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Updated Sep 26
Updated Sep 26

You all are so wonderful!! Thank You!!

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The time goes by amazingly fast! I wish I could have given everyone a host pick, 100 host picks is not really that much when you have so many awesome poshers on here that support you so much! I love you all!
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ilovesunset Sure ❤️
Sep 18Reply
ilovesunset Hope you have a blast as I'll be there to cheer you on 🎁
Sep 18Reply
lwschlprncss @lorriebug 🎉👏🎉👏CONGRATULATIONS!!🎉👏🎉👏
Sep 18Reply
katz2 👏👏 YAY! Congratulations on co-hosting your 1st Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I will be there checking out ✅ the great Host Picks, sharing and shopping! 💞💞 Thanks for the invite💞💞
Sep 18Reply
winsomewardrobe @lorriebug how fun! Congratulations!
Sep 18Reply
luvsmink Super duper Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
katz2 It's a party‼️🎉🎉🎉@nkhob @kimsthings @beautyblack @miami_wife
Sep 18Reply
wandalemmons Congrats 👏 👏 🎉
Sep 18Reply
lorriebug @ridinghood13 Thank you so much!! Maybe you can give me some pointers!!!
Sep 18Reply
thevintageroze Woo Hoo Congratulations! Can't wait to party with you🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉PARTY TIME LADIES @cuccdn @alexislovebee thanks for the invite @katz2
Sep 18Reply
wandalemmons @matadora1978. Party
Sep 18Reply
mtnhiker @lorriebug Woo Hoo!! I'm happy to spread the word and happy for you 👯👯 Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃💃 I'll be there to support you and join the fun ❤️ Thanks for tagging me 😘Party @lisadraper @hurdkb @nami001 @lazulitect @janet0103 @tudie11 @vashby @kewpiedoll @leliluv
Sep 18Reply
larochelle WOOOOHOOOOOO🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS👏👏👏👏👏👏👏will help spread the word👍thanks 😘
Sep 18Reply
larochelle Hi! ALOHA!!! 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉BIG BIG CONGRATS on co- hosting soon! I almost never miss a posh party, you can count me in to share and cheer at the party! Have a blast! Tagging some posh friends to join the fun!!! 💋❌⭕️❌⭕️ PARTY ALERT🎉🎉🎉🎉 @pmgr22 @katz2 @jenniferrlee @lisadraper @emilyrubin @bellanblue @cassandraknox @partymk999 @marlanap @endersd @read247 @lizstyle @miami_wife
Sep 18Reply
tallison Woot woot!! Awesome news. Big big congrats!' Can't wait!' 🙌🙌🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏💞😘
Sep 18Reply
marlanap Lorrie, Congrats on your 1st Party! So happy for you! 👏👏👏 Have a great time! 👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈Thanks for tagging me. 💃Spreading the great news to friends who follow all of the Posh Rules too 👍: @larochelle @katz2 @isa_wine_lover @pamelam @tamarismom @chicagdl @cody7150 @blingbabe10 @hollynoel25 @janet0103 @lauras_boutique @glamupstyle @kellidavis05 @rmccouture @lucidemotion @misscheeseball @cassandraknox @lolabella6 @little_bit_hp @beautyblack @ej135 @chenlalaland @chrissie_marie @sarah1979 💃
Sep 18Reply
larochelle and oh! i cant believe it's your first! check out @official_forum for cohosting tips! 💝
Sep 18Reply
lorriebug Thank you so much!! @ilovesunset
Sep 18Reply
a2z6 Yay Lorrie!! Been waiting for your special moment!! CONGRATS!!🙆💕💜👍👍🎉🎊🎈🎇🎆@matadora1978 @saundie @jessicacampbell @partymk999
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique Lorrie I am so happy for you PFF!😘xoxo🎉💛Congratulations on co-hosting a fabulous posh party!🎉💛The lovely ladies below will be there to share, cheer, and party with you!🎉💛We can’t wait to see your fabulous host picks!💕I would be honored if you would take a peek in my closet, which follows posh rules, and see if there are any possible HP's that catch your eye! Laura😘 xoxo
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@1fashion15💕@1qtpie💕@abstractdreams💕@adoptionfunds💕@aflattery💕@ajohnson2008💕@akemifashion💕@alecka💕@alise28💕@allyoop23💕@almostmidnight💕@alyssahourglass💕@amandamjalapeno💕@amaulz💕@amocie💕@amyjc924💕@amywhip💕@anna_bellesbtq💕@annagnade💕@annesclothes💕@annetteclark05💕@anoliver💕@ardavidhizar💕@aridni99💕@astridisextras💕@avemuse💕@aymond💕@backwoodsbarn💕@baglady24💕@bailey600💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@bamagirl017💕@beardove💕@bebop20💕@believebig💕@bellalize💕@bellanblue💕@blackbirdfly💕@blon22die💕@bre_1210💕@brittanydillon1💕@brokegirlshop💕@brooklynnfly💕@bwenger💕@caitygabrielle💕@cakeandlexie💕@caldwellkelsie💕@caligirlinmn💕@callie5510💕@carissaclarissa💕@carollbryan💕@cds314💕@ceejayjay18💕@ceriarainey1💕@charm_boutique💕@chellegolightly💕@chicagdl💕@chicbabygirl💕@chloelove11💕@chrystella💕@cleofk💕@closetfairies💕@currentfashion💕@cyd143💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@d1wholuvsyou💕@daisyd0102💕@dc724💕@dierks24💕@dimndgrl💕@divasells💕@dmv25💕@donn4vw💕@drea04💕@dvacante💕@eclecticloft💕@elevenroses💕@elizander💕@emory1975💕@eogal💕@fashionbabie💕@fashionweek65💕@figoria💕@footcandy💕@foundthelook💕@galeyg💕@gardendiva0710💕@ghtinoco💕@glamupstyle💕@goddessofwisdom💕@goodchic💕@gretlew💕@hauteflowerbomb💕@heatherschoice💕@hellcatinheels💕@heyjacque0💕@hiddencave💕@hila808💕@holdon3💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@honeyfortwo💕@hot_hippie💕@houseofposh💕@hrachal💕@hsohailk💕@infinitelyposh💕@ironmissy💕@izzyb2210💕@jarheadjen💕@jays_boutique_💕@jazz72💕@jazzy_kloset💕@jeanscenequeen💕@jenasartori💕@jenn8201💕@jennerjo💕@jimsprincess💕@jls4189💕@jmshang162💕@jnc650💕@jodisjewelry💕@jovanas_closet💕@jwittich💕@kathrmony💕@katwynne💕@kcford24💕@kden_wallace💕@kellidavis05💕@kellyb7💕@kiersenblest💕@kimberly803💕@kimp424💕@kimsthings💕@kmcking💕@kookc💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@kristysalindo💕@ktbug1217💕@lady99💕@ladyqstuff💕@laker1💕@lalalilly💕@laurenb73💕@lavishlyliving💕@lazulitect💕@leeella💕@letshop123💕@lhaag721💕@lifeisgood63💕@lindsey042💕@linsleppo💕@lisa1203💕@lisasandler💕@livi2997💕@livingadream💕@lizamc💕@lnation818💕@lolordeluxe💕@lovesoflori💕@lpshare💕@lsumom87💕@ltjansen💕@lucidemotion💕@lululucy💕@luvmyqh6💕@luvsmink💕@maldimi💕@mandapanda83💕@mandaroseey💕@mandyoperman💕@mar68💕@marianegreer💕@marie5143💕@mariellelauren💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@maritzachar💕@marlanap💕@marypa13💕@matadora1978💕@mbvaughn13💕@meekamouse13💕@megsnan💕@melaniepatrusky💕@miami_wife💕@mimismenagerie💕@mirandanicole33💕@missymoe98💕@mizsara💕@mkribs💕@mnfitmom💕@molinda25💕@mommymoo124💕@monikamoshposh💕@moonglo💕@mountaingoats💕@muneewoo💕@mykidsfault💕@mytherapy💕@nami001💕@neesedaprinter💕@neontigress💕@newyork222💕@nic39💕@ninascloset5💕@nlan123💕@nmurz💕@noy2312💕@ohlarissa💕@olguilla💕@omgitslatin💕@ousassyosu💕@palmistachic💕@patriciagyi💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@paulaalbe1💕@pinkcat808💕@pinkizme03💕@pinkwasp💕@pinkydinkyerin💕@pompomlove💕@poshmishmosh💕@pre_pay514💕@prettyconceited💕@rainewear💕@rbarney96💕@retagit💕@richbororiches💕@riedelni💕@rnicu00💕@roryry💕@runnerchik2007💕@runwayposh💕@sailor_abby💕@sallypesta💕@sammy💕@sarahco💕@sarah_smiles78💕@sarahvsis💕@seksi_em💕@sellloveposh💕@serendipity8888💕@sheisenchanting💕@shethkh💕@shoppinggirl66💕@shopwithkiki💕@skullee💕@smchop💕@smegathlin💕@smilenini💕@snobshop💕@stacysgoods💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@stbartsbaby💕@stephanielatina💕@strosper💕@tamarismom💕@teen_fashion💕@teresamarie01💕@tfaske💕@the_pink_slip💕@thebrightside💕@theoandco💕@thesequel💕@tifstreasures💕@tpardikes💕@treasuresbytrac💕@treefrogjewel💕@trystine💕@tudie11💕@twinkletoestoni💕@txan66💕@valorieann💕@vashby💕@vdsmay💕@violet507💕@wendibearr💕@wenndelynn💕@xcrspy💕@zadeycouture💕@zrwilson1💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Sep 18Reply
