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Updated Jan 25
Updated Jan 25


Meet the Posher



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Hi, I'm Angie.Thank you for stopping by & looking at my closet. I'm currently offering $6.00 SPRING SPECIALS! be sure to check it out! BUNDLE & SAVE & SEND ME A OFFER I CANT REFUSE ! HAVE A LOVELY DAY!😊🦋
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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gpalacios Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hope you luv it here.. It gets addicting real fast. Let me know if you have any questions. And there are tons of great Poshers happy to help! 😘💋👗👠😇
Jan 08Reply
tiffylin Hi what's your email?
Feb 07Reply
beauty_essex_ny Hi 🤗nice to meet you and welcome to Posh!!! I'm Victoria 💐💗🍾
Feb 11Reply
lilyline There a girl on here named Leah cam thst has a chanel caviar leather Bag that's for 300
Mar 04Reply
bellanblue hello & welcome to posh! I'm jen. very nice to meet you!
Mar 27Reply
siennaacre Thanks for the like! 💃
Apr 06Reply
gsims1177 @dhassel8 hi thx for the like :) lmk if u interested in on merc also :)
Apr 06Reply
wyh hi there I have a 12x6 papillon bag which is bigger one if u are looking one pls check my closet :)
Apr 13Reply
dung96 Wow you have amazing closet 🎉🎉🎉 pls check out my closet too ❤️❤️❤️ loveee 😘😘😘😘
Apr 16Reply
lovejewlerybox @dhassel8 Thank you for checking out my closet and for your likes. I just want to let you know my closet is on sale. Bundle 2 items and save 10%. Happy Poshing 😍 🛍
Apr 17Reply
lovejewlerybox @dhassel8 - no problem. Just wanted to let you know about the sale. Enjoy the rest of your weekend 😊
Apr 17Reply
persiancat19 Hi welcome to poshmark
Apr 18Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Apr 18Reply
cheekbones @dhassel8 Thanks so much!😃
Apr 19Reply
reagan_alverez Hello! Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark!This app will soon become very addicting. If you need any help feel free to follow my closet & ask me questions! I'd be happy to help:) also feel free to check out my closet and make me offers. I am very flexible with my prices and i promise we can work something out. Happy Poshing!!! 🎉☕️🌵
Jun 12Reply
tranthanh If you buy on Ⓜ️ercari I'll ship it asap
Jun 22Reply
fashion2698 Hey I'm selling a bundle for too faced palettes plus beauty blender. If you want to negotiate the price we can
Jun 23Reply
mamafox20 My pleasure I shipped the items to you. Happy 4th!
Jul 01Reply
castledong @dhassel8 Hello, Weldon to posh!!! 🌹🌷
Jul 02Reply
dhassel8 i wish this site could be without drama. bring back the fun selling & shopping.
Jul 06Reply
mjbp @dhassel8 hi did u receive the pkg yet ????
Jul 07Reply
londonsboutique @dhassel8 Hi, welcome to Posh and feel free to check out my closet 🎁🛍🎀🎊🎉 that's always fun to shop in with no drama 😉......
Jul 12Reply
dhassel8 this is a message to all SCAMMERS, i refuse to do business with you& will not shop from you. do not even bother sending a request my way. i will do business with legit people ONLY!. lets bring back a fun place to shop & receive lovely items for everyone.
Jul 12Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hi Angie! Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Jul 22Reply
lovethatbagxo Hi Angie! Feel free to come check out my closet and Happy Poshing 🎉❣😊
Jul 23Reply
5starfinds Hi Angie. If you like the Dior and the Kate spade, I will take 10$ off😘
Jul 25Reply
m_m_closet Hey, I have a bunch of makeup:)
Jul 25Reply
dhassel8 hi. just letting everyone know, i am going to be gone & unavailable to chat with anyone for at least 2 weeks. the reason being i have a family situation of the medical kind with a family member & i am not sure how long & the depth of this situation. i wanted to let you know why i am not responding to any messages sent to me. i will contact & respond to all messages when i return. thanks for understanding.
Jul 29Reply
oicloset Hey! Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to ask me any questions you have or check out my closet!!! 💞🌷
Jul 30Reply
kitty_katkat @dhassel8 Hi🙋 Thanks for the like on the LV Speedy bag. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day😄🌸🌼😄
Aug 22Reply
kitty_katkat @dhassel8 Hi🙋 I wanted to thank you again so much for the purchases. I hope you are enjoying the two bags 😄
Aug 30Reply
tiffylin Hi I can do $265 would that be okay?
Sep 20Reply
chiviscloset Hello. Just wanted to let you know I added a new Dior bag and matching wallet. 😊
Sep 22Reply
jgajewski Hi I'm Jess nice to meet you! Stop by and visit my closet if you get a chance. Have a wonderful day!🌺
Oct 09Reply
evelynbwong Hello Angie, 💗❄️💗 Welcome to Poshmark! It is so nice to meet you. Let me know if you have any queries. I am more than happy to help. Also, please check out my closet. I'll give you the BEST DEALS and excellent service. Every order includes: a "Thank You" note, 2 FREE gifts, pretty packaging and very fast shipping. I will share items from your closet too, once you start building it up more completely! - Evelyn 💗❄️❄️💗❄️❄️💕❄️❄️💕
Dec 05Reply
afrodit You baby dog is adorable 😍😍😍🐶
Jan 22Reply
shopcareergirl hi! Noticed you were interested in a vintage Fendi bag, and we have one listed for $100. We're open to ALL offers as well, so feel free to make on if you're interested! Let us know if you have any questions, and have a great day!
Feb 06Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Angie, just wanted to say thanks for visiting my closet and liking those cute bling Seven7 jeans. Please stop by again sometime.
Feb 08Reply
ally_marc Thank you for sharing
Mar 19Reply
ally_marc Thank you for sharing
May 19Reply
royalbeauty1992 Hey hun thanks for the add my name is Justina I am currently doing some spring cleaning and I'll love it if you can stop by my closet when u have a chance I have items starting at $4
May 31Reply
romanash Your pup is so cute. 💕
Jun 06Reply
aldrur3 Not to be a creeper but I noticed you commented on another girl's post and just wanted to let you know I have a lightly used urban decay Alice through the looking glass palette that I'd be willing to sell for 40$
Jun 10Reply
capital_vault @dhassel8 hi, I have been keeping the bag available for you since earlier this week and turned away someone who was interested because I had given you my word. I would appreciate if you will respond.
Jun 18Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Jul 27Reply
jaca2015 @dhassel8 welcome to Poshmark!
