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Updated Nov 14
Updated Nov 14

Tiffany & Co. Box, Bag The Mother Load!

Tiffany & Co.

US$400 US$5,000

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I AM BREAKING DOWN SET. MAKE OFFER Make offer and or let me know what boxes you would like . :) Authentic Tiffany&Co boxes, bag & bows. 19 boxes larger boxes have original packing with Tiffany tissue paper as well as bubble wrap w/Tiffany and Co. stickers. 11 sleeper bag, 5 envelope style, 1 soft fold over. 10 bags. Ribbon,3 stamped note cards with envelopes. 90% in excellent condition.3 boxes w/original bows. 1engagement ring box, original wrapping paper. excellent window display.
  • Ships to: United States

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jacci_blue Holy cow; impressive!
Sep 13Reply
britni623 @ royalcrew2 Morning... R u selling everything together or would u separate some..
Sep 13Reply
onnaway Wow, you are a very loved woman,...I have never seen so many Tiffany boxes
Sep 16Reply
royalcrew2 :) I too was surprised at it all when I laid it all out. I'm going to reduce the entire price & if no offers I'll break it down & be happy to sell what ever you need :)
Sep 16Reply
britni623 @royalcrew2 Fabulous!!!! Let me know when u decide to separate this Amazing collection... I'm interested in 2 or 3 boxes....
Sep 16Reply
divineasiangel Yes me too if you break the lot down. I would do the four boxes with the snap pouches in the pic. Let me know ty
Sep 17Reply
britni623 Good Afternoon.... How much for 1 big box... 1 med box.... 1 small box.....
Sep 23Reply
royalcrew2 Britni623. Would you like any of the storage sleeper bag, bows, handle bags? Or just single boxes. Small, med & large. Just the 3 boxes i'll say $55
Sep 24Reply
royalcrew2 Luv2shop. Sorry need to be more specific? How many boxes? I'll say a sleeper & ribbon with each box. Which small boxes?
Sep 25Reply
michey2424 How much for the big box
Sep 27Reply
michey2424 And the next size down
Sep 27Reply
royalcrew2 I'll work on coming up with prices & update post. Thanks for looking!!
Sep 27Reply
royalcrew2 Shopaholic I'll sell with bags & bows too Say $100. Box, sleepers, bag & bows.
Oct 04Reply
yorgrace hm for a set?
Oct 24Reply
royalcrew2 @yorgrace how much do you want to spend & what items. I could put a nice package together for $60 based on what you like
Oct 24Reply
gianpaolotrone Can I please get the engagment set? I have wanted one forever! Can u please give a fair price on it? Thanks:)
Oct 24Reply
dreyjohns Is the largest box available??
Oct 24Reply
yorgrace Interested in 2wnvelopes, a pouch n maybe an engagement box!
Oct 24Reply
gianpaolotrone Can I please have the engagment box.
Oct 25Reply
royalcrew2 @dreyjohns Hi yes the large box is available. $30.
Oct 26Reply
royalcrew2 @gianpaolotrone hi I'll be happy to sell box. Comes with origin wrapping paper & bow $45?
Oct 26Reply
royalcrew2 @yorgrace hi. The envelopes come in a small box & so does pouch. 2env/box & bow 1 pouch& box & bow. $35. Engagement box with original wrapping & bow. $45. Total $80
Oct 26Reply
yorgrace TY! I Would like to see a separate listing for just the engment set pls.
Oct 27Reply
royalcrew2 I'll set up new listing & tag you in it. Hope to do it by tomorrow :). Thanks!
Oct 27Reply
gianpaolotrone Does the engagment ring set come with velvet box?
Oct 27Reply
gianpaolotrone If so, can you please do $35?? I need this for a gift and I can't find it anywhere for a good price.
Oct 27Reply
gianpaolotrone I'll buy engagment set today if it had the velvet box. Can you please do $35??
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @gianpaolotrone Hi I just put box up for sale :) I've had a few people ask for the items. Best offer wins tonight. I'll ship in the morning :)
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @yorgrace Hi I just put the box set up for sale, best offer wins & I'll ship ASAP. :)
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @brittonlott I'm breaking down the set. I'll try to create a package. Comment back as to what you'd like to see
Oct 28Reply
yorgrace How about the 2envelope 1pouch set?
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @yorgrace I just listed 2 envelope set. Or are you looking for the sleeper bags? They too will can come with box, bows, bag for about same price.
Oct 28Reply
britni623 @royalcrew2 Hello.... Do u still have available 3 Tiffany boxes....small,med,large... With bows....
