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This user asked me to trade but made sure it was outside of poshmark so that she could scam me. Days went by without hearing from her so I concluded that she was scamming me. I was blocked from her posh. She made up several stories about why she couldn't ship, all of them made up and most contradicted the last. She told me she went to the post office at 10 AM (even though she is in HS and was at school) and sent it but when I finally did receive it was dated days after she promised me she sent!

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I just don't want anyone else to get scammed. It really upsets me when people have to ruin this for everyone. I am going to close my stores because I have been scammed too many times and lost way too much money. 😔 PLEASE MAKE THIS GO AROUND SO NOBODY ELSE GETS RIPPED OFF BY HER!
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss it's been eleven days!! And if so why are you ignoring me and blocking me? Huh!?
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss the proof is a picture of a box that doesn't show the content or label with my name on it! Oh and it was PRIORITY which comes with tracking! So post my tracking or some actual proof! This is the first I'm hearing from you in a few days!
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss the emails must have got lost with my package then because I never received them either!
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss why didn't you send me a tracking number? The post office ALWAYS gives you a tracking number if you ship priority! It literally says it on the box that I never got!
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss then why didn't I get it! Why didn't I get a real tracking number? I'm not the one who needs to get off posh! I'm reliable and honest. You got your package didn't you?! You're just trying to come up with an excuse so you can scam more people.
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss I just checked and the last email was from Wednesday from you, even though I've emailed you several times since then. I can post a pic of that too. And how can you see what's going on without a tracking number?! When I get my package I will edit this post and say you are honest and trustworthy but until then I have been scammed. It's been over a week to get six hours? Just show me the label or something! Come on how can you not admit this is sketchy?
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss how am I pathetic? I'm not the one scamming people or being sketchy. You blocked me so people wouldn't see and deleted the listing showing your dishonesty. I'm trying to look out for other honest poshers who know what it's like to get scammed.
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss I'm glad you're all happy. These comments just show everything buyers need to know about you. Don't worry people are sharing this and will have my back, nobody wants to be scammed.
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss I heard the aa romper you didn't purchase it was a trade the girl just commented you a thief like do you have any shame?
Aug 28Reply

@flowercannon I know! It's been eleven days and she said the priority didn't come with tracking and the post office just lost my package! I know how the post office works, I've been selling for awhile now and actually shipping the items. Thank you for your comment! I just hope nobody else gets scammed by her, it makes none of this fun of worthwhile.
Aug 28Reply

@wowitsalexisss you can change you profile pic as much as you want, I will just update my listing. You are trying to escape your lies. Just send me my item back or ship your part of the trade and it will all be over. Just be honest! I'm getting so many shares and comments it's not going to end.
Aug 28Reply

You can file an internet crimes case against her. Be sure to include her name, address and emails to back up your story! I'm so sorry this has happened to you:/ I've been scammed once before and its definitely not something anyone should have to go through.
Aug 28Reply

@skullsandgold thanks for the info! how would I go about that? And I know, it's terrible. Please share so nobody will get scammed by her again!
Aug 28Reply

@camillashiver thank you so much! I am doing everything I can to prevent this from happening to more people. I'm not letting her get away with this. It's terrible, people are just on here to make a little money and have fun not to scam people. It ruins it for everyone.
Aug 28Reply

No problem! Go to and it'll have a form for you to fill out with all the information you are able to provide!
Aug 28Reply

@skullsandgold thank you so much! Will be doing that right now! All this for a clothing item she could have just sent me...
Aug 28Reply

Its pretty ridiculous but everything comes full circle. She'll end up messing with the wrong person and get caught up. Hopefully sooner than later lol
Aug 28Reply

Aug 28Reply

Aug 28Reply

@skullsandgold oh she already messed with the wrong person!! I'm not letting this go!
Aug 28Reply

@samanthaaraee I'm not trading anymore after this. Thank you for the advice but I'm going to sell all my items and close my shops. I can't take this anymore, I've been scammed about 5 times now. 😔
Aug 28Reply

I'm pretty sure you can take legal action...I know of a few people who have I just am not sure of the exact steps they took. I think it's like mail fraud or something? I would look into that if you're item you sent was worth it. People like her deserve to be prosecuted
Aug 28Reply

Ooooh that sucks :/ yeah honestly the same thing happened to me and the girl I swapped with had great reviews....but I never got my item. Trade on the app only for sure!
Aug 28Reply

