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Updated Oct 30
Updated Oct 30

Julie ⭐️Posh compliant⭐️

Meet the Posher

US$0 US$9


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Hi! I'm Julie. Some of my favorite brands are Rag & Bone, Splendid, & Wildfox. All my items come from a clean, dog friendly, & smoke free home. I take the time to provide measurements for every listing & will take additional measurements upon request. These measurements are approximate. I am not responsible if an item does not fit you. ❤️
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 4+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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modamecouture Thank you so much for taking the time to peek inside my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions.💋
Oct 26Reply
kylej Welcome 🎉🎉🎉🍀
Nov 16Reply
juliewahoo @kylej Thanks so much😊 Your closet is gorgeous!
Nov 16Reply
itzposhable Hey Julie Thanks for being my 9000th Follower!!!! Straight Up Cutie!!!!
Nov 25Reply
juliewahoo @slvrbel Woo-hoo! Thanks😊
Nov 25Reply
sammy63 @jlblynn if you have any questions feel free to ask ☺ I'm easy going
Dec 10Reply
juliewahoo @sammy63 Thank you so much!😊
Dec 10Reply
sammy63 @jlblynn did you see anything you liked?
Dec 10Reply
juliewahoo @sammy63 Yes but still looking:)
Dec 10Reply
sammy63 @jlblynn ok what did you like ?
Dec 10Reply
sammy63 No problem
Dec 10Reply
sammy63 @jlblynn thanks I can lower price if you buy more than 1 iteam hope you find what you're looking for ☺
Dec 10Reply
vicky_ymcagirl We haven't met yet..I'm Vicky, Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 this is a wonderful community of women 👭always willing to help!! 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be successful ... 1️⃣ share 👠👗 2️⃣ follow 👣👣 3️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet! 💯 4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔 If you want I can send you the names of a few closets that's a big help for new poshers! 👍🏻
Jan 05Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Thank you so much for the nice welcome! Any help or names of good closets would be greatly appreciated😊
Jan 05Reply
vicky_ymcagirl These closets are full of good info regarding posh compliant items and just getting started!! 👍🏻 I still refer back to them often! Just tap on their name to get to their closet. @ex_globetrotter @rcatheron @jodisjewelry @allyoop23 @abstractdreams @jays_boutique_ @vickyss - follow game instructions Tap Category, then Other to see their info.
Jan 05Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Awesome! Thank you so much again for your kindness😄❤️
Jan 05Reply
vicky_ymcagirl 👍🏻☺️
Jan 05Reply
chicknthesticks @vickyss @jlblynn Thanks for the tag, Vicky! Julie, your photos are really good, especially your cover shots, and I love the way you've organized your closet! I hope you're able to follow Vicky's suggestions and follow the closets she mentioned. As a Posh Mentor and Suggested User, my recommendation would be to study the rules more closely about what can and cannot be sold on Poshmark. Other than that, you're off to a great start!
Jan 05Reply
juliewahoo @rcatheron Thanks for the tips😊 Yeah, I mistakenly thought menswear was acceptable to sell bc when I started I saw many men's items listed. I hope to become a suggested user so I'd like to comply with the rules.
Jan 05Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Is there a reason a few people keep following, unfollowing, & re-following me? Seems odd. Does this happen to you?
Jan 06Reply
vicky_ymcagirl That has happened to me, and I don't know why! 🤔
Jan 06Reply
vicky_ymcagirl You have so so many awesome things in your closet, you deserve some HPs! But the party people won't select from a closet that isn't 100% posh compliant. If you look at ex_globetrotter's closet she has a very good specific list of what's allowed/not allowed to be posh compliant, and she will help if you aren't sure! Cont...
Jan 12Reply
vicky_ymcagirl The only concerns I see are the things listed under your Other category. If I'm just bugging you with this let me know and I'll drop it. But I just know more people need to see your awesome closet and the biggest sharers won't share a non PC closet.
Jan 12Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss I was wondering if all bath & body products were non PC or just the perfumes. Thanks so much for letting me know. You're definitely not bugging me and I truly appreciate your help😊
Jan 12Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Whew...good! I'm still not 100% sure on all the NOTS...I did a screen shot of the list on ex_globetrotters site and look back at it a lot! 🙂
Jan 12Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Great! I'll check out that site😃
Jan 12Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Is there a benefit to liking your own listing? See lots of this and can't figure out why or how this is beneficial
Jan 13Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Well, a posh mentor told to like my listing on my own follow game cause people just see the list of names and click on the likes and start following them. That's really all I know, if either of us hear another explanation let's share it with each other! ☺️
Jan 13Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Ah, ok. Makes sense in that case. Thank you😊
Jan 13Reply
retiredmusician Thanks for sharing my wedding dress listing.😊
Jan 14Reply
juliewahoo @retiredmusician It's gorgeous! You're welcome❤️😊
Jan 14Reply
mrpants LOVE your doggies!!!!
Jan 27Reply
juliewahoo @mrpants Aw, thanks! Huxley & little Waffles are such sweethearts😊
Jan 27Reply
mrpants I am a fan of all doggies! I have a boy of my own and his older brother just left us for the Rainbow Bridge on November 5th (big huge sad face...he was my first dog on my own, my first rescue, my first TRUE love of my life).
