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Updated Mar 09
Updated Mar 09

Part 2 Meet the Sellers


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Aloha!!! Welcome to our closet. My sister and I love everything about Poshmark. Manish & his posh team rocks! πŸ‘ŠWe have met so many lovely ladies online and offline from this awesome community. We both grew up in Hawaii and now living in Los Angeles. Let us know if you have any questions. Tag us @hila808 and we'll visit your closet and share share share your items! Happy Poshing! πŸŒΊπŸ’—
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hila808 You're too sweet Nina. Thank you for all the posh love. I hope & pray your dad is recovering well. Thinking of him & praying for healing. πŸ™ @palau_de_nina 😘
Jun 25Reply
luvluxlv Oh my gosh love this!!
Jun 26Reply
hila808 Thank you for the posh love @baglover44 😘
Jun 26Reply
1smalltowngirl @hila808 πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ‘†Ohana
Jun 26Reply
hila808 Yup yup that's my ohana & my Hawaii ne 😘 Come back to the island Linda! The cool Hawaiian waves calling you "when you pau work get your ticket & da kind fly back ova hea cuz get choke waves!" Ooh sistah Aloha!!! @txan66 \m/
Jun 26Reply
hila808 Mahalo Linda! 😘 \m/
Jun 26Reply
sylviaharris55 I'm sorry, I kind of thought that I read something about you having cancer. It's so sad to hear at such a young age. But you're still here, Thank you GodπŸ˜‡ your beautiful inside and out. Your an angel from heaven and there is a reason why we go what we go through. He has a plan for you. And you will be BlessedπŸ˜‡ wait you're already Blessed. XOXO
Jun 26Reply
sugarspyce Sorry to hear about your gma:( blessings to you for what you do to help others n cancer SUCKS! My brother is a survivor of three different kinds found it while he lived in Oahu ! Was told 3 yrs to live n his been in remission for almost 10 years thank you Jesus πŸ™ best wishes to you beautiful lady βŒπŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ™
Jun 26Reply
golddanzer You're beautiful inside and out! xoxo
Jun 27Reply
manish Thank you for sharing your beautiful story @lyann
Jun 29Reply
hila808 Thank you Sylvia and you're still here too my beautiful friend. You are beautiful inside & out. We all have our journeys to share & I appreciate you for sharing yours. I admire your strength. Thank you for bringing sunshine into my life. Lots of love, hugs & prayers to you πŸ™ @sylviaharris55
Jun 29Reply
hila808 Thank you for your kind & comforting words Gilda. My grandma helped raised me so she is very dear to me. I'm so glad I was able to spend time with her before she passed away. Your brother is my new hero. He is a fighter for sure. I'll pray for him that he continue to live his life with much more blessings, good health & lots of love. Thank you for sharing & I appreciate you for stopping by my closet. @sugarspyce 😘
Jun 29Reply
hila808 But I adore YOU my ohana friend. Not bc you love coffee, or you're the insomnia wildfox posh lady who snorts & climb into crypts...ooh & you have beautiful eyes & never ending hair styles. You have conversational tree houses seriously? Who does that 😝 I love your new name Jen Ohana. You don't give up so you're definitely my super hero! Woman, you're badass πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ😎 & I Luh Ya for who you are 😘 @ridinghood13
Jun 29Reply
hila808 Mahalo! You're beautiful inside & out too Thank you for the posh love @golddanzer Ooh & I love your tag name that's how I would spell it if I meant to say "gold dancer" 😁 πŸ‘ 😘
Jun 29Reply
hila808 It suits you my ohana friend. I swear I just want to put Jen to all the places that I see with the word ohana on it. I'll help you mark your territory. Then someday come visit me in the islands or LA & let's make Wildfox tree houses...Jen Ohana Style! Ooh yeah baby!!! 😘 @ridinghood13
Jun 29Reply
hila808 I had to look twice to make sure I was checking Poshmark not my IG πŸ™ˆThank you for stopping by my closet Manish. I feel like you just knocked on my door unexpectedly & I'm not sure if I should offer you some fresh Hawaiian papayas, a lei or give you a tour of my real closet...hmmm maybe not it needs some reorganizing...but hey"e komo mai" come inside. I know I'm going to max the 500 😁 read more below ⬇️️ @manish @tracy @lyann @pm_editor
Jun 29Reply
lyann @hila808 thanks for sharing your story, Maylene! You are amazing and we are so happy to have you as part of our community ❀️ we need to do a Posh Party in HI so that we can meet you in person. Ahem, @manish πŸ˜πŸ˜‰
Jun 29Reply
hila808 Ooh but pls leave your shoes outside & feel free to browse around. Don't mind the big fork & spoon on our kitchen wall my ohana loves to eat. Ooh & you will eventually meet all my 5 aunts including 3 more who we just call aunties. They will most likely want to hug you, give you a kiss & feed you. Here is a big Aloha hug for you & your awesome posh team for all that you folks do to keep this cool app user friendly! ⬇️ @manish
Jun 29Reply
hila808 But before you put your shoes back on cuz I know u folks gotta go & attend a live posh parties or meet ups I just wanna say that you & your team created a massive game-changer in the world of fashion. You have given every girl (and some guys) with a smartphone the ability to become their own boss. We all have our entrepreneur inside of us but we just needed that extra push to make it become a reality. Ooh here it comes 500 limit again porque ?? 😁 @manish ⬇️
Jun 29Reply
hila808 You & your team did just that! You had one great idea & you & your awesome team made it work. This app is extremely a user friendly platform. Poshmark has become a big part of my life unexpectedly for sure. I πŸ’— the community of friends I have gained fr Poshmark including virtual mothers, grandmothers & aunts who kindly adopted me & my little sis. I look fwd to more growth & the personal experiences that we will continue to treasure in our hearts. Mahalo! \m/ πŸ˜‰ @manish@tracy@lyann@pm_editor
Jun 29Reply
hila808 Thank you Lyann! @lyann So very nice of you to say. Ooh & yes definitely a Hawaii Posh meet up! Manish, I'll donate the fresh Hawaiian papayas I'm just saying...πŸ˜‰ @manish
Jun 29Reply
hila808 My ohana friend porque? @ridinghood13 We have the Kona Coffee with all types of flavors & not to mention lots of trees to make wildfox tree houses! Ok Manish & his fab team gotta have a Hawaii Posh meet up soon so u & your ohana can fly out here. I know it's expensive but tickets in October & Jan time is relatively cheaper. Again I'm just saying πŸ˜‰ @manish
Jun 29Reply
sakshi9984 You are the best Maylene and an inspirational woman to all of us. What a beautiful Family you have and look at those little princess πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹. Didn't i told u before u can take my boys when u feel like baby sitting back in L.A πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›I would be free at-least a while where i can just sit and Posh πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Jul 01Reply
hila808 Ooh thank you lovely! So sweet of you to say. Now you know me I'm the super auntie nanny & I can be your kids posh auntie. I would love to babysit your cute twins so you can just posh, share (bc you're the share fairy) & make that money money money! I'll be back in LA soon wink wink πŸ˜‰ @sakshi9984
Jul 01Reply
debbie043059 @hila808 Maylene, love your new picsπŸ’• One day, hopefully you will be able to teach Trey, Tyler and I your sweet Hawaiian wave and dances😘
Jul 02Reply
hila808 Thank you beautiful Debbie! I hope someday to meet you, Trey & Tyler. I'll teach them more than the sweet Hawaiian wave & dances. I would love to teach them how to do the electric slide & how to make t-leaf leis! Give your grandsons a big aloha hug for me! 😘 @debbie043059
Jul 02Reply
jadie Bless you girl. And I'm gonna holla at you next time I'm in la/Hawaii. Beautiful soul✌️
Jul 04Reply
hila808 So sweet of you! Mahalo! \m/ Thank you for stopping by my closet @jadie 😘 \m/
Jul 05Reply
hila808 Ooh wow that was so kind of you to volunteer at the American Cancer Society. Thank you so much for your time & dedication. Dealing with cancer at a young age was quite a roller coaster ride for me physically, emotionally & mentally. But I have been bless to have such an amazing family & friends who lifted up my spirit & helped me kick Cancer in the tush! I can't stop dancing & celebrating life each day! πŸ˜‰ @alise28
Jul 18Reply
livealohagrl Thanks for sharing your story! Its wonderful to "meet" you! and you have a gorgeous closet and wonderful pictures!!