Aug 02Reply
jnjfitz Welcome to Poshmark
Sep 13Reply
dhassel8 @labelwhoarders2 thank you. Thanks for the introduction. I will take a look at your closet soon.
Sep 20Reply
arcsales87 Hi. Have you purchased the Manhattan PM yet?
Sep 29Reply
jazzyval29 Hi hun!!! I was putting your package together on Saturday and for the life of me couldn’t find the Kylie kit in Leo 😔. I have one, but it was damaged and I was looking for my personal one (that was unused) and just could not find it. Would you like another color?? Or if you’d like another item from my closet with up to a value of $25, please let me know. I will also ship an extra gift for the trouble.
Dec 04Reply
dhassel8 @jazzyval29 hi. Sorry, i just saw your message. Can i replace the kylie kit for the smashbox eye shadow kit. The one i liked in your closet. Just let me know if that works for you. Dont worry , these things happen. Just ship all 3 items out when you get a chance. Thanks so much.😊
Dec 04Reply
jazzyval29 @dhassel8 Yes, absolutely! I’ll ship them first thing tomorrow as I’m not home right now. Thanks so much for being so understanding ! 😊💕
Dec 04Reply
dhassel8 @jazzyval29 hi. Of course. Things happen. I completely understand. The shipping time is fine. Have a lovely evening.😊
Dec 04Reply
dhassel8 Hi. Did you get a chance to ship this out yet? Please let me know. Thanks😀
Dec 05Reply
jazzyval29 So happy you received your package already! Thank you for your sweet rating & message. 😊 Happy Holidays! 🎅🏼
Dec 07Reply
dhassel8 @jazzyval29 hi.i am so pleased with everything. You are so welcome. Best wishes for a very happy holiday & a happy new year.!😊
Dec 07Reply
jazzyval29 @dhassel8 Thank you! You as well!!! 🎄🎅🏼
Dec 07Reply
massixo Hey check out my closet might have something you’ll like
Dec 07Reply
dhassel8 @luxurydeluxe18 hi. I only shop here on poshmark. I will take a look into your closet.
Dec 30Reply
strawberrislice Hi there I saw that you’re a Dior lover please check out my closet for some great pieces both vintage and current. I will be posting 7-9 Dior pieces from my saddle collection within the next 24 hours. Thanks Candis
May 03Reply
juliayang919 @dhassel8 Hi, I have a LV alike multi color speedy 30, I can post @ you if you are interested
Jun 11Reply
rhamamy @dhassel8 I guess I would sell the bag for $700 as the fees are high.. does that work for you?
Jun 28Reply
dhassel8 @rhamamy Hi. That price seems really high. For the year of this bag. Thank you kindly for your time though.
Jun 28Reply
rhamamy @dhassel8 I got this bag as a gift .. can you tell me what is a good price for it? As you know a lot about it
Jun 28Reply
dhassel8 @rhamamy hi. Well it appears in good condition. I see no damage to exterior or interior of bag. Most people price this style of dior between $200.00 & $400.00. But it is your bag , so you can price as you wish. I hope this helps. I carry nice bags. But im no expert.
Jun 28Reply
malu2006 Hi! Just passing by. Hope you’re doing well. Just letting you know that I sell Authentic luxury bags and fashion jewelry. Come check out my closet if you have time. Thanks🌺
Aug 16Reply
malu2006 @dhassel8 thanks so much for the like on the Celine bag. She’s a gorgeous purse. Small-medium size I would say. Amazing condition. If there’s any questions you need answered regarding the bag just let me know. Thanks again.
Aug 16Reply
malu2006 @dhassel8 hi! Just letting you know if you’re interested I can do a bundle price of $280 for both Celine bags I have listed and a gift with purchase. They’re really nice bag! You won’t be disappointed! And always wrapped like it’s coming from a boutique🌺🎁😀
Aug 16Reply
shill1981 Welcome to Poshmark. My name is 🍀Selena🍀 I wish you all the best in sales and shopping also. Check out my closet, my new Follow Game and also join my new Tag list, so you can be apart of all the fun, meet new people(PFF) Posh Friends Forever and gain more sales. The more you get your closet exposed, the better chance at more sales.We all work together to help each other grow together. You’ll see 😊♥️😁
Aug 19Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Nike, Yellow Box, Burberry Brit, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 16Reply
jackiemateo @dhassel8 thanks so much for your purchase🤗🥰 I will ship out ASAP💕
Dec 30Reply
jackiemateo @dhassel8 thanks so much for the awesome review I’m so happy that you loved everything thanks again please visit again 🥰❣️❤️
Jan 03Reply
tiffylin Hi Angie! What are your thoughts on the Marc Jacobs Bag? I’m looking to make some space in my closet 😊
Jan 21Reply
dhassel8 @tiffylin it is a very lovely bag. I like the quilted look & raspberry color. It's a little out of my price range . You know the after holidays are rough. I hope my thoughts help.
Jan 21Reply
tiffylin @dhassel8 yes I know!! 😭 lol I would be happy to give it to you a discount what about $300?
Jan 21Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Jan 22Reply
bluesea38 @dhassel8 hi dear Angie, thank you for the like on Fendi espadrilles and for visiting my closet! Much appreciated! Offers always welcome👍 also I do authentication for pm, let me know if you need any help💝 have a very blessed Sunday!🙏🙏
Feb 10Reply
dhassel8 @bluesea38hi. You have such a beautiful closet. I hope to shop it real soon.
Feb 11Reply
maygirl40 Hey there - just inviting you to check out my closet. I have a variety of mainly Kate Spade items. Have a great day!
May 27Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brands like PINK, Torrid, Vera Bradley, Vans, Converse, Betsey Johnson, and Coach 🛍️ I also have a number of great brand mystery boxes in my closet right now 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
May 30Reply
missjoojoobee @dhassel8 I've just posted a MK bag you might like.
Jun 08Reply
heyvivretro Hi - stopping by to say "Hi!" Thanks for the shares :)
Sep 25Reply
jessmjeffries thank you for the shares!
Nov 05Reply
dhassel8 @jessmjeffries hi, no problem.😊
Nov 05Reply
yepezgrace Hello lovely I noticed you are into Hello Kitty items I just wanted to let you know I just posted some super cuteHello Kitty items that I would love for you to check out & if you like anything I am always open to offers and I love to give BIG SAVINGS DEALS on bundles ☺️💕 so please let me know if you have any questions & bundle your likes for a private discount if you like anything! :) Happy Holidays ❤️❤️❤️❤️!
Nov 28Reply
jlsdomster Thanks so much for your purchase, I will be sure to get these out to you today. Let me thank you by sharing your closet. Appreciate you shopping with me.