Jan 27Reply
juliewahoo @mrpants Sorry to hear about your loss. Do you plan on getting another? I bet your younger pup misses his buddy😔
Jan 27Reply
mrpants No, not anytime soon. My heart breaks every day for Mr. Pants, so I can't imagine rescuing a new baby. Riley is okay though, I promise...I think he enjoys being the center of attention.
Jan 27Reply
juliewahoo @mrpants Ah! I was curious about your posh name😆
Jan 27Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hey guys, Julie has worked hard and made her closet PC, 👍🏻 would y'all stop by and say hi..👋🏻 she has a great closet..we need to get the word out to the party hosts! 👭👭 @jodisjewelry @lisa2644 @pink_bee @mlaferte @exwolfe @christelrhoades @ptl8 @nic39 @cbltrio @faithscloset1914 @lizray529 @kenzie_alexis
Jan 27Reply
nic39 Hey Julie!! I'm Nicole we haven't officially met but we share together 😊💕💕 glad to see your closet PC you will do well💕💕💕 thanks @vickyss
Jan 27Reply
juliewahoo @nic39 Wonderful to meet you, Nicole! I look forward to helping each other & appreciate your kindness😊❤️
Jan 27Reply
juliewahoo @vickyss Your continued kindness is always appreciated & even inspiring as I pay it forward to new Poshers. Thank you😊💕
Jan 27Reply
exwolfe @jlblynn nice to meet you julie, i am cindy. love your closet, all the best to you. @vickyss ty for the tag
Jan 27Reply
juliewahoo @exwolfe Thank you so much, Cindy! Lovely to meet you & share your beautiful closet❤️
Jan 27Reply
kenzie_alexis Hi Julie, I'm Mackenzie. It's nice to meet you 😊 Welcome to poshmark! 🎉
Jan 28Reply
juliewahoo @kenzie_alexis Hi Kenzie! So nice to meet you & thanks for the welcome😊💕
Jan 28Reply
melmelwill How much would I save on shipping if I accept at $11?
Jan 31Reply
juliewahoo @melmelwill $1, but you'd pay the same total amount- I'd just make a dollar instead of Posh making a dollar. No worries since you already purchased at $10😊
Jan 31Reply
juliewahoo @melmelwill My mistake, I got you confused with a different sale. You'll save a dollar on shipping❤️
Jan 31Reply
flutter_buys Hi! I'm Karen, nice to meet you and Welcome to Posh!! If you need anything please feel free to tag me. Also you should check out @official_forum. They have a lot of helpful tips! Autumn has a lot of the brands you like! @autumnlynn3. You might want to check her Closet out!! 😃👍 Wishing you many sales and Happy Poshing!! 😊
Feb 03Reply
juliewahoo @kcford24 Thank you so much for the nice welcome😊 Autumn has great items! What's the name of the blog you read? I'd like to find more info.
Feb 03Reply
autumnlynn3 @jlblynn @kcford24.. Thanks ladies 😘❤💜💕
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys It's http://blog.poshmark. Com. Then you can find the monthly trend report from there. It just came out yesterday. You can also subscribe to the blog there as well. Just type in your email. They have SOME good tips on YouTube. Look for @bellanblue. She has great info and is a sweetheart. Yell if you need a hand! 👍
Feb 03Reply
juliewahoo @kcford24 Very helpful! Thanks. How long did it take you to become a suggested user? I've recently made my closet completely posh compliant (after learning the rules).
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys Email them!! SU@ posh mark. Com. All one word. Tell them you're compliant, you like to welcome new people and that you are an active part of the community with your own sense of style!! Which you seem to be all them. It will take about 3 months for them to send you an email stating you are now a SU. BUT they only send 1 email, so you gotta watch. Your followers will blow up!! 😃 if you want I can put you in my tag list?? For parties and community stuff. Lmk. 💞👍
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys That way you can get more into who is Hosting Parties and congrats them. Say hi to newbies and share some sales. Also you get to meet some really nice ladies!! 😉
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys Also you get to meet the Party Hosts, so you can as them to check out your Closet for Host Pick's!!! They have to give some to newer Closets. Have you had a Host Pick yet?? Or done any Follow Games?
Feb 03Reply
juliewahoo @kcford24 Please do include me😊 I've had 3 HPs & will email Posh to request SU status. Trying to join as many share groups as possible, I've been in several so far.
