom. Very hectic around here! 🤪 But still finding time for my favorite Posh!!! 😁 And I’m with ya on Autumn!!! My favorite!! It’s too humid as I get older! lol! 😜🤣 Have a great day!! 😘😁💜💕
Aug 08Reply
lifeinstiches What do I use to make a sign like above ?I’m looking to make a sign not saying the same thing but don’t know what to use App wise, someone told me photo grid But it’s not blank with color ty for any advice
Aug 13Reply
Aug 16Reply
flutter_buys @ljrose_pm I have no idea what that means!? I just came across your Closet and as you may have noticed I am a Handbag person. I just found it intriguing that you sell Coach wholesale!! lol! What seems to be the problem?? 😳🤔 @ses54
Aug 16Reply
flutter_buys @hotpantsrhoads Hi! I just now saw this message! I’m sorry!! I use pic collage and photo grid. You can make collages and even get pics off of the web with pic collage. Then I use Phonto to put the words on it. It’s easier to use for fonts. That also has plain backgrounds of color. Let me know if you need a hand using it. 😁👍🌸
Aug 16Reply
lifeinstiches @flutter_buys ty so Much I will 🤗🤗🤗
Aug 16Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Read comment above a couple up. The “wholesaler” of Bags wrote. 🙃🙄 She got pretty dam defensive about that whole issue! lol! Tagged me in her listing (where I tagged you) and basically went off on me! lol! I really just didn’t understand how in the world you can sell wholesale designe Coach, MK’s Bags!?? I mean, a come on!! lol! She is a very newbie!! Talk to you later! Hope you feel better! 😉👍💜🤞🌺🌷💐
Aug 16Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys I saw that & seems like Posh would have to approve any wholesalers who sell on here don’t you think? I was also reading her bio & she has another closet too!! Sells kids stuff & other items. I thought she was awful defensive too! Thanks Karen! I’m just not feeling well today, no energy 😵😴 I’ll get back with u this eve. 😘💕🤗🌸🌸
Aug 16Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Hey! I think that they would have to be certified in wholesale, BUT, I think they use the honor system! lol! Only get scolded if someone reports or something along those lines. They cannot keep up with all the fakes and noncompliance, only through being reported. Who knows! 😬😊🤣 But not a nice person at all! Blocked and reported for sure!! Ttyl! 😁💜🌸
Aug 16Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys That’s for sure! 😂
Aug 16Reply
flutter_buys @jpdriggs Thanks so much! 😁💜 Welcome to Posh!! If you have any questions please feel free to tag me. 😁👍🌸
Sep 17Reply
lk_brockmeyer Thank you for the shares & for sharing my Share & Shop event happening soon! I sent shares your way!!! 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
Sep 20Reply
flutter_buys @lk_brockmeyer Anytime!! Looks like a great idea! I’m sorry I just cannot commit to something on like sharing all those closets on a certain day. I never know how I will feel. Have a great time and Happy Poshing! 😁💜🌸👍💕
Sep 20Reply
lk_brockmeyer @flutter_buys muah! 💋😘😘
Sep 20Reply
cle957 Just stopped by to share a little and say hi Karen since I was on Posh today! Hope you are having a good week my friend! Hugs to you!! 😀💕💕
Feb 07Reply
cle957 Thank you sweet Karen for the share bomb this morning! I appreciate you!! 😀💕💕. I did not return shares since you are on vacation hold for March. I hope you are enjoying yourself down south. Is the weather nice enough for you to go fishing? I believe you said you and your husband enjoy doing that. 😀. Hope you get some good treasure hunting in while you are there too so you can pack the car with all your goodies to bring back to list on PM! Lol
Mar 04Reply
cle957 Don’t tell your hubby I said that, he probably doesn’t want you to fill the entire car with inventory, huh?! 🤪. I will I could be there with you...for the weather and to shop!! I know we would have a blast hunting together. Have a great week my friend and thanks again! Hugs to you!! 😀❤️❤️😘