Jul 19Reply
hila808 So sweet of you to say. Thank you for stopping by my closet I appreciate it! @livealohagrl
Jul 24Reply
hila808 Ooh no I'm sorry to hear this my ohana friend. Stress for sure can do so much to our mind & body. If only we live near by I would come over & bring you some Kona Coffee & whatever you think will help you to get those happy hormones to start dancing & making you feel better. Rest up my friend & sending you lots of positive thoughts & healing your way. 😘 @ridinghood13
Jul 24Reply
hila808 Btw Happy Birthday to your adorable son. I can't believe he's growing up so fast. He's such a cutie! @ridinghood13
Jul 24Reply
hila808 And when you feel better my ohana friend I can help you make more Wildfox tree houses? I'll add a few shakas \m/ @ridinghood13 😘
Jul 25Reply
shanwinans Thank you for sharing your story and all the beautiful pictures. My condolences for your losses over the last few weeks. You have a beautiful family.
Jul 28Reply
hila808 Awww thank you Shannon for stopping by my closet & taking the time to read this. I appreciate your kind & comforting words. Posh love right there! Mahalo 😘 @shanwinans
Aug 03Reply
sssylviah Aloha my friend! Hope you are doing well. Haven't heard from you in a bit. xoxo
Aug 04Reply
sssylviah Thanks for congratulating me on my host pick :-)
Aug 04Reply
hila808 Hey lovely! Thank you too for the hp congrats! I took a week off from poshing bc of my grandma's funeral last week & lots of family in town so spent time with them. Hope all is well with you. Are u going to the LA meet up n wknd? I'll be flying back to LA nx week so I hope to meet u @sssylviah
Aug 04Reply
sssylviah I was planning to come, but my sister in law is having a baby any day now and she wants us to help so it depends πŸ˜”
Aug 04Reply
sssylviah Sorry to hear about your grandma
Aug 04Reply
hila808 Thank you dear...she's no longer in pain I'm glad I was able to spend some time with her before she passed away. Ooh I understand family first so no worries if you can't make it. I'm sure there will be nx time. Congrats you'll be an aunt! 😘 @sssylviah
Aug 04Reply
hila808 Hi Victoria! Nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my closet & sharing your journey. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through & my condolences for your grandfather. Life is full of unexpected turns & smtms we just have to pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves & march on. Not so easy to do but we keep trying & choose love. I'm so glad to know you have a supportive husband & you're bless you have a daughter. @vashby
Aug 05Reply
hila808 I love children & I hope to have at least a healthy son or daughter someday. I'm saving up for a surrogate to carry my baby someday. May you continue to heal from your accident not just physically but emotionally, mentally & spiritually. Sending you lots of love, positive thoughts & prayers your way beautiful lady 😘 @vashby
Aug 05Reply
zil221 Love your closet and very remarkable story. You are inspiring and a positive human being!!
Aug 17Reply
hila808 Thank you so much @vashby 😘
Aug 18Reply
hila808 Mahalo lovely! So sweet of you to say @zil221 😘
Aug 18Reply
sylviaharris55 My beloved daughter, I hope your doing well. So since you take care of the elders will you take care of me and my spouse? Where will we have to live?
Aug 19Reply
hila808 Hey virtual mother! You're the sweetest ever! Mahalo for the bomb shares! Ooh how I wish you lived nearby we have an entire team to take care of you & your hubby! 😘 @sylviaharris55
Aug 19Reply
sylviaharris55 Darling you never know we might end up there one day. Do you have info packets about it is it like a community for elders? My husband is 66 he probably won't retire until he in his 70s he just got a promotion believe it or not. He's highly intelligent when it comes to whatever he does. I have never figured it out but it has something coil tubing. We both talk about retiring where there's water. So you never know😘
Aug 20Reply
hila808 That would be so awesome lovely to retire by the water. Check out Ilikai in Hawaii. It is a hotel but there is a section of the hotel for retirement living. The Pacific Ocean will be your ocean view. I heard the prices are not as bad as retiring in Santa Monica in LA. So I highly recommend to go online & check it out & call Ilikai for more info. I hope you're recovering well. Thinking & praying for you. @sylviaharris55 😘
Aug 21Reply
sylviaharris55 Oh Hila I just love you I'm going to talk y spouse about it,he's probably not going to retire until he's 100 so we should be able to afford it il on,y be 94 I'll be ok. I'll need to buy me a cute little bikini (ughhhh) NOT.
Aug 21Reply
hautehina Wow you're awesome... Working a lot we have one thing in common ADD lolzz i love dancing also πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Aug 22Reply
hila808 You're too adorable! When you retire in Hawaii or LA I can hang with you & your hubby & we can go dancing every night! Sounds a plan to me 😘 @sylviaharris55
Aug 22Reply
hila808 I love to work! I can't just do one type of job though I get bored 😁 Ooh ohh so I have a new dancing partner yippee! I heard at Posh Fest Sat night is party time dancing dancing night! Let's boogie & drop it like it's hot! πŸ™ˆ @hsohailk
Aug 22Reply
hautehina Wooohooo πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒlolzz
Aug 22Reply
skullee hi I'm Mary...nice to meet you too...I'm here now in this state of WI..oh my...but born & raised in Santa Monica & omg i miss home so much!!. & being here so far away i haven't been to Hawaii in many many many years & I'm sure it has changed quite a bit your getting & instantly thought of home...thx for stopping by!!!! happy & happy poshing...
Aug 29Reply
hila808 Aloha Mary @skullee Thank you for stopping by my closet. I love Santa Monica! I often go there to walk my dog Ellie. I hope you're enjoying WI & visit Hawaii soon! It's still beautiful! Happy Poshing! Posh Love to you 😘
Aug 29Reply
22chris Aloha! I'm also an island girl, but now living in SF! Hope to meet you at poshfest! 😊
Sep 15Reply
bdalton25 Nice to meet you Maylene! Thanks for all the posh support! I agree, cancer sucks! Where are you from in Hawaii? I lived there for 4 yrs in Oahu and still have lots of family there! All the best!
Sep 16Reply
creative2 @hila808 πŸ’•Hi Maylene. Nice to meet you! I live in Monrovia. Not too far from LA. I'm a transplant from Wisconsin--where there are 4 Seasons in the year..(although Winter can be very LONG)! I miss Autumns the most! Love to go pick Apples at the Orchards! And the Pumpkin Farms...! Gorgeous Fall colors! I love it here on Posh! So many nice ladies! πŸ’“πŸ˜Š
Sep 22Reply
hila808 Nice to meet you Heidi @creative2 I love Wisconsin. I was at Lake Geneva two summers friends & I rented rented a cabin & stayed there the entire week. We had such a great time I hope to be back there. I'm sure the fall is so pretty there. You're not too far from me. I hope to meet you someday. This is an amazing app bc of the connection of beautiful women here. Happy Poshing! 😘
Sep 22Reply
creative2 @hila808 πŸ’•Hi Maylene. Ooh...Lake Geneva is gorgeous! My hubby and I stayed at a B&B there one summer! We went shopping and just toured the town! And YES, the Fall colors are just gorgeous! I miss it! I'm trying to plan on going mid Oct for my 35 Class Reunion! I can't believe I'm that old! Hope I can get there!πŸ’“πŸ˜Š
Sep 22Reply
hipteezer72 To all the Wahine's on Posh God bless you all ;-) Good luck to you sistah and much Aloha ;-)
Sep 25Reply
figoria Wow, you're so full of life even after what your went through!
Sep 29Reply
sherrilynn23 I love your closet too!! ❀️❀️❀️ Love for our grandmothers is priceless. May yours rest in peace. I just started posh barely a month ago and I'm addicted!! Such a great way to make some extra $ on the side.
Nov 10Reply
itselaine @hila808 You are incredible! I can tell by your bio we would get along! Your such a strong women, and have a great sense of humor! Keep it up hun!!πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸΌ
Nov 21Reply
jadie hi!!! I hope I got to meet you at poshfest! Always found your closet amazing! <3 much love!!
