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Updated Aug 21
Updated Aug 21

I cannot brain today.



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Your mind on migraine has unhappies looking at compu-screens. It gives you the dumb and the strange pretty lights and the little dwarves mining in your head. It says, "You no workie on closet stuff today. You no even browse for funsies, or we break-a you brain." So closetness can has open in the laters. Bloop!
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1smalltowngirl Lol! 💕💕💕💕
Jun 01Reply
kathy1xx Hey check Out some of the stuff in my closet 🙊you might like something
Jun 09Reply
singaporejones @kathy1xx Please don't advertise your closet in another user's closet - it's discouraged on Posh, and most users don't like it, especially if they have no idea who the other person is. 😯 Instead, just keep building your # of followers and share your items to them and to relevant parties. Thanks!
Jun 09Reply
abstractdreams @singaporejones : Very well and kindly said!👍🏽
Jul 13Reply
singaporejones @abstractdreams Thanks very much! 😊
Jul 17Reply
mcjayne @singaporejones oh no!!!! The wicked dancing light aura then omg I can't see anything followed by mighty pain that travels around ones keppie? Gotcha luv...I get that a couple to three times monthly! It's so wrong!!!
Aug 28Reply
flashnfashnista Haha, this is hilarious and I totally get it! Aaarrgghh, migranes..they sure do try hard to ruin fun times, huh😩 Ill keep u posted on the bow necklace, jus been busy with other things and still kinda bummed my original creation got ruined..but once Im done cryin about it, Ill get it fixed and let u kno!
Aug 29Reply
singaporejones @mcjayne Ugh, you too? 😣 So sorry to hear! Mine have gotten less frequent, but now I have Bipolar II 😒 so it's a "Um, yay?" thing.... But Lamictal, which is the standard bipolar drug, also helps with fibro, so maybe it helps with the migraines too. Both BP II and migraines are linked to serotonin, so I have to wonder if my Cymbalta helps too...? Brains are weirdy-beardy things!
Aug 29Reply
51twenty I have chronic migraines. I'm sorry you suffer with these 🌺🍃
Aug 29Reply
singaporejones @flashnfashnista Derrrrrp, yes, the bow necklace! Not heart! Derp derp derp... I know, it sucks when something you've made gets damaged somehow. I have some cartoons I did years ago that are now starting to look green. The art pens I used were SUPPOSED to be archival quality, black stays black. Nuts to them now! 😑 But have fun with whatever you do as a "repo" project - I'm sure it'll be cooool.
Aug 29Reply
singaporejones @flashnfashnista @mcjayne Do you guys use any particular migraine med? I had decent luck with triptan drugs, but that was a while back. Now I go with Esgic Plus (or the new generic form), which is essentially Tylenol plus caffeine and butylbitol (spelling?), but mine aren't as bad as before. I know they have triptan drugs in shot form (like insulin), which works faster, but I dunno if that is covered by insurance.
Aug 29Reply
singaporejones @kookc I swear, we should start a club! Sorry you have the little monsters too! 😛 I hope they figure out what really causes them soon. I suspect it won't be a pat answer, that it'll depend a lot on the person, but maybe we'll find a maintenance drug that helps prevent them from happening, or at least rolls them back to a 2-3 instead of a 15 (on a 1-10 scale).
Aug 29Reply
51twenty My Lyme disease is my trigger I have Chronic Lyme Disease. Med controlled. But, I do have breakthroughs 😖
Aug 29Reply
mcjayne @singaporejones Kanie I use the fiorcet, essentially the same thing you are and luckily it takes the edge off and makes me sleep although, I do actually have dreams where I can feel the heads you well know, it's intense. 😂 good luck in keeping your head behaving! Brains are funny little angels/demons! 💖
Aug 29Reply
flashnfashnista I actually had real good luck with acupuncture a few years back when I had a migraine that lasted 5 days, but for my smaller ones I take an over the counter pill that spunds similar to urs..caffeine and whatever med they throw in to ease the pain..that usually does the trick for me most days. Hope u get sum relief soon, so u can enjoy urself a lil more😀
Aug 29Reply
dezchic 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I cannot brain today! Love that gonna borrow it 😍hope you don't mind! And thanks for the share.
Aug 31Reply
singaporejones @dezchic Ha, I can't claim it, so have at it! It's an Internet meme: "I cannot brain today; I has the dumb." I thought it was hilarious. And yw for the shares!
Aug 31Reply
dezchic @singaporejones so you got me thinking. I love the human interest side of the story but from an editorial POV not a humanitarian there are plenty of communities where folks join together In support and so forth. What makes posh so interesting is how women connect and find each other through fashion. What their closets say about them etc
Sep 15Reply
singaporejones @dezchic True. Though what I didn't mention before is how it seems many women who can't work a typical job, but are go-getters businesswise, have found success and fulfillment as well as a supportive community through Posh. There's straight-up emotional support in lots of Posh posts, but what's even better is how women dealing with various limitations support each others' professional development as well.