treasuresbytrac @lorriebug Lorrie!!! Best news ever!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👯💃🏼👭👯SO happy for you sweet friend! 💐🌹💐🌹🌷🌸🌷🌸🌼💐🌼💐🌹🌻🌹🌻🎁🎈🎊🎉🎈🎁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎁🎉🎈🎁😍😍😍😍
Sep 18Reply
dramaless @lorriebug 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼CONGRATS, LORRIE!! I've got the date circled in red on my calendar and will be there to shop & share your fabulous Host Picks. I know you are going to have a glorious time and can't wait to see you rocking this party out! I'll be sharing over & over again until "your night" arrives!👍🏼😘😘😘 Thank you for the personal invite!😃😘😘
Sep 18Reply
nic39 Congratulations Lorrie on hosting!! How exciting😊 Thank you @lauras_boutique for the tag, she has a great closet! Some other of my favorites are @newyork222 @vashby @jinteglia @reneedavis Have a blast🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
brokegirlshop Congratulations on your co hosting party 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎀
Sep 18Reply
nmurz 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting a ✨✨POSH PARTY✨✨!! Please check out my closet for possible 💟Host Picks!!💟 I am a 💫NEW USER💫 and I follow Posh Rules! Good luck and have fun!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
drea04 @lorriebug CONGRATULATIONS ON CO HOSTING !!! LOOKING FORWARD TO PARTYING WITH YOU, AN SHOPPING AN SHARING ALL YOUR FAB HPs...would love for you to browse my closet, but most of all have a blast😍💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Sep 18Reply
sadangel0890 Congrats my friend! You are the nicest person I have known here
Sep 18Reply
daughtrey @lorriebug Congrstulstions Lorrie!🎉🎉🎉😘😘😘
Sep 18Reply
paicar 🎉💐Congratulations Lorrie ! Couldn't be more excited for you🎉🍷💕. I'll be there to shop and share your FABULOUS Host Picks😘. Sharing with my PFF's who all have beautiful Posh compliant closets: 💃PARTY ALERT LADIES!💃@debbimiller (me)💕@proverbs_31💕@pre_pa514💕@vashby💕@janismarie💕@kden_wallace💕@drea04💕@luxlauren💕@katieb79💕@classicstylegal💕@lazulitect💕@elly45💕@nmmulkey 💕@icaton💕@mimismenagerie💕@daughtrey💕@callie5510💕@poshlawyer💕@pehang💕@kimeejae💕@fashioniata💕 @callie5510 thnx for the party tag😘
Sep 18Reply
kimberly803 Congratulations!!!💃🎉💗🎉💃🎉
Sep 18Reply
maritzachar @lorriebug 💐🎉🎉Congrats on your upcoming party🎉🎉💐Will be there to cheer you and share your closet💕💕It would be great if you can check out my closet for any possible HP for your party🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Thx😉😀
Sep 18Reply
jessregelson Hi Lorrie! Congratulations! I hope you have a great time. My wonderful daughter-in-law has never had a host pick and is fairly new to Posh. Please check out her lovely closet. She follows all Posh rules! @alemoraes
Sep 18Reply
icaton 🎈📯🎈 I'm so excited for you. Congratulations on your upcoming party co-hosting. I'll be there to help you celebrate. Thanks for the tag @debbimiller
Sep 18Reply
dramaless 💛@lotzmannjm 💖@jaymoon 💙@bwenger 💜@sakshi9984 ❤️@evbates 💚@65ds_do_it_btr 💛@plainjanecj 💖@brokegirlshop 👀LOOK LADIES👀 This is a party you DO NOT want to miss! Mark your calendars, and I'll see you there. Let's help Lorrie make this a memorable event for her first ever Posh Party!👍🏼😘
Sep 18Reply
colettenivy Yay! Congrats on hosting a posh party!!! So excited for you. Can't wait to see and share your host picks! 🎉🍷🎉🍷🎉
Sep 18Reply
miami_wife 💖 woot woot!!! a big congrats to u on co hosting! I'll def be there with my girls to cheer u on and share ur amazing HPs and of course wish u lots of sales and many great posh finds!!! 😘🌹 💋beautiful ladies I'm back with another party to celebrate!!! 🌹💖💃🎈🎊👏⭐️🎁🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉plz share share share 🌹 @bellafiore4 @nkhob @pfassionista @roxygirl1 @my_boutique @jakeamom12 @bellanblue @larochelle @blukat @janicegw
Sep 18Reply
blondsoul Congrats partner💥💥💥💥💥
Sep 18Reply
mattietee Congratulations! It is such a fantastic honor to be asked to host a party! I am so excited for you and will be there to share your host picks during and after your party!🎉🎉🎉🎉. All of my support will be focused on you during this great event!🎉🎉. Let's get ready to party- buy and sell- fun and laughter-- it will all happen during your party!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
icaton 📯🎈📯 party alert ladies❗Let's help Lori spread the word! @healchno @maidmarina @shawnsworld @jays_boutique_ @style_shanty @vashby
Sep 18Reply
stbartsbaby @lorriebug Lorrie, Congratulations! 😍😘💐
Sep 18Reply
herparallax OMG my sweet sweet PFF!!! CONGRATS!! (I am yelling this at the top of my lungs) <3
Sep 18Reply
herparallax Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! 🌷🌹🌻💐 Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! Absolutely cannot wait to check them all out! It's PARTAYYYYY TIME ladies!! @little_bit_hp @mytherapy @la_boutique @chemierre @longca1959 @jenkan23 @thebrightside @ij0c3lyni @blondsoul @chenlalaland @blingbabe10 @splendeur
Sep 18Reply
onyxandorchid @lorriebug congrats!! I'm so excited for you!! You're going to have a BLAST!! Hope you get a chance to check out my closet!! Can't wait to party!!! 😘🎉 thanks for the tag @larochelle 💕
Sep 18Reply
artistichater CONGRATS🎉🎉 on hosting! It'll be so much fun! I'll make sure to be there and cheer you on, shop, and share all your lovely HPs! 👗👠 Check out my closet if you have the time! I would be honored if you chose one of my listings as a host pick! Happy Poshing!!😊
Sep 18Reply
classyvintage A huge congrats! You will have such a great time. while you wait ill get this out on social media sights. Instagram on @classyvintag112 - on twitter - @classyvintage1 and on tumblr @classyvintage1 Have a great time. Marie
Sep 18Reply
classyvintage Save the date for this special event ladies: 🌻@vacat, @angelmueller, @hollynoel25, @alexislovebee, @closet_finds, @scarlettstained, @isa_wine_lover 🍷🍷@smivan19, @elisaamari, @pas and @lyvonne7298
Sep 18Reply
_sochic 💃💃💃💃💃💃  ** Congratulations!! **  👏CONGRATS CO-HOSTING SOON👏 🎉🎉 I know your excited and I am Super excited for you to! 💕 I will definitely be there to cheer you on and Share your Lovely Host Picks.
