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Updated Nov 07
Updated Nov 07

Meet your Posher, Jim

Meet the Posher



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Whats up my thrift loving people! My names Jimmy , aka Moldy Oldies himself . I hand pick all items & absolutely love t shirts . If you do too , then nice to meet you 🤝 All tees are usually used & I aim for solid clean pieces , or i’ll tell you right up front they’re faded or torn up pleasantly. I like cool graphic prints & stuff that you cant find anywhere else . Old tees , love & peace . We really need all 3 ✌️🖖✌️ Welcome to T-Shirt Land / Lets get you something to wear for life 🙌🙌✅✅✅
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

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blanchmae Hi Jim, lots of cool tees in your closet! I'm too late for the ladys Harley top, dang it! Check out your closet again soon. :)
Apr 14Reply
mariajv Glad to see another dead head on here! Loving your rat dog tee! I've got my eye on your tye dye -- and the Athens sweatshirt...I'm Greek and a dead head lol. Once I get some sales I'll be back!
May 16Reply
moldy_oldies @mariajv Haha! Awesome. I definitely hunt for dead consistently & i'm glad you like the gear . That dead Tee in my closet my sell soon alot of people have been sharing & liking . If you luck out & it sells i'd be willing to sell the rat dog tee as well. Same size . Thanks . Happy hunting to you .
May 17Reply
mariajv Me too! I'm sure it'll sell before I can buy but I'll definitely keep an eye on your closet! Please feel free to tag me in anything you think I'd be interested in! Even if I can't wear it my hubby can ✌️
May 17Reply
madymcintyre If you have or find any tie dye, grateful dead, widespread panic or rock tees I'm a huge vintage t shirt fan!!!
Jun 03Reply
flurry__ Your closet rules! Thanks for the follow!
Jun 17Reply
panso2 Cool treasures ! Old school 👍🏾🙀✌🏾️
Jun 23Reply
brickhousedames Hi Jim! Great closet. May your tye dye never fade and your sales be plentiful.
Jul 12Reply
moldy_oldies @kyrstin8 That's whats up!! Check in frequently 🙏🏻🍁🍃🍂
Jul 13Reply
heatherdickert Love seeing another dead head on posh!!!!!! I toured with them through out my high school days!!! Love your vintage T's✌🏼️
Jul 19Reply
demitria @moldy_oldies You're closet is absolutely vintage coot😎Wishing you continued success and many more happy sales to come😎Lovely to meet you😎Have a fun Posh day😎Demitria's Treasures Closets @demitria @demitria67
Aug 06Reply
missygonet Hey Posher Jim! Godfather Jim! Jimbroni! Love ya!
Aug 12Reply
maidmarian Saving for a bundle of the coolest tees!
Aug 23Reply
moldy_oldies @maidmarian I hope so :) 😁🙏🏻
Aug 23Reply
moldy_oldies @venusdmyo Thank you for all the love ⚡️ blessings 🙏🏻
Sep 20Reply
thredzeppelin Hi Jim!! Excellent vintage tees!! Tag me when you list more!!✌
Sep 20Reply
greenshoes0 Welcome PEACE ☮
Oct 03Reply
ginabj @moldy_oldies 😂 Now I can't quite understand why you would call yourself that, it's just that you have great taste 😉 I'll keep u in faves till Payday☺️😎
Oct 11Reply
moldy_oldies @ginabj Definitely come back through & treat yourself to some treasure! Moldy Oldies is just a little play on words that i used to describe my thrifting finds well before the days of posh 😄 lol , because seriously i have unearthed some beautiful stuff from some scary dark places & brought them back to the light of life 😛 thank goodness ⚡️ Thanks for stopping in & much love !
Oct 11Reply
byorksung I love your "rat dog" shirt. Let me know if you have another one!
Oct 13Reply
livliv12 Welcome and Love, Love Love your tees! I really wish I had the knowledge 20+ years ago to hang on to all those concre tees! At least I would not feel like I wasted so much money, nahhhh, it was worth it! Fun times!
Oct 16Reply
serendipityduds Hi Jim! Thanks for the follow...and good luck with that! 😄 I broke my foot after I signed up with PM, so all I've managed to do is spend. Two plates and twelve screws later, I'm hoping to put something in my alleged closet soon. You have a great closet and even better premise. You've tapped a never ending market. No doubt, I'll be back and buy from you. Lots of memories just looking through it! Thanks!😎
Oct 26Reply
brn2run @moldy_oldies I was so excited to find your closet because I collect vintage tees. I try to find smalls or women's sizes but it's hard to find them. I just paid a fortune for a really beat up women's Rod Stewart tee from this famous place in LA. If you ever get any women's sizes or Bowie shirts, please tag me. Thanks and I'll keep checking back.