Mar 04Reply
flutter_buys Hi Chrys! You are quite welcome! You got great new cute items in!! I just love your style!! 💕😁🙌 Hope you are doing good!? And yes we are definitely planning on trying to get some fishing in. My husband’s favorite. lol! And yep, gonna be looking for treasures. Hoping tomorrow, gonna be blah day outside so perfect for shopping! lol! And yeah, we we have a Blast Shopping! Wish we lived closer for sure! Have a good night and Hope your Sale goes great!! 😁💕😘💖🌸
Mar 05Reply
flutter_buys @cle957 Please see above 👆 Forgot to tag you, too busy rambling on! lol! 🤣
Mar 05Reply
cle957 @flutter_buys LOl! I am so glad you are enjoying yourself! You deserve it! Good luck on your shopping adventure! I am so envious. 🤢 LOL! Maybe someday we can meet and shop together. We have similar tastes and both love to bargain shop so I KNOW we would have a blast! 🤣😂🤣. Until then, have fun for both of us. It’s still crazy cold here. You would never know it’s March. Someone needs to tell Mother Nature it’s time to turn the heat up! Hugs to you! Talk later. 😀❤️❤️
Mar 05Reply
peppedup Thanks for the Posh luv 💞 Are you ok? Miss seeing you daily 🦊 PomKisses ❣
Mar 06Reply
flutter_buys @peppedup Hey Pep! Yes, I’m good, thanks for asking! I was feeling crappy so my hubby brought me here to Florida for some sun☀️! Thankfully. I need my vitamin D! lol! Hope you are doing well?! Ttys! 😘💖😁🤗💕
Mar 07Reply
peppedup @flutter_buys Yay 4 sunshine! Soak up the D🌴 No selling withdrawals I hope Lol 💞 see u soon❣
Mar 07Reply
flutter_buys @peppedup 😁👍💕☀️🌸🍀
Mar 07Reply
cle957 Hi Karen! Happy Friday sweet friend! 😀 I had to share with you. I just hit a big milestone this morning. I now have 100;000 followers! Woohoo! 😀🎉🎈🎉. I am planning to have a sale next week to celebrate. I have to wait because my husband is out of town working this week & I will need his help if we have increased sales. Hope you are basking in the sun! Have a great weekend! Hugs to you! 😀❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply
flutter_buys @cle957 Woo Hoo Chrys!!!! 🎉🥳👍🙌😘💜💕 Congratulations on your Milestone!! That’s awesome news!! I’ll tag now and again when you put up your sale listing, ok??? I’m so happy for you!! It’s an awesome achievement! Feels good too! 🤗🥳💕😁 I Hope you are feeling well. That’s great your hubby helps out too! How many kids do you have anyway? Me, none. My husband has 4 boys but live all over the country. I just got back from the beach. Feel better that I got some sun. Ttys. Hugs! 😘😁💕💖🤗
Mar 08Reply
cle957 @flutter_buys I bet you do! So envious, we haven’t seen the sun here in at least 5 days or so not that it warms it up all that much but you do feel better when the sun is shining at least! 😀. My husband and I have 4 kids but they are all grown and out of the home. We have our first little grandchild who I adore! She will be turning 4 in April! Hard to believe she is that old already! Seems like she was just born. 😀. Thank you for all the shares my sweet friend!
Mar 08Reply
cle957 @flutter_buys Big hugs to you!! Keep enjoying that time off with your hubby!!! Talk more later! 😀😘😘❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply
flutter_buys @cle957 Hey! I thought I remembered seeing you with a child in one of your pics. I guess that was your grandchild. I love that age. 2-4 yrs old. That’s when they are fun and full of questions. Little sponges. lol! I found a killer thrift store!! I’ll be packing the car! lol!! Well tag me when you list your sale. Have a great weekend Chrys!! 💖😁😘🤗💜
Mar 08Reply
cle957 @flutter_buys Awesome! What fun! I am sure your hubby is thrilled too! LOL! Well I can’t wait to see what you found! 😀. You have a great weekend too Karen!😀😘❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Karen, Thanks so much for always sharing my closet! I rly appreciate that! 🤗💞 Did you see posh mammas msg on my mtp Page? 😂 She’s a mess! Read it when u can.
