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Updated Feb 22
Updated Feb 22

Meet your Posher, Necia

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Necia but for the purpose of Poshmark, I'm...”Aunt Necia". For the love of kids, memories & tomorrow's you'll find "Something Old, Something New" in my closet. 💖 I'm learning the PM way from my niece Holly & her daughter, my great niece Megan who are trusted Poshers! 💋 @Hollyc777 and @megankayx3. My ABOUT photo shows me with my 3 sisters, my ❤️'s. We love all things pretty, shimmery, earthy, rugged, furry, repurposed & new! 🌟& YOU🌟 🙋
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megankayx3 @auntnecia welcome to PoshMark!!! Happy Poshing! :)
Jan 09Reply
sunnygirl124 Hey pretty lady!! So good seeing you on NYE!! Hugs!!
Jan 09Reply
hollyc777 @auntnecia welcome!!!!
Jan 09Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime I offer great bundle discounts. I always accept any reasonable offer. I have several $5.00 items in my closet. Is your sweet baby a shih tzu? I have a 9 month old sweetheart.
Feb 24Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 17Reply
auntnecia Thank you everyone. Still in set up mode per listings. Slow out the gate... But looking forward to the fun! 🎉
Mar 18Reply
tanyasuez @auntnecia Hi, love the pooch!!!!
Apr 05Reply
auntnecia Awww. That's my personal assistant, best buddy, Doodle Bug!!! He'd love you too!
Apr 05Reply
vondiefish 💁💕🎉Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark!!🌸🌻Happy Poshing!!🌻🌸
Apr 05Reply
hollyc777 When u respond to someone you have to tag them in the response or they won't see it. Like if you respond to Tanya, you have to put @tanyasuez then what u want to say. Only exception to this is if u r talking to them on their listing. But responding to comments on yours, u have to put their name. 😃
Apr 06Reply
tanyasuez @auntnecia @hollyc777 It will show on the listing comment. But not message straight to them
Apr 06Reply
hollyc777 @tanyasuez right, like I have to tag u here but not her, it will still show in her news feed I commented because it's her listing, but if I don't tag u, it won't notify u.
Apr 06Reply
auntnecia Ok. Got it @tanyasuez & @hollyc777 🙋 👗👠👜
Apr 06Reply
shoplunagrace Welcome to Poshmark Necia!💕💕😊💕💕
Apr 09Reply
auntnecia Thank you so much @justice10forme !! And, I appreciate all the shares!! xo
Apr 09Reply
shoplunagrace @auntnecia 😘💕Anytime! I have a red listing in my closet for new poshers & if you click the like it helps me to go to the new closets to share! You may also ask me questions under that listing if you need anything!💕💕😊
Apr 09Reply
auntnecia Great!!! Again, much thanks! @jus
Apr 09Reply
auntnecia @tanyasuez @hollyc777 THANK YOU POSH Sisters... For the continued shares!!! 👏💖🎉. I really appreciate your support!! You girls ROCK!! 👍. Love, Aunt Necia. 💝💐
Apr 10Reply
auntnecia @trucilla1 Here I am Sah!! Have fun peeking! 🙋💞🌟
Apr 10Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Apr 11Reply
auntnecia Thank you @callie5510 🙋👗👛
Apr 11Reply
plump_petunia Hi Necia, Welcome to Poshmark, you have a great closet, I love that sequin dress... gorgeous!!! Happy poshing!
Apr 14Reply
auntnecia @plump_petunia Thank you so much!! 🙋
Apr 14Reply
jeweledonyx Love your closet💕 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you and your fur baby are having fun (as I sit here with my own 2 Tzus who've decided to sleep off this rainy day😊--Kaye💎
Apr 20Reply
auntnecia @jeweledonyx 🙋🎉🌟👏 You rocked my closet!! ❤️🙆 Thank you! xoxo
Apr 21Reply
jeweledonyx @auntnecia My pleasure😊 My thanks in return! Kaye💎
Apr 21Reply
katzkoz Cute pics! Hi. Necia & WELCOME to Pish! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions, there's always a Posher to answer them. Or, visit my closet & I'd be happy to help! **" SHARING" is KEY!!** When U "share" an item to Ur "followers" it goes to the "Feed" to be seen. The more Followers U have, the more its seen. So...the more Followers U have, the more POTENTIAL SAKES U will have!! More questions? Just ask me.
