Meet your Posher, Mary
US$0 US$534,000,000,000
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Hi! I'm Mary. Im into casual, comfy clothes right now. I really love the hippy, Gypsy, Boho look. Loose & comfy layers. I kind of accidentally bumped into Posh from an internet search for some supplements I bought. Im happy I did! I found the supplements for a great price & a cute top...All of that without having to get out of my pajamas! It doesn't get any better than that!!! I have 3 closets that I need to clean out & then soon I will be posting to Posh too.

13 others
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Hi Mary welcome to posh😀 if there's anything I can do to help you out please ✔tag my closet and I will help you with anything you may need.💜once you get things listed,or,🐬 even if you just plan on buying💕posh is a fun wonderful place to meet new people💘😛
Jan 03Reply

Love that baby. Lost myLucy in May and it still hurts ,. 😰 give your baby a kiss for me. If you see anything on my site, will give extra 👍 thanks
Jan 03Reply

🎀💟Welcome to Poshmark💟🎀I'm Laura(SU/Posh Mentor/Co-Host)! The @official_forum is a great resource, and I have posts in my closet to help💜New Girl💜Following game💜Join My Tag Lists!💜 I'm here to mentor & help so stay in touch! Love, Laura😘
🎀PFF's please meet this lovely posher!💕@aflattery💕@bamagirl017💕@bella_xox💕@blu3935💕@callie5510💕@chicagdl💕@chloejoy15💕@cmc514💕@daisyd0102💕@dotgallo💕@elevenroses💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Jan 05Reply

🎀💟PFF's Please Welcome This Lovely New Posher💟🎀💕@heatherschoice💕@holdon3💕@hotpantsrhoads💕@hsohailk💕@jays_boutique_💕@jenniann5246💕@jill555💕@kookc💕@kcford24💕@kden_wallace💕@lnation818💕@mandapanda83💕@marlanap💕@matadora1978💕@mimsmenagerie💕@mrsmadariaga💕@muneewoo💕@nami001💕@proverbs_31💕@shethkh💕@smchop💕@treasuresbytrac💕@twinkletoestoni💕@txan66💕@wendimb💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY
Jan 05Reply

hello there im jess posh mentor\seller, welcome to posh! any questions just ask piece of advice keep a posh compliant closet it will bring you much success ! :)
Jan 05Reply

Hi there! Welcome to poshmark. You asked about my wish list? That is what I call all the items that I have liked. If I am ready to buy shoes... I go to the like section of my closet and Choose category -shoes... Then scroll thru all the shoes I have liked :) it's fun and a good way to keep track of all the great deals I come across. Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💐
Jan 05Reply

Hi Mary! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜@lauras_boutique
Jan 05Reply

@resthomas Thanks for the warm welcome. Everyone here seems to be very nice! Im very happy I found this site.
Jan 05Reply

@leoswife Hi, so sorry to hear about Lucy. This is my boy, Zeus. He just turned 3 last September. He is my best friend, my protector, my companion, my joy & my world. As you can see I really love Zeus. Im really happy I found this site. You have some beautiful clothes in your closet. I will be making some more purchases as soon as I have some extra money. Everyone here seems to be so warm and welcoming. Im going to be cleaning out my closets & hope to be selling some of my things too.
Jan 05Reply

@lauras_boutique Hi Laura, nice to meet you. Thank you for your note & offers of help. I bought a couple of things this past week. Then a light bulb went off in my head...I have 3 closets of clothes that are for the most part clothes I say I will wear when I lose some weight...why not sell those then buy clothes that will fit me now? Most women know that gaining weight can be depressing...even more depressing when nothing fits. I have seen sooo many cute clothes on here that will fit me now.
Jan 06Reply

@matadora1978 Thanks for the advice. I'm really excited to be here!
Jan 06Reply

@kikismom28 Thanks for responding. What a great way to keep track of things. I have seen so many things I would love to buy. This is such a great place to buy things I typically wouldn't be able to afford. Everyone here is so nice and helpful!
Jan 06Reply

@callie5510 Thank you Callie. I am very happy to be here. I have seen so many nice things on here that I would love to buy. Im also excited to get my closets cleaned out so I can make room for all of the cute things I will inevitably find here.
Jan 06Reply

@mjocro find anything in my closet,💟 my friend😍 and I will make you an awesome deal🍀 happy poshing🐬
Jan 06Reply