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys No problem! 👍. I'm sure you are busy enough then!! LOL! The Share group s will definitely help too!! Good for you!! Good luck! Stay in touch! I'll pop in and share your Closet too!! 😃💞
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys I'm sorry at first I thought you said no. But I got you in. Be careful you don't over do the share groups! lol. I can only keep up with them a couple times a week! Sometimes they have so many people. Which is good for selling though! But I can't commit all the time. I like to free share too! 😜💞 ttyl
Feb 03Reply
juliewahoo @kcford24 Thanks so much again. I really appreciate your kindness❤️
Feb 03Reply
flutter_buys Anytime Julie! I'm happy to meet you! And look forward to Poshing with you!! Have a good night! Tag me if you need anything! 😃💞☮
Feb 03Reply
antonetteo @jlblynn Nice closet👍🏼💐. You are in great shape!! I wish I had muscles like you. 😒. Take care
Feb 04Reply
juliewahoo @antonetteo Thank you very much😊 You have a beautiful closet! So happy to share it❤️
Feb 04Reply
antonetteo @jlblynn Thank you. You have an excellent closet as well. It looks like your closet got a lot bigger. By the way, I wasn't trying to be rude or weird about your pics. I have a spinal disease and I wish I could work out. 😒
Feb 04Reply
juliewahoo @antonetteo I didn't think you were being anything but complimentary. Thank you so much for noticing that I've added to my closet and for sharing💕
Feb 04Reply
lolomichelleb Thank you so much for all your shares!! Such a sweetheart! Love your closet!!
Feb 12Reply
juliewahoo @lolomichelleb Anytime! I'm pretty new to Posh myself & am more than happy to share another addicts lovely closet💕
Feb 12Reply
janimack7 Hello, Julie! 👋🏼 I'm Jan! It is great to meet you! 🌹 .....Thank you for all the shares!💞
Feb 12Reply
juliewahoo @janimack7 Lovely to meet you Jan! Thanks for saying hi & sharing my closet😊❤️
Feb 12Reply
wendac Nice to meet you Julie! Thanks for the birds you wishes!! Have a great day!!
Feb 12Reply
janimack7 😘😄💞
Feb 12Reply
exwolfe thanks for the shares. glad i came back and visited your closet. you are really doing well with posh, so happy for you!
Feb 27Reply
juliewahoo @exwolfe Thank you Cindy. I truly appreciate your kind words.😊💜
Feb 27Reply
stylenu Hi Julie! It's been great being in share groups with you but I apologize for not welcoming you when our buddy @vickyss introduced you. I must have missed it in my feed. I feel so overwhelmed so I have dropped out of a lot of share groups! Love your closet!!! And have enjoyed sharing it!
Mar 04Reply
juliewahoo @cbltrio No worries! I appreciate your kind words & enjoy sharing your closet, too. Thanks so much.😊❤️
Mar 04Reply
nudnicksfam55 You have a really cute closet! Happy Poshing!😊💕
Mar 13Reply
juliewahoo @nudnicksfam55 Thank you very much!😊💛
Mar 13Reply
ruralresale @jlblynn Julie love your closet upgrades! They look amazing! Here's to big sales in the near future 😘😘😘
Mar 15Reply
juliewahoo @ruralthrifty You are so sweet to notice- thank you!😊 I've been working hard to improve my closet. I really appreciate the kind words.❤️
Mar 15Reply
dancingtigress Hey @jlblynn!! I live in Florida now, but I am originally from Oberlin. I think that's only about...25 minutes or so from N Ridgeville?
Mar 30Reply
juliewahoo @mcknight820 Hi, Marisa! That's pretty close. I'm from the Akron area and am still pretty new to NR
Mar 30Reply
technohippie I absolutely luv your closet!!!! You are amazing and helpful to me and i wanted to thank u for being sooo cool and back from the flu and ur so sweet sharing for me when i was down and out...good vibes girl....will be sharing for u as working on my closet today finally got a day off❤💚💜💙💛😘
Apr 05Reply
juliewahoo @technohippie Thank you so much for the kind words- I really appreciate the feedback! Please let me know if you have any Posh questions or anything I can do to help you out with your closet.😊❤️
Apr 05Reply
technohippie @jlblynn Rock on girl ty again 😎😎
Apr 05Reply
violet507 Congratulations on the name change! I like it!!!! 💜😃🌟
Apr 11Reply
juliewahoo @violet507 Thanks, girl! I need to make a name change graphic ASAP 😄
Apr 11Reply
violet507 Yes you do!!!! Tag me when you have it ready so I can share!!! 😊
Apr 11Reply
ananona Hi Julie I really like the shoes because I have matching bage and I want to pay 18 total so I'll appreciate if you accept my offer, thanks
May 25Reply
juliewahoo @ananona Hi:) Thanks so much for your offer. Lowest I can do right now is $14
May 25Reply
bjbutcher76 @juliewahoo AWESOME closest!! Great taste and look forward to purchasing from ur closet
Jun 05Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports I'll keep my eye out for those mules. The Ellen Tracy lip crayons are yours for $15. I just added a bunch of new bags if you're interested.😊❤️
Jun 08Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports Thanks! I'll check them out. 😊
Jun 09Reply
savychicone Love your closet. Such fab shoes❤️Thank you for all the shares😍
Jun 21Reply
juliewahoo @savychicone Thank you so much & welcome to Posh!❤️🎉
Jun 21Reply
ginger_nj Julie your fur babies are so precious! THANK Y💟U for sharing my listing! Happy HUMP 🐪 Day...Have a FRUITFUL week! 🍉🍌🍇🍓🍒Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
Jun 22Reply
juliewahoo @ginger_nj Thank you! You have such a lovely closet & I'm happy to have connected with you thru the Get It Sold! share group.😊❤️
Jun 22Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports No worries whatsoever. Thanks for letting me know.😊
Jun 24Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports Anytime! Shipping tomorrow.🎉
Jun 24Reply
sassafras19 Hi Julie! I stopped in to share a few things from your unbelievable closet and noticed we're neighbors. I lived in Mills Creek for many years and now I'm over in Sheffield! Nice to meet you!
