Meet your Posher, Lorianne
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Hi! I'm Lorianne. I'm happy to be a 19 year Survivor of Breast Cancer, even though I'm battling after effects of radiation and fibromyalgia. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can visit your closet too. 🦋

102 others
like this

Nov 16Reply

Thanks for love if i can help in any way or work with u on pricing let me know
Nov 17Reply

@5thw Hun is there something you'd like to purchase in a bundle
Nov 17Reply

Welcome to Posh Lorianne!💕Thx for the like! Fyi : My single item prices are flexible (thru offer button) about 10%. My bundle discount starts @ 20% on 2, but the bigger the bundle, the more I'm willing to discount.👍🏽I've been here since 2012, lmk if you have questions.
Nov 19Reply

@5thw Lorianne Welcome to the fun and fabulous Poshmark family. I'm looking forward to shopping in your new closet. Soon I hope?? Wishing you great success and many future happy sales to come. Lovely meeting you Demitria
Nov 19Reply

Thank you for likes & visiting my closet i am offering 10 % on 2 items lmk r u interested to buy
Nov 19Reply

Ships in 1 hour
Nov 19Reply

Thank you for the likes... 😀 please visit often. I have great sales and expecially on Monday coming up soon which means more discounts on top of discounts... 😀😉
Nov 19Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you best in your sales!
Nov 21Reply

Hello Lorraine, welcome to Poshmark! Just wanted to say hello and see if there's any questions I can answer for you. Also wanted to advise you that I offer a 20% discount on two items to new Poshers. Excludes miss me jeans products. Please let me know if you're interested and I will update the discount for you. Bundled discount of 15% off 2 or more items applies to entire closet. Happy shopping!❤💙💚💛💜
Nov 22Reply

@5thw thanks for all the likes, and welcome to Poshmark!!!
Nov 24Reply

Welcome to posh good luck 🍀 on your closet sales!!💰🍭
Nov 24Reply

Thank you for all your likes!!!
Nov 24Reply

Thank you for stopping by happy holidays or down south Merry Christmas
Nov 30Reply

@5thw thank you so much for your shares-very kind
Nov 30Reply

Welcome to posh. Check out my closet for the latest fashions 👠💄💋
Dec 01Reply

I want your hair texture 😬
Dec 04Reply

Welcome 2 Posh!! 😄😘😘💞😇✌🏼️ if u ever hav any ?'s if I can't help you I know someone who can! Luv ur profile pic btw?!! 😘 I'm Kim nice to meet you?!! Thx for the like! (As always prices r negotiable? & chk out my PINK glitter listing?!! Read sales info carefully to rack up?!! Lol even a share would be gr8!!
Dec 04Reply

Hello, If you like Jessica Simpson, Nine West, Hinge, and BCBG shoes check out my closet! Flash Sale Happening Now!
Dec 18Reply

Welcome to posh. Check out my closet for the latest fashions 💋👠💄
Jan 01Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🌄
Feb 24Reply

Welcome to Posh 💟 Come check out my closet and let me know if you have questions 🎉
May 03Reply

Hey Hun! You liked a bunch of my pieces on merc:) I am doing a Mother's Day bogo sale on posh this week and if you wanted those items, I could happily make you a bogo bundle here! Xo
May 03Reply

Sooooo jealous of ur Brain McKnight pic!
Dec 03Reply

❤️ hugs and kisses 😘
Feb 23Reply

Thanks for liking my MK earrings open to offers, have a great weekend!
Mar 11Reply

Hi. You just purchased the Juicy Couture earrings from me. However, I am on vacation now, I will send your package when I am back on Thursday. Sorry for the delay, and thank you!
Mar 11Reply

@annylin01 Thanks for the update and No worries, enjoy your vacation!
Mar 12Reply

@blackaudi1 Peace and Blessings
Mar 12Reply

Welcome to posh!! 🎉🎉 I sell your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! 😇 I offer 50% off bundles of five or more items!!! ❤️happy poshing!
Mar 15Reply

Hi Lorraine...I'm Anna @clydster...I see you're liking some of my listings. Just to let you know I offer a bundle discount of 5% plus I have free gifts for bundles. Just sort my closet by other and look for the items marked as not for sale. Let me know when you checkout which one you want and I'll include it with your order for free! Happy Poshing!!
Mar 15Reply

@clydster Cool! Thanks Anna
Mar 15Reply

@5thw in fact I'm in a good mood so I'll make it 10% until St. Patrick's Day (2017...ha!).
Mar 15Reply

@clydster wow, thanks. Will let you know when I can.
Mar 15Reply

@5thw take your time browsing....they're to see of closets...I won't tell you how long my "likes" list is!
Mar 15Reply

That was tons of closets to's late!
Mar 15Reply

@clydster I see you're awake also. I'm checking out every one of my followers. Hopefully they'll leave some of my likes!
Mar 15Reply

Loriannwe! It's your pandora princess! Hey girl!
Mar 15Reply

Thanks for the like😊❤️🌸!! Any questions let me know!! Happy Poshing!!!🌟
Mar 16Reply

@mattnliz2009 Hey lady, how are you? Glad to have found you!
Mar 16Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet and happy Poshing 😊
Mar 20Reply

Hi Lorianne, thanks for checking out my closet and liking, any questions please feel free to ask..Happy poshing!!
Mar 24Reply

Lorianne ✨ thank you for shopping with me this weekend ❤ I'm always happy to answer any questions or consider offers through the offer button ✨❤😘 I Posh to help care for my Mama, and am grateful for you or any of your friends to shop with me - have a Happy Weekend 😘
Mar 25Reply

@saskicarrerabsq Thanx! Peace and Blessings
Mar 25Reply

Welcome to poshmark and thanks for the likes, I have bundle discounts available using the bundle feature if you would like to purchase offer negotiations are welcomed using the offer feature as well Happy Poshing 💚💚💚
Mar 27Reply

@ritzymint Thanks 😎
Mar 27Reply

Hi not sure why the shipping status was not updated . I will go check with my local PO later. Also no worries sometimes the shipping status is updated when it reaches the destination post office.
Mar 29Reply

Yay the shipping status just got updated!👍🏼
Mar 29Reply

@trishtam I'm not worried, but thanks for keeping me updated
Mar 30Reply

You have been on Poshmark for a long time and you haven't started selling yet? I just cleaned out my closet and I had to do three loads of laundry because most of my clothes had visible dust along the shoulders. I'm honestly surprised how much good stuff I never use was in there. I'll be happy to help you if you decide to start selling. Happy Poshing!
Apr 05Reply

@jewdy09 Thank you for your offer! Right now we're going through home renovations. I definitely have things to post on a few sites.
Apr 05Reply

Hi Lorraine ! Thank you for exploring my closet treasures. I hope to see you return soon 👸👑🌹
Apr 05Reply

So nice to meet you and welcome to Poshmark😊💐
Apr 07Reply

Thank you for sharing
Apr 15Reply

Hello. Thank you for checking out our closet ☺️ and your 💕
Apr 17Reply

Hi Lorianne, just wanted to say thanks for visiting my closet and liking that gorgeous gray dress. Great ruffled neckline! Please stop by again sometime.
Apr 19Reply

Hello Lorianne, Thank you so much for stopping by my closet. Please come back and check out new items in the future. Have a lovely day. Donna
Apr 19Reply

Hi Lorianne nice to meet you wish you all good things here at Poshmark if I can be of any help let me know thank you for your like. Cute pic have fun💕💕💕
Apr 20Reply

@5thw Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️
Welcome ot Poshmark!
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Happy poshing!
Apr 22Reply

Apr 23Reply

Apr 29Reply

@mmcleary Peace and Blessings
Apr 30Reply

@5thw Hi Lorraine! 👋🏼 I'm Carla💖. Thanks for the likes😉. I noticed your from Compton Ca.... My husband was raised in Compton off of Alondra and Wilmington blvd. We now live in Henderson Nevada for the last 22 years.
Apr 30Reply

@misterdiscount Hi Carla, my parents place is on 156th and Central. Nice to meet you! Aren't you also on E and M?
Apr 30Reply

Hey. Thanks for the like. If have any questions let me know. I consider all offers and love to bundle.
Apr 30Reply

@5thw My husbands family just sold their home on Magnolia 2 years ago after living there for 50 years. Yes we've been on M for a while and just stared the bay. The others stores are a lot slower so we thought we'd give Poshmark a shot. Let me know if theirs anything your looking for and I'll give you the neighbors deal😉
Apr 30Reply

@misterdiscount Cool, will do! My mom's family moved to Compton in late 1950's. Parents met and Dad never wanted to move. This is their 3rd home since 1959, in Compton.
Apr 30Reply

@5thw Hi 🙋🏻 & Welcome to my closet 😁I wanted to give you special Thanx for the many ❤️on my items, I appreciate it 💋👍🏼😉 Happy Poshing 💕
May 03Reply

@baileeyz Thanks. You have a terrific closet! Peace and Blessings, Lorianne
May 03Reply

@5thw Aah... Thanx💕
May 03Reply

Thank you for sharing!!!
May 03Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I wanted to let you know I am planning to bundle and reduce the Lucky Brand butterfly jewelry tonite.
May 05Reply

@luxeclosetfinds Thanks for the heads up!
May 05Reply

@5thw Thanks so much for the likes. Greatly appreciated!! You seem to enjoy PM. :). It is really a great place to connect with people (and support my shopping habit-lol).
May 05Reply

