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Updated Jul 08
Updated Jul 08

Meet your Posher, Sherri

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sherri. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, PINK Victoria's Secret, and FENDI. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kendra0522 Interested in anything in my closet? Willing to negotiate
Dec 10Reply
mileysears welcome! Use my code "RPFTSP" to join Ⓜ️ercari and get $2 off your first purchase!
Dec 12Reply
j0ppers I have nice sneakers you might like to trade for your tennis necklace😊💋
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers I will take a look @ what you have thanks
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers Please let me know I see u like nikes I have nice limited edition nikes in my closet😊💋💋💋
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers you have very nice things . Do you have any nike sweat out fits ? I just purchased two pair of shoes off here so not looking for them now thanks .
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers how come when I click your name it takes me to Ann closet ?
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers @mrswho702 yes it's me doll.
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers So did u see something that close to same price for a trade?
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers no sorry , if you post any other nike stuff , or if you have fendi stuff , I don't care if it is less price then what I am asking for my item if I like it I will trade . If you post anything new tag me . If I like it we can work something out that is a win win for us both :)
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers Ok love I'll let you know but just let me know if you changed your mind or if you see anything else you like😊💋💋💋
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers absolutely without a doubt, I am following you but just tag me if you post something you think I may like . Thanks much .
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers What's your sizes?
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers I like my tops M to LG and my bottom M to small depending on the cut , if leggings small :)
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers I have Nike shirts medium to large.
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers if you want to send me pictures of what you have you can to my addy Mrs ( dot ) who 702 I am g mail
Jan 06Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers that way you don't have to list it to your closet if your not looking to post it .
Jan 06Reply
j0ppers Sure love. I will sent you pics.😊💋💋💋
Jan 06Reply
poshmark8530678 😱DON'T MISS OUT‼️ Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍👩🏻
Jan 17Reply
megiemeggie Hey if you are still interested in the Nike sports bra I will discount for you! The pants sold so I can't bundle them :( but let me know if you still want the bra
Jan 20Reply
megiemeggie Hey let me know if you want me to make you a bundle with the Nike tank :) I'll discount if you want to do a bundle!
Jan 24Reply
mrswho702 @megiemeggie thanks will go check out your closet in just a few . Appreciate the offer
Jan 24Reply
megiemeggie Yeah no problem :) just let me know
Jan 24Reply
macyguevara Hey sherri! I have lots of pink and Victoria's Secret stuff in my closet and also offline so feel free to check it out! 😊
Jan 24Reply
poshmark8530678 😱DON'T MISS OUT‼️ Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍👩🏻
Feb 29Reply
laruencampbell Have any uisted dre beats
Apr 02Reply
mrswho702 @laruencampbell no , anything else ?
Apr 02Reply
mrswho702 @laruencampbell willing to trade multiple items ..
Apr 02Reply
ritzygypsy Good morning! I would take $16 for the PINK Tank if you want to place that offer. I hope that helps. Have a great day!
Apr 06Reply
arriaga Can you please accept???
Apr 07Reply
mrswho702 @arriaga sorry didn't open until late yesterday and forgot to do it last night .. thanks for everything :)
Apr 07Reply
arriaga Thats ok! Ur welcome and thank you for shopping my closet!
Apr 07Reply
ains_lains Everything $7 or less (with some exceptions) come check it out!
May 11Reply
mrswho702 @keepcalmnposh just listed a few more thing if you want to take a look , thanks
May 16Reply
mrswho702 @dorman960 can you give me the price of just the slouchy top and hopefully it is in my price range , I put an offer in on one but they haven't been back online yet . And I really like the top I have the shorts and the white slouchy top , just looking expand the outfit, thanks
Jun 05Reply
mrswho702 @j0ppers what happened to you ? Went to check out your closet and nothing posted , said you have listing but I can not see any. :/
Jun 05Reply
kimmerscali Hi, I can bundle all four items for )78.00. If interested please let me know as the price is good until noon MST. Thank you, Kim
Jun 10Reply
kbrown1232 @mrswho702 have u got my package yet?
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 no it is sitting in delivery limbo .. lol , I called post office today to have them find out where it is , last update was the 17th , showed to be delivered on Monday past . So I put in for investigation have case # .. so waiting to hear from them or see if it gets scanned. :/
Jun 22Reply
kbrown1232 Yeah its really weird :/ i sent yours out with another girls and she already got hers.
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 the lady that I talked to said , it was addressed correctly, just somehow isn't showing any movement since it was scanned departing your state. So hopefully the investigation will show something , I am hopeful they find it and I get it , but this is out of our control. . :/
Jun 22Reply
kbrown1232 :/ omgsh. Im sorry. Its weird though how the other girl gots hers and yours is just sitting somewhere
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 post delivery limbo. .
Jun 22Reply
kbrown1232 Is there anything i can do for you? @mrswho702
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 sadly , no , nothing I can do until I hear back from the post office , you didn't do anything wrong , it is just a waiting game for now . Will let you know if I find out anything. I shall keep you updated, I must say , this shirt is worth the wait .. :)
Jun 22Reply
kbrown1232 @mrswho702 thank you :)
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 thanks for checking in on this and your concern, I greatly appreciate it. It is very kind of you .
Jun 22Reply
kbrown1232 @mrswho702 no problem, just worried
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 no worries, I am sure it will all work out, one way or another , they hopefully will find where it got misplaced. . Or , I am just SOL and that is what it is :/ nothing either one of us can do .. but thank again I do appreciate it.
Jun 22Reply
kbrown1232 @mrswho702 ur welcome and please keep me updated
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @kbrown1232 sure will ..
Jun 22Reply
mrswho702 @1hayliehaworth we can talk here is that easier for you
Jun 29Reply
1hayliehaworth perfect thanks! im not sure why it didnt go through, and im kinda new to posh so im not sure how to fix it! sorry for any inconvenience..
