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Updated Feb 13
Updated Feb 13

Meet your Posher, Dede

Meet the Posher

US$10,000,000 US$10,000,000,000

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Hi! I'm Ghada. I'm a college student, a wife & a mother of a beautiful toddler. I've always loved shopping & selling online. I've a huge closet with many items new with tags & others that haven't been worn for a while. I also love meeting new people and making friends. Some of my favorite brands are Express, Banana Republic, Ana Taylor, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! I hope to make many more Posh friends ❤️ Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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serenakwok Thank you for sharing 🌟 remember to share your own listings at posh parties so more people can see them
Apr 21Reply
reemoly_llc @serenakwok you're very welcome. Thank you for sharing as well ❤️. Yes I just realized I need to share to parties for everyone to see my listings. I'm new to selling at Poshmark. ☺️
Apr 21Reply
serenakwok @fabulously_used 🌟 yea, also you can share others listing during the posh parties since those Posher's are also active
Apr 21Reply
bea727 Thanks so much for all the shares!🌷
Apr 25Reply
reemoly_llc @bea727 you're very welcome 🌹🌹🌹 thank you as well ☺️
Apr 25Reply
datpiff99 Thank you for the shares 🌸💕many blessings 🌸💕 happy poshing 🌸💕
Apr 30Reply
reemoly_llc @datpiff99 same to you 🌹 & thanks for the shares as well 😍. Happy poshing and have a blessed beautiful Sunday😎
Apr 30Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Ghada. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 13Reply
reemoly_llc @hmsimon1 You're very welcome. You have a beautiful closet full of beautiful handmade items 😉
May 13Reply
missrosered Thank you so much for Sharing! I'm new to Posh and haven't learned how to share, but I will share your closet as soon as I do.
Jun 02Reply
reemoly_llc @missrosered You're very welcome ☺️ You'll love Poshmark. It simple and fun. Let me know if you have any questions about it. Also to share others listings, you go to the listing and on the top right corner, you'll see a rectangle with an arrow going upward, if you press that it'll give you some options (including the share option). 😉 Good luck discovering Poshmark ❤️
Jun 02Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for looking at my closet! My online store is☺️
Jun 28Reply
reemoly_llc @ashlyn_bekah You're very welcome 😉 I'll make sure to check your online store.
Jun 28Reply
griffmizer Thanks for the share 😁😁😁
Jun 29Reply
reemoly_llc @griffmizer You're very welcome 😊
Jun 29Reply
freedom2soar Hello Dede, Thanks for the share!😃
Aug 07Reply
reemoly_llc @freedom2soar You're very welcome 😊Thank you for the shares too ❤️
Aug 08Reply
aligirl1213 Hi Ghada!! Thank you for the share! Returned the love 💕
Aug 12Reply
reemoly_llc @aligirl1213 You're very welcome 🌹 Thank you as well ☺️
Aug 12Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for sharing.
Aug 14Reply
reemoly_llc @jacaranda1831 You're very welcome 😊 I love sharing ❤️ Thank you too for the many shares 🌹
Aug 14Reply
jacaranda1831 Many thanks to you as well. More share, great Poshing = }.
Aug 15Reply
bansera Thank you so much sweet heart if you like something make an offer of some bundle that you would like you have a great night sweetie be blessed
Aug 24Reply
bansera Roses are my mother's favorite flowers
Aug 24Reply
missrosered @fabulously_used, Hi Ghada, this is Kaylene. Thank you so much for offering me a generously discounted bundle that I would love to accept! But my payday isn't until the 3rd and I can't afford it til then. If it's still available, I will purchase it. Again, thank you. I hope your having a wonderful day.
Aug 28Reply
reemoly_llc @missrosered Hi Kaylene, you're very welcome. Yeah, whenever you want just feel free to send me an offer.
