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Updated Dec 01
Updated Dec 01

Let's Help Each Other Grow!💦🌱🌻✨



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Hello beautiful! Please feel free to join this follow train full of amazing women! ‼️You MUST follow me, @laaazer, or I won't follow you back just for simply liking this post. I can see who does and doesn't follow me. About half of the users have simply "liked" this post and not followed me. Sorry but that's not how the game works. Thanks lovelies!❤️
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laaazer @bethjennings @daughter14 @theyteensandi @motherskiss @bellanblue @tiff_liu @ridinghood13 @drizzymizzylove I'm so sorry I confused you! Stupid mistake😅 HERE is the follow game! Thank you so much for your help ladies.❤️
May 29Reply
travelbugginger Hi Lazer! Nice to meet you... I'm new as well. 😀 Just reading your bio and closet posts. Nice! I'll be by later to introduce myself a bit better, but in the meantime will just thank Jen @ridinghood13 for pointing out your lovely closet and will add to the list @kcford24 @lexiface19 @autumnlynn3 and @treasuresbytrac 🌸 All the best to you!
May 29Reply
51twenty Thank you Amanda @mandapanda83 @maira2190 @lauras_boutique @caroline904 FG🏮
May 29Reply
nikle714 New FG!! @chicagdl @goldrose48
May 29Reply
autumnlynn3 Thanks for the tag @daughter14!
May 29Reply
autumnlynn3 Thanks for the tag @travelbugginger! I'll share with @lluviaonix @karitalynn @kookc @wanderlust83
May 29Reply
hila808 Following & sharing now @joycee98 @ladyluxe @tanixtragedy Thx for the tag Amanda @mandapanda83
May 29Reply
sssylviah Followed and shared! Thanks Panda @mandapanda83
May 29Reply
lakeforest Shared💗💐@sssylviah TY my Pff for the tag😘 Already following adding: @shopgirl2119 @careygirl @closetenvy2 @savvymediachick @na25na25 @tippiejax @flowersnmyheart😻🐾
May 29Reply
cjparada Fallow game @nicollemensoza, @fashion1336
May 29Reply
efillingham 🌸😊🌸
May 29Reply
joycee98 @hila808 thanks for the tag sis😘 following and sharing!
May 29Reply
hautehina Awww thank you Yarim for all the tags @chicagdl
May 29Reply
kden_wallace Thanks for the tag sweet friend @chicagdl💕 New FG!! @maria5143 @allyoop23 @lifeisgood63 @jteach23 @erika75 @lazulitect
May 29Reply
allyoop23 Thanks for the tag @kdwallace 💞💞
May 29Reply
bamabae79 @mandapanda83 thanks, I always need more to share my items and me theirs!! Tagging these 3 lovelies for the FG!! 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 @teresamarie01 @deniminiquities @poshboutique16 😊👍🏼💞💟
May 29Reply
flowersnmyheart "FOLLOWING!!!"....PKFF LADIES...LET'S G R O W MORE FOLLOWERS!!!!.....@stealthycat @vricca @lakeforest @vacat @blandw @mistyheart @bethwf @scarlettstained @momoretro @curvypetite2013 @snapfashion @mandavais @romaesunnshine @poshboutique16 @threkats @rocoko!!!...@lakeforest..Thanks Dorothy for the FOLLOW Alert!!! 😻🎉😻👏😻👍
May 29Reply
laaazer @travelbugginger Hi There! Nice to meet someone else new!! Thanks so much for joining my follow game. Hope you're loving Posh as much as I am!💖😊
May 29Reply
jleeluv2shop Nice to part of of sharing 💕Hey @daughter14 appreciate the tag. I'm adding some closets which I love & follow as well @mojave @needeebees @kristimashburn @fancypantsmcgee
May 30Reply
oyuki76 @laaazer Thank you very much for introducing me!😘💕 Beautiful!💐💕
Jun 03Reply
travelbugginger Looks like it's growing, Lazer! Yea! @alyssallano Thank you for the tag, Alyssa. Already tagged and followed, but I'll play again! ;) @careygirl @katolarae @matadora1978 @lalalilly
Jun 08Reply
laaazer @travelbugginger It really is! This has definitely helped.😊 Thank you so much for all your support!