Jun 29Reply
mrswho702 @1hayliehaworth no problem stuff happens, I am sure you will get it figured out
Jun 29Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 hi sweetie, I just wanted to let u know I got the set & im not really liking it.. It's super faded, lots of piling all over the hoodie & pants, & a few stains on the butt part of the pants. Kinda looks like grease. We're u aware of these flaws luv? The set I sent u is literally BNWOT, nobody ever wore it but me 1-time, & I washed it before I mailed it to u... I've never had this happen before, so what happens now? ☺️
Jun 29Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 aww I am so sorry , I got it in trade , tried on the hoodie and pants and to Big so I folded it and put in the tub for reposhing .I was told the screen print was made that way , not faded, but looks like that due to it being on the grey .. hell what do I know . I just said ok .. . is there anything else in my closet I can send to you ? Or I can purchase the set you sent to me , or i can return to sender , whatever make you happy I will most certainly do
Jun 29Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I feel really bad because I didn't pay close attention to this item because I wouldn't be able to wear it , so I just put it in the tub ..
Jun 29Reply
mrswho702 I feel soooooooooooooooo bad , I am going to send message to the posher I got it from and let them know that what they told me isn't true .
Jun 29Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 it happens, I understand luv. It's not so much the hoodie, it's the pants, they have majority of the flaws... I love this style but unfortunately I won't wear it because the stains are in a noticeable spot, lol I have a big hinny lol. I don't believe u ad anything else in my size in ur closet either.. Maybe u can buy it back at the price of my grey set..?
Jun 29Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I can do that , but if it is the way you say , you can just donate it , or keep it to lounge around in was the car etc... just repost the set you sent and when it moves from where it is I will purchase it .. so tag it not for sale and once again once the set you sent moves from where it is cuz it is in delivery limbo at the moment I will purchase. . Sound fair to you ?
Jun 29Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 @mrswho702 u should have my set by tomorrow, it's not showing that it's been sitting luv, It was accepted mon 6pm & left there by 7:20pm to go to Nj by today & it's probably been moving all day to ur town.. Let's see what the tracking info says in a little while.. Once the tracking info updates it'll be close to u.
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 Sometimes it takes a while for them to update the tracking info. But u should definitely have it by tomorrow. & are u sure u don't want me to return it to u luv? Also are u aware that I was selling it for 120 because it is new? It's 100 on Merc
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 sorry my response took a while I've been sidetracked with my kids & was talking to a friend.
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 yes , I understand, I am not looking to harm you n any way , I am truly sorry for the inconvenience, I didn't see anything wrong with it because it was to big , so I put it in the tub and didn't give it a second thought . The posher I got it from I trust
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 so there was no reason for me to really give it a once over , but I do not want you to be unhappy
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 so I am willing to do what needs to be done to make this right for you .
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok sweetie, thank u so much for ur willingness to help the situation. I will touch base with u in a little bit to see if tracking updates so we can go forward. Thanks ☺️
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 not a problem, I feel really bad that you were excited to get it and you were let down .. I only want to make it right for you
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yessss ur 100% correct luv, I've been waiting a set that's like this for months & it's unfortunate that this happened but at least ur making things right instead of shafting me like a scammer would. Thank u luv, I most definitely appreciate ur enthusiasm to help. 😊
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I may be a lot of things , and most of them are probably true , to some people, but the one thing I have that no one can question is my word .. I am a woman of my word , I stand by it , I have no reason to lie to you about this or anything, I own my Sh**t and I should have paid close attention to the item I re posh but I didn't and that falls truely on me ..
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 and I don't hide from my mistakes , I let you down and it sucks .
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I even used her pictures, because like I said I just put it in the tub , and didn't give it a second thought. .
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 same here luv, I own my shi* too. Somebody's gotta be the grownup's right lol. Nah, but thank u I definitely appreciate ur kindness of fixing things, it means a lot. 😘 ha ha ha I just got told "no profanity" for shi* 😂
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 yeah me too lmao , that is why I used the *** if you see update before me let me know ..
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 oh no u used her pics? Some people get offended if u use their pics... I thought we have to take actual pics of items that we post, at least that's what I was told so I've been doing that. I used a lady's pic once but asked her first because my camera was broken temporarily until my new phone came in the mail from the company. Insurance claims are a pain too ugh. Lol
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yes luv I definitely will ☺️
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 oh , I purchased it from her so I used her pictures, .. I do ask of it is an item that is my ISO .. and people say sure , but I just figured I purchased it from her and put it up and was to lazy to take my own pictures. . I guess if I would have take pictures myself I might have cought what you said about the set .
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 oh ok I see.... & lol I know what u mean.
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 if you look at my closet you can see the difference between my pictures and used pictures from someone else. . I usually give a shout out to whoever picture I used ..
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 out of respect and if people see it then they can check out there closet. .
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 good morning luv! Shipping has updated..... It's in Nv...
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 Hello, good morning , just getting up . .. and yeah , let me transfer funds and I will get right back at you :))
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok great! Thanks luv ☺️
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I also had it listed on Ⓜ️, & on there it's 100/flat.... They don't take the % & it'll be better for both of us... How would u feel about purchasing from there, instead of on here? I'm trying to figure out how to save u the extra $ & also save myself $ too. ☺️ I don't want u to pay any more than necessary luv.
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am trying to transfer funds and it is telling me technical difficulties, going to try in 10 minutes if it isn't up and working I will fun to the ATM and transfer funds .. please hang in there a few more minutes
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 hi luv, it's been almost an hour any progress yet?
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 no , I just called the bank , I have to go into the bank , my other is going to drive me over in a few , I will be back with you in just a few , I contacted you just as I woke up .. so I am getting myself together and then I will be on my way , please give me a little more time . THANK
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 heading out the door in apx, 15 minutes
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 heading to the bank now .. just a little bit longer , I am doing my best over here ..
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I just got home , and ready , but I just read the comment between you and fuhleeshuh , that is who I traded my new white set for the grey and black set .. and now I feel a little disrespected, I am trying to make this right for you and I understand it is stressful, not just for you but me as well , I did not do this to you intentionally, I would never try to pull a fast one on anyone , not who I am not what I am about .
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I have made my apologies and I am trying to make this right ..
