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I've been seeing a lot of replicas on this site lately. And the sellers have been LYING when asked about the authenticity. Whyyyyyy. We should be providing a safe environment for each other, not taking advantage and taking someone's hard earned money.
If you are unsure, ask. I don't know ALL things, but I will be happy to lend what expertise I may have and I think a lot of others would do the same.
I am very appreciative of the ladies and poshers that have come to my rescue. ??????

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So frustrating. Just don't lie about it. There are too many scammers taking advantage of first time buyers looking for a special piece or present. 😧😠
Jun 09Reply

@jeslow @giudisce @yumi28 @kellyk0830 there has been a surge lately ladies be careful
Jun 09Reply

@aconroy17 yes
Jun 09Reply

Totally agree! If you are selling inspired you should say it as such! Be an honest seller!
Jun 09Reply

@jeslow exactly, some people are looking for inspired pieces (i.e. LV bags)
Jun 09Reply

I am guilty with selling inspired (all of which I had purchased off here) and I didn't know how terrible it is to buy and sell replicas until recent. I don't own any anymore but I always told my buyers they were inspired! Just be honest!
Jun 09Reply

Gotta be careful with trades too! I've seen people steal pics off other sites and claim they are theirs! Eek!
Jun 09Reply

@aconroy17 that's why authenticating is more than whether or not it has the "correct" stamp, it is amount color/sheen of the metal, shape of the piece, types of clasps, jump rings, collections etc. I think a saw the law suit too (or a lawsuit out). Tiffany designs and re-designs a lot of pieces so sometimes people are looking for the wrong hallmarks in the wrong years, etc.
Jun 09Reply

@jeslow I've seen that happen to a lot of people too. they honestly believed the piece was real. They had no reason not too. There is a girl on here selling pieces (claiming to be authentic) that is mixing collections. Paloma Picasso hearts with elsa peretti's signature, return to tiffany hearts with t&co 1837 on them .... LIKE really?!?! so to some people they look real because they have the "right" markings
Jun 09Reply

@jeslow I see a lot of picture stealing in the Victoria Secret Pink... I'm like I just want a cute sweatshirt :(
Jun 09Reply

Ugh! People will do anything to try and make some money! 😞
Jun 09Reply

@jeslow it sucks because there are some great deals on here too, but if the price is too low then people may think it is fake (and it could be real) and if the price is too high then no one can afford it. All because there are people intentionally scamming others (when they don't have to). AHHHHH it is driving me nuts. I had to vent. I just hate to see someone taken advantage of...
Jun 09Reply

@cnt311 Thank you so much! On a brighter note, I've got a picture to email you in just a minute here! :))))
Jun 09Reply

@aconroy17 yea I had seen this lawsuit. These people were not using "real" tiffany & co stamps. They were putting the words Tiffany & co, T&co etc on fake pieces and passing them on as it they were real tiffany pieces. So just like the fake pieces sold on this site, people are just creating fake tiffany and co plates and stamping the words on the fake jewelry.
Jun 09Reply

@gcleopard7 I hope you were able to get your money back for those glasses... Tiffany never sold those, they use Austrian crystals not Swarovski crystals and that is not how their name would be printed on any of the glasses (they always come with case, cloth and sunglass pouch)
Jun 09Reply

@cnt311 thanks for this! I have noticed many pieces that have questionable authenticity. You can tell the difference and I'm not for having our hard earned money stolen! "Awareness" is key.
Jun 09Reply

@yumi28 right!?!? I think a lot of tiffany & co buyers have been educated to look for the stamps, you know. But a little knowledge is dangerous because these scammer prey on that.
Jun 09Reply

THANK YOU beautiful pal...I'm so new to PM..keep shouting it out pal.
Jun 09Reply

A lot of fake bead bracelets going around. .. printing should be clean, shape uniform even the silver around the enamel on the back as well as the silver above the diamond shaped space at the top of the heart.
Jun 09Reply