Mar 18Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Hey! 😁💕 I didn’t see it. I’ll have to check it out. Is she ok? I know she went on vacation for a few months. Hope everything is ok. And I love sharing your Closet! Anytime!! 👍😁💕 Hope you aren’t over doing it with all your new listings! 💜💕 Ttys
Mar 19Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys She’s just joking around & she has the energy of a teenager! I swear! She’s so darn cute! 😂 I love the way you updated this listing! Looks great 👌🙌 And I’ll try not to overdo it! I’ve sold almost everything that was used I listed last wk but no boutique items 😩 Kinda nervous about this venture but I priced high so 🤞🤞🤞 Wish me luck or I’ll be losing my A$$ Lol Ttys 💕🤗💞🤞🤞🤞😜🤪
Mar 19Reply
cle957 Morning Karen! Hope you are having a relaxing week! 😀☀️. Just wanted to let you know I shot off an email with the first part of info for you. Thought I would pause and let you have time to ask follow-up questions or for clarification before moving on to another topic. 😀. Let me know if it didn’t make it to you okay so I can resend it. Sorry about the delay...been kinda crazy at home last weekend and this week! Have a great day! Hugs -Chrys 😀💕💕😘
Mar 21Reply
peppedup Welcome back 🎉 Ready to Posh your thumbs off? 😁🎈
Apr 06Reply
flutter_buys @peppedup Hey Pepper! 😁💖 Thanks! I’m about half way there! lol!! Slowly settling back in at home and posh(for that matter) lol! I am ready for my hubby to go back to work, so I can get on a schedule. It’s always harder when he is home! lol 😂 🤣😉💕 Hoping you are doing good! 💖💜
Apr 06Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Your closet looks so nice Karen! 👌 You got some beautiful items in Fl didn’t you? Love those red MK shoes 😍😍
Apr 08Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Thanks Sher! I did find an awesome store down there!! They have one up here too. I’ll text you about it. He he! 💕😁
Apr 08Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys 😁😁 lol ok 👌
Apr 08Reply
flutter_buys @michjprieto Hi Michele! Happy Easter to you too! Have a beautiful day!! 🐣🐰💖🤗💕💜😁🌸
Apr 21Reply
cle957 Karen, you new listings are so beautiful! Your closet is looking stunning! 😀😍😍
Apr 21Reply
peppedup @flutter_buys Have a Fabulous Easter my friend ❣🐰💕
Apr 21Reply
flutter_buys @cle957 Hey Chrys! 💕😁 Happy Easter! 🐣 And Thanks so much for the compliment! Basically everything I found in Florida. lol! But I have everything on and now I can kinda relax and figure out about the boutique items. You know I totally admire your work and closet!! I will text you this week if that’s still ok with you?! Have a great day Chrys! 💕😘😁🐣🌸
Apr 21Reply
flutter_buys Hi Pep!! @peppedup 💖😁 Thanks so much and Happy Easter to you too! Hope you have a beautiful day! 🤗💕🐣🌸🐰
Apr 21Reply
cle957 @flutter_buys Anytime you are ready works for me! I am happy to share my experiences and let you know where I went wrong to hopefully help you avoid a few of my pitfalls. 😀 💕💕. I am just starting something new in that area as well which is carrying some boutique brand name items...Brands sold in department stores like Nordstrom. Feeling my way through that now..I want to see if they sell better before I go all in with that.
Apr 21Reply
cle957 @flutter_buys Maybe if you get into things we could do a trade show together or something. It’s the best way to get a feel for a brands actual clothes without having to buy samples. I also think they would be a fun experience. LOL! Enjoy the rest of your holiday my sweet friend! 😀❤️❤️
Apr 21Reply
flutter_buys Sounds awesome! Thanks a lot Chrys!! Enjoy your day! 😁💕💖💜
Apr 21Reply
cle957 Hi sweet Karen. Stopping by to shower you with thank you shares for your kindness & time last night. Please no sharebacks - these are Thank you shares! Hugs to you for a fabulous day sweet friend! 😀❤️❤️❤️😘
Apr 25Reply
flutter_buys @cle957 Awl Chrys! No need at all, but I do appreciate you and all your shares! You have been there for me that’s for sure! And I thank You! Hoping you are having a better day today. 💖😁💕💜🌼🌸🌺
Apr 25Reply
whiskeyneatbtq @flutter_buys Hi, Karen! 🦋🌸 Do you have a FG listed? I just realized I haven’t been sharing one for you! ☺️ I hope you’re having a wonderful week! 🤗💞💃🥃
May 01Reply
erika75 @flutter_buys how are you doing 💜
May 25Reply
flutter_buys @erika75 Hey! 😁💖 I’m hanging in there. Not too good of a day today tho! Couldn’t get motivated. How are you doing?! Hope things are going good!? Glad that the warm weather is here finally! Makes a big difference! For the mind and body! lol! 🙌💕☀️😁🤗💕 So nice to hear from you! 💕
May 25Reply
arweddle You have an adorable closet! 💕💕 Please check out mine when you have time!