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 please open up the set so I can purchase, thanks
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 you should not feel disrespected at all Hun, nobody said anything rude, she went thru being scammed & I was nervous with our situation seeing how I've never been thru this before... There's other comments where I told her u were doing everything possible to make things right... I think ur reading into it too much luv...
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 If I had anything negative to say about u or involving u luv I most definitely would tell u, not other ppl, that's not my character luv.... I apologize that u feel attacked but it definitely was not intent. As for buying the set, did u wanna spend the 120 on here or buy it on Merc for 100, I'll even put free ship so it's a even 100.... Like I said earlier I don't want u to spend more than u need to. Lmk
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 & I hope u didn't think our comments or convo about Felicia's scammer was about you! No way! I've been super positive about our situation, a little nervous but gave u more credit than anything luv. 😊
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I do not know if my M account is still working. Will have to check , the set I sent you came from her .. and the anew white set and a couch wristlet I gave as a gift , because she has a young child and I thought it would make her life easier , I think maybe she should have said I was a fair and respectful trader , I gave her 5 stars and a good comments because I knew it wasn't going to fit like I like .
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 and I understand you are stressed, and I felt horrible about all of this , and then this morning with the bank I understand you feeling a little apprehensive, I know you don't know me , but I think I have been honest and have kept you up to date as what my movement are throughout this . Not leaving you hanging
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 with that being said I am trying to see if I can get in M
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yessss she definitely told me y'all traded before & everything was fine that's why I felt secure with taking ur word about fixing things... She did not say anything bad/negative about u at all... She just said she hopes things work out. That's all. & yes u have kept me posted with ur movements, I highly appreciate that! Thank u so much for ur kindness & generosity to fix this situation... Ur definitely an honest & amazing person/woman! Ur definitely appreciated to the max!
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 trying to sign into M now to see if still active ,
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am the same name ad on here , so please tag me thanks
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 wait I have a period after mrs
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 so .. mrs.who702
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I really did not try to mislead you in any way . I have great comments and repeat traded , I don't want you to hesitate to ever want to trade or purchase from me or me from you . No matter what I would always make things right .
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I think I found you , but can't see set or comment, because 4 items I see are sold
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 sorry I'm driving to pick my 9yo son up from day camp
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 got lost lmao. I'm a mess right now lol
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 ok , well when ready let me know I am going to go take a shower , since I woke up I have been working on taken care of this , so please get back to me when you are settled and ready .. thanks
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 type in vs pink bling gym pants m It will show I my red/black & bling sweats
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 F***g auto correct. . Safe .. be safe
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 sent message, jumping into sower , will contact you as soon as I am out .
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 it's all set & ready luv.... Sorry for the delay in time, I have a very crazy hectic life with these 5 kids... They have so many activities they do thru out the day, I'm always on the run lol. ☺️
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 going to sing back onto M now .. did I tag the right pants ? On M
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I can not find it on M can you please tag me I can't find your closet only found 4 items but they are sold
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yes the red/black bling pants are mine. I made u a listing. Search for ur name, Mrswho702 I listed it as ur name
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I'm following u
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I just hit the follow button again. U should get a notification that I'm following u
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 finished, did you get notified?
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 got it! Thank u so much luv!
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 once again I am sorry for the disappointment, and I hope we are still good. Thanks
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I hope this doesn't stop you from dealing with me in the future. . I will check and double check all items I receive, no matter what from now on , just incase I am going to reposh them ..
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 thank u for fixing this. It means a lot to me... I have no issue doing business with u in the future & I hope u feel the same, if anything I feel the situation made us closer as strangers lol now we're friends! 😊... U definitely gained my trust 10000000%! & I'll always vouch for u from this day on... I'm so happy & relieved that we solved the issue. 😁 only one thing left is for me to "ship" the item & u to "accept " it from Merc. Also on this site too! We're 100% straight 😘❤️
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 you already shipped the item , lol it should be delivered today , lol so just send an envelope?
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am glad you feel that way , and I do as well , I am truly sorry you were disappointed, and I am glad you are pleased that it is resolved.
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I just Entered the tracking info, so it'll send u a notification & u just have to hit accept. & rate me as a seller on Ⓜ️.... It's not like on here where u have to wait for it to go thru the mail, u can accept it at anytime luv ☺️
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 just received your set getting ready to open it .
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yessss!!!! Ur gunna love it!!!! I loved that set it just wasn't a good fit for me. 😊
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 when u get a chance can u please go on ur Merc page & accept the order so it'll release the $? ☺️ thanks luv & I'm so happy u love the set! Make sure u post a pic wearing it lol 😁😁
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 can u rate me on Ⓜ️ so I can get the funds please... & im glad u love the set I sent u.. 😘
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 working on it right now had to finish getting myself together dry my hair put my face on get dressed etc... running behind today , sorry
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok sweetie, sorry for rushing u, I leave for work in an hr & I'll be doing a 15hr shift in the middle of nowhere & there's no service at all so I can never use my phone when I'm at work. It sucks lol thanks luv
Jun 30Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 all done , no worries
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 THANK U!!!! 😘❤️
Jun 30Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 hi luv, we have a problem....
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 so u have my brand new set for free & I just got a message saying my account is being deleted because I fraudulently convinced u to buy my brand new pink outfit!! They deleted my account & sent the $100 back to you!? Plus u still have my set..... I wish u would reach out to me because once again I'm getting shafted...
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I did not cancel the order
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 the money came out of my account
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am not understanding what you are telling me
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I got a message from the support team on Ⓜ️ at 9pm saying I committed fraud against u, so they indefinitely suspended me & my account & the reversed ur payment back to u in the original form of payment... 😩😖 I also had other sales on that page that I shipped to other users days ago & now I lose out on that $ too.... I'm in a huge hole right now over this situation.... They took the $100 from me & sent it back to u...
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I want to show u what they sent me but Idk if u want it put up publicly.... I'm a private type of person... I don't think it had anything to do with u, I think it's just the ppl from Ⓜ️ screwing me over... I was suspended for 24hrs last week on there because a girl asked me to trade & I told her it's not allowed so no thanks so they suspended me too. I feel like they been picking on me over dumb shi* that wasn't even my fault.