Nov 22Reply
debbie043059 @hila808 Happy Thanksgiving Maylene to you and your family😘
Nov 26Reply
hila808 Thank you Debbie! Happy Thanksgiving to you & your beautiful family! Give hugs to your grandsons for me! πŸ˜˜πŸ¦ƒπŸπŸ‚β€οΈ@debbie043059
Nov 26Reply
debbie043059 @hila808 Thank you Maylene😘 They have been at Disney for 8 days and will be flying back tomorrow evening. I will be so happy to see them and will give them extra hugs from you😘❀️😘
Nov 26Reply
cecibel7 Your story is so touching & hits home . I had to have a hysterectomy too this past march too, but feeling much better now . Cancer has stuck many of my family members , specially the women . My doctor said it was just a matter of time for me. God is so good . Thank you for sharing your story . Stay beautiful & full of color.πŸ’œπŸ˜˜
Nov 29Reply
helenandbetty1 @hila808 hi, normally I would make an offer but trying to get the low shipping today. Wld u accept $25 for your black and white oversize sweater? I have liked it in the past so if you lower it fir me I will buy straight away. Thank you for considering this.
Dec 13Reply
hila808 Hi there @helenandbetty1 Thank you for stopping by my closet. My lowest is $30. Please Lmk if you're still interested. If you are please tag me & I will lower the price for you & will mail it out tmrw. Thank you.
Dec 14Reply
helenandbetty1 @hila808 yes plz. I now.
Dec 14Reply
hila808 Ok great. I will lower it now. @helenandbetty1
Dec 14Reply
virtualcool Love youπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸŽ€πŸ’thank you for all the posh loveπŸ’žπŸ’πŸŽ€πŸ’“just figured out how to leave a love noteπŸ˜πŸ˜‚
Dec 22Reply
virtualcool Happy new yearπŸ’“πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
Jan 02Reply
hila808 Thank you my beautiful friend! Happy New Year Fara! I miss you! Hope you're having a blast in Europe πŸ˜˜πŸ’—πŸ™ @virtualcool
Jan 02Reply
flirtygirl2015 You're awesome!!! You are so happy and full of life! I just love your closet! 😍 Thanks again for all the shares! Aloha and Happy Poshing!! πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Jan 07Reply
hila808 Thank you beautiful. I appreciate the kind words. Mahalo for stopping by my closet. Happy Poshing @flirtygirl2015 😘
Jan 14Reply
virtualcool πŸ˜šπŸŒΈπŸ˜šπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“
Mar 05Reply
nudnicksfam55 You have a super cute closet! Feel free to check out my closet too! I accept reasonable offers and give discounts on bundles! Happy Poshing!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
Mar 07Reply
tonistwinkles @hila808 Aloha PFF! How are you? Haven't seen you in awhile- is all ok? Also, I couldn't find you on IG to tag you today either...?? ❀️
Mar 07Reply
officiallykim Love your closet πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’œβ€οΈ. You look like you enjoy life 😊. Totally jealous you live in Hawaii!
Mar 18Reply
hila808 Hey lovely! Sorry just saw your message. I'm good just been dealing with lots of transitional stuff with work & also taking some respite time for me. How are you? Thanks for checking in. You're so sweet. Bye I changed my IG name to hila_808 @twinkletoestoni
Mar 18Reply
hila808 Mahalo @nudnicksfam55 😘
Mar 18Reply
hila808 Thank you Kimberly! I love your closet and your kind spirit. Keep on smiling! Happy Poshing πŸ˜˜πŸ’— @kub0001
Mar 18Reply
oliverapple @hila808 aloha! Oh my gosh!! After reading more about you, we have so much in common! I'm from Maui, but been here in LA, I took care my grandma also, she was my best friend, I also work in home health, and I'm a cancer survivor also!! What a trip yah?! I love that ADD (always dancing dancing) haha... Huge mahalo for the nice comment, and wishing you a wonderful week! Cheehoooo \m/ ☺️
Apr 07Reply
hila808 Ooh no way then we must meet in person. It's always a treat to meet someone from our Hawaii ne. Wow you've been through a lot too. I admire your strength & your loving spirit to continue living life. Thank you for stopping by my closet & sharing your journey. Hope to meet you some day. Love & Aloha! 🌺\m: @oliverapple
Apr 08Reply
sharfashion Awe! Amazing lady you are! Caregivers are one of the most important people but don't get the acknowledgement and breaks they deserve! Aloha my new found friend! A Hui Hou to your home, Hawaii!!@hila808
Apr 10Reply
kellisuej Maylene, I really do LOVE your closet!! You have great style & good quality items! I,will most likely be shopping in your closet later thus week!! I especially love your jewelry! It reminds me of Maui, & I love it there!! I've been there 4 times, & so wish I could live there --where it's warm year-round & everyone is so laid back & kind!! So Aloha for now! :-)
Apr 11Reply
hila808 Mahalo beautiful! I appreciate the kind words & all the posh love. You have such a beautiful Ohana. Enjoy paradise & eat up for me I miss ahi poke, spam musubi, lau lau πŸ˜‹ ooh my now I'm getting hungry & home sick. I can't wait to meet you hopefully at Poshfest. πŸ™ŒπŸŒΊπŸ˜˜@sharfashion
Apr 11Reply
hila808 Mahalo beautiful lady! I really appreciate the compliment. I love the laid back Hawaiian/local style look & especially Hawaiian style jewelries. I was hesitant at first listing them bc I wasn't sure if people would be interested. Glad to know someone like you appreciate Hawaiian jewelries. You just made my ❀️ smile. Ooh yes Maui is lovely. Wish I could visit there soon. Keep spreading the Aloha spirit. Awesome souls like you make this world much more beautiful. Mahalo! \m/🌺🍍@kellisuej
Apr 11Reply
kellisuej @hila808 Awwaaaw!! Likewise, Sweetie!!! I can totally tell you are a good soul & a strong woman!! I admire you!! :-) Oh! And I will be buying some of your beautiful Hawaiian jewelry too later this week!!!β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
Apr 11Reply
dragnipur Thank you for the welcome; I adore your closet!
Apr 13Reply
epicstorm Awe! I so admire you more 😘😘😘 I can't wait to meet you one day.
Apr 19Reply
virtualcool Happy Friday my beautiful friendπŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ’“thanks for all the posh loveπŸ™ˆπŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’“πŸŒΈ
Apr 22Reply
poshgarden Hi luv❣ Haven't seen you around much, guess works keeping you busy πŸ’‹πŸŒΊ
May 01Reply
jgbravo You are beautifulβ€οΈπŸ’•
May 16Reply
kdollystyles @hila808 you have a beautiful story! I think you are meant for greater things in life! Cancer does suck and am glad you beat the darn thing! You are even more beautiful inside and out for giving your time to the seniors! 😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 06Reply
hollyc777 You have a fantastic closet!!! Nice to meet you as well!!!
Jun 18Reply
hila808 Thank you Holly! You have a lovely closet as well! Mahalo for all the posh love! @hollyc777 πŸ™ŒπŸ˜˜
Jun 18Reply
plumkrush P.s. are you going to Poshfest??🌷
Jun 18Reply
hila808 Yes ma'am! Are you? I went last year it was so much fun! I hope to meet you in person! Sat night is the party night we can let our hair down & dance! Let's do the running man! πŸ™ŒπŸšΆπŸƒπŸšΆπŸƒ @sandy_98
Jun 18Reply
plumkrush @hila808 I would love to go❣Trying to work out the logistics right now the 2nd is hubby's bdayπŸ˜•πŸ˜• trying to see how I can work this out, as he already has some serious feeling towards poshβ£πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ JK, he's just a lil jealous 😊 I would lπŸ’–ve to meet you & all the lovely pff's!! Is it all day? What goes down?
Jun 18Reply
hila808 I gotcha! 😁 Poshfest is 2 days (Sat & Sun). They usually have guest speakers to share their insights & panel discussion by the co-founders, little group sessions to learn more on how to increase your sales & then party on Sat night. I hope you can make it but if you can't hopefully nx year! @sandy_98
Jun 18Reply
plumkrush @hila808 Yes,I'm definitely working on getting there! I've enjoyed chatting, if you don't mind let's KIT!πŸ’– Have a great weekend ❣ 🌷Sandy
Jun 18Reply
hila808 Let's definitely keep in touch. Take care & be well! πŸ™Œ @sandy_98
Jun 18Reply
bella_rose13 @hila808 Hi Maylene! Thank you so much for your shares! I wish I would have seen your posh n sip in time. I would love to meet up with some ladies from the LA area. Your closet is beautiful! Very wonderful to meet you!