Jun 11Reply
shopwitheternal Congrats on hosting party today 🍸!Wishing luck with choosing chic pieces! If you get a chance check out my closet I’m sure you can find some pieces matching with theme @viewofstyle
Jun 28Reply
addis_1 Congrats on hosting! I hope you can check out my closet for potential host picks! :)
Jun 28Reply
acottagecloset Congrats on hosting! I hope you take a minute to check out my closet for any potential host picks 🥰
Jun 28Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 I'd love a host pick from my Posh compliant closet. 🎉 Thanks so much!
Jun 28Reply
boho_bliss 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on being selected to co-host a Posh Party! So excited for you! 🤗 I would love for you to take a peek 👀 in my closet for a possible HOST PICK! 💋@boho_bliss
Jun 29Reply
eric_sells @flutter_buys Congrats on hosting the vacation vibes party!!! 🎉🎉🎉. If possibly please consider my closet for possible host picks. Thanks!!
Jun 29Reply
wearebeutiful Congratulations on co hosting the party. Enjoy the party🌷🦋🌷🦋🌷🦋
Jun 29Reply
sjv2011 💕Love this💕
Jun 29Reply
m_hangers Hi! Congrats on hosting your party! If you don't mind, could you please look at my closet for a host pick? It would mean a lot to me. I wish the best for your closet and for the party. Have a great day!
Jun 29Reply
lunashop000 Hi Karen, Congratulations on your posh party tonight!!! 🎊🎊 Would love if you checked out my closet as you narrow your search for host picks 😊 Thank you!
Jun 29Reply
qk2c Hi! Congrats on hosting your posh party tonight!
Jun 30Reply
missmelodyerin Hi! I’ve been busy trying to grow my closet and would love if you took a peak to see if there is anything that would be good for Host Picks. Thanks so much! -Melody 😊
Jun 30Reply
bonjoursummer Congrats on hosting, 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆please check out my posh compliant closet for a host pick! Happy Summer 🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉🌿🍍🍉
Jun 30Reply
laurablank Congratulations on hosting today’s party 🎉 please have a look at my closet 🥰thanks
Jun 30Reply
ablackdress Congrats on hosting    ~~~~~~~~~~~   ~ѕцммєг тімє~
Jun 30Reply
evsjewels Congratulations on hosting!!!!! Please consider my closet for a host pick tonight. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Jun 30Reply
adchimia Hi there!! Congrats on hosting your Vacation Vibes party tonight!! If you have time, check out @calleyscloset @restoredchic and @laurasvintage They all have amazing closets that fit the theme of tonight’s party! ☺️💕🌞
Jun 30Reply
annaakayy Congratulations on hosting tonight’s party! 🤗 if you’re still looking for Host Picks, I’d be honored if you took a look at my closet. ☺️🥂now let’s party! 💃🏻
Jun 30Reply
marisatal22 ‼️CONGRATS ON HOSTING‼️ I'm so excited for the event! I would love for you to check out my closet for any potential host picks! It would mean so much! Thanks and good luck at the event❗️🥰
Jun 30Reply
Jun 30Reply
efratdidi Congrats on being host 🎊 would love if you can check out my closet 💕
Jun 30Reply
bellefrancy @flutter_buys Congrats on you Hosting tonight’s party 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 Please check out my closet for a variety of great hand picked items with amazing deals 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊FRANCY🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
Jun 30Reply
posh_shop4 Congrats! Shop my page for picks 💘🥳🌱
Jun 30Reply
xxkellyann Please check out my closet for a host pick, thank you!! 🎉💥❤️ @xxkellyann
Jun 30Reply
tezza630 @flutter_buys 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Hi Karen! - honestly, no, i have not heard much from Linda either - i chalk it up to all of us getting busy and distracted - I’m guilty of not paying attention like i should. And I’ve kept her on my lists but am not even sure she wants to be there? I’m hoping all is well with her, it has indeed been a long time. Sorry i don’t have more info. 😕💚🐾 tari