Apr 22Reply
auntnecia @katzkoz ❤️👏🎉 Thank you!! I appreciate you!! ❤️👏🎉
Apr 22Reply
donnastreasures Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! 2 tips: 1)Follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. 2)Make your pictures clear & bright to show off your beautiful items. If you're interested, I belong to a Facebook group of other sellers. We have lessons to help us further our business & we all support one another. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me!💖
Apr 28Reply
fabfindz6 You just made my day with your very positive ,happy, page , thanks, I needed that!
May 06Reply
auntnecia @donnastreasures 🙋. A belated thank you for the warm welcome & tips! Such a great forum with so many neat people! 💖
May 06Reply
donnastreasures @auntnecia I'm always happy to help! 💗
May 06Reply
auntnecia @fabfindz6 🙋. Good Morning!! You blessed me back with your sweet comment! Thank you! Have a beautiful day!💝💐
May 06Reply
auntnecia @donnastreasures I'll take you up on that offer!! 👍🎉. Thank you!! 💝
May 06Reply
southerngal0724 Good morning, and thank you so much for following my closet and so graciously sharing, also! I was blessed to meet "@hollyc777" at the very beginning of my start here, and she was instrumental on giving me guidance, support and just the right words when I needed them. Megan is beyond beautiful and sweet. Thanks again, and I'll look forward to sharing your closet again and again. God bless.
May 10Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 @southerngal0724 Hiii!! 🙋. THANK YOU for all the shares!! 💝😘. Awww. And YES, both my girls, @hollyc777 and @megankayx3 are precious young ladies! 💞💞 Megan will be Graduating May 20th from an XRay Tech program in Illinois.
May 10Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 Megan will be Graduating May 20th from an XRay Tech program in Illinois. Intense 2 yr program!! 100% of the proceeds from my sales last month & this month are to be allocated toward a special Graduation gift for Megan. 💞 I especially appreciate any sharing! 😘 ( I'm $120 from my goal!! 🙆 )Thank you Soooo much!! God bless you too. You're a dear heart! 💝🌷
May 10Reply
southerngal0724 @auntnecia I'm so excited for Megan myself. She's off to a great start in life, so I'm wishing her the best. I'll add you to my posh favorites, and see if we can't get some sales started for Megan's graduation gift. She certainly deserves.. ... I hope your 1/2 price sale tomorrow goes well. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
May 10Reply
southerngal0724 @messha @heather1976p @speejink @gems1955 @designerbeb @kimkjc2 . Ladies, @auntnecia has a special sale going on tomorrow for 50% her closet in order to fund a special graduation gift for her niece who's been battling CFS and still going to school and working two jobs. Let's share the love, and check out the incredibly gorgeous things in her closet!!!
May 10Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 ❤️ Wow!! I'm speechless. Thank you!! xoxo
May 10Reply
kimkjc2 @southerngal0724 Will do! Thanks for letting me know! 💗
May 10Reply
speejink @auntnecia I was wondering if you might be able to sell me most of your nautical things. If I bought most or all if we could talk a better package deal. I will buy on here of course but we could talk privately by text or phone or Facebook. Yvonne 540-809-7855. You can ask anyone on here I've dealt with. I'm trustworthy. @jenniferschuite @ladypepper954 @dovajean @72inches @bubblegoldfish and many many more. I'm a hobby shopper LOLOLOL ❤️❤️❤️🌺🌻🌺
May 10Reply
auntnecia @kimkjc2 🙋 Hiii to you too!!! And THANK YOU!! 💞🎉
May 10Reply
kimkjc2 @auntnecia Hi! 👋🏻 I love what you are are a great Aunt! 💗 I'll be sharing more later. Your puppy is precious!! 🐾❤️
May 10Reply
auntnecia @kimkjc2 Awww. Thank you... Everybody has a story & people they love. Right now, this is mine... I can't be at Megans graduation as I'd hoped. She & I have a sweet bond & special history. She lost her grandmother ( my eldest sister ) just over 2 yrs ago. Megan was a primary care giver to her grandmother during the last yr, yr & a half. Or so. Yes, I like her a lot! ) 💞 and putting herself through school... Well, LOL. I could go on & on... Love to you & yours. xo
May 10Reply
cre8tivedoll Thank you for all your shares..and what a cute baby. We love our furry babies..Trish
May 10Reply
auntnecia @cre8tivedoll 🙋 you are Sooo welcome!! Doodle Bug ❤️'s PM! 😉
May 10Reply
hollyc777 @southerngal0724 @auntnecia the intensive 2 year program was really 4 years because she had 2 years of prerequisites first before she could get in the program!! Many apply to the program but not all get in either due to limited space! All the Math, Sciences, History, etc that everyone does their first two years...THEN 2 years of all Radiology Tech stuff with clinicals & classes! (And 2 jobs!) She is one go-getter!!!!