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @brittonlott yes I have the 3 set boxes, did you want sleepers too. Sleepers, box, bows, bags, $45
Oct 28Reply
earthtobritton I think you are tagging the wrong person
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @brittonlott your right, thank you!!!
Oct 28Reply
royalcrew2 @britni623 yes 3 box set available. Boxes, bows, bags, & sleepers/pouch $45
Oct 28Reply
britni623 @royalcrew2 Good evening... If possible could u send a quick pic of exactly what I'm receiving.... 💞Poshing....
Oct 29Reply
royalcrew2 @britni623 I'll create a new listing & put together what I think you might like & we can go from there. :)
Oct 29Reply
britni623 @royalcrew2 Top of The Morning To You... That sounds exciting... Let me know if u have any boxes left with tops... I saw a small/med.. Size...❤️Poshing....
Oct 29Reply
pixie707 hello. I need a sleeper for a large "notes" cuff and a box if you have it. thx
Oct 31Reply
britni623 @royalcrew2 Hello... Still waiting for a total for the boxes I acquired about.... 3 boxes... large, med, small... Do any of these come with lids....
Oct 31Reply
royalcrew2 @britni623 Sorry totally ran out of time. I'll try for tomorrow!!!!!
Nov 02Reply
royalcrew2 @pixie707 hi I'm sure I do have it. What is the measurements, approx? I'll post a new listing once I see a better size you need. :)
Nov 02Reply
pixie707 wide cuff. 3 inches by 2 inches across on bracelet dimensions...width is 1 1/4 inches wide. it is the New York Notes cuff...Need bag and if possible box. Would send picture if I could..Thx.
Nov 03Reply
royalcrew2 @pixie707 Hi yes I now know the cuff & yes I have box, sleeper, now, bag. I'll post a new listing & tag you. I have appointments all day so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Nov 03Reply
jamn_2night Hi what's available and how much for everything? TYIA
Nov 05Reply
royalcrew2 @pixie707 hi!! I've been searching high & low & I guess I do not have the sleeper. I do have a box, bag & bow.
Nov 06Reply
royalcrew2 @jamn_2night Hi, almost everything in the picture is still available. I've sold the engagement ring set. And one box and sleeper and bag. Everything else is still there. I would take 375
Nov 06Reply
pixie707 you mean shopping bag?
Nov 07Reply
royalcrew2 @pixie707 yes the paper shopping bag
Nov 07Reply
myrnaberrios Do you have a box that would fit a mug w bubble wrap and everything ??
Nov 24Reply
royalcrew2 @myrnaberrios Hi, yes I do have box & bubble wrap from Tiffany's. It's an original box from a Tiffany Coffee cup. Not sure that's what your looking for. The box is in the above pictures. It is placed in front of the large box. The coffee cup box is almost a perfect square. Let me know the size & I'm sure I can help.
Nov 24Reply
myrnaberrios How much for it??
Nov 24Reply
whence13 How much are tha small boxes
Nov 24Reply
myrnaberrios I want it for a mug so I would love to purchase it so please let me know how much thank you
Nov 25Reply
lizvar How much for small box and small dust bag?
Nov 25Reply
royalcrew2 @myrnaberrios The box has original Tiffany tissue paper in it. The bubble wrap I have from Tiffany was from a much larger item. I believe if you tried for the bubble wrap you would not have any room for the item. $20.00 for the box. I'm headed out of town in about 3 hours. If your able to purchase now I can try to get it out to you. If not I can send it out Monday :)
Nov 25Reply
royalcrew2 @lizvar Hi the small box in the picture with the bow tied around the box would be $15.00 each. There is a few there & they come with a sleeper pouch. :) I'll list it, but I'm headed out of town in a few hours. If I can't get it today it will get shipped on Monday :)
Nov 25Reply
zenee @royalcrew2 : Hi, I would like to buy 3-4 boxes (the larger ones). May I have the dimensions & the prices? Thanks.
Dec 16Reply
royalcrew2 @zenee Hi I've listed 4 boxes. Let me know what you think. I'm out of town as of Friday morning so if you want these & shipped it all needs to be completed by Tomorrow. Thanks.
Dec 17Reply
gianpaolotrone How much for the biggest box?
Dec 26Reply
royalcrew2 @gianpaolotrone Hi I'll sell each large for 25.00 each.
Dec 28Reply
rydaside @royalcrew2 Good Morning Please let me know if there is at least 95% left for I would like to Purchase along with the Authenic T&C Sun glass Case W/Box... Please let me know what is Your Bottom $$$ and Wait for me to Respond ...and can you also discount on Shipping, since it will be together. The shipping is a Killer :( Please. Blessings, Diana xxx