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 how can I help you fix this , I can send them (M) a message I just got home from dinner , I will go and see if they sent me a message
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 Idk even know at this point luv.... I'm going to try to create a new account on there, & see if I can recover any of my sales... Just hold that $ for me pleaseeeee & I will contact u in the morning to figure out what to do. I'm at work so I can't do much from here. Every time I need to use my phone I have to go outside because there's no cell service out here, I'm literally in the woods lol.
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 If u want I can give u my # so we can figure this out faster & then we can delete #'s after it's said & done. 😔
Jul 01Reply
coffinpaste Hey dat me
Jul 01Reply
pink_619 Hi friend :) just got home how's your poshing going lol
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I sent (M) a message letting them know I purchased that set .. I think it is maybe because I accepted right away and didn't wait a day or two .. ??
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yes I'm thinking that too.
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I have not received any notification from them regarding this .. and there has been no credit back to my account .. hopefully they will get back to me with an answer .. I wish I could do something more to help you . I just do not know what to do ..
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 Humm , I will contact my bank if I do not get the credit , and I am me , not fraudulent, I sent M a message so hopefully they will get this fixed .. thanks for letting me read it .. I screen shot it so I can have it to show to them if they ask me
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 so I got a email back , and it is because item description is mrswho702 and mrs.whio702 purchased the item .. so they think you were trying to gain funds , the (M) funds they give .. that is why they think it is fraudulent. . You didn't tag me in the item below in comments. . I am writing them back and hopefully they will understand
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 oops .. Mrs.who702
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I replied to the email and now waiting for response, I told them you put my name in the heading so I could find the item and I purchased it .. and for them to please double check whatever they think may have been fraudulently wasn't. It was an honest transaction, between seller and buyer
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok luv thank u! On Ⓜ️ u can't tag ppl like on here. That's honestly why I put ur name as the title so u would see it lol. If I wrote ur name in the description u wouldn't have seen it unless u had previously liked the item. SMH its such a headache....but definitely THANK YOU for helping & sticking it out with me ☺️
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 just trying to make it right .. I was going to comment on your post but saw that someone commented on there , and I just wasn't comfortable saying anything there , didn't want it to seem as if I needed to or wanted any added drama or backlash from this , I am doing the best I can to make it right . Who knew that (m) has such strict rules and at a whim can close you down . SMH .. they don't even send message asking any questions
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 if you couldn't tag me in the post how else could I find it .. SMH ..
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 wait I'm confused, who commented on which post & would give u backlash? .... I don't tolerate that type of stuff so if anyone says anything negative then they will be blocked & reported. & yes on "m" there's no way to tag anyone ever...
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 That's why ppl write distinctive titles so buyers can find listings easier but it our case I put it as ur name just to find it easier & had NOOOO IDEA that's not allowed... I think that's so stupid! Their rules on Ⓜ️ are ridiculous! It even says we are not allowed to list the same items on Ⓜ️ as we list on other sites... 😳like Wtf that's crazy
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 what , I didn't know that so if you post one item on here you can not post on M .. SMH .. what control freaks ..
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 YASSSS! That's what I said! Sounds like control issues when I read thru their do's & dont's aging last night. My jaw dropped for most of their dont's....
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 well as soon as I hear back from them I will let you know, as soon as the money is credited back to my account I will let you know .. we will figure this out , one way or another I will make sure money trade hands .
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok luv, thanks so much!
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 can u please go on ur "m" account & check the balance/credits section & see if they put it into there? Usually they do that & then u have to transfer it direct deposit into ur own bank.
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 ok will look now
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 balance, credits and coupons. . Current balance zero .. balance history. . No balance history. . Credits. . Zero .. credit history 2 dollars expires in 2 days after sign up ..
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ughhhh.😓 ok thanks luv. I wrote them 6 messages since yesterday evening & still no response. A friend told me if the reversed the $ back to u it can take 3-5 business days to show up...
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 ok , well I check my accout and nothing yet , and Monday is holiday. . Dunno if banks are open , if anything hopefully tonight after midnight, if not Monday after midnight or Tuesday after midnight , that is when the bank does it accounting. . All updates after midnight .. will check tomorrow morning .. I called the bank and they said no pending credit. .
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 hi luv, I just wanted to reach out to u & ask that u send my set back to me please? I'm just ready for this situation to be over with... Ur $ was routed back to ur bank account & I posted the messages from Merc to show they sent it back to u.. Can u show me the messages u got from them luv? I'm not getting any response at all from them, I'm so irritated that they wrote u back but not me & just leaving me in limbo..
Jul 01Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 On top of them taking that $100 they also took $87 in sales I made to other ppl & it's just horrible. I have items in shipping to ppl who won't have to pay me now because of my account being deleted on Ⓜ️.... I just want to return ur set & get mine back & move on from there.
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 the money has not posted to my account, as soon as it does I plan on making sure you get paid , I am willing to purchase as I shown by following your direction on purchasing. .( It the first time around , ) I do not want this to drag out any more then you do , but I am doing the best I can to help this situation. . I understand you are frustrated as am I .. I just got home and getting ready to go to dinner with my other ,
Jul 01Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I will get with you as soon as I have a credit to my account. Thanks
Jul 01Reply
karenott50 Hi pretty mrswho, I'm waiting on u!! That rymed ❤️lol
Jul 04Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am heading to the bank want to be there when they open , talked to a rep on the 800 line get back with you as soon as I am done with them .. hang tight . Thanks
Jul 06Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok luv. No problem ☺️
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 hey , just got back from the bank apx 30 min ago. . Needed time to reflect on all this .. had to fill out a dispute form , the credit was showing pending and last night reversed, so it wasn't there when I checked my accout this morning call 800 line to see what is going on
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 so I went to the bank this morning to talk face to face with a bank manager. .
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I explained everything from the start of our transaction to today , showed her everything , and email I sent , what they sent you , I screen shot everything and emailed it to the branch manager. .
