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Updated Mar 16
Updated Mar 16

Meet your Posher, Lena

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lena. Some of my favorite brands are The North Face, UGG, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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nsherman Welcome to Posh! Hope you have fun, find some bargains, make some $$, and meet great new people. Enjoy! Nikki 😊
Nov 08Reply
carlieann6 Posh Posh Posh💋 Welcome to Poshmark love! I would love to give you $2 off any listing of your choice from my closet 💰 Feel free to ask me any questions you may have and I also have a follow game in my closet! Posh on girl!
Nov 14Reply
frogeyes Hi, I'm Kimberly, Welcome to Poshmark!!🐸🐸💯💖💗 Feel free to ask any questions!🐸💯💖💗
Nov 15Reply
bmariexo5533 I just received your north face sweatshirt & I do appreciate the fast delivery & the thank you note but I do have to say that I am very dissatisfied to find out when I received your product that it is not a real north face at all when you had stated that it was a brand new north face. I would have never purchased your product if you had stated that this is not an authentic north face when you can buy the real sweatshirts in the stores for 45$. I would like to return the item
Nov 28Reply
gnick1733 I think your beautiful
Jan 01Reply
babygirl1160 Welcome to Posh! The Gap pj's with red hearts is the length 39 from top to bottom or the inseam? I'm tall!
Jan 17Reply
sweetuneek35 Ty for shareing my listing
Jan 18Reply
dogbleu59 Your items in the closet is beautiful.
Mar 02Reply
lkhalek @dogbleu59 Thank you! 💕
Mar 02Reply
butcher70 Thank u for asking me to follow u n look at ur great closet. Really a fantastic one. Tks Gary
Mar 23Reply
sommerpelzel Lena, I need your help. Are you online right now?
May 05Reply
sommerpelzel Hello Love!!!! I was wondering how to make a listing that bundles a few items out of my closet. I've never had to do it before. 😩
May 05Reply
lkhalek @sommerpelzel ah! Got it! I use an app called pic collage. It allows you to add up to like 15 pics and you can rearrange them and write whatever you want on it. I create it there then post it to Posh. It's easy, and you'll find that you can use it for lots of things! Let me know if you like it! 😊
May 05Reply
sommerpelzel You're a life saver! Thank you so very much!!!
May 05Reply
lkhalek @liza313 Thank you so much! Back at you! Posh on! 💕
Jun 10Reply
ginger_nj Lena THANK Y💟U for stopping by my closet & sharing my listings! Happy Friday 🌟! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 \ (•◡•) / Yesenia
Jun 10Reply
twinyy Hi Lena, looks like you are having a ball on Poshmark!;) Happy Poshing!;)💜❤️💚💜
Jun 13Reply
lkhalek @twinyy I am! I ❤️ Posh! I hope you're loving it too! Posh on my friend!💕
Jun 13Reply
judygagnon Hey ty for following me just so u know i wear womens jeans and pants and always lookin for advice
Jul 21Reply
mjohnlaw Thanks for sharing the Posh love!
Aug 17Reply
crowan_ hey do u have a phone #?
Sep 19Reply
plussizestar Thank you for following me! Save 15% on 2+ items! Happy Poshing Diva 👗👜👡
Oct 13Reply
marsims47 Thanks for the shares! You have a great closet!!
Oct 15Reply
sherryacharya You have the BEST CLOSET‼️That I have found on this site ever❗️If I had the money,I would probably buy almost all of it‼️
Nov 29Reply
lkhalek @sherryacharya Thank you so much!!! Feel free to bundle some of your likes and I can make you a custom bundle! 💕
Nov 29Reply
lowery66 Thanks for the share!😘
Nov 29Reply
jayboy0619 Your cute
Dec 06Reply
aries_boutique Hi Lena, love all the workout items! Great closet!!!