Sep 15Reply
singaporejones @dezchic So it's kind of both, and more than both. Posh's community orientation is what makes it stand out as a selling platform and encourages women who love fashion to connect both personally and professionally, as you're pointing out. ☺ I'm just thinking there might be a way to take that even further by showing how it helps women who want/need to support themselves and/or run a small business but who need to take a different route to get there.
Sep 15Reply
dezchic @singaporejones ah yes very true. There is def a story there to be told! Could really be more then an article!
Sep 15Reply
singaporejones @dezchic To be honest, there are probably a handful at least stories in here 😃 so the trick may be sorting them out and pimping 😉 them properly (hope that wasn't offensive - I joke that as a writer and freelancer I am my own pimp - I have a thoroughly inappropriate sense of humor. Yay, me!).
Sep 15Reply
dezchic @singaporejones I think that's an amazing empowering story line.
Sep 15Reply
dezchic @singaporejones oh and it's nearly impossible to offend me! No worries!
Sep 15Reply
singaporejones @dezchic I'm the same 😆 as far as getting offended. (Sacred cows often equal holy hamburgers with me. But it's all in fun. I laugh with but not at.) Dangit, now you have got my brain twizzling about this instead of my fiction! Sigh.... This is what I get for ordering extra right-brain with my current iBod (as in before I showed up on earth this go-round). OK, bedtime (boo!)... But if you think of other ideas, LMK! I keep a big divided file of them pretty much always.
Sep 15Reply
dezchic @singaporejones gotcha! My bedtime too. Nite!
Sep 15Reply
singaporejones Sweet dreams! 😙 (I have to call halts or I'll chat way too late!)
Sep 15Reply
tippiejax You tell her!!! Girl, I got yer back!!
Sep 17Reply
designertrash_ baaahahha Yes yes
Sep 17Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Thanks much. 😊 They're getting better with diet and exercise changes, though like a poor guest, they show up uninvited and never know when it's time to leave. 😜 They and bipolar disorder conspire to keep me down, but they don't know who they is messin' with, to paraphrase Vin Diesel. 😆 But moral support is always most welcome! 😘 Hope you don't have such botherations, unless you're saying, ugh, that you have M-thingies as well? 😕
Oct 26Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Ugh ugh ugh. That was my frequency for a while. Doesn't work well when you're single and need to work. 😝 If it weren't for family helping, I'd probably be under a bridge somewhere. Mine have slowed back to about once every 6-8 weeks. I can go months without one (or at least have) and then have three in a week. Bizarre. My bipolar nonsense is proving more the challenge right now, but I'm hoping a med adjustment will help.
Oct 26Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Mom has migraines as well, though hers became more infrequent after menopause. I hope you have meds for yours, if they help at all? And I assume you've been through all the doctor folderol figuring out (or trying to) what your triggers are. 😜 Not trying to backseat drive - just offering to share ideas if you need some, assuming I have any you don't already. M-hell is the pits.
Oct 26Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Ugh, Maxalt! 😜 Dad took that for a while. It worked OK but made him feel like a zombie. (He had bad headaches for about a decade, we think because of nerve damage plus stress.) Mom, who also has migraines, has better luck with (TMI alert!) suppositories stored in the fridge. I sometimes use those since at least you can't throw them up. 😵😜😩 Triptan drugs work OK for me, though I wonder if I'll have to go to a shot form at some point.
Oct 27Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Yeah, yesterday was a lost cause for me for similar reasons. I had to take some promethazine for nausea, which conks me out (good and bad, y'know?). I literally have to take it while lying down to avoid passing into unconsciousness on the nearest available surface. But at least it works!
Oct 27Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz This girl is praying for you too! 😚 Hope you feel better by now. Mental malaise is such a wonnerful complication. 😝 Sometimes I think that tends to pair up with migraines since they're both related to serotonin lows. Not sure what works for you, but I've had better luck with SNRIs (i.e. Cymbalta) and atypicals (Wellbutrin) than SSRIs. I think SSRIs made my headaches worse, actually. I do find that qi gong workouts and meditation help, and keeping my B complex steady.
Oct 27Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Are you taking any meds for the depression and anxiety now? I've tried lots of stuff, so I might have some further input for you. And I'm hoping you've talked to docs about possible underlying reasons? Dad didn't make real headway until he saw a neurologist.
Oct 27Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz Sure thing. ☺ Get to feeling better! Last thing I'll add is I took clonazepam (Klonopin, for me) for three years. I didn't realize how much it was screwing with me until I got off it. Weight gain, hard to get the weight off... I'm very leery of benzodiazepines since researching them. Just my two cents. But everyone's different. Rest up, and if you want to chat again later, just ping me.