What a lovely picture of you & B McKnight. Thanks for the like Happy Poshing!!!
May 07Reply

@kdews10 Aw, thank you. I'm enjoying your closet
May 07Reply

@5thw Oh nice! Thank you! Let me know if you like anything and I'll make sure I reduce it as well as offer the equivalent of free shipping!
May 07Reply

Hi Lorianne, nice to meet you❣🌝
May 09Reply

@lilybuds Hi Lisa, the pleasure is mine. BTW I love Calla Lilies
May 09Reply

@5thw Calla lily comes from the Greek word for beauty. And they are known for their strength. They can survive a frost and can continue growing in water! They are a strong beauty~just like you❣💛
May 09Reply

@lilybuds You have a truly beautiful spirit. Peace and Blessings to you
May 09Reply

Feel free to make an offer ty hun
May 10Reply

Thanks for the likes when and if you're ready let me know and we can make a deal
May 11Reply

@kimberly_smith Will do, thanks. You have so many pretty sparklers!
May 11Reply

Hi! I saw you liked a Fringe purse and I'm selling a great one. Please feel free to check out my closet :)
May 14Reply

Welcome to posh luv 🦋🦋
May 15Reply

Hi, just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my closet. Feel free to make offers but more important, enjoy Posh😉
May 16Reply

Thanks for the like on my statement bracelet! It's stunning on! Please let me know if you need additional info or have questions. Thanks for visiting my closet😊.
May 16Reply

@dfontes Will do. Peace and Blessings
May 16Reply

@coyotewild33 Hi Regina, the pleasure is mine!
May 17Reply

I see you like a pair of shoes in my closet if you are interested in these shoes they will no longer be available after tomorrow.
May 17Reply

Thanks for the 2 likes. Running a great sale right now.. 3 , $5 items for $10. Also open to offers and bundles. Thanks. Have a blessed day.
May 17Reply

@okprincess Sounds good. Peace and Blessings
May 17Reply

Thank you for liking my Michael Kors Margo Crossbody Bag. Btw...girl, is that Brian McKnight!?! :)
May 19Reply

Thanks for the likes :)
May 21Reply

May 24Reply

Hi Lorianne! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! Please feel free to check out my closet! 👛🎀 I offer a bundle discount! 💗💕 Have a happy day! 🌸
May 24Reply

May 24Reply

Thanks for liking ☺ ☺
May 25Reply

@5thw well hello you certainly made my day liking so many of my items if I can help you in anyway getting started on posh please let me know
May 25Reply

@patriciamildred hello, you have a lovely closet. I have a few things to post...soon
May 26Reply

Thank you for all your likes Lorianne,happy poshing 💗
May 26Reply

@5thw hello. Just saying hi. Come visit my closet sometime 😁
May 28Reply

🌺Hi Lorraine! Thanks so much for all your sweet posh shares! I am excited to send out your order, I know you are going to love it! Happy Holiday Weekend! 🌹🌻🌼🌺🌸💋
May 29Reply

@jannieshops Hi Jannie! For some reason I am unable to share closets, only items. Hope it helps. Lorianne
May 30Reply

@5thw 🌺HI LORIANNE, IM SORRY IF I SPELLED YOUR NAME WRONG LAST TIME! Thanks for the shares! I don't even know how to share closets, how do you do that? Your special package is going out tomorrow! Thanks again.....oh so much. You are So Sweet! ❤️
May 30Reply

@jannieshops Hi Jannie! No worries, I get it slot. I've had la sharing my (non-existent) closet, so wanted to return the favor. I think I have it now.😊
May 30Reply

@jannieshops I'm so excited! I can't wait to see everything. Thanks so much for making sure I was able to get what I wanted. You're the best, that's why I wanted everyone to shop there!
May 30Reply

@5thw 💋you are even Sweeter than SWEET, THANKS! Your package is on the way, I received the tracking number. I will be happy to hear how much you like everything! What a nice friend I have made on here with you Lorianne! It's people like you that make ALL THE DIFFERENCE. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!!!!! ♥️❤️💕
May 30Reply

Hi Lorraine ! Lovely to meet you 🌷
May 31Reply

I'll up my bundle discount to 15% if you buy today:)
Jun 02Reply

@tinaserrano Sounds good to me, thanks
Jun 02Reply

@5thw just done:)
Jun 02Reply

Okay so I was confused for a moment, but it's done. Yay and thanks again.
Jun 02Reply

@alice808 Hey Alice, yes that is me with him after his concert. It was a fantastic evening!
Jun 03Reply

Hi Lorianne! I hope all is well with you.💕💕
Jun 03Reply

Hi I can go down to $80 on your bundle. I had just individually marked all these down yesterday all ready so I wasn't planning on another discount on top of that. Hope that helps you you understand. Thx 🌺🌸👖👚👛👗👒👡
Jun 04Reply

@trishtam Hi! I'm well, how are you?
Jun 04Reply

@sunniedz16 of course! No worries
Jun 04Reply

@sunniedz16 and thank you 😉
Jun 04Reply

@5thw pls resubmit for $80 - I screwed up & hit wrong button too fast - so sorry! 😩😬
Jun 04Reply

Call it chemo brain. It has me disoriented & shaky. Resubmit your offer & I'll approve it. My apologies! 😀
Jun 04Reply

@5thw my apologies again, pls resubmit your offer for approval. 😀🌺🌸👖👚👡👜
Jun 04Reply

@sunniedz16 No worries, you are doing so well. Almost finished with treatment?
Jun 04Reply

@5thw I wish! I have a long year ahead of me then the mastectomy & radiation
Jun 04Reply

@sunniedz16 Ugh, that's tough...But you're tougher and you will get through it. Glad to see you keeping busy. Peace and Blessings my friend.
Jun 05Reply

Thank you for sharing 😍
Jun 06Reply

Thank you for sharing 😍
Jun 07Reply

@5thw I can work a better deal for you if you add more items to your bundle!
Jun 08Reply

@cajunqueen1962 Hi Cindy, I'm finished
Jun 08Reply

@5thw let me know when you finishing adding to your bundle! I will look at it. You can make an offer and we can go from there! Happy Poshing👑🐊
Jun 08Reply

@cajunqueen1962 Will do, thanks
Jun 08Reply

@5thw great minds think alike! I was getting ready to make you the same offer! Will those flip flops you liked fit the little one? Let me know. How old is the child.
Jun 08Reply

@cajunqueen1962 Cool! I'm pretty new at making offers. Yes, they should fit. She's pretty petite, at 17 mos she can still fit 12 mo clothes and size 4 shoes.
Jun 08Reply

@5thw cool! I will just throw those in. It is not your free gift! I will pick something else. You did good with your offer! I have a chart in my closet listed to give you an idea! Posher's do not like low ballers. I have had a few that offered me $5 for an item I had listed at $50 that was brand new. The original price was $150 so they were getting a deal! That person sells on Posh, and she never accepts any offers! Shame on her! I will try to ship today if not it will be tomorrow.
Jun 08Reply

@5thw thanks again for shopping my closet!
Jun 08Reply

@cajunqueen1962 SMH, I've seen a few people do low offers instead of using the offer button. I'm a hair stylist so I understand how it feels
Jun 08Reply

@cajunqueen1962 I enjoyed your closet. I'll keep checking back. I originally bought that maxi dress too big, so I'm excited to see it in the right size. Thank you in advance for the gift😉
Jun 08Reply

@5thw No problem. The pleasure was all mine!
Jun 08Reply

@5thw I could not locate those sandals you like, but I am sending another cute pair.
Jun 08Reply

@cajunqueen1962 That is so nice of you! Thank you
Jun 08Reply

Thx for the kind words & rating! You're welcome in my closet anytime! So much to post &. So little time 😀🌺🌸👗👒👜👡
Jun 08Reply

hello ur beautiful, thank u so much for all ur likes n love on my page from u, i wish u had items to share i so would share, please follow me and stop by soon, if u decide to shop, i am a next day shipper and very reasonable i have a new 8-12$$ section and dropped over 350 items in my store, BONUS spooky pack mini which is a beauty travel kit, happy summer and hello from sunny arizona
Jun 16Reply

@spookyheartsg Hello😊 Love your closet. Will be back soon! I'm in hot California
Jun 16Reply

Arizona hott too doll should be 120 next weekend stay inside
Jun 16Reply

@spookyheartsg Oh no, I would die. Guess I should plan to visit my family there later in the year!
Jun 16Reply

@5thw never come may-aug buy July n august the worst come holidays we have amazing weather below snow at all! unhave family here great to know what part r they in if they r up north is better
Jun 16Reply

@spookyheartsg so true, I visited in August once, way too hot for me. They're in Phoenix, are you near?
Jun 16Reply

Yes ma'am 20 Mina from Phoenix is where I'm born and yes very hott come back after Halloween or by easter after that in between dint come we r suppose to have and be in monsoon season in should be raining here or thunder lighting dust storms but bones in
Jun 16Reply

@spookyheartsg Thanx. They don't mind the heat, but I do!
Jun 16Reply

Welcome gorgeous! I saw you liked my earrings :) feel free to make an offer :) xoxo
Jun 16Reply

@slisa317 Thanx🤗, I found a couple of sparklers to ❤.
Jun 16Reply

@5thw yes let's bundle! You'll get a discount with the bundle and I'll give u an extra discount !!! Xoxo
Jun 16Reply

