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This listing is for Prayer requests only. If you have a need, please leave it here. There are many Women and Men who want to Pray for your needs. This is only a Prayer request. This is my third time to post this, only to delete it because of other comments left or bullying. I for one, am an Adult. This is a selling site, Poshmark says that in the rules. So, if another comment is left, I will take it down and repost it again, because I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Paula

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Continue prayers for @Janismarie and her Mother, prayers for Karen and a new job, prayers for Brandon fighting addiction and will win, Prayers for Chad, Sara, Barbara. Prayer for my Husband who was admitted to the Hospital yesterday, due to complications of Stage 4 Cancer. May God bless each of these people in their struggles everyday. We Pray for healing, we pray for God's forgiveness and we are Blessed by his Love.
Jul 17Reply

@dkmendez11 😘
Jul 17Reply

@janismarie thank you much., I think he will be fine. He was having a scan done & the injection caused major chest pains, he has had a quad bypass. I actually had jut left him from 1 apt to go to mine. They almost had to vent him. He hates the Hospital, I was shocked to get a call. But he collapsed. He also had heat exhaustion, from doing way too much. It is Chad's bday so he, his wife and Sara are at the hospital now. He won't let me spend the night plus the pup. All will be ok Really think. PK
Jul 17Reply

@dkmendez11 wish you were his nurse! Thank you.
Jul 17Reply

@janismarie the pansy represents something to me, but what does it represent to you. I have been meaning to ask?
Jul 17Reply

@bkimh hope it is a good day and night for you. Thinking of you on my Prayer path walk this am, in a little rain listening to a great Sermon on Ismael and Issac. See my note above. Richard is in the Hospital.
Jul 17Reply

@janismarie YOU a Tattoo. I would never have guessed that looking at you. But my Mother, two Sisters and myself were Tri Delts in College. All different colleges, but Pansy was the flow. Then when my Oldest Sister Pamela was dying, from that awful "c"word, her Husband would plant thousands of panties for her to see in the Winter. They were beautiful against the snow. I do like Pansies! 😘
Jul 17Reply

@janismarie yes it counts...sort of!! You are a wild child! 😘
Jul 17Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, I am truly sorry about your husband. I know that our Lord will take care of his children. I do think about and pray for both of you daily. I hope all is well as possible with you. Please take care of yourself and know I am praying daily. Thank you so much for letting me know. 💞💞Kim
Jul 17Reply

@flylightly, Rhonda the 2nd pic is for you with God's Words. Still can't get over 29 biopsies! You must hold the world record but not in that😕😘😉. Prayers continue. PK.
Jul 18Reply

@paulaalbe1 this is awesome! So happy I found this listing... well I need some prayers... I recently lost my job prompting my return to posh to help pay bills. I left posh end of last year because of all the FAKE listings on here... anyways... back again selling AUTHENTIC items in great condition. I just pray I am able to find a job soon... dipping into my wedding fund... so that is also on hold :( at least I have my faith and my amazing fiance!!!! I know He will provide!
Jul 25Reply

@gracekellie13 oh I am glad you saw this. You have a wonderful closet, so I am following you. I am so sorry about your job. We will all pray that you find one soon and not dip into the wedding fund. It is nice to know you have a wonderful fiancé. 🙏🌺🙏🙏@janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 both of these Women are awesome and @bkimh has a wonderful prayer site and both ladies pray a lot. So please keep us posted. I will change my prayer daily, I hope. PK
Jul 25Reply

Thank you for the kind words and the encouragement! I am in @janismarie share group and follow @bkimh so happy I met you today Paula! I appreciate you doing this... and keeping the faith! I will pray with you ladies and excited to be in share groups and look forward to your daily prayer!!!!
Jul 25Reply

@janismarie amen!!!! Seriously love connecting with women of Faith! ☺️☺️☺️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I'm sharing the group of ladies right now! So glad I came upon your closet and listing @paulaalbe1
Jul 25Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, thank you for listing my post also to @gracekellie13. We all need each other in these evil, sad, sickly world. I do hope you and Richard are doing well! I do think and pray for you both. 💞💞💞kim
Jul 26Reply

I completely agree @bkimh I feel things are just so upside down these days! My mom and I were talking about the enormous among of evil we are witnessing in our country and world! We keep praying. Keep the faith. Xoxox ladies so glad we all connected on this level! 😇🙏🏼😇🙏🏼
Jul 26Reply

@gracekellie13 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💞💞
Jul 26Reply

@bkimh you are so, so kind. Richard is not doing so well. I don't know if I mentioned, he had an MI while doing a bone scan. It was the injection, which has never happened. He has been down since the He is sleeping quite a bit. We were worried when we had family dinner last sat. He fell asleep while we were talking with the "kids" & our granddaughter😉. He is feeling better & we are watching a movie together. Thanks for asking. Prayers to you each day. PK
Jul 26Reply

@alise28 I prayed for your Uncle and for you this am. Your Uncle has had quite a time and I have prayed for his infection to clear. If I understand correctly, he has Kidney Disease in addition to other ailments. may he and your Family continue to support him. For you, PT for Migraines? I never knew you could use PT that way? Dumb question, but has anyone recommended Botox for them? I am sure I have missed that along the way. My prayer is there is something that can heal these for you. 🙏🙏💐. PK
Jul 26Reply

@janismack7 please keep Jan in your prayers as she is caring for her Mother, who has been diagnosed with aggressive cancer. 🙏🙏
Jul 27Reply

@janimack7. Sorry correction on name.
Jul 27Reply

@gracekellie13 just for you today!!
Jul 28Reply

@paulaalbe1 AMEN!!!! this is so true! thank you ;;)
Jul 28Reply

In the 2nd picture, you will see part of my testimony. Reaffirming faith for me came at a very difficult time. I believe we go through suffering and pain, like our Lord, to keep believing, keep being hopeful and knowing that God Loves you and Me, no matter what. @gracekellie13 @janismarie @bkimh @alise28 @jeffandsherri and anyone who reads this.
Jul 28Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, if Jesus Christ did. To give second, third, fourth, and on and on, chances, then none of us would ever be saved. It is indeed what he did on the Cross for us. He gave his life. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💞💞Kim
Jul 29Reply

@bkimh how correct you are!! But walking with the path with Our Lord is so reassuring. We are all sinners. You are such a treat😘.
Jul 29Reply

Good morning, today I am lifting @kden_wallace and @mandapanda83 in prayer as we ask the Lord to provide them solace and comfort during this difficult time. @paulaalbe1 how is your husband doing? Keeping you both in my prayers as well! @janismarie @bkimh @alise28 @jeffandsherri praying for you ladies as well! My posh prayer ladies!!!
Jul 30Reply

AMEN @janismarie so many men and women out there who need our prayers!
Jul 30Reply

@ruthies1693 Ladies please lift up this sweet Christian Woman. She is also looking for a job. She has applied to 15 places and had one interview. Let's pray she gets that job, should it be God's will. We want her in a good environment. 🙏🙏😘
Aug 02Reply

@flylightly how are you doing? You have been in my prayers🙏🙏. Any results from the last bone marrow biopsy?
Aug 02Reply

@paulaalbe1 wow! This is really sweet of you sis! Thank you! You are in my prayers as well. God bless your loving soul! ❤️😘🙏
Aug 03Reply

If I tripped over my own feet 1 more time today, I would be on my back. I have not posted my message of the day, as I could not find my Jesus' Calling, I sat, in peace just praying what is it I need to pray for today? Oh the rains for 23 days have been a mess in Florida. Most of saying ENOUGH!! Walking the prayer path in the mornings, literally stalled for several days. Finally saying, if one more storm, I am going mall walking. Continued
Aug 05Reply

Not that mall walking is bad, I would do it! And then it occurred to me, pray for peace. My Best Friend and I had lunch and we talk of the Cancers in our Families. Praying that her Husband, who is healed, stop worrying about every ache and pain thinking it is cancer again. I opened Jesus Calling and the message today was stop on. I turned to the actual Psalm of. 37:5 - 9 seeing it bold, underlined and a P and C by it. A Command to Be Still! A Promise of hope
Aug 05Reply

I am sorry I missed the reading for a few days. What perfect words to open to today. The sky was blue & hopeful this morning, walking the Prayer Path. I said prayers for @bkimh @janismarie @gracekellie13 @alise28 @lauras_boutique @poshpegasus @ruthies1693 @dkmendez11 @flylightly @kden_wallace @mandapanda83, & many more, for the Peace of The Lord to Surround you. Finding joy in the Fountains after a hot walk & the ability to keep going. Enjoying the walk home. PK
Aug 05Reply

Good morning @paulaalbe1 I truly appreciate your prayers for me and the other women! I had a busy day with interviews yesterday so fingers crossed something pans out or more keep coming my way! I made several sales yesterday which was very uplifting for me! Keeping you in my prayers and again thank you! 😃😃🙏🏼🙏🏼🌺🌻
Aug 06Reply

@alise28 keeping you and your uncle in my prayers! I too will join in rain dance and prayers for more rain 💧💦☔️☁️💧💦☔️ Have a great day! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Aug 06Reply

@paulaalbe1 I lost my faith many years ago. I don't believe in prayer, but I wish I did. This is a very sweet post & just wanted to say thank you for spreading some much needed love❤️
Aug 09Reply