Dec 11Reply
tracystarratt I'm so glad you loved your earrings. :) I hope you have a Happy Holiday Season!❤❤❤
Dec 11Reply
dhassel8 @maddiesjewels01 hi, awe you too!! happy holidays!!
Dec 11Reply
drjeannie0208 Hi Angie, thanks for sharing my closet, shoes, brooches and Vera Bradley handbag. My entire closet is 50% off any item and if you bundle an additional 20%. So all three of those beautiful items for $22.50 plus shipping. It’s a great deal if you want to purchase. Just wanted to make you the offer. I am a newbie and appreciate all the Posh love and shares I receive to build sales.
Dec 11Reply
drjeannie0208 Don’t You are a beautiful lady, super Posher Ambassador and have a beautiful closet. I will let with sharing your items. I am learning pretty quickly considering I never use Apps. The kids in my classrooms or office were my tech assistants!👛💕👛👚👠👗👡👜🎁📦🥰 Thanks, Drjeannie
Dec 11Reply
dhassel8 @drjeannie0208 hi, thanks for the beautiful offer. I will check this out. I wish you the best. there is alot of fun times ahead & friends to be made. have a lovely evening.😊
Dec 12Reply
dhassel8 @drjeannie0208 hi. awe, thanks for the very kind words. I greatly appreciate this. I strive to make everyone happy. just put customers first & you will do well. I strive to try to make things affordable. everyone deserves nice things. you have a lovely evening.😊
Dec 12Reply
drjeannie0208 Thanks so much!💕💕
Dec 12Reply
drjeannie0208 Yes, I have met so many kind people and there is a positive vibe💕
Dec 12Reply
dhassel8 @drjeannie0208 hi, yes. this is mainly a positive community. we build each other up & help. theres alot of positive reinforcement & constant room for growth. i really love it here.😊
Dec 12Reply
beautyqueen1225 💖Hi Angie Thanks For Stopping By My Victoria’s Secret Boutique & Sharing Some of My Listings I'll Make sure 2 share some of yours too💖I wanted to let you know about some of the deals that I'm offering 4 The Holiday Season.💖 💖🛍When you Bundle More than 1 Panty Free Shipping WILL Be INCLUDED With Your Order, Along with Gift Wrapping.I'm Offering ANY PANTY 2/$25, 3/$30/, 5/$45, and 10/$70. The More You Bundle the More You Save🛍💖🥳 I also give away Free Gifts Just 4 Shopping Through My Boutique. 🥳
Dec 13Reply
mvolpend Thanks so much for sharing back 💕 best of luck for fast sales 🍀🤞🏻
Jan 02Reply
dhassel8 @mvolpend hi, you're so very welcome. we got help each other out,ya knowl. thanks so much!!😊🦋
Jan 02Reply
mvolpend @dhassel8 oh do I know. I’m always up for daily shares 💕 see ya tomorrow posh friend 🍀🎉
Jan 02Reply
estreasurechest Hi . Thanks so much for the follow and shares!!! I am new to Poshmark and still learning the ropes. Feel free to share tips with me if you notice things need to improve ‼️🎆🎇🎆‼️
Jan 06Reply
tiffanyl01 Thanks so much for all the shares🤗🥰😘 I really appreciate it. When we share, we all win🤗🤗🤗.
Jan 08Reply
dhassel8 @tiffanyl01 hi, you're so very welcome!!! I'm happy to help. I agree we should all work together.🦋
Jan 08Reply
ksicola Hi! Thank you so much for the shares! If you are interested in any of the clothes.. feel free to make offers😊 Happy shopping & selling!! 💓
Jan 25Reply
denejkivdom Beautiful night! May your evening sparkling with fun and in high spirits! I hope you find a minute to check on my closet. Appreciate your time, thank you! Viva
Feb 04Reply
ksicola Hi! Feel free to check out my closet! I have clothes listed from Victoria’s Secret PINK, American Eagle, H & M, Forever 21, Torrid, Under Armour and more! Happy shopping!!💓
Feb 04Reply
allisonlouise18 Your prices are crazy incredible 🤗 I would imagine people are making large bundles frequently! Wishing you many sales this year 💸🌸
Feb 05Reply
dhassel8 @allisonlouise18 hi, I'm having a sale to liquidate some of my extra merchandise. I have lots of listings. my overstock is someone else's happiness. thank you& happy sales to you as well . have a lovely evening.🦋
Feb 05Reply
dhassel8 @23direct hi, you're so very welcome!!!!🦋
Feb 07Reply
ttaylor104 @dhassel8 Hi 👋 Thank you for sharing items from my closet, You ROCK🤩!!!! Your Closet is Poshalicious, so I returned the Love 💝!!! Wishing you continued Success and Insurmountable Sells 💵💰!!! Happy Poshing😉... T
Feb 09Reply
dhassel8 @ttaylor104 hi, you're so very welcome!!😊
Feb 10Reply
dhassel8 hi, thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. good luck with your closet. yours is very nice as well.🦋
Feb 10Reply
aloveofshoes Thanks so much for your shares !! I need to recharge and get back to photos but I’ll try to remember to share more of your items later !! Thanks again and happy Poshing 🥂🍾✌️💕👠💍👛👗🌸😘
Feb 11Reply
dhassel8 @aloveofshoes hi, you're so very welcome!! happy sales to you!!!😊
Feb 11Reply
dhassel8 hi. it's all good. thank you.
Feb 11Reply
riwi Welcome and Happy Poshing!
Feb 13Reply
dhassel8 @riwi thank you. happy sales too you as well.
Feb 13Reply
angiedavis123 Hi! I commented on your bundle purchase, so take a look. Have a great day!!
Feb 17Reply
dhassel8 @helloimshaina hi, no worries. have a lovely day.🦋
Feb 17Reply
luvkitty Thank you so much for all the shares!😊😊😊
Feb 29Reply
dhassel8 @luvkitty hi, you're so very welcome!!🦋
Feb 29Reply
desertwind Hi. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing my items. I have been trying to share yours but I am not able. It’s not you it’s me. I haven’t been able to share hardly anyone’s on a regular basis. It may be due to my not having WiFi here so if that is it as soon as I can get to the library then I will play catch up.
Mar 05Reply
dhassel8 @desertwind hi. you're welcome. it's all good. it's no worries. happy sales to you. have a lovely evening.