Hi! Im inches from shipping g your Dr JARTT mask and Spongelle body wash buffer and can't seem to find the small Body Glow. I can keep looking over the weekend but since it's saturday and then wouldn't be able to ship until Monday would you rather I substitute it with another similar product of the same size? I have a Soap and Glory shea butter, sugar and peach seed body polish I can send instead?1.690z so same size... Thoughts?
Jun 17Reply

Or, I forgot to offer this option. I can cancel the purchase. Any of the above is good, just want you to be happy!
Jun 17Reply

Happy to substitute the Soap and Glory body Polish. And it's a more well known brand!
Jun 17Reply

@carolinasus Please excuse the late reply, I'm just seeing this. I don't mind a substitute, I liked the ingredients in Glow. I'm open to try new products, as long as there's no mineral oil or petroleum or petrolatum. My skin is Super Sensitive.
Jun 18Reply

Hi Lorianne, your sweet. Let me see what I can find. The label has the ingredients but under the "peel here" label and I don't want to peel it in case you don't take it. I'll look online
Jun 18Reply

Glycerin, Sodium Chloride, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Maris Sal (Sea Salt), Sucrose, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Polysorbate 20, Parfum (Fragrance), Prunus Persica (Peach) Seed Powder, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Dipropylene Glycol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Benzyl Salicylate, Linalool, Aqua (Water), BHT, Geraniol, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, Citral.
Jun 18Reply

Hi Lorianne! Just sent you the ingredients from Ulta website. Reviews were off the charts awesome. Let me know if you want to try?
Jun 18Reply

@carolinasus Thank you so much for looking into the ingredients! Sure, I'll try it.
Jun 18Reply

Ok, Lorianne. My pleasure! Im sorry...
And I understand as I have a bit of rosacea and I need to be careful myself as well. Now I think the body glow AND this soap and glory are NOT for the face. Fyi... I will mail out tomorrow. The package is ready was just waiting to be sure you were good with it. Take care and thank you! Susana
Jun 18Reply

@carolinasus Thank you Susana. I never use body products on my face, I'm too afraid of waking the eczema monster.
Jun 18Reply

Hello! and thank you for your purchase. I am shipping out today. Summertime has been busy this year and I appreciate your patience. I hope you love your items. The Calvin Klein top is especially comfortable with just the right amount of 'bling'.
Jun 19Reply

@oncemoreposh Thanks for letting me know 😊
Jun 20Reply

@poshleanne Hi Leanne ☺ Will do. Thanks!
Jun 21Reply

Thanks for the 5star! Enjoy!
Jun 21Reply

@annetteyen Hi Annette, you're welcome!
Jun 21Reply

Hi love! I'm hoping your order will be there today as I have been checking its status :) it seems to be out for delivery I hope you love it and enjoy it if there's anything else you see let me know we'll bundle and discount xoxo hope you're feeling good and god bless
Jun 21Reply

So glad you got it and love it!!!! Remember if u come shop again I will give u a better discount still have charms and jewelry :) feel good lady xoxo
Jun 22Reply

Thank you Lorianne, you are sweet. Please check out my closet another time. It was a pleasure doing business with you!
Jun 22Reply

@carolinasus Thank you Susana for being so thorough. I'll be back.
Jun 22Reply

Hi Lorianne! I just wanted to tell you if you wanted to bundle anything together I can cancel your first order and you can bundle anything over 3 items you get 15% off and tomorrow is free shipping Friday! Even though it's Thursday if you decide to bundle three things I will give you the free shipping! Just let me know! You only have 3 hours to cancel the first order..
Jun 23Reply

@trishd79 Hi Trish and thank you! I still need to take care of a few things so I'll save the rest for later.
Jun 23Reply

@5thw No problem I was just giving you the option hun! This will ship out in the morning for sure! You should receive an email once they scan the barcode that it is being shipped.. Have a great night!😊
Jun 23Reply

@trishd79 I appreciate the option 😊. Peace and Blessings
Jun 23Reply

Jun 23Reply

💚 15-20% off private bundle offers 💚
❤️ FOLLOW ME for $1 OFF 1st order +$30 ❤️
💜 SHARE 20 items $1 OFF 1st order +$30 💜
Jun 25Reply

Hey love seeing how u we're doing!!! Ps still interested in those leggings? I added a ton more stuff ❤️❤️ hope you're feeling well
Jun 30Reply

@slisa317 Hi! I'm well, thx for asking. How are you? I'm trying to research the he size, but can't make out the brand...?
Jul 01Reply

@5thw I'm doing well lovey!!! Just checking in on you let me know about he leggings ❤️
Jul 01Reply

@5thw just keep me posted :) would love for u to buy again you're such an amazing woman xoxo
Jul 01Reply

@slisa317 you're so sweet, thank you. we have a lot in common!
Jul 01Reply

@5thw I know I agree xoxo let me know lovey
Jul 01Reply

@slisa317 I'll try them. If they work out, I may be back for the roses
Jul 01Reply

@ehirshman Fabulous Closet, full of loveliness.
Jul 01Reply

@goddessfla10 you're so welcome! I have my eye on a few items myself
Jul 01Reply

Did it not come in the mail today? Can you please let me know either way?
Jul 03Reply

Thank you for the likes! Have a nice day. 😍
Jul 04Reply

@5thw what is your favorite color for a free gift I got black pink blue red and a teal color
Jul 04Reply

@randonsam430 So funny, I just left you a message. My favorite color is magenta, so pink is always good 😊
Jul 04Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet awhile back. Please be sure to come back soon. I've added more listings and sizes. 😊
Jul 04Reply

Oh you got them I hope they work! So I posted a ton more stuff jewelry included and if they do work I'll give u a discount on a bundle again!!! Hope you're feeling well love always praying for you
Jul 07Reply

@slisa317 Yes, I need to keep losing weight. I'm a 14 and they're a 12. So soft, great weight, can't wait to get in them. Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate you. Keeping you and your family in prayer 💕
Jul 07Reply

@5thw hi Lorraine t u for all the likes iny closet. If u want any i will give you a great price and if u dont thats just as fine. I am happy to welcome u to posh. If u have any questions just tag me @balticqueen. Make sure u slways put the @ sign wen u comment to anyone or they wont be ablecto see it. 💄👙👠👜👒👡💖😚
Jul 10Reply

@balticqueen Thanx Linda. You have a few lovely things that I feel the need to possess. See you soon, Lorianne
Jul 11Reply

@shophopgal I need to possess them to haha, but I need to possess $$$ more, lol. I am so happy to meet u. Any questions. I will help. Have a great day.❤️👠👗🌸🌺. Don't forget to type the @ sign.
Jul 11Reply

Thanks or the likes 🌹🌹🌹
Jul 11Reply

@5thw Hello😻Thank you for checking out my closet and for your purchases❣️ I will send them out today via Post Office. Let me know if I can save you more on future items from my closet. I'm here for you and to save you $ on Fashion accessories and other items in my closet. 😻
Jul 12Reply

@omalleyallycats Thank you so much!
Jul 12Reply

@5thw 👍🏽
Jul 12Reply

Hi Lorianne! Thanks so much for 'liking' my Lockheart handbag!!! I hope you're staying cool and enjoying browsing some awesome closets❤️
Jul 14Reply

@ellenjannino Hi Ellen, I'm so glad it's cooler right now. Hopefully you're staying cool as well. Enjoyed browsing your closet and finding more to ❤
Jul 14Reply

Hello, I saw you liked 4 items and wanted to offer you $32 for all 4. If you're interested, just add them to a BUNDLE and make the offer. If you're just browsing, enjoy your day and thanks for stopping in 🙂
Jul 14Reply

Mornin☀️! Thanks for more 'likes'!!!! Have a wonderful weekend❤️
Jul 14Reply

Hello, I sent you some free items: bracelets and scarfs and necklace for forgetting the bracelet in your purchase. Also the original bracelet in the photo as purchased. 😻😻😻
Jul 16Reply

@omalleyallycats Wow, thank you!😊
Jul 16Reply

Hi Lorianne, I'm Olga. Would love for you to check out my closet if you get a chance 🌸 Happy poshing!
Jul 18Reply

Hey girl! Just wanted to follow up and see if you are still interested in the jewelry pieces !
Jul 18Reply

Hi! Welcome to Posh! Thanks so much for Liking an item in my closet! Don't forget if you Bundle 3 or more items from my closet you get 5% off , and all your items are shipped for the same shipping cost so it's like your getting free shipping for 2 items. The Bundle button is at the bottom of each listing. It's FUN TO BUNDLE!!! Let me know if I can help you in anyway and I hope you have much success here on Posh!
Jul 25Reply

Thanks for Liking the Juicy Purse I just marked it down the lowest it will go. And I can ship it out today if you choose to purchase it. It is much prettier in person and probably wont last long at this price. And I will add a small mystery gift with your purchase today as well. Thanks and Happy Poshing! 😊💕💄👠👛💍👟👒🌺
Jul 25Reply

@lalato4 Sounds great, Thanx!
Jul 26Reply

@5thw 😊
Jul 26Reply

Hi💖 if you love vintage bags 💖please visit my overloaded closet filled with Vintage Coach, Dooney & Fossil💖! Come peek💖 New additions in weekly! Purse Heaven! Suggested User, top 10% Seller, fast shipper & grandma to 7 gorgeous Grands!!!!
Jul 29Reply

Hey babe I have been waiting for you to purchase even set aside something for u and your mom please purchase when you can I'd appreciate it more than u know the tye die shirt sold but I have all the ones u asked me to hold pleas let me know
Jul 30Reply