Aug 29Reply
reemoly_llc @marylcsw Aww you're very welcome ❤️
Aug 31Reply
virtualcool Hello love💝 love your closet🤗 question, do you have any V.S plunge fabulous in 32dd? Can you please let me know if you do💝😚 tan color.. Thx and have a great Friday 💐😘
Sep 22Reply
reemoly_llc @virtualcool Thank you so much 😊 I love your closet as well ❤️ Yeah I'll definitely let you know. I'll check what I've now and share them to you. And I'll be listing some VS items tomorrow through weekend. Also feel free to check my closet back. I list VS items on a weekly basis and always have some new items.
Sep 27Reply
reemoly_llc @virtualcool and I apologize for the late reply 😬 I thought I already responded, but turned out that I didn't 🙈
Sep 27Reply
virtualcool @fabulously_used no problem 💝 thanks for getting back to me. Have a beautiful day😘lots of love.
Sep 27Reply
reemoly_llc @virtualcool You're very welcome 😊 Thank you 😘 Have a beautiful day ❤️❤️😘😘
Sep 27Reply
freedom2soar Thanks for sharing!!😃😀
Oct 07Reply
reemoly_llc @freedom2soar You're very welcome 😊 🌹
Oct 07Reply
lyzas Thanks for sharing! We accept reasonable offers.
Oct 16Reply
reemoly_llc @lyzas You're very welcome ❤️ And thank you.
Oct 16Reply
1955oldman Thanks for sharing from my closet. G
Oct 26Reply
reemoly_llc @1955oldman You're very welcome ☺️
Oct 26Reply
beanerknits thanks for sharing!!!
Nov 01Reply
reemoly_llc @beanerknits My pleasure 🌹🌹
Nov 01Reply
kittysposh Hi Ghada! Thx for stopping by my closet. If you have any questions I can help you with please ask. Never hurts to make an offer. I’m pretty flexible. Happy Poshing 😃
Nov 11Reply
reemoly_llc @kittysposh Aww definitely ❤️ Thank you Maura 🌹 and you have a beautiful closet 😘 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 11Reply
jibloom11 Hi Dede! Never owned a VS bra, only Aerie and bras from Macy 😊. I’m a size 34C-34D in Aerie, but have absolutely no clue what size I️ am in VS.....
Nov 15Reply
reemoly_llc @jibloom11 Hi Jessica ☺️ I'd probably say VS's are true to size. 34C 34D are a medium size. Do you actually wear medium in general ? If so, they should be same size. I can post Victoria's Secret size chart and tag you if you want 😉
Nov 15Reply
jibloom11 @fabulously_used that’s so sweet. I️ bet I️ could look it up tonight, haha. Need to go to bed..... Poshmark is way too addicting, hahaha. You’re super sweet for asking, though 😍😊💖
Nov 15Reply
reemoly_llc @jibloom11 Aww you're very sweet ❤️❤️ You're very welcome 😘 And yeah, if you ever have a question feel free to ask. Poshmark is waaaay addicting 😂😂 I spend way more than I should on here heheh. But I've known many great people on here, and it's so much fun ❤️
Nov 15Reply
exquisitecotour Thank you for sharing my listings..Please ferl free to make an offer and i will work with you..🌴🌴🌴
Nov 29Reply
reemoly_llc @exquisitecotour You're very welcome Elizabeth 🌹 and thank you ☺️
Nov 29Reply
gisela_closet Hello there, thank you for the share, I appreciate it. You have a great closet! Happy Poshing and Happy Holidays
Dec 09Reply
reemoly_llc @gisela1209 You're very welcome ❤️ It's my pleasure. You have a great closet as well 🌹 Happy holidays
Dec 09Reply
sharbucks85 Gorgeous closet and thanks for all the love!!! ❤
Dec 24Reply
reemoly_llc @sharbucks85 Aww you're very welcome Sara 🌹 I love your closet ❤️
Dec 24Reply
reemoly_llc @sharbucks85 ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 24Reply
listbyangie Hi Ghana! 👋🏾 Thanks for the shares much appreciated! 🤗🐾🐾
Jan 31Reply
reemoly_llc @listbyangie Aww your very welcome 🌹🌹 My pleasure ❤️
Jan 31Reply
reemoly_llc @utexasheather Aww you're very welcome sweetie 😘🌹
Feb 13Reply
citirose Thanks for sharing! LOVE your closet!