Mar 05Reply
martinez_margie Hi there, come visit my closet of beautiful jewelry. Reasonable offer accepted. ❤🍷 HAPPY POSHING 🦋🌻
Mar 19Reply
dcondon8583 Hi Angie! Thanks for stopping by my closet. I noticed you liked a couple of my items. Keep in mind I am open to reasonable offers, or bundle your likes and I'll send you my best offer 😊
Mar 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Mar 26Reply
dhassel8 @s27a hi, I'll be sure to check it out!! have a lovely day!!🦋
Mar 26Reply
tirico Thank you for your shares , have a great day and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
dhassel8 @tirico hi, thank you as well. & you're welcome!! you stay safe & well as well.🦋
Mar 29Reply
le_fog Good Evening, Thank you for being a member of POSHMARK; and viewing, and liking Our Listing. We Sell NWT, NWOT and Used Items in Excellent Condition; at reasonably, low prices. Presently, We're offering a 25% Discount; on a BUNDLE ... Order of 2 or more Listings. We package Orders, purchase Labels; then, deliver to the USPS, on the Same or Next Day (excluding Sundays). Thanks again, and may you have a great day; and continually, remain safe.
Apr 03Reply
blemaster09 Hiiii Angie!! 💘 I just wanted to pop in and personally thank you for sharing my items 🥰 I add new items almost daily & I have a big selection, too! Take a peek at my closet, & if you decide to bundle, let me know that I left you this comment & I’ll give you a special discount!! 🥳 xoxo, Brooke ❤️
Apr 03Reply
dhassel8 @blemaster09 hi, you're welcome. you have a nice closet. I bundled a few items together.
Apr 03Reply
dhassel8 @le_fog hi, thank you. I've been a member for a while. I love it here... you're so very welcome for the shares... have a lovely evening.🦋
Apr 03Reply
le_fog Yes, you have been here and have an impressive closet. It was a joy sharing our items. We're here to serve, and POSHMARK is an excellent site for Selling and Buying. Many of the Poshers are awesome; and share ideas and their kindness ... much, like yourself. You're welcome, and thank you.
Apr 03Reply
dhassel8 @le_fog hi, awe. so kind of you to say!!😊
Apr 03Reply
blemaster09 Hey!! Thank you so much for being a previous buyer of mine! I’m trying to clear out my closet, so I’m reaching out to you to offer you 20% off any bundle of my items you make! 🥳 Just let me know after you bundle by commenting that I left you this message!! ❤️ xoxo, Brooke 💋
Apr 09Reply
tweedydo2 Hi my name is Betty thank you for checking out my closet sale ( I sold my Beauty/hair shop these topper would sell in shops for over $150 ). have Surplus Beautiful European 100% human hair only have one of each color can be tinted, iron curly, hot rollers. people that have purchased them have given me a five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ hair length is 7” ..round base 6” can be curled with hot rollers Curly . Please feel free make offer thank you
Apr 19Reply
trendytherapy 🌸🌺Thank you for visiting my closet. 🌺🌸 I appreciate you FOLLOWING ME. 😊 I will share your CLOSET too!! Please let me know if you have any questions❓ Any items you may like, place them in a BUNDLE and I will make you a reasonable offer. Happy Shopping 🛍. Thank you in advance for sharing my closet! 💙TrendyTherapy 💙
Apr 24Reply
dhassel8 @trendytherapy hi, you're so very welcome!!!😊🦋
Apr 24Reply
lidaloo Hey beautiful, please check out my page I am clearing out my closet and I want you to check out my listing please place an offer and I am going to accept EVERY offer if it is reasonable!!
Apr 28Reply
kaybeauty2 hey Angie! I would love it if you checked out my closet and boutique!! happy poshing! 🌼🌺
May 09Reply
dhassel8 @kaybeauty2 hi, thank you . I'll check it out.
May 09Reply
sullivana1980 thanks for shares.❤
May 17Reply
dhassel8 @sullivana1980 hi. you're so very welcome. have a lovely day!🦋
May 17Reply
athlete5642 thanks for the shares!
May 21Reply
dhassel8 @athlete5642 hi, you're so very welcome!😊
May 21Reply
matadora1978 shares 10 of your lovely items...happy Friday!!
May 22Reply
dhassel8 @matadora1978 hi, thx so much!! happy Friday to you, as well!!!😊🦋
May 22Reply
matadora1978 ty so much I aprecciate it 🙋‍♀️❤
May 22Reply
dhassel8 @matadora1978 hi, you're so very welcome!!!🤩
May 22Reply
girlballer Hi ! Like and share my clothing items please ! Share with friends and family members that my be interested. Thank you!
May 24Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 26Reply
dhassel8 @jrtexas99 hi, thank have a great day as well.🦋
May 26Reply
jrtexas99 Thank You Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 26Reply
jrtexas99 Thanks Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 27Reply
broomsticked I love you so much! I'm on hunt for free gifts for you right now! you are best Poshmarker ever!
May 27Reply
dhassel8 @broomsticked hi, thank you. I'm not out to take advantage of anyone. & you're the best!! thx, so much!!!🦋
May 27Reply
sunny_n_florida 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨 so much for all your 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥 ℙ𝕆𝕊ℍ ♥️ 𝕊ℍ𝔸ℝ𝕀ℕ𝔾! I really appreciate it, You are amazing!! Sending you lots of ℙ𝕆𝕊ℍ ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕍𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕤! ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴜᴘ, ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴ ғɪʀᴇ! ᴛʏ!! ᴡᴏᴡʜᴇᴇᴇᴇ!! ᴡᴏᴏᴏᴏʜᴏᴏᴏ !!! 😂 ʟᴏʟ 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Jun 20Reply
dhassel8 @sunny_n_florida hi, you're so very welcome!!! actually my sales are way down.... no worries, it will pick up. thx, so much for good vibes.. much needed!!!😍🦋
Jun 20Reply
sunny_n_florida @dhassel8 I'm sure it's only because of this COVID stuff, 😇 𝕊𝔼ℕ𝔻𝕀ℕ𝔾 ℙ𝕆𝕊𝕀𝕋𝕀𝕍𝔼 ℙ𝕆𝕊ℍ 𝕍𝕀𝔹𝔼𝕊🤩 God Bless, hoping you have a great Sunday😇
Jun 21Reply
dhassel8 @sunny_n_florida hi, txs so much!! have a beautiful day!!!😊
Jun 21Reply
sarahlittle062 Thanks for following me and for all of the shares back and forth. Have a great day.💖
Jun 24Reply
dhassel8 @sarahlittle062 hi. you're so very welcome! have a beautiful day! 😀
Jun 24Reply
babebear57 Good evening🤗 My name is Brad.😀 I've not been selling long on Poshmark, and I have little in my closet. We help each other on here,  Share the Love! ❤️ and it will be returned. 😋 All items are authentic! MAKE ME AN OFFER! The worst I can do is refuse.😁 Remember, have fun, be safe and happy Poshing! Love is Sharing, thank you sincerely Bradley A Gill. P.s. All of my items are completely authentic.