Jun 29Reply
juliewahoo @sassafras19 How cool! I'm from Akron and just moved to North Ridgeville last year. Thanks so much for sharing my closet. You have some fantastic dresses! Nice to meet you.😊💜
Jun 29Reply
sassafras19 Thanks so much! I just got into this in January and was an avid buyer....which is why I'm now selling! Husband got suspicious of the growing mountain of boxes!
Jun 29Reply
juliewahoo @sassafras19 Ha! My boyfriend always accusingly questions "What's in the boxes??" 😳 I've been Poshing since last October. If you ever have any questions, I'm happy to help!
Jun 29Reply
sassafras19 Same goes here, too. Always! My boxes are called the leaning tower of Pisa. If they toppled it would be at least 2 days before they could find the body. My husband doesn't ask what's in them. Smart man.
Jun 29Reply
sassafras19 He also comments on the path in the snow or grass made by my mail lady! It's bad. If I tell my dog "Georgia is here (mail lady) " she goes directly into her house! I have GOT to sell this stuff!
Jun 29Reply
juliewahoo @sassafras19 Oh my goodness! I've converted our 3rd bedroom into my Posh room & I hide my boxes & mountains of clothes in there.😱
Jun 29Reply
sassafras19 Lmao!! That's too funny. We have a 3rd as well but it's the office/mail/extra motorcycle parts/my shoes and coats(just a wee problem with those as well) room. I also rehab vintage Dooney and Bourke bags and have a huge collection of their Italian line bags and they're all stored in totes so there is literally nowhere to walk in that room!
Jun 29Reply
juliewahoo @sassafras19 I LOVE vintage bags & will definitely have to check out your bags section!
Jun 29Reply
sassafras19 Haven't got those out yet. They're behind all the Posh boxes! But I'll be sure to tag you when I get to them.
Jun 29Reply
juliewahoo @sassafras19 Awsome! Thanks😊
Jun 29Reply
zipperblonde Hi there. Your pups are adorable. Check my two out they're running around in my closet too!🐶🐶🎉
Jul 03Reply
juliewahoo @zipperblonde Thank you so much! Your pups are absolutely adorable as well.😊❤️
Jul 03Reply
kitkat5722 Hello! I wanted to reconnect with you as I'm going through my "love notes" and thank you for previously purchasing from me and giving me 5 stars! It meant a lot to me and I am happy to see you're still on posh having fun with your closet! I wish you the best!🌸
Jul 21Reply
witchipoo Hi Julie! 🤗. Thank you and that will be PERFECT, I'm just on the hunt now for some 32-34 DD-DDD Bikini tops to match! 🤗. It's so hard to find, especially ones without tons of padding.....that I definitely do NOT need.😂 lol!😘💖
Aug 01Reply
juliewahoo @kimmando Hey Kimberly! Haha thanks for the lovely compliment despite my OSU allegiance.😊❤️ You're clearly one of the good UM fans!👍🏽
Aug 26Reply
wavesurfgirl Super funny... i am a transplanted Buckeye!!! O-H
Aug 31Reply
juliewahoo @wavesurfgirl Always great to meet another Buckeye!❤️
Aug 31Reply
awaywardmermaid @juliewahoo Hi Julie, was just thinking that we should hold a Pish-n-Sip party. Not sure what's involved, but seems to gain recognition. Ohio seems under represented in the community. 🦄
Sep 19Reply
juliewahoo @kasohio I agree! Not sure what all it entails but I've always shared the same sentiment that Ohio is very much underrepresented. Would you like to co-host a local Posh N Sip with me?