Mar 01Reply
reemoly_llc @citirose You're very welcome ❤️ You have a beautiful closet as well 😉😍 Happy Poshing
Mar 01Reply
reemoly_llc @reigndrops09 You're very welcome 🌹 I sure will 😉
Mar 01Reply
divakaaren Gorgeous Closet!! Such beautiful photographs and styling!! Talent🎊🎊🍾🌟💫✨🛍🛍
Mar 13Reply
reemoly_llc @toddpurrtuzzi Hello gorgeous 🌹 Thank you 🌹 Yeah yeah I'm a Michigander 😍 Love it in here even though it's cold and snowy mostly half the year😬 I bit it's warmer in Georgia and you must be enjoying it 😂 And sorry about the late response, I was having a bad network last week/weekend that I had to change my internet service.
Mar 13Reply
reemoly_llc @shop_kimibrooke Of course ☺️ My pleasure 😘 Thank you so much 🌹
Mar 13Reply
reemoly_llc @divakaaren Thank you so much Kaaren 🌹 You have a gorgeous closet too 😘
Mar 13Reply
lovemariac @fabulously_used Welcome from Nashville, TN. I was out sharing today and came across your closet. Sending you some Posh love for many happy sales. I would be thrilled if you found some time to come by my closet. Have a great day.
Apr 09Reply
reemoly_llc @lovemariac Aww thank you so much Maria ❤️ You have a beautiful closet 🌹 Wishing you many sales and happy Poshing to you. Have a great week 😘
Apr 09Reply
crishari Thanks for sharing our items, I love your closet! I'm new to Poshing and would be happy to make something yours, if you like it I'll respond with a nice offer! Also will shop your store soon!
Apr 17Reply
reemoly_llc @crishari Aww thank you so much. You've a beautiful closet with some lovely high end brands that I loved sharing 🌹 Welcome to Poshmark 🌹 It's a beautiful community, I'm sure you'll love it ☺️ Also I've you have questions regarding Poshmark, selling or buying I'd gladly help 😉 Have a great day
Apr 17Reply
moxie_cat Love your closet!❤️❤️
Apr 21Reply
reemoly_llc @moxie_cat 😍😍 Aww thank you Jessica. You too have a gorgeous closet 😍 ❤️
Apr 21Reply
thrift4smiles Stylish closet! Let me know if you see anything you like! I’m flexible with prices.
May 12Reply
reemoly_llc @lapetitekt You're very welcome 😊
May 12Reply
reemoly_llc @vumaria428 Thank you 😊
May 12Reply
jenny49er Hi! I saw you liked some items from my closet. I’m running a 5 for $35 special right now if you’re interested. All bundles come with a free gift 😊🎁
May 18Reply
reemoly_llc @jenny49er Thanks for letting me know ☺️
May 19Reply
jenny49er @fabulously_used no problem! I’ll be making a post office run today and another on Monday.
May 19Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a fairy today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 05Reply
ivelissea722 Thank you for sharing!!!
Jun 29Reply
reemoly_llc @ivelissea722 You're very welcome 😊
Jun 29Reply
reemoly_llc @janjan009 Thank you 😊 🌹
Jun 29Reply
crishari Thanks for the offer! The original price is more than fine, I just can't shop right now!
Jul 27Reply
nlsc13 Can I ask how your jewellery sales do with the high shipping for just sending a bracelet or earrings. How do you handle that? I haven’t listed any because I don’t see how people will want to pay shipping on a tiny envelope.
Sep 25Reply
nlsc13 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Sep 25Reply
seaclass Following and sharing from your beautiful closet! !
Oct 16Reply
alajas Hi Ghada …Thank you 🙏 for sharing some items from my closet. As a new Posher I could really use some help.💕🌸☘️
Jan 21Reply
reemoly_llc @alajas Of course 🌹 You’re very welcome ☺️ And if you have Qs don’t hesitate to ask Happy poshing
Jan 21Reply
reemoly_llc @nlsc13 Hi sweetie, Sorry I missed your question. Just paid attention to it now 🙈 To be honest, Jewelry are the slowest things to sell. At least for me. I see your point, and it’s true! Many people wouldn’t want to pay high shipping for something that’s listed so cheap anyway. However, high brand jewelry pieces sell much faster.