Oct 27Reply
singaporejones @alise28 Ugh, you too? 😣 Sorries! I will check into Migrelief. ☺ Have to see if it will play well with my other meds. Yep, I likey peppermint oil too, as well as it and chamomile tea. They do have shot and suppository forms of migraine meds, but I'm not sure how your system would feel about those either.
Oct 28Reply
singaporejones @alise28 Getting enough B complex helps me. I try to get most of my nutrition from foods since so much of vitamins is filler, but I supplement with E. Tho they're discovering that many vitamins contain too much of various things, which is actually worse for you than not taking them at all. So I take low doses and never anything with iron. Meditation and chi qong help me too, if you can do the latter at all? (It's like a meditational version of Tai Chi.)
Oct 28Reply
singaporejones @alise28 Shots and suppositories do act faster than pills, but it's still hit or miss whether you catch the headache fast enough to do much good. 😜 I sometimes get auras and sometimes not. Sometimes my vision goes gray. Rarely, I can't see spit. It's so interesting in the Chinese sense, as in "May you live in interesting times." 😨😞
Oct 28Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz 👍👍👍 Hope you get settled before long with a regimen that works! It's such a crap shoot. I try to remember that at least we *have* meds, even if they're expensive bandaids right now. We don't know enough about the brain yet, except how little we understand it. 😜 Charting the human genome, neurology scientists hoped, would open the door to better meds. It has, in a way, but it's also made it apparent that there are a lot more miles between A and Z than they'd thought. 😕
Oct 28Reply
singaporejones @charlottefitz 😝 Barfo-rama. Hopefully not literally. I despise multi-day migraines with the fire of a thousand suns. I will hope that yours is gone by tomorrow if not sooner! 😘
Oct 28Reply
annluggen I love it
Dec 15Reply
annluggen Hi, I meant the bear! I'm up at, it was 3, now 4 am. Just got shingles although I got the preventive shot, supposed to make it less painful if you do get them. Keeping me awake. Read all the stories above, had (only) 4 migraines in my life and I recall in detail each one. Awful, took phenergan, off to sleep it off. One me gave me a narcotic suppository but I found just sleeping thru with phenergan was all that was necessary.
Dec 17Reply
annluggen I have Parkinson's disease, progressive, sometimes fall a lot, now terrible cramps in legs, hands where I have to pry fingers apart. Also bad spinal arthritis with neuropathic pain down legs which are weakening, getting tired, may sleep
Dec 17Reply
singaporejones @annluggen Arf, yeah, I'm up (3 am here) for a short bit reading so I don't go right back into the barmy nightmare I was having. (Vampires. Not even sexy vampires, dammit.) Sorry about the shingles! 😵 I hope I don't get those, but I had chicken pox as a kid.... 😝 Glad you have had only a few m-thingies. I know, phenergan is a godsend. I had to get a shot once, and passed blissfully out as soon as I got home!
Dec 17Reply
singaporejones @annluggen Hope your shinglyness is over (or largely so) by Christmas! 😜😚
Dec 17Reply
singaporejones @annluggen Ouch ouch ouch. 😯 Sorry you have to deal with all that! BP2 sucks but at least does not involve chronic pain. I would freak out if I couldn't type. Writing is what keeps me sane. Well, I guess I could dictate, duh. Hope you get some good sleep. I know researchers are making some progress with Parkinson's treatments, so maybe that will help you soon.
Dec 17Reply
singaporejones @annluggen I don't know if B supplements would help with the cramping at all? They help me avoid foot cramps in the evening - if I start getting those often, I know I need to eat more veggies! I've read that low B levels contribute not only to low mood but also to leg cramps. (and toddling back off to sleep myself shortly, I hope! Sweet dreams about sexy vamps for both of us! 😅)
Dec 17Reply
annluggen @singaporejones from Parkinson's disease. My mom had them in her back. I have hands an d legs
Dec 17Reply
annluggen @singaporejones thanks for all the kind notes. I am so grateful I didn't have migraines often as so many do. Cannot imagine it, so painful.
Dec 17Reply
phoxxi I hope you like the earrings 😁💙
Jan 29Reply
danysfx Oooohhhh! I totally know what you mean here. I get wicked migraines AND cluster headaches. The computer screen becomes some kind of evil death ray 🙁
Jun 24Reply
singaporejones @phoxxi I'm so sorry, I totally missed your post! 😯😣 😟 Obviously! Yep, am enjoying the earrings. 😊
Jun 24Reply
singaporejones @danysfx Ugh, at least I don't get the clusterf--ks. 😵 But yeah, between various screens and those hellish contraptions known as fluorescent lights (we hates them, precious, yes we does!), it's a wonder some of us ever actually NOT have headaches. I hope triptan drugs help you! ☹ Chi qong and yoga seem to mitigate mine some.
Jun 24Reply

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