How to authenticate CDG information
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Sadly so many fakes around here and there! CDG made in only Japan. Their all garment are so unique and hardly never made in huge factory before they have "PLAY" line. Comme des garcons PLAY is casual line, signature border T with ❤️shape logos are good target for replicas. Here poshmark I can find them very easily. Ask the seller to show the tag written in Japanese, I can tell if it’s fake. If they can’t show the tag, just do not buy it. Wearing fake clothes is the least cool things...

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I saw many fake CDG so I made this list. Please do not buy if the seller has many types and all sizes. Please do not buy if they offer very cheap price. Retail price in Japan is around 8000 yen = $100. Retail in the states is $150. You can't find any reason the seller offers $40 NWT unless they bought fake only $10 in Thailand!
Aug 05Reply

How to find fakes? Please ask the seller for the pic of the tag attached inside, it's material tag. They are written in Japanese, I'm acJapanese so easy to find the difference. See the 2nd pic, they are all REAL, I bought them in Japan from CDG boutique directly. The tag has ⭕️ inside some Chinese character. It is a stamp by the person who has responsibility for the garment. ALL CDG SHOULD HAS THIS STAMP.
Aug 05Reply

Those stamps should have fades or uneven. But the fake one has completely clear and beautifully PRINTED, see the 3rd pic. The fake has the same stamp. CDG sell only some designs if you want to know please visit their site They do have some limited design or collaboration. But most of them has different tags on neck. eg, "play perfume" "play x ape" Their regular products( which they have every season) NEVER ON SALE.
Aug 05Reply

Please share the information, I really hate to see many fakes selling here and I'm sick of this👿👿👿 especially PLAY Comme des garcons and GIVENCHY. I'm a Japanese and huge CDG fan, I can help you if you have any question. Thanks! @alexislovebee @alicatstrut @susanleeyogi @cmjla @greenammo
Aug 05Reply

👆 @poshmark @puraolivida @manish
Aug 05Reply

Please share and stop listing fake items. I hope this list helps. I have reported many times but still there:( @pm_editor
Aug 05Reply

Thx for the heads up! We will take a look at this
Aug 06Reply

@puraolivida 😘❤️Thanks for keeping our community safe!
Aug 06Reply

@erix thanks agin! It looks like it was taken down! I found a few CDG shirts here on posh and I was wondering if you could authenticate?
Aug 06Reply

@lucast I'm sorry for the late reply. I just come back from my work now. And yes I could help you but I need to see the inside tag with stamp. I will check them out tomorrow.
Aug 06Reply

@erix thanks
Aug 06Reply

@lucast I can't be sure unless I see the stamps on the tag, which attached inside. The one seller updated the pic of tag but she showed the other side. The tag has both side, one side written in English and the other side in Japanese. The stamp should be on the Japanese side. I need to see them to authenticate.
Aug 06Reply

Thanks for sharing! So helpful. Btw I sell things for very low even if NWT but it's my own wardrobe that I'm trying to drastically reduce. Most of my items were bought at retail by me (former shopaholic) from large retailers. But I would definitely agree on that if the seller is running a business or has multiples. I don't have and CDG right now anyway.
Aug 18Reply

Oh and I often ask people where they purchased before I buy (I never ask you because I know your things are good). They could lie but it cuts out many of i have any suspicion.
Aug 18Reply

@erix shared...thank you
Oct 17Reply

Hey @erix thanks for this post. Very informative! However i have a question. I recently bought a cdg shirt from an online vendor on ebay. It seems to be real and matches majority of the "real" pictures in this post. However, there is a small "F" to the bottom left right under the heart on my shirt. I have yet to see this on any other play by cdg shirts and its really bugging me. Im just curious to know if you can help me out! Thanks alot!😊
Nov 21Reply

@breellz Hi, yes I think I could help you if you show me some pics of the tag. You can update and tag me anytime:)
Nov 21Reply

@erix can you help me authenticate a cdg shirt on here? her user is @/amberaye13 pls let me know thankyou :)
Nov 23Reply