@slisa317 So sorry! Been circling the drain for about a week. Just put a couple of things in a bundle. Thinking I want to add the ring...
Aug 01Reply

@5thw it's ok love! Yes add ring so cute!!! Deny my offer and add the ring to bundle I can do a better offer
Aug 01Reply

Hello beautiful and welcome to Poshmark. Lorraine it looks like you already have the best gift next to you. Let's trade. Brian for my closet, 🤣. Let me know if I can help you with anything in my closet. Is always cheaper to bundle. God bless and happy Poshing.
Aug 01Reply

@mizani7777 Gurl that was a wonderful afternoon and evening! Hi Angela, I'm starting to check out Spanx. I had to move em up in my ❤'s. Peace and Blessings, Lorianne
Aug 01Reply

@5thw Thanks for liking my Brighton coffee cup charm listing! Much appreciated! Enjoy your week and Happy Poshing 🤗 😘 🌸
Aug 11Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and for the likes😊 if you have any questions just ask🌸Have a wonderful day🌹Happy Poshing 💕🌸🌹
Aug 13Reply

Thank you for sharing 😊
Aug 17Reply

Hi thank u for the like
Aug 25Reply

Thanks for the posh love. Feel free to send an offer or bundle to save. Happy Poshing❣️😊
Aug 28Reply

Hey! Any interest in the bracelet and necklace still,
Aug 30Reply

Let me know if you want any of the beaded bracelets too!
Aug 31Reply

The earringns are in my bougie closet @luckijewelsla
Sep 01Reply

Thanks for all the ❤❤❤ I offer big discounts on bundles so send me an offer!!
Sep 03Reply

Thank you doe the likes! if you have an questions or want to put a bundle together, send me an offer! Have a blessed Sunday!
Sep 03Reply

@obindee Peace and Blessings
Sep 03Reply

Welcome to posh 🎀
Sep 03Reply

Hello! I just sent you an offer of 50.00 less than listed price
Sep 12Reply

Hi - Create a bundle and I will increase the 15% bundle discount by $20.00!
Sep 18Reply

Do you know when you plan to purchase?
Sep 19Reply

Hi again! Did you want to finalize the deal today?
Sep 26Reply

Hello, just stoping by to say hello! I know there are lovely closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you'd check out mine! Either way have a nice day!
Oct 05Reply

Hi just checking in. I'm going to assume you changed your mind about the jewelry
Oct 05Reply

Welcome posher!
Oct 08Reply

@5thw Lorraine!!! How r u love!!!! I posted stuff made me think of u I hope you’re feeling well and ur in my prayers
Oct 11Reply

Hello, Offers are welcomed on all my Closet items. Thanks for the like, you can also bundle items for 1 shipping fee. Better than wasting 6.49 per item.
Oct 17Reply

Hello Lorianne, I'd love for you to visit my closet when you have an opportunity.😉
Oct 25Reply

Message me and I'll forward link 6.1.0. 3.3.4.
Nov 05Reply

@5thw Hello Lorianne🌹I have Lots Of new items added-come take a look🐝you may take a discount of 25%, Happy Poshing 🎈🍇🍎Kathy
Nov 05Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne , Thanks for following me and the likes. So sorry the parrot necklace has sold . I can offer you the beautiful embroidered purse for 25% off . Just make the offer🍎Kat
Nov 06Reply

@5thw Lorianne, I see you have a few likes in my closet. Make a bundle and an offer, or let me send you an offer! If you make a bundle and purchase I will gift you the silver mouse bracelet!!!!
Nov 18Reply

@cajunqueen1962 Cool, Thanx. Hope to be ready next week or so
Nov 18Reply

@tikiwolf13 Thanx, will let you know when they arrive
Nov 18Reply

@5thw okay. I am going out of town for Thanksgiving! I will be adding items before I leave and when I get back. Maybe even while I am out of town. Picking up items from my sisters!
Nov 18Reply

My apologies... I was just paired to share items w another posher and accidentally hit ur closet!! Have a Great Night!!!
Nov 18Reply

@cgncognito no worries. Beautiful closet
Nov 18Reply

Hey Lorianne! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of White House Black Market, Michael Kors, Free People and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 😀 Meg
Nov 21Reply

@5thw thanks so much for all the likes 😊💕❤
Nov 21Reply

Thanks for the like on Tiffany make me an offer n get free gift🎄
Nov 21Reply

Welcome thanks for the follow, if you need help I'm here, happy poshing💕
Nov 22Reply

Today only Alexander Wang bags are on sale!
Nov 23Reply

Hi Lorianne, Thanks for visiting my closet. I offer you 20% off any item you like. Single or bundled, 20% off. Just offer 20% off the listed price and I will accept the offer. Thanks and do visit my Breathtaking closet so you can see my Statement chunky neck pieces. Look forward to serving you soon🌺💐🌹🙏
Nov 26Reply

Hi Lorianne! Welcome to my vintage closet! I’m Marian Nice to meet you! Hope you’re enjoying all these beautiful closets! Glad you saw some things in my closet! 20% off bundles or make an offer! Too much stuff😜 Have a great day 💞
Nov 27Reply

Hi💞 If you’d like to move anything into a bundle (20%), we can work on what you really love and where I have wiggle room! M🌹
Nov 27Reply

So far 2 Free, 2 $10 off before 20% discount! Gnite 😴😴😴😴
Nov 27Reply

Happy Holidays. Thank you for your time looking in my closet. It's Awesome of you. I'm only proposing this since it's not 7am yet. No pressure but if you're interested in the 3 items you marked as Like, by which Thank you for, I will provide a special discount for the Cyber Monday deals. Tiffany and Co Heart, Steve Madden and long beautiful gown for $205.00. No pressure no worries just an offer. Be Fabulous
Nov 28Reply

@sandie8034 Thanks! Will let you know.
Nov 28Reply

@5thw You're welcome. Be Fabulous
Nov 28Reply

Hi there! Thanks for all the likes. Let me know if you would like to bundle and we can work out a great price!! Also let me know if u have any questions!
Nov 29Reply

@doreendenise Hello! I'm looking forward to purchasing a couple of pieces Friday. Hopefully they'll be there...
Nov 29Reply

@5thw sounds good!
Nov 29Reply

@5thw I would be delighted to have you run you fingers over my closet if you don’t like the price make me and offer and we’ll see from there!
Nov 30Reply

@candylipstee oh I've been all up in your place. Found a few (9) goodies to ruminate on.
Nov 30Reply

@5thw anytime your ready bundle and make me an offer.
Nov 30Reply

Hello Lorianne, thank you for checking out my closet and for the like. Bundle the items if you are interested in a private deal. Take care, Mary
Dec 03Reply

@mparry74 Hi Mary. My big brother has me picking denim for him to choose. Found a few things for myself and my Mom as well. Great closet!
Dec 03Reply

Thank you for the likes 😇😊
Dec 03Reply

Hello Lorianne, I shop for family on Posh many wonderful things!! Thank you for the many likes. Should you decide to go beyond like, I'll work out prices with you. Be well Lady. Mary
Dec 03Reply

Thank you for loving my shoe.
Let me know if interested in any of my items. Will give you a great deal.
Posh Love to you!! 💝
Dec 06Reply

Dec 08Reply

Hi Lorraine! Thanks for the likes. You have 2 items from my 3 for $12 sale, add 3rd sale item to Geri $12 pricing. Will also do $8 on learner chopsticks. Happy Poshing!
Dec 08Reply

Hi Lorianne, feel free to take 50% off bundles of 6 or more. 💜💜 Have a beautiful, cozy weekend!
Dec 09Reply

Hi doll! I saw on a previous post you were interested in michael stars scarf! I have one listed if you’re still interested xoxo
Dec 17Reply

I see you like some of my items! I have a discount if purchase at least 3 you get 15% off. I shared some other items too, you may like. Put together a bundle and I will give an offer!
Thanks for looking at my items!
Robin Eaton
Dec 20Reply

Congratulations on being a breast cancer survivor! I have a bracelet you may like!
Sorry for you other health problems.
Robin Eaton
Dec 20Reply

Thanks Lorianne for visit my closet. Feel free to checkout and make any offer. Have a nice day and nice to meet you 🎉😉🎉
Dec 20Reply

I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry either Vintage or New please stop by and visit. Valentines Day is right around the corner so consider shopping for yourself or someone else who would love Unique New One of A Kind Jewelry..most items handcrafted can be adjusted.
Good Luck to you if decide to sell.....if not have fun shopping😎
Dec 23Reply

Hi 👋! Good day! Thank you for stopping by! 💕 your business is very important to us. Please kindly feel free to make a bundle and send offers.💕💪🌟🎉🌸
Dec 24Reply

Thanks for all the likes 💕 and congrats for being cancer free, that’s amazing! 🎉🎉🎉 My Mom wasn’t so lucky, I lost her when I was 7 😞 So I do as many of the breast cancer walks here in NY as I can! 😊 and I too suffer from fibromyalgia - everything hurts always, my Rhumatologist is alwayssss asking me if I’ve been working out 🙈 lol...
Dec 24Reply

Sorry I got cut off, my comment was too long lol. But yea, If you have any questions about the charms feel free to ask! My prices are very flexible, and if you don’t already have a bracelet I will throw one in with your purchase, have a great holiday! ❤️
Dec 24Reply