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 anyway the bank is giving me a temporary credit , contacting M about the situation, said it appears they reverse the decision on paying you and deactivating your account, I told her no that isn't the case , you were shut down ..
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 anyways bottom line , is later today or tomorrow morning, I will be sending your set back and dealing with this with my bank . And hopefully get this all taken care of , .. being that I am paying for the shipping , depending on cost I will either ship the way posh ships or regular shipping with tracking # ..
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am so stressed, annoyed and down right angry at M right now .. I can't see straight .. if by chance they do credit you the money please let me know. Meanwhile like I said either this afternoon or tomorrow morning I will be sending your set back. . Thanks
Jul 06Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 😳 I literally have no words right now.. Thank u for taking time & going to ur bank & communicating with me. I have not received anything from Merc at all, no $, and a message asking me for an updated tracking number but I don't even have it anymore.
Jul 06Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I appreciate u sending the set back as well. Will the set be coming back in the same new condition that I sent it out or did u wear it luv? Also once I receive it back, I'll send back ur set.. If I hear anything at all from Merc I'll be sure to contact u. U have my word!
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 no I never put it on , because until we were through with this mess it wasn't mine to have .. and I didn't want to fall in love and not know the outcome of all this .. I wanted to wait and know it was a clean sale and all parties happy , which in this case we are stumbling along trying to figure this out. .
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am just emotionally exhausted due to M .. SMH how can they get away with this ?
Jul 06Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok luv, thanks. ☺️
Jul 06Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 sorry about that, had to drop my son off to visit his father. They're getting away with this crap because they have little to no customer service so they make it damn near impossible to contact them therefore we get screwed over...
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 i am thankful i used my bank card as a credit card , better protection from the bank , but it is still a mess , and the sad part is neither one of us did anything wrong . Just have to SMH
Jul 06Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 otis ??? Just want to confirm
Jul 07Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 thank you , I will Shipp out in a few hours , and I will give you tracking # when I am done .. thanks
Jul 07Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 Hello , please look at last picture it is your tracking #
Jul 07Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 would you like for me to remove it or leave it until it gets to you ?
Jul 08Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 sorry was cooking & feeding my army of children lol, I screenshot it, so w/e ur comfortable doing luv.m, I'm with it. ☺️
Jul 08Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 just wanted to be sure you had it to track . :)) I wish things would have gone better for us , but at least we are both respectful about this messed up situation. . :))
Jul 08Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 yes me too! I'm not a rude person & I give ppl the benefit of doubt before I jump the gun, yk. ☺️.... I'm glad the bank looked out for u, & I'm contacting the BBB & making a report on Merc.
Jul 08Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 What they're doing is way wrong & I'm sure it's illegal in some states.. My page with them is still active, like its up & u can find me but I can't use it for nothing... Can't buy, list, sell, like or comment on anything. Like its literally there for show I guess. I tried to delete it today but it's just telling me that I'm indefinitely suspended & I can't perform that task. So they have my stuff posted against my wishes at this point. It's annoying.
Jul 08Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 The lady I told u about that was also making things right, she got the $ back today & sent me a money order thru the mail, so kind of her. But the teen girl, well she got free makeup. Oh well I guess. This is by far over for me, I'm still going to fight that site until something positive happens. I'll contact u once I receive the pkag. Thanks Hun
Jul 08Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 it was a long 2 hours at the bank explaining everything , and showing them everything and having to email it all to branch manager I just hope they give me the money permanently , or (m) deposit it into your accout .. either way , I feel good about you and I ,
Jul 08Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 I'm almost certain the bank is going to let u keep that because Merc has the $ & isn't releasing it to u or me... So that's definitely stealing. Once they trace it or find it they'll see that it's nowhere lol. Smh it's mind blowing how they do this & usually get away with it. I plan to expose that site so they can't keep doing this to other ppl. Wrong is wrong. I'm headed to bed so I'll keep in touch with u. Nite sweetie ☺️
Jul 08Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 sleep well , thanks
Jul 08Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 just wanted to check in on you , make sure you track your package and it has movement, I didn't keep the tracking info , cleaned out my purse and tossed the receipt .. like an dumb asset ... lol
Jul 09Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 hey luv, the tracking shows that it's still in Nv, it'll be to me on 7/15(fri) I just got a message from Ⓜ️ telling me that the purchase took place after I shipped it, & that u rated me before you received the items so they reversed payment to u. I kinda lost my mind for a sec & just cursed them out 😂🙊.... Oh well! But thank u for ur kindness. I'll stay in touch as well. ☺️
Jul 10Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 that is some bull s***t , shame on them , I still haven't heard anything from my bank , and the money still hasn't shown from them , so on Tuesday I am going to talk to the bank manager again .. if I don't see anything .. why the 15th , she said you should have it on Monday , is what the mail lady said .
Jul 10Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 it shouldn't take that long , regular mail doesn't take that long to get to you . I paid for I think 2 day shipping , what is going on with the mail carrier
Jul 10Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 holy SHI***!!!! I finally got a reaction from them! Lol lol lol they just said they will reactivate my privileges on Merc but until they can confirm if our transaction was indeed fraudulent they can't release any $ to me because it was reversed to ur bank. I'm like WTF makes u think I want to even use ur site anymore!? Hellllllllllll nah! I'm good ppl. Ugh they got me so upset. Anyway I'll keep u posted luv.
Jul 10Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 maybe that is why they pulled the funds back from my account .. they got us all messed up .. how do we prove it wasn't fraud? ? Did they say ??
Jul 10Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 that's so weird luv that it's showing its still sitting when it was arrived at... Idk luv, but don't stress urself out running all over AGAIN, lol it has the tracking so it's there, I can see its scanned into their system just slowly moving. I shipped out a hand bag last week on a trade & it took over a week for the girl to get it 2-day ship. I got her package in 2-days tho. I guess it depends on the mail terminal. 😩 lol
Jul 10Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am so sorry this is happening. .
Jul 10Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 the way their message sounded it seems like they are checking dates, & probably going to contact u to see if what I'm saying to them is true. But now that u mailed the set back I'm not going to bug them for the $ no more, & hopefully ur bank can get it from them. Banks don't play, lol their vicious lol so in my eyes Ⓜ️ is in the hot seat for this.