Sep 19Reply
awaywardmermaid @juliewahoo Definitely!! Now We just have to find out from a posher who knows. I can ask around. You probably know more people than I do. My party is this Friday, but after thatim good to go💕
Sep 19Reply
juliewahoo Same here! My party is Wed but I'll be in touch after yours on Friday. Best wishes on your party.😊💜
Sep 19Reply
nycma Very excited for the party tomorrow. If you are still looking for host picks, hoping you will consider my closet. Thank you❤️
Sep 21Reply
jwang26 @juliewahoo Hi!! Congrats on hosting! Love your closet and will definitely be sharing during the party ☺️ Will you please consider my closet for a HP? I would be SO grateful 🙋🏻💕
Sep 21Reply
vanessapaulla 💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting tonight Julie 😃🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Sep 22Reply
lovelymey Your party listing is full! Wow you have such a tremendous support from the PFFs! Just finished sharing some Posh Love with your closet! You have such a fabulous closet! 😍 Lots of beautiful items and amazing covers shots! So enjoyable to share! ❤ Anyway, congrats on hosting tonight! 🎉🎁💐🍾 I'll definitely be there to shop and share your fabulous host picks! Have fun! 😆 If you have any last minute spot for your HP, I'd be so honoured if you could come and visit my Posh compliant closet! Thank you 😊
Sep 22Reply
carlyerica @juliewahoo Loving the party so far!!! Awesome host picks!!!!!!! Hope you are having fun hosting!!! I have been shopping and sharing! If you're still searching, please check out my posh compliant closet for possible host picks! I update daily and am trying to grow and gain more followers!!! Thank you so much!!! 😍😍😍
Sep 22Reply
jwang26 @juliewahoo Hi!! You have such a cute closet! Congrats on hosting tonight ☺️ if it's not too late, please check out my closet for a HP? Thanks! 💕
Sep 22Reply
awaywardmermaid @juliewahoo Hi, got a couple people interested in a posh-n-sip 😇 still don't know exactly what it is, but willing to do LOL
Oct 04Reply
juliewahoo @kasohio Great! I'm so happy you remembered- I thought of it the other day and quickly forgot. Any idea when you'd like to do it? No rush on my end
Oct 04Reply
awaywardmermaid @juliewahoo Well, one posher is out in Lorain & one is in Brecksville. I know I'm following some Clevelanders & East spiders, but I've not reached out to them yet. I'm sure it won't be hard to do a search. I suppose we should pick someplace Central / near a highway exit? Great Nirthern area? I'll think about it. What the heck do we do at this shindig? Besides drink LOL😇
Oct 04Reply
ninja550 Thank you for the share. Robert&Lexie ninja550 check out beemer550 as well. Same great people, thanks again
Oct 07Reply
awaywardmermaid @juliewahoo Hi, I've officially decided that having sales don't do ---- for selling anything!! Well, I changed my username. It took 1 hour. Does it change with everyone? Do I need to get the word out to those that I'm on their tag list?
Dec 11Reply
juliewahoo @awaywardmermaid Your name change was so fast! Mine took at least a week. It's a good idea to let people know of your name change & to keep your old picture so people can associate you with your old name.
Dec 11Reply
cw13806 All I can say is that 🏈 game was 💩 Your puppies are so cute. Hope you are doing well!
Dec 12Reply
juliewahoo @cw13806 Thank you, Cathy! My little black lab Waffles is quite the handful. Oh, that game 😭 Hopefully they don't have to face the Giants in the playoffs.
Dec 12Reply
bxdime Hi! I'm pretty new to Posh, but I have some items listed that I think you would like! Come visit my closet! :-)
Jan 07Reply
mavikitten Hi doll!! Noticed your golf pic -- I have a few fantastic golf sets available!
Jan 22Reply
juliewahoo @mavikitten Thank you but I'm all set on golf stuff for now.😊
Jan 22Reply
ihilani0008 Hi there! 🤗 I'm not sir if you were notified but I noticed your name on the winners list for that shopping spree Posh is giving away! Yay! You're a winner! 🎉💕 just thought I'd let you know just in case you didn't already! Congratulations! Look at the Posh blog to see your name!!
Feb 17Reply
juliewahoo @ihilani0008 I'm aware. Thank you very much!😊❤️
Feb 17Reply
ihilani0008 How are the winners notified? I hope to be one of them!! ❤️
Feb 17Reply
ihilani0008 Fantastic! Thank you! 💕 and thanks so much for the shares! 👏🏼💕👯
Feb 17Reply
ashleyprice429 Congrats on the win love!! ❤️
Feb 17Reply
juliewahoo @ashleyprice429 Thank you, Ashley!😊💞
Feb 17Reply
cadmiumyellow Congrats on winning the Love or List Challenge shopping spree! How exciting!
Feb 17Reply
juliewahoo @cadmiumyellow Thank you, Beth!😊💞
Feb 17Reply
alexandra1960 Hi, Please let me know when I should expect to receive the Roxy flats in silver. All other items I purchase I received on Friday, Feb. 17.. love the items.. Thank you, Alexandra Ferrizz (Blanca)
Feb 18Reply
juliewahoo @alexandra1960 I added the tracking info. See last photo. So happy to hear you like the other items.❤️😊
Feb 18Reply
asivrais9911 Hey girl!! I saw you were a winner of the Poshmark $100 love or list challenge and just wanted to say congrats!!😍
Feb 21Reply
juliewahoo @asivrais9911 Thank you so much!😊
Feb 21Reply
asivrais9911 @juliewahoo of course!! I've been checking their blog daily hoping to see my name but when I didn't I wanted to congratulate everyone who had won and I'm really glad I did because there was a couple girls who didn't even know they won!! (: anyways have fun picking another lucky winner and enjoy yourself as well!!💕💕😍
Feb 21Reply
alexandra1960 Hi, I was just wondering when I should expect to receive the Roxy silver flats? Thank you Alexandra
Feb 22Reply
juliewahoo @alexandra1960 Hi, did you look up the tracking info I provided in the last pic here?
Feb 22Reply
alexandra1960 Hi Julie, I just checked usps tracing number n it's still in transit.. Alexandra
Feb 22Reply
juliewahoo @alexandra1960 Ok, I'm sorry again for the delay. Maybe it's delayed a day since Monday was a holiday. I really appreciate you being so understanding.
Feb 22Reply
alexandra1960 Hi Julie, Asked them to redelivery package by tomorrow 2/23..
