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Updated Nov 30
Updated Nov 30

πŸƒSOLDπŸƒ Lululemon Run Turn Around Herringbone 2

lululemon athletica


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😍Herringbone heathered black/ white, Super soft sweater like RULU material, cinched side calves- cute twist to a classic design! NWT 😍 Hard To Find color combo! πŸƒ$100 on ♍️ until midnight cyber Monday only πŸƒ
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2me2 hello again beautiful leggings! :)
Oct 22Reply
adriane1b2 @2me2 why thank you!! wish they fit me better πŸ˜³πŸ™ˆπŸ˜πŸ˜˜
Oct 22Reply
adriane1b2 @choijessy1025 hi Jessica! In my opinion yes ;) I felt like this style had more of a speed tight waist band type of fit- but the body itself felt more like a Wunder under fit... Does that make sense?
Oct 23Reply
missliss21 Have these and LOVE them! They are the Rulu fabric and feel like butter on your skin... so comfy & a great color/pattern for fall.
Oct 24Reply
adriane1b2 @missliss21 thanks Alyssa!! Aren't they the best feeling leggings everrrrr??? 😍😍. Did you feel like they're true to size for you?? I like another persons opinion sometimes to help people out πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ’•πŸ˜˜.
Oct 24Reply
adriane1b2 @choijessy1025 hi again Jessica! πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
Oct 24Reply
choijessy1025 @adriane1b2 thanks hon!! (:
Oct 24Reply
missliss21 I would say they are TTS! Could also get away with a size down if one has slim thighs. Of all the lulus I own, these are honestly my favorite comfort-wise! 😊
Oct 24Reply
adriane1b2 @missliss21 thanks for your help Alyssa! This fabric is seriously amazing on the skin! @choijessy1025 hope that helps a little better Jessica! 😊😊😘. Have a great weekend ladies! πŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ’š
Oct 24Reply
macorally Is there a reason the price is so high? Online they are listed for $98?
Nov 02Reply
adriane1b2 @macorally hi Macy! I knew that would eventually be asked😜 the ones listed online are lot the same as this- but they are similar ;) these ones have white stitching (ghost stitching) and the ones online have a contrast black stitching πŸ˜‰. These are Much harder to find- and I actually had to get them through a store in Canada, and I Did NOT pay ticket price 😊Also remember the 20% posh fees.. These are listed for less on other sites if you're interested ;)
Nov 02Reply
adriane1b2 @macorally let me know if you have any other questions :) take a screen shot of this pair vs the ones online rt now- if you look from one pic to the next- it's easier to tell the difference.. The ghost stitching is 😍😍😍. Smooth, seemless, and sexy leggings.. Lulu does it right!
Nov 02Reply
macorally @adriane1b2 oh i see!! Thanks for the clarification! I'm not in the market to spend that much, but hope they sell soon! Good luck!
Nov 02Reply
adriane1b2 @macorally no worries :) thank you! Have a great week! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’•
Nov 02Reply
highkix27 Is that top a Lululemon also? Love the color and cut! I want one too!!!
Nov 05Reply
adriane1b2 @highkix27 hi luz! I have noooo idea, that's not me :) although it looks fun wherever she is! ((How can you even see the cut in that angle?!?! You've got x-Ray eyes girl! πŸ˜‰))
Nov 05Reply
highkix27 @adriane1b2 yes, I have xray vision!!!lol sorry I thought that might be you! Grrr, I love that whole outfit!!!
Nov 05Reply
adriane1b2 @highkix27 I honestly didn't even notice the top until rt now... It is a super cute outfit!! If I see a top that color I'll tag you in it... That will help you piece things together ;) ((These pants are listed for less on other sites.. I like trying to help people save a few $$s when possible :) ))
Nov 05Reply
highkix27 Thanks for the heads up! Where at? In a size 2?
Nov 05Reply
adriane1b2 @lgirldo81 hi luz! Hey girl- search for this listing on M.. The price about meets your offer, and still includes your choice of free gift also ;) I can't go lower than my counter with the fees on posh though 😏 I'm so sorry! I hope you understand! And also hope you have a great weekend :)!!!
Nov 06Reply
laurenmenzel @adriane1b2 these are originally only $98?
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @laurenmenzel hi Lauren, no- these were not originally 98. These are not even available in the US, and I paid well above the ticket price- which was also more than 98. Please refrain from commenting about price unless it's a legitimate question, or if you have an actual comment about the item- I would be more than happy to help
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @lanaid @reneew80 @lwilner πŸ‘†πŸ‘†. Again. I can't.
Nov 16Reply
lanaid I blocked both of those girls up there. Clueless people are annoying. If you see them cheaper elsewhere just buy them!