@5thw thanks you for the like. Feel free to ask any questions. Happy holiday💕 happy poshing 💕
Dec 24Reply

I wanted to thank you for liking my Juicy Couture Shirt and also visiting my closet, I do accept offers also thanks again and hope you had a Merry Christmas!!!!!🐸🐞🐸
Dec 26Reply

Hi I wanted to also let you know I shared some items I'll think you will love!!!! I have a great deal if you want to bundle also🐸🐞🐸
Dec 26Reply

Hi Lovey 💋.I’m a Posh Ambassador. Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with and please feel free to shop my closet. ☺️🌹🌸
Dec 26Reply

Happy poshing and the best of luck to you! 💖💛💝
Dec 26Reply

Hi wanted to thank you for visiting my closet and liking my Juicy Couture shirts👚 I due accept offers and a fantastic deal on a bundle, I picked some other items you wii probably love🦋🐞🦋
Jan 03Reply

I measured the outfit you liked for your mom. 19 in at bust on tank top, 16 in shoulder, waist 15 and it is elastic and Skirt 31 in long. That should help. Thanks for looking.
Robin Eaton
Jan 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Jan 07Reply

Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark where the shopping 🎁 is always fun 👗 & the selling is easy💞 For men's items please ask me about my other closet! Ask for anything you're looking for but don't see! Both closets are always 100% Posh compliant! I'm an avid "closet sharer" - I hope that you'll return the favor! Sharing is caring! Watch for the parties 🎉that get posted to your feed daily & post to them. You get greater visibility that way! HAPPIEST POSHING💞 
Jan 17Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne! I would like to invite you to have a look in my closet as you might find items you fancy. Offers are welcome. ✨✨✨
Jan 27Reply

Good morning, and thank you for liking the pretty dress. Offers are welcome ✨✨✨ Have a most pleasant day! 😇😇
Feb 04Reply

Ty for your like. Interested?
Feb 04Reply

It's at final markdown so let me know love
Feb 04Reply

Hello again. And ty for the likes again!
Feb 07Reply

Let me know if interested!!
Feb 07Reply

Feb 07Reply

Hi Lorianne. I’m Lori, it is nice to meet you. Thanks so much for the like and shopping my closet. Feel free to ask any questions. Bundle and save more or if interested in just the shoes, add to bundle for a private discount, thanks
Feb 16Reply

WOW! ⭐️ ! Thank you for stopping by! Please feel free to make a bundle and send offers.💕💕💕💋💋💋
Feb 16Reply

Hi my name is Angela. Welcome to Poshmark.
Feb 19Reply

If you bundle your items. I will work with you. 10% discount applies on two items. I can also reduce your shipping. When you are ready to purchase. Thank you.
Feb 19Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! There are amazing Poshers all working to support one another in the name of fashion and style. I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling your special items from your own closet. Enjoy saving money, making money, and helping the Earth by reusing, recycling, and reducing. Good luck and much success to you. I am just a closet away.
Treasure Resale 😉
Feb 20Reply

Welcome to poshmark
Feb 20Reply

@5thw Thank you so much for the likes! I accept all reasonable offers and offer great bundle discounts 20% bundles and or private offers ! Please let me know if you have any questions💗TY for visiting my closet
Mar 02Reply

Thanks for liking the red tea length dress Lorianne! Send me an offer I cannot resist for this beautiful dress ❤️❤️. @5thw
Mar 03Reply

Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a beautiful bag in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨
I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃
Mar 09Reply

Hi, thank you for your like I do accept reasonable offers and give discounts on bundles happy poshing 💮🌺
Mar 18Reply

Hi! I hope you’re enjoying your Poshmark adventure! Come on over and check out my closet if you’d like!
Mar 18Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet ❤️💋🎉😁
Mar 20Reply

Thank you for visiting and liking 👍🥂🥂🥂🥂😁👏👏
Mar 20Reply

@5thw Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Tory Burch, Kate Spade, Coach, Michael Kors, Nike Free People, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Mar 23Reply

Hi @5thw Lorianne, I have sent you offers on your pretty likes in my closet. If these don’t work for you, feels free to counter. I can ship this morning ☺️☺️ have a lovely day
Mar 24Reply

Hi @5thw I’ve tried sending individual offers but you’d get a better deal if you bundle your likes. Send me an offer whenever you’re ready.😇
You have the most perfect teeth 😁
Mar 27Reply

The Tunic dress with Marsala Print and neck tie is beautiful 👍
Mar 27Reply

@mysec Thank you so much for checking in, and the compliment 😍 I go days without checking my apps. My Mom was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer last month. We've been so busy getting her heart, etc checked out.
Also, my breast cancer treatment wreak havoc on my teeth! But I have a great dental team and my Mom is seeing my doctor at City of Hope so we're very busy, but thankful for having the care we're receiving and the strength we get from prayer. Whew! That's a lot, huh?!😉
Mar 31Reply

@5thw no, not at all. I’m glad to have heard from you. Sending hugs and prayers your way. I’m sorry to hear about the diagnosis endometrial cancer on your mom and thankful that you can get the care she needs. It must be a lot to handle but the Lord is your strength.
Your teeth look beautiful. A great team you have on your side. You are an inspirational cancer survivor and I’m happy to have met you. Have a Happy Easter 🐣🐰🐇
Praying for your mom.
Mar 31Reply

Thanks for stopping by! I read your profile and saw you had Fibromyalgia. I have it as well. Congratulations on beating breast cancer! You are a very strong woman! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Lynn😊 Hope you are having a fabulous Easter weekend! 🐰
Apr 01Reply

Hi Lorianne! Thank you so much for shopping my closet and for the likes! If you would like to bundle any or all your likes, I will send you a great offer, you will save a lot on shipping, and I will include a free gift to show my appreciation for your purchase! If you need any assistance from me, just let me know! I am here for you anytime! Blessings to you, Sweetie!
Apr 02Reply

@mysec Thanks so much, we need all the hugs! Peace and Blessings to you!
Apr 04Reply

@lmfashion Hi Lynn! So sorry you're dealing with Fibromyalgia as well. I wouldn't wish it on anyone! Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully I'll list a few items before another year is out. Take care and I pray that you have more good days than bad!
Apr 04Reply

I agree...ppl don’t know pain until they’ve had it. Although I try and deal as much as I can and know it may not be the worse, pain wise, but it feels like it. Thank you! You’re so kind....I pray the same for you!💕😊
Apr 04Reply

@5thw sending some sunshine. Hope your mom is doing better. Plenty more hugs your way. Have a fulfilling weekend 🌹
Apr 07Reply

@5thw 😇😇😇😇😇
Apr 12Reply

@5thw Hi my name is Angela. Welcome to Poshmark. I can give you private discounts. Thank you for your interest.
Apr 16Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne, just checking in to see how you’re holding up. How’s your mom doing? Have a lovely evening 💐
Apr 16Reply

@mysec Hello! Thanks for caring. She has pre-op on the 18th to make sure she can tolerate the anesthesia, and surgery on the 27th. I'll be so thankful when she's passed this.
Apr 16Reply

@5thw that’s close. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes well so this gets behind you both very quickly. I will check back on the 18th. Have a lovely evening, and warm regards to your mom 😇😇😇
Apr 16Reply

@mysec I just read our correspondence to my Mom. She enjoyed and thanks you for the hugs and love. Never get enough of those! Did I mention that she's 80 (81 in July)? The technician said she has the heart of a 70 year old. I need to change my profile pic, to include her lovelyness!😍
Apr 17Reply

@5thw awww, bless her heart! 😇😇😇 when in July is her birthday? Thank God for the gift of life - it’s not easy being that age in these times. So it’s heart warming knowing she’s well otherwise. I pray my parents live that long and even older. 😇😇😇
Oh yes, it would be lovely seeing her photo. Lots more hugs 🤗🤗
Apr 17Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne! How are you? Just checking in to see how your mom’s pre-op exam went on the 18th? 😇😇
Apr 20Reply

@5thw hello and welcome to Poshmark 🌹visit my closet and receive 10% off on any item🌹
May 02Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne, Good Evening! Just checking in on you. How are you and your mom doing? Health wise? Hope all is well.
May 08Reply

@mysec Hello! Please tell me your name? I can't find it. Thanks so much for keeping in touch. Mom had surgery as scheduled on the 27th. I stayed with her. We were released on Saturday. She's doing well, better than they expected. She will need chemo tho. How are you?
May 08Reply

@mysec We were released this past Saturday, so stayed in hospital 9 days
May 08Reply

@5thw it is nice to hear that your mom’s doing great. Glad all went well and you’re back home now. I wish her a speedy recovery from the surgery. My name is Eghosa ☺️😇
May 08Reply

@5thw I’m an OR Nurse and have had many interactions with women fighting and beating breast cancer! You’re a warrior!! Stay strong!! 💕💝💕
May 09Reply

@mysec Thanks Eghosa, it's an uphill battle. There was a cyst behind the uterus that has active cell, so she'll need chemo. Of course we'll weigh the benefit. I chose not to do chemo and I'm 15 years in August.
May 09Reply

@deannajm2016 Thank you so much Deanna! And thank you for the great service you provide. My Mom had surgery for endometrial cancer 4/27 and released 5/4. The nurses were great, even though I stayed with her. City of Hope in Duarte, Ca. I've been a patient since '03, my oldest brother since '04, so naturally I brought my Mom in.
May 09Reply