@trans_btq Hi, sorry for the delay. I checked the listing and I think it's authentic, it does look have the right stamp on the tag:)
Nov 23Reply

@erix no worries! what about the stitching on the patch? it looks kinda messy or is that okayv
Nov 23Reply

@trans_btq I think it's ok. I can't guarantee but I'm 99% sure it looks very authentic. Play CDG line is kind of "factory" line of CDG, unfortunately they are not the top quality like CDG the first line. So those various condition can be seen. At least the stamp looks very good if it is fake.
Nov 23Reply

面白いです。ありがとう、very informative. I like that.
Feb 12Reply

Thanks for this post! I recently called out @ lyndsaygal516 for selling fakes and she got very angry with me. I assumed when I joined this site that the point was to sell real designer items. Thanks for being authentic, erix.
Jul 13Reply

Hi! I needed help seeing if this CDG hoodie was real or not but it's on the app m.erc.@ri, how can I send you a photo or link you?
Aug 10Reply

Thank you. I am currently looking for a CDG shirt and this will help so much 💖
Sep 06Reply

Can you do a legit check on eBay seller roberbostic-0?
Oct 19Reply

If a seller cut the tag should I be worried?
Feb 09Reply

Hi, Eric can you please verify authenticity of a Comme shirt I bought that was a collaboration with Jcrew? I can post pics of the tags and shirt on my posh page. Thanks so much!
Feb 23Reply

@erix hi I'm not sure if I bought a fake one
Jul 29Reply

Aug 17Reply

@erix I need help with an item I have... can you take a look please??
Sep 19Reply

Can you legit check a CDG Tee for me ?? @erix
Sep 20Reply

@erix Are cardigan sweaters faked too? I bought one from a thrift shop and want to sell but not if it's a replica. It doesn't have an inside tag like the ones pictured, it only has English on the tag. Thanks for any help.
Nov 19Reply

@botanicboutique Yes, could be. All CDG piece should have Tag written in Japanese, sometime I can tell it's fake as it has spell miss.
Nov 19Reply

If the shirt was ordered onlin, should it still have a stamp?
Dec 13Reply

@thevictoria No matter how to order, all products from CDG should have tags with stamp.
Dec 13Reply

please check the listing for the striped long sleeve at @/rhekgus1 account! it seems authentic to me
Dec 13Reply

It’s not illegal to buy fakes it’s illegal to produce and sell
Feb 10Reply

Could you help me figure out if a cdg shirt i found at salvation army is authentic?
Jul 27Reply

hi, are there any product code AZ-T095 that are legit?
Aug 18Reply

Hey could you do me a favor and look at 2 Cdg shirts by next week on Tuesday for me. I'll send you tag pics.
Oct 07Reply

@erix hi I was wondering if you could tell if this jacket I bought is authentic? I’ll be so bummed if it’s not lol I paid $135 please let me know if you can and I’ll post a pic
Dec 02Reply

@candacequintero Hi, just tag me the listing I will check out.
Dec 02Reply

Hi there. Can I ask for your help to authenticate a cdg shirt I just bought here?
Feb 24Reply

@breamickelle Here is some good information!
Jun 19Reply

@erix hi i just bought a large supreme sticker lot from a private collection from someone i know that used to do a lot of work with supreme anyways this lot came with several thousand stickers and many of them are production samples i am sure about most of them but i have my doubts about a few would you know anything about their sticker line cdg and other box logos? If so would you mind looking at some pictures of the stickers in question for me?
Nov 13Reply

Also i have a lot of the supreme stickers on mer car i if you could check them out that would help out a lot before i put them on this site just want them to be properly authenticated before i put them on the poshmark app.
Nov 13Reply

@tahvag1 I am sorry I couldn’t help you as I done have knowledge about supreme.
Nov 13Reply

hey, sorry to bother you, I just posted a CDG vest on my closet, it's the only listing I have lol, can you help see if its authentic?😊
Dec 21Reply