Jun 08Reply
katolarae Thanks for the tag Ginger @travelbugginger! Happy to help you grow Lazer! 😊💕💕💕 @staar20 @jkluna00 @tezza630
Jun 08Reply
tezza630 i will return to complete the task.....checking in with some PFFs. 💚😽
Jun 09Reply
laaazer @katolarae @tezza630 Thank you both so much!!💕
Jun 10Reply
laaazer ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️A Friendly Reminder of the RULES‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 1. You MUST follow ME @laaazer if you want me to follow you too! So many people are only "liking" and sharing this listing, but that's not how the game works!☝️😁 2. THEN like & share this listing (please!) 3. Tag 3 pals! 4. Follow all previously tagged, ALSO INCLUDING those who tagged and sadly were not returned the favor.😢 I got you girls!😁 5. RADIATE LOOOOVE AND POSITIVITY!💖🌞 Thank you all that have played!!! I APPRECIATE YOU ALL!
Jun 10Reply
tezza630 @jcoff - @meboutique - @sugarspyce - because all of you ladies do radiate positivity and kindness! 💚💚😽😽
Jun 10Reply
shari23114 @laaazer I am so sorry but I can't participate in this share group. Quite awhile back @motherkiss blocked me from her closet and God only knows why. So it would be unfair of me and to her followers to participate, and I do not want to cause any problems. Thanks for the invite anyway it was very kind of you and appreciated. Thank you 😊
Jun 10Reply
laaazer @shari23114 Hey, it's totally up to you, but this is my closet and my follow game. I say if you want to play, you're totally entitled to play! That past experience doesn't affect you and I. 😊
Jun 10Reply
sugarspyce Thanx for the tag Tari sweet girl@tezza630
Jun 10Reply
tezza630 @sugarspyce - you're so welcome, Gilda! you rock!! 💚💚
Jun 10Reply
tezza630 Sending hugs and good vibes to a sweet new posher - Monica - @mstyle2 💚😽
Jun 11Reply
mstyle2 @tezza630 thanks so much Tari. You have been so helpful and I really appreciate it !
Jun 11Reply
tezza630 @heatherisposh - one of the sweetest, big hearted poshers out there! 💚
Jun 12Reply
tezza630 To my sweet, cool new friend, Ellisa! - @cacloset - follow game #1. 💚😽
Jun 12Reply
tezza630 @cacloset - hi Ellisa - y'know, i'm not all that clear on it myself, lol! I've just been following anyone who "liked" the listing (although i check for posh rules) and also the ones who have tagged other people (but not the people that they tagged). As i said, it gets kinda crazy! 💚😽
Jun 13Reply
laaazer @tezza630 @cacloset Hey Guys! Thanks so much for participating in my follow game.😊 The Rules are posted above in the second picture, but perhaps I can help by elaborating. To play THIS follow game (I believe most people's are the same or very similar) you first, follow me @laaazer (which you both are!). Next, Like & Share this post. Tag 3 friends. You follow the people who are tagged above you and who have been tagging friends! I hope this helps!
Jun 13Reply
tezza630 that does help me - thank you for the explanation! 💚😽
Jun 13Reply
laaazer @tezza630 Of course, I'm happy to help! You hit the nail on the head when you said it can get a little crazy.😉
Jun 13Reply
laaazer @sewstylish It's never too late! Thank you lovely.💖💖
Jun 16Reply
hot_hippie Thank you for the tag my beautiful pff @sewstylish!! 🌸New Follow Game🌸 @mistielee @maira2190 @alise28
Jun 16Reply
_sochic Thanks for the tag PFF @hot_hippie 💕🌷😉
Jun 16Reply
mistielee @laaazer Good luck with your game🎉🌴🌟Sky @hot_hippie Thank you for the tag! 🍃GIRLS WANNA PLAY?!🍃 @jeannej @janet0103 @bkimh
Jun 16Reply
laaazer @maira2190 @mistielee Thank you so much ladies!! I appreciate you bringing your friends along. Will you please follow me, too? 😘☺️💕
Jun 16Reply
mistielee @laaazer I followed Honey💖💕✨ Ty! And may your follow game be a great success!!