@kellyk0830 ugh lately it has been really really bad. I contacted posh and they don't want us to "engage" them but report them.... this is horrible
Jun 09Reply

@kellyk0830 smh, I called this girl out earlier and so did another posher... she made another listing.
Jun 09Reply

@kellyk0830 this style doesn't even come in 18inches... you have to have it extended. I had mine extended to 18.5 inches
Jun 09Reply

@cnt311 @kellyk0830 @jeslow Hi ladies. Hope you don't mind my jumping into this convo, but I too have noticed a big uptick in phony T & Co. pieces on PM over the last 10 days or so. It makes me mad, and I'm happy to read that I'm not alone. I think nearly everyone can be fooled-- some fakes are SO good-- but it's the people who make up totally bogus stories to "prove" that their item is authentic who really burn me up!!!!!!
Jun 17Reply

Last week someone listed a HORRIBLE-looking silver bracelet, claiming it was T & Co. IT SO OBVIOUSLY WAS NOT! This thing wasn't even trying to be "replica"-- it was a style never produced by T & Co. (at least not in the last, I dunno, 30 years) but rather a rip-off of the general aesthetic of the most mass-market popular Tiffany styles. Think hearts and links. Maybe some of you saw it too? I think the asking price was $125 or so.
Jun 17Reply

Anyway, some poor Posher expressed interest in the bracelet and asked how the seller knew it was authentic. The seller proceeded to claim that she was SURE it was authentic because she had picked it out herself at Tiffany in NYC (I assume she was referring to the flagship, although that's not the only store in NYC but whatever she probably didn't even know that much!) EVERY SINGLE LINK on this item was VERY OBVIOUSLY pinched together (and not even very well, at that). EVERY. SINGLE. LINK!
Jun 17Reply

The prospective buyer then made some comment about how excited she was to find the bracelet because she's a college student and can't afford the real thing (or something like that). Having been a broke-a## college student myself 15 years ago, I immediately felt so mad at the seller for lying and probably duping someone whose only mistakes were not knowing Tiffany stuff well enough to spot an obvious fake and being too trusting of a complete stranger on the internet.
Jun 17Reply

This annoyed me and stuck in the back of my mind for several days until, finally, I decided I was going to leave a pointed comment on the listing-- not explicitly calling the seller out, but making it clear that the item was not authentic. But I wasn't able to find the listing. :( I just hope that the poor college student who thought she was getting such an awesome deal was clued in by someone and didn't end up purchasing that piece of junk.
Jun 17Reply

Sorry this turned out to be such a diatribe! People who lie-- especially when motivated by greed-- and who purposely take advantage of others really get my goat. Anyway, I've been thinking of doing two things: 1. Listing T & Co. pieces that I have and pointing out the authenticating markers. Also, creating a listing with links to the best articles about how to authenticate that I found before I started buying Tiffany stuff a couple of months ago; and
Jun 17Reply

2. Organizing some kind of Posh community policing that would comment on obvious fakes and push people to be honest.
Jun 17Reply

Well, now I feel like I'm being rude by hijacking this post that is not even my own. Apologies to @cnt311 if this offends. Until I get a listing up in my closet, feel free to email me at jneshops (gmail) if you are interested in hearing my ideas on how to execute idea #2. Maybe I seem a bit nuts... I'm just mad!
Jun 17Reply

@jneshops don't feel bad for saying what you're saying. I use to get personally offended when someone would LIE about a replica. When I contacted posh, they told me not to engage with the lister and just report it but that never seems to help.
Jun 17Reply

@cnt311 thx, glad you're not peeved about this rant appearing on your listing. I'm not surprised PM doesn't do much about this because they make money either way and right now at least business is good. If PM becomes known as the site where everything is fake and people stop buying, maybe then they'll do something!
Jun 17Reply

Random, why are people so afraid of tarnish? Real silver tarnishes. If it doesn't then it isn't real! I like when pieces are tarnished and has patina. It's real and will only take 5 mins to make like new 😆, usually get it at a steal 💞
Jun 20Reply

whenever I buy Tiffany, before accepting it I take it to a Tiffany store for authentification. @jneshops I think I saw that listing yesterday and even liked it. Will have to go back and look again. Let me know if you would like to know who the posher is.
Jun 22Reply