Sep 18Reply
luvmyqh6 @lorriebug 🎉Have a great time at your Party!🎉I will be there to Celebrate🎉🍷💃👏🎈🎉Share👍👠👙👛👚and to Shop!👜👢👖👗👙🙋Have fun!🎉💃😄💥🎈🎉❤️🐴
Sep 18Reply
taty83 Congrats on being a host for the first time!!!! How exciting :)
Sep 18Reply
ell255 congrats babe!! woohoo!!! :):):):)
Sep 18Reply
bendthetrends 🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
bdbcsr Congrats, Lorrie, on co-hosting a fabulous posh party and the first time!!😊I'll definitely be there to celebrate with you and to share your lovely host picks! Have fun browsing all the beautiful closets! I'll see you at the party!🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃
Sep 18Reply
vivacouture Congrats on hosting looking forward to it 🌷🌷🌷❤️🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
kmadeoy HOORAY! Congrats on hosting!!! 👏🎉🎈 you must be so honored and excited! I will be there to party and help share your fab host picks! 😀 @bellanblue thanks for the tag! 😘
Sep 18Reply
sparkymcghee 💕💫🎉💫🎉💕YAY!!! Long time coming!! Congratulations on hosting your first Posh Party!!! It is crazy, but fun to get all your HPs selected!!! I will be there to support you!!! Enjoy!!!
Sep 18Reply
tudie11 Congrats on cohosting your 1st party, I can only imagine how excited you must be, and I can hardly wait! My closet is Posh compliant and I actively share and participate in the Posh community! And I will be there to share and cheer you on!
Sep 18Reply
wade1953 @lorriebug congratulations on your co host 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🎈🎈🎈🎈✨✨✨✨🎶🎶🎶🎶💖💖💖💛💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💫💫💫💫💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚🎉🎉🎉🎉🎶🎶🎶🎶🌟🌟🌟
Sep 18Reply
goldrose48 @lorriebug Lorrie! Big congrats on your first party! So excited for you! Hope you have fun co-hosting and choosing your host picks! Will be there to cheer and share them! 😀 @vashby Thanks for the tag! @misskris74 @teaist @nikle714 @mjkindred @redpaperclip @believebig @plumdelicious @tudie11 @sdjean @kat_ellis @dearjamie1188 @xoallison12ox @for_the_baby @pre_pa514 Party alert!
Sep 18Reply
misskris74 Congrats on hosting, how exciting!! I will be there shopping and sharing all of the fabulous host picks! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks for the tag Jen! @goldrose48 💕😘
Sep 18Reply
hacsince91 Omg yeshhh! Congrats! Thank you @daughtrey M my love for always tagging me!! 😍🎉⚓️‼️💖💛🎀⭐️😘Partay Lorrie yayay‼️😍⚓️🙋🏻💃🏻☺️🌙😉❤️⭐️
Sep 18Reply
suitcasegoals Congrats on hosting!!! It would be awesome if you could check out my closet when you have the chance! @elbaradu is a new user who has a great closet too!!
Sep 18Reply
foundforyou 🎉🎉Congrats on Hosting🎉🎉 can't wait to find out the theme! I'll be there and will help share until the big day. Happy Poshing! 😃
Sep 18Reply
goldenpolkadot @lorriebug 😱👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼congratulations Lorrie! You totally deserve this!🌹🏆🌹 thx for the tag Jen! @a2z6 party girls we gots to partaaaaay!!! @chenchita @sonpaises @1hermitcrab @teresamarie01 @teresakimbro @needeebees @palau_de_nina @dvcante @amocie @a2z6 @jessicacampbell @sherry8888 @maidmarian @mslorrieb @babyfern @onecaratdiamond @tpmom @elizabeth3374 @shugahs @melissahartsell @pinkdiamonds rule following Party Gals! Lets Celebrate Olga 😘💨
Sep 18Reply
plumdelicious Congrats on your first party! @lorriebug Hope you have a great time! Can't wait to share your host picks! Thanks for the tag! @goldrose48 Get ready to party! @nmmulkey @ayounglibrarian @2015pily @cristinaayala @lindsey042 @helloagainshop @cp1216
Sep 18Reply
selvey5 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
vintagevulture Congrats gal! I look forward to seeing what you share. I am just now following you but got tagged in this by one of my favs so I'm sure you're going to throw a fun party! Congrats again. 👑🌺👑🌺👑🌺 @kookc Carolyn thanx for the tag! 🍒❤️🍒❤️
Sep 18Reply
mk4 Omg! Lorrie CONGRATULATIONS!!🎉👏🏻🌺🌻🌷I'm SO happy for you! You know I would not miss this for anything! I'll be there to party with you and cheer you on! Yyyaayyy! Look who's co hosting! Please help spread the love @golddanzer @stella81 @emory1975 @cassandra8187 @tallison @shadoka56 🌸🌸thank you ladies and sorry for any re tags!
Sep 18Reply
hollylynnsclost Congrats!! That's awesome news!! Can't wait!! 😘❤️😘❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
saundie @lorriebug woo hoo!!🎉🎉🎉💋💋💋👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🍷🍷😱💥🎉😎😎🎉🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕Congratulations girl, will share a bunch!! PARTY OVER HERE LADIES! @yoselindm @smokingmary @folieadeuxnola @nic39 @mk4 @heysarahengland @emmmmmmali @breannaeileen
Sep 18Reply
mrsmadariaga Lorrie, Yay🎉🎉🎉 congrats on getting to host an upcoming posh party! I hope you enjoy the experience and savor every second!!! If you have a moment, I'd love if you peeked in my rule abiding posh closet for a possible HP. 😊 🎉PARTY ALERT🎉 @acertainage @bdrobinson @carenlovesgucci @rmccouture @treasuresbytrac @jeanscenequeen @hrachal @incognito13 @thestarrynight @thenewera @kellieshannon @motherskiss 💋
Sep 18Reply
allisonmcmillen @larochelle Hi, can you please remove me from your lists?
Sep 18Reply
mk4 Thank you for the tag @saundie 💕🌸 shared!
Sep 18Reply
arigrldesigns @lorriebug Lorrie 🎈👍🏼 Whooot! 🐳Congratulations! This is exciting news❗️So happy for you! Looks who is hosting!!! 🎉 Lets Party!🙌🏼💞@judyt726 @thebrightside @caruh @mk4 @agentgirly @classypatty @classyvintage @anoliver @a26z @vance289 @marlanap @aprils2ndcloset @hopesparkes @katz2 @kookc @sherriesharley🎈🎈🎈Thanks. Tracey @treasuresbytrac 💕
Sep 18Reply
jessica2123 Congratulations 🎉 on being selected to host a Posh party! 🎉 enjoy the excitement leading up to the big day! 💕
Sep 18Reply
debbie043059 Congratulations Lorrie on being chosen to Co-Host🎉🎉🎉I'm so excited for you😊 Thanks for tagging me💕💕 I will be there to share your Host Picks💐🌸💐🌸
Sep 18Reply
agentgirly Congratulations! ♡
Sep 18Reply
bellafiore4 🎊Congrats On Hosting How Exciting This Will Be A Awesome Party🎉Me And My Angels Will Be there To Cheer ,Share And shop💃 🎉Look ️Angels Its Party Time 🎉 @cottoncandyglam @miaowza @lovelymj @jenniann5246 @rmarlar333 @fancyfabulous27 @meganonelll @shelone23 @jwittich @peaceloveposh @staples8098 @saundie @smartiepp @kb2008 @jsuchs @chic_chicas @cieracat @maritzacher @carrie_rebekah @helloshelly
Sep 18Reply
hila808 Congrats @lorriebug so happy for you! I'll be there to cheer you on & share your fabulous host picks! Thanks for the tag Marcia @daughtrey 😘
Sep 18Reply
terristephan 🎉P̤̈Ä̤R̤̈T̤̈Ÿ̤ T̤̈Ï̤M̤̈Ë̤!🎉Congrats! Have fun picking your HPs!🙌🏼Here are a few of my fave posh compliant closets you'll find some fab HP's💖💛💖 @fashioniata(me!) @jessicacampbell @proverbs_31 @travelbugginger @twinkletoestoni @muneewoo @maureen888 @almostmidnight @vanillaaish @thestarrynight @alise28 @akaerin @jennifernicoleb @laurel1143 @treasuresbytrac @xoallison12ox @believebig @pre_pa514 @hila808 @kewpiedoll @trina2110 @lifeisgood63 @chirocarly @kden_wallace @cassandranoelle @debbimiller
Sep 18Reply
terristephan 🎉P̤̈Ä̤R̤̈T̤̈Ÿ̤ T̤̈Ï̤M̤̈Ë̤!🎉Congrats on hosting! Have fun picking your HPs!🙌🏼Here are a few of my fave posh compliant closets you'll find some fab HP's💖💛💖 @kellidavis05 @kcford24 @lhaag721 @loveaclosetfind @lwtodd @theweerouss @ilovesunset @alexac @lilywilliamsss @katebrownie @dallasstyle @elevenroses @courtmar @joy24 @hopesparkles @karlajo_16 @jeanscenequeen @smchop @harperchic @yolakohavi @norakaren @zebra_x3n@mytherapy @daughtrey @rmcouture @13beck13 @lorilouie @koock @inik @vanessa_03