Jul 02Reply
hila808 Thank you for the sweet note. I wish I could have met you in person. Next time I'll tag you & I hope you can make it. How about Poshfest? Can you go? It's this October. I love your closet too. Mahalo for the posh love Rosa! @bella_rose13 πŸ™ŒπŸ’—
Jul 03Reply
bella_rose13 @hila808 Thanks so much! I'm trying to make it to poshfest. Budgeting to make it happen. Have you been to poshfest before?
Jul 03Reply
hila808 I went to Poshfest for the first time last year. I had such a great time meeting my pffs & new poshers in person. I highly recommend it. If you can't go to both days, how about the Sat evening get together event? They have a DJ & lots of dancing & mingling. @bella_rose13
Jul 03Reply
hila808 I love that Robyn! That quote will stick with me forever! Let's keep on dancing!!! πŸ’ƒπŸšΆπŸƒπŸšΆπŸ‘― @littlerobyn
Jul 07Reply
hila808 And laughing is my best ab work out πŸ˜πŸ˜† True story @littlerobyn
Jul 07Reply
bella_rose13 @hila808 Hi! Sorry for my late reply. I will definitely try to make it to poshfest. Let me know if you have any meet ups between then.
Jul 11Reply
hila808 Will do! Have a great day Rosa! @bella_rose13
Jul 12Reply
plumkrush Hello PFFπŸ’•How are you? You still dancing around??πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ are you prepping for Poshfest? πŸ™†β£πŸ™†β£πŸ™†β£
Jul 15Reply
hila808 Yes yes I'm always dancing dancing πŸ˜‰πŸ’ƒ hope you are too! I'm so ready for it October yet? Are you going? @sandy_98
Jul 15Reply
plumkrush @hila808 Yes!! I'm so excited ❣❣awe, I'm glad your doing well. I can't wait for OctoberπŸ™†πŸ™† by chance do you ever travel south to OC or San Diego? We're planning to do a meet up down the coast on Aug 27th or 28th. Would love to see you there if you can come. Don't have all the details but can tag you.πŸ’•
Jul 15Reply
hila808 Yippee you're going to Poshfest! I can't wait to meet you. Do you know exactly where the Poshmark meet up is going to be at? Elaine & I were thinking of putting together one in SD bc she lives there & I have family there so I visit often. Well keep me posted please would love to be there. Woot woot! πŸ˜˜πŸ’ƒ @sandy_98
Jul 15Reply
plumkrush @hila808 Yes, definitely can't wait to meet youπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— not sure about the itinerary to Poshfest yet. πŸ˜•πŸ˜• I'm going to tag you on the meet up listing. We would be totally appreciative if you could help us spread the word! πŸ’–πŸ˜˜
Jul 15Reply
hila808 Ooh for sure! Can't wait! Mahalo for the heads up beautiful pff & keep on dancing @sandy_98 πŸ˜˜πŸ’ƒ
Jul 15Reply
plumkrush @hila808 TY so much, lovely πŸ˜™πŸ’• Nitey,NiteπŸŒ“πŸŒ’
Jul 15Reply
hila808 Well thank you! Good night beautiful 😘 @sandy_98
Jul 15Reply
loveandposh Thank you for all the shares love! Great closet! Be back shortly to return the favor!
Aug 17Reply
heathere72 I am ready to purchase address now
Aug 17Reply
rhylista You are the sweetest bee in the hive !🐝 Thanx for being so open and transparently inspirational. I'm excited to find poshers like you! I travel often from the Bay Area to LA and would love to meet up sometime. LMK HAPPY POSHING , you sweet bee you 🐝
Sep 16Reply
inform_nr @hila808 Hi! :) What type of dancing do you do? From the pictures, I'm guessing maybe ballroom or line dancing?? I πŸ’– ballroom dancing... It's nice to meet you. God bless!
Oct 02Reply
hila808 Hey lovely! It was nice meeting you too. I do all types of dancing from hula, tahitian, belly dancing, hip hop, salsa, lambada, pole dancing and in this picture trying to do the oldies dancing. 😁 I'm no pro at all I just love getting up and move my body in whatever music or no music. Let's keep on dancing πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ƒ @inform_nr
Oct 03Reply
inform_nr @hila808 I love it! πŸ˜ƒ That's great. And yes, let's keep on dancing!!
Oct 03Reply
shellaway @hila808 Hey beautiful! We met at PoshFest recently . Let's meet sometime for coffee since we are almost neighbor. Great experience and had a blast ! πŸ€—
Oct 12Reply
missbora @hila808 Any boxes yet❀️?
Nov 04Reply
hila808 Hi Deborah! Yes my sister said three boxes came in but I'm still out of town for work will be returning to LA tomorrow! Thank you so much for getting them to me so quickly. I can't wait to open them! I will click the "accept it" and will add my comments after I personally open the packages. Have a lovely weekend & Happy Aloha Friday! πŸŒΊπŸ’•@missbora
Nov 04Reply
missbora @hila808 oh not to worry, I thought perhaps that was the case...I'm just anxious to have you open them πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—β€οΈ
Nov 04Reply
hila808 Ooh believe too! I can't wait! Thank you so much! πŸŒΊπŸ’•@missbora
Nov 04Reply
hila808 Yes, let's keep on dancing! πŸ’ƒ @inform_nr πŸ™Œ
Nov 04Reply
hila808 Hi there Shelly! Yes I remember you from Poshfest so nice to meet you! We're so close let's definitely meet up. We're also having a Poshmark Meet Up next month in Pasadena. Hope you can join us! @shellyp71 πŸ™Œ
Nov 04Reply
shellaway @hila808 Hey beautiful! I thought you forgot about me since you didn't reply LOL. I have never been to a meet and greet before but it's sound really interesting and fun though. Will differently want to go!! Thanks πŸ€—πŸ’•
Nov 04Reply
hila808 Sorry about that I didn't even see your message until now 😬 I hope you can make it! Would love to have you there! RSVP at eventbrite. @shellyp71
Nov 04Reply
shellaway @hila808 No worries !! Have a great weekend ! πŸ€—
Nov 04Reply
malakea11 Aloha πŸ™‹πŸ» beautiful wahine! You are an inspiration to others! Your closet is amazing! Wishing you many blessings and continue to always dance πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ». I miss the islands and wearing slippahs πŸ˜‰πŸŒ΄ Happy Poshing 🌺
Nov 04Reply
missbora @hila808 Morning my fav Posh sister ❀️ I convinced my friend that I work with @jenbarn to get involved with Posh and she could use a little love and some shares. Could you help out a bit please? You are so good at this ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ thanks πŸ™
Nov 08Reply
missbora @hila808 Hi there ❀️ thinking about how much fun it was to send all your packages and hope you've tried it all on and it fits you just as you hoped 😍
Nov 11Reply
virtualcool Thank you so much for all the loveβ˜ΊοΈπŸ’“β˜ΊοΈlove you😚❀️
Nov 19Reply
lidiyac My goodness you are absolutely STUNNING πŸ’–πŸ˜˜
Dec 01Reply
serendipityduds What a blessing you've been and are still to so many! I imagine your family hated to see you go to the mainland! Very nice to meet you. Now I'll go snoop in your closet! Happy holidays! πŸ˜ŽπŸŽ„πŸŒŸβ˜ƒοΈπŸŽ…πŸΌβ„οΈπŸ’–
Dec 04Reply
virtualcool Thank you so much for all the sharing πŸ˜šπŸ’“πŸŒΈyou are the best .. Love is youπŸ’“πŸŒΈπŸ’“πŸ’ž
Dec 06Reply
hila808 @virtualcool This is Joyce not Maylene. I'm helping my sister share her closet. She's busy at work 😊
Dec 06Reply
virtualcool Thank you honeyπŸ’“πŸŒΈπŸ’“Happy Holidays to youπŸ’“πŸŒΈπŸ’“πŸ˜š
Dec 06Reply
hila808 @virtualcool thank u too for all the shares. Merry Xmas to u.
Dec 06Reply
virtualcool ❀️🌺❀️
Dec 06Reply
missbora @hila808 Hi Maylene, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you are enjoying the holiday season as it approaches. How is your wardrobe project coming along and I hope everything you purchased fits well and you have opportunities to wear some of the things soon! Just checking in and hope all is well 😊
Dec 06Reply
hila808 @virtualcool My sis told me you share bomb me thank you so much! πŸŒΊπŸ’—
Dec 07Reply
hila808 @missbora Hi Deborah! So sorry I'm terrible in returning messages. Thank you for checking in. I wore the beautiful black dress at our Pasadena Meet Up last week Sat. It was perfect for the meet up! Hope to wear the other beautiful dresses soon. I'll tag you. Hope you are enjoying this holiday season. Merry Christmas! 🌲🌺❀️
Dec 07Reply
hila808 @mstrini1216 Thank you for your kind words and I appreciate you stopping by my closet! Keep on Poshing and sharing the posh love! πŸ™ŒπŸ’—
Jan 28Reply
missbora @hila808 Hi honey! I'm finally getting things listed again and told you I'd let you know so here I am ❀❀❀ hope this finds you well 🌺
Feb 16Reply
kaimanabellab Thanks for al the shares!!!😘😘 I'm fairly new and starting out!!