May 10Reply
southerngal0724 @hollyc777 Yes, she is and I can see why you love her so much!!! I hope your sale is going well!
May 10Reply
gems1955 Thanks for sharing Necia 😊
May 10Reply
cricket6187 Beautiful pictures, dear lady
May 10Reply
pkarina Wishing you all the blessings in your beautiful closet 😍 💐 😙 💗 💖 🌺 🌻 🌹 ❤ 💋 ✌
May 11Reply
hollyc777 @southerngal0724 you are SO sweet!! I just had my first sale from my sale!!! Thank Goodness! I need a lot more in the next couple of days tho! How are u feeling?
May 11Reply
auntnecia @gems1955💞 @cricket6187💞 @pkarina 💞 Thank you ladies. I'm feeling so blessed!!! "Posh Sisters Rule!!" XOXOXOXO
May 11Reply
cricket6187 @auntnecia your welcome sweetie
May 11Reply
pkarina @auntnecia welcome beautiful 💞💖💟😊✌
May 11Reply
southerngal0724 My dear Aunt Necia, I'll be adding more to my closet today, God willing and my medications keep working - lol - but please, to save your time and energy, share someone else's closet until I add more. You are such an angel, but I'm tired of my closet, so I'm thinking a lot of other people must be, too. Thank you again, and as always, God bless you and yours!
May 12Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 Good morning!! ☀️ 💐 Just let me know when you'd like me to add you bk into my rotation! In the mean time, know you're getting lots of prayer for abundant good health!! 👏🙏😘 thank you for all the shares you've done for me & I'll keep sharing our ladies closets reciprocal to these. 👍🙋💞
May 12Reply
loungeinluxe Hi gorgeous!! Love your closet! Thank you for following my closet 👏🏼💕. I also have another website - if you have time, please check it out! Stella and dot. Adorable jewelry, handbags and more!! 💯💯guaranteed or Money back💋❤️❗️I have more details on "meet your posher" Have a lovely evening 💕💕
May 13Reply
auntnecia @mindy_cabrera 🙋. Thanks for stopping by here!! 👏❤️. I love heard of Stella & Dot & would love to visit your Web site!! Yay you!! Love hearing that
May 13Reply
auntnecia @mindy_cabrera ... You're doing so well!! 🌟🎉👏. Congratulations!!! I'll definitely be visiting Stella & Dot!! ❤️👏
May 13Reply
southerngal0724 @auntnecia Hello, there 🌹 ✨ I hope that you are doing well these days, and enjoying the fruits of your labor from the sale! I've been resting a lot, and just wanted to jump on the "bandwagon" today and tell my favorite people hello. I hope that you have an enjoyable weekend. Please take care, and God bless.
May 13Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 🙋glad to hear you're resting!! Are you familiar with "Turmeric" ? Lots of info per health benefits/Anita-inflammatory plus... If you are curious you can Google FMI. The sale & New friends has been neat!! I feel like I learned so much. Pretty tired today. LOL. Babysitting our 3 grandchildren at their home at the moment. ( beach town location ). Trying to stay up with PM too & add new items. So much fun with you & your gal pals! ❤️. God bless you too xo
May 13Reply
southerngal0724 @auntnecia I am a solid believer in tumeric, and add it to my food daily, as well as a live probiotic, supplements, etc. I try to take care of my body, and I can only imagine what it'd be like if I didn't try😘 Thanks for your kind words, and please don't try yourself out with your adorable grandkids! I'll chat with you soon. Please take care of yourself‼
May 13Reply
auntnecia @only1mitzyrose 🙋 💝 Thank you for the shares!! I'll spend more time in your closet on Sunday! Love you cover photo!! 🎀. And, me too btw! 🎀 💞
May 14Reply
mpneu1810 Sweetness! Love that face...