Feb 22Reply
shoptherapy22 Thanks for the Shares hun😘😘 wow! What a closet!! I'll be checking it out in more depth tomorrow 😂😂
Feb 23Reply
juliewahoo @just4kidz You're very welcome, Laura! I'm expecting my first and will check out your closet more. Such beautiful kids clothes you have.😊
Feb 23Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports Thanks, Sandy! I've been working to list so much. Expecting my first baby in May and getting rid of lots of my clothes to make nursery space.😊 On items you'd like, just "add to bundle" and I'll give you a price (plus extra 20% off).
Mar 06Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports That's bc people have been either low balling or offering at least 10 below listed price, so I just start higher- doesn't mean I don't give a good deal.❤ (You can have 25% off.)
Mar 06Reply
monicap66 You have a gorgeous closet and adorable dogs😊
Mar 11Reply
juliewahoo @monicap66 Thank you so much, Monica! Your closet is quite lovely as well.❤
Mar 11Reply
thediazexchange Thanks for being so awesome and my friend on poshmark! 😊 I enjoy sharing your items daily.
Mar 11Reply
juliewahoo @thediazexchange Thanks, Jessica! You're such an awesome Posher and it's my pleasure to share your beautiful closet.😊
Mar 11Reply
avalonemerald @juliewahoo Thx so much for the Posh luv!!!❤❤
Mar 13Reply
juliewahoo @avalonemerald My pleasure!❤
Mar 13Reply
msquarednluv You have a very beautiful closet, Julie!!😍
Mar 13Reply
juliewahoo @msquarednluv Thanks so much, Michele! I'm constantly adding new items every day so be sure to check back.😊
Mar 13Reply
msquarednluv @juliewahoo You are welcome, Julie, and I certainly will! 😊💖
Mar 13Reply
lorriefrancisco Thank you for sharing. I l I very your baby's (dogs).
Mar 16Reply
iloveaerobics Thank you for letting me know. I've been doing that a long time and I had no clue. Thanks again!
Mar 22Reply
ciescloset I like what you said about No trades:) Are your dogs rescues? Very cute, am thinking of getting a smaller one like the little one on here.💕 I saw you like Sperry, if your in the market for a cute pair of Sperry flip flops, you might want to check out my closet.✨🌈💄🕶
Apr 16Reply
juliewahoo @ciescloset Thank you. Yes, they're both rescues and very sweet dogs. I'm holding off on buying any clothes or shoes for now bc I'm 8 months pregnant. Love Sperrys & I'll keep your closet in mind in the future.❤
Apr 16Reply
ciescloset @juliewahoo - that is awesome 👏Congratulations! I feel so blessed being a mom of two, yes it's frustrating, hard sometimes but at the end of the day one of the most fulfilling feelings, loved and making a difference kind of feeling and rewarding all rolled into one.!🌈✨🌸 I got involved in Mops after my daughter was born and it was on of the best decisions I ever made:) made so many new mom friends.
Apr 16Reply
juliewahoo @dogpacksports Well that stinks! I still have a sexy little Bebe dress I need to list. I'm doing well. This little baby girl is making me too tired to do much else but Posh (6 more weeks!). Thanks for asking😊
Apr 22Reply
bonnycatlady I love your fur babies! They're adorable!
May 04Reply
juliewahoo @bonnycatlady Thank you! They're my little monsters. Your cat has beautiful coloring! 😊
May 04Reply
bonnycatlady Thank you! He has such a gentle soul.
May 04Reply
carelylau Ok, no problem thanks
May 11Reply
zardiva1 Whoa! 😦😮😯😧😲 (LOL.) Huxley is such a *handsome* and *beautiful* BIG boy! 😃😍 And Waffles is such a *cutie* little sweetie, hehe! 😁😃😘 Awwwww! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾
Jun 03Reply
sistersclosetgr Love the photo of the pups!! I have two at home too!!
Jun 06Reply
juliewahoo @lostdog1517 Thank you! I love my little monsters😊
Jun 06Reply
anaboudreau Can I order the j.crew xs for the bogo and have them shipped together?
Jun 09Reply
juliewahoo @anaboudreau Which J. Crew xs?
Jun 09Reply
juliewahoo @anaboudreau Sorry to rush you, but could you please let me know as soon as you can? (I need to go to the hospital shortly bc I'm 9 months pregnant.)
Jun 09Reply
anaboudreau It is a gray knit black dress. Congratulations on your baby!!
Jun 09Reply
anaboudreau Sorry- black knit j. Crew xs dress.
Jun 09Reply
laurelw24 Hi Julie! You have a really nice closet and everything is fairly priced! I am trying to get my closet going, and it seems slow to start so far, any pointers on increasing followers? Right now maybe 5-6 new per day, but I'm sharing like crazy! I think I have double shares versus followers, so not sure that's the best way. Thanks!
Jul 02Reply
mishasboutique @juliewahoo love your furbabies. So cute!
Jul 09Reply
gjloveshermk @juliewahoo would you be able to adjust the price to $20 so it lowers the shipping?! I am on a super tight budget and these are so perfect for what I need them for!
Jul 15Reply
juliewahoo @gjloveshermk Hi😊 I can adjust the price but there is no guarantee Posh will give discounted shipping.