@5thw I have you both in my thoughts and prayers to beat the c with whatever option you choose for your mom. I lost a very dear cousin to leukemia and it haunted me for a while because I didn’t know he had it until he passed. He stood no chance, and I’m glad to hear great news and know that your mom is getting great care. You are a fighter and a winner. I am glad to have met you 😇😇😇
May 09Reply

@mysec You are a blessing. So encouraging! Sorry about your cousin. I lost one because he refused to go to the doctor, until it was too late. Early detection is key, along with getting help. Thank you for the prayers, they help the most...for guidance, direction, to help others. Peace and Blessings, my friend.
May 09Reply

@5thw dropping off your package now!! I threw in a little something just for you!! I hope you love it!! 💕💝💕🛍💕🎊🎁🎉💝
May 09Reply

@deannajm2016 Thank you, I 💖🎁
May 10Reply

@5thw ♥️Hi LORIANNE! I had no idea you are an angel living here on 🌏 earth! You have so many friends and followers, I am blessed to be one if them. I admire your strength and courage. I wish your Mom a 🌺🌼🌷🌹🌻 speedy and safe recovery. I wish you and your family all the best of HEALTH & HAPPINESS! 😍Thankfully, you have each other. I will keep you all in my prayers sweet Lorianne. 🙏🏻 Warmly, Jannie ❤️
May 10Reply

@5thw Sorry to hear about your cousin. Yes, early detection is key plus finding the right care and help sometimes. It must be challenging knowing plus the grueling modes of treatments. You are an inspiration to many. Give your mom a hug for me.🌸🌸 and thanks for being so open-minded to everyone. You are such a wonderful being 😇😇 have a lovely weekend ✨✨
May 10Reply

Hi there!, thank you for purchase the wildfox necklace!, I’ll be shipping out today:)
May 17Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne, Top of the day to you 🌸🌸 How are you and your Mother? Hope she’s having better days. You both are Continually in my thoughts and prayers 😇😇
Whenever you’re ready to purchase any of your likes in my closet, I’d be more than happy to work with you 🌸🌸
May 23Reply

Thank you for your purchase!! I will ship it this afternoon. 🥂
May 25Reply

@5thw Hello dear, I hope you’re having joyful week. How’s your mom doing, I thought of you today, my mom 82, is staying with me since Friday, her depression is back, her legs get locked in & sometimes can’t walk, she needs a hip replacement again but is afraid of a surgery. Blessings to you my dear we all have something, right 🙏🏻💗🦋🌷
May 30Reply

May 31Reply

Welcome Lorraine have a wounderful evening 🌹🌹😘
May 31Reply

@5thw hi thx for like can ship today ❤️
Jun 01Reply

Hey Luv... I just saw your purchase this evening. I will send them out tomorrow. My true apologies for the delay.....
Jun 01Reply

@alwaysontrend71 No worries! Thanks for the update 🦋
Jun 01Reply

Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good day 💫
P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Jun 01Reply

Hey beautiful sis! Thanks for your wonderful purchase. You’re going to love it, I’m going to pack it up & send it on your way today. Had to “meet the posher” so I can send you a beautiful gift to enhance what God has already given you, your beauty! 😊❤️🙏🏼
Jun 01Reply

@5thw Shipped !! 😄
Jun 01Reply

Hi dear, thanks for liking my havaiana freedom glamor swarovski Crystal sandals. They are super cute and super comfortable. A real favorite this summer. Would love an offer. A lot of sizes are gone because they are very popular. Would love to hear from you. I answer promptly and I ship the same day. Will give you the best deal possible.❤️❤️😊😊
Jun 04Reply

Hi Lorraine! Glad you like my belts, feel free to bundle them for a great deal, and no pressure!!
Jun 06Reply

Hi again, apologies - Lorianne 🤦🏻♀️
Jun 06Reply

Hi I’m Renee! I see you’ve Liked several items in my closet...if you’re interested please bundle them and make me and offer and I’m sure we can make a Great deal!!🦋
Jun 07Reply

feel free to bundle!
Jun 07Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne, just checking in on you. How are you and your mom doing? Blessings your way 🌸🌸
Jun 16Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne and thanks for liking several Gorgeous items from my Posh Boutique !💕🎉💕🌸😘 for bundles of two or more items I offer 15%. But as a new customer of mine I am prepared to offer you 25% off, plus free shipping! I want your business and I want you to be a valued customer of mines forever! Please Bundle for the Best Price!🌷🐝. Interested?
Jun 16Reply

Hi Lorianne welcome to posh 💖💞🌹🌷
Jun 21Reply

😘Beautiful Converse All Star ⭐️
I can do $35
I Love This Shoes Style
Very Comfortable
Ship today 🎁
Jun 25Reply

Happy to hear that😍💖. Blessings to you.
Jun 28Reply

Wishing you more years to live💖. And don't forget to thanks our mighty God.
Jun 28Reply

Hi Lorianne, if you bundle your likes I can send you an offer. Think about it, if there's something you really like. 🤗🤗 happy poshing!
Jun 30Reply

Hi 👋! I am truly embarrassed, but the Pendant that was purchased was one of my very 1st listings, and I cannot find it! I do however have some better quality diamond chip small hoops set in sterling Silver that I will send to you and a free gift! Or you can choose something from my closet under $15 and I will send that item to you. Again I apologize for the inconvenience and please get back to me asap. I will post a picture of the earrings shortly. Kris 😊💎🍀
Jun 30Reply

@kriserfy1 Hi Kris, thanks for letting me know. Do you need more time to look for it, or it's just gone? I'm a butterfly person, and patient
Jun 30Reply

@kriserfy1 I just read your messages. Well, if the butterfly is out of the question, I'll accept something else.
Jun 30Reply

. Let me keep looking and I will come across it I’m sure! Thanks for getting back to me and I will ship it ASAP! Thanks for your understanding I am going to be in touch very soon!😊💎🍀
Jun 30Reply

If I don’t find it by 7:30pm please don’t purchase anything else! Let me know what you want and I’ll send it to you! Thanks 🙏
Jun 30Reply

@5thw I found it!!!!! Heading to the post office now!😊💎🍀
Jun 30Reply

@kriserfy1 YAY! Thanks for persevering!🤩
Jun 30Reply

@5thw You’re most welcome Doll and I sent you a free gift 🎁! Happy Poshing 😊💎🍀
Jun 30Reply

@kriserfy1 I can't wait to see what it is! Thank you so much!🤩
Jul 01Reply

Hi Lorianne. If you’re considering to purchase your like items you can put them in a bundle and I’ll give you a great price with discount shipping. Wishing you well. -MaryJ
Jul 01Reply

Jul 02Reply

@5thw 👋☺️🌸🌸🌸🌸 checking up on you, LoriAnn. Happy 4th, and a Happy Birthday to your mom this mom. 💐💐
Jul 02Reply

Nice to meet you on posh. hope you are loving it!💓
Jul 09Reply

thankyou for the like ☺ send me a offer 😁
Jul 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Loraine. Thanks for liking my closet and Donna Karen. It is absolutely new. Let me know if you have any questions
Jul 16Reply

I also wanted to inform you that I am open for bundle and offer discount of 10% if you buy two or more products combined from me.
Jul 16Reply

Hi Lorianne! Thank You so much for your likes❤️! Check out and follow my closet for a closer look at my items. Please feel free to ask me any questions. Have a great day❣️
Jul 21Reply

Hi Lorianne 👋🏽 Take a look at my closet! Lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Puma & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 😃
Jul 23Reply

Jul 24Reply

Thanks Lorraine 💕
Jul 25Reply

Jul 26Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jul 28Reply

@5thw Good morning ✨✨ hope your mom is doing a lot better now. Warm wishes to her 💐💐
Offers are welcome if you’d like to bundle your likes. I appreciate you visiting my closet. I’ll be traveling next week for about 2 weeks depending on when you might want to. 🌸🌸🌸
Have a blessed weekend!
Jul 28Reply

Aug 05Reply

@5thw thanks for liking the wedges. Just needing to update them because I put that they fit closer to a 10 but seeing that my feet got bigger after I had my son, maybe I’m more or a size 11 now. Lol
Hope your mom’s better and you are doing fine yourself 🌹🌹
Aug 05Reply

@mysec Hi Sweetie! Hope all is well with you and yours. Mom is getting chemo every Wednesday for a few months. So far so good! Thanks so much for keeping in touch!
I've been losing weight extremely slowly but surely. I used to wear a 10 in heels, but still need an 11 for now.
Aug 05Reply

@5thw yes, all is well, thank u. I see my dad on Thurs after 7 years &he gets to see my kids for the 1st time! Going to the UK where he’s visiting my Sis. So it would be happy times.
Great to know mom is keeping steady. How’s that chemo going? Hope it’s not taking too much from her. Always in my thoughts & prayers.
Aug 06Reply

@5thw I do understand about shoes. Depending on fit, I can (rarely) fit some 9.5 &used to be a steady 10. Then some 11. I have a pair of coach wedges I’ve been holding on to for so long because they are so pretty lol so don’t quite fit me completely - will tag you if I list them.
Great to see you r well. I wish u health &steady progress in ur weight endeavor. I got double my size after my second baby (he was tiny!) &haven’t gotten around losing that baby fat yet. maybe Sept
Aug 06Reply

@5thw good morning 🔆 just wanted to let you know that if you do decide to bundle you likes I’d be happy to work with you on prices 🌹
I will be out of town in a couple of days for about 2 weeks. Have a most pleasant day ✨✨
Aug 06Reply