May 18Reply
auntnecia @mpneu1810 🙋 that's my " Doodle Bug ". He's 13 yrs old & sweet as can be. Thank you for the Puppy Love! ❤️👏
May 18Reply
abstractdreams Welcome to Posh!💕
May 25Reply
tanyasuez @auntnecia You already shared for me, honey! You don't have to do more!
May 27Reply
auntnecia @tanyasuez 😘 this am I focused on bags. Now it's Dresses!!! 🙆💃. Back after dinner!! Shoes!!! Woo Hoo!!
May 27Reply
markkay Amazing face! Look at that little FACE!!💕
Jun 02Reply
auntnecia @markkay LOL. 🙋💞 I know!!! I love my Doodle Bug. He is the sweetest 'Lil Ole Man' now." Thanks for the Puppy Love! 😉💞
Jun 03Reply
sporcellino Great closet 👗 👜 👚 👡 👠
Jun 04Reply
auntnecia @sporcellino 🙋 Thank you so much!! I appreciate you taking a look & for all the shares!!! xo 💞
Jun 04Reply
sporcellino @auntnecia same to you 💜 😇👠👡👚👜👗
Jun 04Reply
southerngal0724 Hello, Aunt Necia👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 I haven't chatted with you in a while, and wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, and hoping all is well in your World. I love your closet, and always enjoying seeing what wonderful things you have in store for all of us. Please take care of yourself, and I'll be back to chat with you soon. God bless.
Jun 27Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 🙋🙋🙋 Hi Lisa. Hey you😘 thank you for checking in. I was laying a bit low for a few days really. Had a procedure last Thursday. Back in the saddle now. And getting ready for vacation with family in Mid West. Hope you're doing better. Still love the green dress you added to your closet. It's such a romantic style. Reminds me of the movies. ♥️
Jun 27Reply
debk805 Hi from Morro Bay! Just checking in to say hi and hope you are having a good summer!!?? We are still waiting for summer lol .. Fog and cold!
Jul 14Reply
auntnecia @debk805 Hi there!!! Just got home after 3 wk long Mid west visit! Great vaca. Awesome to be home! How's the Marine Layer up there now?? Hoping get that way soon. 🎣
Jul 31Reply
debk805 Hi! Nice to hear from you! Vacay's are great then always nice to be home!! I just got home myself. Visiting in Canada. Still early fog but then clear and sunny, finally! Hope it continues! Maybe see you up this way??!! 😊
Jul 31Reply
classicransom Thank you for the shares and likes. I love your spirit and your closet.
Aug 21Reply
auntnecia @classicransom ❤️ You're so welcome & Thank you dear heart. Hugs from Aunt Necia.
Aug 21Reply
tanyasuez @auntnecia Hi Necia!!!❤️😘
Oct 05Reply
mickeymcfierce Why, hello!!! What a cutie! My name is Michaela (Mickey!)
Jan 12Reply
auntnecia @poshgalnycla 🙋 Hey @poshgalnycla!! Doodlebug hopes you have a beautiful, blessed, prosperous day!! 😘 Michaela!
Jan 12Reply
auntnecia Aka Mickey!! 😉🎉
Jan 12Reply
ajek824 @auntnecia doodlebug is a cutie 😍😍❤
Jan 16Reply
superdealer1 Hi Necia, I'm Jeff, I live in Santa Maria too. If u want anything I sell let me know and I'll give u the neighbor deal lol.