Dear Prayer Warriors @flylightly @alise28 @bkimh @janismarie @gracekellie13 & all! I am asking for prayer today. I have felt lousy the last couple of days & today I really feel yucky I normally don't ask for prayer, as I know leukemia comes with fatigue & lots of side effects. I am in bed writing this. I just ache and I am so tired, yet have insomnia. This week is important. I am at peace, but will you say a prayer that I feel better & this week goes smoothly. Lots of Docs! Appreciate. Pk
Aug 09Reply

@paulaalbe1 prayers up! I'm sending you good relaxing juju vibes your way... So you can rest and relax your mind and body. I do pray you feel better soon. Maybe some warm tea and prayer/ mediation time? Also, when I can't sleep I take a melatonin pill, it's all natural to help with sleep a long with some sleepy time tea. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 keep us posted and try to rest! <hugs & prayers>
Aug 09Reply

@gracekellie13 thanks. You know I am going to get some tea and a hot bath. I take sleep medications just not during the day!! Still need to posh😝. Thanks for words of encouragement. PK.
Aug 09Reply

Morning! Wanted to touch base @paulaalbe1 and see how you are feeling today. I hope you were able to rest yesterday a bit better. Keeping you I my prayers 💓🙏🏼💓🙏🏼
Aug 11Reply

Long story short (seriously), I went back to school in 2011, because my ex is a deadbeat & my clerical jobs weren't enough to make ends meet without alimony. I got an Assoc in Science degree (yay me!) focusing on sleep, in 2013, passed my cert exam & got a great job in Sept (again yay me!). Fell @ work on Valentine's Day of 2014 & shattered. After a yr & a 1/2 & multiple surgeries, I found out yesterday that I need surgery #4 on my shoulder!😣
Aug 11Reply

@abstractdreams oh my! That is awful. We will continue to pray for you to get better ASAP. Keep us posted please. @gracekellie13 @janismarie @bkimh @flylightly @alise28
Aug 11Reply

@gracekellie13 oh you are so sweet. I took your advise and drank hot tea and I must say that was very helpful!! Also a long hot bath. I am still very tired but I force myself to get up and get some things done. I really need to rest. I see my Doc and Oncologist this week. Oh, I have to do labs Womp Womp. I don't like lab work. Thanks again. PK
Aug 11Reply

I love it. And all the Posher's on your tag list too. Thx in advance to all.💕
Aug 11Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, I just saw your message and I am praying for you. I pray our Lord will ease your pain, give you strength that you need and that know in your heart that he knows what you have need of and will provide in his time. Do not give up and let him heal you from the inside out. Pls get rest and hope your appts. Goes well💞kim
Aug 11Reply

This was so comforting to me today. God's perfect timing. To bed in a few minutes. Will miss Poshing tonight, but I need as much rest. It is boring if I don't sleep so I pray instead. Not looking ahead and not looking behind, just where Joy came from today.
Aug 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 I love you even more each time I visit your closet 💛 please keep me int prayers as I start new school and also searching for a job in a new city is not easy, I ask God to help me choose the right job that will work with my school schedule. You're doing a wonderful thing, keep it up and repost as much as you need. God is so much bigger then any negativity and I pray and hope for Him to soften negative hearts. 💛
Aug 12Reply

@alise28 : Oh no...that does not sound good!😳
Aug 12Reply

@alise28 Alise I am starting to pray for you even now. Please put on my prayer list also. I know God says where two or three are gathered in my name there I will be. This includes in spirit also. Praying for my dear friend.🙏🏻🙏🏻kim
Aug 12Reply

@alise28 Praying for you 💛
Aug 12Reply

@alise28 I started this post earlier. I pulled into a parking spot to pray for you. Then my friend came and we together prayed. We see in the first part of Mark how Jesus healed many and our Prayer is that Our Lord Heal you. I always like to pray for whatever you need specifically and know that that is hard to ask for here. We are believers in Christ, children of God. Not one of us comes before another. I am Concerned it is the headaches and ask for healing in Christ's name. Paula.
Aug 12Reply

@tch109 my little poodle lover! Going to Harvard. Well we are in good company. We certainly pray for a direction that is inspired by God. And, your school books are covered. Ladies we need to share this closet ASAP! PK.
Aug 12Reply

We'll leave it to me to mess up. I put today's message yesterday. But I think it worked out fine. I want to dedicate this to @alise28, and I think it is a perfect reading for her and all of us. @bkimh @tch109 @gracekellie13 @abstractdreams @flylightly @janismarie @ all!
Aug 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 You're wonderful 😘😘😘😘😘 thank you so much for all your support and all the shares 😊😊😊💛💛💛 I'm so excited and humbled! Thank you 😘
Aug 13Reply

I love today's word from Jesus Calling. It reminds us that this life is not eternal, but with God it is. I could not wait to share this.
Aug 15Reply

Oh I like today's Jesus Calling! But then again, I like them all!
Aug 18Reply

@alise28 @abstractdreams @bkimh @treasuresbytrac @siouxshawn @flylightly @gracekellie13 @ruthies1693 @vashby @mimolynn @tch109 @janismarie I have prayed separate prayers. For @alise28, she received MRI results that require a neurosurgeon. For those that need jobs, need pain relief, lost hope, those going back to school & our spirits & God's Grace upon our lives. It would be easy for me to throw in the towel. I have been there. But I stand in Peace and Prayer, trusting God's timing. 🙏.
Aug 19Reply

PS and if anyone reads this, please pray for my commercial building to sell. The flood repair is finished. I could throw in a few others health wise, but I am good right now. PK 🙏😘
Aug 19Reply

@paulaalbe1 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💞
Aug 19Reply

@paulaalbe1 🙏🙏💐🌹💐🌹🙏🙏 Thank you with all my heart!! Praying your building will sell and that today your are feeling full of energy and ready to face anything that comes your way! 💕💐🌹😊💐🌹💕
Aug 19Reply

Your husband is in my prayers, as are you. I ask that you please pray for Wes and his family. He is fighting cancer everywhere in his body. Even in his brain. But there is always hope. I ask that you pray for the struggles I am going through in life, with my relationship and health. In Jesus name, thank you for hearing me.
This is a beautiful thing to have on here. Thank you for this. You are truly blessed ❤️
Aug 20Reply

I'm sorry to ask for more, but I know if I don't ask, I will not receive. I pray for my family, they they don't have to struggle anymore because of me. I was in a serious car accident and since have had to stop working. I am on disability, but it does not cover all there is to live. My mind doesn't comprehend things as easily as others and so things are very hard for me. I get frustrated because I didn't ever used to be this way-always took care of myself, and now things are not easy at all.
Aug 20Reply

Second part-
I give to the church, and I help as much as I can, anywhere I can. I just don't know What to do anymore. I'm loosing my home. Our home. All I can do is rely on God. I know that. I just know any extra prayers will help. Thank you so very much. ~ Melissa
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 ,not your fault you are on Disability, anymore than me. I am on your page today. I was happy to walk with my friend. in front of my face I saw God answer prayer. In Walgreens, for a break, no one gets cell there. Her phone rang & she was offered a job that we prayed for. But I was, but God what about me? Yes, I was down today.Then I posted this today & I am reminded, when we are lost, Cry to The Lord through the Psalms. That is where you need to be,Me also, where God meets us.
Aug 20Reply

Thank you so much...what can I pray for for you? Also, I want so badly to sell things on here but I don't even have the money to ship them. I don't know how it's done. I'll have to figure it out. Again, you are a blessing to me today.
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 I can't say everything in 500 characters. Please email at or we can talk. I have more to say. But @janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 @tch109 and please, please pray for Melissa! We must🙏🙏
Aug 20Reply

Thank you I definitely will. That's why I had to post it in 3 different posts! I'm sorry!
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 oh I can teach you to sell. The buyer pays for postage. It is just getting it loaded. I get so tired and need help posting. I am not as good as say @janismarie, but she is one of my favorite people! I think we talked 3 hours one night. Strong Christian Woman and a hoot. Right now I need prayers to sell my commercial building & home. I said it. PK. 🙏😘
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 don't be sorry about long posts. That is why this is a prayer listing bee all can participate. @bkimh has one also. She rocks the prayers. What a wonderful Woman she is also. I learn from some of the best! Right here on little ole PM!! PK. 👀. Just like those eyes. Humor friend, humor.
Aug 20Reply

I will definitely pray for you! I will email you tomorrow and we can discuss things. May you have a blessed evening!
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 oops I missed the post about Wes. Yes, there is always hope. FYI, read about me, but look at the second pic. They are funny.
Aug 20Reply

I did! I loved it! Made me laugh out loud!
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 Melissa, you are going on my prayer list that are prayed for by so many prayer partners on here. God hears the cries of his children and know their pain, suffering, any thing we have need of, he knows. I pray that he move on your behalf. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. If you need to talk, please feel free to tag me. Thank you so much @paulaalbe1 for tagging me Paula. Still praying🙏🏻🙏🏻
Aug 20Reply

@paulaalbe1 @designergirl78 Ladies, I am praying for you both! I always remember... God will squeeze us but never choke! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Aug 20Reply

