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Updated Mar 11
Updated Mar 11

Something Funny




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jeanscenequeen So so very true! Lol. XOXOX
Aug 18Reply
hacsince91 Accurate post is accurate
Aug 22Reply
slimandfitfab Ha Ha...this is hysterical! Thank you for making me laugh! :0)
Aug 22Reply
jodisjewelry @slimandfitfab I showed this to my husband and he was like I don't get it. I said never mind, being a man, you wouldn't get it. Lol
Aug 22Reply
jodisjewelry @candykissa143. Thought you would get a laugh from this!! 😘😘
Aug 22Reply
candykissa143 @jodisjewelry hahahahah I actually did I laughed out loud this is priceless mj snap shorting it and keeping forever have to show my bf lololol love it jodi nice way to wake up lol
Aug 22Reply
slimandfitfab So funny! My husband, God bless him, wouldn't get it either. He's just like these emos! I'll laugh everyday about these & I'm going to keep on laughing because laughing & being happy & rejoicing is so good for all of us! :0) Don't worry, be happy!
Aug 22Reply
flutter_buys So cute! lol! 😜💕
Aug 23Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry hey lady, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for helping me out the other night. If there is anything I can do for you just give me a holler. If you ever see anything in my closet that interests you just let me know and it's yours. Love ya lady! We couldn't have done this without you! XOXOXO
Nov 23Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 You are so precious and a very cherished friend!! Thank you for the HP's!! I actually got a HP on the CZ ring Fri and Sat night, and sold one each night!! U won't believe my day Fri... My phn had been crazy all week n wouldn't charge, so AT&T wanted to do an upgrade,... It's like 4:30 Fri afternoon n I'm like ok, if it doesn't take too long...
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 ... And my phone completely froze up!! I rushed to the local store... They say I have to take to the Apple Store to see if they can unlock was after 9 when I left the store n was rushing home, of all the days...
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 I didn't have a phn all weekend, so test I called for an spot at the local store, they couldn't see me til Fri and I was like no... This phn is less than 6 months old, I didn't pay over a grand for a lemon and I want it fixed now!!
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 After 4.5 hrs on the phn with them, we finally got it fixed last night! Fortunately I had backed up everything to the cloud so I restored everything like before, but I still want a new phn. As much as this cost, with my luck it will die as soon as it's out of warranty. Lol. I told her, I've had many different phones for 20 yrs now and I've never had one act up like this one..
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 I got the 6plus with 128GB, I don't need that much memory now but I will in a few yrs. I like to get one and keep for a long time so I got the one with the largest memory, but I've had problems with it ever since so got it and I've just lost faith that I have quality phn that's going to last awhile. I'm gonna keep fighting with them til they give me a new one, even f I have to call them once a week. Lol
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 I thought your party went great and you had some wonderful HP's. Did you have a blast??
Nov 25Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry it didn't matter to me anyway my dear! Don't you worry about a thing! I too need a new phone and IPad mine are getting so old but at this moment in my life I can not afford one. Boy I went out for a little bit yesterday and when I got home ( BTW this is Liv ) I got a case of the lonely blues like you wouldn't believe. My mother (whom I love with all my heart) always feels the need to put her 2 cents in on what I should be doing.....
Nov 25Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry and that just sets me off more...I did get out for two dates which were a disaster. So that I know I'm not ready for and to be honesty don't think I'll ever be ready. I decided to totally put that on the back burner fo a while. So many things I could be doing with my life but I'm not sure where to start! I pray for answers everyday. I can't say I'm depressed cause I'm not. Just a real lonely feeling.
Nov 25Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry oh yes the party was a blast! Savvyj , Erika, and me all did a three way call during the party. It was fun to talk and laugh and make our selections. I even dug deep into the bottom of my likes and had one lady thank me for giving her motivation to post again. I made quite a few sells and when I got caught up. I made more. Which is a good thing.
Nov 25Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry it's been no contact for months now. We are actually starting in the divorce phase. He wrote a list of things he wants and I'm just liquidating most of it. It's all material to me and I can live a simple life. Shelby's been taking all the over time she can get cause her teacher told me that her work plans on putting her in management the day she graduates. I loved hearing that good news. One of the best things I did was make my girls independent from men!
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 You are an awesome mom and an awesome person, I'm so blessed by our friendship!! I understand the lonely blues.. You can be surrounded by people and still be lonely inside. And after the hell they've out us thru, it's so hard to open up and trust again that sometimes it is easier to keep it in than risk opening up. By these days will pass, days will get easier, sometime it really is 2 steps forward and 10 steps back...
Nov 25Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry I wanted to let you know I'm back on FB but under an allies it's Livvie Dee. If you are on there please send me a request. I'd love for you to see Shelby's Sr. Pictures. They even did some of her hard at work which I thought was cool!
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry You'll have to call me and I'll tell u about my P, it is not my husband, I thank God for him all the time... But not was a very close friend and the betrayal cut deeply...I'm at a point now where I'm so glad that person is out of my life but it still makes me mad when I think about everything he stole from us
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 I got him back in a way... Turned him in to social security for fraud, he was still getting his late wife's disability checks, he actually changed her birth date and ss# on her death certificate!! I was fishing and asked him about it and that's when he said oh no, she's really not dead, she's in a nursing home... The lady I spoke with when I turned him in called me about a month later n said we got him!! That's how I found out how he did it.
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 Truth be told, I think he killed her... They were married 17 yrs, less than a week after her death he was on a trip with his new gf... But I still have one big surprise for him coming.
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @Incognito13 I left my narcotic pain meds at his house... He kept promising to send them but never did... That's some major prison time.. 9 different narcotics and I get a 3 month supply of each...theft of that is a biggie...I've just had too much going on to speak with prosecutors in his area...
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 So it's been over a year now, I'm probably the last thing he's thinking of, with his new wife and step child... And one day he will get that knock on the door and the cuff will be slapped on him...
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @incognito13 I told him, he always would say I was the nicest person he had ever known... And for those people, nice is weak... And I would always say, yes, I'm nice because I choose to be, but trust me, there are times when I'm not so nice... Lol. I don't like to be ugly, but I can be meaner than a rattlesnake when I'm pushed against a wall.
Nov 25Reply
incognito13 @jodisjewelry I always feel better after having a chat with you Jodi..yes we do need to talk on the phone I will lease you my # under an old post. It maybe up a ways but it's on there. Shelby gave me yours but I think I misplaced it. If you want to tag me in your post again I would appreciate it.
Nov 25Reply
jodisjewelry @jewelenim @soldsold I'm gonna be late finishing my shares. Sorry! I decided to do a big sale n my feed's been exploding all day and night...then I was on the wheel... All good things, of course, it just put me behind with my sharing!!
Feb 07Reply
jadrch 😜😄😍😘😉😃👍
Feb 09Reply
briannastull @jodisjewelry This is so true! The good thing about it is that the visual changed me from 🙁 to 😁!
Feb 01Reply

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