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Updated Dec 15
Updated Dec 15

Meet your Posher, Sandra

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Hi! I'm Sandra. I am a stay at home mom who was a makeup artist and esthetician. So I’m selling a lot of my travel kit which was used when I was freelancing. Some are new items that I never used. Thanks for stopping by! Please note, I don't do holds or trades. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kylied87 Your brows and eye makeup are 👍🏻! 😍
Apr 23Reply
beautybysandra @kylied87 thank you love!
Apr 23Reply
suegrantmarsh Thank you for being my 10,000th follower 😊💜
Jul 14Reply
beautybysandra Congrats @suegrantmarsh !!!! ✨🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 14Reply
dberlin4280 So pretty :)
Jul 23Reply
beautybysandra @dberlin4280 aw thank you so much 😊
Jul 23Reply
beautybysandra @saje317 thank you so much!!
Jul 24Reply
marciacia I see why you sell so much makeup and yours looks really good. Great lip color. Marcia 👏🏼👏🏼🌷🌷
Jul 26Reply
beautybysandra @marciacia thank you.and thank you for considering my offer on the bag. I'm going to pass on it for now but it's a great deal. I'll keep sharing it I know someone will buy it since it's a great looking bag.
Jul 26Reply
marciacia You do have a nice closet. Think about and let know your best offer. I can go down more , the only thing now is like is if over 5lbs and we pay extra shipping which is crazy. The purse was a gift and perfect condition it's huge as , and they don't make many classic ones anymore with this color. If you change your mind let me know , I can work with you. Have a nice day even in this terrible news day again. Marcia
Jul 26Reply
jjtelese @beautybysandra Love your closet! I can see my paycheck disappearing real quick 😩😍❤️
Aug 08Reply
beautybysandra @jjtelese hahaha!!! Well let me know what you're interested in and if I can give you some better deals :)
Aug 08Reply
jjtelese @beautybysandra I def will! I get paid on Thursdays so I may see what you can do for a bundle I'll put together ❤️ thanks doll, I'm sure you'll be hearing from me soon!!!
Aug 08Reply
megz31 So your a makeup pro right? What's some of your favorite eyeshadows? I actually hated that urban decay eyeshadow I want one that's super easy blendable and goes on smooth o always use shadow primer
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 so I know lots that are great quality and blendable but my favorite at the moment, that's super affordable is the Morphe palette 35O M. It's the best price and excellent quality.
Sep 25Reply
megz31 I don't think I have ever heard of that brand where when I get it at and that what's the trick for flawless skin like yours I have the urban decay airbrush brush and I have the iT flawless airbrush brush which I like a little better than The other
Sep 25Reply
megz31 I have always wanted to sport a super smoky eye like you have on your picture but I don't think I could pull it off but I love that look like your make up is perfect teach me anything what's the most important tricks I'm pretty privy to all this make up stuff I just realized how important brushes are with in the last like three
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 those are good brushes. Use a makeup singe too, those work great for an even application . Yes good brushes are critical. I have 6 videos on you tube that might help
Sep 25Reply
megz31 @beautybysandra what's a singe brush I thought I had them all lol no shitt what should I look under to find your videos!!
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 I'm themakeupmaverick (3 words, no spaces)
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 that was a typo sweetie, sorry! Makeup sponge
Sep 25Reply
megz31 So use makeup sponge on my eye shadow too? Cuz I use the airbrush brush and sponge on my face never tried on lids what's your fav tools for eye shadow primer, what brush makes it go on so flawless etc
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 the sponge I only use for skin. A good brand for brushes is Bdellium tools. I have a set for sale on another website. Do you want me to post it here ?
Sep 25Reply
megz31 Your sweet! I have a lot of the iT brushes and love them especially the blender brush for lids OMGAH love the whole Line so I have an interview there next wed I would hate it ther How's everything with you in everything you and dudes!
Sep 25Reply
megz31 Bahahaha the last part of last message was from part of a text from my friend sorry
Sep 25Reply
megz31 So those 3 listings I took down for I said with every purchase receive a handmade necklace which I customize for you! One of a kind! So do you like gold or silver and lmk some of your favorite color palettes . I want to hopefully start and finish the necklace by tomor that way
Sep 25Reply
megz31 When your ready to buy I'll ship right away..are you good with the price I gave you?