@hakujitsuu I know I'm not trading like this anymore! She says she has the package ready and is going to ship tomorrow because I told her I would press charges since this is illegal to do to someone.. so hopefully I get my item!
Aug 28Reply

@samjean17 hopefully! i hope you do (:
Aug 28Reply

@lovelyannabel basically... she told me she went to the post office and got it back from them because they never sent it out bc she wrote the return address wrong but now she will go tomorrow to take it back to the post office.... I don't even know honestly. It seems to me like she didn't send it in the first place because she wanted to rip me off but when I caused this big scene she decided to actually send me the item.
Aug 28Reply

@lovelyannabel like she emailed me and told me she was on her way to the post office then literally ten minutes later she sent me a lengthy email explaining how she went there and talked to the manager and got my box back and they explained that since her return address was not a real address they couldn't send it to me. Like that only took ten minutes? Plus you don't even need to put a return address to send something? I feel like she's just lying to cover up her lies.
Aug 28Reply

@lovelyannabel oh I know that's the only reason she's sending it to me! Like it's just story after story and none of them add up. I ship everything myself through my merc account so I know how the post office works. I just want my part of the trade and I'm done with this all. So frustrating when people are like this!
Aug 28Reply

@xoclairez oh my gosh, I wish she saw this first! ^^
Aug 29Reply

Wow wow wow! This girl is to not be trusted! @wowitsalexisss she pushed me to first right away as well and I didn't because I had a weird feeling about her
Aug 29Reply

Aug 29Reply

I'm sorry to hear that you got scammed by @wowitsalexisss LOL to the fact that her only come back is "You're pathetic" she called me a scammer because I didn't ship even know she didn't ship as well.
Aug 29Reply

@xoclairez Thank you for tagging me in this! I am sharing and hoping that Posh bans her
Aug 29Reply

@wowitsalexisss I will get rid of this as soon as you ship my item! The post office is closing soon today and you've already admitted that you have the item in you're possession, so I can't get rid of this yet...
Aug 29Reply

Wow, i'm so sorry this happened to you😔 Definitely file a claim for internet fraud like everyone else said above. She can get in quite a bit of trouble and will learn her lesson. I find it funny how she's trying to blame others for scamming her when she's the only one who is scamming here. I don't know how people can even do this; it would make me feel so guilty. Definitely won't ever purchase or trade with her even though she has some nice items in her closet. Thanks for the heads up!
Aug 30Reply

@lo_closet I know, not sure how people don't feel guilty ripping others off. She even finally admitted to me that she has the item and hasn't shipped and now isn't responding again! I'm so frustrated! 😔
Aug 30Reply

@samjean17 Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! I've got your back!😊
Aug 30Reply

@wowitsalexisss what is going on?! You tell me you have my item and that you're for sure sending it today but then start ignoring my emails again? I really feel like filing those charges on you because this is so ridiculous! I know you come on here because it says last active this hour!!
Aug 30Reply

@wowitsalexisss yeah okay. you expect me to sit around and be totally okay with this situation although I'm getting screwed over right and left!! You have both my item and yours yet I should be okay with that! No I'm not, sorry! Every story you give me sounds more made up than the last. If you don't ship it Monday I am filing the claim. You could have just shipped it last night when you "we're at the post office". And by the way, you don't even need a damn return address to ship anything!
Aug 30Reply

@wowitsalexisss you'll "ship when you can" screw you! I went out of my way to ship a couple hours after we agreed to a trade! No it wasn't convenient for me, I did it because I am an honest person! How long do you need?! How many weeks? Huh! I'm not letting you screw me over! This is ridiculous!
Aug 30Reply

@wowitsalexisss plus if you were so side tracked you wouldn't have been on freaking posh mark every hour! Stop giving me stories and just send me my item back!
Aug 30Reply

Good luck babe, trading off Posh isn't an invitation to not follow through with sending their item. I hope you get your romper soon! 💕 someone with experience in trading and selling should know how to ship properly and timely, with legitimate proof.
Aug 30Reply

@samjean17 Oh my goodness, I completely feel your position right now :( I was scammed too, but on eBay and for an iPhone! The package had made its way to the destination and was about to be delivered, but I had contacted the post office and had it sent back to me just in time. Some people are just despicable!
Aug 30Reply

@ootdperfect @pearlescentaqua thank you guys. She just keeps telling me stories about why she couldn't send it or why it was never delivered. I just want this to be over so I don't have to file charges on her! It's terrible to be scammed and I don't understand how people do this to others..
Aug 30Reply