Jun 16Reply
laaazer @mistielee I apologize, I didn't see my name in your following list. Thanks again!!😊💜
Jun 16Reply
mistielee @laaazer You are perfectly fine! It is hard to keep up and keep track on Posh!! I'm just a tag away if you need anything at all!💖💕✨
Jun 16Reply
infinitelyposh Follow Game, Ladies! Let's help each other grow more followers 💕🌹@conniemarie12 @nikle714 @lermsce @sibrey @jlee0310 @teri98908 @tammycb @shegie @faulkb @verenicet @alittlesweet @ahoyannmarie @mindyloulou @mccollumstyle @leiande @bethany_george3 @discard2distinc 🌹💕 Don't forget to follow😙
Jun 17Reply
myglamis @kharleychic, @coco0031, @j3nnafire.... Follow game ladies 💃💃💃. Happy Poshing😍😍😍
Jun 17Reply
teri98908 I read on a suggested users post that following people who don't follow Posh rules can affect becoming a suggested user. I've noticed that too. I understand not following everyone that likes the post for that reason but why like a post and not following who made the game doesn't seem very Posh ❤️. I'll keep sharing!
Jun 18Reply
jleeluv2shop Hey Lazer how's the following game going? I would think you have 10K by now😂😃 I really never understood this game...but u have my full support. I just wanted to stop by & bust ur chops since ur one of my closet fav's 😘😊👍✨
Jun 18Reply
laaazer @teri98908 That definitely makes sense, I play by that rule too! I have a compliant closet so I am not sure why some people aren't following me, I think it's more they don't understand how it works, even though the rules are right above.😏😁 Oh Well, I got the good Poshers following me! 😉 Thanks so much for your support!💖
Jun 18Reply
laaazer @jleeluv2shop Hey Lovely! It's definitely been a help, but as Teri and I were discussing above for some reason more people are simply "liking and sharing" and not following me. Uhhh durrr that's why I made the game... 😂. I have met some wonderful people, though, just having this in my closet, and that makes it all worth it.😊
Jun 18Reply
jleeluv2shop Oh ok, ppl are suppose to like, follow & share...then are you suppose to follow all the ppl on the like list also? Sometimes I just can't seem to keep up..😞🙆🏻
Jun 18Reply
laaazer @jleeluv2shop Exactly! You're supposed to like all those tagged, but let's be real that would take forever. I tend to click on as many as I can, make sure they're Posh compliant, and follow those ladies! It kind of snowballs and helps us all grow together. 😊
Jun 18Reply
teri98908 It does and doesn't make sense. If it's important enough for them to like the post to gain followers then it would be nice if they followed the person who made the game. I know SM marketing. I've got about 100 people so far. If you pin someone's listing it takes a potential buyer straight to their closet. From now on I'll try to stick with HP. Most play by the rules.
Jun 18Reply
laaazer @teri98908 I hear ya! I had pinned some of my own pins on pinterest after reading that tip somewhere, but I haven't done so since I updated my closet. Thanks for the reminder! Who knows how much it helps but it's simple to do so it's worth a shot! Have you heard about Team Posh? You seem like someone who might want to join if you're not a part already.
Jun 18Reply
teri98908 I haven't heard about Team Posh. I'm in a sharing group. It's so time consuming! I know a lot of SM tricks but haven't had time. What is team Posh??
Jun 18Reply
laaazer @teri98908 Team Posh is a group over on Facebook of women who pride themselves in following rules on Poshmark and even more so in their kindness. I am just coming up to my third month here and they have been so helpful and supportive, I love the group! It's nothing that consumes anymore time than you want it to, just a connection to a great group of women.☺️ Do you have Facebook?
Jun 18Reply
teri98908 I do have FB. For a cause I can hit half million people in a week. I understand web presence very well. I would join a group but have so many I've neglected with Posh. Do I just look up team posh?
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @teri98908 Wonderful! Like I said it's only as much time as you want to spend on the group. I think you'll really like it, it's been a big influx of positivity into my life as of late. 😊 So it's a private group, so I am going to tag you in a Team Posh listing of one of the admins. She will then ask you for your name on Facebook and she will add you to the group! Can't wait to see you there.