Jan 30Reply
auntnecia @superdealer1 🙋 Hey Jeff! Back at ya!! There are a few of us in the region on PM. Fun to see locals on here. Happy Poshing!! 😊
Jan 31Reply
kjonesstallard Hi! Just wanted you to know that someone had made an offer on the product before you. Didn't want you to think that I'm ignoring you 💕 I will let you know if it falls through 🙂 thank you for considering
Feb 04Reply
auntnecia @kjonesstallard 🙋 Thank you for the communication.
Feb 04Reply
kjonesstallard @auntnecia I can do $42 on that item. I have an offer on another media that is about equal to that once fees are taken from here. Let me know if you want it just offer, if not I understand 💕
Feb 05Reply
kjonesstallard @auntnecia so sorry someone Just purchased at listed price
Feb 05Reply
auntnecia @kjonesstallard Very good. Thank you for letting me know. 😘
Feb 05Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Necia. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Apr 05Reply
auntnecia @hmsimon1 Good Morning to you Hank!! Your closet is exceptional. Beautiful work... Your story... Inspiring. It's not over, till it's over. God Bless & continue to heal you! So glad you're here with us...
Apr 05Reply
hmsimon1 @auntnecia thank you for the kind words and the shares💕
Apr 05Reply
daniebaby27 Good morning pretty lady! I saw you liked my listing for the glytone acne treatment bundle, feel free to grab it up!! It's brand new & very expensive when I got it! I have another one that I'm using, so this one I'm selling! Hope to hear from you about it! 💕💗🤗💗💕
May 03Reply
southerngal0724 My dear Aunt Necia: You had commented about liking my beautiful dress, and I just reduced it down to $12, which should flag reduced shipped! Just thought I'd let you know. I hope that you and all of your lovely family are doing well these days. Thinking warm thoughts of you -- Lisa.
Jun 15Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 Lisa!!! 😘😘😘😘 I'm so glad to hear from you! 💞 I've been in Wedding Prep mode. 1 week to go! I do LOVE your dress & would grab it if it were my size. I can't believe some hasn't already!! Hoping you're well. Sending hugs & love your way. 🤗💐💝
Jun 16Reply
_wadesmommy_ Hi!😊 Thank you for purchasing. I am going to try to ship it out asap.
Aug 24Reply
_wadesmommy_ Hi ma'am your purchase should arrive in the morning.
Aug 27Reply
southerngal0724 Hello, Aunt Necia!! I haven't chatted with you in a long while, and wanted to find out how you're doing, and also find out if you've got any information on how Holly is doing?! I worry about her with Irma in her midst. I pray that all will be alright. I love how your closet looks, also. You've got some wonderful items (as usual!) Please take care of yourself. Love, Lisa
Sep 09Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 Hi Lisa. No word today from her or her sister. People are trying to get out. We're praying..., I'll be in touch Lisa when I have any info. ❤️ U for caring & checking. Pray for Florida 🙏
Sep 09Reply
auntnecia @southerngal0724 She's SAFE!!! 🙋❤️👍 ( a little wet but they're all good! )
Sep 11Reply
southerngal0724 @auntnecia Thank you so much for letting me know she's okay! I used to live in Naples, FL, and watching how they got beat up by the winds and rain, I realize that that's exactly why my husband and I moved away. We only went as far as Georgia (on the coastline, too) so I'll be checking in on my friends there to see how they fared. Thank you again, and God bless.
Sep 11Reply
priceless57 Thank you for the share 👍
Oct 15Reply
bsherwood69 Cute doggie
Oct 28Reply
auntnecia @zenobe Thank you so much! No worries. Friday is fine. I️ appreciate the communication. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours. 🍁😘
Nov 22Reply
1955oldman Thanks for sharing from my closet. G
Mar 28Reply
shegunmed @auntnecia Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Aug 02Reply
angelpaws World's cutest dog ♡♡♡
Sep 17Reply
classeecloset Thank you for sharing. I hope you will visit Classee Closet again.