Oct 27Reply
luna522 Great stuff! Check out my page too! I'm adding more daily
Oct 27Reply
samantha_sf_ca You have a fabulous collection of fun shirts. I'm not spending not right but I'll be back and happy to share a few to my followers. Have a great rest of the week!
Nov 02Reply
aqua369 Great closet!! I liked so I can come back! 💃
Nov 03Reply
moldy_oldies @brn2run Hey! Thanks for the love ⚡️🙏🏻
Nov 03Reply
moldy_oldies @aqua369 Most certainly! Treat yourself! You deserve it ⚡️ lol
Nov 03Reply
b_g_watkins123 @moldy_oldies Jim you have an awesome closet some really nice tees Keep up the great job. Have a Poshing good 😊 day
Nov 18Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Dec 19Reply
moldy_oldies @demitria Much love 👌🏼
Jan 04Reply
moldy_oldies @demitria Much love 🙏🏻
Jan 04Reply
moldy_oldies @panso2 Much Love 🙌🏻
Jan 04Reply
moldy_oldies @madymcintyre Much love ⭐️️✨🙏🏻
Jan 04Reply
moldy_oldies @blanchmae Much love 😇
Jan 04Reply
anawkwardartist @moldy_oldies Jim, you're seriously the GREATEST! Best experience on Poshmark yet. The "Pray for me, my wife is 🍀" shirt...NAILED IT. We're getting married this May, I'm VERY Irish and he needs all the prayers he can get😂. Thanks SO much! *I'm also the Grammar Police and in my rating my phone changed "appreciative" to "appreciate". Nerd Alert. Now that that's cleared up, I can sleep tonight. ❤Lauren
Jan 07Reply
britboutique Your follow popped up in my notifications, just had to say best name I've seen on posh so far 😂
Jan 13Reply
sneakerfoot Hey Jim good day can you in box me have an offer at
Jan 15Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Jim, thanks for following my closet. Your tees are killer!
Jan 24Reply
moldy_oldies @birdgreen 👌🏼t shirt god 😇
Jan 31Reply
yrpetal @moldy_oldies Best ever! 💞💞💞
Feb 02Reply
sneakerfoot Hey Jim I only got 10 tees the order is 11
Feb 05Reply
moldy_oldies @sneakerfoot I just checked all my stock , positive, that every shirt is in there . Please get back to me as soon as possible. Thanks
Feb 05Reply
moldy_oldies I am assuming you're all set !?
Feb 05Reply
moldy_oldies @brn2run tons of new tees in ⚡️😇
Feb 05Reply
moldy_oldies @venusdmyo new tees 🙏🏻
Feb 05Reply
sneakerfoot Hey man I check 10 tees 10 single rap t-shirts
Feb 05Reply
sneakerfoot You only ship 10 tees the order is 11 tees
Feb 06Reply
brn2run @moldy_oldies Thanks for the info. I'm looking for XS or S Vintage rock tees. Please keep me in mind. Thank you very much.
Feb 06Reply
sneakerfoot Goodday any $7 tee Jim
Feb 07Reply
dorothy127 Awesome closet. Kinda glad the ones I really wanted are sold bc you would have all my money haha
Feb 08Reply
thephoenixmama Love the name!! 🤗 😂
Feb 13Reply
tayk_me_as_i_am @moldy_oldies this closet brings back memories! Very cool😊😊
Feb 18Reply
desireedym Rad t shirt collection ⚡
Feb 22Reply
pailface70 This has to be my favorite closet! I'm a huge T-shirt fan! I love T's! Would rather be in a T than anything! I'll definitely be checking out your closet at a later time!
Feb 24Reply
crkmccandlish I love your closet! I looked the best I could but do you have any Bon Jovi tees??? Thanks!