Jul 01Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Jul 05Reply
dhassel8 @jinxy231 hi, thx for the shares also!! & you're welcome! have a lovely day!😊
Jul 05Reply
jinxy231 @dhassel8 No problem and Thank you. Stay safe during this hard time. I hope the best for you on sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 05Reply
dhassel8 @jinxy231 hi, thx. you too!!!😍
Jul 05Reply
dbecca09 Thank you for the shares ☺️
Jul 13Reply
dhassel8 @dbecca09 hi, of course. u too!! 😍
Jul 13Reply
dbecca09 Thank you for your review! And I’m happy you loved everything 🥰
Jul 15Reply
dhassel8 @dbecca09 awe, yes. everything was super cute!! idk, which top I'll wear tonite. I'm going out. big decisions.🤩
Jul 15Reply
dbecca09 @dhassel8 haha I say the black one it was always one of my faves with some light jeans and some black heel/booties or some cute Sandals ! But either way I’m sure they will look great enjoy them!
Jul 15Reply
dhassel8 @dbecca09 awe, great suggestions. I love everything!! thx, for being super cool!! have a lovely day!!😍
Jul 15Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Jul 17Reply
dhassel8 @lillievonstoop1 hi, same too you!!! have a lovely day!!!😊
Jul 17Reply
lillievonstoop1 @dhassel8 Thanks! You too 😉 Thank you so much for sharing my items too ❤!
Jul 17Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. FYI, weekend sales NOW ON!!! I am having DIY jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail tools, home decor and accessories etc. on sales! let me know if you are interesting, I will provide you a good discount!😉
Aug 08Reply
dhassel8 @eddievg1980 hi, welcome from Ohio. I'll be sure to check your closet out!!! have a lovely day/ evening!!😊
Aug 28Reply
cheryl1da Hi, I learned from a top-selling ambassador not to share more than 3-5 items at a time and to do it SLOWLY, every ten seconds. This way you have more chance of it showing through the feed. I am just a doc and don't have the time to share many. This method WORKS and it will work when you use it on your own closet. Just share part of it at a time. GO SLOW. This has been dictated. Take care. WEAR A MASK, Cheryl
Sep 03Reply
dhassel8 @cheryl1da hi. thx for the advice. I've been on here for a while. sales are pretty good. I was rearranging my closet. you have a nice day as well.
Sep 03Reply
refinedfrocks I wanted to stop by for a few moments to warmly thank you for browsing and sharing my closet as it is so tremendously appreciated. Though I am still a relatively new seller to Poshmark, I understand the time you are spending to lend your support to others is not insignificant, so I just had to stop by and let you know how appreciated your kindness to others really is. Please stay in touch, and know that whenever I see your Posh name, it will certainly bring a smile to my heart.
Sep 26Reply
dhassel8 @refinedfrocks hi, thank you for the kind & beautiful words. it's my honor to help everyone. The Poshmark community is a very caring group. you will discover this. Welcome to Poshmark, btw. I hope you love it here. best wishes for your success& many sales to you.
Sep 26Reply
imjoeswife thank you so much for sharing the vest that I am searching for! I shared you as well
Sep 26Reply
dhassel8 @joeswifemandy hi, that's wonderful news. happy poshing to you. & good luck with sales!!😊🦋
Sep 26Reply
imjoeswife @dhassel8 actually the items I have posted are things I'm looking for not even selling. I'm hoping out of the thousands of people that are on here that maybe somebody will have a few of the things that I'm wanting.
Sep 26Reply
dhassel8 @joeswifemandy hi, lol. I'm so dingy. I wasn't paying attention. in sharing mode.🤣
Sep 26Reply
septembermalone Thank you Angie!! Will ship Monday!!
Oct 03Reply
dhassel8 @septembermalone hi, ok .thx so much!😊
Oct 03Reply
bagbeautician You're a wonderful part of Poshmark!! Thanks for all you do!! Wishing you many, many sales!! 🥂🍻🎊🎉🎃🥰💃🙋‍♀️
Oct 09Reply
dhassel8 @tinkertowntreas hi, thank you. love the positive feedback. have a lovely day& best wishes for many sales , to you!!😊🦋
Oct 09Reply
bagbeautician @dhassel8 🥰🥰🥰🍻🥂🎊🎉🙋‍♀️
Oct 09Reply
dfly22 Thank you for making me hit 19k followers! I can only aspire to have a closet like you😎
Oct 16Reply
dhassel8 @dfly22 hi, oh you're so very welcome!! what a truly kind thing to say!! wishes for many sales to you!! have a lovely evening!😊🦋
Oct 16Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ #ShopSmall + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸
Oct 23Reply
bagbeautician 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🎃🎃🐶🐩🥰❤💃
Oct 23Reply
stephaniebal124 Thank you for your purchase of the handbag! It will be shipped out tomorrow. I hope you love it!
Oct 28Reply
stephaniebal124 Hello, the purse you ordered has been shipped. Thank you for your purchase❤
Nov 03Reply
dhassel8 @stephaniebal124 hi, ok thanks so much!😊
Nov 04Reply
dhassel8 @ashlei12b hi, thank you as well. I'll definitely take a look. best of luck to you with sales!!!!😊🦋
Nov 04Reply
dhassel8 @ashlei12b 😊😊😊
Nov 04Reply
3bearswear Hi Angie! Please do NOT spend your 💵 to send the 👖 that got left out. I understand mistakes happen. I will most likely buy from again you once you list those shoes you mentioned, just let me know once listed please. 😊 Thank you for the jewelry, I gave it to my teenage daughter. 💕 Thanks again for the great deal! Anj
Nov 06Reply
dhassel8 @3bearswear hi, sorry about the mix up. it's been a crazy week. I can relist the Jean's. the shoes I listed a week ago. one pair sold. sandals are still there. you're so very welcome! I love my customers & try to make everyone happy. have a lovely weekend.😊🦋
Nov 06Reply
dianneclary Hi Angie! Thanks for sharing listings from my closet! 🥰. I really appreciate it!! Happy Poshing!
Nov 08Reply
dhassel8 @dianneclary hi, you're so very welcome. & thank you as well. best wishes for many sales.😊
Nov 08Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing with loset! Be safe...Dorothy
Nov 09Reply
dhassel8 @dorothy_wirth hi, you're welcome!! u too!!😊
Nov 09Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you so much for sharing all my listings it is very kind Dorothy
Nov 09Reply
dosojosverdes @dhassel8 THANK YOUUUUUU!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁
Nov 10Reply
dhassel8 @dosojosverdes hi, you're welcome!!!!😊
Nov 10Reply
dletendre13 Thanks for the share!!