Jan 21Reply
reemoly_llc @nlsc13 I hope that helps. Don’t hesitate to ask if you’ve any other question. Happy Poshing
Jan 21Reply
alajas @fabulously_used thank you 🙏
Jan 21Reply
lalato4 Hi Dede, thanks for the Like on the Disney! I have sent you an offer and will ship tomorrow for you 😊
Mar 14Reply
lovelyitemss Thank you for accepting my offer💛
Mar 24Reply
sophystakated1 Welcome to Posh,😊. I'm @sophystakated1 😊🤗Nice to meet you 😊🤗. Happy to help you with anything if you have any questions if I can 😊🤗. I accept offers/bundles for all of the items in my closet and you should check out the closets of our lil PFF group @51 twenty  @lajeani @tanyrae @jbird2108 @nansea57 @piaspareroom @malebox and thank you!!! Happy Poshing 🤗😊🎊🎉
Mar 26Reply
51twenty_oh Hi Ghada. I’m CaT. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark. @sophystakated1 Thank you Amy. 🍃
Mar 26Reply
sophystakated1 You are more than welcome 😊🤗👌👍🎊🎊
Mar 26Reply
brandyfe Thanks for checking out my closet! I see you’ve liked a few items. If you bundle, I’ll offer a great discount! Happy poshing!
Apr 01Reply
trixie111 Good morning. I purchased the Vince sneakers 3 days ago. Can you please tell me when they will ship? I was hoping to take them on vacation with me.
Jun 06Reply
trixie111 Actually, it was 4 days ago. :-)
Jun 06Reply
reemoly_llc @trixie111 I’ll be shipping tomorrow morning. Apologize for the delay. Have a beautiful day
Jun 06Reply
crewjunkie Cute items in your closet Ghada! I'm a newbie but figuring it out.
Jun 20Reply
reemoly_llc @crewjunkie Aww thank you so much 🌹 Welcome to Poshmark. Let me know if I can help in any way. Have a beautiful day
Jun 21Reply
ericaboz Good morning! Thank you for all of the Likes. Feel free to bundle your likes and make and offer! Have a beautiful day. ☺️
Jul 12Reply
reemoly_llc @ericaboz Thank you ☺️ I will probably do soon 🌹 Have a beautiful Sunday
Jul 14Reply
pattonhn Thanks for all the likes. Were you interested in creating a bundle and I'll give you a better price?
Jul 15Reply
laurenmadrid Thanks for the like on the baby dress. Let me know if you are interested. Unfortunately I can't go lower than priced.
Jul 16Reply
cewolosiuk Hi there, thank you for liking those items. Send me an offer or bundle and I would love to send you an offer. Thanks
Jul 18Reply
lotu5 Thank you for visiting my closet. Bundle any of the items in my closet & an additional discount will be offered.💝
Jul 20Reply
fourhanger I would love ♥️♥️♥️for you to consider one of my items as a host pic. It would totally make my day.💝❤️💛💜💝
Jul 31Reply
terbearco hi @fabulously_used congrats on hosting the party today. I'm still pretty new here at Poshmark, I started selling late in January, and I LOVE it!!! I hope you will check out my posh compliant closet for a HP. I have lots of boutique items in my closet! Thanks, and good luck XO ❤️
Jul 31Reply
thrifty_ginger @fabulously_used I was wondering if you could provide me a shipping update on the 2 bra pack I purchased. Thank you!
Aug 17Reply
ladykrc @fabulously_used 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼THANKS so much for visiting my closet store and for your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it. You are awesome!💕Please do come back again🙏🏻🙌🏼🦋Much Blessings to you and yours
Aug 26Reply
theresa4ever76 Thank you for reviewing my closet. Please let me know if you are interested in something.