Sep 18Reply
sdjean Congratulations on being selected to host your first party! Have a blast browsing the many lovely closets on PM in search of your HPs. Thanks for the tag @goldrose48 Party alert @lo_la81 @lawyer_ontherun
Sep 18Reply
sherriesharley @lorriebug 👛🎒👗👗Congrats on your Up-coming Posh Party Host Evening !These remarkable ladies' closets all follow Posh Rules and share amazing fashion! We'll be here cheering you on during your party. @sherriesharley @aespo19 @ex_globetrotter @tamarismom @edamerval @kalifreshness @modafrancesca @blukat @mindyella @accessoriesgal @gpalo @excited_cupcake @emilyrubin @kcford24 @ali65 @callie5510 (Kindly, let me know if you'd like removed off this share list)
Sep 18Reply
terristephan @treasuresbytrac Thank you so much for the tag!🌸💞🌸
Sep 18Reply
terristephan @debbimiller Thank you so much for the sweet shoutout Debbi!💞🌸💞
Sep 18Reply
vacat Congrats! I'll be there to shop & share🎉🎉🎉 @fancy514 @hydrogirl @poppy64 @ginger71 @acephalous @augustpinkstyle @styled @vivacouture @classyvintage @fccandles @camposcc @brittanydillon1 @dierks24 @mk4 @lakeforest @tinpat @mccshe @csconlapn @britta21 Let's all share the news, in small tags, and get ready for party fun🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
thejeweladdict Congrats on hosting!🎉🎉👏👏I hope you have so much fun!💕💕🎈🎈💃💃
Sep 18Reply
sellloveposh Yippppeeee. Congrats. If u have a chance please check out my closet for a HP. Ty. And see u there sharing ☺️🎶💐
Sep 18Reply
nami001 @lorriebug Woot Woot! 🎉Congratulations 🎉 on hosting a party 💞🎊. I'm so excited and thrilled for you! You can definitely count me in to be there cheering you on. Of course supporting your closet as well as your host picks. I know you have a lot of work ahead of you but most importantly enjoy your spotlight & just have a blast. Thank you so much for the personal tag. Will share and tag some PFFs to get this party started 💕
Sep 18Reply
nami001 @lorriebug Almost forgot, I'll tag you with a few help listings that have tips for your first party. I know your newsfeed is probably going crazy, be prepared for it t be that way every day lol. When you see the listings I tag you in, like them so you can refer to them later. 🎊congrats again 🎊 xoxo
Sep 18Reply
nami001 Thank you for the tag @treasuresbytrac @larochelle @lauras_boutique 💕😘
Sep 18Reply
jenniann5246 Congratulations! I will be there to help celebrate, shop and share all of your fabulous host picks!
Sep 18Reply
kimeejae 🎈Lorrie, how exciting. 🎉Congrats🎊 Debbi @debbimiller Thx for the tag! @jooky @molinda25 Party time🎈
Sep 18Reply
divasells Congratulations
Sep 18Reply
style_shanty Woo Hoo!! Congrats!! Thanks for the tag @icaton
Sep 18Reply
anoliver Oh Lorrie!! So Happy for you girlfriend!!😆😆 I wouldn't miss it- I know you'll be an Amazing hostess❤️❤️ Congrats and hope you have a Blast!!!😘😘
Sep 18Reply
ckaneko @lorriebug congrats on hosting your first party 👏🎊🎉👏🎊🎉 I'm so excited for you and I'll definitely be there to cheer you on and support your closet! Hope you have tons of fun 💕 Thanks @nami001 for the tag!
Sep 18Reply
autumnlynn3 Whoo hoo! Congrats!! Thanks for the tag @janimack7!! Can't wait to party with you ladies!! Sharing @kcford24 @lhaag721 @daughter14 @bellaconfusione @tat2kitn 💜💕💙❤🎉🎉❤💙💕💜💜💕💙🎉🎉❤❤💙
Sep 18Reply
daughter14 @lorriebug congratulations wishing you only the very best💕😊💜@autumnlynn3 thx for the tag😊sharing, sharing😊
Sep 18Reply
beautyblack Congratulations on your first party. You will have a blast🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
twk_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 🎉 I will be there to help you share your wonderful host picks 💖 💖 Please check my Poshmark compliant closet for a possible host pick 💛💛
Sep 18Reply
rufflepunk Congratulations!! I hope you have an amazing time! Thanks @sdjean for the tag 😊😊
Sep 18Reply
whatsleft @lorriebug Hi! Wow! A huge congratulations to you! I definitely will be at your party sharing your closet and HP's! Maybe shopping too! I am so happy for you! Yahoo 💛 🌾🌻💛🌾🌻💛🌾🌻💛💛💛💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉🎉💃😘
Sep 18Reply
jaymoon @lorriebug yay 😘💕💕 soooo deserved!!!! Congrats 💕💕😘🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈💥💥💥💥⭐️⭐️⭐️ so excited for you!!!
Sep 18Reply
jenbcloset Woooohooooo congratulations. 🎉🎊💥 its party time 🎉🎊💥. If u have to chance to please check out my closet for a HP !! Thanks !! I'll be there sharing 😀 count me in 🙋🏻
Sep 18Reply
hmonday Hip hip horray!!:) Congrats! Wish you tons of luck!
Sep 18Reply
islandofstyle Congrats! I'll be there! Excited to see all the host picks!
Sep 18Reply
wisprynwardrobe Congrats!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎉🎉🎉 will be there sharing in the fun! 😁😁😁💜💜💜 ty! @autumnlynn3 for the party tag😘😘
Sep 18Reply
nic39 Thank you @saundie your so sweet 😊 Can't wait to see all your fabulous host picks and party Lorrie!!🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
sommar Congrats! My first party is the 20th! Feel free to ask any questions after that if you have any in the days before your big party🎉🎉🎉🎉 it's so exciting...enjoy!
Sep 18Reply
sommar @janimack7 Thank you Jan! You're too sweet😘
Sep 18Reply
jessicacampbell Congratulations 😜👆👇👆👇Super excited for you girlie!! I will be there for sure to share all your lovely picks👯💕💕💕💕💐🌻 It's partaaay time💃🎉💃🎉💃🎉 @julie48 @amandamarino @fashioniata @kimmarie1024 @neelug @huesofpink @anoliver @mytherapy @jglam @fashioniata @centerfoldvault @lchouser @larochelle @kookc @t_ms_sincerity @trendyg @blingbabe10 @tmoreira @thestarrynight @babyfern @kimmieb @emilyclaire82 @teresakimbro @simplymissglam @marieashlee @matadora1978 @cmwh @kitsulove
Sep 18Reply
delazy 🎉🎉🎉🎉Congratulations Lorrie 💐💐
Sep 18Reply
kewpiedoll @mtnhiker 👍🏻🌹❤️😍❤️🌹👍🏻
Sep 18Reply
kewpiedoll @callie5510 👍🏻🌹❤️🌹👍🏻
Sep 18Reply
shelly592 Congrats!🎉🎉🎉 I will be there!🎉🎉🎉 Please check my closet for potential host picks🙏 I follow posh rules!
Sep 18Reply
nmmulkey Congratulations on being selected to Host! I can't wait to party and browse all of you fantastic host picks!!!! It's time to party @clothesaddict72 @debbimiller @plumdelicious
Sep 18Reply
mjkindred @lorriebug Congrats congrats on hosting!! I hosted my first party last week, so let me know if you have any questions. I'll be sure to share/promote leading up to your big event. Hope you get the chance to check out our closets-- Party alert-- @karenepeters @josiiih @shortiegirl26 @lovelymj @goldrose48 (thanks!)
Sep 18Reply
cursinballerina Yay! Congrats!!
Sep 18Reply
bayougypsy71 @lorriebug Congrats on your first posh party! How excititng! @kewpiedoll Thanks for the tag!
Sep 18Reply
jwittich 🎉💐Congratulations! Couldn't be more excited for you🎉🍷💕. I'll be there to shop and share your FABULOUS Host Picks😘
Sep 18Reply
keg90 @lorriebug congrats on the great news about hosting! So much fun!! All the best you with your party! Love the party pic 💗💗 thanks for the tag @pehang will try to think some new closets for you & will share for sure!! @open @marlanap @christinedeeann @posh @bluejeanrein
Sep 18Reply
jessica2123 P a RT Y A L E r T! 💕 @matadora1978 @livloveshop @nayadq @xoallison12ox @lifeisgood63 @sheabugg @lovely222 (I've been gone for a while, please let me know if you want to be removed from tagging 😍)
Sep 18Reply
ximena86 Congrats!!!