@benitay I’m so sorry but I have to say it is fake. When I see the tag written in Japanese it even doesn’t say the brand name correctly, it says “ come de garsoso” in Japanese.
Dec 21Reply

@erix oh thankyou! I cant read Japanese, I figured out much later its fake because it says 100% cotton, obviously the vest is not made of cotton lol, also I searched the vest and I dont think CDG ever made a vest like this. Unfortunately TheRealReal has one like this that sold for $230USD!!
Dec 21Reply

Can you help me authenticate a vintage CDG product on eBay ? It’s called “COMME DES GARCONS 1991 black sock knit ribbed raw V-neck cropped sweater top S”
Dec 25Reply

can you let me know if a short is fake? have photos
Jan 20Reply

Can you please help me legit check a shirt I just purchased from Poshmark
Feb 12Reply

I would really appreciate your help if you have the time please let me know how to send photos 😊 !
Feb 12Reply

@gee3499 Hi, you can make the listing includes photos of the tag ( written in Japanese) and let me know when it’s ready.
Feb 12Reply

@erix yes posting now, it’s supposed to a woman’s shirt I searched up the model number from the tag and could not find it on google
Feb 12Reply

@erix just posted it
Feb 12Reply

@gee3499 I just checked your listing. Unfortunately I have to say it is fake 100% I am sure. There are many spelling mistakes in the tag. Even it doesn’t spell correctly the brand name コムデギャルソン
Feb 12Reply

@erix I really appreciate it thank you for helping me out 😊
Feb 12Reply

@gee3499 I’m sorry that you purchased fake one. You should report that.
Feb 12Reply

Would you be able to please help me legit check a second one that I purchased like this from another seller ?
Feb 12Reply

Hey I am looking buying CDG trousers. They are vintage from the 80s so I’m not sure if they have the stamp but can you look at them?
Feb 16Reply

Hi, would you help me find out if this website is real or fake? The website is
Feb 16Reply

Hi,, can you help me with a cdg x bape please???I would really appreciate it
Mar 03Reply

I just bought something from @cey323 can you tell me if it was fake.
May 18Reply

@jordanellis1222 ......Do just want me to cancel the order?? Because you’re irritating me now.
May 18Reply

@cey323 no I’m just checking
May 18Reply

@jordanellis1222 well if you’re this skeptical, I have the ability to cancel it prior to going to the post office. You’ve been bombarding me with questions about this shirt & it’s really frustrating because I have to reason to lie about it’s authenticity. If this continues, I’ll cancel it to save myself the headache.
May 18Reply

@cey323 ok I want the shirt I’ll stop asking questions.
May 18Reply

@jordanellis1222 I’m canceling it because I don’t trust that I’ll get my money from this order once you receive this item. I’m sorry but this has been the most frustrating sale of my clothing items I’ve ever had.
May 18Reply

@cey323 I will give you the money I set the order in
May 18Reply

@cey323 I really want the shirt and I have a payment set up.
May 18Reply

@jordanellis1222 Please do not post your message on this listing. This listing is nothing about your transaction and I got so many notifications every time you posted on my listing, thanks.
May 18Reply

@cey323 please do not comment on this list. This list is nothing about your transaction. I got so many notifications every time you guys commented. Please use your own listing to have chat with your customer. Thanks.
May 18Reply

hi!! do you think you can authenticate one for me please? I have photos of the tag
Jun 29Reply

Hello, would you be able to help me determine if the CDG shirt I bought is authentic? Thank you.
Aug 19Reply

@carlimccullar I just saw the listing at your closet, and I’m afraid to say it looks like fake, Unfortunately.
Sep 22Reply

@erix thank you for this information. It is very generous of you to share. 🙏🏼❤️
Dec 05Reply

hi there! could you please check out @alice_stella ‘s button up cdg shirt she has posted? i’m really curious if authentic or not. thank you!
Jan 11Reply

@casselijaflores Hi, that looks ok to me. The tag has right stamp and all Japanese letters look good.
Jan 11Reply