Lots of new listings
Aug 17Reply

Hi Lorianne! 👋☺️🌸🌸🌸🌸
Happy Sunday ✨✨✨
Aug 19Reply

@5thw Lorianne Thank you for visiting my closet and the like. I gave you a great discount on the belt. Hope you like it!
Have a great evening!🙂🌹🌹🌹
Sep 03Reply

Hi Lorraine...Thank you for.dropping by and take a p👀k...I update weekly👠👡🧥👚👙👘🕶 meeting new poshers and exchanging fashion tips....💋 HAPPY POSHING❣
Sep 03Reply

Hi Lady L..I was reading thru your profile...I have a feeling we know some of the same people...Especially the city you live in. Have a beautiful Sunday!❣
Sep 03Reply

@niknak661Peace and Blessings to you! I'm sure we know some of the same people.
Sep 03Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! 🐴
Sep 08Reply

Thanks for liking, new never worn..happy poshing 🙂🙂💕
Sep 08Reply

Hi Lorianne, I’m Lori! You have a gorgeous smile, keep on smiling! Thank you for stopping by my closet, I appreciate it. Have a great weekend! 💙💙💙
Sep 08Reply

Hello 👋, thank you for liking my T-Shirt, really do appreciate it, pray you have a blessed weekend.
Sep 08Reply

Hi Loraine. This is Sade who you purchase the yellow dress from, Please check out my closet.
Sep 09Reply

Hi Lorianne. Congratulations on your 14 years! That is wonderful. I saw that you liked three things in my closet. Would you like to bundle and I will give you 10% off and combined shipping? Please feel free to text me know.
Sep 10Reply

@5thw 👋☺️🌸🌸🌸
Sep 10Reply

@5thw whooooa. i’ve never seen anyone so popular like this. do you know some kind of magic 🧚🏽♀️🎩🐰🌙💡? or is it this—->🔮
teach me. 💡
Sep 21Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet. I can bundle any items you like. Send me an offer. Happy shopping
Sep 27Reply

Sep 29Reply

@5thw Are you interested in any of your likes on my page?
Sep 30Reply

We see you just liked 3 of our Wildfox Couture Jewelry items. We sent you offers for all 3 items. If you decide you want all 3 pieces and/or any other items please bundle them. We'll offer you a Wonderful Deal plus you'll save on the shipping cost. ❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
Sep 30Reply

Thanks for liking my straw listing! 🎃 All prices in my closet are negotiable and I give 20% off bigger bundles, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Sep 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy Poshing!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 02Reply

Thank you for all your 💁🏽♀️SHARES make on offer 💰 on anything you like above $10.
Oct 03Reply

Congratulations on being a Survivor 🎀 my sister is one also. 💗💓
Oct 03Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne! Top of the Day to You! Hope you and your mum are doing great this season! 🌸🌸
Wanted to let you know that I’m having a moving sale so will be considering reasonable offers to empty my closet. Make me an offer, Girl!! Everything you like is beautiful. 🌸🌸 have a glorious week ahead! Love to your mum 🌹
Oct 07Reply

Thank you for the like on the Betsey Johnson Purse! Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that you save 10% or more when you “bundle “ 2 or more items, and you save on shipping by bundling.👍 Have a great night!🌸
Oct 10Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet 🎉💞
Oct 10Reply

@5thw 👋☺️🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Oct 10Reply

Hi Lorianne ;) You've liked some of our Wildfox Jewelry items. To help our customer be ready for Holidays we're offering this Amazing Deal: If you bundle 3 to 5 items we'll Offer you 15% Off + FREE SHIPPING! If you bundle 6 or more items we'll offer you 20% Off with FREE SHIPPING! Our entire inventory qualifies (Not just Jewelry)! We would Love to make a Deal with you.❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
Oct 10Reply

Hey Love, feel free to make an offer on the Lush dress or email me for free shipping 💕
Oct 11Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 🎉❤️
Oct 12Reply

I will give u a discount if you want the 2 shirts
Oct 14Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Nike, Yellow Box, Burberry Brit, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 17Reply

For free shipping love 💕
Oct 22Reply

Just stopping by to say hi 👋
Oct 22Reply

Thank you for the like. So glad to meet you!
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for liking so many of the items in my closet. FYI - if you bundle at least 2 of them, you get 25% off. If you bundle 5 or more, you will receive a much larger offer! Bundle away! Thank you!
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for the heart on the Elizabeth and James bucket bag! Let me know, if you have any questions and have a blessed night!
Oct 28Reply

Good afternoon Lorianne. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Nov 02Reply

Good afternoon Lorianne. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Nov 02Reply

Hi Welcome! ❤️ I’m Jacquelyn 🌺
new to posh & followed u! Ty for any and all shares!
I have lots of Lularoe & I love it!😍will be adding lots of u Unique clothing in all sizes!!! New buyers get big di$counts & offers!!!
****Plse check out my closet! 👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌺Happy 😃Poshing! ❤️
Nov 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, Lorianne. PRAISE GOD, Lorianne is a Cancer SURVIVOR! Poshmark will be a fun distraction and then an addiction. That's what I found here. PM friends become a great Support Family too. Thank you for your LIKE in my closet. If I can answer questions or if you bundle likes I will send you a great offer or YOU can send me your offer. You could be surprised. Jeanne
Nov 04Reply

Hey I’m Linda,
Buying or Selling.....
New to Poshmark or Been here awhile.....
Best of Luck to you.....💖
And just a little secret.....
💋Jewelry Makes the Outfit💋
And I have something just for you......
Nov 06Reply

Thanks for the 💖💖💖💖💖
Nov 07Reply

@5thw hi Lorraine it’s been so long just thinking of you always in my prays❤️ hoping u can say a prayer for mom who’s on hospice trying to sell to help builds a ramp so she can come home for hospice care anyway always in my prayers ❤️ god bless
Nov 10Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne, how are you? And how’s your mum? Came by to say hi! Hope you both have a beautiful day 💖💖
Nov 15Reply

Hi lovely!❤️ I would love to invite you to my closet for amazing deals for the holidays 🎉 If you have any questions feel free to ask me💕 Happy Holidays ❤️❤️
Nov 21Reply

Thanks for ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ if you interested in any please let me know 🌸
Nov 23Reply

Hi there. I notice that you liked a tanzanite bracelet. I have a gorgeous tanzanite tennis bracelet NEW IN GIFT BOX at a very reasonable price (less than half it's original). Also I have December sterling silver dangle earrings - NEW. And a "born in December" tank top. Perfect for holiday giving. Feel free to stop by my closet and I'm here for any questions. Thanks and have a blessed day!
Nov 24Reply

Loriannie Nice closet and beautiful pictures ,wishing you much success ,thanks for your support. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your 1st puchase of $50 or more from this closet expires 12/31/2018.
Dec 01Reply

Hi Lorraine! Thank you for the "♡" like on the Lauren Burch Signed earrings ❣ I love offers ❣ LuLu
Dec 04Reply

Apologies....Lorianne! 😩 can't read. 😓LuLu
Dec 04Reply

Hi Lorianne ;-) We sent you an offer of $24 + $4.99 Shipping for a New with Tag WILDFOX COUTURE SKULL RING SZ 8. We still have a couple of the Wildfox Couture Bull Rings too! We've marked down the prices on our Wildfox Couture Jewelry plus our entire Inventory of Brand Name Merchandise! We've also extended our CYBER BUNDLE OFFERS! Bundle 3 to 4 items = 15% Off + FREE SHIPPING or Bundle 5 or more items = 20% Off + FREE SHIPPING! Get your Holiday Shopping on! ❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
Dec 06Reply

Dec 13Reply

Happy Holidays- I love your introduction ❤️
Dec 23Reply

@5thw Hey Lorianne, Hope you have a Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 and a Prosperous New Year!
Dec 25Reply

please check out my closet i have a ton of corkcicles and other item!!! if you create a bundle i will offer a discount💕
Dec 28Reply

Hey I’m Linda,
Buying or Selling.....
New to Poshmark or Been here awhile.....
Best of Luck to you.....💖
Jewelry Makes the Outfit..
Jan 01Reply

@5thw Hay New Year! Lorianne 🎆🎊🥳 Wishing all of life’s goodness, and great health to enjoy all of it!! Cheers to life!
Jan 01Reply

Hello Lorianne. Thank you for checking out my closet. I sincerely appreciate it.👍 I see that you like a couple of items. If you put them in a Bundle I offer a 10% bundle discount and discount shipping too. I'll always sweetened the deal as well.😉 Let me know when you are ready to make a purchase and I will send you a bundle offer. I wish you well.✌💚
Jan 10Reply

Hi lorianne !! Ty for your 2 likes with the purchase of each pinup dress you can get 2 more items free just make a bundle and I'll send you an offer !!
Jan 10Reply

Hi Lorianne, Happy New Year and congratulations on surviving ! ! ! :-) I appreciate you visiting my closet, and for liking my Makali shirt and Guess coat, you have great taste :-) If you are interested in either or both, I would love to make it work for you, and am more interested in them getting out of the closet to be used than I am concerned about the price, they are both so beautiful they deserve to be worn! Happy Poshing! Gayle
Jan 13Reply

Welcome to the #POSH# community☀️its awesome you R here, as the saying goes the more the merry. Start Poshing 😍Just do it 😄no time better the present See ya! on the other side of your 1st couple sales👍🏿 just do. God is good continue blessings 2 you.
Jan 22Reply