Sep 18Reply
sdjean Congratulations on your upcoming party! Thank you @janimack7 for the tag and recommendation; very sweet of you.
Sep 18Reply
lindsey042 🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉 Can't wait to shop and share your host picks! 🎉🎈Thanks for the tag @plumdelicious 😊 💕
Sep 18Reply
alexac Congrats on hosting 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I'll be there shopping sharing and cheering you on 🎉 💕✨ I would love it if you could check out my closet if you need any more host picks! Xoxo
Sep 18Reply
motherskiss CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF TAG©! 1 @mikkimo  @jazzy_love13   @leighkubrav @milissamartin  @kimaj @hunterashley  @txan66  @purpleforestcat  @djgross5  @frosci @amberwoodward  @theneonetwork @otepbunni @dclopes  @donisalon7 @caligirlinmn @delazy  @onechicday @alyn1969 @teresamarie01 @lsprague3 @jojo @matadora1978  @hotmommy @ellen111200 @checkerednoon @aelalea @kristinabe @kalondrea @bohraj @partymk999 @nadiamuy  @blondejetli PRIVATE T*A*G© LIST
Sep 18Reply
motherskiss CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G!©2 @bjgilliam  @razzrn62  @chrimsonshane  @sconrad878  @ironmissy @donnamz2  @vikinget07 @liliya2013  @heather1315  @thegoodgoods @lermsce  @sakshi9984  @britshim  @jazzmine_99 @ynotreadfood1  @snichol1  @jodisjewelry @healchno @whatsleft @caligirlinmn @kmariec @travelinggirl68 @charms245 @ @emccandless @shorty3794 @chrissybae @mkribs @shoechic19 @shaziaijaz PRIVATE T*A*G© LIST
Sep 18Reply
fabtrends385 Hi sweetie!🙋🏻 Congrats on hosting!! 🎉🎉🎉 Can't wait to shop and share your host picks!! 👏👏👏💐💐💐@motherskiss thanks for tag!💕
Sep 18Reply
clothesaddict72 🎉🎊💃😄👍😊Congratulations on being selected as a Co-Host for your First Posh Party!👏 I'll be there shopping, sharing and partying! Please check out my closet or any of these closets for any Host Picks! @lizzymoss, @tac82. Thank you for the tag @nmmulkey!😘🎉🎊💃😊💕
Sep 18Reply
fashioncravings @lorriebug Wishing you a fabulous party💓🌺 Please look at @janimack7 closet for host picks, she is awesome, always so generous and has an amazing closet💓😊🎉💃🏻
Sep 18Reply
tlb1963 Congratulations ❤️ 🎊 💛 🎈 💖 🎉!
Sep 18Reply
katralvin @lorriebug Congratulations Lorrie. 🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
carenlovesgucci @lorriebug Lorrie 😘💐🎉 Your FIRST HOSTING GIG. Enjoy it! Best advice I got 1) Stay true to your likes; 2) YOU CANT PLEASE EVERYONE and PEOPLE UNDERSTAND ;3) AFTER YOU SHARE, DELETE LISTING FROM LIKES AS NOT TO DUPLICATE AND .... Most Important ❤️ 4) HAVE FUN
Sep 18Reply
sportsfam @lorriebug ......Hoping you have an opportunity to check out my closet...What an honor to be hosting..... Enjoy!!!!!!
Sep 18Reply
christinedeeann Congratulations on co-hosting, that's so much fun some closets I recommend are @ambers @nsep @bamagirl017 @kaprior1203 @keg90 . @keg90 thanks for the tag. Have fun, I will share your news😄😄
Sep 18Reply
catspaw Congrats Lorrie, so happy for you! 💖🎉
Sep 18Reply
jinteglia biggest congratulations! thanks @nic39 her closet is beautiful :)
Sep 18Reply
cdcarino Congrats and enjoy!! 🎉
Sep 18Reply
golddanzer Congratulations! Have a blast! 🎉🎉🎉
Sep 18Reply
kianalv Congrats on hosting😊 I am looking forward to it!! Thanks to @nami001 for the party alert! Also tagging @lv74 to join the fun 🎊🎉😀😁😜😊
Sep 18Reply
chelle4osu Congrats!!! 👏👏
Sep 19Reply
platinummermaid @lorriebug Congrats!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️❤️ this is well deserved and a long time coming!!! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to celebrate on party night with you!😘
Sep 19Reply
emilyrubin Congrats on co hosting a POSH PARTY!!!!!Woohoooo!!!!! 👏👏 🙋💁🙅🙆👏👏🎉🎉I'll be there to share your hp's and cheer u on!!!! 👍🎉 If you have a moment to check out my closet I would appreciate it 😁HAVE A BLAST!!!!!!! Thanks for the tag love @larochelle 💗💗💗
Sep 19Reply
seasew Congratulations on hosting. If you have time to peek at my closet, it would be a pleasure to have one of my pieces featured in the party. I follow all posh policies, too. Thanks and have a great time! 💕
Sep 19Reply
juliette13 @lorriebug congratulation! 💐🌹🌻 have fun co hosting!!! 🎉🎈
Sep 19Reply
janimack7 Debbie!!! I cannot believe this! Whatever got into you, my dear PFF!?! I am so smiling! Ear to ear! 🎉HP🎉 or not.... I feel honored!!!by YOU!!!! Lorrie, no 🎉HP🎉 needed for me!...please find one in @fashioncravings closet! THE most generous POSHER around! Thanks for considering p, Lorrie! And have a GREAT TIME hosting!🌹💃🏼🌹
Sep 19Reply
a2z6 Hi lorrie I know u prob have tons of ppl tagging u for a HP😁can I be one of them but not for me but for @kxvddx Frances, I met her at the Manhattan Meetup today, she's amazing and so is her closet and she's never rcved a HP b4😱. If u have any left can u ck out her closet? Ty pff😘😘😘
Sep 19Reply
mollys3 Have a terrific time!
Sep 19Reply
francesfabfinds @a2z6 thanks I just read your message. It was amazing meeting you also.
Sep 19Reply
lorriebug @a2z6 Jen, Of course I would be glad to check out her closet @kxvddx !! YOU were the one who helped me in my beginning closet!!! Thank you so much and see you at the party!!!
Sep 19Reply
reappareled Congrats on hosting!🎉🎉🎉
Sep 19Reply
a2z6 Aww lorrie☺️thx and look where u r now, high 5 to u ✋. Next is SU for u 😉💋😀💕💜@kxvddx np Frances 😘💕💜
Sep 19Reply
francesfabfinds @lorriebug @a2z6 thanks so much you guys I enjoyed yesterday and hope to meet up with you again soon.💕💕xoxo
Sep 19Reply
legallybfashion Congrats on hosting your first party! If you have a chance, please check out my posh-compliant closet. Can't wait for the party!🎉
Sep 19Reply
francesfabfinds @a2z6 @seksi_em thanks ladies for looking out. Please remember I am new to this with no guidance. It took me about 3 weeks to find out I wasn't responding to anyone because I wasn't using the @ sign. Also just now it took me a minute to understand SU was suggested user. lol.
Sep 19Reply
foamgirl Sept fun 🌸🌺❗️🎉🎉🎉🎉💥joining the queue to say congrats on hosting your first Posh Party!! Cheers 🍻🍷🍸 and Happy Hosting!
Sep 19Reply
lknyc @lorriebug yay!!!!! See you at the party, congratulations <3 if you haven't picked out all your Host Picks I'd be honored if you have the time to my closet. Can't wait to come check it out, wishing you lots of sales. Xoxo
Sep 19Reply
stjoenurse @lorriebug NICEEEE- Posh on😉
Sep 19Reply
kristikreations @treasuresbytrac Thx for the Party tag💕
Sep 20Reply
fashioncravings @janimack7 What got into me was all your wonderful and generous shares and kindness✌️💓🌺😊💃🏻
Sep 20Reply
lorriebug The evening party on September 25th. @aadhedgehogs
Sep 20Reply
elevenroses Congratulations Lorrie !! I Am So Very Excited For YOU & Will Be Looking Forward To Sharing All Of Your Fantastic Party Host Picks !! @fashioniata Thank You For The Tag Terri !! :)
Sep 20Reply
elevenroses @bamagirl017 Thank You So Much For The Tag / Recommendation Kristi ! :)
Sep 20Reply
lotzmannjm Congrats!!! Can't wait, I know you'll have a blast!!