Feb 28Reply
xtinascottsdale @moldy_oldies hi Jim, I'll keep an eye on your closet. My BF loves wearing certain types of t-shirts w different logos and themes. The one he gets the most compliment on is his Nirvana. Love your profile pic🏝
Mar 23Reply
ghostlion hey! super awesome closet dude! love it ✌️
Apr 28Reply
nanamims Hi, I'm Roberta (Nanamims) my great husband & best friend, have been raising our 3 Grands for the last 8 years. I am totally disabled due to a car wreck & many surgeries, however have to do something to help. I have only done retail management as a career, so I joined PoshMart to help "get through" the outgrown clothes, and purchase more for them. It also lets me work in my desired field! So please Be Blessed, Nanamims
May 04Reply
curvygurlzrock Thank you for following me! Best closet name ever!
Jun 07Reply
jenfab2007 Awesome closet!!!!! I too am from Massachusetts. Born in Methuen. Live in cali now. Hey, you ever get any Jimmie Johnson stuff, let me know. Great closet!!!😉
Jun 21Reply
amconover61 Awesome closet!! See you around!
Jul 03Reply
micaelachambers Cool tees Jim
Jul 16Reply
poshmark1111112 love your closet! thanks for the follow ;)
Jul 19Reply
seconds2love thanks for the follow! Love the Disney and bandanas! I shared with my followers!
Aug 15Reply
lasmada I love your closet name. Love your vintage tees too.
Sep 08Reply
nikkirobinson19 Hi! Just wondering if you would trade the Drake t-shirt!?
Oct 03Reply
trehrlich1967 Do you have any more vintage Miami dolphins shirts
Oct 17Reply
2nushuz Love your closet. A lot of fun stuff. I'm sure I will visit often.
Feb 04Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet! If I wouldn’t offend you, please read about daughter in my closet to learn more about me! ❤️
Apr 07Reply
ashleygraumann You too sweetheart xo
Apr 23Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 28Reply
d4nny815 Hi sorry, I missed your offer on the mug, I changed the price Incase your still interested thanks
May 10Reply
fluttershy22 Nice closet! Thanks for following me 💥 I will be definitely be keeping an eye on your stuff, you have a good eye.
May 17Reply
ozoz123oz Feel free to check out my jerseys and Nike, Jordan, and Adidas shirts
Jul 04Reply
curiouscuration Love your shop!
Jul 11Reply
twoody961 Love your Bio ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
Jul 24Reply
imperfectbeaut2 You are awesome!!! Love that you came up with a closet like this!
Jul 26Reply
moldy_oldies @imperfectbeaut2 much love my friend ! Please tag we when you find some sweet tees ❤️🦁
Jul 26Reply
illind Your closet is lovely, and thanks for the Posh Love! Please keep it flowing by sharing or liking anything you find interesting in my closet. Thanks 🙏 ❤️🙏
Jul 26Reply
imperfectbeaut2 @moldy_oldies wild do! I have something now. It’s not old but it’s retro and cool as heck. At least to me it is! I’ll tag u and see what u think.
Jul 26Reply
kslay1221 SOOOOOO happy you found my closet.....your closet is awesome and I simply adore the vintage tee’s....I recently came across a bunch of them at Grandma’s lucky me.....anyway thanks for the follow....👋🏻🍓🦄😀😎
Aug 06Reply
kslay1221 Also my entire point #stoner......vintage Honda tees.....keep me in mind I’m always on the hunt and will buy ✌🏻
Aug 06Reply
closet213 Hey! 😃 My name is Collin and I sell clothes on the account @closet213. 👕👖 I hope you find time to check my closet out. I’m new to Poshmark and would love to gain some friends on the app! ☺️ Feel free to share any listing or even make an offer. Any offer is always accepted! 😋
Aug 18Reply
jonakacl1203 You’ve got a real swell shop, Jim! Found you because you “liked” me. Happy hunting!
Aug 22Reply
sammysundrop Cool beans you seem pretty cool! So you like music festivals?
Aug 22Reply
moldy_oldies @sammysundrop Huge music fan / concert goer / I do it all! Welcome to my tee heaven 😇 ❤️
Aug 22Reply
sammysundrop @moldy_oldies me too! Thanks for following me! I love your t shirts! Do you bundle I found one for my father in law he would love he’s a huge Springsteen fan
Aug 22Reply
debidodaday Love the name! And the store.
Sep 19Reply
prof I am very impressed with your closet
Sep 30Reply
mee0wsers 👋 Thanks for checking meowt! Closet benefits animal rescue. Ty for helping me help them 🐶 🐱 Happy poshing 🎉
Oct 03Reply
zazuco Hi Jim👋 Nice closet!😍
Oct 10Reply
fortheloveofash Hi there 😊 Thanks for stopping by my shop, For The Love of Ash! Please let me know if you have any questions. Sending some share love your way. I’ll check back in later to see how you’re doing 💕 With Love, Sara Ash @fortheloveofash
Oct 11Reply
p_stroud Sick finds! You dont happen to have anymore of those 1996 Vintage lovliness Marvin the Martian bandanas?