Apr 26Reply
auntnecia @classeecloset My pleasure. 💞
Apr 26Reply
auntnecia @meekastar I missed this sweet message. Thank you so much. Hope you’re having a beautiful Spring! 🦋💞🐝
Apr 26Reply
auntnecia @mikeliston235 Anytime!! Happy Poshing!! 🎉
May 03Reply
starzelda7 Hi Nicia, I made a bundle/ offer for the blue floral sneakers. Hope you see this and will make the offer for me! I now have funds to buy! Thanks so much!👍😊
Jul 17Reply
auntnecia @starzelda7 ok. I will look asap. Ty 🦋🤗
Jul 17Reply
auntnecia @starzelda7 Had an issue w offer. If you go to the Listing I reduced item to compensate. Just hit buy now or make offer via Offer Button. Sorry for the confusion. Ty aunt necia
Jul 17Reply
kristinlekki Necia thx for the shares an Posh Love 😊😘❤️😎🥰
Jan 22Reply
auntnecia @kristinlekki 😘💖🙋‍♀️
Jan 23Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a name your price sale so feel free to send me an offer on anything that you like from my closet and I will accept any offer that you send. Have a great day.
May 27Reply
drama_llama_ Hi Necia! I'm Dani and I just wanted to reach out, say hello, and invite you to check out my closet! I am happy to answer any questions and consider all offers, or offer you a private discount if you'd like to bundle :) have a lovely rest of your day and happy poshing!
Jun 09Reply
auntnecia @drama_llama_ Hi there. 🙋‍♀️ Always great to hear from another Posh friend! You have a beautiful day & week too!! Stay safe. 💞
Jun 10Reply
denadenn Ihi I’m dens and love your closet!
Aug 29Reply
auntnecia @denadenn Hey Den! 🙋‍♀️ Thank you!! You’re sweet! You have an amazing closet too!! 🥳 Keep in Poshing & have a happy day!! 💞⭐️🐬
Aug 29Reply
denadenn Thank you doll!
Aug 29Reply
misshoma Hi Beautiful sisters, please stay safe, God bless,❤️
Sep 14Reply
misshoma Appreciate your time sharing my closet, God bless.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 14Reply
auntnecia @misshoma You’re sooo sweet!! 💞
Sep 15Reply
auntnecia @misshoma And thank YOU!! More soon. Hubby has surgery tomorrow so reduced hours for a day or so. 🙏🏻💖
Sep 15Reply
misshoma Hi sweetheart, thanks for sharing my closet, appreciate your time, Hope Hubby feeling better , Best of luck and many success to you and your beautiful family, God bless.❤️
Sep 15Reply
sinsofcyn 💃 Love the Ballerina 🩰 in Progress photo. You truly have some Beautiful Pieces..... I wish you much success. Stay Safe, Be POSHITIVE & Always BELIEVE 🙏
Oct 25Reply
auntnecia @sinsofcyn Thank you. You’re a dear heart.💝 You stay safe as well & yes...🙏🏻✨❤️
Oct 26Reply
denadenn Hi Necia! What kind of dog is yours. He’s precious
Dec 18Reply
auntnecia @denadenn Thank you!! 🥰 He is a Shih Tzu. He was 15 when he crosses the rainbow bridge. He was our sweetheart!!
Dec 18Reply
denadenn He lived a good long life. I have a coton that is fourteen And losing it fast. Breaking our hearts!
Dec 18Reply
auntnecia @denadenn Oh my... it does break your heart!! I’m so sorry. I’m sure your fur baby is so loved... Enjoy every minute. Merry Christmas to you & yours. 🎄❤️
Dec 18Reply
mycustomcloset looks like a fun group of ladies I would like to hang out with!! 🥰 love your great niece photo with the art. y'all are a fun family 🥂 love that you are full of life and love 😘
Dec 30Reply
auntnecia @mycustomcloset Thank you! 🥰 I adore my family, my heartbeats! I lost my sister Trucilla 12/3. ( Petite Blonde ) The eldest, Eileen left us 8 yrs. ago. They were both overflowing with light & glamour. We had so much fun together & loved one another dearly. I miss them… every second of every hour.
Dec 30Reply
auntnecia @mycustomcloset … my apologies. Too much information for this forum. Back to work now. Have a happy Posh Day. 💞
Dec 30Reply
mycustomcloset @auntnecia Necia, that breaks my heart. I'm so sorry to hear. I love the photo of your sisters. I can't imagine. I have no siblings but I truly hurt for your loss. just have to have Faith. your work isn't done here yet and they are angels watching down on you. big virtual hug 🙏🤗 and prayers to you my new PFF. know someone in GA is thinking about you.