Jul 15Reply
juliewahoo @gjloveshermk I dropped the price but they didn't discount shipping :(
Jul 15Reply
neesy10 Cute pups
Jul 28Reply
roxx2424 Thank you for all the shares!!! ☀️😘💕🌹💋 Love your dogs!!! 🐶
Aug 06Reply
mccollins222 Sorry, disregard the Style Me request. I'm new the the site and didn't realize what that button was for. Lol
Aug 12Reply
juliewahoo @mccollins222 No worries. I'm not crazy about styling people anyways bc it seems too pushy. Please let me know if you have any more questions, I'm happy to help.
Aug 12Reply
divineduchess When is your baby due?
Sep 24Reply
juliewahoo @divineduchess Hi! She's 3 1/2 months old.😊❤
Sep 24Reply
divineduchess Pictures please. You can text them if you want. 210-790-1434.
Sep 24Reply
juliewahoo @divineduchess Tried texting you twice but it said "message failed" - I added a pic of Piper's first smile to this listing.❤
Sep 24Reply
divineduchess @juliewahoo omg. So beautiful!
Sep 24Reply
juliewahoo @divineduchess Thank you! Hope all is well.
Sep 24Reply
bcduncan Random question, I am just now posting items for sale and wondered how you are able to get a white background with your pictures. It happened accidentally for a couple of my pictures, but I have no idea how I did it!!
Oct 15Reply
juliewahoo @bcduncan Hi, Cindy😊 I use as much natural light as possible & I also use a free app called Square Edit (adjusting the highlight, contrast, & brightness helps). This app can also crop your photos so they fit in Posh's size frames. Hope this helps. Let me know if you ever have any more questions.
Oct 15Reply
bcduncan @juliewahoo thank you so much! Just downloaded the app!
Oct 15Reply
savanna_jo777 Hi Julie, I purchase a juicy go to sleepless tank that I think I got ship back to you cuz my parents weren't aware than I was gonna get items sent to their home ...please get back to me and let me know if you got the item sent back and what can i do to get it send back to me ....thanks..
Oct 15Reply
juliewahoo 👆🏼SCAM👆🏼
Oct 15Reply
ljlovesclothes Hi, I saw your pic and I'm pretty sure our dogs 🐶 are related!! 😘
Oct 31Reply
emeraldheart42 The tiger wrap skirt you just put on sale ....I have it in a size 18 but have lost lots of weight and need a smaller size . Would you consider a trade possibly ? :)
Nov 13Reply
juliewahoo @emeraldheart42 I’m sorry, I don’t trade
Nov 13Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 19Reply
midoa Cheers Julie to another Ohioan 🎊🎈😊🎉🤗🎈
Jan 15Reply
juliewahoo @minedthemanor 😘 Thank you!
Jan 15Reply
juliewahoo @midoa Thank you!😘
Jan 15Reply
dzal420 You are so pretty and you golf
Jan 24Reply
jessemac93 Hello to a fellow Ohioan - go Buckeyes :) happy poshing - I actually just bought the Tory Burch top you have on eBay :)
Feb 18Reply
juliewahoo @jessemac93 Hey! That’s great. Thanks for saving me 10% in fees lol 😊 Hope you love it!
Feb 18Reply
apaige85 Oh my goodness, what cute pups!!
Feb 21Reply
juliewahoo @apaige85 Thank you! And oh my gosh you too😍
Feb 21Reply
raphzzeleena @juliewahoo hello hun, I thought it wss bogo?
Jun 19Reply
raphzzeleena @juliewahoo NVM hun, got it. It’s BOGO half price 😊
Jun 19Reply
nhk81 Hi, I'm wondering how do I take advantage of the BOGO offers? I just bought something from you and I'm interested in another item.
Mar 01Reply
juliewahoo @nhk81 Which other item are you interested in? I can can cancel your Cache purchase and then you can add what you would like to a bundle and I’ll make you the sale offer.
Mar 01Reply
nhk81 @juliewahoo sorry, it wasn't in my size. I will just buy the Cache top 😀
Mar 01Reply
sparrowscorner @juliewahoo Thanks for the love note & speedy acceptance, I’m glad you like the tank! 💕
May 15Reply
carrischad I’m so sorry, I somehow accidentally purchased one of your items, but I cancelled right away. Not sure how that happened! When I have time I’ll look at your closet! Thank you!! Sorry!
Aug 05Reply
juliewahoo @carrischad No worries! Thanks for letting me know.😊
Aug 05Reply
amc123486 Julie, Im so sorry I had to cancel the Patricia Nash bag. I could not find where I put it. Again Im very very sorry :(
Aug 25Reply
juliewahoo @amc123486 That’s okay. Thanks for letting me know.
Aug 25Reply
sales24hours Hi, Julie! Happy Tuesday 🤩 I Invite you to take the time to come check my closet 😝 I have over 450+ listings. Forever 21, American Eagle Outfitters, Nike, Adidas, PINK Victoria Secret, Free People and Many More!  I'm having a 5 item for $20 sale! Adding new items all the time so you can check in periodically. If you would like to create a bundle I will send you an offer and ship same day/next day. 😘🌼🎀 Happy Poshing 🌺
Nov 12Reply
sarah6787 Omg you are such a hot milf!!!