Oct 16Reply
hitide Lovin the name....feelin the same😂😂😂
Oct 24Reply
alanjcampos Hey man, thank you for always buying the Vikings items from me. Really appreciate it.
Nov 03Reply
newlaundry4u Love love love your closet!!!🤘🏻
Nov 04Reply
houseoffire Love your stuff! It's all awesome! Keep up the good work! 😘
Nov 09Reply
alexmappes Ratdog 🖖
Nov 14Reply
miss_parisritz 😃 l love the motto! Yes, we need ALL three!!! Awesome, unique closet you have. Very cool ✌🏻
Nov 18Reply
dodenwald Hi! I just purchased an MJ tee from you yesterday and I’m TRYING to figure out how to message people but I have no idea. I reeeeally need the tee by this Tuesday 😬 I should’ve put a special note on the order but I didn’t. Is it possible?!! 🙏🙏🤞🏼🤞🏼
Dec 01Reply
moldy_oldies @dodenwald It will be in the mail prompt in the morning tomorrow so it can get-to moving on to its new life with you ❤️ thank you for your support
Dec 01Reply
dodenwald @moldy_oldies awesome! If there’s anyway to get it here by Tuesday I will be sooo appreciative! I purchased it for a thing on Wednesday! THANK YOU!
Dec 01Reply
grammiebett Love tshirts and totally enjoyed crusin' through your tees 👍😁✌. Fun times had in Santa Cruz, can't wait to get back to the west coast 💞👍💞 Happy poshing 😊😊
Jan 28Reply
universalfinds Gorgeous picture & closet 😍🎉🎉🎉 Happy Poshing 💞💐🌹
Feb 04Reply
captainfun Captain Fun totally digs the name. Awesome bravo bravo. Ill be sharing a multitude of your closet. Treasure hunt on. May your Pirates Booty swiftly move to many sails (aka sales). 👽
Feb 14Reply
leedog640 are you for sale?
Feb 25Reply
moldy_oldies @leedog640 how much u offering
Feb 25Reply
brenbrenbean Hello hello!! I love your closet!! If you have time I’d LOVE it so much if you could check out my closet!!! XO
Feb 28Reply
caramias_island Love the vibe and the closet! Sharing!
Mar 11Reply
gullprint I love your closet, all my favorites, you have amazing taste🎁
Mar 24Reply
voutique Loving the name.
Mar 29Reply
svillyard Hey Jim! I have a ton of size 42x32 men's pants that I'm trying to sell. If you or anyone you know is interested, send them my way, please! I'm trying to increase my Male following
Jun 13Reply
lectrikye Thank you for all the love!! You’re seriously sick as fuuhhh. You and your babies are amazing!! 🥰💜 I will be back, mister! I couldn’t stop sharing! Haha 💜💜
Jul 09Reply
smadden424 Love your closet!
Jul 09Reply
benjmo82 Hi, love your closet. I’d love to pick your brain on your business a bit! Please let me know if that’s ok!
Sep 27Reply
riftthrift Very cool closet, love the genre
Oct 01Reply
moldy_oldies @benjmo82 most certainly 🙏
Oct 11Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Jimmy, thanks for following us! Cool Ratdog shirt!😎👍 We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋 We're still getting our Posh' closet in shape. We currently don't have any listings in our closet. Hopefully soon!😉 I hope you find great bargains & have many sales!📈 Happy Posh'ing!🎉 ☮️n💗
Oct 23Reply
howardberkowitz thanks....awesome deal...I collect harley tees. nice addition for me.. have a great day
Nov 09Reply
howardberkowitz thanks....awesome deal...I collect harley tees. nice addition for me.. have a great day
Nov 09Reply
nicole_347 Hi thanks for following! Please follow our Charity Instagram also!! It is called @Fashion Funds:WWYK, The founder is designer and humanitarian ZuZu Kerim!! Just a follow or repost is support enough! We fight for human and political rights! Including political justice for all! You will love the page, we also do shout outs and giveaways! Thank you for supporting! Look for our LOTUS FLOWER IG PROFILE LOGO!!! That's @Fashion Funds:WWYK. Right In the DMV, with Donations also going to UMD Climate Fund
Dec 14Reply
soulfinds Hi 👋🏽Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Kappa, Umbro, Puma, Champion, Band Tee’s & Licensed Tees for Men, Women & Kids. 🏁 We’re currently running a 3 for $25 sale! Just look for the 🏁 in the items title for participating items to complete your bundle. 🏁 📌 NEW ITEMS POSTED DAILY!