Aug 27Reply
reaganstewart Hi there ✨ I wanted to share with you that I carry baby girl clothes and accessories in my closet if you’re ever interested ✨🛍🛍 brands like Carter’s and blueberri boulevard 👗 have a blessed night!
Sep 23Reply
camjam35 @fabulously_used - Hi Ghada. Can you pleeeease provide an update regarding the bundle I ordered since the 8th? I attempted contact directly from my bundle 2 days ago to keep our conversation private. Not sure if you already shipped??...still Awaiting shipment😕. Feel free to respond in my bundle. Thanks!
Oct 14Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please visit my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Oct 18Reply
laurenmadrid Hi Dede! Thanks for the likes!! Best of luck with your sales!😊
Nov 21Reply
ppc6mm Hello, if you change the offer on the blue mismatched Kate Spade earrings to $25 total, I'll take them..... I wouldn't ask except California takes an additional 10 per cent, for the privilege to live here..... Thank you..... Rod.....
Dec 07Reply
ppc6mm Are the Kate Spade blue mismatched earrings gone?
Dec 14Reply
reemoly_llc @ppc6mm Yes they sold out. I apologize. I still have one left in black if you’re interested.
Dec 14Reply
ppc6mm @fabulously_used No, I'm partial to blue..... Thank you.....
Dec 14Reply
reemoly_llc @ppc6mm I totally understand. And I apologize it sold out. Also I wanted to let you know, I’ve listed several new Kate Spade Earrings and jewelry pieces. And I will still be listing more tomorrow. I thought I’ll let you know if you want to check them out.
Dec 16Reply
hrostami Hello u can Check mine I have many items as well used in excellent condition and new with tag
Dec 21Reply
dlmarsh2 Hello! I purchased a Kate Spade Jacket from you a few days ago and it still has not shipped. Do yo have an estimate of when it may ship, please??
Jan 04Reply
reemoly_llc @dlmarsh2 Hello I apologize for the delay. I’ll ship it out first thing tomorrow morning. My kids and I had cold and weren’t able to go out of the house. 🤒
Jan 05Reply
dlmarsh2 @fabulously_used thanks so much! Hope everyone is feeling better 😊
Jan 07Reply
dlmarsh2 @fabulously_used Were you able to make it out for shipping?? I’m still not seeing any tracking info. Thanks!
Jan 08Reply
reemoly_llc @dlmarsh2 Hello Deana, Yes I did 😍 I dropped it this morning. So it might take few hours to start tracking. Again I apologize for the inconvenience. And thank you so much for your patience and understanding 💕 I hope you love your jacket more in person. Have a beautiful day
Jan 08Reply
dlmarsh2 @fabulously_used thanks so much!!! Super excited!!
Jan 09Reply
reemoly_llc @dlmarsh2 You’re very welcome 💕
Jan 09Reply
1118chasesmom Hi Ghada! I’m Sarah and we’re neighbors! Go Blue! I live in Ann Arbor! You have an Amazing closet! I am totally impressed with how you are able to maintain it, in addition to your other full time jobs of being a mom and a college student! Wow! Just wanted to give you some Posh love and real world appreciation too! I have my closet on vacation currently due to my recent move to Ann Arbor. Anyway, just wanted to say hi! Have a great rest of your weekend! Sarah 🌷
Mar 01Reply
pocketbowl @fabulously_used I ordered the Charming Charlie gold and pink necklace on 2-18-2020, it says it’s still awaiting shipment. I was wondering when I might expect shipment of the necklace. I love this necklace and still interested in receiving it. Please let me know, thanks.
Mar 06Reply
pocketbowl @fabulously_used Still inquiring about the shipment of the Charming Charlie gold and pink necklace I ordered. Please let me know when it will be shipped. Thanks.
Mar 06Reply
pocketbowl @fabulously_used Thank you for getting back with me. Yes, take your time, I totally understand. I’m still really interested in this necklace. Let me know. If or when you find it I would still love to have it. Thanks again.
Mar 07Reply
pocketbowl @fabulously_used Yes I still want this necklace. If you relist it I will reorder. Thank you. Please let me know as soon as it is relisted. Thanks again.