Dec 28Reply
seangrace Love love love
Jan 05Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks for following my closet, Lena! I hope you like what you see, especially my Coach bags 😊
Jan 09Reply
issa2226 Thank you for following and sharing my products. Have a blessed day. :)
Jan 17Reply
rosieforshort Shared a few as a THANK YOU for following my closet ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 20Reply
akmantia Awesome closet!! ❤ Same home town as me!
Mar 29Reply
mandawuvsc41616 I didn't want to post it in a super public place, but I've had my eye on that ed hardy bag, whats the lowest you'd be willing to go on that?
Apr 04Reply
lkhalek @mandawuvsc41616 Hey there! I typically don't negotiate prices except with the offer button, but I appreciate you not posting the comment on the item 😊. I can lower this to $40 if you're interested. Thank you so much for visiting my closet!
Apr 04Reply
mandawuvsc41616 @lkhalek awesome! Thanks so much
Apr 04Reply
lkhalek @mandawuvsc41616 If you definitely want to purchase, let me know and I'll lower the price. That way, hopefully you can get discounted shipping too 😊 I just don't want to lower it unless you're ready, because someone might snatch it up. 😊
Apr 04Reply
mandawuvsc41616 @lkhalek i definitely do, just tag me when you reduce?
Apr 04Reply
lkhalek @mandawuvsc41616 Doing it now! Will tag you ASAP!
Apr 04Reply
mandawuvsc41616 Thanks so much!!!!
Apr 04Reply
ilovethe805 Your closet is amazing! I saw so many things i want...then remembered im broke till payday 🙄 lol!!
Apr 11Reply
lkhalek @ilovethe805 Ha! I have the same issue :) Thank you so much for visiting my closet! Let me know if/when you are interested in your bundle. I'll give you a great discount hun! :)
Apr 11Reply
denimdaisy Hi there!! Welcome to Poshmark. Check out my store to find great deals (everything under $20!!!). I feature brands such as Pink Victoria's Secret, Aeropostale, Old Navy, Forever 21, and many more. Stop by to see all the pretty things I have for you, purchase something and I'll throw in a freebie just as a thank you for buying from me. I greatly appreciate your time and business, as I sell to help pay off my college debt. Have a lovely day and happy Poshing!♡♡
Apr 25Reply
mischi302 Thanks for all the shares! 😊
Apr 27Reply
mustafaali @mischi302 thanks for following me
May 31Reply
tannerlc60 GM🤗Lena, Thanks for sharing 💚👛👠👜👡👝👢
Jun 14Reply
chelly1953 Thank you so much for following my closet! 💖💖💖
Jul 18Reply
jacaranda1831 Beautiful closet <3<3<3
Jul 19Reply
ef4l Hi! You have one of the best if not the best closets ‼️💯🙌🏼❤️💕👍🏼👏🤙🏻🏆💟🔝
Sep 13Reply
lkhalek @ef4l Thank you so much! 🙏❤️
Sep 13Reply
m_tree13 Thank you very much for sharing my items! I greatly appreciate it! ❤️
Sep 20Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Posher Friend!! Congrats on your closet, nice things. Best wishes on future sales. Have a awesome Day, Take care. ☺ Mari
Sep 28Reply
sassy811 Hey Lena..girl I love your closet..I hope to make a bundle soon❤Have a great day!!
Oct 24Reply
lkhalek @sassy811 Thank you so much sweetie! Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks a million for all the shares!!!
Oct 24Reply
sassy811 @lkhalek - Yes mam .you're very welcome & thank you for the shares as well..Hope to be purchasing soon😊
Oct 24Reply
beanerknits thanks for sharing!!!
Oct 24Reply
james24_mx Thanks
Nov 16Reply
lkhalek @ellen8900 Hi! Yes, I think there was some confusion on the bundle! Sorry!! I will absolutely add that tank top to your order! If there’s another “donating” item you’d like, I’m happy to put another in free too 😊. Thank you so much! I appreciate your business!!