Mar 16Reply
hila808 @kaimanabellab You're welcome and thank you for the shares too. Great start in your closet so far. You're on the right track. Keep on sharing and listing! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Happy Poshing!
Mar 16Reply
kaimanabellab @hila808 Thanks! I hope so! Yes it would be great if you could tag some of your fav closet on my meet the posher listing!
Mar 16Reply
missbora @hila808 🌺how did I miss this! When did you join up with your sister love the photo of the two of you! Nicole and I are overdue for a motherdaughter pix. Back at it again today. Trying to move a bit faster, it takes time, ironing, staging, lighting. Yesterday a new Poshsister asked about my photos, it was so fun sharing about backdrops, how to light, the best photo editing app. You are so right, a great platform to meet so awesome posh sisters. Most thankful for you!!!!
Mar 22Reply
hila808 @missbora Awww thank you Deborah! Feel the same way. So grateful to have met amazing posh sisters like you. I just recently teamed up with my sis been wanting to do this quite some time. She will be doing a lot of the picture taking, listing and responding since I haven't been able to posh much lately.
Mar 23Reply
hila808 @missbora Mother daughter picture session is always a good thing to do in fact it's way past due for my sister and I for a picture with our mom. I'll be visiting your closet and share your classic and timeless treasures. Please do not worry about sharing back. Have a good night.
Mar 23Reply
missbora @hila808 what a great plan! I will look forward to getting to know her as well ❀❀❀ hugs my sweet friend... and thank you as always OXOX
Mar 23Reply
hila808 @missbora You're very welcome! It's our pleasure to share your lovely closet! Btw, if I don't respond back quickly it's bc working & can't posh much but my sis sharing my closet and will let me know who I need to respond back to. πŸ˜‰
Mar 23Reply
tijanala Hiiii! Are you going to poshnation? I'd love to see you! πŸ’•
Apr 05Reply
kellyzcloset Hi! I love your closet!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• So many gorgeous items to choose from!!!Which island did you live on in Hawaii? I absolutely love it there!!! We went to Honolulu and Maui on our honeymoon, a long time ago, lol. Maui is so beautiful and peaceful. My sister and brother in law are going in October, I'm so jealous, lol. Happy Poshing! 😊
Apr 06Reply
emelanin So nice to meet you last night πŸŽ‰πŸŒˆπŸ€—
Apr 08Reply
hila808 @tijanala So nice seeing you at Posh Nation LA! πŸ™Œ
Apr 08Reply
hila808 @fkard50 Thank you! So sweet of you to say. I grew up on the island of Oahu. Yes Maui is so beautiful. Check out the island of Kauai and the Big Island. So glad you visited Honolulu and Maui. Your sister & bro in law will have so much fun. πŸ™Œ Thank you for stopping by my closet. Mahalo! \m/🌺
Apr 08Reply
hila808 @emelanin So nice meeting you too lovely! Hope to see you again. πŸ™Œ
Apr 08Reply
fanta4two I live in socal too but visit Hawaii often! Girlfriend, why would u move away from there? It's heaven on earth.. and sometimes believe it was the original Garden of Eden 😍 I see many comments above about others reading your story but I can't seem to find what you've shared! However, may God bless you and Give us both many many more opportunities to visit the dreamy islands πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜˜ aloha~
Apr 25Reply
hila808 @fanta4two Aloha lovely! Sorry I'm just seeing your comment now. Hawaii is indeed so beautiful and I often asked myself why I left paradise? Geez so many reasons I definitely had the calling to explore the world and the first step for me was to leave the island. So nice to know you visit the island often. Do you have family in Hawaii?
May 06Reply
fanta4two @hila808 oh my thank you for all the shares.. I totally appreciate you!!! No, much to my dismay I dont have any family in the islands..... but my husband and I dream of moving there. Haha but sadly, that's all it will probably remain - a fantasy. We go back Yearly....we left our hearts there!! πŸ’— I mean how can u not, the Hawaiian sunsets are second to none!
May 06Reply
hila808 @fanta4two You're very welcome. The Hawaii sunsets are so beautiful. You & your hubby are bless to be able to visit Hawaii yearly. So funny how life works out...I didn't like living on a small island but now that I'm a lot older I crave for nature, the ocean, fresh fruits and living off from the land. I'll be going home to visit the Big Island and my folks at the end of this month. Maybe someday we can meet up and enjoy a mai tai enjoying the lovely Hawaii sunset. 🌺🍹\m/
May 06Reply
missbora @hila808 Hi girls🌺🌺🌺 You are so kind to always share my closet and I can't begin to tell you how very thankful I am ❀️❀️❀️ I am in Bend PR for the week with Nicole and her sweet family as they try to settle and move into their new home. I go home to have an estate sale and do our best to downsize before Paul and I move here on July 1😱. So much to do...hugs to you both and thanks again ❀️
May 14Reply
hila808 @missbora Happy Morher's Day to you and your daughter. Wow you have a lot on your plate but I hope you can take some time off today to celebrate you. Don't worry about sharing back please. My sister has been helping me share and manage my closet. I'll be going home to Hawaii in the next few weeks so I'm trying to downsize as well too. 😬 Have a great weekend!
May 14Reply
missbora @hila808 hi Maylene and Joyce❀️ Hope you are both well and enjoying the edge of summer on CA. With trying to pack after 26 years I am going to have to focus on getting things ready for an estate sale and packing up ready to move in only 6 weeks 😱 You have been my very best purchaser and I can not thank you enough 🌺🌺🌺
May 28Reply
missbora @hila808 You have been so great about sharing and I want to thank you for that as well. I have my prices at an all time crazy low in an effort to clear things out but it's slow going. Just want to thank you again and hopefully I'll be active again in a few months. Hugs to you both❀️
May 28Reply
sbowling88 No problem, Mahalo
May 31Reply
bellaedge Thank you for your purchase :)
Oct 19Reply
hila808 @bellaedge Thank you for the great deal!
Oct 19Reply
artsygerl @hila808 beautiful ladies with a beautiful closet!!
Nov 06Reply
hila808 @artsygerl Awww so sweet of you! Thank you!
Nov 06Reply
kaileia_kai aloha ladies. i'm local (from hawaii), as well. i appreciate you following & sharing my items from my closet.
Nov 16Reply
hila808 @kaileia_kai Aloha! Glad to know another posher from Hawaii. Thank you for all the shares!
Nov 16Reply
kaileia_kai you've been on poshmark for years? i just joined several months ago! i don't have a mannequin yet (not sure i'd purchase 1 either). so i make do with what i have. any suggestions (are appreciated)? i've been trying to improve pictures & making sure photos are represented properly (providing an accurate color, writing an accurate description), etc! guess i better purge my real closet again & post the items to hopefully get them sold.
Nov 16Reply
hila808 @kaileia_kai I would highly recommend you to buy a mannequin. You can purchase one from Amazon. Or take really good flat photos with white background or clean background with good lighting. I'll tag you a post with some tips that my sister created when she first started Poshing.
Nov 16Reply
kaileia_kai i took some with flat lays. just did it tonight. so not sure it'll help me or not & i hope it does. if not, then it's really gonna be okay. i tried my best with that i have. just gotta keep sharing & getting followers, i guess. my poshmark closet stash has been cluttering up my room (which doesn't make sense & ha trying to destash).
Nov 16Reply
happygal85 Beautiful closet thanks for all the shares ❀️❀️
Nov 18Reply
hila808 @happygal85 You too! Thank you for all the shares!
Nov 18Reply
curator_fashion You ladies have a beautiful closet! So easy to share it. Great taste and great prices! πŸ˜πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ
Dec 05Reply
hila808 @curator_fashion Thank you! So nice of you to say. Thank you for all the shares.