Jul 10Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 Even if they suspected us of a fraudulent purchase/sell them they should have contacted both of us to confirm it before just stealing from both of us. Ya know... Ehh Idk I'm just sick of that site. But the nerve they have to act like they're doing me a "favor" & giving me back my "user privileges " LMFAOOOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂 they are a joke! I asked what I could do to assist the situation but they don't answer the questions I have, they reply with random sh**..
Jul 10Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 just an update, it's still not moving luv... Here's the number so u have it too. 9534610054216189007267
Jul 11Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 I am going to call my local office and see what's up ?? It should have left and been on its way to you ..
Jul 11Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 ok luv thanks ☺️
Jul 11Reply
caitlinjgroves @mrswho702 love your closet! Your daughters eye makeup is out of this world!
Jul 13Reply
mrswho702 @caitlinjgroves thank you , yeah my daughter is is out there .. it is is world ( so she thinks ) and we all just live in it .. lol
Jul 13Reply
karenott50 @mrswho702 hope everything is ok
Jul 15Reply
wookie239 @mrswho702 welcome sweetheart, I love your big pieces of cz and sterling silver rings, necklaces earrings, what ever etc., if you post anything else please tag me 💖💖
Jul 15Reply
mona1954nd Sherry Hey pretty lady nice to meet you!! My name is Mona hope to be dealing with your in the future!!!
Jul 16Reply
mrswho702 @mona1954nd we could meet up locally and trade stuff .. and save money lol .. nice to meet you as well .. hope we can work something out later for a trade .. I was considering trading the ring I got from karen that you liked .. the one with the opal
Jul 16Reply
mona1954nd We cannot meet up locally because I live in Las Vegas do you live in Las Vegas?????
Jul 16Reply
mrswho702 @mona1954nd yes .. vegas buffalo just north of the summerlin express way
Jul 16Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 anything on your set yet ? ?? Just wanted to check in with you ..
Jul 17Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 still nothing luv. It's still showing up in Cali. It's sitting in one place now. There's a supervisor looking into why it was sent there & whatever else. She's supposed to call me back tomorrow(Monday) & let me know what is going on. Their entire system was down Friday & Saturday nobody could find it so the supervisor took my info & was looking into it. I'll let u know when I hear back from them.
Jul 17Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 girl , if this wasn't happening to us I would laugh about it , one day hopefully soon we will be able to .. but right now this isn't /hasn't been easy .. but sure have learned a lot along the way . I am sorry that this is our journey, but I wouldn't want to be on this journey with anyone else .. I appreciate your time and consideration and respect as we go through this .
Jul 17Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 awe thanks luv that's exactly what I was saying the other day. At this point all we can do is laugh because being upset with the ghosts that run Merc is pointless lol. ☺️
Jul 17Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 any word yet on your package I shipped? ? I still haven't heard from my bank yet , waiting for them to still release funds and side in my favor. .
Jul 20Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 hey just checking back , hopefully your set has arrived by now .. :/
Jul 21Reply
sweetnothings07 @mrswho702 hey luv, yes I arrived yesterday all beat up... Literally the box looked like an elephant sat on it lmao but there was no shipping damage to the set. I won't be able to send ur set back until Tuesday when I get paid again, hope that's ok...
Jul 21Reply
mrswho702 @sweetnothings07 sweet , I am so glad It finally made its way home to you .. hallelujah. . The box was thrash? ? But everything inside was ok ?? !!!
Jul 21Reply
mrswho702 @misspink87 that is my baby girl. Thank you I am sure she thanks you as well . I love her she has always had her own look about her that is a mellow look lol
Jul 29Reply
sublimefeline @mrswho702 I've got some VS stuff I'll be listing by the end of this week and a few other cute small sized things. I don't trade though. I love your closet! Congrats to your Daughter!! Love that pic!
Aug 02Reply
mrswho702 @sublimefeline thank you , tag me when you post , :)(
Aug 02Reply
believenfaerys @mrswho702 We made a trade, and everything went Beautifully! She shipped my item quickly with a thank you note. She is very sweet and I'd definitely trade with her again! Thanks for making my experience great. ☺❤
Aug 13Reply
madisonv17 Didn't see anything else I liked, sorry
Aug 18Reply
mickeyoyler @mrswho702 hey there lady...just wanted to say hi! And ask you if you know anyone looking for Rocks size 25/33 ..I need 27s..thanks ahead of tim...😁😁😁
Sep 06Reply
mrswho702 @mickeyoyler are they posted in your closet ?
Sep 06Reply
mickeyoyler @mrswho702 yes..just posted 🙂
Sep 06Reply
mrswho702 @jizzet08 thank you and girl your good , no worries, there are always two sides to every story , and somewhere in between is the truth , .I have traded with her before and all was well and the items I received were beautiful , so have others , then there are some who fill that it wasn't a good trade ( with her or other poshers ) .. you can't please everyone .. I do not jump on a band wagon and I form my own opinion of people and poshers ..
Sep 14Reply
mrswho702 @jizzet08 with that being said , tread lightly when you trade , be cautious and go with your own gut instincts and you can't go wrong .. if you are uncertain don't do the trade or have them ship first depending on the reputation they have and hold , and don't be pushed to hurry and do a trade .. I trade all the time and have a great rating. . And have a great circle of girls I trade with .. and a few not directly in that circle. . But all the same all welcome
Sep 14Reply
mrswho702 @jizzet08 to trade and earn the respect and trust of others .. Happy poshing and thank you for looking out for me .. greatly appreciated. . :))
Sep 14Reply
mrswho702 @jizzet08 anytime , I appreciate heads up , and the respect and consideration you showed , if you ever think or feel a cretin way always say something or ask , we are all grown here and I would much rather someone say something to me then behind my back or say oops none of my business, this is poshing it is for fun and refresh our personal closet and I like that I spend a little to SAVE A LOT .. come into my closet and talk anytime and ask me anything I am open and willing .. thanks again
Sep 14Reply
pink_619 you so pretty my friend !!