Jan 23Reply
tonja01 I'm incredibly sorry for the late delivery confirmation on my behalf my phone crashed which pretty much had my life in it I'm the only person that I've ever known that can mess up two phones not one but two while they're sleep anyway thank you very much for the wonderful products and I will be shopping again soon I just wanted to apologize to you
Jan 29Reply
slamahjammah Hello:) Thank you for all those shares🙏🙏🙏❤️...Are you Middle Eastern?
Feb 25Reply
churchgirl1987 I’m waiting on a check an when I do I’ll be purchasing a pair of your jeans 😀
Mar 02Reply
lkhalek @churchgirl1987 Awesome! Thank you so much!!
Mar 02Reply
churchgirl1987 @lkhalek you’re very welcome ❤️
Mar 02Reply
churchgirl1987 @lkhalek do you know when you purchased the Rock Ruth jeans ?
Mar 02Reply
lkhalek @churchgirl1987 They were given to me to sell, so I don’t know the purchase date 😢 Sorry!
Mar 02Reply
churchgirl1987 @lkhalek it’s ok. It’s just that I’ve noticed if they weren’t purchased in the last few years they tend to run smaller.
Mar 03Reply
dbelch @lkhalek absolutely love your closet! Wish I could be a smaller size because I would buy so many things. Plus I'm on disability so only selling clothes is my only income. Trying to make it work. I've lowered my prices so much, but it's hard to get sales on the clothes I have posted. I have so many more to post, but with my disabled son that also makes it difficult. I've shared a lot of your items that I love. If you get a chance, check out my closet.
Mar 21Reply
mochabarbee81 Hey Lena, beautiful photo! Nice to meet you. Thanks for following me, I will continue to share your items. 💓
Mar 22Reply
lkhalek @mochabarbee81 Thank you so much sweetie! You have a beautiful closet! I’m sharing your items as well! 💕. Happy Poshing, my friend! ❤️
Mar 22Reply
mochabarbee81 @lkhalek Thanks so much!💓😙
Mar 23Reply
aguirre4021 Hi Lena! I have a question? I am kind of new to Poshmark so I was wondering you have so many beautiful items, how do you keep all of them active? Do you relist them?
Mar 26Reply
lkhalek @aguirre4021 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!! Posh doesn't deactivate items. They will stay active as long as they're available or until you remove them from your closet. I have over 2,000 items listed, so periodically, I go through and do a closet refresh. Sometimes I'll do a flash sale to quickly sell things that have been sitting for awhile, or just remove and donate to my local charities. I hope that helps! Please feel free to ask any questions you have, and thank you for visiting my closet!!
Mar 26Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Lena. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 26Reply
fatkid54123 Lena I love your closet
Apr 01Reply
lkhalek @fatkid54123 Thank you very much!
Apr 01Reply
fatkid54123 @lkhalek what's your secret to selling
Apr 01Reply
eling1 Cool closet. Thanks for the follow!
Apr 02Reply
amber851 Make me an offer
Apr 08Reply
amber851 Make me an offer
Apr 08Reply
mabelinca Hello! Amazing closet/boutique!! I just started and your closet inspires me!! Thank y
Jun 12Reply
lkhalek @carmelinca WOW! Thank you so much! It makes all this worthwhile to get such amazing comments! Thank you so much, and welcome to Posh!!! I would love to share your closet and get you some Posh love! :)
Jun 12Reply
mabelinca @lkhalek thank you so much! You're so kind:)
Jun 13Reply
americanfg Hi Lena, thank you for following. Have a wonderful day!
Jun 27Reply
cupcakeh @americanfg I love your closet !!!
Jul 04Reply
americanfg @cupcakeh Hi Tiffany, thank you ur closet is great & ur green eyes are my fav. I'll give a good discount for the 4th, tomorrow. Let me know what u prefer? Happy 4th.
Jul 04Reply
americanfg @cupcakeh Ur welcome. Have a wonderful night.
Jul 04Reply
andyr221 Great closet! Sending you positive vibes and energy your way for quick sale. Check out my closet if you get a chance and have a great Fourth of July!