Dec 06Reply
dreagamb Thank you for all of the shares! That is just so sweet of you!! Your closet is fabulous! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Dec 10Reply
hila808 @dreagamb Your Closet is fabulous too!
Dec 10Reply
dreagamb @hila808 Thank you! 😊
Dec 10Reply
bossladytx Thank you for all the shares! You Ladies have a beautiful closet!
Dec 25Reply
vik_rod Thanks for all the shares! 😘😘
Jan 11Reply
hila808 @vik_rod Thank you too for all the shares!
Jan 11Reply
wafaa1229 Hi, Thank you girls for all the sharing
Jan 22Reply
hila808 @wafaa1229 You’re very welcome! Thank you too for all the shares!
Jan 22Reply
eugenata01 Thanks ! Love ur Closet ! πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
Jan 31Reply
hila808 @kaytimae You’re welcome! Thank you for all the shares too!
Apr 28Reply
schnauzermomx3 @hila808 I love that you have a picture of Ellie in your meet the Posher photos. I can tell you love her very much and she’s a big part of your family!
May 27Reply
hila808 @schnauzermomx3 Ellie was indeed a big part of my family! Ellie was also a huge part of the Poshmark Community. Whenever my sister and I put together the Poshmark packages, she’s right there watching us and looking at us as if she wants to help. So in a way, she became our Poshmark helper by guarding the packages for us. Thank you again for your kind and comforting words. I really appreciate at this time of sorrow. πŸ™β€οΈ
May 27Reply
kaileia_kai @hila808 aloha gals, i hope u are doing well. i have had some success getting items sold, growing followers & sharing community...
May 30Reply
hila808 @kaileia_kai Yippee! Glad to know that you are doing well and you have been successful in selling your items. Keep up the great work! Your closet looks great! πŸ™ŒπŸ‘
May 30Reply
kaileia_kai @hila808 i appreciate u complimenting my closet & it's appearance. it's a bit tough to get anything sold, as i don't thrift, nor purchase to post in my posh closet. everything posted are directly from my real closet at home. guess i better shop better name brands for once i decide to post, it'll get sold quickly.
May 30Reply
hila808 @kaileia_kai It’s a great start! My sister and I started with our own clothings/bags from our own closet. Another great idea is to source from family and friends. πŸ˜‰
May 30Reply
kloset_konnect πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž πŸŽ€HAPPYπŸŽ€ POSHINGπŸŽ€ DOLLπŸŽ€ CONTINUE πŸŽ€WITHπŸŽ€ MUCHπŸŽ€ SUCCESS πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Jun 18Reply
thevtgpineapple Thank you for all the shares sweet Hawaiian darlings!! I was born and raised in Hawaii. I miss it so much!!! Love to all!!
Jun 29Reply
hila808 @mwinfree1017 You’re very welcome! We were raised on the island of Oahu. How cool you were born in Hawaii. Do you miss home? Thank you too for all the shares! Mahalo! πŸ€™
Jun 30Reply
thevtgpineapple I also grew up on Oahu! My grandparents and family still live there. I miss it and my family so so much!
Jun 30Reply
hila808 @mwinfree1017 Ooh no way! Right now my Maylene live mostly on Oahu. You must missed home and the delicious local food.
Jun 30Reply
hila808 @kloset_konnect So sweet of you! Thank you!
Jul 01Reply
chelbeattie Thank you sooo much for al the shares ! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Jul 01Reply
hila808 @cavallee90 You’re welcome! Thank you too for all the shares.
Jul 01Reply
justsugarz Hi, May and JoyceπŸ™‹πŸ» I'm SUGARz! Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all the shares back! Much appreciated ☺️ I hope you two will keep in touch and that we see each other in future POSH PARTIES! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, have a safe 4th of July and HAPPY POSHING πŸ€—
Jul 01Reply
andyr221 Great closet! Take a look at mine too if you get a chance:) sending you lots of positive vibes to make quick sales!!
Jul 03Reply
hila808 @shogirl123 Aloha Sholanda! Thank you so much for stopping by our closet and for sharing about your daughter who just got back from the Big Island. Hawaii is indeed such a beautiful place and the people there and the ono food. Thank you for book marking our closet. Tag us when you’re ready to purchase for your daughter’s bday and we’ll give you an awesome discount. Mahalo!
Jul 03Reply
hila808 @justsugarz Thank you too for all the shares! Happy Poshing!
Jul 03Reply
hila808 @andyr221 Thank you! You sweet of you!
Jul 03Reply
alhopki Hi thanks for sharing my Bobs Scetchers. Real new to this still learning how to sell.
Jul 05Reply
hila808 @alhopki You’re welcome! Great start on your closet. Keep listing and sharing and lots of Posh Love will come your way! Wishing you the best! Let us know if you have any questions. We love to help and spread the Posh Love! β€οΈπŸ€™
Jul 06Reply
hila808 @shogirl123 You’re welcome! Thank you too!
Jul 06Reply
elianikat Thanks for the shares. You have a fun closet! I’m . Just building mine up. Shopping more than selling lol. On vacay but will be back soon.
Jul 07Reply
hila808 @elianikat Thank you! So sweet of you to say! Great start on your closet! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. We had other posters who guided us through this amazing app. Have a great weekend!
Jul 07Reply
wisconsinstarz Thanks ❀️ for all the shares
Jul 10Reply
hila808 @wisconsinstarz You’re welcome! πŸ€™
Jul 10Reply
lorangerie 🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬 Thank you for your kind words!!!!!!!!! You have a spectacular closetπŸ’œπŸ’œ Here’s to a great Posh Day🌸🌸🌸 🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬
Jul 11Reply
kaileia_kai aloha @hila808 did u unfollow me? πŸ€” weren't u following me! i wish u lots of sales & i appreciate u sharing.
Jul 11Reply
lunatuna920 I just started poshmark a month ago so I’m all really new to this. I just wanted to say I stumbled upon your closet and I really love it! Any tips you may have would be great!
Jul 15Reply
hila808 @kaileia_kai Aloha! We have been following you. Did it say we unfollowed you? That is so weird. Wishing you lots of sales Posh friend!
Jul 17Reply
hila808 @lorangerie Thank you!
Jul 17Reply
hila808 @lunatuna920 Great start with your closet. Keep on listing and sharing!
Jul 17Reply
hila808 That’s Ellie our Posh helper but now she’s in dog heaven. πŸ™ @ssua99
Jul 19Reply
mmadonna40 Hello doll!πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
Jul 20Reply
hila808 @mmadonna40 Hello there!
Jul 20Reply
nicholepruitt73 special* buy any 2 items no matter what the cost get a beauty gift basket( valued at $15) FREE
Jul 22Reply
hila808 @mimi46v Thank you too!
Jul 24Reply
hila808 @poshswitch Thank you!
Jul 24Reply
off_the_hanger_ Hello... Thank you SO much for all the posh love πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
Jul 26Reply
shelly4real Hi! Nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting my closet and the shares during the Dress & Skirt party πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
Jul 26Reply
hila808 @gavsplace Thank you.
Jul 26Reply
hila808 @lenabena684 You’re welcome. Thank you too.
Jul 26Reply
hila808 @shelly4real You’re welcome. Thank you too. You have a beautiful closet.
Jul 26Reply
lenarabbit02 Thank you so much for sharing my stuff!!! <3
Jul 27Reply
mamabear_rocky Love your closet, thanks for all the shares! ☺️✨
Jul 27Reply
deba1964 Thanks for the honor
Jul 28Reply
philosomom Thanks for the Posh πŸ’•
Jul 31Reply
allyrio Thank you.😊 πŸ’• for the Host Pick πŸ’œ πŸ’–πŸ˜€
Jul 31Reply
justsugarz β˜€οΈGood morning, May and Joyce β˜€οΈ I'm SUGARz πŸ™‹πŸ» just wanted to say thank you for the POSHlove shares back. I hope you will keep in touch and we see each other in future POSH PARTIES πŸŽ‰ well, enjoy the rest of your day and have a safe weekend. HAPPY POSHING πŸ’‹SUGARz
Jul 31Reply
hila808 @lenarabbit02 Thank you too!
Aug 01Reply
hila808 @lenarabbit02 Thank you for sharing too!
Aug 01Reply
hila808 @mamabear_rocky We love your closet too! Thank you for sharing!
Aug 01Reply
hila808 @deba1964 Congrats on your host pick!
Aug 01Reply
hila808 @philosomom Thank you!
Aug 01Reply
hila808 @allyrio Congrats on your host pick!