@bkimh and Paula, thank you so much! I appreciate your prayers! I ask in Jesus holy name that Anything you need answered, will be. Also, anything I can pray for for you, please ask. In Jesus name, thank you
Aug 20Reply

@gracekellie13 I needed to hear that😘🙏
Aug 20Reply

Remember... it's all in HIS time... we must pray and keep the Faith! He will provide. (hugs)
Aug 20Reply

@designergirl78 I thought of you today and prayed for you on my prayer path walk! Always a good time to pry. Means I had the strength to do it! 🙏🙏
Aug 24Reply

Coming home tonight from my Stepdaughter's, the timing was PERFECT!! Chuck Swindol was preaching on worry. A couple of notes, but I was driving. We are not to tell God OUR Agenda, I gulped. We are to lay them at Our Lord's feet, as he knows the timing. Well, that doesn't mean we don't pray, it just means we give it to God. I keep giving those prayers! PK
Aug 24Reply

@paulaalbe1 thank you so much. I found out yesterday I have pneumonia and fluid around my heart. It hurts so bad I can't breathe. I have prayed for you as well. Have a blessed evening !
Aug 24Reply

So, we are told not to worry, and we are't worrying. My Husband, Richard is very good at "not worrying" and I really don't know how he does it. I think sleep is his escape. But we received his CAT Scan results on Friday afternoon. Always on Fridays or a Holiday he has a tumor in the adrenal gland, which is strange, because I have one there also. Maybe we will have twins! Sadly, his PSA rose to 14.8, he doesn't have a Prostrate, thus it should be 0. On to a new Chemo drug🙏
Aug 24Reply

@designergirl78 no tell me it is not so? I had it in the Hospital and they finally drained it off in the back. I am hoping they can do that for you, if needed. If not needed, we will all be praying for the antibodics to work quickly. Keep your head up, literally do not lay flat. Like I am a nurse. But that I know. We are all praying for you🙏🙏. Please keep me posted if you can, but rest. PK
Aug 24Reply

@bkimh I sense you knew I needed prayer. I do. Oh KIm, I was weeping to God asking out loud, I am waiting patiently, but I need him now. I can't say I ever get the feeling a lot that God is talking to me other through scripture, but I keep feeling, God saying just hold my hand. I don't care about my health. I would rather others get more time. But I just cannot win, get there, whatever it is called
Aug 26Reply

@bkimh when my For Sale commercial building flooded I caught it. Insurance fixed it. God cleaned the ugly up in it! Then I learned after 6 weeks of reconstruction, the agent did not put content coverage on the inside of the building, but premium went up $2000 to $7000. I am trying to deal with the owners. One is a god guy and doesn't want me to sue them, but I am lost. I went to him first. We've known each other 20 years. What is your advise and prayer. That is just one of many issues. PK
Aug 26Reply

Well, if you read this tonight, I am asking for unspoken prayer. I am feeling out of options. I was bawling to God!! Like there are not others in the world that need him.
Aug 26Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, I don't know your situation on all of this, but if these ppl are not willing to work with you on this matter, then there is a time that you can sue. If he is claiming to be a Christian, then he would want to work out something. I would take it truly to the Lord and he will give you confirmation on what you should do. It is not always wrong to sue. But let the Lord lead. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Kim
Aug 26Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, when you speak about not winning, or getting there, what are you speaking about? Can you answer this first for me and I will help you from here!!🙏🏻🙏🏻Kim
Aug 26Reply

@bkimh very nice. I am thinking on my answer to put it into words. Trying to form it correctly or content wise. Pk😘
Aug 26Reply

This post will go more than than 500, so out with it. This week was a tough week, both for Richard & myself We are married & we are one & must hold one another up. It can be a struggle when you both learn of news or events that occur. I believe our greatest prayer need is to be present for one another. More importantly turn to God to hold us up. We lay our prayers, fear, worry & emotions that we cannot control at Jesus' feet.
Aug 30Reply

Richard has been very fortunate. Given 1-2 years of life & making it 5 years w/Cancer has been a blessing. We knew his cancer was spreading. Numbers increasing Well, we know there are spots behind an eye, his headaches awful, a spot under an arm, a spot in the adrenal gland. But, worst is a spot in the liver. All found on a CAT Scan. A Pet Scan done same day, Thursday. We await results and await God's direction of the course of action, if any.
Aug 30Reply

I think both Richard and myself just ask for prayers of not worrying before we know everything and joy the God can bless us in the midst of a storm🙏😘. I have been a bit quiet for other reasons, but we must carry on. Love, PK😘🙏
Aug 30Reply

Aug 30Reply

@janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 may I ask for prayer for my Stepdaughter, Sara. I am with her at the ER. We are in fast and she is now getting a CT Scan of her Brain. Her EKG shows she has an enlarged heart, but we are trying to deal with her CT of the head at this point. She is only. 23. Just lost her Grandfather and we have not told her about her Father and the advancement of his cancer to the liver, etc. 🙏🙏 please say a special prayer. Paula
Sep 01Reply

My dear @paulaalbe1 I'm keeping you both in my prayers tonight. In sending you calming thoughts during this time so you can stay strong and encouraging. Hugs and prayers 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Sep 01Reply

@janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 Tks much for 🙏Got right in ER w/Sara. CT Scan shows some activity that she may be have seizures, headaches are awful, infection & I looked at EKG & she has an enlarged heart on left side Nurse who was great said secondary concern. We arrived home at 1 am👀 & tired. We go to My Doc tomorrow & an MRI for her. Then I go with Richard Thursday on PET Scan. No time for my health but time to Glorify God through Christ. Tks so much for 🙏. PK
Sep 02Reply

@paulaalbe1 still praying for all three of you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sep 02Reply

@paulaalbe1 you have to slow down and take a second to mediate and check in with yourself! You must be strong and healthy xoxox
Sep 02Reply

Hi Paula, I am praying for you, your husband and stepdaughter, may God give you all extra strength and encouragement during these hard days. Much love to you and many hugs 🙏🌷💛😘
Sep 02Reply

Please know each of you are prayed for daily🙏. Enjoying the walk home. PK
Sep 07Reply

Today's reading really struck a chord with me. I love PM & every person that I have the chance to visit with, pray for, hope for and LOVE. This reminds me we are forgiven for our sins, if we ask for forgiveness from God, through Christ who paid for our sins. We must learn that faith over feelings is something to work on. If you have turned away, just look back. No one is to guilt you or bully you in any way. Thanks to those that have stood by me & pray for me & my Family. Love, PK
Sep 07Reply

Sorry, I have a P.S. Richard and I made it to our 18th Wedding Anniversary!🎉🎉🎉. We had lunch and made one another cards, that was worth more than any card. I did not marry until I was 36. Richard is the only Husband I know. And today is special. We don't know how much time either one of has together in this world; Especially, with the news of Richard. But we do know, we love God first & one another secondly. Enjoying the walk home. PK🙏🙏💝
Sep 07Reply

Happy anniversary Paula and Richard 💝
I pray for you and for your "walk Home" where we will have all of eternity to meet and catch up! We are each only given "this moment" ~ you are embracing and seeing it as the "Gift" that it truly is! Thank you for letting God be glorified through your suffering ~ your long "walk Home"! 😘
blessings and prayers ~ karen & Bella Grace
Sep 08Reply

@karenjc223 Karen, you are so sweet. You brought happy tears to my eyes😘🐶. Your puppy is so adorable! PK.
Sep 08Reply

Thank you Paula ☺️ her name is Bella (means beautiful) Grace ~ and Grace surely is Beautiful! 😘
Sep 08Reply

Please keep my little 3 year old In your prayers. He has been with fever since Friday. We visited the urgent care on Saturday and they gave him antibiotics for strep throat.. 48 hrs passed from the first dosis of anti. And he still has high fever. Please pray for healing!! Thank you!!
Sep 08Reply

@malala @bkimh @alise28 @gracekellie13 @janismarie @flylightly @treasuresbytrac please say a prayers for @malala her 3 year old Son has had a high fever since Friday night. @malala we will all pray that your Son's fever break through God's healing hands. Ice pack under pillow? PK.
Sep 08Reply

@flylightly thank you. You are a good Mommy. I was telling my Husband about you today and how remarkable you are. How are you?
Sep 08Reply

@malala Oh, goodness! Praying for your sweet boy! I would encourage you to consider the ER soon if his fever doesn't break.
Sep 08Reply

@paulaalbe1 Thank you for sharing. Praying!
Sep 08Reply

Thank you lady's for such nice words and for having the heart and time to pray for my little one ! I have tried and keep on doing everything suggested 😉 .. Just asking the Lord that the Antib. kick in tonight !!!
I feel so blessed on finding so much love in this app! It is amazing how God works things out! Thank you all lady's for prayers! Love in Christ! Ale. 💖
Sep 08Reply

Sorry I forgot to post yesterday's Jesus Calling Devotion. I can say that @malala, informed me today that her Son's fever finally broke, as he had a virus attached to step throat. So good to hear! @janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13
Sep 10Reply

Yes !!!! Praise God he is doing much better today! He even had three meals after 5 days on liquid only! I give thanks for all your prayers ladies! I am grateful for ya'll! Tonight I pray for his Doctor...That God will give him always knowledge, patience and compassion for his patients. 💖
Sep 10Reply