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @teri98908 Teri, what is your email that you use for Facebook? I will add you to the group this way.😊 I didn't realize that I could do it even though I'm not an admin.
Jun 19Reply
teri98908 Thank you for all of the help!!
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @teri98908 Judging from that email address you sound like my kinda lady! I am obsessed with a local healing arts building and many of the services it offers. I have just sent you a Facebook request myself as well as added you to the group. Yay!!! 😁
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @jleeluv2shop Hey Girl!! Thank you so much for tagging me in some Follow Games! I love to play those, too. It has been brought to my attention, however, that I need to play selectively. I just wanted to share what I've learned with you! If you aren't a Suggested User and plan to become one, following closets who violate Posh rules can jeopardize your standing. I am now cleaning out some of my followers when I see someone in my feed who post things like used make up or bikinis (con't)
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @jleeluv2shop or anything else unsupported. Feel free to tag me wherever, but I just thought that you should know that piece I found out yesterday! I just peek into the follow games host's closet before I follow. Hope you have a great day!!!😁💖
Jun 19Reply
jleeluv2shop Hey Lazer yes, I read that in some of the discussions. But that's crazy... u seriously look thru each closet items that u follow? I spend enough time as it is trying to just catch up on shares. Sounds impossible. I have used sport bras on my listing is that considered unexceptable? No ones said anything...
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @jleeluv2shop Hey, sweet so you already knew. I wasn't aware until yesterday so no I haven't looked through everyone's closet, but from now on on a follow game before I commit to following them you can bet I will. The follow game you tagged me in had a used swimsuit in her closet. I would delete the used sports bras because they aren't supported by Posh and they could affect your chances of becoming a suggested user or party host.
Jun 19Reply
danystormborn @mistyheart @chrimsonshane @sweetsugarbunny hey ladies! This is my newest PFF @laaazer She is ridiculously awesome, and she has this great following game!
Jun 19Reply
jleeluv2shop Gotcha. I deleted the items... A selected user sounds good but who cares abt being a party host??? I don't really get that. I've read that it really doesn't bring any faster sells. What u think?
Jun 19Reply
laaazer @jleeluv2shop Awesome! I had listed two bralettes NWOT tags and someone kindly suggested I deleted those and I did the same thing. A suggested user is important because then you can get on the wheel (the recommended section) and gain tons of followers that way. Being a party host may not bring direct sales but it does bring a TON of followers and attention to your closet if you make a listing that you are hosting a party. I think it sounds fun, too!
Jun 19Reply
jleeluv2shop Ok so what does a party host exactly do? I see posher asking them to visit their closets? Like example if u were chosen to host a party today, do u pick out items from diff ppl closets to get noticed & they are called a "host picks"? I'm really confused?!! 😳
Jun 19Reply
teri98908 Thank you! 😄 I haven't been on very much. A little under the weather. I will check FB when I get caught up on Posh. I have found something that works really really well.
Jun 19Reply
teri98908 I am into alternative things and nutrition big time! I find it really ironic that known old ancient arts and wellness are alternative medicine. Some traditional medicine is new and does more harm than good in a lot of cases. (It's a flat miracle for others)I'm forever grateful for Isagenix and aromatherapy. I have hope I didn't have for a long time!