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner lol I can't .. It's just that kinda night in here tday! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. And we're these ever 98? Holy shiat did I miss out if they were! Man these babies had to cross borders to get to me! Lol
Nov 16Reply
lwilner @adriane1b2 I'm waiting for those comments on my shorts that I got from Australia. That's going to be a fun block-fest
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner @lanaid I think I'd have more tolerance if someone just sent me an offer for whatever the low price is they think I paid. I can'tttt. Lauren- shorts from Australia?!?! Oh baby! Can't wait to see those beauties!
Nov 16Reply
lwilner @adriane1b2 they're listed! Which Way Sway! I got 2 sizes and one ended up being too big
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner 😍😍😍😍 omggggg I'm so sad and so happy at the same time that they aren't my size! πŸ˜³πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ LOVE them!!
Nov 16Reply
lwilner @adriane1b2 are you in the Facebook group Speed Shorts Stash? There are a few pairs on there!
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner I'm nottttttt Omg my poor husband πŸ™ˆπŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Nov 16Reply
lwilner @adriane1b2 you should request to join there! He'll get over it when he sees your booty in the pants he buys you (whether or not he knows he bought them lolololol)
Nov 16Reply
wildlifer78 @adriane1b2 love!!!!! I'm wearing the catch me if you Kanto? top now!
Nov 16Reply
wildlifer78 @adriane1b2 haha I mean in same pattern!
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ™ˆ((shhhhhh lol)) And yeahhhh- he's a keeper for sure ;). @wildlifer78 isn't this material and color so amazing?! Is the top with white stitching also?? Ughh- the ghost stitching just gets me! I wish I could find these in high rise WU andddd every run 1/2 zip possible lol
Nov 16Reply
adriane1b2 @kristindelr hi Kristin :)! Aren't they gorgeous?!? 😍😍. Please use the offer button for both and we'll see if we can make it work 😊😊 don't worry- if we agree- I'll be sure to bundle and save you some money on shipping as well πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ’•. Great choices!!
Nov 19Reply
lwilner @mynameisjoe I didn't accuse you of not knowing your products. This is the one I'm looking for
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ Ughhh. What size are you looking for girl?? The white stitching is so seamless and nice looking ;) ((And- i was toldddd these were an out of US release and that's why so hard to find here- but is that accurate? Or just a dif year model?? I trust your lulu expertise and amazing suggested user honesty more πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’•
Nov 20Reply
lwilner Size 6!! They are currently on the lulu site but they changed the stitching to black or dark gray, I like the white stitching. I tried to buy them from that mynameisjoe person last night because all of her pictures had the white stitching so I thought they were the same as the ones you're selling but they are the new ones with dark stitching. I asked her to cancel the order and she got mad and blocked me....okay.
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner I may know where to find some ;) Yeah- I read that whole thing.. Blocked. Lol. You asked nicely- people are nutso.. Was this white stitching ever released here?? I saw the black stitch ones- they're cute! Butttttt... I'm partial to these too 😍😍😍😍 sleek!!
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @fabulousshop hi Jenna!! Do you happen to have these in a 6? My girl Lauren @lwilner was look h for some just like the one in these pics πŸ˜‰. Hope you're doing great Jenna!! Shoot me a line pretty lady! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸ’ŸπŸ˜˜
Nov 20Reply
lwilner I think the white stitching ones are older or maybe Canada? Not sure
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner thanks :) I was thinking it was one of the two- someone told me it was CA only- but idk.. Lol. They're rulu- so can't be that old? Who knows lol They're gorg either way :)
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop Hey girl I only have a four. :) I have the regular white herringbone without all the stitching on the side in a 6 though. :)
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner πŸ‘†πŸ‘†. @fabulousshop thanks Jenna!! If you see any or come across any will you tag Lauren or I? Well- they'd be for Lauren.. Just helping her out :)
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop are they listed? I will check your closet now :) :) :)
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop I know I'm a pain in the butt but I want the ones with white stitching, not gray :(
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner Jenna has been super superrrrr helpful to me, I doubt your being a pain ;). @fabulousshop Lauren's our age and a pup lover too girl! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸ’Ÿ. Lol- it's like a first date intro lol
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @lwilner @adriane1b2 hey sorry been so busy not been able to keep up with POSH much. Yea no worries I looked at my pants and they have black stitchings :( but if I see any that Sz will definitely let u know :)
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop Thank you :D :D
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop lololol mynameisjoe is the bitchy girl who I bought them from because I thought they were the original release with the white stitching, they're not they are the new ones with gray stitching, she was really rude when I asked her to cancel my order
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @lwilner that's crazy her pictures are misleading ...... #%^*#%
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop yeah and she put the same pics back up after she was rude to me about canceling :/
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @lwilner I haven't seen any but if I come across any il let u know. And I do plan on going to Orlando Florida to do some Lululemon outlet shopping during Black Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed anyways. :( maybe they will have it there. I have found a definitely raining jacket in cashew color like just 1 odd jacket at an outlet once..... The girl looked at me like The person who sent that here probably made a mistake :) so might be one of those
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop if you see these or the wunder unders with the white stitching I'll totally buy them! I'll even call the store and give them my credit card over the phone!