Jul 04Reply
cheeseheader1 Thank you for the share!! :)
Aug 13Reply
charlotte52 You have a lovey closet. I will be back❤️
Aug 18Reply
lkhalek @charlotte52 Thank you so much! 💕
Aug 18Reply
love_fashion_1 Iike anything in my page? I want everything gone asap! Clearing out my closet. So make offers on everything! And bundle. I will add a free gift with each purchase !! Hurry. Clearing my closet ( some products are excluded from this offer/ anything over $50) but still offer ♥️ you never know
Aug 20Reply
kateshops278 I am interested in buying Lena for $100. Have her wrapped up with a big bow and sent to my address. LOL!!
Aug 27Reply
lydias_threadz Super cute closet! We have a similar style! 😎🌟💖
Aug 29Reply
savichick Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet. I added some handbags. Check them out! 🐥
Sep 08Reply
danawest207 Thanks for the posh love
Sep 10Reply
hustlehard_23 Thanks for the share
Sep 12Reply
nancy229 Thank you so much for followers mg me! I am new to PoshMark. I think we wear the same shoe size so come and look at my shoes:). .
Sep 13Reply
allie_megan32 Welcome to Posh! Just stopping by to show some love to your closet!💗 You hAve very versatile and beautiful items! You’re doing a great job! If you get a chance please stop by my closet and leave me some feedback, I would really appreciate it..I’m only a month “newbie” on here :) good luck and Happy Poshing! 😃👗 👚💰👠 💄
Sep 16Reply
thornj4 I just love your "Closet"❣❣❣Excellent variety💖
Oct 21Reply
lkhalek @thornj4 Thank you so much!! 🦋💕
Oct 21Reply
longlegit @lkhalek Thank you for following me. I have followed you back and shared many of your listings. I just started being active on PM last month so I'm still building my closet. Please advise me and provide any tips or suggestions you would like!! I will be adding more items so please check it often. Thanks so much!! 😘🙌🏽😍🤩💕
Oct 24Reply
mammallama Hi, not sure if you can see, but I found a way to edit your rating. It took a few minutes to update on my side. Please let me know. Thank you. 🙏🏼
Nov 04Reply
thelivingthread Hi! Thanks for following :) looking forward thumbing through your closet!
Nov 19Reply
sexynmonterey Sending you love❤️ Wishing you a blessed & Prosperous 2019❤️ Best Wishes~👠 Have fun Poshing🌹 🛍& Happy Shopping God bless you in all your endeavors~💃 Sexy N Monterey💋 ❤️
Feb 05Reply
lanikini808 Aloha! Lanikini808 is a new brand starting out from Hawaii please take a look at our swimsuits here, @lanikini808 or Thank you!
Feb 10Reply
mmkoriginal Lena Dear, my warmest greetings ❣❣❣to an amazing entrepreneur. I read a few of your comments and sounds like you are a humble caring person.👼 I am still fairly new at this, but like any business, it grows by keeping customers happy. Just want to say it is a pleasure and look forward hearing from you. XOXO 💄💍👠💎🛍👜❤
Mar 10Reply
lindysfunwear Is south Easton next to Stoughton,Massachusetts
Mar 19Reply
lkhalek @lindysfunwear Yep! Next town over! Lol
Mar 19Reply
lindysfunwear I grew up in Stoughton
Mar 19Reply
lindysfunwear Is the Town Spa still there that is one place I miss !Do you go to the Taunton Fleas market?
Mar 19Reply
lkhalek @lindysfunwear That’s so funny! Yes, Town Spa is still there and better than ever! I don’t go to the Taunton flea market too often. Are you still in Ma?
Mar 19Reply
lindysfunwear No I moved to Nashville with my hubby miss home though everyone is there but I do not miss the weather!Please check out my closet in about a week am putting a lot of new items on .I was sick with the flu this weekend and he’ll I thought I was going to die!Did you grow up in Easton?
Mar 19Reply
lkhalek @lindysfunwear No, I grew up in CA. I’ll check out your closet! Take care, I hope you feel better!!