Jun 19Reply
tonistwinkles PFF's, Please share this awesome gal's closet? Thanks! 💞💞💞 SHOP MY PFF'S! 💕💕💕 @abstractdreams @bellanblue @centerfoldvault @cheekbones @chelle4osu @classyvintage @closetcrisistx (just added)💜 @favhndz @jteach23 @jabberwocky @laaazer (just added)💜 @lana_88 @lauras_boutique MORE PFF'S: 💕💕💕j @lifeisgood63 @luvsmink @miami_wife @motherskiss @mistyheart @oldewisevintage (just added!)💜 @petals2u @travelbugginger @trobinson611 @tudie11 @upsnowgirl @vintagestatus
Jul 05Reply
laaazer @twinkletoestoni Thank you so much!!! What a nice surprise!😁 I am grateful!💖
Jul 05Reply
tudie11 FG! @twinkletoestoni, @centerfoldvault, @pandaears, @goldrose48, @jessicanguyen13, @inik, @annesclothes, @chicaccessories, @satx, @mizzpinnay1980, @julnmike, @dilledressups, @bmrandall, @shelly592, @ali65, @lana_88, @tdetersrokey, @bellalize, @jojo, @mtnhiker, @meredithmc1, @sharon12782 , @jferr114, @treasuresbytrac, @caseyspluss ,@caseysplussize
Jul 05Reply
lauras_boutique 💗🌺FG🌺💗Good luck with your FG!😘xoxo 💕@aflattery💕@alwtober💕@alyssahourglass💕@amandamjalapeno💕@amocie💕@annesclothes💕@anoliver💕@aridni99💕@backwoodsbarn💕@bamagirl017💕@beboundless💕@bellalize💕@bellanblue💕@bibiblocksberg💕@blon22die💕@bre_1210💕@brittanydillon1💕@bronte83💕@brooklynnfly💕@caitygabrielle💕@candykissa143💕@ceejayjay18💕@chicaccessories💕@chicagdl💕🔒Private tag list please don’t copy🔒
Jul 05Reply
lauras_boutique 💗🌺FG🌺💗 💕@daisyd0102💕@dbush3662💕@dimndgrl💕@dmv25💕@donn4vw💕@dvacante💕@gardendiva0710💕@gretlew💕@eclecticloft💕@emory1975💕@heatherschoice💕@hila808💕@hrachal💕@hsohailk💕@hwiginton💕@ij0c3lyni💕@infinitelyposh💕@izzyb2210💕@jadrch💕@jenniann5246💕@jeren27💕@jessicanguyen13💕@jmroby💕@jnc650💕@jnicole0813💕@joycee98💕@jrhtexas💕@jsey💕@jteach23💕@jwittch💕🔒Private tag list please don’t copy🔒
Jul 05Reply
lauras_boutique 💗🌺FG🌺💗 💕@kathrmony💕@kden_wallace💕@kellidavis0💕@kellyb67💕@kimberly803💕@kristysalindo💕@ladyqstuff💕@laker1💕@lalalilly💕@lazulitect💕@leliluv💕@lifeisgood63💕@lindsayrose💕@lindsey042💕@loveaclosetfind💕@lovemygirlz💕@lucidemotion💕@lululucy💕@luvmyqh6💕@magicmorgan💕@maira2190💕@maldimi💕@mandapanda83💕@marianegreer💕@marie5143💕@marizachar💕@marlanap💕@marypa13💕@matadora1978💕@mbvaughn💕🔒Private tag list please don’t copy🔒
Jul 05Reply
lauras_boutique 💗🌺FG🌺💗 💕@meekamouse💕@mirandanicole33💕@missymoe98💕@mistielee💕@moonglo💕@mountaingoats💕@mykidsfault💕@mytherapy💕@nami001💕@neontigress💕@ninascloset5💕@noy2312💕@ousassyosu💕@patriciagyi💕@paulaalbe1💕@poshmishmosh💕@pre_pa514💕@rbarney96💕@refashionline💕@retagit💕@richbororiches💕@roryry💕🔒Private tag list please don’t copy🔒
Jul 05Reply
lauras_boutique 💗🌺FG🌺💗 💕@sallypesta💕@sammy💕@sc1202kb💕@serendipity8888💕@sheisenchanting💕@smegathlin💕@snobshop💕@stephanielatina💕@strosper💕@suzarew💕@tamarismom💕@teen_fashion💕@teresamarie01💕@tfaske💕@thebrightside💕@tifstreasures💕@treasuresbytrac💕@tudie11💕@twinkletoestoni💕@txan66💕@valorieann💕@violet507💕@wendibearr💕@wenndelynn💕@zrwilson1💕🔒Private tag list please don’t copy🔒
Jul 05Reply
laaazer @tudie11 @lauras_boutique @jsey @jenniann5246 Thank you ladies so very much!! I appreciate all the Posh love & support!☺️💖
Jul 06Reply
loveaclosetfind Follow Game! @shnnweston @ckaneko @flowermama62 @kristinabe @icaton
Jul 06Reply
moomettes Congrats! Nice closet ! 😀
Jul 07Reply
daisyd0102 @lauras_boutique thanks for the tag. shared :)
Jul 07Reply
laaazer @moomettes Thank you very much!☺️
Jul 07Reply
kden_wallace Thank you for the tag Makayla @mikkiy134
Jul 08Reply
sherriesharley @laaazer F O L L O W I N G GA M E @sherriesharley @ex_globetrotter @tamarismom @edamerval @kalifreshness @modafrancesca @blukat @aespo19 @mindyella @accessoriesgal @gpalo @excited-cupcake @emilyrubin @bwenger @shesaidhesaid @elevenroses @kres0043 @floridafashion1 @phyzylizzy @hopesparkles @gfiorante50 @kani907 @apt67 @carenhelm @juliecruz777 @noy2312 @jaymoon @jentucker @pehang @brieharding @ali65
Jul 08Reply
katz2 Thanks for the tag @pehang 💕 I'm already following, so I will share.
