Meet your Posher, Lexy
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Hi! I'm Lexy Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, ZARA,CHANEL, and ANTONIO MELANI. Thanks for stopping by!

17 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark. This is a wonderful community of people who love fashion. I'm Heather, and I'm a Posh Ambassador. Let me know if you have any questions about buying or selling. I'd be happy to help. Happy poshing! 🙂
Aug 30Reply

Hi Ale! Welcome to Poshmark!! 🤗
I invite you 🙏 to check my closet. I mostly have XS, S & petite size clothes & amazing jewelry. I am sure you will like many things. ☺️
I am offering a Labor Day Sale- 25% off on 2+ items from the entire closet right now. 🤑
If you like something, it’s the right time to get those amazing stuff on deals or like my profile for the future. I add about 4 new items each week. 😃
cheers, Suchi 💕
Aug 31Reply

Welcome ❤❤❤
Aug 31Reply

@denverloftstyle hi wondering if you can help me, when shipping an item can we use flat rate boxes from post office ?? Or only priority mail boxes allowed ?
Dec 21Reply

@lips2sealed Hi, yes you can use flat rate boxes. 👍
Dec 21Reply

@denverloftstyle thank you for your help ☺️
Dec 21Reply

@lips2sealed You're welcome. 🙂
Dec 21Reply

Hi there! I was trying to teach my mom how to use poshmark last night and share from the parties. Somehow she accidentally landed on your closet instead and shared everything—you lucked out! 😂😂 happy poshing!! 😊
Dec 28Reply

@libescouture aww I saw that thank u love - I saw ur closet too 😍
Dec 28Reply

Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🍀
Jan 25Reply

@fabulousstylen thank you for the love 😍 Following
Mar 30Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 21Reply

You have fabulous shoes! 💐💐
Jun 02Reply

Good afternoon, thank you for the follow, feel free to check out my closet! I have a sale going on 3 for $10 shorts it’s that time of year ☀️ make a bundle and get 15% off 2+things. I ship the same day or the next
Jun 15Reply

HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Aug 01Reply

@lips2sealed TY so much for all the shares 🥰 I very much appreciate it 🤗
Feb 23Reply

@bigsur_ching honestly I have no idea
Mar 20Reply

Hi @lips2sealed , thanks for following us 💗 . You will find the best selection of luxury handbags in our closet. Happy poshing!
Mar 24Reply

Hi, need your assistance with an item I purchased Sept 13, 2021. It is a T-Mobile Timex smart watch I purchased for my Granddaughter. I am trying to activate it for her and cannot. it appears I need the phone number associated with this watch according to the T-mobile folks? Purchase # 613fc875e2c4326f9dcc4b55, thx for your time and effort.
Jan 07Reply

@sgmgeronimo hello I no longer have acccss to the T-Mobile account what you can do is call timex they Shoudl be able to to restart the device I’m not sure why ur having problems if the item is deactivated and rebooted either way Timex customer service can help you please let me know what they tell u
Jan 07Reply

I will try. Please stand by for answer.
Jan 07Reply

@sgmgeronimo Hi, in regard to my previous post reference the Timex watch the folks at Timex say T-Mobile will not be able to activate the watch without the original number. Was directed to return the watch to the seller. I will wait for return instructions. Sorry
Jan 10Reply

@sgmgeronimo I cannot make a return since it’s been 4 months ago u purchased this item - send me the imei it’s in back of the watch I’ll call timex and see what options they give me
Jan 10Reply

Jan 10Reply

@sgmgeronimo okay I’ll let u know when I get out of work
Jan 10Reply

I’ve contacted timex and T-Mobile they created a ticket # 58724131 they have advice in 3 days they should have a resolution if u choose to call T-Mobile they will give u a run down of the process according to customer care this should resolve the issue you are having
Jan 10Reply

Is this ticket with T-Mobile or Timex? Because the Timex Rep I spoke with was not very helpful and advised me there was nothing he/Timex could do! The only option I had was to return the item. Confused at best. I will wait. I also, filed for assistance from Pay-Pal folks. If, contacted tell them to sit tight for a bit. Thx for your efforts.
Jan 10Reply

@sgmgeronimo this is for T-Mobile- Rep said after 3 days it should be clear either u can call or I’ll call
Jan 10Reply

OK I will call on Thursday.
Jan 11Reply

Good morning, I spoke with T-Mobile Rep this A.M. It looks like we may have a solution to my problem. I will find out later today after I fully charge the watch and re-engage the activation process. And, by the way the ticket you submitted was not even actioned by anyone. I will let you know later today. Have a good day!
Jan 13Reply

@sgmgeronimo that’s great ! In reference to the ticket I called yesterday and according to them they are still working on it I don’t know why they told u otherwise regardless I hope this gets resolved soon
Jan 13Reply

Me Too! :)
Jan 13Reply

Well after being on the phone with T-Mobile Technicians and downloading apps, creating profiles, auto sync and manual pairing the effort was to no avail. The activation processes failed over and over. I am unable to proceed with activation. This watch has been reset and the activation process cannot continue without the internal number it needs to proceed. The ICCID number on the label is not valid due to the rest. Comments?
Jan 13Reply

@sgmgeronimo I will call again today it’s seems they are being us diff versions is there anyway we can get on 2 way call this afternoon? The reason why I would like this is bc the rep who created the ticket number is the same one I spoke to yesterday and he confirmed the issue was being held on their end except that we had to wait let me know if we. Can arrange something thanks again
Jan 13Reply

Look I am already frustrated enough and have spent too much time doing this. Just verify if this ICCID is valid 8901260181765084623 that is on the back side of the phone. That will probably tell you no and that will most likely be the issue it changed.
Jan 13Reply

@sgmgeronimo how do u want me to verify ? You have the watch
Jan 13Reply

@sgmgeronimo alright I called Again and there working on the ticket you have to wait maybe Monday or Tuesday to reactivate-
Jan 13Reply

I gave you the ICCID and IMEI you can ask them T-Mobile not you to validate the ICCID and see if it's valid. The T-Mobile Reps I spoke to say ICCID is not valid it was changed.
Jan 13Reply

@sgmgeronimo hello T-Mobile has advice the ticket has been resolved it’s good to go and activation process should work please confirm when you do
Jan 20Reply

@sgmgeronimo if u need more details when calling use the ticket number as reference
Jan 20Reply

No further action is required. Thanks for all your help in this matter.
Jan 20Reply

@sgmgeronimo my dear, check my closet to see I am looking for that blouse from H and m blouse , maybe you can help me find and buy it from you
Feb 10Reply

No ma'am, I cannot help you with this item. Sorry! I don't have the item in question.
Feb 10Reply

I’m unable to get to my PO Box at this time. The post office will hold my items until they’re picked up.
Thanks for the follow up. (You messaged me a few days ago)
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for connecting with me! I wanted to invite you to my end of the month sale!
-Accepting most offers! So make the offer I'll accept or counter!
# I just Dropped all prices in my closet between
10%-40% tons of items for under $5
© Bundle 3 or more and auto save 30% on top of that!
A cleaning out inventory and a lot I will be redonating so I can revamp my closet this up coming spring and summer with new items!
Mar 29Reply
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