Mar 19Reply
trosegold Hi Lena, thanks for the follow. I'll be sure to share pieces that I like from your closet 😃. Cheers-Tim
Mar 29Reply
girlthattwirls Great closet! If you get the chance, please check out mine. I have all sizes. Happy Poshing!🛍
Apr 03Reply
matbayb Thanks so much for checking out my closet and sharing 🤗. Happy Poshing 💰💰💰💰💐😎😍
Apr 04Reply
moonsroost Hi Lena, thank you for following💜
Apr 05Reply
free4ever21 Thanks you for the shares!!!
Apr 05Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Apr 12Reply
pdufault120 Hi, Lena! Just wanted to thank you for all the shares. I really appreciate it!
Apr 24Reply
wiserda Thanks for so readily sharing m ty small closet-just got started. I shared your closet to some of my contacts.
Apr 30Reply
jenniferann220 ✨✨Happy Posh Shopping 🛍 🛒 Just checking out your closet ✨✨. go Pats 🏈
Apr 30Reply
michtravels Hi Lena! Checking it out asap, enjoy!
May 01Reply
binfallible Thank you for the share!!
May 09Reply
w3r3allbrok3n Hey Lena Great Connecting With You!! Your Closet is Absolutely Amazing! Happy Poshing!
May 29Reply
lkhalek @tory_vazquez Hi, and thank you!! You have a fantastic closet! Sharing!!!! Great to meet you! ❤️
May 29Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 Lovely closet full of exquisite choices, good luck to you happy poshing!!
Jun 04Reply
lkhalek @o_kaufmannxx34 Thank you so much! Happy Poshing to you!
Jun 04Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing.
Jun 21Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for sharing.
Jun 21Reply
petitepblossom Hi Lena. Thanks for the follow.
Jun 28Reply
1plumeria_closn Love love love the dolphins!!! 🐬 💕 💕 Happy Poshing
Jul 04Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 12Reply
twicecouture Are they .925? Wonderful closet! I opened an account in 2013, bought 1 thing and never used again! Until 6 months ago! Thank You so much for Sharing!!! I appreciate all the shares and help I can get as I am just starting selling. I will try to do the same! 😍 I love it so far. Truly a neat community!! ❤️❌❤️❌
Aug 02Reply
bobbett328 Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Aug 09Reply
bantoniuk Shared your closet 🌼 please check our mine too! Thank you!
Sep 06Reply
kaydonna0529 Thank you for sharing my listing, I truly appreciate it. Happy poshing!!
Sep 14Reply
janfast Hi Lena! Thanks for following my closet!
Sep 17Reply
thedegens Amazing closet. Following and keeping a look out 😉
Sep 19Reply
cornelleileen Awesome picture of Dolphins! Loveeet! Thanks for the share! Your closet is great! I loveeet!
Sep 29Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @lkhalek ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Oct 09Reply
vintage_whitet You have a great closet!😊
Oct 12Reply
deusapontes Hi, thanks for following us. We bring the best Brazilian fitness clothing S-XL. You can check my closet! We'll give great discounts for you. Thanks 🤝🛍🇧🇷🍑👄
Oct 18Reply
achepati Thank you for the shares 🤗
Nov 30Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀If you choose message me just to say Hello😇I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡🕯❄️💐🎁HAPPY HOLIDAYS WARMTH AND LOVE🎁💐❄️🕯🧡
Dec 28Reply
tomandjuell Thank you for your shares. God bless you.