Nov 20Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 23Reply
maestra1 Hi, received a box, I did not order stuff.
Nov 29Reply
juliewahoo @maestra1 Oh weird. What’s inside the box?
Nov 29Reply
maestra1 @juliewahoo workout clothing.
Nov 29Reply
juliewahoo @maestra1 I am so sorry about that. I accidentally shipped you another customer’s items. Could you please be so kind as to contact poshmark & request a shipping label to ship that box back to me? I think you just contact Poshmark Support. I really appreciate your honesty.
Nov 29Reply
juliewahoo @maestra1 Thank you. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.
Nov 30Reply
juliewahoo @justinesalcedo Thanks but please don’t advertise in my closet.
Dec 01Reply
anniebunnii Hey I’m having a huge closet clear out! I’m open to all offers so give it a try - you might be surprised! I’m also giving out great bundle discounts and free shipping so you’re invited to check out the rest of my closet to see if you’d like anything else 💕 Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays love 💝
Dec 04Reply
juliewahoo @maestra1 Hi- have you shipped that package? According to the tracking, a label was created Dec 1, but no additional information has been updated. Please let me know. Thank you.
Dec 09Reply
juliewahoo @maestra1 Hi- could you please tell me if you shipped that package?
Dec 11Reply
chrisaustin651 I used to live in Akron Ohio, I am in Illinois now, you have a big closet, that’s cool, are you single?
Dec 12Reply
mgtracy Thank you Julie! The extra shirt you included with my order was so thoughtful - and I love it! ❤️
Dec 17Reply
juliewahoo @mgtracy So glad you’re happy, Tracy! Your sweet messages really made my day.😊
Dec 17Reply
tracyblue69 @juliewahoo Hi Julie 🙋🏼‍♀️ Thanks so much for shopping with me! I hope you love them 🥰 Happy new year! 💞Tracy💞
Dec 30Reply
juliewahoo @tracyblue69 Thanks for the great deal. I love this style of slippers. Enjoy your vacation! 😊 - Julie
Dec 30Reply
tracyblue69 @juliewahoo I’m so glad & thanks so much ☺️
Dec 30Reply
tracyblue69 @juliewahoo Thank you Julie! You just made my day! ☺️ Happy New Year 🥳🎉💞
Jan 03Reply
fgchs Hi Julie!!! I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate and send me an offer, I’ll either accept it or counter to a price we both can happily agree on, have a great rest of your day 👍😊
Feb 26Reply
tjprentiss Thanks for the offer on the adidas top but I don’t think it would fit me... 😊🌻❤️
Jun 02Reply
sivadstudio Thanks Julie!! 🌸🌸
Jun 24Reply
angels1820 Thanks for the message. I found another item that I purchased yesterday.
Jul 15Reply
mncohen Hi!Shared 10 of your listings! I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎
Jul 16Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 01Reply
gelyonss Need by Thursday or Friday. If you could ship today it is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
Aug 17Reply
superwendy the big dog says I want attention too!! look at those eyes😃
Aug 22Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 28Reply
pocketchangews I just had to leave a note & share your items ... you have a BEAUTIFUL closet & the most adorable dogs 🐕 😍
Sep 19Reply
juliewahoo @pprovo57 Hi- good news! I found the bell sleeve Talbots sweater. However, there are 2 light stains on the lower right. I added a photo here (last pic) to show you. Are you still interested? If so, I will of course give you a further discount on the sweater.
Oct 22Reply
pprovo57 Yes, I sure am. Please let me know when you relist. Thank you so much
Oct 22Reply
juliewahoo @pprovo57 Thank you! I’ll ship today.
Oct 22Reply
hollymccormack can you please hold until morning. please
Jan 13Reply
hollymccormack can you please hold pink sweater ti morning
Jan 13Reply
ecgruen Hi Julie, I bought a pair of silver shoes from you about two hours ago. I’m so sorry to ask this, but is it possible for you to cancel the order for me? I’m afraid there’s a problem with my credit card...apologies and thank you so much.
Apr 10Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! classtiques 🦋
Apr 29Reply
michtol Julie u r absolutely adorable god bless
May 05Reply
michtol Julie your absolutely adorable God bless
Mar 09Reply
skysthelimit821 I saw rubber duckies on your cover picture. Do you collect them?
May 26Reply
watsonlilmommy @juliewahoo Hello check out my page all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set as well
Jul 10Reply
cutehosiery @juliewahoo Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 08Reply
charleshamil280 Very brautiful
Sep 25Reply
racegal Hi Julie! Awesome closet!! FYI: I love golf, even though I can’t play worth a crap! Lol hope you’re having a great week so far! 🤗
Jan 30Reply
juliewahoo @racegal Hi😊 Thanks! It’s all show- I’m not great at golf either. Have a great week!
Jan 30Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
May 06Reply
fashionlead Hey there, my fellow Posher. I hope your new year is off to a great start and thank you so much for the shares. I truly appreciate it. 🤗 If you see something you absolutely love for yourself or a loved one, please feel free to reach out. All reasonable offers are welcome for consideration. Have a fantastic weekend, keep smiling and making memories! ❤️🫶👍🏽 ~Ellie
Jan 11Reply

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Akron, OH
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