Beware of @daniellamull. SCAMMER ALERT!
Aug 31Reply

Sorry about that! Getting scammed is the absolute worst!! Happened to me a few times 😓 good luck! I'd file that report, and not give into any profanity/rudeness or stories! 🌸🍉
Aug 31Reply

Thank you so much for the alert. I'm new to poshmark and am so glad that someone is looking out for all of us. I will definitely report her and not be buying anything or trading with her. I really think that you should file the claim against her, she might learn her lesson. It's so unfortunate that people do this just for one piece of clothing. I'm completely on your side for this one. Hope you get your romper soon!
Aug 31Reply

@barbaraaah @natalies101 thank you guys for the kind words. It is very unfortunate to have people that do this to others. I am just looking for justice, and hopefully for her to learn not to do this again, not to cause more problems. It's definitely not fun being scammed!
Aug 31Reply

@natalies101 @kathrynrizzo1 @static_cat @yelena_perez she made a new account under "masliah14" just wanted to make you guys aware
Aug 31Reply

Already saw it but thanks❤️ @xokelsie
Aug 31Reply

@xokelsie probably because so many people reported her other one.
Aug 31Reply

Sep 03Reply

I followed her on her old acct, she was always so rude and pressured ppl into buying/trading things by sending repetitive messages. She always trades and then resells the items for a higher price. Tbh high schoolers shouldn't be on poshmark without their parents assistance with shipping things. It's so immature and annoying
Sep 05Reply

@volimtedraga there really should be an age limit. She was so dumb too, I found her Twitter and all of the stories she was telling me proved to be made up! She kept telling me she shipped my item but when I did receive it (and I am sure I only did because she was scared her parents might find out about her scamming people) it was dated days after she told me she shipped it! She was the most untrustworthy person I have ever seen on here. Everything she told me was a lie!
Sep 06Reply

@miranduhhh @cnavarro22 @rachelrogersss @kendallhoffman @summer_amazing
Sep 09Reply

Yeah something's up babe!! The box clearly says PRIORITY on it but her receipt says FIRST CLASS??? You CAN'T ship anything in a PRIORITY BOX with a FIRST CLASS LABEL! Anyone who ships anything knows that. And ALL PRIORITY SHIPPING COMES WITH TRACKING! So there's definitely something wrong here! Sorry u have to go through this!!
Sep 09Reply

You are too sweet for this to keep happening to you! I'm so sorry!! No one deserves this! And I am so boggled that this has happened to you 5 times already!! It makes me sick that people can do this to anyone!!! And for what?!?!? A $20 piece of clothing?!?!? Get a damn job!
Sep 09Reply

@cnavarro22 thanks girl. I'm so over selling and buying on these sites. People are ridiculous. It's happened to me too many times. This girl just made up story after story and I'm smart enough to know that none of them even made sense. I know how the post office works by now! I did finally get my package after bugging her all the time and posting this.
Sep 09Reply

Sep 11Reply

Sep 11Reply

@brandybabe13 just so you know @masliah14 is full of crap. She told you I assumed she scammed me! She TOLD ME SHE SHIPPED but didn't actually ship until over three weeks had passed even though I shipped the first day like she pushed me to do. she blocked me from her posh accounts and her other one got deleted for getting reported. She told me so many lies about how she shipped it and then she finally admitted to me she had it and it still took her over a week after admitting that to send it.
Sep 13Reply

@kristindelr seriously tag anyone that comments on that stupid b**chs post! She is saying "I assumed she scammed me" oh my god! Well yeah when you straight out lie to someone about sending a package three weeks ago yet then admit that you still have it and continue to take another week to send me my item I "assume" you are scamming me! Plus blocking me from commenting// ignoring my emails. Oh god, she is way too immature to be on here! Wish I would have filed those charges on her
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 you are full of crap though! You don't even need a return address to ship anything!! Plus you were at school when you said you went! Not to mention that it miraculously only took 8 minutes from your email saying you were "on the way" to sending me a long story about what happened and how you talked to the "manager" during school time cause you're an immature little a**hole who shouldn't be allowed on here!
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 if I'm such a liar why would I not block you from commenting on my stuff?! Oh right! I want people to see what a piece of crap you are! Yet you blocked me from telling people the truth on your post! You don't want anyone to know! Oh and I found your Twitter filled with tweets saying you wish you could drive and get a job but hey you told me you drove to the post office from work! HAHAHA! Liar!!!
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 you're Twitter says that you can't wait to get a job or start to drive! Plus your boyfriend just turned 16! Haha!! You're probably some stupid 15 year old thinking she is clever and cool since she can scam people and cuss a lot. What about the fact you don't even need a return address to mail a package?! You don't have anything to say! Also, you told me you shipped Monday morning but lied about that too since the package had the date on it! You're so bad at lying its sad!!
Sep 13Reply