Just realized someone I didn't know and never communicated with blocked me 😯, then I looked at her closet and she is selling fake tiffany aha 😒
Jun 23Reply

@alexamulnee yea did you notice that the top two pics of the toggle bracelet were definitely fake. I had to point it out to her. If her bracelet is real, she should only use actual pics. Notice where the word to is on both bracelets, smh
Jun 24Reply

Yeah I noticed! Wasn't sure which pic was actually hers!
Jun 24Reply

@angelcelestial we were just talking about that toggle bracelet ☝☝☝☝
Jun 24Reply

I think all the pictures are stolen. The first picture is of a fake (bag,bracelet, everything) and it doesn't match the rest of the photos. I call people out all the time by asking for actual photos. Hate liars passing junk off as authentic.
Jun 24Reply

@angelcelestial boldface lie
Jun 24Reply

What's most upsetting is she has it cross posted and has interest. I hate to see someone buy this crap.
Jun 24Reply

@angelcelestial wow, never ceases to amaze me how incredibly crooked some people are. Why scam people, like do you have nothing better to do or do you actually like taking advantage of others
Jun 24Reply

@tita1726 I hope you are still able to cancel that transaction and get your money back, that tiffany round bracelet is not real.
Jun 24Reply

@cnt311 which one?, i did buy 2, the last hour.
Jun 24Reply

@tita1726 the one for 45, you asked if it was genuine. I can't see the other one. I just happen to see this one.
Jun 24Reply

@cnt311 thanks i text her,but do you think is no real? @bittersweetswap that is the other one.
Jun 24Reply

@tita1726 im sorry 1st one is not, the clasp is not right, the shape, the printing is blurred, the type of metal is wrong. Plus she received as a "gift" so she cant be sure of the authenticity. It is just my personal opinion. You can ask others but I would advise you to go into the transaction and cancel as an accidental purchase before your 3 hour window is up.
Jun 24Reply

It looks like it's not a fake after all. She did mention in another app that it had engraving. Why she would post those pictures instead of the actual item is beyond me. It creates so much doubt.
Jun 24Reply

@angelcelestial she contacted me and thanked me last because she used a "stock" photo trying to present the bracelet and it was a bad photo.
Jun 24Reply

@alexamulnee the real photos of the toggle bracelet are up
Jun 24Reply

It doesn't even have rtt on it aha
Jun 24Reply

@cnt311 thank you for your help i will cancel that
Jun 24Reply

@angelcelestial exactly, not authentic @tita1726
Jun 24Reply

@jennad1021 if you have replica questions you can post here
Jun 25Reply

@cnt311 hello there! Quick question-- do you know whether or not T & co. Will Resize a sterling silver bangle? Purchased a gorgeous one thru posh but can BARELY get it on. Would love it if I didn't have to scrape my skin to get the blessed thing off! TIA 😁
Jun 25Reply

@jneshops if the bracelet doesn't have a design on the outside, isn't ornate, or have a curved design, fur the most part they can resize it. They will not comprise the original design, so they won't size pieces with designs on it.
Jun 25Reply

@cnt311 you are so fab; Thx for the speedy reply. This is the geometric oval bangle. Do you know that piece? If so, what do you think-- too much of a design to it?
Jun 25Reply

@jneshops I know which one you are talking about. I don't think tiffany will do it because of the curvature of it. Another professional jeweler probably will though.
Jun 25Reply

@cnt311 drat. Thx for the info!
Jun 25Reply

@lisamarie612 sorry love that necklace is not authentic. That is a popular style amongst replicas. There are so many of those produced people believe they have to be real. The hallmarks are incorrect, the design....etc.
Jun 27Reply

How do you know these things and how did you know about this purchase?
Jun 27Reply