Mar 11Reply
reemoly_llc @pocketbowl Thank you so much sweetie. I just relisted it and shared it to your bundle. And again I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you Have a beautiful day
Mar 11Reply
reemoly_llc @1118chasesmom Hi Sarah 💕💕 Thank you so much for your sweet comment 💕 I love people like you who spread love and positivity 🙏🏻 Thank you so much You have a beautiful closet as well. And Yeah 😁 Ann Arbor! Such a beautiful city 😍 I’ve some relatives there and I love visiting them and going for a walk in the down town! Enjoy living there 😘
Mar 11Reply
enaszeidan89 hello dear.. i ordered the MK belt couple of days ago.. am so excited to have it !.. :D when donu expect to ship it?
May 15Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀 CONGRATS on ur Party Pff 💋💋💋Bringing few friends along 🌎 🌎@beoirem🧚@nellylynn30 🌎@chrissvoorhes11🧚@leahtaube 🌍@woodenapple🧚@lalunamiamu 🌍@monascollection🧚@synwilli000 🌎@poshbritknee🧚@karmaprevailis 🌎@bmetcalf6971🧚‍♂️@piccadilly_posh 🌎@vintagereborn 🧚@keishacoole66 🌏@alfyshenouda20🧚‍♂️@laurenmtingle 🌎@pennyproud1999 🧚@antiquewhite 🌏@preppyshoppe_4u🧚@coach_nicole 🌎@toutdouxlicorne@🧚@jenniefinds007 ⛔️ PRIVATE LIST ⛔️ ⛔️ DON’T COPY ⛔️ 🌏
Jun 08Reply
jenniefinds007 Congratulations on hosting your wonderful party !!! Count me in I’ll be there I love parties !!! 🎉🎉🌻🌻🌻🥳🥳🥳🥳🙂🍾🍾🍾🍾🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊hope you get a chance to check out my closet I have a large variety and would really appreciate it !!! Congratulations again and see you there !!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙂🙂🙂💓💓💓🙌🏼❤️🥳🎉🎉
Jun 08Reply
vkdelarosa Love your closet saving it for later and I want to say congrats on being a co-host this week! Enjoy it and have fun. If you need a host pick feel free to browse my closet.
Jun 09Reply
nicole_parr 🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!!! I would love it if you'd consider choosing one of my listings as a host pick for the Everyday Loungewear Posh Party 🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟 Happy Poshing !!!💰💰💰 & Stay Safe !!!!
Jun 10Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Jun 12Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Jun 12Reply
sandy0102 Yay!! Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🎈🎈 Please consider my close for host picks. Thanks!
Jun 12Reply
kbeau11988 Hi!! Take a look at my closet, I have some great items and will add more shortly before the party! Consider making one of my items a host pick please 💫🌟🌺 Stay well xo Katie
Jun 12Reply
poshspice2000 Congrats on hosting tonight! Have a great time! 😊💕
Jun 13Reply
beclassybebold I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏 Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Jun 14Reply
lauren_k_nelson hey I really like your closet!! if you wouldn't mind could you look at my closet and give me some advice on what I could do to make it better?! 🙂❤
Jun 14Reply
bulldogs95 @fabulously_used Hi. I hope that everything is ok with you and yours. My name is Laura, and I bought the green, clear, and gold crystal stud earrings from Charlie Charlie from you on August 9th 2020. It’s been 9 days, and they’re still listed as Awaiting Shipment. Will they be shipped out this week I have an upcoming close family-only party, and I’m wearing an outfit with these earrings.
Aug 19Reply
bulldogs95 @fabulously_used The incorrect punctuation near the end of my previous message was atrocious! I’m sorry!
Aug 19Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. happy holidays 🥰🥰
Nov 25Reply
pshmrkbaby18 @fabulously_used Hi! Thank you for taking time to share my closet.