Dec 23Reply
chris_pedersen Man wow I love your closet!!!! I wanna be you when I grow up!!! Really really impressive finds I couldn’t guess how many man hours. Neat neat stuff
Feb 23Reply
cooki232323 Jimmy, I’m originally from Boston and then moved to Scottsdale Arizona 25 years ago. I’ve got to say, kick ass name of your closet! You are having fun AND making a living! Have you sold any puzzles?👍🏻💕
Apr 01Reply
moldy_oldies @cooki232323 Hey cooki! Thanks so much for the kind words , I have sold a few unopened puzzles , people love old ones un-opened . Many blessings to you
May 14Reply
hitide What's up Jim?!?! Thx for the like! Got any Pearl Jam Tees? Let me know! I'm in process of moving so had to put my closet on vaca mode cause I got s#×t everywhere😂😂😂
May 17Reply
coppergirl101 Hi Jimmy! Awesome clothes! Arlene
Jun 16Reply
cbonempo Hi please ship my hat in a box 😇
Oct 07Reply
moldy_oldies @cbonempo thing is already wrapped up & headed to the post office in about 15 minutes. I crammed it in a tiny undersized envelope ; jk . It’s in a box ; I would never ❤️ Were you born in Worcester?
Oct 07Reply
meshellivana Your closet is kinda fun to share!
Mar 21Reply
moldy_oldies @meshellivana thank you for all the love and shares! Have a great day ❤️
Apr 02Reply
meshellivana @moldy_oldies You're so welcome! Kinda easy, it's fun looking at all your old shirts!
Apr 02Reply
cruelheaven i miss ratdog 🍄❤️🍄
Apr 09Reply
trishadi Hey there thanks for the follow! Give me a shout when you run into any vintage Corvette gear I drive a ‘70 Stingray always looking for kid stuff to hand out that cheap and vintage tees for me. If they are on the big side I don’t mind it’s all about vintage Vette stuff. Hang ten buddy 🏆
Jul 21Reply
dollydiane_ I’m just mad I didn’t think of this handle first! What’s up Jim! Glad we’re following eachother 😚🤌🏼
Jul 27Reply
stelias1 Thank you for the follow! Love your closet! Took me down Memory lane!!
Oct 05Reply
scubaskip hey neighbor ! and a fellow
Feb 04Reply
missink3383 ,,,,🌈🤗a friend of the devil, is a friends of mine,,,🤝🖖😍⭐🌈⭐ ✌💗🌈🤑🍀Happy $ales🤑 Many Styles, Sizes, Brands to choose from~ Victoria's Secret, VS Pink, American Eagle, Aéro, Nike, Adidas, Akademiks, Vintage items & More. ❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤ You're cordially invited to stop by 🚪Miss-Ink's Closet 😍🎀🖤🎀 Stop by for fun, follow games, share for shares, chances for FREE items when BOGO*/BOGO* 50% Off 😍😍😍😍😍🛍😍😍😍😍😍 [*Items if equal or lesser value😃] 🎀🖤Hope to see y'all there🖤🎀
Feb 04Reply
missink3383 P.s. have many more owns to add... including Jerry Garcia collectable sheet of stamps (connected/self adhesive still unused) in plastic protector sleeve. (storage life) commemorating his life.... 💕
Feb 04Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 12Reply
hobochic76 @moldy_oldies thanks a ton for sharing my closet
Apr 30Reply
cutehosiery @moldy_oldies Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 17Reply
bigredbrit I love the name of your closet !!! LOL ;-}
Mar 24Reply
gabbymcelravy Ok, so idk what I'm doing lol. Is this the only way to send people messages? Lol and I have a question... ibsee things with pretty awkward prices. Is this because they include the shipping price, or are they just awkward? Lol. And if there is a better way to message, please let me know lol
Jul 10Reply
moldy_oldies @gabbymcelravy hey, you can message on any listing and ask questions . All prices are negotiable and you can use the make an offer feature
Jul 10Reply

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New Bedford, MA
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Last Active: this hour

New Bedford, MA
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