@lisamarie612 1st everybody can see every listing, sold or not. It was easy to see in the comments that she said it was authentic and it is not. 2nd anyone familiar with tiffany and take one look at that photo and see it is fake. Lastly Like i said I worked for the brand... Look i was just trying to help in time for you to cancel, because it looked like you thought you were getting an real tiffany necklace. Take it for what it is worth.
Jun 27Reply

@lisamarie612 just a little advice though when buying online, ask someone you trust about it, google it, compare it to things on the tiffany site or old photos of when tiffany actually use to sell it. Look for hallmarks, style and printing consistency, etc. Sometimes people receive gifts and dont know their item is fake when they sell it. People use to come into the store with stuff bought on ebay all the time from people that were just takin their money.
Jun 27Reply

Could I tag you on a piece of Tiffany? I keep asking the girl if its authentic but I get no replies. When I sent her an offer she gave me an counteroffer back. I don't c why she can't tell me if its authentic 😒
Jun 27Reply

@unitato sure, I can give you my opinion 😊
Jun 27Reply

@unitato the pics are too blurry and there are no pics of the hallmark. With that said, would I myself by it. .. yea I would. I've seen some of the other tiffany pieces she's sold. They are in bad shape, but authentic.
Jun 27Reply

@unitato if you buy it, post pics before you accept it. .. it definitely needs to be cleaned.
Jun 27Reply

@cnt311 the 1 cross posted had 2 different people selling it. She blocked you, and then she blocked me for defending what you were saying. I was going to report her, but got blocked before I could.
Jun 27Reply

@cjlavine that's a crazy. I just hate that people have to LIE to others. They would be upset if someone lied to them, why do it to others. It really makes me sad and angry. I am starting to think it is just better to let people buy whatever and be satisfied being lied to (keep my opinion to myself). I have seen people unknowingly by replicas and love them... then resale them and lie to another unsuspecting buyer... UGH
Jun 27Reply

Even after both of the girls were called out, people were still wanting to purchase them. I don't feel sorry for them. I know mostly what to look for, but I always read the comments first. Scamming people, is the same as stealing from somebody else's home to me. Thanks for watching out for other people. Too bad we can tag you on!!
Jun 27Reply

@unitato are you going to buy the bracelet? If not, lmk I want to put an offer in.
Jun 28Reply

YES!!! Please stop! I have had to return 2 unauthentic items that I purchased. It tied up over $200.00 of my funds because of liars. Thankfully Posh agreed with me an I will eventually get my money back.
Jul 08Reply

Haha yessssss girl
Jul 13Reply

@missattitude2 I would just stay away from that listing, just because it is full of misinformation. You don't clean silver with warm water. Water in general will accelerate the tarnishing process if not dried immediately and properly. .... just so many problem. I'm not saying it is "fake" but I can't attest to its authenticity.
Jul 13Reply

Ok thank you! I'm looking to buy this bangle to match my ring and normally I'm really good at authenticating tiffanys it's just that one was a bit difficult
Jul 13Reply

@missattitude2 the hallmark is not the right print, the coloring is off... if it is a silver bracelet with a gold.. the heart would gold and the rest of the bracelet silver... it is just off. I wouldn't be sure without doing some research but first glance I would definitely pass on it.
Jul 13Reply

@missattitude2 i dont much about this particular bracelet, but comparing it to the stock photo, the curves and aesthetics look right on the 2nd bracelet
Jul 13Reply

Thank you so much I really appreciate your opinion
Jul 13Reply

@ryannhrouda if it is something that I can authenticate for you via photo, I sure will, no problem. I will let you know here if I can't.
Jul 15Reply

@ryannhrouda I saw that piece earlier. The problem with the last pic is that is blurry. So I can be certain either way.
Jul 15Reply

@ryannhrouda I think it is fine. :)
Jul 15Reply

@ryannhrouda i would put in an offer if I were you :)
Jul 15Reply

@angiemaymaxwell people often ask for help here too, if you ever have questions about authenticity in the future. It's always best to ask.
Jul 20Reply