Jul 07Reply
flutter_buys @tezza630 ok, thanks for letting me know. I just left her a message. Hopefully she will see it eventually. She was online on the 2nd Of July. So maybe..... 🤔 Hope you are doing well too! It’s been so humid here lately. Just hanging in the air!! lol! Enjoy your weekend! 💜💕😁
Jul 07Reply
tezza630 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 You’re welcome. I probably should take kinda off my lists as she will be overwhelmed! If you get in touch, plz tell her hello from me and give her my love! 💚💚
Jul 07Reply
flutter_buys @tezza630 I sure will Tari! 💕😁👍
Jul 07Reply
flu74 Thank you so much for the share! So sweet 😊
Jul 10Reply
jovigraham Hello beautiful @flutter_buys 💕
Jul 20Reply
queendom212 ❤️𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗱𝗮𝘆!❤️ 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 & 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂: 👑𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡𝗦👑 - 𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧 #1 🌹 @queendom212 🌹 @crowned212 🌹 @shoppegigi 🌹 @grannylindajo 🌹 @shoes456 🌹 @sasha1027 🌹 @trace0110 🌹 @penguindiva 🌹 @coolkidzthings 🌹 @lasvegasnv 🌹 @unmixit 🌹 @poshmandyz 🌹 @beoirem 🔥𝗝𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗠𝗬 𝗧𝗔𝗚 𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧🔥
Jul 23Reply
texanlady Hi Karen🙋 how are you? Thank you so much for your Very sweet message ❤️ I'm doing pretty good, I just have no idea how to send things to the group to share so I just share everyone's items when they send them to me 😂 lol I hope you're doing well💗💕 Have a wonderful day!
Aug 06Reply
mbaker487 Hello Karen! Welcome! If you would like you could check out my closet. If you're interested let me know! Thanks a lot!
Aug 22Reply
enluxe @enluxe 30% off today!!🔥💕💜🦋🌸🔥💕
Aug 26Reply
fleshnflesh How to get this pick or another is it intro pic
Aug 27Reply
whiskeyneatbtq @flutter_buys Thank you, Karen! 🤗 Sending extra shares your way! 🌸 No share backs! 💞🥃😁
Sep 18Reply
matadora1978 Good morning Karen...please take me off the tag list I wish to share no more. Thank you and my apologies.
Oct 10Reply
flutter_buys @matadora1978 You got it! Sorry to see you go Jess!! Have a great day! 💖💜
Oct 10Reply
connievotypka Hi Karen, I thought I sent you a message about suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic migraines and asking if you would mentor me but now I can't find it. Did you receive a message from me?
Oct 12Reply
flutter_buys @connievotypka Hi Connie, yes I did get your message. I didn’t get a chance til late tonight to get back to you. But I actually left you quite a few messages. My “meet the posher” listing is towards the bottom near sold items. And of course, I would be happy to help you in anyway I can. Just let me know anytime if I can do something to help or if you ever just wanna bounce stuff off of one another to get ideas. 🙌👍😉💕💜
Oct 12Reply
connievotypka @flutter_buys Hi Karen yes I left you another message too, I am still getting used to where to leave messages and then I can't find them, lol! What I had said was I really am trying to grow my Poshing into a fulltime job so I can quit my job that I have now and it is not because I don't love it but because I miss so much work due to my illness.
Oct 12Reply
connievotypka @flutter_buys I guess I am looking for someone that can give me a boost in the right direction. Right now I do some thrifting and sell my own stuff but I have been going back and forth with the wholesale market for the botique. Not sure if it is worth it or not. I'm also always looking for opinions on how to take pictures, and what other tools poshmark has because I have only used my phone to do it all.