Nov 11Reply
dhassel8 @dletendre13 hi, you're welcome. have a lovely day!😊
Nov 11Reply
mimisfashion27 Thank you for the share. Have a wonderful day!!!
Nov 13Reply
dhassel8 @mimisfashion27 hi, you're welcome & thank you as well. have a lovely day!!😊
Nov 13Reply
vilmak Thank you 😊
Nov 19Reply
dhassel8 @vilmak hi, you're welcome!😊
Nov 19Reply
emmerose0902 Hi! I wanted to thank you for your sweet rating on your last purchase from me! Im also having a sale on all beauty products today there’s some listings you might want to check out. Happy shopping🤗💞
Nov 24Reply
dhassel8 @emmerose0902 hi, you're so very welcome!! I'll definitely check out your closet & sale going on!! happy poshing to you as well! & Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!!😊
Nov 24Reply
collyerhouse Hi! Thank you for all the shares. Really appreciate it 🤩😍
Dec 01Reply
dhassel8 @collyerhouse hi, you're welcome!!😊
Dec 02Reply
amybroom677 hi i have never sold anything on line before but i have 3 chanel purses all real sll new with! ags ins info serial number, lost need help i dont kniyw what I am doing. anyone willing go lend advise?
Dec 06Reply
dhassel8 @amybroom677 hi, just download pics to your account here on Poshmark. look up prices online. then just price each bag @ a fair but giving you a bit of profit price. it's pretty simple. good luck. & happy poshing.
Dec 06Reply
dhassel8 oh also, list very good descriptions, & serial # s of each bag. just be as accurate as possible with each bag that you're selling.
Dec 06Reply
dhassel8 @mylovejewelry hi, thanks so much! so kind of you to say! I'll check your closet out as well. have a lovely day!🦋
Dec 08Reply
sarahmcparlin thank you for the follow! if you see anything in my closet you are interested in feel free to send me any offers! i’m more than happy to negotiate:)
Dec 15Reply
dhassel8 @sarahmcparlin hi, you're so very welcome!! thank you too!! I'll give it a look over. you have a lovely day!!🦋
Dec 15Reply
sarahmcparlin @dhassel8 thank you! you too!😄💕
Dec 15Reply
delcie11 @dhassel8 thanks for the share 🥰 I returned the kindness 💕 merry poshing 🎄🛍️💖
Dec 15Reply
dhassel8 @delcie11 awe, thank you!!!😊
Dec 15Reply
dawniesduds Thanks for all the shares!! I so appreciate it!!
Dec 16Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Hello, I’m hopeful the boots will get there soon🤗 The shipping is so delayed..Happy Holidays🎄
Dec 22Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, thank you. no worries. I have shipments from last week , that haven't been delivered. it looks like shipments are going to like a holding center . crazy, I've never seen it this backed up. the postal system needs to figure something out.
Dec 22Reply
nanciclifford Thanks so much for the shares!! Merry Christmas! 🎄⛄️🎄⛄️🎄⛄️🎄⛄️🎄⛄️⛄️🎄⛄️🎄⛄️🎄⛄️
Dec 22Reply
dhassel8 @nanciclifford hi, you're so very welcome!! Happy Holidays to you too!
Dec 22Reply
smcdsmith55 Thank you so much for the shares!!! Wishing you and loved ones a Very Happy Holidays!!! 👠🎒💄🎄☃️🥂🥂🥳🥳🥳
Dec 22Reply
marlycecolgate thank you for the share! Back at you sweetheart! Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Dec 23Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Your welcome!! Glad you liked them! Did both pairs arrive??
Dec 23Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 of the matching set? yes. love them. so romance meets punk!!😊
Dec 23Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Hey, the other pair that I sent accidentally🤗🤗
Dec 23Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 no, I only received the ones that I ordered.the post office , should be able to help you track & locate those.
Dec 23Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Ok, on my end! It’s says their coming to you..Keep me posted & I’ll keep you posted!! Happy Holidays!!
Dec 23Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, of course. I'll let you know. if, I receive them. do I ship back to you?
Dec 23Reply
dhassel8 happy holidays to you too!!
Dec 23Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Hey! When the mix up first happened, I contacted Poshmark. They said they would be in touch with you & also send you a return label.. I just reached back out to them. I’ll let you know! After Christmas..Enjoy you Holiday🎄🤗
Dec 23Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 ok, I'll watch for shoes & worries.😊
Dec 23Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Hey,hope your Xmas was amazing! So, t’s saying the boots got delivered to you. Have you heard anything from Poshmark? Cause if you never recurved the return label. They wouldn’t be coming back to me as of yet..
Dec 28Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, I had a ok, xmas. I just checked my porch. no packages. & I checked my emails. & no label for this. it must be held up @ the post office. I know lots of my packages/ shipments have been held up. it's a mess. packages I sent 2 weeks ago, people are just now receiving. I will continue to look for you & try to help all that I can.
Dec 28Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Dec 29Reply
dhassel8 @polka5dots hi, ur welcome & thank you , also.
Dec 30Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, I just received the package. if you can have Poshmark send me a label. I'll ship it right back to you.
Dec 30Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Hello, I keep messaging them, it seems like I’m getting ran in circles. So frustrating at this point!
Dec 30Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, I'll check my emails. I'm sorry this is so frustrating for you. I'll see what I can do to help. at least we located package. well get it fixed.
Dec 30Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, I just contacted Poshmark support. explaining the situation. ga e your user name & mine. requested return label to be sent to my email on file. hopefully this will resolve this situation & package will return to you. I will send out as soon as I receive the label.
Dec 30Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Thank you very much. Sorry about all the mix up!
Dec 30Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, dont worry about it. these things happen. well get ot fixed. hopefully soon..🦋
Dec 30Reply
dhassel8 hi, I sent email to Poshmark. they're not understanding what I mean. I clearly stated that package was accidentally shipped to me & I need return label to send back to the sender. I gave them your user name & mine. I really dont know what else to do. except maybe try @ postal. return to sender. I just dont want to get charged to ship back.
Jan 03Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, I just spoke to Tammy the post master. she said I can mark your package refused & send back to you. I'm going to do this tomorrow.
Jan 05Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Ok, thank you! I gladly appreciate it🙂
Jan 05Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, you're welcome. have a lovely day!🦋
Jan 05Reply
rosa315 @dhassel8 Hey! I received the package today! Thank you😊
Jan 12Reply
dhassel8 @rosa315 hi, I'm so glad we got this sorted.youre so very welcome.