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 I love my IT cosmetics brushes too. Yeah check out Morphebrushes dot com. There packing doesn't look great but the shadows are so creamy
Sep 25Reply
megz31 I looked them up and saw a lot on Amazon do you see fake ones on AMZ? Butt damn 35 legit colors so cheap! Not like I need any more makeup for the rest of my life
Sep 25Reply
megz31 I am not a fan of urban decay at all I love benefit but eye shadows are boring I think I may try a too faced pallet and the stuff you like idc how it comes packaged as long as it isn't some wet n wild type shittt ha
Sep 25Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 so the morphe palettes are already cheap, I wouldn't buy makeup from Amazon because I've gotten counterfeit from there before. I want to say it's $23 for 35 shades and you can even find a 10% off code to make it cheaper
Sep 26Reply
beautybysandra @megz31 oh I forgot to answer the eyeshadow primer question. I use painterly paint pot from MAC. It covers all the veins on my kids and prevents creasing
Sep 26Reply
bugsey2 Hi riding out the storm? Stay safe!!!
Oct 06Reply
beautybysandra @bugsey2 thank you for asking! Yes we're all safe and sound in our home awaiting the wrath of Matthew. I'm actually worried about the postman picking up my packages or not 😆 how are you? Are you in the storm path? I'm in south Florida
Oct 06Reply
bugsey2 They just dropped some packages off to me! I live at Westlake Village which is one block west of the Intracoastal off of Sheridan. No mail delivery today. I always drop mine off at the PO but didn't have any this morning.
Oct 06Reply
beautybysandra @bugsey2 oh I love that area yes I know where you are. I'm out west near the Everglades. I also take my packages daily but my husband doesn't want me to leave the house, I get it. I suppose I should probably worry less about getting my packages mailed and more about our safety 😳😬🙏🏽 be safe!!
Oct 06Reply
bugsey2 Don't go out! It's coming down like crazy over here! Just tell people you're in the middle of an ongoing Hurricane. They won't ship today anyway. No flights are flying out even Cargo!!
Oct 06Reply
dlflore 65 on m
Jan 27Reply
marthaarellano Hi Sandra, its was wonderful meeting you tonight💕💕
Feb 17Reply
beautybysandra @marthaarellano I know I loved it. What a beautiful family you have. #familygoals so good to meet you all
Feb 17Reply
marthaarellano @beautybysandra Thank you so much, you are so sweet and beautiful😘
Feb 17Reply
michele_are Hi Sandra, so happy we got meet last night! If you ever need anything please feel free to reach out to me it was so nice to finally get to meet some Miami Poshers like @saje317 and you 🤗💛
Feb 17Reply
beautybysandra @michele_are you're such a doll! Yes it's great to meet another s fl posher! Loved chatting with you and your family. It was a nice event ❤️
Feb 17Reply
tricegirl Thanks for checking out ✅👀my closet 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 14Reply
sueellenmcgoey So pretty!🌸
Jul 20Reply
snatanov Heyy, I’d love it if you could please check out my closet!! I do private discounts and accept most reasonable offers!! Thank you and Happy Poshing :)
Jul 30Reply
greatnanacloset 😍well your user name certainly suits you, you are definitely beautiful... I don't sell makeup but I love it, please check out y closet. I have a variety of items and tons ore to list. Please feel free to make offers on any item😄I try to accept if I can if not I counter. Nice to meet you, thank for posting about scammers, there are SO MANY.. 💖😊💖HAPPY POSHING💖😊💖
Aug 05Reply
greatnanacloset *** note to self read and edit before posting*** check out my closet ***many more items to list😘
Aug 05Reply
beautybysandra @sfpatterson thanks I'll check it out ❤️
Aug 05Reply
greatnanacloset @beautybysandra you are welcome please do😊❤️😊
Aug 05Reply
strandsofdreams Did you make me an offer on the Anastasia? It's 1 for $18 - 2 for $36
Oct 17Reply
biancabmw @beautybysandra can we do 12$ for 1995
Sep 22Reply
beautybysandra @biancabmw no thank you but I appreciate the offer
Sep 22Reply
aforeverlylove Hey babe! Just came across your page and thought you'd maybe be interested in a pair of Cole Haan High Chelsea pumps that I have for sale. Masquerade suede (purple) size 9 with cushioned Nike Air technology. Feel free to check them out, no pressure of course!!
Nov 14Reply
missmjwilson We are in the same profession! You are beautiful
Apr 15Reply
beautybysandra @missmjwilson aw thank you! So are you
Apr 15Reply
momof2boys621 Hi there! Please visit my closet I have beautiful & unique dresses from the Middle East as well as accessories! I am open to offers 💕
Jun 30Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Free People, Lululemon, Nike, Tory Burch, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Mar 29Reply

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