Dec 31Reply
nanajanesing6 wanting to sell a bunch of items and thought another vendor might be interested Mk black patent leather purse orig $248 ; Le Suit wpm bus suits sz 16 orig $200 - 1 red 1 tan 1peach 1 shrimp 3 piece jacquard; 1 Donna Torran jacket sz 14 orig $89; Emily houndstooth jacket originally $100; NYC outerwear purple and black jacket size large orig $125 ; Sag Harbor silky chanting red PST og $125; Unv AL sz M swt w/tags $49.99. text 334 202 0789 if interested other items to sell as well
Feb 09Reply
ocbenny Hi Lena and welcome. I hope you're staying safe and healthy out in MA🙂
May 03Reply
jade1165 Hi there 💕 Thanks for the follow! I'm looking to clear out some items in my closet and invite you to come take a look :) Just let me know if you're interested in any of my items and I'd be happy to negotiate with you or answer questions!! Happy poshing 😊
May 24Reply
leahalla1 Beautiful closet 🌺🌸🌺 Thank you for visiting my 🌺🌸🌺
May 31Reply
hillmill61 hey Lena, so nice to meet you! Let me can see these leaping sea mammals from your balcony, right? come see our natural gemstone sterling silver designer jewelry and other one of a kind artisan items!💎
Jun 04Reply
necklace_shop Hi Lena, Thank You for the follow! ❤ and for the shares 💛
Jun 19Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!! It means a lot!!!❤❤❤
Jun 22Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi there😁thanks for stopping by my closet tonight😁please accept this $4 credit to browse around my closet😉If u find any 2 items that you would like to purchase I will give you 15% off your entire order.🤗Just for making a purchase u get a FREE 3 PK of medical gloves and with every 2 item bundle u get a SURPRISE GIFT VALUED AT 5-$10
Jun 27Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Lena sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 super weekend and poshing- cute posher picture 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jun 28Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jun 28Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jul 02Reply
caninowbe hello My name is Katherine Vandall thank you for checking out my closet.. I am always buying for my reborns. I am selling some of the outfits soi can some stuff we need now. you have a wonderful day or night.. thanks again..
Jul 03Reply
arkyhousethrift hi lena. im lena . nice to meet you. and thanks for sharing some items in my closet.
Jul 06Reply
lkhalek @arkyhousethrift Nice to meet you, Lena! 😊 You have a beautiful closet! Happy poshing!
Jul 06Reply
amybuck3 Hi there!! I just came across your closet and I really like it👍🌞I think you should come visit my closet @amybuck3, I have a feeling there might be something you like!
Jul 16Reply
cuti1959 Thank you for following my closet. I appreciate it.❤️ There will be more to come as I go on. 💫💍🏋️‍♀️👡👚👢🥼👠👙👛👓 Happy Poshing 🛍 MJT
Jul 22Reply
bargainportal 👋🏼Good korning, Lena❗️☀️🙂 Thank you for visiting & sharing my closet.👜👗👙👛👕👟👚👡🛍Happy Poshing‼️🛍💕 Semper Fi‼️ Greetings from a proud Marine Mom & wife of a Navy Veteran.🇺🇸💞 Stay safe❗️💞 Have a blessed weekend❗️🙂✨
Jul 26Reply
milliebl Thank you for following me. Have a great day!
Jul 28Reply
sbcausland24 Hello!  Thank you, very much for checking out my closet and for sharing!  I truly appreciate that!💕💃🏻  If you have any questions about my inventory, don't hesitate to ask!  I wish you the very best in all your future posh mark sales!🌟💙
Aug 01Reply
glamfriperie •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi! Thank you to follow my closet 🤩! Just letting you know i am giving a 15% off on all your articles when you purchase 2 items and + . I also pay the full shipping when you buy for 125$ and more!! Thank you! Enjoy your shopping!! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Aug 02Reply
closet4crystals ✨ hi lovie ✨ ✨ i sell new dainty gold & silver jewelry, handmade crystal necklaces & raw healing crystals (personalized specifically per person, per requests), as well as preloved items to give them a second chance ✨ ❔1st time purchasing from my closet❔⬇️ ✨ just kindly bundle up 2 or more items and receive a LOVING discount not available to the public ✨ ✨ poshers supporting poshers!! ✨
Aug 19Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Sep 04Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 You’re welcome, and welcome to Posh! I’m always accepting reasonable offers, so if you’re interested in the Keds you liked, please feel free to submit an offer! Thanks again!