@5thw Hey Lorianne, how are you? Peace and blessings your way 🌹🌹🌹
Jan 24Reply

Hi! I invite you to my closet. Offers are welcome. I'm also happy to be a stylist if you like.
Jan 27Reply

Hello! If you haven't been to my closet please step in the welcome matt is out!
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for shopping my closet Lorianne! I just dropped the sandals off at the USPS! You’re so close, they’ll probably be home tomorrow! Thanks, again! ❤️🙏❤️
Feb 04Reply

Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Vera Bradley, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Torrid and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 07Reply

@5thw 👋☺️🌺🌺🌺 Greetings to you, Lorianne!
Feb 11Reply

@5thw 😇😇😇 Good to see you. Good morning
Feb 11Reply

Hi Lorianne ;-) We just sent you an offer of $55 + $4.99/Shipping for a New with Tag ERICKSON BEAMON Rocks Arcade Brights Bracelet. We still have the other Wildfox Couture Jewelry you liked before. We're also still offering Incredible Bundle Deals! Bundle 3 to 4 items = 15% Off + FREE SHIPPING! Bundle 5 or more items = 20% Off + FREE SHIPPING! Love to ship you some of our Gorgeous Jewelry! ❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
Feb 15Reply

Hi Lorianne ;-) We noticed you liked several of our Wildfox Couture Jewelry items. Several of the pieces are almost sold-out (Only 1 Left). If you send us a Bundle we can offer you an Amazing Deal. ❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
Feb 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark😊🎉💞
Feb 17Reply

💐Hi, Thanks for liking. I’m flexible on the price. If you are interested feel free to make your best offer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Happy poshing.💐🛍🙏
Feb 17Reply

Hi girl!...the all things tiffany goes to then end od the m9nth, thanks for looking at my closet!
Feb 18Reply

Hi there Lorianne! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Feb 24Reply

Hi! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 24Reply

Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
Mar 03Reply

@5thw. Ive marked down enough. Now its up to you to buy.
Mar 05Reply

Hey there I election ups oove from t you to check out my closet. Great stuff that is a great priced. Always welcome offers too!
Small me and pet free home.
Mar 17Reply

Thanks for the likes. I do offer discounts on bundles 😊😊
Mar 17Reply

Thanks for all the love💕 If you bundle, I give 10-20% off plus reduced shipping🤗
Mar 20Reply

@5thw I am so glad you wandered into my closet I have a little bit of everything as you can prolly tell! So grateful for weight loss hypnosis, I am now an 8 from a Size 24W! What you see are all the items in between those so many never worn we launder all untagged and have all tagged steamed for great pics! Live with a house full of Fashionista's! We love to shop! Please send offers as I prepare to take the hardest working man I know on Vacation!!!
Your New P.F.F.
Mar 22Reply

Bundle and have saving for even the clearance items ($25) or less items when you buy 3 & get combined shipping!!!!
Non clearance items get an addl private discount!!!!
Mar 22Reply

Hi Lorianne, thanks for the likes 😙, I just wanted to make sure that you were getting my offers and messages that I left for you on your bundle page, I hope all is well with you, Gayle♥️
Mar 23Reply

Flash sales
Apr 01Reply

Hi girl! doing alot of special prices for my likers!
Apr 03Reply

Hello!😊💕 feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!👚👗👙👘👠👡👢👜👛👝🥿
Apr 08Reply

Hey loraine!...thanks for looking at my closet...!
Apr 09Reply

Hi miss loraine!..all of the tiffany is at best n final pricing due to illness, tks for liking tge butterfly...its georgous!
Apr 15Reply

Hi miss loraine..all prices arefirm..but if u want posh 20% .off...txt me 989 390 2605 ...sherry
Apr 18Reply

Come check out my closet. I have the Ralph Lauren clutch purse you like ❤️
Apr 22Reply

Hi Lorianne🌺 I’m Susan & I have new beautiful items in many sizes & budgets- great designers- Free People, BCBG, Vince CAMUTO, The Limited, Valentino, Coach, Marc Jacobs, CeCe, Dooney & Bourke, jewelry, & furs! AND coats, size 12👠, blouses from ESCADA, luxury pantyhose from France, Belgium and Italy and more- all from my own smoke free closet or hand picked from fabulous retailers🦋I’m a 5 Star Rated Seller🌟& Posh Ambassador.
Apr 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🌸 We’re so happy to have you!
💕 free to check out my closet and if you have any questions I’d love to help💕
May 12Reply

Hi miss loraine, uve always been very faithfull in following me...plz pic outsomething in my closet...put it in A BUNDLE...ots like ur basket...but i can give u a cery private price!
May 13Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 🎉😍
Jun 13Reply

Jun 13Reply

Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you many great sales and purchases! I am a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your closet!
Jun 13Reply

Hi Lorrianne
I am so happy your mother likes the rose pin. It was one of my favorite Avon pins and it’s beautiful and classy.
Thank you again for your purchase.
Have a blessed day
Jun 18Reply

Hi! If you would like to add more to your previous bundle just decline offer and I’ll send you an updated one!🥳🎉 Thank You Sale won’t last long! If not, no worries! Thank you for your interest 💕
Jul 03Reply

Welcome to poshmark hun if u like something just make an offer with you price and l will accept all offers are welcome have WONDERFUL DAY
Jul 09Reply

Check offers
Jul 15Reply

Blessings and stay strong!
Aug 14Reply

Sep 07Reply

Thank you for your purchase❤
👉🎫🛍 receive a 10% off Discount on your next purchase 👈.
Feel free to make an offer on items you like. Thank you Enjoy😊
Sep 20Reply

You have such a beautiful smile
Oct 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!!!!!
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and welcome to Poshmark 🎉❤️
Nov 07Reply

Hello 🙋♀️ Thanks again for stopping by my closet/boutique and showing some love ❤️ for one of my items. I hope you’ll stop by again 😊🌺🌸Have a fantastic Posh day 🛍🛍
Nov 12Reply

hi Lorraine!..the 9 inch heart bracelet is reserved, the stars bracelets sold...but ive seen 2 for around 220.00...9n eb@y...enter in double star rope bracelet...its a better deal than i got!
Nov 12Reply

@5thw Hi Lorianne! would you like to bundle your likes from my closet?Blessings!
Nov 20Reply

Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet; I have over 200 5 star reviews, am a fast shipper, and everything comes specially packaged. I sell Vintage and today jewelry (with hundreds of items to choose from and bundling discounts up to 40% off)! Happy Poshing!📿💖
Nov 23Reply

Hi Lorianne 🌿 Top of the Evening to you! How are you,and your mom? Just thought to check up on you. Have a wonderful thanksgiving
Nov 27Reply

Hello Lorianne. I hope you're doing well.😊 I want to let you know that I sent you a STELLAR deal that includes discount shipping, on your liked goodies😉 If you'd like to make these unique beauties yours, I can ship them out today or tomorrow. I wish you well.✌💜
Dec 03Reply

Hi! The Havianas flip-flops you liked in my closet are 50% off today! Just make the offer at 50% off the listing price and I will accept! Great price! Thanks!
Dec 14Reply

I’ll accept any offer on the glasses
Dec 19Reply

happy poshing 💕be sure to checkout my closet😊
Dec 28Reply

💕Hey Lorianne, thanks for the like on the Who What Wear skirt that I'm selling. I've sent you an offer. If you have any questions please let me know. Have a wonderful bless day.💕
Dec 31Reply

Jan 20Reply

Hi @5thw ! My name is Milly and I carry designers in my closet such as Chanel, LV, Prada, Gucci, Prada, Mansur Gavriel, Kate Spade, Coach, Free People, etc. If you see item/s that interest you let me know. I been selling since 2013. Have a great day 😊 hope you are doing fine warrior
Feb 26Reply

Hello Groovy. I'm running some epic SALES this weekend and tantalizing offers. 😉 I need to purge! Check me out.✌💚
Feb 28Reply

Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 20Reply

Hi Lorianne! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of fun items for everyone and I'm open to reasonable offers. Have a great day and stay healthy ✨ 💝 Carol
Apr 25Reply

Hi I am a posh ambassador so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I have a 5/$25 sale going on right now as well, so feel free to check it out. Happy poshing! ⭐️🌺
May 19Reply

Happy Independence Day❣🇺🇸 I'm running MEGA SALES today😉 Please come and check me out. I offer discount shipping, a 10% bundle discount and I ship next day.😉✌💙🇺🇸
Jul 05Reply

❤️❤️❤️welcome ❤️❤️
Jul 09Reply

Hey guys I’m new and I have a lot of good stuff for a very good price we can negotiate just make an offer I have a lot of watches jewelry a Tiffany bracelet share thanks so much appreciate it 🙏🙏❤️
Sep 16Reply

hey! are you interested in opening ceremony converse!! send an offer!!
Sep 24Reply

hi loraine!...hey I'm also on MERC@RI (@=A)......n I can be about 10%cheaper there...all prices firm...but if u see something...send me a not! sselbee there, so this butterfly is 179.00!
Dec 20Reply

@5thw Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! I have extended my Black Friday and Cyber Monday SALE to the BIGGEST Holiday Sale Ever! Every single item qualifies for BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🌲❄️🛍💸
I have some beautiful Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch and Victoria Secret items! 😃
Dec 22Reply

Hi! Please take a look at my Tiffany items. Thanks.
May 24Reply

Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything or make an offer!
Jun 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jul 27Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 16Reply
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