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @lwilner okay I will let u know. They open at 12am and I have to drive 6 hours. I might not go after all the turkeys :( but if I do and I see them I'll let u know
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop thanks :) and that sounds like a terrible drive. Make sure you have lots of coffee and good music!!!
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @lwilner yea I am trying to get some friends to go with me. I can't shop where I live (there are no decent stores) so when I have an opportunity my bank suffers severely :( but anyways will let u know
Nov 20Reply
lwilner @fabulousshop thank you so much! If you ever need anything from Chicago let me know :P
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @lwilner haha okay......
Nov 20Reply
adriane1b2 @lwilner @fabulousshop 😊😊😊😘😘😘 have a great thanksgiving ladies :) and happy shipping to the have soles who face back Friday madness! You're more courageous than I am For SURE 😊😊😊
Nov 20Reply
fabulousshop @adriane1b2 thank u, I love the crowd and shopping so..... Love Black Friday shopping..... looking forward to every bit of it :)
Nov 21Reply
adriane1b2 @fabulousshop have fun girl!!
Nov 21Reply
travelinmama These are amazing😍 that ghost stitching really makes a difference!
Nov 24Reply
adriane1b2 @travelinmama the stitching! I knowwwwww 😍😍😍 right?!?!
Nov 24Reply
travelinmama I'm soooo happy these aren't my size😜
Nov 24Reply
adriane1b2 @travelinmama lol! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
Nov 24Reply
kaliyoga Omgggggg I keep looking at these lol! I'm a you think I could squeeeeeeeeeze in these??!! 😳😬
Nov 24Reply
adriane1b2 @kaliyoga hiiii! I know aren't they amazing?!?! Something about that sleek stitching color! So- I'm btwn a 2 and a 4... I found the overall fit and comfort of the rulu to be really forgiving and would def fit a 4... But the drawcord at the waist is def a 2 fit... So may be a little snug.. However- if you're one of those gifted women who just wears a 4 bc of the extra bum and hip space, and don't need the waist?? These may work! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†πŸ˜˜πŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸ’ŸπŸŒΊ
Nov 24Reply
kaliyoga Thank you that helps! I think I could pull it off 😱 😊
Nov 24Reply
adriane1b2 @kaliyoga they are simply ahhhhhhmazing, if you do get them you'll fall in πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ
Nov 24Reply
kaliyoga I had to do it!!! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜πŸ’₯πŸ˜„ bought on M!
Nov 30Reply
adriane1b2 @kaliyoga Amani! What a deal!! I hope you absolutely LOVE them!! They are simply ahhhhmazing πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ˜‰πŸ’•. Have a wonderful holiday season & I'll get these beauties in the mail tday! :)!
Nov 30Reply
travelinmama @lwilner I have these in a 6 that I'm thinking of selling. Not too sure if I'm crazy about the fit. Would you be interested?
Jan 10Reply
lwilner @travelinmama I actually just got them! Thanks though. They are kinda high rise so I wear them with a hoodie or long shirt but they're really warm and soft!!
Jan 10Reply
travelinmama @lwilner good! Glad you found them. The material is glorious. Like many others I think I have over indulged!!! Sorry for jacking your thread @adriane1b2 :) you ladies have a good week!
Jan 10Reply
lwilner @travelinmama ha me too. I'm going to force myself to sell my 5 least favorite pairs of wunder unders
Jan 10Reply
travelinmama @lwilner let me know if you decide to part with any high rise:) I love those berry herringbone. Dang. Will it ever stop????😝
Jan 10Reply
adriane1b2 @travelinmama lol Omg no worries girl! Hope you and your family had a great holiday season! :)!
Jan 10Reply
travelinmama So I was going to sell those cocoa pique 4s. I found a hightime:). What's a fair price?
Jan 11Reply
adriane1b2 @travelinmama awesome! The high times must fit so amazing!! I usually just sell for what I bought them for-considering the condition and everything ;) up to you tho girl! Congrats on your high times!
Jan 11Reply
travelinmama I forgot how much I got them from you for. $85??
Jan 11Reply
adriane1b2 @travelinmama oh man I don't remember either πŸ™ˆ. I think it was about that tho! I hope they sell quick for you :)!
Jan 11Reply

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