Jan 12Reply
erica_bby2 Thank you for sharing my listing if your interested in anything i can do bundles for you and i accept reasonable offers
Jan 15Reply
gypsy_market Hi. I was just wondering if you shipped the purse I ordered. I know the post office is taking a little while longer right now but there still isn’t any tracking. If you could let me know. Thank you.
Feb 03Reply
dhassel8 @gypsy_market hi, I just saw your message. we have been getting tons of snow. were expecting another 10 inches of snow. I have your purse packed & ready. I'm just snowed in & waiting for someone to clear the roads . so, I can get to the postal. I'm so sorry about this. I will get it to postal , as soon as I can.
Feb 04Reply
gypsy_market @dhassel8 That’s no problem at all!!! No rush. Thanks for letting me know.
Feb 04Reply
isabel_hicks Thank you for sharing! Much appreciated!
Feb 07Reply
dhassel8 @isabel_hicks hi. thank you too& you're welcome.
Feb 07Reply
leravaldez Hello! I would like to invite you visit my closet to find great deals! I have items that hopefully you may like. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to you visiting my closet!
Feb 13Reply
dhassel8 @imjenchen hi. thank you. I'll take a look in a bit. happy pishing to you too!😃🌻
Mar 04Reply
dvmart64 Hello!!! Thank you stopping by, shopping and sharing my closet!!!😍😀. Greatly appreciate the posh support!
Mar 20Reply
dhassel8 @dvmart64 hi. you're welcome! thank you as well! that's what we all do. posh support. it's such a great place to be.💚
Mar 20Reply
jenniferhvorcik Happy Poshing, gorgeous! 😘💕💜
Mar 26Reply
dhassel8 @jenniferhvorcik awe, you too! & thank you.🦋😊
Mar 26Reply
dhassel8 @beautifynails hi, thank you so much! I greatly appreciate you saying that! I'll be sure to check your closet out.😊🦋
Apr 08Reply
kiwitrends Thank you for sharing my listing!!! 💜
Apr 23Reply
fashionistasue HI there ! I made u another offer ! If still interested ! Thanx
May 03Reply
dhassel8 @fashionistasue hi, very interested in said offer. can you extend this until tomorrow. I can purchase this then.
May 03Reply
stormtreasures @dhassel8 Hi may we add a couple things in a bundle to the purchase my husband just made please...
May 11Reply
stormtreasures @dhassel8 Hi, the plaque is a definite, we are buying that. My wife also wishes to purchase a few of your other items so please do not mail the plaque until she writes to you in the morning. We thank you in advance for your kind understanding, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
May 11Reply
dhassel8 @stormtreasures hi, I can cancel that order. & you can bundle items together & I can give you a discount on said items & offer discount or free shipping. just let me know. have a nice day!😊
May 11Reply
dhassel8 @stormtreasures hi, I can cancel this order. & you can start a new bundle. including everything you wish to purchase. I will give you a discount on 3 or more items & discounted or free shipping. just let me know when you're ready to purchase & I'll send the offer. have a lovely day!😊
May 11Reply
stormtreasures @dhassel8 Thank you...please cancel the bundle so we can add items...
May 11Reply
dhassel8 @stormtreasures hi, I will do that right now. per customer request. you're welcome.
May 11Reply
stormtreasures @dhassel8 Thank you...please cancel...making the bundle now...Do any of the Juicy Couture items have stamps on the back. Also please reserve our items...We thank you Deacon Rick and Storm
May 11Reply
stormtreasures @dhassel8 Hi, thank you for your prompt response and generous offer. We are greatly looking forward to receiving our treasures and look forward to doing business in the future. Stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
May 11Reply
dhassel8 @stormtreasures hi, you're so very welcome! it's my pleasure to serve you. have a great day!😊
May 11Reply
fashionistasue HI ! I'm packing your order. I don't have the brown velvet choker . sorry. But I do have another white flower with pink center and a faux suede multi srand one with golden beads that dangle, I can give u both of them to replace the brown velvet one. Is that ok? Im trying to mail it out today. lmk please, Ty
May 15Reply
dhassel8 @fashionistasue hi, that's fine. no worries.have a lovely day!😊
May 15Reply
fashionistasue @dhassel8 hi, sorry , I couldn't get to post office in time. saw your message, I will mail Monday, will put the other 2 choker necklaces as replacement!
May 15Reply
dhassel8 @fashionistasue hi. no worries. that will be fine & thank you so much!💚
May 15Reply
stormtreasures @dhassel8 Hi, thanks for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment. We are always on the lookout to purchase any real gold and sterling silver items. Please contact us should you ever have any for sale. Again, thanks so much and stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
May 16Reply
dhassel8 @stormtreasures hi, you're so welcome. if i ever have such items to sell. I will keep you in mind. have a lovely evening.😊
May 16Reply
fufushikiluv @dhassel8 Thanks for the share 💕
May 19Reply
dhassel8 @fufushikiluv hi, thank you, as well.Have a lovely day!😊
May 19Reply
belladonna1313 Hello Angie thank you so much for the shares my name is Bella nice to meet you
Jun 02Reply
dhassel8 @belladonna1313 hi. you're so very welcome! & so very nice to meet you as well.🦋
Jun 03Reply
katokumura Hello, you previously liked an item in my closet. I’m trying to clear out my bedroom closet to make room for more. Please bundle and make me an offer. I’m accepting incredibly low reasonable prices. Hope to hear from you soon. Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Jun 09Reply
broomsticked Thank you so much Sayda loved the little extras as always and everything was perfect as always!
Jun 11Reply
dhassel8 @broomsticked hi, thank you. I'm glad you loved everything! you're so very welcome! I love you & your beautiful girls!have a great weekend!😍🤩🦋
Jun 11Reply
dhassel8 hi, awe. thank you for the sweet & beautiful review. I greatly appreciate it!😊
Jun 11Reply
bling_n_thingz Hi! Make those outfits complete and work it girl! Accessorize! You will find fun and earthy jewelry in my closet designed by me. Be prepared to stand out in the crowd with any of my pieces as they are not massed produced😄 Happy Poshing
Jun 15Reply
belladonna1313 I'm sorry I have not been on here I will share your closet later I won't forget I haven't felt very well XOXO
Jun 18Reply
dhassel8 @belladonna1313 hi, I kinda felt that. I had a feeling. so no worries. you focus on you. that's why I did the shares. I wanted to help you . I hope this relieved some of your worries.try tonenjoy the beautiful weekend coming up.😊🦋
Jun 18Reply
belladonna1313 @dhassel8 ill share in the am, thanks for your understanding xxoo
Jun 18Reply
dhassel8 @belladonna1313 hi, of course. your health comes first. get the rest you need.