Oct 12Reply
connievotypka @flutter_buys well I think that is enough for tonight as tomorrow is a busy day🙂 Hope you have a good night and talk tomorrow if you have time. I am really excited to get to know you🙂💞🙂💞🙂💞
Oct 12Reply
gossamerdreams please add me to your tag list! I love getting info from them. Thanks! Lisa
Nov 27Reply
chellechicness Good morning, Karen 😊. Another question please- bet you didn’t think you were opening Pandora ‘s box by offering yourself as a resource person to me ‼️. I do have another though- how do you “tag” someone ( seems like a silly question) but I am clueless 🙁. I so appreciate you , luv and hope you are having happy, healthy days❣️😊❤️🌺
Dec 18Reply
flutter_buys @chellechicness Traci, you are not bothering me whatsoever! Please know that. I’m truly happy to help. 👍💜😁 Tagging means basically just adding the @ sign in front of the posh closet name in a listing. Basically I just tagged you right now. Above with this comment. That’s it. 👍💜 Easy peasy! 😁
Dec 18Reply
tefeelah Hi! Congrats on hosting!! Hope you can consider my closet for a host pick! Good luck with everything!
Feb 26Reply
stylenu Hope you’re having a wonderful vacation 👍
Mar 01Reply
r_glover Liked/followed/shared! I invite you to join my follow game!🌷😊
May 27Reply
flutter_buys @r_glover Hi, this is not my follow game. I do have one posted in my closet tho. Thanks. 😁
May 27Reply
kimber_chin Thank you for the shares, I am such a newbie! I learned a lot looking at your profile. Will you look at my four item closet and coach me in proper pricing? Gratitude 🌸
Aug 05Reply
autumnlynn3 Hey beautiful lady! ❤️ 😘❤️.. Hope all is well with you! ❤️ 😉 😘
Aug 22Reply
flutter_buys @autumnlynn3 Hey there sister! 😜💜 I’m hanging in. Hoping you are all doing good too. My hubby just got a 3 year job!! We found out about a month ago. So that’s awesome! Usually through the hall it’s a 6 month job, so made us happy!! Hope all is going good with you. I’m slow but plugging along! lol! Stay safe and healthy! 😘🥰💜
Aug 22Reply
autumnlynn3 That's awesome! We are hanging in there! Hubby still doesn't have job... So going on 7 months now 😒. My older 3 kids will be doing full distance learning from home this school year and I have chosen to homeschol my youngest so that will definitely be an adjustment!! I am also nannying an 8 year old and 2 year old, so my days are quite crazy 🤪. But we have all stayed healthy so I am counting my blessings 💕❤️
Aug 22Reply
grumpy_old_lady @flutter_buys hello dear did you see my message earlier?
Sep 29Reply
flutter_buys @grumpy_old_lady no I’m sorry I didn’t see your message!?? Where is it? Or can you please tell me again?! I’m so sorry!! 🥰
Sep 29Reply
ginasjewels4you Hi hunny 🤗🤗🤗🤗🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙌🙌🙌🙌💗💗💗💗💗💗🌺🌺🌺
Oct 22Reply
flutter_buys @ginasgems4you Hey Woman! 😁💜 Glad to see you! Hoping you are good!? 💞
Oct 22Reply
ginasjewels4you @flutter_buys hey hunny! I’m doing OK except my little Teddy the baby Maltese is having an allergic reaction to something and he has been biting and scratching and has been miserable for a few days so I am actually at the vet right now
Oct 22Reply
flutter_buys @ginasgems4you awl!! My baby had a little cyst on her paw she was licking and biting at. They will fix her up, I’m sure! They gave an antibiotic. Maybe she just needs that hopefully. And YES!! You added so many BEAUTIFUL things to your closet!!! It looks great!! I’m really liking that Barrett!!!! Thinking about it. I just hate shipping prices on posh!! lol! Plus I just bought an iPad. Trying not to spend. 🤪
Oct 22Reply
ses54 @lhaag721 You’re closet looks great 👍 So many pretty items & your photos always look so cute! 😘💋🤗💞✅
Nov 18Reply
ses54 @lhaag721 @flutter_buys Sorry somehow I sent this to Linda instead of you Karen! Im not all here today, 🤪😜but both your closets look great 👍 💞
Nov 18Reply
flutter_buys @ses54 Hey! No worries. I don’t think she will get your message anyway. Thanks Sher! 🥰😘💖
Nov 18Reply
bleudragonfly57 Liked, Shared & Followed...come follow my closet &  FG.  💞💞💐🌺
Dec 09Reply
Jan 11Reply
caspen @flutter_buys Congrats on hosting 🎊please check out my closet @caspen if you still need host picks
Jan 11Reply
dirtyblond04 You have a beautiful closet as well🤩 very nice things
Mar 02Reply
flutter_buys @dirtyblond04 Awl thanks!! I like your unique items!! Very cool!! 😊💞👍🙌💜
Mar 02Reply
love9love9 Just wanted to say thanks again for the help and support! 😄 so impressed! You have a great closet and love lots of your sold items total! I will support you the most I know how! Have a great week! 🥰🥰Deanna
May 26Reply
flutter_buys @love9love9 awl, thanks Deanna! And same here, I will support you too. You might want to start a follow game post?? I can use my tag lists to get you kicked off. It’ll help you get more traffic and followers. If you decide to do it, tag me in it. Or I’ll help. Either way. Have a great day! 😊
May 26Reply
flutter_buys @dozerdays9 this counts as a chat listing.