@mjocro Love your profile pic. Such a cutie 💕💕💕Welcome to the addictive world of Poshmark,?
Jan 07Reply

Welcome to the sisterhood of shopping sweetheart! Any questions or concerns please feel free to ask. Other than that honey Happy Poshing! It's such a great place
Jan 08Reply

Hi Mary welcome to Posh. What a cute pup :)
Jan 09Reply

Welcome to PoshMark!
Just so you know, for your first purchase I'll allow you to choose your own price on any item using the Offer button!
Jan 22Reply

@mjocro Hi Mary , ask away with any questions you may have. I would gladly live to answer them 😊😊😊😊
Jan 28Reply

@mjocro hey did you find the listing I need for you under the white leggings. The other orders have been canceled this will save you money😇😍🌺
Feb 01Reply

@angelwings17 ok I will go look now. Thank you
Feb 01Reply

@mjocro any luck? It's after midnight here and I have to go sleep now😇😍🌺
Feb 01Reply

@angelwings17 I'm looking for phone had to be charged too. If I don't find it yet tonight, I will's going on 1AM here.
Feb 01Reply

Thanks for like. Prices are flexible so make me an offer :)
Feb 01Reply

Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 This is where you will find a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher & be eligible for those wonderful 🎉 host picks 🎉
1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet 💯
2️⃣ share share share 👠👗👙
3️⃣ follow follow follow 👣👣👣
4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔
And check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum for great info
Feb 02Reply

Hi Mary! Are you still interested in the blue top?
Feb 02Reply

@mjocro Welcome to Posh -- have fun!!!
Feb 04Reply

Hey sweetie 👋🏽. Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🌎. Let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏼. I have a Newbie Lounge in my closet you should totally check out to help get you started 😁. Have fun selling and shopping 🛍. Yours truly, @drizzymizzylove 💕
Feb 04Reply

@drizzymizzylove Hi dizzie I will def check out the newbie lounge. I Really need to set closet & start selling. I see SO much stuff on here I would love to have.
Feb 06Reply

@mjocro Hello Mary, welcome to Posh :) Thank you very much for visiting my closet :) and for all the shares. It seems we have similar taste for sure.
Feb 06Reply

Feb 06Reply

Feb 09Reply

Thanks for stopping by! Welcome to posh!
Feb 11Reply

@chic_boutique4u His name is Zeus. He wants to say hi.
Feb 18Reply

Hi Mary, I am Dawn... It's great to meet you! #️⃣1️⃣ THANK YOU FOR THE MASSIVE LIKES ANS SHARES‼️ You seem to have taken all if the advise from sister Poshers seriously. I predict great success for you! Any time you have a ❓❔let me know and Inwill try to help! Welcome 🌸🌸🌸 @dawnleeds
Feb 18Reply

@dawnleeds Thank you Dawn. I look around on here for things I might want to buy for myself. There is So much to look at & many things are so unique. Its fun for me to pass on awesome things I come across.. I also get a kick out of watching my feed & seeing things I had shared pop up as Sold. I see that I am starting to grow some followers. I need to go through my own closets & post some of my things for sale.
Feb 18Reply

@mjocro Oh you will have a great time! At first it was hard to part with things but now I can't get them up fast enough!
Feb 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😀🌺😀
Mar 02Reply

@mjocro Hi Mary! I was Poshing 3 years before I finally posted!! Just wanted to say Hello again, and say how cute your puppy is!
Mar 02Reply

Happy poshing! God bless!
Mar 15Reply

Aww cute photo ❤️😚 hope you're enjoying posh 💐😊
Mar 29Reply

🐶Oh, dats cute🐶
Sep 19Reply

@bachsmom Thank you. Thats my baby boy Zeus. He just turned four last month. He's such a good dog & smart as a whip! You have a very nice closet. I will go back & look again once I get paid in two weeks.
Sep 19Reply

Hi:) feel free to stop by my closet & make an offer on anything you might like. Everything comes with a free gift.
Oct 05Reply

Soooooo cute! 🐶
Oct 09Reply

Mint to be fashions has sooo much to offer❣️❣️ we love ❤️ to negotiate on a closet full of clearance and sale items😁😁😍😍 feel free to submit an offer🤗🤗 happy poshing 🌺🎉💞
Feb 04Reply

30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept. This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Oct 08Reply
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