@erix thank you!
Jan 12Reply

Hello! Do you think you could help me authenticate a tee that I bought? Reading all the info you posted about the tags looks pretty good but I want to make sure. Thank you!
Jan 15Reply

@dallascurated You can tag me the pics including the material tag. I will check them when I have a time.
Jan 16Reply

@erix I just posted the pics and tagged you, thank you so much
Jan 16Reply

@erix quick question, found a cdg hoodie that a like but on the wash tags it says made in china. Do you know if this is authentic or are all their clothes made in Japan?
Feb 10Reply

@gabino47 Yes, it should be fake as I have never seen any CDG made in China
Feb 10Reply

I recently bought these CDG pants and I’m having trouble finding the pants online , can you help me authenticate it ?
Feb 28Reply

@erix can you help me authenciate my cdg shirt? I bought it second hand from someone
Mar 11Reply

Hi! Could you please check out the sweater I have for sale in my closet? Didn’t even know they made fakes so now I’m worried and don’t want to sell a fake to anyone!! 😩
Apr 15Reply

@curatedbykiki I’m sorry to say it looks like a fake.
Apr 16Reply

@erix shoot! Thanks for looking. What makes you think that?
Apr 16Reply

Hello, do you happen to know if it is safe to buy CDG Play from Nordstrom or Saks Fifth Avenue? Is it guarantee that they carry authentic items?
Jul 01Reply

@erix hi can you look at the gray CDG sweater/cardigan in my closet I just recently purchased but I’m skeptical that it’s fake I will have to take it down if it is because I am so against replicas! 😡😡😡 please help! I hope it’s real 😔😭😭 I paid over $200 for it
Jul 19Reply

@myprivatejets Hi, I checked your listing. I’m afraid to say that it looks like fake to me. I can see some Japanese letters look very wired. Im sorry about that.
I recommend to purchase from any authorized distributor like Nordstrom, ferferch, sSence, Dover street market.
Otherwise it is getting really difficult to tell it’s fake.
Jul 20Reply

@erix thank you for your time I appreciate and that is what I was starting to think unfortunately I won’t be trusting posh anymore
Jul 21Reply

Hi! I just bought 2 CDG cardigans from here (two different buyers) I came across this listing.
I was wondering if you can help me if my 2 CDG items are real?
Please and Thank you 🤍
Aug 27Reply

Hello! can you authenticate a pair of CDG track pants for me? Thanks!
Oct 22Reply

Hi:) I am selling a commes de garçon shirt, it was a gift so I am bait sure it is authentic but I believe it is....would you mind checking my posting?
Nov 07Reply

Hi! Is there anything I should look for other than the stamp on the Japanese inner tag? I just bought a tee and the stamp looks good (uneven etc). Thanks!
Jan 05Reply

Hi Eric, I recently bought a CDG wallet here. I received it and now have some doubts. Do you know if there is a way to spot a fake CDG wallet? I have several of their pouches and different types of wallets and the leather feels different. Also the color of the zipper that zips all the way around is more of a copper color which I haven’t seen before.
Oct 29Reply

Sorry I typed Erix but it automatically changed to Eric 🤔
Oct 29Reply

Hi Erix! Thanks so much for posting about this. I was wondering if you could help me. I just posted a CDG PLAY cardigan and I am concerned about it since I have not seen this style before. The tag looked good, but now I am not sure. Would you mind taking a look at it for me? Thanks so much.
Dec 12Reply

I have it listed in my closet as Not for Sale, just so you know. Thanks again.
Dec 12Reply

i found a cardigan that had only a play interior label and hang tag, nothing more. i think its faux because i cant find any online. its ok though, who will know the difference. even the material i think should be wool and its not. at least ill be festive on valentines day
Feb 10Reply

@kmoxie i didnt see the item but the tee you sold was authentic. i just found a cardigan, knowing it was not real but im.wearing it tomorrow. no one will know the difference. i knew because of the material and the cdg was missing and only said play. no interior content label either.
Feb 14Reply
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