@paulaalbe1 how did your day end?? Two docs in a day may get a little boring ...Thank Goodness you have this app to keep you busy! ☺️
@flylightly how are you feeling? @treasuresbytrac and @janismarie and all of you ladies who prayed for my son thank you! Hope you all have a restful night! Blessings for you all! 💖
Sep 10Reply

@malala Oh, my goodness!! 👏🏻👏🏻 Praising the Lord for answered prayer!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💃🏼💃🏼👭👭 So happy to hear your sweet boys fever broke!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😍😍 Thank you Jesus!!
Sep 10Reply

@malala Got home at 8 pm. I was suppose to attend a baby drop in shower, but never made it. I have picked out some necklaces for you. Want me to surprise you. Or want to pick? It will be tomorrow. In Brazil, Richard and I are at odds over the 2nd place we were. It was Thanksgiving maybe 2012. We traveled from Monte Carlo to Rio on last day. Weather not good that day. But I think we were in Recife and Foro? I just remember having the best Brazilian meal at a local restaurant.
Sep 10Reply

@paulaalbe1 sorry to hear that... you deserve a good rest! Love surprises !! 😊☺️💖
Sep 10Reply

@treasuresbytrac yes! Thank you Jesus!! 😊💖
Sep 10Reply

@malala my Husband just said don't stay up too long. I won't. Great. I like to give surprises. PK😘
Sep 10Reply

Asking for prayers for my husband and myself. We are going through a difficult time.
Sep 13Reply

@jamdown1 praying now. Some great prayer art era here. @treasuresbytrac @janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 @siouxshawn @alise28 @abstractdreams @taita75
Sep 13Reply

@jamdown1 sending prayers your way for strength... keep the Faith. God is great and merciful... just have to have faith and lean on your fellow prayer warriors xoxox
Sep 13Reply

@gracekellie13 I receive this prayer in JESUS name and I thank you. In a Christian and I love the LORD with all my heart but my husband is not. I'm not giving up, GOD is in control.
Sep 13Reply

@gracekellie13 thank you and GBY
Sep 13Reply

@jamdown1 Praying for you and you husband right now!! Thank you sweet @paulaalbe1 Paula for the prayer tag! 💕💐🌹😊💐🌹💕
Sep 13Reply

@treasuresbytrac Oh LORD, I thank you and glorify your precious name, your wonders never cease. Thank you my sweet doors for the prayer and I receive it in JESUS name.
Sep 13Reply

@jamdown1 praying for you and your husband, much strength and comfort for you...God bless you! <3, thanks for tagging me @paulaalbe1 , also continuing to pray for you and your family, much love for you! 💕 💐🌹
Sep 13Reply

@taita75 Thank you very much my Sister and I receive the prayer in JESUS name.
Sep 13Reply

To all, I am in desperate prayer for my Family. Specially, my Husband and Stepdaughter. Although I cannot be specific at this time, please pray for Grace and God to intervene in their lives. Lord, please help both to reach out to you and put their lives at your feet. 🙏🙏🙏
Sep 21Reply

🙏🙏🙏 praying! 💕💕💕
Sep 21Reply

@paulaalbe1 my prayers are with you! Only our lovely Father can give us the peace that we seek for. Praying and asking for your husband and Stepdaughter ... Hope everything is being solved !! 💖
Sep 22Reply

@bkimh thanks for the reminder. I actually thought Saturday was Sunday until 7 pm. Maybe too much on the mind. Had wonderful prayer and fellowship with my great friend Barbara today. I think we had lunch for 2 hours just talking through Our Lord's Scripture by the way, I love the new profile pic you are gorgeous inside and out💞😘🙏
Sep 22Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, thank you for compliment on my picture. I am so glad that you are enjoying Gods word. This is how he speaks to us. I hope you are doing well and know you are being lifted up to the Lord often. 💞💞Kim
Sep 23Reply

@paulaalbe1 prayers for my husband he's not a Christian and I need him to serve the LORD
Sep 24Reply

Sep 26Reply

For sure God is with us all the time, I need prayers for my teenage son S. God bless you all!!!
Sep 27Reply

@delilahbenson please know that each of us will pray for you, your Family and your Son specifically. I usually change my Jesus Calling out daily in two post, I hope you will read them. 🙏🙏. Paula.
Sep 27Reply

A friend of mine shared some powerful words with me today. We had done a Beth Moore study a few years ago on James. Out of the blue she texted me these words, knowing the "rough times" in my life, holding my Faith dear to me. James told of letting perseverance finish its' work in you. Whatever the stress is in your life is, Gods epicenter is there doing his work in you. We are not to hit the "ejection" button. Stay with it wherever is is and persevere. See next.
Sep 27Reply

"Let Perseverance finish its' work in you so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Then we, as Christians become inspiring & have more wisdom to stay in Faith. I stand firm in my Faith. I have learned that I must draw lines in the sand. I still go back to the greatest gift God gave us was himself on the cross to forgive us of our Sins. We must lay our worries at Our Lord's Feet. Peace to each of you. Enjoying the Walk Home. PK.
Sep 27Reply

Thank you Paula, I believe in God's power
Sep 27Reply

You and ur family will be in my prayers as well!!🙏
Sep 27Reply

@delilahbenson thank you. We need every one of them! So nice to have you here. @bkimh @abstractdreams @janismarie @treasuresbytrac @gracekellie13 prayer request😝👆
Sep 27Reply

Thank you for the tag Paula.💋Continuing prayers for you & yours and for Alma & her precious son. @delilahbenson
Sep 27Reply

@janismarie no worries. Richard's cancer has reached the liver and behind an eye. But he has had 5 years when they told him 1.5 years. We will catch up. My stepdaughter just needs to make good decisions. Of course at 54 I can't say I always make the best decisions, but I let God lead the way, especially when it is hard. I will reach out this week! Hope you are well. Think of you everyday. PK
Sep 28Reply

@paulaalbe1 @delilahbenson please know that prayers will be going up for you🙏🏻🙏🏻Paula, thank you so much for sending to me 🙏🏻kim
Sep 28Reply

@janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 @abstractdreams @treasuresbytrac @alise28 @flylightly @malala @siouxshawn @taita75 and to all. Please forgive me for not updating my "Jesus Calling" & being out of pocket this week & just plain out of it. Started back on Gleevec for Leukemia, let's see if kidneys can hang on for awhile & new sleeping med that I will never take again. If that is a hangover, well not me. Couldn't have walked yesterday if I crawled. So draggy but did walk the prayer path today.
Oct 03Reply

ohhh @paulaalbe1 please... do not worry about posh stuff... we are all praying for you and reminding you... YOU and your health are the most important! sending hugs and prayers xoxox
Oct 03Reply

@gracekellie13 I ADORE you!!!💞💞💞
Oct 03Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, so thankful to hear from you! Please don't even think about updating.. Just take care of you!! Will continue to lift you and your precious husband up in prayer! 🌷🌸🌷🌸🌺💐🌺💐🌹🌻🌹🌻🌸💐🌸💐
Oct 03Reply

@paulaalbe1 please take care !!! I am so happy to hear from you and will keep you and your husband in my prayers! Remember you are very important and precious!!! Hope to hear that you are doing better! 😘💖
Oct 03Reply

@paulaalbe1 no reason to apologize! , will be praying that you feel much better soon, also praying for your husband, please get some rest and take care, much love for you 😘🌷💛💞💚
Oct 03Reply

😘I'll be praying for you❤️have you ever tried Sonata? It has 1/2 the duration of ambien ( 4 hours as opposed to 8) Its great if you wake and can't get back to sleep at, say 2am, because it will knock you out but it's short acting so you can still be alert by 6... And it doesn't have lingering drowsiness like OTC Benadryl or klonopin.
Oct 03Reply

BTW.. Trazadone is the worst for lingering fatigue the next day. So avoid that if at all possible. 😘💨
Oct 03Reply

@siouxshawn Shawn you nailed it. That is what it was. Never again. I can take 2 Ambien and 2 Clonazapam and be just fine except break through sleep. Thant was a strange drug. Pk😘
Oct 03Reply

While I have been so weak these last few days, I still manage to get up and walk the Prayer Path. Yesterday, I wrote this Psalm to myself as a message ( on my iPhone) as I heard three words spoken. Psalm 34 I sought the Lord and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant and their faces are never covered with shame. I laid my fears at Christ Feet & word came at 6 pm that what I prayed for was a prayer answered. Finally!
Oct 15Reply

Wonderland reading today. love to all OK
Oct 22Reply

Please don't take this down. It is a reflection of your beautiful soul and God knows we need more women like you, unashamed Christian willing to put herself out there! Posh is meant to be more than a selling site and is a community of women helping themselves and each other. Kudos to you! 💜💜💜
Oct 24Reply

I've had you on my mind since we chatted the other day. 💞💞💞
Oct 28Reply

@sharonsstore guess also. I was telling my Husband about you. He said 7 children! Paula you can barely handle the pup. I was like back off there! I am a good stepMother but have had moments. But I love them. 23 and. 43! Funny thing Richard is due again...not. He is 65 and I am 54. Oh My Lord!🙏
Oct 28Reply