Jun 19Reply
kaseysman1022 hello thanks for the share and I have to sale that very very fast do you know anyone that would want that by chance my Ray lewis Signed Jersey
Jun 24Reply
dhassel8 @kaseysman1022 hi, you're welcome & thank you as well! I can ask my friends over the weekend on your behalf. have a beautiful evening.😊
Jun 24Reply
kaseysman1022 @dhassel8 ok I'll even go down on the price if need be I just need to get my son's medicine he's got leukemia and I'm out of work all I have is my stuff on here to sale
Jun 25Reply
dhassel8 @kaseysman1022 hi, I'm truly sorry. I'll speak to people & see if anyones interested in purchasing that item. I hope things get better for you & your son.
Jun 25Reply
beclassybebold I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏 Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Jun 30Reply
dhassel8 @beclassybebold hi, thank you very much! I will be sure to check out your closet too! happy Poshing too you as well!& have a lovely day!😊🦋
Jun 30Reply
dragondogs Hope you summer is great! I am having a bundle sale that includes an item you like!
Jul 02Reply
dhassel8 @dragondogs hi, I hope your Sumners going great, as well. I'll check it out! thank you.😊
Jul 02Reply
itrapfashion Hey you😎! I’d like for you to come check out my closet. I got the gems, the discounts, and so much more👀! Always trapping you the latest fashion 🤙.
Jul 12Reply
urbanpoptart I have liked a few of your items. Could you put together the best price?
Jul 24Reply
kamo74 Hi thanks for the shares! Happy Poshing! 😊 🦋Kam
Jul 24Reply
dhassel8 @kamo74 hi. you're so very welcome. happy poshing to you too!😊
Jul 24Reply
dhassel8 @urbanpoptart hi. if you bundle saiditems together. I will send a offer & free ship.
Jul 24Reply
rosieprints Thank you for the follow and shared 🛍🎀🛍
Jul 31Reply
dhassel8 @rosieprints hi, you're so very welcome! thank you, as well.🦋
Aug 01Reply
rosieprints @dhassel8 anytime love
Aug 01Reply
dhassel8 @rosieprints awe, thank you.🦋
Aug 01Reply
rosieprints @dhassel8 you welcome
Aug 01Reply
jenloves_toposh Hi there, Thank u for sharing!!😊
Aug 09Reply
dhassel8 @jenntucker2021 hi, you're so very welcome! thank you , as well!😊
Aug 09Reply
belladonna1313 i love your profile picture
Sep 09Reply
dhassel8 @belladonna1313 hi. thank you. I hope you're doing well today!💗🌺
Sep 10Reply
belladonna1313 @dhassel8 much better thanks
Sep 10Reply
lohanpeiris Thank you for the shares!!🎊🥰
Sep 27Reply
dhassel8 @lohanpeiris hi, you're welcome! thank you, as well!😊🦋
Sep 27Reply
broomsticked Thank you so much items were perfect and always love the free treats! my favorite seller!
Oct 03Reply
dhassel8 @broomsticked hi, awe . thank you. I'm glad you loved everything. thank you for the kind words & great rating.😊
Oct 03Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. With the holiday season upon us, I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items that would make great gifts, including china, jewelry, clothing, CDs and DVDs, books, and seasonal, decorative and religious items. I hope you’ll have a chance to stop by- my prices are reasonable and negotiable. I’ll check out your closet too.
Nov 12Reply
stephanie_maye Hi Angie! 💋😁 Very nice to meet you! 👋😎 Thank you for sharing my listing! 😇🙏 I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! 🦃🦃🦃
Nov 18Reply
dhassel8 @stephanie_maye hello Stephanie, nice to meet you as well! thank you for sharing me out, as well! happy Poshing! have a very happy holidays!😊🦋
Nov 18Reply
broomsticked was worried about you with the twisters you ok?
Dec 12Reply
dhassel8 @broomsticked hi, were fine. we got lucky its away from us. I was released Thursday. Ism doing way better. thank you so much for checking on me.
Dec 12Reply
miiasclosett Hi! I sent an offer
Dec 13Reply
afreudnyc Thank you so much for sharing my post! So true!
Apr 01Reply
poshmf Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime for some good deals. I have something for everyone! Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Apr 07Reply
dhassel8 @adoringstyles it's cool. happy sales to you. . I'll share you out.
Jun 09Reply
dewitts6 Hi there!! If you have any questions, just ask!!! Feel free to take a look around my closet!!! Enjoy the rest of your day!!🎀👑🩰💎
Aug 05Reply
akw1722 Awesome closet!! 💕🥰💕
Aug 30Reply
dhassel8 @akw1722 hi, thank you!😊
Aug 30Reply
loriricci396 ty for sharing my listing
Sep 15Reply
cutehosiery @dhassel8 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 07Reply
dhassel8 @tutuwig hi, thank you. I'll check yours out, as well. have a lovely day!
Oct 07Reply
dhassel8 @cutehosiery hi, thank you. love yours too! have a great day!
Oct 07Reply
dhassel8 @krissyany hi, here's to hoping many sales & success for us both! you have a very lovely closet, as well!
Dec 10Reply
miss_moneypenny Welcome to Posh 🌻🌻🌻
Dec 16Reply
dhassel8 @miss_moneypenny hi, ty. I've been on here for years. things are constantly changing. it's pretty fun !
Dec 16Reply
miss_moneypenny @dhassel8 , I’ve been here for 10+ years, definitely seen a lot of changes and have had a lot of fun as well! 🖤
Dec 16Reply
dnceteacher @dhassel8 Hi Angie! Thank you so much for all the shares! I'll be going on vacation on Friday until the end of the month so you might not see returned shares after tomorrow night. But never fear! I'll pick up sharing as soon as I get back. Thanks again! -- Kathy
Jan 18Reply
dhassel8 @dnceteacher hi. good to meet you.youre welcome! have a lovely vacation!😊
Jan 18Reply
ladybugfleming Hello Angie, Thank-You for the "Like" on Both My Beautiful Items! I Can give You a Special Discount Offer on Both items with Discounted Shipping? Only Turn down the First Offer I Sent on the Bracelet?
Apr 25Reply
dhassel8 @ladybugfleming hi, thank you
Apr 26Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy New Year 🥳!! May 2025 be your best year yet! 💎 I have some fun things in my closet you might like!
Jan 11Reply

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New Paris, OH
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