Sep 16Reply
mrswho702 @pink_619 whatcha dooooooing in here ?? Huh ?? What ???
Sep 16Reply
pink_619 @mrswho702 just looking.... I have notinh to do in posh :/ it's so early :)
Sep 16Reply
mrswho702 @pink_619 lol .. hahaha .. your simply the best , your better then all the rest :))
Sep 16Reply
pink_619 @mrswho702 why thank you my friend but your wayyy better!!!
Sep 16Reply
mrswho702 @pink_619 go on with your bad self ..
Sep 16Reply
vozx Hi...I just printed the label real quick and gave it to the postman...I'm sorry it's not wrapped in pretty paper...I wanted it to get to you by Monday...she just picked it up..!!!...Thank you, your going to love's a really really nice jacket..!!!..😘
Sep 24Reply
vozx I was reading some of your comments...if your looking for anything Nike...please check out my friends closet @buysomelove She has plenty she has a picture of a tree with a heart in the tree...Thanks
Sep 24Reply
mrswho702 @vozx thank you .
Sep 24Reply
inkjunkieincamo You're one fantastic human. Thank you so much for all of your kindness. It's greatly appreciated my friend 💜💜💜
Sep 28Reply
mrswho702 @inkjunkieincamo your welcome . Talk with you anytime . I hope everything worked iout for you .
Sep 28Reply
inkjunkieincamo It's a situation in progress 😔 It's causing me to probably have to close my closet temporarily. Posh, keeps my mind busy so I'll definitely be a mess.
Sep 28Reply
kaneat @mrswho702 thanks Sherri!!!
Oct 02Reply
kaneat @mrswho702 thanks for looking out for us 💕 she says she willing to ship first so we will see.
Oct 02Reply
mrswho702 @kaneat good , be sure to receive, just want other posers to be careful. It doesn't matter what you trade it still makes you feel violated when someone takes from you .
Oct 02Reply
kaneat @mrswho702 I am definitely going to check out before I ship. I have been skammed unfortunately. Traded with this gal and everything was great so traded again and the item she sent me was not even good enough to donate to the good will.
Oct 02Reply
mrswho702 @kaneat wow , so sorry to hear that . So very sorry .
Oct 02Reply
mrswho702 @kaskadeee girl you have some really cute things, I only trade pink for pink if you have any unlisted I would love to see . Or if you post any please tag me .. love the devil .. is price negotiable?
Oct 09Reply
mrswho702 @kaskadeee wonderful, I would appreciate that very much , when my daughter gets up going to show her the sleeper . Thanks again
Oct 09Reply
anixc_o Oh my gosh! Thank you for the 5 star review. As thanks for your beautiful review, I'm offering 20% discount on anything in my closet for you until sunday.. Let me know if anything interests you. Have a great weekend 🎀💎💜
Oct 13Reply
lisab84 Hey hun , seen where u was looking for the vs Pink perfect pullover . If u have Merc, give VSPINKBLING!!86 a shout , she has a few white as well as couple grey ones in her closet NWT . Great gal , she will probably bundle too :)
Oct 25Reply
mrswho702 @lisab84 thank you , but tried to find and no can do , can't search by name :((
Oct 25Reply
lisab84 @mrswho702 search VICTORIA SECRET PINK PULLOVER HOODIE , if you can't find it that way let me know ur user name and I'll tag u in it :)
Oct 25Reply
zoeyok hi thanks for your like! if you're quite interested, im open to offers!! :-)
Nov 15Reply
mrswho702 @zoeyok I appreciate your counter , but girl right now that is all I have in my posh account , plus the shipping .
Nov 15Reply
zoeyok understandable! if you would like to reoffer your $13, i would be glad to accept it from you
Nov 15Reply
mrswho702 @zoeyok thank you .
Nov 15Reply
zoeyok @mrswho702 hello, i was folding the shirt to send out and i noticed two very faint makeup spots on what would be the inside of the wrist but still on the outside of the shirt, i'm so sorry i did not even notice it, i'm going to post it so you can see it but you still have 2 hours of you choose to cancel your purchase
Nov 15Reply
mrswho702 @zoeyok it is on the sleeve ?
Nov 15Reply
zoeyok @mrswho702 yes on the outside of the shirt but on the inside part of the wrist area, check out the picture i tagged you in, again i apologize for not being more thorough
Nov 15Reply
mrswho702 @ashleighbeee great ,, because I am loveable ♡♡♡♡
Nov 16Reply
tica_bella_85 trade with me?
Nov 20Reply
mrswho702 @jizzet08 I need small and xs in the sets you mentioned , I could possibly do a medium top , no I don't have any ultimate sets I am giving up just yet sorry
Nov 28Reply
vintagegirl_kbp @mrswho702 what happened to the other day? Are you still interested in the pieces I tried getting in touch with you but never heard back after I've taken them off the market so I put them back on but it's buy one get one half off today with the gift card so I don't know if you're still interested
Nov 30Reply
mrswho702 @vintagegirl_kbp I couldn't find you , I was looking in my likes and they didn't show up , and when I put your name in I couldn't find you I forgot about the _kbp
Nov 30Reply
vintagegirl_kbp @mrswho702 well it's buy one get one half off today and you get a gift certificate for $20 on your next purchase of 35 or more so if you're interested let me know plus there are tons of new items and markdowns
Nov 30Reply
vintagegirl_kbp @mrswho702 are you there I can't find you and I don't know where your bundle is it or if you're planning on getting it but if you are let me know because I wanted to let you know I was going to discount your price a little more for you and increase your gift certificate but I have no idea what's going on so let me know
Nov 30Reply
jesuischic Hey hun just letting you know I'm taking offers on my entire closet this weekend :)
Dec 31Reply
lookhautecoutur Hey cutie!
Jan 08Reply
ariaalyssa @mrswho702 I'd love to find something to trade for my grey set but I'm not sure what's available in your closet. Maybe you could tag me in some of the stuff your willing to trade that you still have
Jan 09Reply
mrswho702 @ariaalyssa I just realized I could probably tag you in everything, if it has a name on it , it is taken , if it says pending , it is in progress of a trade , that may or may not happen .. so basically tag something you are interested in and we can go from there :) , the pink and grey set is available that you liked .