Jul 09Reply
cassandraknox @laaazer Hi! It's nice to meet you, Lazer! 🎈💃💃💃 thanks, Gerilynn! 😘💕. @pehang Followed and shared! 😀
Jul 09Reply
laaazer @katz2 @pehang Thank you!😁
Jul 09Reply
laaazer @cassandraknox Hi there!! Nice to meet you! Thanks for playing.😁
Jul 09Reply
daisyd0102 @mikkiy134 thanks for the tag. shared :)
Jul 11Reply
danystormborn @mistyheart @chrimsonshane @sweetsugarbunny this is my good friend Lauren! She has made her own following game to help her reach 10k! Could you please help her out?
Jul 17Reply
danystormborn @allyb1212 @bre_1210 @bellanblue @ridinghood13 hey ladies! Sorry if you have already been tagged, but my good friend is desperately trying to reach 10k by September 1st, and she could use some help!
Jul 17Reply
danystormborn @dierks24 could you please help my friend reach 10k by the first of September by helping get the word out about her following game?
Jul 17Reply
dierks24 Hope this helps!
Jul 17Reply
dierks24 @danystormborn of course! No problem. I've tagged some but accidentally tag some on her "meet me" page but they should still follower her there.
Jul 17Reply
laaazer @danystormborn @dierks24 @christina137 Thank you lovely ladies so very much.☺️💖
Jul 19Reply
danystormborn @laaazer hey there gorgeous! I hope all is well! It's been awhile since we talked, so I wanted to stop by and say hi!
Aug 16Reply
laaazer @danystormborn Hi Brooke!! I'm terrible, I texted you and asked how you were the other day and am now just remembering I accidentally read it and forgot to respond.🙈 I've been able to enjoy the past few days up at the lake with some of my boyfriend's friends who were in town and with my grandma, it's been lovely. Back to catching up with posh and real life now! I hope you're having a fantastic day!💖🌞
Aug 16Reply
danystormborn @laaazer it's no problem! I only cried for like 20 minutes when you didn't reply! 😜😘 Seriously though, that sounds like a blast! So happy to hear you are taking advantage of the summer and having some fun! I am just relaxing today, it's kind of nice!
Aug 16Reply
laaazer @danystormborn hahaha blame my grandma 👵💖😂 Hehe it's been great, I'm lucky to have such an alert and active 90 year old grandmother. She has two ovens in her house so I've been cooking us some decadent meals with this extra energy I've had as of late! I also was able to go TUBING two days ago! I mean I'm still in horrible pain today but it was soooo worth it and fun! I need to learn from you, I'm finally relaxing today. These days are important!
Aug 16Reply
danystormborn @laaazer haha that's awesome! And you went TUBING?? That sounds like so much fun! I went tubing last summer and was in TERRIBLE pain for three days afterward, but honestly it was so much fun it was totally worth it. But yea, I have been trying to trade off between days of activity and days of rest, I have a bad habit of "overdoing" it and making myself flare up 😝
Aug 16Reply
laaazer @danystormborn Yes! Not sure it was the greatest idea ever but it was super fun so oh well! Haha you and me both 😋 it's so tough, we're young and it's summertime! Within reason, I'm so glad we are able to get out and do anything, even if we pay for it afterwards.😜 I'm about to sauna to see if it can help ease these muscles up! Even sharing is tough 😂
Aug 16Reply
dawnleeds Follow follow follow! Love these games. @dawnleeds
Sep 05Reply
daisyd0102 @kewpiedoll thanks for the tag. shared :)
Sep 09Reply
mommymoo124 💕💕🌺🌺💕💕🌺🌺💕💕
Oct 08Reply
amanda712 @laaazer I would like to get more followers. I'm kinda slow lol... what exactly do I do here? Do I post this to my closet. I've already liked, shared, and following you.