@monarchlove the way you can tell that the heart choker is not real other than the stamp (which is easily fake) 1. The color or "sheen" of the choker is not right (not real sterling silver) 2. Notice that the words "Please Return To Tiffany" do not have any spaces between them. Its just one long word... not real
Jul 29Reply

@cnt311 Thank you so very, very, very much! You totally just saved me like a lot of money! I purchased that and never even noticed that the font was like not spaced. I just thought it didn't look right and wasn't sure so I was going to take a chance but I'm really really glad that you helped me? I still had time with PM to cancel. How did you find me by the way? Again, thank you so very much!
Jul 29Reply

@monarchlove even though you had purchased it, it was still in the available listings (just with a sold banner). I always take a peek at the "suspect" listings just to see if the seller was honest and said it was a replica (no harm no foul). I do try to let the buyer know (my opinion) if I feel like the seller was being deceptive.
Jul 29Reply

@cnt311 yes, I just went back to her profile and her neck picture is different now. She has blond hair but the neck pic is of a different girl even😈 Scary... I am so grateful to you! I don't even think her profile is real now?
Jul 29Reply

@monarchlove That really bothers me.
Jul 29Reply

@cnt311 yeah, the confusing part is that she does have good feedback tho?
Jul 29Reply

scary isn't it @monarchlove I have seen people buy fake jewelry on here and LOVE it. It was so crazy to me at first, but then I was like if they feel they have gotten their moneys worth who and I to judge. I just don't like people being lied to. So now when they go to sell that piece they believe its real and lie to the next person.... UGH. I use to work for tiffany awhile back and I had no clue there were so many fakes until I stopped working there.
Jul 29Reply

@cnt311 I know right. I have two Tiffany pieces and I got them second hand so it's not like I would bet my life on them. I did take one to Tiffany's and they confirmed real. The other I think is... Even Tiffany has trouble identifying their own. Since the faked ones are so good. The world is a scary place and full of deception.
Jul 29Reply

@monarchlove not many people know that. As employees we were told not to authenticate 2nd hand pieces and we were never trained to id or authenticate. So if your sales person is experienced and know the history of all the collections they can give their opinion. Some of the employees are temporary.
Jul 29Reply

@cnt311 yes, that is exactly what the employee told me when she said that she thinks it's real and she's pretty sure. But that they couldn't authenticate it however she was convinced that that piece was real.
Jul 29Reply

@monarchlove basically we could look up the purchase or you could have the piece sent out for a repair. The jewelry makers in new york can authenticate and will send the piece back if it is not authentic
Jul 29Reply

@janeelive horrible fake. I have reported that listing
Jul 30Reply

@cnt311 thanks so much
Jul 30Reply

@janeelive anytime
Jul 30Reply

@mochikay if you ever have questions about the authenticity of pieces or history about certain pieces, you can ask here as well. I've been collecting tiffany for over 16 years. And some of the ladies above are really knowledgeable
Aug 18Reply

Okay. Thank you so much for answering all of my questions!
Aug 18Reply

@mochikay any time
Aug 18Reply

@cnt311 Hope you could be back selling new items on Posh again!!
Sep 15Reply

@cnt311 :( I've bought replicas when the girl claimed to have bought it from Tiffany herself I also have a question about the pouches with the stitching outside?
May 25Reply

@xochristinedc i hate that... I use to work at tiffany's awhile ago and I hate when people lie about that. It hurts the brand. The bags can be inconsistent depending on when it was made and the supplier at that time but the quality of the stitch and the materials are pretty constant. I would have to see the bag.
May 25Reply

@cnt311 Okay I bought a daisy collection ring off eBay recently and it came in a pouch with the outer stitching 😕 the ring feels heavy which is a good sign because I had purchased a fake interlocking 1837 ring off Ⓜ️ a few months ago and it was very light..I hope this ring isn't another fake. I guess I can take pics and make a listing and tag you in it? Lol
May 25Reply
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