Jan 09Reply
ariaalyssa @mrswho702 what about the not for sale listings?
Jan 09Reply
mrswho702 @ariaalyssa tag them and if I have it I can let you know .
Jan 09Reply
acq127 You have any gold chains?
Jan 11Reply
fantxaa Hi there, im having some emotional problems and i am in need of some help. I remember you commented on my old post saying you would help me out, is that still valid?
Jan 16Reply
mrswho702 @fantxaa absolutely, girl I am here , want to call me ?
Jan 16Reply
fantxaa I just need to find someone to talk to, i currently am not allowed to contact my old suicide hotline anymore because i was contacting too frequently and they limited how much i can call or text. I just need something
Jan 16Reply
mrswho702 @fantxaa 702 806 8062
Jan 16Reply
fantxaa Can i text you instead? I dont think i can even talk right now honestly
Jan 16Reply
mrswho702 @fantxaa whatever you need . Call ,, text ,,, both ... I am here .
Jan 16Reply
michelle0412 Hi Sheri. When packing up the sweatshirt i noticed a stain on the sleeve at the bottom. This was my daughters I will be happy to lower price if you still want it im sure bleach will get it out. But didnt want to sale to you without letting you know.
Feb 05Reply
mrswho702 @michelle0412 I am OK with this . Thank you for letting me know .. I appreciate you reaching out and trying to resolve the issue before there is one . I still want this item.
Feb 05Reply
michelle0412 @mrswho702 im gonna try and get stain out. Then i will mail.
Feb 05Reply
mrswho702 @michelle0412 that is very sweet of you thank you . Either way I still would like to have it (:
Feb 05Reply
mrswho702 @michelle0412 hey , why did you cancel ?
Feb 06Reply
mrswho702 @iluvpink86 wow , sorry about that , hopefully everyone is safe , Sure just let me know when you know more . Thanks for letting me know . Be safe and prayers to your family
Mar 13Reply
vanclm81 Hi I posted The pink ultimate yoga leggings with pockets and bling if you want to take a look but you said no pressure thanks visiting my closet
Mar 15Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Mar 24Reply
jenn_75 Thanks for all the shares Girl!👍🏼
Apr 06Reply
mrswho702 @jenn_75 cute closet , your welcome
Apr 06Reply
poshmarktay Interested in trading? :) let me know, check out my closet. Thank you:)
Apr 25Reply
holliwood405 Hello there friend I absolutely love your page as well as your spirit and visions. Even though I am not able to shop in your closet I am thoroughly enjoying it!
May 03Reply
christinafig Hey Girl! When you have a second, check out my closet, tons of cute clothes in great condition! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like or bundle to save more! I have brands like Michael Kors, PINK, North Face, Lululemon and much more!
May 06Reply
daynightshoppin Hey this girl you bought an outfit from i did too and havnt received it she also wont answer did u actually get yours from her I will leave a comment under the outfit do you know what im talking about
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin I did not purchase from her , she had no rating ( Love notes ) and doesn't respond when questions asked , so I didn't do business with her , you will have to wait the 7 days then you can CANCEL the purchase . Then it will take posh 2 to 3 days to credit back your money .
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin has it been 7 days yet ?
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin do you know how to CANCEL so you can get you money back
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin posh will put it back on the card or account it was purchased off of
May 17Reply
daynightshoppin @mrswho702 no im kinda new to this im very upset I wanted that outfit bad
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin girl in sorry that happened to you , but go to your purchase click on the bottom where it says problem/order click on that then click order delay and then follow what it says then it will take apx 2 to 3 days to see your credit back to your account , if you need any more help just please let me know i will do my best to help
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin before you purchase check the sale history and love notes 😉to be sure they do ship and respond to other poshers .
May 17Reply
daynightshoppin @mrswho702 well how I finally came to wonder last night is because she has a new profile and a new picture of the outfit I bought and so I suddenly saw her last night and she put a picture up of the outfit I bought I but she put$75 instead of $50 yeah right she's a scam and she needs to go
May 17Reply
daynightshoppin @mrswho702 she just wrote me and said she was out of town she's shipping it out today Hmm me but she's selling it on her new profile Idk!!!
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin so you did or did not cancel? New closet or new profile ?
May 17Reply
daynightshoppin @mrswho702 no I hadn't yet because all night I been working on pictures of clothes to list and stuff im making a closet myself but out of nowhere she said that so hope she really means it cause its a little weird she has another name and closet but pics of the same items!!
May 17Reply
daynightshoppin @mrswho702 and thank you Soo much for the help too your awsum have a good day!!
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin if it doesn't up date shipping tonight ask her about it , if no response you still have the choice to cancel. Tag me when you get your closet up and going live to see it , any questions don't hesitate to ask . 😁
May 17Reply
daynightshoppin @mrswho702 thanks Soo much I will tag you love!!!
May 17Reply
mrswho702 @daynightshoppin have a hreat day 😁
May 17Reply
alaukant I have some pink posted for SUPER cheap in my closet everything is under $20 with 20% off 3 items
Aug 18Reply
apparelaffaire Will you tag me when you add more items, thanks!
Nov 19Reply
kphillips247 I’ve missed you !! 💜💜💜💜💜
May 04Reply
cmcevers Hi I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and send me a 50% off offer and I will accept. Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami
Jul 31Reply
lindseylgraves were the hell have you been it's like you fell off the face of the earth. I miss you old friend. I'm not really e expecting a response back but I ran across your name in an old ad and I thought of you.I miss our talks and friendship. Anyways hist wanted you to know that you were on my mind and I hope you are doing well
Aug 14Reply
cutehosiery @mrswho702 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 22Reply
watsonlilmommy @mrswho702 hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set as well
Aug 16Reply

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Last Active: Mar 09 2024

Las Vegas, NV
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Last Active: Mar 09 2024

Las Vegas, NV
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