I wanted to tell you something. I've been praying for you both. 3 years ago I had a badly damaged meniscus confirmed by MRI and could not walk. I also had chronic pain due to tumours on my spine. One night in despair I asked God for 1 day pain free to regroup. I woke the next day and my leg was completely healed. My Dr. , named Dr Christ, not kidding was stunned. I climbed a glacier a few weeks later. God is mighty.
Oct 28Reply

@sharonsstore, you simply amaze me. And God continues to amaze me through his love. You havre a gift I saw very early in talking to you. The Doctor's name was really Dr. Jesus? Wow, everyone needs to read this. @alise28 @bkimh @gracekellie13 @abstractdreams @siouxshawn @treasuresbytrac @taita75 @tch109 @flylightly you all must read above and her closet and story amaze me! 🙏🙏
Oct 28Reply

His name was Dr Christ and he pronounced it krist with a soft I. He was scheduling me for surgery. He could not believe it when I walked into his office and said I was healed overnight !
Oct 28Reply

Sweet dreams Paula. I'm on east coast time and my baby girl (13) is asking me to give her a bedtime cuddle
Oct 28Reply

@sharonsstore me too! I go next tomorrow night😝
Oct 28Reply

@paulaalbe1 @sharonsstore Sharon, thank you with all my heart for sharing your story!! We worship an awesome God!!! I especially love the name of your doc, and his response to your healing!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂😂😂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PRAISING👏🏻👏🏻 Jesus for answered prayer!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Going to share this with my daughter Kalley-Rose who has over 200 tumors throughout her body and two hyper thalamus brain tumors.
Oct 28Reply

@treasuresbytrac I read your story about Kalley-Rose. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers for healing. I had not long been saved when God healed my leg and took my pain away. I'm sure some people think I'm crazy when I tell them what happened. I know in my heart that it is possible and will pray for Kalley-Rose to be completely healed. 💝💝💝💝🙏🏼
Oct 28Reply

@sharonsstore Of course it's possible! 👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻We know that only He can do this! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for thinking about and praying for my Kalley-Rose!!
Oct 28Reply

@sharonsstore @paulaalbe1 Sharon, I read your testimony of the healing power of our Lord and Saviour. I am never amazed when I hear of a miracle, which indeed you have..... A MIRACLE..... Thank you Lord. He is our healer and I am so thankful to hear this. The most important thing is that you gave your Life to the Lord, Jesus Christ saved you from an eternity of pain.
Oct 28Reply

@sharonsstore @paulaalbe1 .....That is the true miracle. I am rejoicing with you Sharon and if you should need to talk about the Lord Judy let me know. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💞💞Kim 💞💞Paula, thank you for sharing. We have an awesome Father.
Oct 28Reply

Thx for the tag Paula! I'm a sleep tech & I can tell you that ALL (yep...all) sleep meds are designed for short term use & are only marginally effective for the general public, less for ppl with pain! And as mentioned here, the side effects can be not only bad, but dangerous. You can increase the odds of a better night's sleep by taking the 2 sleep hormones your brain makes.
Oct 28Reply

Everyone knows about Melatonin - the 'fall asleep' hormone. But there's also a 'stay asleep' hormone, GABA, that unlike drugs, you can take more of if you're not asleep in 30 minutes & there are not side effects. You may be able, over time to stop taking the drugs.😴💤
Oct 28Reply

Wow that is amazing!!! Very uplifting to hear, what a miracle!!! God has the last word always!! Thanks for sharing @sharonsstore and thanks for tagging me @paulaalbe1 💐💞🙏
Oct 29Reply

@bkimh @alise28 @gracekellie13 @sharonsstore @janismarie @schimpky @abstractdreams @treasuresbytrac @treasuresbytrac @taita75 @flylightly @malala @siouxshawn Prayer Warriors! This will go for 2 posts.If I left anyone else out sorry. I am including the likes I do it from memory😝. I would like to add @schimpky to the Prayer list. Shana, Shana is Gorgeous Young Lady with Stage. 4 Breast C. She had chemo today. Or what I sarcastically calls "awesome sauce".
Oct 30Reply

Welcome to the group @schimpky .... We will all be praying for you to kick some butt!!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼
Oct 30Reply

Is that what you were doing today Paula? My son Jeremy came over tonight for my birthday and he just found out his fiancé Christine has cancer again. Stinks stinks stinks! I will add your friend to my list. God love us all💜💜💜💜💜
Oct 30Reply

Sorry I was out of pocket all day. Docs, etcUpdate on Richard. Not great news but we smiled at one another saying in a sense you don't know this Man. They said that 5 years ago, about 6 months. They aren't called GOD they are Docs.we just lay it at God's feet. My update bores me. I am ready. Bring it on God! Take me home. Stupid Leukemia eh, kidneys, eh but holding. I have to be tested for Pancreatic CA. If I have it I will be mad. I don't drink or smoke, never tried it. But my Mom had it.
Oct 30Reply

#3 So I say no more ca in this body Plus I have gained 15lbs in a year Nothing fits! Yes, I know 98 was too small and 114 is fine. But 7 lbs in a week, I joke I am pregnant and there is no humanly way possible. So @sharonsstore I can't fit in my shoes now😘. Until we figure this out. Yes, you all know what I get to do next, my Sister died from Rectal Ca. No fun. But joy, always joy, love, laughing &LOVING God. As usual, enjoying the walk home. And @bkimh you amaze me. All of you do. PK
Oct 30Reply

@sharonsstore back it up there girlfriend. Is today your Bday? 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. happy Day. The news stinks. Let's add her to the list. My prayer path walk is getting longer but I do it if I can. You rock. Your comments had me going all day. I sleep share too. I check at like 3 am. Strange. Shhhh. I won't tell if you won't tell, as @abstractdreams says to me😘😘cat out of the bag!!
Oct 30Reply

Aww ty for the birthday wishes! I'm going to curl up with my isobel , who I call baby bird, and go to sleep. I wonder when she will outgrow sleeping with me? Sweet dreams friend💜💜💜💜💜💜
Oct 30Reply

Oh FYI, by now most have you figured it out. I sign PK. It is my nickname and easier.
Oct 30Reply

@sharonsstore 🎂🎂🎂🎈🎈🎈🎊🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂🎊🎊🎊❤️❤️❤️👑👑👑🎀🎀🎀🎁🎁🎁Happy Birthday!!! Lifting you up and tho king about you on your doe coal day!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎈🎊🎈🎊👑👑👑👑😇😇😇😇
Oct 30Reply

@schimpky You are loved and lifted up!! 💐🌹💐🌹🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌸🌷🌸🌷🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌺💐🌺💐🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌹🌻🌹🌻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Oct 30Reply

I love today's reading. I needed to read that more than once. I will ask for PrYer for myself. I have never had pain during this time, but my body is saying something is wrong. I was too tired to even walk the Prayer Path today, making it to the Town Center only. But, that is OK, I can still pray. Doesn't matter if it is on my back. I am waiting for labs, but not ruling out the ER and I so so not like going. I can handle one more day of this. And then the next. PK
Nov 02Reply

@bkimh @alise28 I decided it was only right to put this listing here vs Alise's. I have been praying for Alise and all. She mentioned that I could ask you what new medical info there was on her.@alise28 the only thing I can think is you might think Kim has my email, but she does not. Therefore I felt it would be an intrusion to ask on PM. I care VERY deeply. But, I also respect others' privacy. So I was t sure what to do other than pray. However, my email is
Nov 09Reply

@bkimhthanks Being tested for pancreatic ca. Never smoked/drank except communion. I started to have pain. Blood work indicates it. We did the tumor marker, The marker is positive but could be a false positive. My Doc and I discussed today about admitting me to the Hospital but we decided together to stay calm. Results & then more tests. If it is pancreatic CA I have made a decision not to treat. But I am calm. I am staying with Christ. If I am quiet on posh that is why. Love, PK. 😘
Nov 12Reply

To all. Might be a 2 part post. First to my dear friends in Paris, so happy you are safe. Zloum I was at the soccer game. Rana had to go back to work today. Rana is like a Daughter to me. Her woods were clear " we're in shock and sadness. Must be careful how to travel as subway has no security. We send many Prayers around the world. Please let us know in this Prayer requests if you need prayer or anyone needs prayer. 🙏🙏. PK
Nov 19Reply

No need to reply. I am finally listing more of what I have however, I will enter tha a hospital tomorrow for a surgical procedure np and just ask for prayer, whatever a god's will is. I passed out on the Prayer path walk Monday, in a shaded area. I felt myself getting dizzy, and I was a mess. But I had help from some regulars. humpy Dumpty needs to be put back together again! Working on it. Love and peace to all. PK.
Nov 19Reply

🙏🙏Loving this reading. All set for Surgery tomorrow. Tired but so ready. Let 's do this! Blessing and Love to all. PK
Nov 20Reply

Praying for your surgery Paula! Thinking of you, may God bless you and give you much strength, much love for you! 😘🙏💞🌷
Nov 20Reply

@taita75 thank you so much!
Nov 20Reply

Surgery appears to be a success. So glad that is over. Long week! Grateful for Our Lord. I woke up from Surgery and said "Darn, I was hoping for Heaven". I had given specific instruction. Yes I have all the forms but Richard has final say in Florida. My next question was, that was a good rest, now I need my coca cola!😘🙏😉
Nov 21Reply