Oct 08Reply
halomoon @1fashionista15 I just follwed lots of people but now how do I get my name on here ;)
Oct 09Reply
jsiller Thanks for the tag
Oct 09Reply
baummaggie @yvonne13marie thank you for including me! 💖
Oct 09Reply
laaazer @amanda712 Hi!! Since you commented on this post, other users will be able to click and follow you as instructed.😊 The BEST way to gain even more followers is to make your own Follow Game as well. You are more than welcome to use this picture in your closet if you'd like! Please tag me in your listing if you do make a Follow Game, I'd love to help get you started! Please let me know if you have any more questions, I'm happy to help.
Oct 09Reply
amanda712 @laaazer thank you!
Oct 09Reply
laaazer @amanda712 You're welcome!😊
Oct 09Reply
theelosetpurge Follow me 💕💕👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
Nov 06Reply
laaazer @shoplorascloset Hi! I will if you will follow me! That's the point of the game.😜
Nov 06Reply
theelosetpurge I did 😊
Nov 06Reply
mailecabral @laaazer can I repost these images to a listing in my Closet and I'll credit you?!
Nov 15Reply
laaazer @mailecabral Sure! Thanks so much for asking. That is totally fine.😁
Nov 15Reply
texascopywriter Hi @laaazer! Following you now! Thanks so much for the tag, @twinkletoestoni! Another awesome FG, y'all: @cmcbryde @promise65 @stunning_29
Nov 27Reply
texascopywriter Liked. Followed. Shared! Yea! @texascopywriter
Nov 27Reply
stunning_29 @texascopywriter thank you doll for the tag!!😘❤
Nov 27Reply
texascopywriter 💋💋💋@stunning_29
Nov 27Reply
stunning_29 @texascopywriter 💋💋💋 we're stuck :))
Nov 27Reply
texascopywriter Haha, Michelle! You are so funny. Hope we get to meet IRL one day! @stunning_29 💖💋💖💋
Nov 27Reply
stunning_29 @texascopywriter omg!! Me too! That wld be so awesome! 👍💜💖💜😘😘
Nov 27Reply
laaazer @texascopywriter @stunning_29 @klynn3887 Hi ladies! Thank you so much for helping me connect with more awesome women. I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving full of love!💖💖
Nov 27Reply
laaazer @twinkletoestoni Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Toni!!😊😊💖💕 Thank you for your help!☺️
Nov 27Reply
texascopywriter Ours was busy & wonderful! Full of family, food, &friends! I hope yours was spectacular as well! 🙏🏻💖
Nov 27Reply
laaazer @texascopywriter Same here! I cooked for two days straight and it was totally worth it! They get better and better each year.☺️💖
Nov 27Reply
texascopywriter Lmk if you ever get out to Texas and I'll do the same, @stunning_29 You're in Cali, right?
Nov 27Reply
texascopywriter Yep. My husband (bless his heart) helped me with the cooking the entire two days. I also baked 4 pies and made, for the first time, stuffing from scratch!
Nov 27Reply
stunning_29 @laaazer no problem love! Nice to meet you:)
Nov 27Reply
stunning_29 @texascopywriter the one state I've never been to. Ya.. Um. . Sure I'm from cali -indiana 😠 lol!!😂, I hate indy! I belong in FL actually, but the stork dropped me off in the wrong state!!!
Nov 27Reply
jadescloset Hi @laaazer I'm Jade, thank you for this wonderful post. Have a great day!
Nov 27Reply
laaazer @jadescloset Hi there! Thank you so much, you have yourself a wonderful evening.😊
Nov 28Reply

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