Sep 20Reply
stunning_29 Congratulations on your first posh host party!!! What an honor! 😊💕💕🎈🎉🎈🎉💕💕🎈🎉🎈! U must be excited! Truly happy for you!!I'd be honored of you took a peek in my closet, for a possible host pick:), still kinda new& LOVING THIS!!:)) I'll be adding more as usual. Much appreciated & greatly appreciated if u get a chance! 😊😊, yay I'm happy for you!!!💕💕
Sep 21Reply
ykcloset CONGRATULATIONS ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ :D can't wait for another wonderful party. If you get the chance, please check out my closet ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥
Sep 21Reply
queensgp Heck yeah! Congrats on your first gig!
Sep 21Reply
natpapaz Congrats on your first cohost. Have a great time!
Sep 21Reply
katolarae Congratulations on hosting your first Posh Party!!! I'll be there to celebrate with you and share your wonderful HP's! 🎉🎉🎉 Here are some fabulous Posh compliant closets if you'd like to take a peek! Ladies, it's Party Time!✨@allyoop23 @autumnlynn3 @jferr114 @kcford24 @laaazer @lexiface19 @lhaag721 @lwtodd @notoriousvog @sobelle37 @staar20 @tezza630 @travelbugginger✨Thanks for the shoutout Renee and Mandy! 😘💐💖 @reneedavis @muneewoo
Sep 21Reply
vintage_lass @lorriebug Congrats, girl!!! This is so exciting!!! :)
Sep 21Reply
fashionm4women Congrats on co hosting 🎉🎉🎉 thanks for the tag @kewpiedoll 💐😘💐😘💐😘
Sep 21Reply
healchno Congratulations on co-hosting! This will be a special date indeed! Sept. 25th is my 21st Wedding 💑 Anniversary! These are some of my fav. compliant closets who I know will help spread your good news! Thanks for the tag @motherskiss. Party ladies @love4luxe @jesstb @icaton @treasuresbytrac @fashioncravings @freneticmadness @kmariec @sassbadger @bellanblue @maidmarian @aprils2ndcloset Sorry for any retags.
Sep 21Reply
kmariec 🎉🎉🎀Congratulations on this awesome news!!! You're going to have a blast co-hosting. I'll be there to help cheer you on and share your picks!🎀🎉🎉
Sep 21Reply
myirelandrose 🎉🎉Congrats on hosting👏👏👏 I am so excited for you! Please peek in my close for HP's!🙏🙏
Sep 21Reply
t_ms_sincerity 😃☺️Congrats Lorrie!You have a beautiful closet!I'm not surprised!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉💐
Sep 21Reply
kewpiedoll @fashionm4women Your very welcome 👍🏻😍😘😍👍🏻
Sep 21Reply
myirelandrose Ladies spread the word on Style Icon Party on 9/25 for this first time hostess! 💕💕💕@poshlinz1 @pmgr22 @abbykuskin @blondsoul @bellaberry64 @nickxsmith1295
Sep 22Reply
bmrandall Congratulations on cohosting your first party!! I can't wait to shop and share all the styles you choose!! If you haven't made all of your selections already I would love it if you checked out my closet for potential host picks!! Happy hosting!
Sep 22Reply
kdunks7 Congrats on the party! I would be so honored if you would check out my closet - I have a plaid skirt that is surely a style icon, and of course I am a rule-follower. Have fun!
Sep 22Reply
mjkindred Yay it's getting so close!! Hope you're having a blast hosting thus far!
Sep 22Reply
lsheppard29 Congratulations!!! Would love to be considered for a host pick!! :D
Sep 22Reply
lorriebug I am looking forward to co-hosting with you beautiful ladies!! @blondsoul @sweetbliss22 @opop78
Sep 23Reply
mountainblush @lorriebug it's going to be great! 😘
Sep 23Reply
ghtinoco @lorriebug Congratulations on hosting! This is super exciting! I would be so thankful and honored if you could take a peek at my closet.
Sep 23Reply
bwenger Congratulations! 💕💥🎉 I am so excited for you, hosting is such a blast! Please feel free to stop by my Posh Tips listing for advice on hosting. Whether it's your first time or your tenth, I hope my advice will help (I've been fortunate enough to host three times and love helping!). Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, and I'll share your party announcement and be there for your big day! 😘💋
Sep 23Reply
sohocarter Congrats! Please take a look at my closet if you could! 😊❤️
Sep 23Reply
onyxandorchid @lorriebug congrats!! I'm so excited for you!! You're going to have a BLAST!! Hope you get a chance to check out my closet!! Can't wait to party!!! 😘🎉 thanks for the tag @teresamarie01 ❤️
Sep 23Reply
otsana428 That's so awesome!!! Congratulations!! 🎉✨ if you get the chance, my friend @bambihelton would LOVE her first host pick! ☺️💕 she has a beautiful closet and she's brand new to poshmark! 👯 I'll be there to party with you!
Sep 23Reply
sambaj Congrats on hosting your first party!🎉🎊🎈🎈🎈👍👍👍💜
Sep 23Reply
_hannahb Congratulations on co-hosting!!!!😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉
Sep 23Reply
classyvintage Um I beg to differ! 10pm from the U.P. Of Mi. And I'll be there lol
Sep 24Reply
dramaless @lorriebug 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼I'll be there supporting you 💯%!!!😘😘😘
Sep 24Reply
lorriebug Yeah, I know I am in Georgia, so same here, 10PM.LOL It gets rough sometimes trying to hang with the parties and share all until like 1:00am.... @classyvintage
Sep 24Reply
classyvintage Well Im lucky as Posh is my job . So my hours are fixed around that! Have fun and everyone is looking forward to one of our Posh cheer leaders in the limelight
Sep 24Reply
pepperanddonuts 🎉congrats on hosting!!!🎉 would love for you to check out my closet! Have fun :)
Sep 24Reply
loriannhertz Congrats o your HP!! Good luck😊🎉💕
Sep 24Reply
janimack7 💥🎉👏🏼 Congratulations, ! 👏🏼🎉💥 Hope your experience is WONDER-FULL! ENJOY! 💐🎉❗️💟✨💟❗️🎉💐 Please consider these lovely closets for a 🎉HP 🎉! 🌹Victoria @vashby 🌹Debbie @fashioncravings 🌹Mandy @muneewoo 🌹Dawn @jeanscenequeen 🌹Ginger @travelbugginger 🌹Jess @matadora1978 Thank you for the tag and the recommendation of my closet, Victoria! @vashby
Sep 24Reply
imdaqueen10 😬☺️☺️
Sep 24Reply
katiev81 Congrats on hosting!!! 🎉💃 If you have time please check out my closet!! 💕 Thanks and have fun!!
Sep 24Reply
fashioncravings @lorriebug Congratulations! Wishing you a fabulous party😊🎉💃🏻 Thanks to @janimack7 for sharing with me💓🌺 Please look at her closet for host picks, she is awesome, always so generous and has an amazing closet💓😊
Sep 24Reply
chantydelauzzz Congrats on hosting! If you have a moment please take a look at my closet for a possible HP! I have many items that fit the theme & follow all rules! I will make sure to share your closet often & thank you in advance! 🎉💗😘
Sep 24Reply
alexandreaq8 Congrats!! I can't wait for the party! Please check out my closet for a potential HP! 🎉 @alexandreaq8
Sep 24Reply
steffff10 Congrats on your first Posh party! So looking forward to shopping it 😊
Sep 24Reply
sweet_hatttrick @lorriebug Hi & Congrats on Hosting. Please consider my closet beauties to pick one HP for your theme. Thank you 💐
Sep 24Reply
lovelights Congratulations!! Such a gorgeous closet! 😊💕👑🎉💋💃🏻
Sep 24Reply
mich_pend Congrats on hosting your first party! What an honor! Have a blast!💃🏻🎉💕👏🏻😍😘👍🏻👠👗👖🎈
Sep 24Reply
mctracey @lorriebug congrats girl! 💖❤️🎉 can't wait for the party! @mctracey
Sep 24Reply
effloro CONGRATS!! ☺♥ I'd love it if you could take a quick peek at my closet, i have some pieces I think you'll like ☺ Thanks, have fun!!
Sep 24Reply
sejoursouvenir Hey can u check out my closet
Sep 24Reply
violetfieldsvtg 🎉💐🎉Congrats on hosting your first posh party!🎉💐🎉 @driveincloset @jenixan24
Sep 24Reply
pammalla I love the way you do your pics. They are great and really stand out. Any tips you have would be greatly appreciated😊.