Dec 29Reply
divineasiangel Do you have any of the medium jewelry box's left?
Jan 09Reply
royalcrew2 @rydaside hi sorry to respond so late. Just seeing your msg. I do have 90+% of boxes. Just getting ready to sell a med. for 25.00 I'll sell everything plus sunglass set, shipping for $475.00
Jan 11Reply
royalcrew2 @divineasiangel Yes I still do. Will sell for $25.
Jan 11Reply
whence13 Prices on each kind please
Jan 12Reply
thehuntress792 @royalcrew2 Hi, do you still have the snap pouches and cleaning cloths?
Mar 24Reply
thehuntress792 @royalcrew2 Also the note cards?
Mar 24Reply
court6711 @lorrie1433 pretty sure she has anything u need lol
May 05Reply
royalcrew2 I still have 90% of collection. Engagement box is sold. & a few pouches.
May 05Reply
royalcrew2 @lorrie1433 hello I'm sorry I do not have one that big. Mostly 8x12. Thanks.
May 24Reply
royalcrew2 @lorrie1433 Hi 4 small boxes with 4sleeper pouch &.bows $50. I tend to sell them for $15.00 each.
May 29Reply
royalcrew2 @lorrie1433 Hi sorry for late reply I've been out of town. $40
Jun 08Reply
hthrhllywd Hi! Can you do a bundle of 2 small bags, boxes, ribbon, card, & sleeper pouches with maybe one bigger bag for $30? If so, can you ship today? 🙏 let me know, thank you!!!!
Dec 14Reply
blkkatmom Hi, any Tiffany pouches left? How many? How much? Thx
Apr 14Reply
leslie3000 Hi there I just saw this wow! I am also wondering if you have just small bags or boxes left, like me for rings and earrings that's it thank you
May 26Reply
luxe4u Do you have any pouches or boxes left?
Feb 03Reply
royalcrew2 sorry for the delay. I have moved and everything is packed. I'll be relisting in lets hope a month from now. I'm having a major Garage sale.
Apr 17Reply
lana5275 I would love to have the engagement ring box and the blue box with it with ribbon and idea if you still have it???????
Aug 06Reply
royalcrew2 @lana5275 I believe I’ve sold that. Just moved & if I come across it I’ll let you know
Aug 08Reply
jenmor74 Hello. Do you have a box that would hold a Tiffany and Company piggy bank? The dimensions of the bank are approximately 8 inches long by 5.5 inches high bye 4.5 inches wide. Obviously I need something just a bit larger. Thanks so much.
Aug 11Reply
royalcrew2 @jenmor74 Sorry no.t at this time
Aug 13Reply
honeymon Hi dear, I’m looking for any black boxes, all pouches whether drawstring or snap. What do you have left in this regard? 😘
Oct 12Reply
honeymon Also some mini bags if they are unused....😘
Oct 12Reply
honeymon Hi dear, I’m interested in any snap pouch with boxes that you have left as well as two boxes that might fit a coffee mug—and if you have any new looking small bags, I would be interested. 😘
Nov 06Reply
royalcrew2 @honeymon hi. Sorry for late reply I do have what your looking for however they are packed in my storage. Give me a few days to see what I can.
Nov 07Reply
saynafilly That square box on top of the large box in the second picture & a small box with bow for (key pendant & chain)! Will the bows, pouches & bags included? How much would you accept for these 2?
Dec 12Reply
xtal_xoxo_trnyy Do you have the red bow with a necklace box
Dec 29Reply
canalradford Which ones are still available?
Jan 31Reply
honeymon Hi hon do you happen to have any Tiffany window display decor? 😘
Mar 24Reply
honeymon Hi sweetie just checking in to see if you have anymore snap pouches—also, do you possibly have any display pieces used at Tiffany and co? 😘😘😘
Apr 18Reply
fabulouslyfun Hello! Do you have a box and a couple of pouches?
Jun 04Reply
btancin82 Hi there, i have a tiffany co. Engagement ring that needs a box and pouch or whatever would be closest to the original selling fixture. Can you give me a hand? I just dont want to pop the question with such a beautiful ring and not have the proper box display you know what I mean? Thank you for ur time!
Jul 12Reply
dobegirl @royalcrew2 I’m looking for a bag large enough to hold a box set of candlesticks, paper, gift card, ribbon & bow. Wedding gift for stepdaughter & husband to be
Aug 22Reply
honeymon Hi dear, just checking to see what you have left....I’m interested in the biggest boxes you have and any snap pouches. 😘
Oct 03Reply
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Last Active: Aug 12 2022

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