Aug 19Reply
flutter_buys @dozerdays19 this counts as a chat listing. Basically any listing that isn’t selling an it. Where you can talk to people.
Aug 19Reply
agape_threads Love these terms girl!! Wishing you a fabulous holiday season for you and yours. Be blessed. ❤️🥳💯
Dec 05Reply
flutter_buys @agape_threads Lol! Thanks, I figured I had to say something! 😬 And Happy Holiday’s to you and your family as well! Wishing you a healthy happy New Year!! 💕🥰🥳🍾 Btw, thanks for sharing too! 😁💜
Dec 05Reply
sakuraobachan I noticed you had bundled this bag and the coach wallet. I took the wallet off initially to add the matching purse but I cant find the purse so I’m re listing the wallet if you add it back to your bundle I’ll send you an offer. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
Aug 05Reply
kellyzcloset Your closet looks amazing!!!! 😍👍❤️
Sep 12Reply
ginasjewels4you Hi friend 🤗 no mens things?? 🤔
Oct 05Reply
ses54 @flutter_buys Hey Karen! Your closet looks great! Love the new design! Nice looking bags also! Looks like you have been a busy beaver! 👍👌💕
Mar 06Reply
xyzjohnson123 Your closet is so beautiful and fun! 💝
Apr 19Reply
flutter_buys @xyzjohnson123 Hi Lj, well thank you for the nice compliment. But it’s so small right now!! I have been away for the winter and then now trying to get back in the groove I guess. lol! Have a great day! 😁🦋🩷
Apr 19Reply
pbhud33 Hi, I'm Paula, new to Poshmark. I don't understand how bundles work. I've noticed a couple of Poshers have added items from my closet to their bundles - what does this mean, and do I have to do anything?
Apr 24Reply
flutter_buys @pbhud33 Hi! If people add things to their bundle it means either they want to see how much you give for your bundle discount, or they want to purchase later. Or they want YOU to give them a discount price for their bundle. If you go into that person’s closet and tap the top bundle feature you can tap it again to see the “sell view” and then give them a discount price if you choose to. Any other questions don’t hesitate to ask. 😁🦋
Apr 24Reply
tonistwinkles @flutter_buys This listing is awesome Karen! I need to do this. Also, do you remember Share Bombs? I think you and I just did that for each other! 😁😁😁Thank you so much PFF. 🩵
May 13Reply
flutter_buys @tonistwinkles thanks Toni!! You can use it as a reference if you want. It took a little while to make up. And yes, I was just looking through your closet, so I figured why not share while I’m here! Lmbo!! 🤣 And yes I definitely remember share bombs!! I barely get shares anymore. Not like I used too since the live shows!! 💜
May 13Reply
jrprdh You rock, Queen. Will be ordering soon mid week. I’m Janet
Jul 22Reply
Jan 17Reply
flutter_buys @belladonna1313 Thank You So Much!! I appreciate all the posh love!! I can’t even keep up, there’s so many people sharing!! I really appreciate it!! 😘😁🥳🙏
Jan 17Reply

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