Sep 24Reply
queensgp So excited for your first gig!
Sep 24Reply
naptimeshoptime Congrats!! Have fun! If you're looking for ideas of host picks, I've got tons of good stuff and follow posh rules. Happy Poshing!
Sep 24Reply
alisonbr @lorriebug hi Hun!! Congrats on hosting!!! Enjoy tonight! 😊👍💗
Sep 24Reply
lorriebug @pammalla. Thank you! You have a beautiful closet, wouldn't change a thing!
Sep 24Reply
malelaine87 Congrats!💕✨🎉 Come check out my closet if you have a chance:) I'm still relatively new but already have some good ratings!💫💫💫💫💫
Sep 24Reply
designergirl78 Yay! So good for you! Congratulations! 🎉happy fall🍁🍂🍁🍂and have a blessed evening! ~Melissa
Sep 24Reply
briewineposh Congrats!!!!
Sep 24Reply
michelleonposh_ Congrats on hosting! If you have a chance, please check out my closet for a possible host pick :)
Sep 24Reply
tammyleetucker Woot Woot🎉🎉🎉well deserved and long overdue😻🐾 congrats😘💕
Sep 24Reply
luvs2dance81 Congrats on hosting! 😊 If you have time to peek into my closet for a potential HP, I'd be so appreciative! Thanks for considering and have a blast hosting!! 🎉🎀👗👠
Sep 24Reply
samirosenthal Hi!! Please check out my closet for host picks! Thanks so much!!
Sep 24Reply
passporttoindia Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @lorriebug
Sep 24Reply
passporttoindia Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @lorriebug
Sep 24Reply
bsplash1688 Congrats on hosting!! If you're still looking for picks, I have a lot of great pieces in my closet! All posh rules followed!! Thanks in advance for the consideration! Hope you have a blast!!
Sep 25Reply
mercermarket Congrats on hosting! I'll be partying it up with my posh compliant closet 😉💃🏼🎉
Sep 25Reply
yankrebel Congratulations on your first co-hosting!! How exciting!! Please check out my closet, I'd love to have my first host pick!!😀😀😀
Sep 25Reply
yankrebel So sorry about that!! I deleted that listing so I think I'm up to speed on being a potential host pick!! Please look again!! Thank you!😀😀😀
Sep 25Reply
yankrebel Ok deleted that too! I'm new to all of this so I never knew of some if these rules!! 😊Thanks for the help!! I hope you'll still consider my closet for a host pick!😇😇
Sep 25Reply
leemay Hi! I would love it if you could check out my closet for potential host picks. 😊
Sep 25Reply
bellanblue See you tomorrow sweetie!
Sep 25Reply
ambersboutique Congrats on your upcoming party! Can't wait to shop and share all of your host picks! Hoping I can be among them! Enjoy! ❤️❤️
Sep 25Reply
sssylviah Woohoo!!! So exciting! Congratulations. I can't believe it's only your first party you are hosting. Have fun and enjoy! It goes by really fast! :-)
Sep 25Reply
lfdeininger Congrats on hosting 😀🎉🎊💅🏼! Please check out my closet if you still need a host pick! Can't wait to shop !
Sep 25Reply
jessica2123 Hope you have the best time tomorrow! 😍
Sep 25Reply
myirelandrose Good Luck Co-hosting tonight🍀🍀🍀
Sep 25Reply
nic39 Today is the day!! Have a blast!!🎉🎉🎉😊💕
Sep 25Reply
emmyrawrs Congrats on cohosting tonight! If you're still looking for potential host picks, then I hope you will take a peek into my closet! Most importantly, I hope you have a great time!~~
Sep 25Reply
kimgaffen Congratulations💗
Sep 25Reply
tntmama Congrats on hosting your first party! Please take a look at my Posh compliant closet for a possible HP! Thank you!
Sep 25Reply
katiie Congrats on hosting tonight! You will have a blast! :) If you're still looking for HP's, I have some things that would be great for the party tonight. Also, check out @hoppylife . Both of us are posh compliant! See you tonight!!!
Sep 25Reply
luckych4rms congrats and have fun hosting your first party tonight! would love for you to consider my closet for a host pick - have a lot of items that would be perfect for the style icon' theme! :)
Sep 25Reply
sarahmartell Hey girl hey!! I love your closet!!! 👗👙👠👒💄🎒👛 You've got such great style! 😍😍😍 I can't wait for your party tonight!!! 🎉🎉🎉 congratulations on hosting! If you're still looking for HPs, please take a look at my closet!! 😘😘😘 I'll be there to cheer you on either way! xoxo
Sep 25Reply
mzdvinity 💄"Fashions fade, style is eternal." —Yves Saint Laurent 💋 🎉Congrats on co-hosting the upcoming Style Icon Party! If you have any remaining HPs I'd love for you to take a look in my closet! Happy Poshing💕
Sep 25Reply
autumnlynn3 Yay! Today is the day!! Have a blast tonight! 🎉❤💙🎉❤💙❤🎉🎉❤
Sep 25Reply
mahako Yippee!!! Congratulations
Sep 25Reply
taylerbrooke So happy for you!!! :)
Sep 25Reply
elliekrump CONGRATS!!!!! Can't wait to party with you tonight! 🎉
Sep 25Reply
adcmlgmom Congrats! Have fun hosting . Please look in my closet if you have time. I will tag you an item I think fits the theme. Thanks for your consideration 🎉😬
Sep 25Reply
vintage_lass @lorriebug whooooooooo!! So close!! :)
Sep 25Reply
twk_jewelry I'm so excited for you 💛 💛
Sep 25Reply
hmonday Good luck!!:) Hope you make lots of sales!
Sep 25Reply
sambaj @lorriebug Congrats on hosting! Can't wait to shop your party tonight!
Sep 25Reply
kimsthings 😃🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵have a great time girl!!!!!🎵🎵🎵🎵🍸🍸🍸🍸🎈🎈🎈🎈🎶🎶🎶🎶😃😘
Sep 25Reply
violetfieldsvtg 🎉🎉🎉Super Exciting!!🎉🎉 I'll be there to party and celebrate!🎉🎉
Sep 25Reply
goldrose48 @lorriebug Have fun tonight Lorrie! Will be there to see and share all your gorgeous picks! 🎉🎉🎉
Sep 25Reply
a2z6 Have fun tonight lorrie!!👍👍💕💜🎉🎊🎈😀
Sep 25Reply
sgo709 @lorriebug Congrats Lori, that's so exciting💝🌷🌻😃 I see why they choose your gorgeous closet🌷🌻😍I'll be sure to share your great news😃🌈🐞🐝
Sep 25Reply
oncloudwine 💖💕YAAAAAY!!!! CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!!💙😊 can't wait to see all your picks!!🎉✨ please consider my closet for possible host pick 🎊💃🏻 I follow ALL posh rules!!💥🌹 HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!🎀💚
Sep 25Reply
diane060 there you go...I posted in FB and Pintrest.!! Congrats on your FIRST party. I'll be there with busy sharing fingers :)
Sep 25Reply
lorriebug @diane060 Thank you!!!
Sep 25Reply
lwschlprncss @lorriebug YAY!! It's PARTY DAY!! Truly hope you have an evening you won't soon forget!! Cannot wait to see all of your fabulous HP's!!! "See" you tonight!!!💖😘
Sep 25Reply
serendipity8888 Wahoooooo! You go girl!!! I'm so proud of you!!! <3
Sep 25Reply
lisadraper YaY sweets 👏👏👏. I hope you have a Blast hosting tonight🎉🎉🎉. Lisa 😃😘
Sep 25Reply
winsomewardrobe @lorriebug woo hoo! I'll be there! Have a great time :)
Sep 25Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hi Lorrie! 🎡🎡Congrats on hosting!!! I absolutely love your closet so I know I'll love all your picks!!🍷🍷 if you have a chance, please check out my rule abiding closet for potential host picks!🎉🎉 have a great time!
Sep 25Reply
elevenroses Wishing You The Happiest Of Hosting Tonight Lorrie !
Sep 25Reply
prrtynpink congrats on cohosting, you deserve it! if you have time please consider an item in my closet as a host pick for tonight, thank you ❤️
Sep 25Reply
melonsquare Congrats!! Please check out my closet if you have time!!
Sep 25Reply
janimack7 Can't wait to party, Lorrie❗️ Please check @fashioncravings for a wonderful closet to find the perfect 🎉HP🎉!