Aug 01Reply
hila808 @justsugarz Thank you for all the shares! Happy Poshing!
Aug 01Reply
fineqfinds If you like to dress up and fine quality feel free to view my closet.
Aug 02Reply
virtualcool Love you 😘 both πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
Aug 04Reply
sexynmonterey ❀️Aloha❀️ 🌸~Beautiful sisters~🌸 🌴How fun🌴 🌹Happy Poshmark🌹 Sexy N MontereyπŸ’‹ Thanks for sharing the fun!
Aug 06Reply
anamejia_11 Thank you for all of the shares!
Aug 07Reply
hila808 @anamejia_11 You’re welcome! Thank you for all the shares too. Happy Poshing!
Aug 07Reply
magicaljourney Maalo! You two have a fabulous closet. Have a nice evening. Kindest regards, Amie
Aug 10Reply
shanallc @hila808 Just wanted to say thank you for all of the shares today, darlin πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ˜Š Love your Closet btw 😍 Gorgeous items!! Have a great weekend & happy poshing, darlin!!
Aug 11Reply
aicruz27 Hi @hila808 I absolutely love your closet, You have so many amazing items πŸ’œ. When you have a moment, can you please visit my closet? Please let me know If theres anything you might be interested or if you have questions. Thanks and have a great day!!! πŸ’•πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
Aug 14Reply
jenlalerner Thank you so much!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯‚
Aug 15Reply
justsayinsigns Please check out mine as well😊
Aug 22Reply
style008 Hi May & Joyce, Your closet looks awesome and you two are adorable! I’m new to this community and hoping to make my first sale. Could you help me out by clicking like? I appreciate it. Hope you both are having a wonderful day!
Aug 22Reply
style008 Thanks so much for liking πŸ’•
Aug 22Reply
megwilliams1080 Hey lovelies- sending prayer and positive vibes to the 808 as the hurricane approaches! Spend 6 years in Honolulu and we have many friends there who are prepping for whatever is coming your way. Please do not hesitate to reach out if I can help you or any of your friends and family in Hawaii.
Aug 22Reply
hila808 @style008 Welcome to Poshmark! You will do well. Keep on sharing and listing! We will look out for your closet to share. Wishing you the best!
Aug 23Reply
hila808 @megwilliams1080 Thank you so much! We hope everyone will be safe. πŸ™
Aug 23Reply
style008 Awww Thank you ❀️ @hila808 likewise!!
Aug 23Reply
hila808 @jackieserran781 Hi Jackie. How about this, use the bundle feature and add that item to the bundle. We will offer you our lowest with discounted shipping. Will that work for you?
Aug 24Reply
hila808 @jackieserran781 Thank you Jackie for working with us on the price. I’m a teacher who works with children with special needs and my older sister works in health care so we appreciate you for all that you do for your grandson. We have a nephew with autism so we get what you mean by special school getting all that stuff. My sister and I try to help as much as we can. You have such a big heart for all that you do for your grandson. Wishing you much love to you and your family.
Aug 24Reply
hila808 @jackieserran781 Thank you Jackie for sharing your journey with your grandson. You’re very loving and caring and your grandson is so bless to have you in his life. We wish you nothing but the best. Thank you for your wishes and for all the shares. You are a share fairy! Thank you!
Aug 24Reply
dearabigail You have such a great closet! 😍
Aug 26Reply
hila808 @abigailt4488 Thank you! You have a great closet too.
Aug 26Reply
slaysprklrepeat Thank you so much for all the shares πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜πŸ€— Can’t wait to get the dress πŸ‘—!
Aug 27Reply
hila808 @slaysprklrepeat You’re welcome! My older sister kept one of the size small, it’s really a beautiful, well made dress. We hope you will like it. Mahalo for shopping in our closet. 🌸
Aug 27Reply
erin865posh Thanks for the love! You have AMAZING stuff! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’™
Aug 29Reply
hila808 @es3a13 You’re welcome! Thank you for the kind comment. You have an awesome closet too!
Aug 29Reply
hila808 @es3a13 Thank you for all the shares! 😊
Aug 29Reply
erin865posh @hila808 no prob! Thank you too!
Aug 29Reply
sugarplumlafae Hey thank you so much for the offer on the Plumeria toe ring! I really want it however my funds are very low due to doctor bills! I was born in Kaneohe, Oahu in the and I never been home. I really love it if you still have it when I can get some more money I will buy it!
Sep 01Reply
hila808 @charjessi Aloha Char! Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for stopping by our closet. So happy to see another posher from Hawaii. You’re from the windward side and we grew up in the leeward side. These beautiful Hawaiian jewelries are so unique and we would like you to have it when you have the funds. Would you like us to reserve it for you?
Sep 01Reply
sugarplumlafae @hila808 yes please! I really appreciate it! Aloha! And I love Andy Bumati and the Booga booga! I grew up watching those!
Sep 01Reply
hila808 @charjessi We love Andy and Booga Booga too! Even Frank Delima he’s hilarious! Ok we will reserve the toe ring for you. Please notify us when you’re ready to purchase. Mahalo nui loa! πŸ€™πŸŒΈ
Sep 01Reply
sugarplumlafae @hila808 thank you so much!
Sep 01Reply
hila808 @charjessi You’re welcome! πŸ€™πŸŒΈ
Sep 01Reply
scelauro Hi, can u pls tag me whenever u have sweater dresses and/or sweatshirt dresses for sale? Prefer in black, gray, off white, & tan colors. Thnx and love your closet!!
Sep 04Reply
hila808 @scelauro Hi Sheiryll! Do you prefer loose or fitted. Short or knee high. We have quite a few just haven't gotten a chance to list it yet. Let us know what you prefer and we can list it for you.
Sep 04Reply
amjohns04 Thank you for following me. Please feel free to shop in my closet and send offers. New items coming soon. Be Blessed!
Sep 14Reply
bohocactuschic @hila808 Ridiculously adorable closet!!! My thumb just got a major workout. Lol! Love love your style!!! Thank you! :)
Sep 15Reply
cfavre07 β™‘ing your stuff!
Sep 15Reply
poppytart Cute stuff
Sep 15Reply
hila808 @amjohns04 Thank you. Will check out your closet.
Sep 15Reply
hila808 @bohocactuschic Thank you so much!
Sep 15Reply
hila808 @cfavre07 Thank you!
Sep 15Reply
hila808 @poppytart Mahalo! πŸ€™
Sep 15Reply
summersmith100 Just stopped by to say I love your closet!! Be blessed 😊 Summer
Sep 15Reply
julieacolubrial I received an order from your boutique that, I believe, belongs to someone named Judy. I want to make sure it gets to her. Can you let me know how you want me to proceed? Thank you!!
Sep 18Reply
hila808 @julieacolubrial Hi Julie. Thank you for letting us know. We will contact Poshmark support team to guide us on how to proceed.
Sep 18Reply
hila808 Please provide us with the description of the item and the actual name of who we sent the package too please. Thank you Julie!
Sep 18Reply
julieacolubrial @hila808 The envelope has caramel colored velvet bikini bottoms and green socks with carrots. The sweet postcard is addressed to Judy.
Sep 19Reply
julieacolubrial The package was addressed to me, Julie Colubriale in Allen, TX.
Sep 19Reply
hila808 @julieacolubrial That for sure is not coming from our boutique because we don’t sell velvet bikini bottoms and green socks.
Sep 19Reply
hila808 @julieacolubrial Does the return address say HILA?
Sep 19Reply
hila808 @julieacolubrial Unfortunately the item you described is not from our closet. Please verify that it is from Hila808.
Sep 19Reply
hila808 @julieacolubrial Sorry I meant we don’t have caramel envelope with velvet bikini bottoms and green socks. We have a unique way of packaging that can easily be identified it’s from HILA. Please confirm the address. Maybe you tagged the wrong seller? We hope the correct buyer will receive their purchased item. Thank you though for trying to help get it to the right buyer.
Sep 19Reply
julieacolubrial @hila808 I’ll continue to look. Thank you.
Sep 19Reply
liferox13 Hi! The bank put a fraud hold on my card - they’re closed now ill be able to reprocess in the morning, thanks for understanding. I’ll send it payment over ASAP!
Sep 19Reply
hila808 @liferox13 Ok thank you for letting us know. We can hold the items you bundled until tomorrow night.
Sep 19Reply
liferox13 @hila808 thanks soooo much!