@gracekellie13 @bkimh @alise28 @siouxshawn @abstractdreams @treasuresbytrac @taita75 @sharonsstore @janismarie @flylightly @malala as Thanksgiving approaches, I want to tell each on the prayer feed Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful to have met, engaged, prayed for each of you. Each of you has touched my life & I am grateful. Our own @gracekellie13 will be closing her closet, please support her w/shares. She is a keeper! Love, safe travels and walk in faith Enjoying the walk home. Pk😘
Nov 25Reply

@paulaalbe1 SO very thankful for you! What a blessing you are to me and so many! Happy Thanksgiving precious sister in Christ!! Hugging you SO tight!!
Nov 25Reply

@paulaalbe1 thank you for the sweet words! God has been so good to us for placing you in our lives. You are such a sweet and special person that even though I don't know you personally I feel that I know you for years. Thank you for always be there to pray for and with us. May God bless you enormously! Love u!
Nov 25Reply

Thank you @paulaalbe1 for your kind words! I am very thankful that I met you through posh, you are a true blessing to me and to so many others!!! Have a very happy thanksgiving and may God continue to bless you and your family. Much love! 💞😘🌷
Nov 25Reply

Thanks so much @paulaalbe1 it's been tremendously helpful to have you and the other wonderful ladies! I'm taking a break, I will be back and making sure I touch base and keep you all in my prayers!!!!
Nov 25Reply

My youngest son was killed 8-7-15 and these r of the darkest days of my life no joy ,no real happiness this will be my first holidays wit out him!
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot, Shannon, first my deepest condolences to you. When I read your post, my heart just dropped. I had just walked in the door only to need to turn again for an appointment. In a good 5 minutes all I could do was weep for you. Weeping doesn't come as often to me anymore due to some medication. But I needed to weep. Not just for you, but with you. When it comes to a child, my words come up short. What does one say that makes it "better" see next
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot this may go on. I watched my Mother lose my Sister & the heartache was unbearable. I am so thankful you took the time to post your note, as there are so very many of us that feel the same at Holidays. You mentioned this was your youngest Son. I have to assume you have other children. Many years ago a Pastor told me the story of losing his Daughter when she was 8 years old. He and his wife were heart broken. See next
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot The Pastor, Kevin was a client of mine. He told me he wanted to end his life, there was no more meaning. In the next few weeks his Son, very young took a walk with him, he is now a Pastor. Kevin. Said something to his Son like no one needs me. The Son out his hand in his Father's Hand and said, I need you. I was so touched by that story and all he told me. And I believe in that story, we see Our Lord. Yes, Kevin lost his faith and was a Pastor, but there was con't
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot the was someone to hold Kevin's hand, his own Son. But greater was Our Lord. I too have suffered loss, deep suffering and yes times of what does it matter. That is not weak faith. That is honesty. And to anyone who does not understand that, well I think they don't understand. When God gave himself, for our Sins, on a cross, I have heard even God had to turn away, for the pain was too much. I will say this is hard work. Grief has become numb to me.
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot I do grief almost too well. I know at this 3 month mark you are thinking ok, time to come home, vacation over and the real work begins. Please start that work. If only a prayer for help and I think you did that today. Losing siblings and Parents young, I never understood why the 99 year old grumpy man didn't get to give my Sisters more years. I get it now. And each night I go to bed, I remind ( I pray) take me over a child, thus why I wept. That would be my wish
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot but, I lay it at God's feet everyday or try to. Your Son is in Our Lord's Presence & that is glorious. He is fine. We are not. I want you to reach out anytime you feel that emptiness to one of us. We are here to listen and talk and email or even talk by telephone. This prayer list grows. And what wonderful Women and Men pray for one another. @bkimh Kim has a prayer list and I encore you to reach out to her. She reached out to me. I would like to put you on
Nov 25Reply

@grandmomshot the prayer list. @jabaz @jamdown1 @alise28 @abstractdreams @treasuresbytrac @taita75 @bkimh @flylightly @gracekellie13 @designergirl78 @karenjc223 @malala @siouxshawn @delilahbenson @sharonsstore @schimpky and all that follow. Please lift up Shannon in your Prayers. She lost her youngest Son in August and is of course struggling. May the Lord a less each of you. Enjoying the Walk Home. Paula🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nov 25Reply

Amen my sister GOD is amazing and he is still working, still in control, still the KING. Prayers is always welcome and it is never too much. To GOD be the glory always for his everlasting mercy and love. My prayers are with you all, continue to pray Fir me and I for you all.
Nov 25Reply

💞🙏🙏Happy Thanksgiving. Last year I could not say either Richard or I would be here together. I had to learn Joy in this moment, if only that moment. Although we continue to fight an uphill battle we remain tethered to Our Lord. I continue to pray for each of you daily.🙏🏻. Many needs, many Prayers. I cooked the mid afternoon meal, while our small family gathered. Richard said he was very proud of me! I behaved. Who me? Enjoying the walk home PK
Nov 27Reply

I hope that you had a safe and happy holiday my friend.💕
Nov 27Reply

Happy Thanksgiving Paula!!@paulaalbe1 Thanking the Lord for you, and praising Him for guiding you and your wonderful husband through this year! You are such a blessing to me and all that know you on Posh! Although you battle daily, your heart longs to serve and lead others right to Him! It's an honor to know you sweet Paula!
Nov 27Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, I hope that you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving. I haven't been on but maybe 2 hrs in a week. Needed time away. I have read your request and I thank you so much for including me in your prayer list. As you said in one of your post, I had helped you, but in fact you really helped me. You keep getting closer to our Lord and he is blessing you in ways you don't even know now. 🙏🏻🎁🎁Kim
Nov 28Reply

@bkimh Kim, your words are so kind. put I think it is the way you "wear" your faith
that has made the biggest impact on my life.😘🙏🙏🙏. I trust your Thanksgiving was nice. We all need time away that is for sure. PK
Nov 28Reply

This is Beautiful & Honestly the Most Uplifting Post to know their are people who believe in the Amazing Power of Prayer,Paula my strength to u & ur husband,Paula Im extremely grateful to u for doing this prayer post;) Please know Im sending my prayers to all of you & will continue to share in this Wonderful Prayer with all of you. A ton of prayers to all of you,Melissa
Dec 03Reply

@anashmi , Melissa what a delight to wake up to this! You blessed me with your words. Please let us know if you need prayer! I took the idea from @bkimh, Kim! She is a rock. We all love to love. Paula😘
Dec 03Reply

Awww,Thank You Paula,Yes I just got divorced after 13 years have 3 kids (2 boys & 1 girl) boys r 11 & 13 & my girl is 8,all 3 in catholic school, & their dad forget about us;( Its so hard trying to keep it together;(
Dec 03Reply

Yet, I have Faith & Believe in teaching My Kids We Can Move On & Things Do Get Better,I hope so;) Thank You So Much,Sending You A Ton of Prayers
Dec 03Reply

🙏🙏Thinking and praying for each one during this Holiday season. Pray it be Blessed. PK
Dec 12Reply

I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Just ended a relationship with a Man I believed was the one? Guess God has a different plan. Feeling very alone right now and questioning so many things. Trying not to be bitter. I know this is nothing compared to the poor people who are critically ill. Just needing direction to find my joy again. Thanks do much for your kind and loving heart.
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 Cheryl, your pain and suffering is no different than anyone on this prayer list. Please know that! At 23 I thought I had met the one. At the time, I had a roommate and to this day she is my best friend. She listened to me cry, let me tell the stories over and over again through the years. I think she wanted to smother me with a pillow. But you know what, she is still my friend. And that " man"tried to get back with me for 30 years. See more.
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 the Holidays are so tough. The year my Mother died, at that time, I had no Family so to speak left. I was so lonely. And years go by where we all feel that way. I am married, but it doesn't mean I don't get lonely. Yes, both of us are ill. So what? We didn't put all all wonderfully decorations out this year as usual. But that is not the main reason for Christmas. We put the Manger up only. Reminding us that Jesus The Messiah was born to save us from our sins. More
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 Cheryl, I am one of these girls that want to know the story and it is none of my business unless you want to talk privately. I think I learned every lesson by the time I married at. 36. And you are gorgeous. So I am going to outline what I know for you. See next.
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 ok here is my list. 1. You are THE GRAND PRIZE, not the. Consolation prize! 2. It really is never over 9/10 times until you say it is over. 3. Learn to like a really nice Man, because their claws come out in marriage😘. 4. ANYONE can get married. anyone. I had a high school roommate whose Mom took a drug during pregnancy and she has bio arms or legs. She went to law school and got married, to a nice looking guy. 5. Marry your best friend, it will last
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 and if this is truly over and the guy wanted to break up for Christmas, classic my step son move and some men do this,mother are sorry.
I challenge you to walk through the grief, talk about it to me or someone you trust. Give yourself a deadline, doesn't mean you don't stop thinking you start compartmentalizing. I learned that well through an awful situation. And then more ideas come. Please pray for The Lord to hold you in his arms.
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 please get in the scriptures. Start in the Psalms, but begin listening to Moody Bible station if you receive it. I have a few biblical books to share with you. If you want to talk, never hesitate to call me at 813.956.0580 nit is my cell and stays silent but you can text, you can cry, scream ask why to me all day long. Don't every hesitate to reach out to any of us. We love you. PK (my nickname). Enjoying the walk home.
Dec 12Reply