Dec 30Reply
auntnecia @mycustomcloset Thank you Robyn.❤️🙏🏻❤️
Dec 30Reply
mycustomcloset @auntnecia good morning gorgeous! I hope you have an amazing day and the sun is shining brightly on you! hello 2022 💃🥳🥂
Dec 31Reply
auntnecia @mycustomcloset Good Morning!! Happy New Years Eve! 🎉💫
Dec 31Reply
htoobl13 the post office would not let me have the scarf unless I paid for Express postage ☹️ I would be glad to have the scarf if you resend it in a regular package.
Feb 10Reply
auntnecia @htoobl13 Ooooh my goodness. I am terribly sorry. I was of the understanding there were no discrepancies per packaging. **. I assume it is being returned to me. I will be happy to repackage & resend. Note: I am on vacation ( out of state; 2-11-22 through 3-10-22. I will take care of the required steps for you quickly upon my return. Again, my apologies.
Feb 10Reply
htoobl13 thank you ☺️
Feb 10Reply
mycustomcloset @auntnecia good morning!! welcome back from vacation!!
Mar 13Reply
auntnecia @mycustomcloset Thank you Robyn. It was special & beautiful! Cruise & family! Best of the best! Thank you also for the many shares! You’re wonderful!! Make it a great week! Hugs to you & to your adorable fur baby!!! 💞
Mar 13Reply
lilyrose1221 Thank you so much! Wishing you many sales!🙂🌞💐🦋
Jun 18Reply
auntnecia @tutuwig 🥰 Thank you so much💫👍💖
Oct 01Reply
cutehosiery @auntnecia Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 21Reply
auntnecia @cutehosiery Thank you! 💝 Your closet is wonderful too!! Posh love share!! 👍🥰
Nov 21Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Jan 11Reply
amandaduck223 Thank you so much for all your shares I’m blessed to have your support 🤗 Hopefully my shares help you as well🙏 Many blessings back to you.
Jan 21Reply
auntnecia @amandaduck223 Ditto!!✨🥳 You’re awesome!! Stay blessed!! Posh On & Happy Sharing! 🥰💫🎉
Jan 21Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means………………… I’ll be accepting any and all offers even on bundles. So what are you waiting for? Send some now for a deal you won’t forget!
Jan 30Reply
mycustomcloset @auntnecia happy mother's day!💐❤️xoxo
May 14Reply
auntnecia @mycustomcloset @mycustomcloset 🥰 Thank you Robyn!! You’re so thoughtful!! Happy Mothers Day to you as well!! Big hugs!! 💖🌷
May 14Reply
nicolemccluskey Thank you so much for the beautiful necklace that came along with my miracle suite. What a wonderful surprise
May 26Reply
auntnecia @nicolemccluskey Oooh I’m so happy you liked it!! Happy summer!! 💖🐬🏝️
May 26Reply
88claudette I'm ready to quit because I can't find the instructions I need you to figure out how to use poshmark
Sep 04Reply
88claudette @auntnecia I don't know if I finally found you or what if I don't figure out how to use this thing pretty darn quick. I'm pretty just delete the whole thing and forget. If you see this message, you think you can help out. Greit's probably ended up deleting the whole thing. Anyway, so I'm really starting to get irritated. It's just about to straw that broke the camels back I swear
Sep 04Reply
createjoy333 Still figuring out posh space! Love your closet. Thank you for sharing 🌹
Oct 02Reply
auntnecia @createjoy333 ❤️ Glad you’re here!!!
Oct 02Reply
smstof52 Thank u for taking the time to look at my listing !!
Oct 15Reply
smstof52 Thanks for sharing my listings !!!
Oct 15Reply
trevonaachey Necia Thank you for sharing my listings Trevona
Apr 17Reply
tatnaples Hi Necia! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Apr 20Reply
trevonaachey Necia Thank you for sharing my listing Trevona
Jun 09Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 07Reply
talatahmed0805 Hello thank you for sharing my listing I really appreciate feel free to check my closet if you have any questions or interest in my place let me know have a wonderful weekend 😊💕
Jan 24Reply

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