Sep 25Reply
thevintageroze LOL I love it!!!
Sep 25Reply
christinedeeann This is too funny and too true looking forward to sharing and shopping your HP'S. Have fun😄😄😄
Sep 25Reply
brittnaylea 🎉🎉Congrats on hosting, that's so exciting!!!!! Good luck!!!!! I'll definitely be stopping by to check it out 😘💕
Sep 25Reply
fabtrends385 Woot! Woot! 💁🏻Can't wait for the party doll!!🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💐💐💐
Sep 25Reply
leliluv Have a great time co-hosting!!💐
Sep 25Reply
proverbs_31 Love that update Lorrie! Cute! 💜 See you tonight!
Sep 25Reply
janimack7 Too cute! Good advice!! 😄
Sep 25Reply
sommar You're going to have so much fun! Relax and enjoy!
Sep 25Reply
kristikreations @lorriebug @tdkbkt6 is now treasuresbytrac. I just noticed her user name at the top.😊
Sep 25Reply
jaymoon @lorriebug so excited for you! Hope you have a blast!!! Been waiting for your party 😘💕 iv not been to active on here in while cause we had two VERY bad an scary experiences with foster teen boys 😢 but I'm attending your party an trying get active on here more again 😘have a blast an iv hosted two as u know an my tip is to spread your picks with the 2 hours so you enjoy it more 💕🎉
Sep 25Reply
mia_bellavita Good luck at your party. Don't forget to have lots of FUN!! 💋🎀 👙💄 👠💗💗💎💗💗💅 👑💗💗💗💗💗👜 🌂💗💗💗💗💗💍 👄💗💗💗👼 💏💗👗 👯
Sep 25Reply
luvnstyles Congrats @lorriebug on hosting! Have an awesome time at the party! 🎉😍💕
Sep 25Reply
javagerty @lorriebug yay congrats on hosting!! 🎉🎉 would love if you considered my closet for a host pick, I follow all posh rules ☺️
Sep 25Reply
arigrldesigns @lorriebug Congratulations, Lorrie! Looking forward to your party🎉 Style Icon!🙌🏼💞Lets party @judyt726 @thebrightside @caruh @mk4 @classypatty @classyvintage @anoliver @a26z @vance289 @treasuresbytrac @lorriebug @marlanap @aprils2ndcloset @hopesparkes @katz2 @kookc @sherriesharley🎈🎈🎈Thank Jen @ @bellanblue 💕
Sep 25Reply
mailecabral Hi @lorriebug Congrats on hosting! I'll be there browsing, sharing, shopping and of course selling! =) I'll tag you in a few items that would work as Host Picks if thats ok? I'm a posh rules following closet. Have a great party... see you in a little =) Cheers, Maile
Sep 26Reply
arn1ka Congrats on cohosting, if you have any time please take a look at my closet for last minute picks 🎉🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕
Sep 26Reply
epine28 @lorriebug congrats on your first co host!👏🏽🎀🎉☺️😊 can't wait for tonight! Please check out my closet :) thank you💗 @epine28
Sep 26Reply
larochelle WOOOOHOOOOO🎉🎉🎉im sure you are super excited!!! two more hours to go and cant wait to see your picks!💝💝💝justhopin to be one of them lucky ones to get a pic tonight .. thanks for taking a peek at my closet 😍it would such an honor! see you then and HAVE A BLAST --- il be there to cheer and share! 💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉💝💝💝
Sep 26Reply
ell255 Can't wait!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 26Reply
shesredhaute So excited for your party tonight! You are going to rock it!! I'll be there to shop and share! I'd love if you could take a peek at my closet for possible host picks! Thanks lady!!! See you tonight!
Sep 26Reply
baglady24 👜 👝 👝 👝 👝 👝 👛👛💠👛👛 👛👛👛👛👛 👛👛👛👛👛 C͙O͙N͙G͙R͙A͙T͙U͙L͙A͙T͙I͙O͙N͙S͙ Lorrie on co-hosting your 1⃣st Party! I cannot imagine your excitement! I'll be there to shop and share🎀 Please take a moment to peruse my closet for possible Host Picks; I do follow Posh rules. Have fun with your new found fame and P̺͆O̺͆S̺͆H̺͆ O̺͆N̺͆‼️🎀 💋
Sep 26Reply
poshfi 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on hosting. Feel free to check out my closet
Sep 26Reply
lostandfoundla Congrats on hosting tonight!!! I hope i get to host one day too!!! Have Fun & happy pushing!!
Sep 26Reply
sommar You've got this!
Sep 26Reply
classyvintage Have fun!!!
Sep 26Reply
_sochic YAY!🎉 1 more minute👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Sep 26Reply
jenniann5246 Hope you have a blast!😊
Sep 26Reply
elevenroses YaY !! Hoping You Have TONS of Fun !!! :)
Sep 26Reply
poshmark_beth Have fun tonight!
Sep 26Reply
marlanap Have fun!!!!! 💃💃💃👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈
Sep 26Reply
srk4 Yay! Congratulations girl! :)
Sep 26Reply
ventiquadglam Congrats on co-hosting tonight! I know it's a little late to ask, but if you have any extra spots for host picks I'd be honored if you checked out my closet! Have a blast co-hosting and a great rest of the night 😊
Sep 26Reply
chanelvlover Hi! Will you be so kind and check out my closet for a possible Host Pick:-) thank you kindly 🌷
Sep 26Reply
discount_aero Congrats on the Co-Hosting! If you're not too busy, do you mind taking a peek at my closet for any possible host picks? That would mean a lot to me! Happy Poshing!
Sep 26Reply
sommar Hope all is running smooth! It's almost over! Hopefully you're enjoying!
Sep 26Reply
rmccouture I hope that you are having a great time tonight Lorrie! Cohosting is a lot of work, and is also the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. It is a very selfless act, and I want to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your planning. Idk if you asked a PFF to share your closet to the party, so I'm going to share as much of it as I can. If someone else is sharing it, your items will still be seen by my followers. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS! 💜Amanda
Sep 26Reply
diane060 You're the best!
Sep 26Reply
rachann1221 @lorriebug yay!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Sep 26Reply
vintage_rocks Thank you so much Lorrie for a fabulous party. I really appreciate the Host Pick.
Sep 26Reply
sommar Yayyyyy! I hope you had a blast! It goes by so quick. I hope you're enjoying something you love now and taking a breather! 💕
Sep 26Reply
briewineposh Thx sooo much for the HP!! It was a great surprise and meant a lot. 💕💕😘😊😊
Sep 26Reply
kornbread11 Hope you enjoyed doll😘
Sep 26Reply
luvsmink Awesome party, sweetie!!!!🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐
Sep 26Reply
diane060 I don't even know what cohosting involves you really have to help me on that one. I'm so sorry things are so crazy and my husband went to the hospital so I couldn't really expans everything I wanted to with your party tonight!! I would love information about co hosting and being a suggested user any help would be appreciated. You're the best
Sep 26Reply
fabtrends385 @lorriebug Awesome party! Thank You so much for the host pick! 😘👍💕
Sep 26Reply
vacat 👍🏻👍🏻fashion fun💃💃💃
Sep 26Reply
katz2 Great party! Thanks again for the Host Pick! 🎉🎉😍💞💞
Sep 26Reply
clothesaddict72 🎉👏🎊👍😄💕 Congrats on a Fabulous Party! Loved all the Host Picks! You did an amazing job! 🎉👏🎊👍😄💕
Sep 26Reply
dramaless @lorriebug Lorrie - YOU did an AMAZING job last night! I thoroughly enjoyed every single second of your party! Amazing picks, amazing host = a fabulous party night!!! You should be proud and glowing with pride today - you deserve it!!!👍🏼😘💨😘💨😘💨Hope your week-end is amazing!!!💟💟
Sep 26Reply
whatsleft @lorriebug Hi! Believe me I get it! I have done 2 party's and always feel like we need a higher number of picks! Hugs😘🌹
Sep 26Reply
janimack7 You hosted an AMAZING PARTY! Congratulations! Well done!🎉😊💜✨💜🎉😊🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Sep 26Reply
sssylviah Thank you so much for my host pick!!!
Sep 26Reply
diane060 Are you going to San Francisco in November? I'd love to meet you and get your feedback on how to do this pic collages other things. I am a good electronics person but somehow I just can't get this lol
Sep 27Reply
lorriebug @diane060. No I won't be there...I live in Georgia so not possible at this time. As for photos, I use the app " Photo Collage" It was very simple to learn and easy to use.
Sep 27Reply

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