@janismarie @abstractdreams @flylightly @siouxshawn @bkimh @alise28 @taita75 @gracekellie13 @jamdown1 @malala would you all see @chaechae5 , Cheryl's Post and may we lift her in prayer and surround her with love during this Holiday season🙏🙏🙏. Thanks. PK.
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 - Paula you are truly an angel sent by God. You inspire me to be a better person. Thank you so much for your wisdom. You will be in my heart, thoughts and most of all my prayers. I am taking your advice and will set a date for this Sunday 12/13/15 to let the grief go and choosing to stand up and have hope for the great things God has in store for me! God bless you Paula. 💗
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 Cheryl if you only knew me I am no angel. But are you ready? Did this just happen or have some months passed by. How long were you together. You kind of draw from that. Then I will give you great tips to meet the right Man. Although there is a girl on here that she and her bf broke up for 1 year. No texts. No talks. They are married today. 😘PK
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 - we were only together 11 months. We had a great connection from the beginning. Most importantly, we shared the same faith! I have been praying for a strong man of God. I have had many failed relationships some for several years. Never felt they were the one. I ended this relationship the week of thanksgiving. More..
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 - sadly he still has feelings for his ex wife. Unfortunately he did not tell me this until he already had my heart. He was very honest with me from day 1 that he was unfaithful to his wife which ultimately ended their marriage.
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 - I know, run, run fast.....I have a very good male friend who is a believer, I asked him if it is true once a cheater always a cheater? He asked me "does a God forgive you!"
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 - the problem is, he has not forgiven himself and has a lot of guilt and shame. So until he works thru that then he cannot have a healthy relationship. He is so kind, still makes sure my house is okay and that I am ok. Even though it wasn't intentional on his part because he thought he was ready, I feel like I was deceived/used. Not sure why God allows these men in my life who are not available??
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 -I have your number and will text you. Would love to stay in touch with you. I pray you have a restful night and wake up with renewed strength.💜
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 Cheryl good answer God is a forgiving God. Or I am in a lot of trouble. 11 months is long. It takes about half that time to grief unless you are DONE. I am glad he was honest with you. Better than being engaged & finding out the guy was engaged to someone else & married her.-out of town Oh my last advise is it should never be that hard. Relationships & marriages are hard. Dating better not be. Well more to think about. To bed I go.
Dec 12Reply

@chaechae5 hum..I have a quick answer. But I will save it and mull it over. Nighty Noodles and sweet Dreams. I look at my phone at like. 2 am eastern time.
Dec 12Reply

@paulaalbe1 sweet dreams😘
Dec 12Reply

Thanks for tagging me Paula, will be praying for Cheryl, May God give her strength and peace during this season. Love to both of you! 🙏😘💞 @paulaalbe1 @chaechae5
Dec 12Reply

God Bless you Paula and all those who have reached out on here. Thank you for such a special listing as this. I will pray for all on here with my whole heart. I wish for everyone healthy, safe and blessed Holidays. 💖🙏
Dec 13Reply

@laniatanya you are so very sweet. thank you. prayers go both ways.
Dec 13Reply

Love this post. Thank you.
Dec 19Reply

Dear Prayer Warriors, would you please pray for @allywag, Allyson's cousin who is 40 and was just diagnosed with lung cancer and will begin treatment right away. Allyson, if you would, kindly give us your cousin's first name so we can all prayer specifically and for you. Also please keep @alise28 in your prayers. She is such a wonderful Woman and needs healing fast. @alise28 @abstractdreams @bkimh @designergirl78 @flylightly @favoritejewelry @janismarie @siouxshawn
Dec 28Reply

I have made a listing, but you may respond here. I have loved getting to know each of you this year. I would like to offer anyone, for free, the daily devotion book, Jesus Calling, where these devotions come from or Dear Jesus. I will switch over to Dear Jesus in the new year. The only thing I ask is that I make a listing for you, you have to pay $3 minimum posh, and I will discount shipping. The books are $16 each. If you want both, just say so. I am happy to share. PK🙏
Dec 28Reply

@allywag I can imagine she is frightened. At age 40 anyone would be. I will be praying for Tisha and pass her name around to others no try to walk each am, not so good lately. But I designate a prayer path for those that need prayer. Miracles have happened. And, through this year, so many Women just on this post also expected have given me courage to say in God's words. I have leukemia and kidney failure. My Faith has grown so much. Enjoying the walk home.
Dec 28Reply

@allywag I knew there was something I was supposed to pray for for you. I am so very sorry. This kidney disease is so strange. Not quick sure how mine came about. I am in stage 4. Strange thing is it is difficult as you know to that anything else with kidney failure. You are too young. I am ready when God is ready. Too many children dying around here. Please, please be my mentor through this one I hit dialysis. Are you going to do it at home or a center. Oh big prayers. 🙏🙏🙏
Dec 28Reply

Done & done!💕I thought I tagged you & @alise28 as well in my own prayer request @ the top of my closet...
Dec 28Reply

@abstractdreams I will get right on that.
Dec 28Reply

@allywag oh what don't you have? Kidding. I also have a couple of other things but would opt for the center also. I had a client that did it at home in his late 70's and it was a mess. May I ask, are you on a diuretic. I am assuming. I have a tumor on my adrenal gland, which causes potassium to spill quickly. It was 1.8 10 years ago. Have no idea how I lived. I was paralyzed. Took 35 Docs to figure it out. We have to be our own health care surrogate. Do you follow the kidney diet?
Dec 28Reply

They're our furbs (fur babies) for sure!! My youngest daughter had a bit of "sibling rivalry" with Ebony! Lol! Hope your pup's better soon! I'll continue to pray for you Paula & your family as well (including the furbs). Be well my lovely.💋
Dec 28Reply

@allywag 11? The GFR? Mine is 23. Strange my oncologist wanted me on the kidney diet, but my Nephrologist said no kidney diet. Watch salt, I do. But he wanted me to gain weight. I was 98. I had dropped a lot of weight from working so hard. I walk for my kidneys but I have gained 15 pounds. Yes, maybe needed it. But nothing fits. I am.54. It is hard to watch phosphorus and protein is hard to measure. I can't get a straight answer. I go in 2 weeks. Labs of course.
Dec 28Reply

@allywag Allyson intake maxzide and sneak lasix. I can drink ginger ale. And he was ok with that. Limiting liquids by body weight. But yes, I drink regular coke also. Oops. It is a very tiring disease that a lot of people do not understand. Let's keep one another posted. PK
Dec 28Reply

@allywag I only use no salt. Not mrs. Dash. Because my potassium gets so low I have the opposite effect in have to take a drug 4x a day to keep my potassium up. Foods don't get it up. But true most can't date those things. I made turkey burgers, no bun and green been so for so loud I was about to turn into a chicken. My GFR actually went up at one point. Anything lower than 60 is not good. Although docs don't look at GFR's. Just the Bun and Creatine. Ugh
Dec 28Reply

Happy New Year's very soon. To all of you, we come to the end of Jesus Calling & starting tomorrow I will post for Dear Jesus. Our Lord has Blessed us in 2015 more than we even thought possible. As I laid with Richard ( he is in a lot of pain today) we just kept saying we are grateful to know The Lord is our Savior. I was like a sponge this year soaking up as much biblical knowledge as I could get my hands on. More next year. Enjoying the walk Home🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏to all.
Jan 01Reply

Paulaalbe1 , such a wonderful thing you are doing. Please pray for my two barely teenage children. Society has made them think they need to be a certain way, and I just want them to be themselves. It's very heavy on my heart. And also for myself. I have rocky mountain spotted fever and have had a very very horrible time. I have lost 60 lbs and now I'm losing blood internally which causes my iron to deplete. So I've been very tired. I will pray for you all! God Bless!
Jan 02Reply

@solberding14 Sarah, oh that is awful. I have never known anyone with Yellow Mountain Fever. I will pray for you and your teenagers. I will put a request online this evening. Partying now🙏. paula
Jan 02Reply

@paulaalbe1 Thank you so much. God Bless you!
Jan 03Reply

Missing all so much. Sorry my readings have not been up. I was going to switch to another devotion, but it goes for 3 pages. I continents pray for all each day. I have been hit and miss, as I did another round of " awesome sauce". Blah. But so grateful for all I have. Enjoying the walk home. PK
Feb 04Reply

@flylightly thinking of you today and praying. How are you doing?🙏🏻. PK
Feb 17Reply

I just went through the prayer list and likes and prayed for each of you. It amazes me to see all the prayer requests, but more the outpouring of prayer by all. I have been late on posts, as we are moving, but no excuse. A day doesn't go by that I don't pray for all of you! Enjoying the walk home...PK
Feb 17Reply

@chaechae5 Cheryl, you popped in my mind reading our posts. I would like to ask how are you doing? I said a big prayer for you tonight! PK
Feb 17Reply