@kristindelr she keeps lying to me about everything! Even the things I can prove with pics of her tweets and proof from the date on the packages she still lies about!!! I can't believe she is actually still going! What's ironic is she told me that you would reassure me she was trustworthy when I agreed to trade! Ha!
Sep 13Reply

@rainbow_kitty just in case you believe masliah14. She is the biggest scammer and also a huge liar.
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 don't tell people you're honest when you're a terrible person! Okay so why does your Twitter say you wish you could find a job? Why did it say you can't wait to start driving? Why is your boyfriend just barely 16? The age to work and drive! Why did you lie to me about the date you mailed my package? How were you working during school hours? Answer these honestly!
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 oh my god!! How did you get a year younger in a week! You just told me you were 17! 😂 I will post a screenshot of the email!
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 proof right there you are a liar! Now how are you honest again? Hahahaha!!
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 my bad, you're mistake! Just like all of your other lies! I should have known you didn't really mean to lie to me! God! Even when I prove several of your lies you just come up with excuses about why it isn't a lie!
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 and you're just a slutty little spoiled brat who needs to learn a lesson in life. Oh and put some clothes on, you're not cute. Next time make up some more believable lies ❤️
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 I'm not going to sit here and talk crap. I'm frustrated that you claim you are an honest person yet I prove you lied to me and still don't admit it. Nobody wants to be scammed and it's ridiculous that you would do this. I'm done because you are heartless and will never admit to the things you did to me. At least I have and would never scam anyone or lie. the only reason I stooped to your level is because nobody deserves to go through what you did to me
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 you are a mean dishonest person and nobody should have to put up with that. Most of us are just trying to sell some clothes, not get into drama or be treated with such disrespect. I was very honest and nice to you up until you started ignoring my emails and blocking me after weeks went by without getting my part of our trade. I really don't understand how you can be so ruthless.
Sep 13Reply

I believe u!
Sep 13Reply

So sorry about what happened to you :/ I got scammed before and that bitxh was just like this girl who scammed U. I hope you get your stuff soon and don't worry! Karma will bite her ass! I wish U the best 💕
Sep 13Reply

@tiffany840902 thank you! It's a terrible thing to be scammed 😔
Sep 13Reply

You should contact her parents about all this. Especially all the screenshots of her cursing. She is reacting to this situation in the most childish way, so might as well punish her like a child. I'm sorry you had to go through all this. ❤️
Sep 13Reply

@masliah14 you're still a young high schooler and you shouldn't be talking to people like that or lying to people you don't even know. You really need to be more respectful of people's time and honest.
Sep 13Reply

@kristindelr is she really only 14?
Sep 13Reply

@missmorgan01 I know, she gives out her phone number to everyone. She's not very smart haha.
Sep 15Reply

@missmorgan01 yes I did but only cause I threatened to press charges and she probably doesn't want her mommy and daddy to know what she's been doing to people considering she's only 14. I'm not taking this down though because people shouldn't have to deal with crap like that. She treated me so terrible and I want everyone to be able to see.
Sep 15Reply

@justine_huang99 I know because too many people on here saw this and unfortunately I can't stop everyone from getting scammed. 😕 she will do it again to someone who will file charges on her
Sep 21Reply

Sep 23Reply

✖️ Please help! I was scammed by @prettyann out of my Chanel Flap Bag. She has since deleted her account and won't respond to my emails. Does anybody have advice on how to get my bag back? ✖️
Oct 09Reply

Oct 15Reply

@scc4925 I know how to
Oct 15Reply

@masliah14 omg 😑 @jetitjessy @pretty_n_petite
Oct 30Reply

Nov 02Reply

@martinajean @lovelyannabel @arm2000 @glamaholicties @yungslickk @prettytara @ababylancaster @beautybybella7 @grrsophia @brittnoon1113 @halistacarris @kaiulanip @charlottebrownn @samjean17
Jan 02Reply

Jan 03Reply

Jan 03Reply

Jan 03Reply

Jan 03Reply

@beautybybella7 Hey! I have some rare acacia and Brandy Melville dm if interested
Apr 08Reply
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