Sep 19Reply
hila808 @liferox13 Thank you for your purchase. Will wrap them up and they should be on your way to your home soon.
Sep 20Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet May & Joyce, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Sep 21Reply
bpie81 @hila808 Thanks hun! πŸ’• love your boutique too, so chic!! πŸ˜„
Sep 26Reply
hila808 @bpie81 So sweet of you to say.y sister and I kind of went over board with the Hawaiian names. πŸ˜† Mahalo! πŸ€™πŸŒΈ
Sep 26Reply
tierra_treasure Love the closet girls! #girlboss πŸ’œ
Oct 03Reply
beckyl78 @hila808 BEAUTIFUL CLOSET LOVELIES!!!😍😍😍😍
Oct 14Reply
hila808 @tees_treasures Thank you! πŸ€™πŸŒΈ
Oct 14Reply
hila808 @beckyl78 Thank you! So sweet of you! πŸ€™πŸŒΈ
Oct 14Reply
_the_rack Thank you for sharing ladies!!! ❀️ 😊 I try to share everyday sometimes I can't 😭 but I always remember you! πŸ€—
Nov 08Reply
hila808 @_the_rack You’re so sweet. Thank you. We will share when we can too.
Nov 09Reply
azat Cute closet!!! Tag me next time you have a posh meetup in Los Angeles or if ever, in Northern California. I live in California too!!β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
Dec 09Reply
hila808 @azat Thank you! Will do!
Dec 09Reply
debc627 @hila808 Love the Hawaiian jewelry 🌺😍 God bless you
Jan 25Reply
hila808 @debc627 Mahalo! πŸ€™
Jan 26Reply
debc627 @hila808 mahalo for the shares! 😍
Jan 26Reply
hila808 @debc627 You’re welcome! πŸ€™
Feb 06Reply
debc627 @hila808 Thanks again, you're the best! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸŒ΄πŸŒ΄πŸŒ΄
Feb 07Reply
thecampaign19 Welcome to my poshmark gorgeous keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Feb 21Reply
bbatista1021 Hi just wanted to say you have a great closet! Happy poshing! πŸ’•
Feb 26Reply
hila808 @bbatista1021 So sweet of you to say! Mahalo! πŸ€™
Feb 26Reply
thecampaign19 @hila808 anytime sis love is love keep in touch and stay blessed
Mar 31Reply
kkayephelps @hila808 okay I love you too
May 16Reply
sharfashion @kkayephelps Aloha! How’s it going? Man I’ve been busy with Life that Posh has been in the back burner. How’s it going?
May 16Reply
shopmycloset_sd Hello beautiful Maylin, So happy to meet you & your friend tonight 😘😘😘 @ Poshmark Party here in LA. When you have Posh & sip here in LA, let me know. I’ll follow you on Instagram as well. Warm Regards, Shirley
Jul 19Reply
hila808 @shopmycloset_sd Hello Shirley! It was nice meeting you too! Let’s figure out what month to have the Posh N Sip and I will contact Poshmark.
Jul 20Reply
shopmycloset_sd @hila808 I know France (style me stat) love this Posh & Sip. Can I message you Instagram of my schedule?
Jul 20Reply
shopmycloset_sd @hila808 I message you via Instagram re my schedule.
Jul 20Reply
kiki_kouture I love your closet! Gorgeous! My husband was born and raised in Hawaii!! (Ya’ll are so lucky! 😍) Aloha and Happy Poshing!! πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ₯°
Aug 05Reply
hila808 @shopmycloset_sd Sorry for the delay response. I hope we can do a Posh & Sip after Poshfest! Let’s keep in touch Shirley. Ooh and awesome work in your closet. Keep it up! πŸ™Œ
Aug 05Reply
hila808 @kiki10g Ooh no way! I was raised on the island of Oahu. Such a beautiful island. Do you visit to Hawaii with you hubby? Mahalo for stopping by our closet. πŸ€™
Aug 05Reply
kiki_kouture @hila808 My husband was born and raised in Honolulu!! (Oh my, maybe you know each other! 😁) We are leaving Friday for Oahu and it can’t come soon enough 😍 We were married at the Halekulani and named our daughter (after a kind of ratchet hotel in Honolulu, LOL, but I just loved the name. Don’t tell her πŸ˜‚) Would you like me to bring you back anything? Some shortbread cookies from the Honolulu Cookie Co?!!😍😍😍 Kind of obsessed. 😍
Aug 05Reply
kiki_kouture @hila808 What high school did you attend? My husband went to St. Louis! I am telling him about you now. He doesn’t recognize you. Lol. I think he’s older than you!!
Aug 05Reply
hila808 @kiki10g I have friends graduated from St. Luis and Damian. Ask your hubby if he knows Brent Limos.
Aug 06Reply
kiki_kouture @hila808 He doesn’t!!! I may just have to bring him along to this posh and sip so ya’ll can talk story!!! (Don’t worry, I won’t bring him 😁) Have a wonderful evening! 🌴
Aug 06Reply
jennymess822 Hiii...Thanks so much for the shares! As a thank you I'd like to offer you a bundle deal for any 2/$20 or 3/$30 items (excluding some shoes & AK watch) or feel free to make me any offer(s) on any item(s) you may like! I am very reasonable with pricing. The Poshmark support is always appreciated! Happy Poshing and wishing you many sales! πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ›πŸ€
Oct 13Reply
margaretmegan1 Hello. Thank you for visiting my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions in regards to my items. Have a wonderful evening.🌺😁
Nov 15Reply
changeunlimited Aloha πŸ’•πŸ€™πŸΌ Mahalo for the shares πŸ₯°πŸ˜ŽπŸ€—
Nov 16Reply
missbora Hi there🌿🌺🌿 hope you girls are both well and enjoying the wonderful things this time of year brings. We are gearing up for the holidays and our annual Christmas party wish you weren’t far away. Since you have some of my favorite pieces I had to let you know I’ve given in and listed my last lovely gown, reluctantly I must add. Hugs to you both and hope you have a blessed thanksgiving ❀️
Nov 21Reply
hila808 @missbora Aloha Deborah! Thank you for the sweet note. I’ve been taking it easy, recovering from an accident that fractured my tibula and fibula bones on my left leg. I hope by next month I can start physical therapy. I wish I could buy those lovely gowns you listed but give me some time to recover and will be back into wearing something pretty from your closet. In the mean time I’ll share when I can and I hope they go to a lovely new home.
Nov 27Reply
hila808 @missbora This is the most beautiful time of the year I’m sure with your festive decors Thanksgiving and Christmas will be beautiful. I wish I live close to you. Would love to see your amazing decor. Take care and have a blessed Thanksgiving. β€οΈπŸ’
Nov 27Reply
av7x Hey beauties Happy poshing
Mar 02Reply
missbora Hi sweet girl! How are you doing? Hope you and your sister are both well and staying safe in these unsettling times. We are all fine here in the high desert and still 3 generations under one roof. Our addition/conversion permit finally went through and then the pandemic put a stop to construction... but all is well. Love our constant sunshine in the summer and beautiful snow in the winter. Hugs to you both❀️
May 29Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to Stop By my Closet πŸŽ€
Mar 18Reply
candy258 Hi πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈHappy Poshingβ€ΌοΈπŸ›
Jan 10Reply
watsonlilmommy @hila808 hello check out my closet I have so nice items in my closet that you may like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 07Reply
watsonlilmommy @hila808 hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in as well β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
Jul 19Reply
Dec 17Reply
tonistwinkles @hila808 Aloha my long lost PFF! How have you been? Are you ever coming back to Posh? Miss you. Hope to hear from you soon. Posh Love, Toni 🌺 🌺🌺
Mar 15Reply
alor_india Hi @hila808 I love your closet! I’m from Alor Bas going Live from India. All our products are handcrafted with love and made by the artisans in India. I hope you find something special in my closet! Would love if you can stop by to my show and support us. Do follow my closet, like and share if you like something from my closet and I'll do the same! Lots of poshlove!
Aug 02Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi! I shared some of ur a disabled RN recently divorced with no help so I try to make money on Poshmark to offset my medical and lawyer prices,quality and clearance sales under the everything must go black box listing.please take a look and i have over 500+ items to list so check back! I will have a huge variety.☺️ please share in return.ty!
Apr 04Reply
yklaus I'm sorry for the early inquiry. I was wondering if I could ask you a question. I'm not having any luck with contacting Poshmark.
Sep 01Reply

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