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 I would say they are comfortable, but I don’t think I’d go hiking in them or anything like that. They’re heavier than the normal Keds, so not sure I’d want to trek too far in them. Just my personal opinion 😊
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 Oh that’s awful! I’m sorry. 😢 I think these would be comfy with socks, if that helps 😊😊
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 I hear ya. There are some brands I’m the same with. These are super cute!
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 It’s really hard for me to say if these would be comfortable enough for you to walk everyday like that. I think I would be comfortable in them, but I can’t speak for how someone else would feel in them. I’m sorry if that’s not a great answer, but everyone has different comfort levels. 😊. I hope I’ve been somewhat helpful!
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 I’d say they are true to size, and could definitely be worn with or without socks 😊
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 You need to do what’s right for you. I don’t pressure anyone into buying anything. If you want them and decide that you want to buy them, I’m happy to work out a great price for you. If not that is totally fine. 😊😊
Sep 08Reply
lkhalek @davidevans561 Yes! Please be very careful with the info you put out on the Internet! There’s some crazies out there!
Sep 08Reply
noeloo22357 Hello, thank you for sharing my coach sneaker. If you get a chance please check out my closet . Hope you find something you like . I can give you a discount and will be happy to make business with you.
Sep 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 23Reply
precioushyre Hello Love 💖 I would like to welcome you to Feel free & take a look at my closet. I am moving soon & all must go. I have many items for low prices 💖✨ Happy Poshing ✨
Sep 25Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like anything from my closet send me an offer I’ll happily accept since I’m desperate to get rid of my things lol have a great day😊
Nov 17Reply
dragonfly3085 Commenting to bookmark my spot, one because HEY SOUTH SHORE FRIEND! and second, because everything in your closet is now on my wishlist lol
Dec 20Reply
lkhalek @dragonfly3085 Hey neighbor!! Thank you so much for visiting my closet! 🥰 If there’s anything you’re interested in, please let me know! I’m always open to offers and lowering prices!! Have a fantastic holiday and new year!
Dec 20Reply
stephanie332021 you interested in buying?
Jan 13Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me - I'll check out your closet and share - hope you'll do the same. I'm recently retired and hoping to downsize the master closet and kitchen cabinets. Too much stuff!! :) Betty
Mar 23Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Apr 18Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 13Reply
heididetweiler Thank you for the discount offer on the black dress. It would be for my daughter. She no longer has a need for it. Appreciate you offering! 🌸
Jun 30Reply
kellys__kloset_ What an awesome closet!!
Jul 01Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me! 🐬
Aug 04Reply
aimeeeveritt I love your closet!! Such great style and variety!
Aug 20Reply
mommom501 Love your closet!
Aug 22Reply
mmimmalove Hi friend, thank you for visit, like and for share my closet! Nice to meet you. Best wishes!!!
Sep 22Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 21Reply
thillbill Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 23Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following! Please feel free to shop my closet and make me a reasonable offer. I have a $20 sale going on books, toys, jewelry, and ornaments. I mail ASAP! Happy shopping!
Jan 10Reply
bakedms Excellent closet! Have an awesome week.
Jan 23Reply
n_ramos60 Hello, I’m Noemi & I’m from MA too!! 😁 TY for following me 😁 I’m cleaning out my closet as nothing fits me due to 2 pregnancies 🤰🏻in the past 2 years 🙈🙉🙊 I’m new to Poshmark & I recently started posting my items 👚👖👗🧥👠🥿 I take pride in my belongings and I only put items on my account that are in great condition. So far, everyone has been happy 😊 with the items sold to them 🛍🎀🎉 I offer reasonable prices🌟Plus I offer discounted shipping 😉 Let me know if you have any questions 😁
Apr 04Reply
ghill36 Thank you for the follow and checking out my closet! Happy Summer! Stay cool!