@allywag Allyson there probably isn't a day that goes by that I don't think and pray for you. You are my "kidney" friend or lack there of, sorry. What is your update. Still at a GFR of 11? Mine goes up and down. But I want you to keep me posted please. PK😘
Feb 17Reply

@paulaalbe1 - so great to hear from you! How are you feeling? The first month of the year changed so many things and really started focusing more on God. Things are a little better, struggled the last week or so, feeling lonely, work really stressed. I know the Devil is attacking me more now
Feb 17Reply

@allywag feeling ok. Had to restart my Leukemia medication so we will see how long the kidneys hold before dropping. So much going on. Anxious to hear about your appointment. I know all to well we always have that pit in our stomach. Keep me posted please. PK.
Feb 17Reply

@chaechae5 well ironic you say that. The Devil attacked me sat night with so many memories Long story. Started leukemia med again. We will see how long kidneys like that. I know what a tough time you are going through. I am so much like that. we are moving in 15 days & my Husband has had the flu. Packing 19 years of stuff is killing my back. I thought of you Saturday while driving. It was an interview with a girl who wrote a book. I am going to go back and look it up. PK.
Feb 17Reply

@paulaalbe1 -oh mercy, I am so sorry you are your husband are both struggling. I have been verbally quoting out load daily "no weapons formed against me shall prosper!!! Satan leave me alone in the name of Jesus!!!! Where are you moving too? I wish I was there, I would love to help you pack. I will pray God sends angels to help you!
Feb 17Reply

@chaechae5 oh I wish you could help me pack. My stepdaughter helped sat. We live on 14 acres with a large house, pool, tennis court, big equipment. Richard has had ca for 5 years so downsizing. About 8 miles away. We will be in a nice neighborhood and are not use to that. Use to space. But we love the house and guesthouse where I will run to. I said almost the same out loud that you said.
Feb 17Reply

@paulaalbe1 - sounds like the new place will be much easier to manage. Will you have help moving?
Feb 17Reply

@chaechae5 I wish we lived by one another. We would get along great! We have a lot in common. But daily prayer is great. I have a best friend. But when I need to take to someone I don't feel I can reach out with her Husband home. He makes me uncomfortable. And there are times you really need an ear just to listen.
Feb 17Reply

@paulaalbe1 -call me anytime! Do you still have my number from when I texted you?
Feb 17Reply

@chaechae5 yes we have a moving company but packing ourselves. Ugh. But having a big auction in a couple of weeks. Tractor guys going nuts, a car, don't need 3, my piano and lots we can't move or don't need to move. Better than a yard sale. I had never thought of it but the first one brought in very good money. And my auction guy is honest. I have learned a lot. I had to help tag today. Ugh
Feb 17Reply

@chaechae5 no I don't have it. I know why no got a new iPhone 6 and half my contacts didn't come over. Mine is 813.956.0580 cell. Home will likely change b
Feb 17Reply

@paulaalbe1 - I can really empathize with you. I have moved so many times. The last time I moved I hired the big stuff but I had to move box's and small stuff. My boyfriend at the time said he would help but literally did not show up. I spent two days moving everything except big furniture myself. Climbed up and downstairs in tears! Uggg that was five years ago this week. Terrible memories.
Feb 17Reply

@bkimh @janismarie @gracekellie13 @abstractdreams @siouxshawn @treasuresbytrac @chaechae5 @taita75 @flylightly @alise28 May I ask for Prayer. We will be receiving an offer on our home tomorrow & we just dropped the price $100,000. Moving to a new house March 1 & are trying to pack. 6 tests Friday back on Gleevec for the Leukemia again. Not worried, See how kidney function remains. Enjoying the walk home.or, as I say sometimes, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the Play"!
Feb 18Reply

@paulaalbe1 - praying for you!!
Feb 18Reply

Keeping you in my prayers @paulaalbe1 ... A sweet reminder... He will squeeze us... Never choke, with Him by our side all is possible. Keep the faith ... Deep breaths and I'll be sending extra prayers your way!
Feb 18Reply

@paulaalbe1 Hugging you SO tight and desperately wanting to be right where you are to help and support you! Praying you through this next step in your journey!!
Feb 18Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, I will be praying that you get your house sold. Also know how very blessed you are that the Lord keeps you in his hands. For physical and spiritual needs. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💞Kim
Feb 18Reply

Will definitely be praying for you @paulaalbe1 💞💞💞 hope you are able to get all that packing done, moving is always tough! Will pray also for your health and your tests, may God give you extra strength these days!! Much love to you! 🙏💞😘
Feb 18Reply

@bkimh Kim have you heard from Rhonda at @flylightly. She is not coming up and I am worried about her? Paula
Apr 08Reply

@bkimh Kim, I think Rhonda took God's hand in Nov. I have to keep up on prayer list. Confirm if you know 😟🙏🏻
Apr 08Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, good to hear from you. I am not sure whom you are talking about. I searched for @flylightly also, and she didn't come up. I will ask around also and let you if I know anything. I hope you are doing well. You take care. 💞💞Kim
Apr 08Reply

@janismarie @bkimh @gracekellie13 @malala @abstractdreams @alise28 @jamdown1 @karenjc223 @malala @siouxshawn @treasuresbytrac @taita75 @tch109 I am back for prayers and devotions. I am very, very sad to report that @flylightly, Rhonda, lost her battle after 29 biopsies, as you can see from previous posts. It was in December and I found her obit and will post it. We know she has eternal life through Jesus Christ. She is now with Our Lord. Enjoying the walk home PK
May 02Reply

I am very sorry, will pray for her family, may they be comforted knowing that she is with our Lord Jesus and no longer in pain 💞🙏
May 02Reply

Keeping you both in my prayers @paulaalbe1 🙏🏼
May 02Reply

@paulaalbe1 Paula, thank you for sharing the news about Rhonda! Feeling heartbroken yet full of joy knowing she is at peace, pain free and in the presence of the King most high! Praying for her family and those that loved her!
May 02Reply

@paulaalbe1 In the mids of sorrow, is rejoicing. The gift of Christ is eternal life and she is with Christ. No more pain but sweet serenity in the arms if JESUS. I will pray for her family, peace in the mids of their storm.
May 02Reply

Keep your prayer line open God sees all
Jun 04Reply

@bkimh Jim I can't get you off my mind. I pray all is well. 🙏🏻🙏🏻. PK.
Jun 15Reply

God still surprises me with the way he works his wonders!!Wow..I've been on Posh for 1 yr..I'm not sure if the app was recently improved,but I was checking my messages (3am-my prayer hour;) and noticed that you could find sellers in your area on here.Never noticed that before...Well most of the gals in our area don't have any or much in their closets.?
I came across yours.I also sell on the FHR,Valrico,FB page..
Jul 14Reply

....I couldn't leave a message with more than 500 characters,but I wanted to tell you more..God Bless you.
Be strong!
Jul 14Reply

Gorgeous closet also:)
Jul 14Reply

@janismarie I am so glad you reached out. I have been thinking of you! I was back in treatment for my leukemia but better now. Sadly, Richard has two new tumors but is hanging in there. I am glad to hear you Mother can say your names at times. That is comforting. I continue to keep you in my prayers😘🙏🏻
Aug 03Reply

I need special prayers Paula. I knew & said Miss Ebony was my heart, which is now broken. But I didn't realize how much of a furry, purry, lil' chill pill she was for me. The relax, lower my blood pressure, keep me calm kitty.😪I love my other furb, Ozzie but he's not that. I'm reading a great pet loss book, am journaling, & my kids have been amazing therapists but...💔
Sep 13Reply

@paulaalbe1 Hi Paula I am so blessed to see you and many other Posh ladies are followers if Jesus Christ and not ashamed of the gospel. I don't understand how some believe you are pushing your faith on them unwillingly when this is your closet and PMHQ allows us to personalize our closet. They are free to shop and not read this listing so how is it pushing Christ on anyone? Please keep me and my daughter in prayer for many battles we are facing. Love and hugs to all. ✝🙏👰👑🎆✝
Sep 15Reply

@shay787 Sherry, what a nice note. You and your Daughter will be in my prayers🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. We all need them. Pk😘
Sep 15Reply

Hello, please pray that Jesus will open the door to receive the financial aid I desperately need. Thank you & God bless
Sep 28Reply

@amadapordios Alissa, thank you. Please know you will be kept in my prayers daily🙏🏻🙏🏻😘. PK.
Sep 28Reply

I'm praying for YOU Paula, during your cancer fight. 🙏🏻💐💕
Oct 18Reply

Stopping by to say hi, thinking of you Paula and always praying for you, hope you are doing well, much love and God bless you & your family! @paulaalbe1 💞🙏😘🌷
Oct 21Reply

Oct 28Reply

Please pray for my family. Pray that we overcome all obstacles, pray we live a happy humble life full of blessings. I will also pray that the Lord keeps you safe.
Oct 28Reply

@godschild_3 please know you and your family are in my prayers🙏🏻🙏🏻. PK.
Oct 28Reply

Nov 15Reply

Please pray that I eventually find the courage and strength to find my own apartment to live on the own, Thank you and God Bless you.
Mar 03Reply

@danielashops please know you are in my prayers. You will be on my mind! Praying now. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Mar 03Reply
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