May 16Reply
gracie607 @lkhalek Thanks for stopping by my closet ✨👗🙋🏼‍♀️✨
May 17Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collection of Indian and western outfits for women, girls and babies. I’ve also got handmade crochet purses, baby dresses, beanies and hand painted glass wares on sale . Let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you . Happy poshing !!
May 24Reply
shyenneworle183 hello, thanks for following me 😀 feel free to make an offer or a bundle on anything you like in my closet. all fall and winter items must go!! send me your offers and make your bundles!! get same or next day shipping on everything!! check out my other listings for more deals! 😊 ✨️
Jun 13Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the share! I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa p.s. I'm running a July 4 Sale through today ONLY if you'd like to stop by and's BOGO for $5!
Jul 04Reply
broohr35 Hey love, thanks for following me. I'm doing a closet clean out so check it out if you see anything you like add it to your bundle. I have a variety of things for sale! I always offer reasonable amounts. My next ship day is today or Tuesday <3 every purchase comes with extra gifts, every purchase is so very appreciated
Jul 26Reply
giorgio1990 Thanks for the follow darling🥰 if you’re looking for any medical skincare goodies and glowing skin, we’re the closet to stop by at! Here if you need us 🙂
Aug 14Reply
athenac2121 Hello, Welcome ✨💐 I hope you are having a wonderful day! Thank you for the follow 😍
Aug 28Reply
lowhatever OmgLena! Thanks so much for the posh love! You are a huge inspiration to us baby poshers! What a large following and successful closet! When I grow up I will be just like you! Thank you again! 🛍😁💕🍀🤗👍🏼❤️🥰💝🤩🛍
Oct 06Reply
lkhalek @lowhatever Oh, you are too sweet!! Thank you for the kind words! I'm sure you'll find out how much fun Poshmark is, and you'll meet some really great people! Reach out if you ever need my 2 cents! Happy Poshing, my friend!
Oct 06Reply
lowhatever @lkhalek hahahaha you’re the sweetest one! Thanks so much! Merci! Danke! Gracias mamá sita! For your kind words and all those shares! Ooh btw love your profile pic too! Soo cool! Happy poshing sweetheart! 💕🥂💕😁💝🛍🤩😎😇🥰👍🏼💝🛍💕
Oct 06Reply
pinkgables Thanks so much for following! I hope you’ll stop by and browse My Closet often!! 😊 Kathy of Pink Gables
Dec 07Reply
rosierecycles Thanks for your shares 💗🌹💗
Jan 27Reply
gmcspd_closets Hello Lena, nice to meet you! Thanks for following me, I am still fairly new and would appreciate all the shares. If you have some time, scroll through my closet and let me know if anything interests you, just private message me. If you bundle 3 or more items you get 15% off. Thank you, good luck and Happy Shopping my friend! 🙏💜 🌺
Feb 13Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Feb 27Reply
cutehosiery @lkhalek Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 19Reply
angelaemmerton Thank you for the shares. Have a poshtastic day! Blessings 🌺⭐️🦋
Mar 28Reply
cliffordbbailey THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING In return I SHARED a few items from your closet as well  👔👕👖🧥👗👚🩳🥿👜👠💄💍👟🥾👙👛🛍👟 as a thank you 😊      At Postmark SHARING is caring.   "🥇🥇A Postmark Ambassador🥇🥇 "
Jun 07Reply
lecoexpands One day while bathing in the sea… a little dolphin spoke to me… 🌞🎶 rhcp
Jul 10Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet..... Mel
Sep 21Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Oct 30Reply
sunnysidejohn You have an awesome closet ☀️👍☀️
Nov 14Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello , Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝 Stop By and Shop🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items Womens Mens Kids Fashion Holiday & Home Decor 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
Apr 06Reply
christid52 is the vs bra cotton
Jul 13Reply
maegang7999 Excellent posher!
Nov 07Reply
lkhalek @maegang7999 Thank you so much! 💕🥰
Nov 08Reply
dylantcuevas92 hi there this Dylan cuevas you are following me
Feb 14Reply

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Randolph, MA
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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Randolph, MA
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