Jan 12Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Good Evening, I'm Cora just wanted to say Hi and how much I enjoyed sharing your closet. You've got some really awesome pieces. Stay Warm. Stay Safe and Stay Blessed 🌻
Feb 18Reply
reemoly_llc @makeyoulaugh67 Hello Cora 🌹 Thank you so much! I enjoyed sharing your closet too. And you’ve got beautiful pieces as well. Thank you so much for your shares. This is actually only my second day joining the share group. Looking forward for many more days to join. Have a beautiful night
Feb 18Reply
cpgranados Fabulous closet. I’ll be back soon. 😊
Mar 28Reply
reemoly_llc @cpgranados Thank you so much 🌹🌹🌹 You have a beautiful closet as well ☺️
Mar 28Reply
katiedylan Good morning your item shipped yesterday evening and should arrive to you Friday 😀
May 18Reply
reemoly_llc @katiedylan Good morning Thank you! 😁 So excited.
May 18Reply
dwil711 Hi, I purchased the Tory Burch Weston Field Flower espadrille in my usual size and they are too long 😔 Do you exchange?
Jun 15Reply
dwil711 I could do size 9.5 if you have them ❤
Jun 15Reply
amber5389 @fabulously_used Hi, how are you? Just letting you know that I never received the green XL Rachel Parcell sweater that I bought from you two weeks ago, and it was misdirected to another state last week by USPS. I've tried contacting USPS, but they don't have any further information on the location of the package. Please let me know if you can help in any way. 💜
Sep 14Reply
reemoly_llc @amber5389 Hello, I apologize for the delayed response. I’ve looked at the tracking details earlier. It seems that there was a lost package case opened by usps few days ago but than closed next day or so (meaning the found the package). Right now, when I check the tracking update, it says the package will be delivered later then expected.
Sep 15Reply
reemoly_llc @amber5389 So it’s on its way to you. Im sorry for the inconvenience. Sometimes that happens with usps, sadly! I actually shipped your package about 12 days ago! Hopefully it makes its way to you safely and quickly. I’ll keep an eye on the tracking! No worries. Thank you for reaching out to me. I’ll update you as soon as there is a change. Have a great day
Sep 15Reply
amber5389 @fabulously_used Thank you for your response! Yes, USPS told me that the case was closed by my local PO because they didn't have it yet. Thank you for keeping an eye on the tracking; I really appreciate it. 💜
Sep 15Reply
amber5389 @fabulously_used It looks like the package was just scanned in my state. I will accept it as soon as it's delivered, which will probably be tomorrow or Friday. Thank you again! 💜
Sep 15Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Oct 27Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Oct 28Reply
anngrace2 Hi! The velvet burgundy Vince camuto gown that you have up, what are the size 16 measurements???
Nov 16Reply
combos @fabulously_used Hello I noticed you liked my mugs. Just wanted to let you know I have one more set left on my page. Offers welcome! Thank you for checking my closet out! Happy Poshing
Mar 23Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! Just dropping by to say hi. Please give my closet a browse and a follow. I list a variety of items including Coach and Betsey Johnson. I also send a 💝FREE Gift💝 with every order! Happy poshing! 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 26Reply
lowhatever Hi doll! Thank you for sharing my closet. When I grow up I wanna be just like you! What a large following and impressive closet you have! Truly an inspiration! THANK YOU AGAIN, 🛍🥂🥳🌸🤩🥰🍀💯🎁😍🛍
Jun 10Reply
candisiamma15 Hi i bought the dress yesterday… can you send out please o need for a wedding on August 2nd. Thank you 😊
Jul 22Reply
cherrynikes @reemoly_llc Hi again, I'm messaging you on each plave because obviously youre not seeing my messages, PLEASE CANCEL ORDER FOR TOO FACED SOMETHING. ACCIDENTAL PURCHASE. I DO NOT WANT OR NEED THE ITEM. PLEASE HELP ME & CANCEL THIS ORDER. It is ruining my morning 🙁
Aug 17Reply
zoecloset1116 🎉Congratulations on hosting a Poshmark Party ❤️If you still looking for a host pick, I would appreciate if you could considering my closet items for a host pick, Thank you! 🥳Sharing your closet items with my followers 🔥Happy Poshing🔥Wish you many sell🔥 I’m also hosting a party soon:) Welcome to join me 🎉
Oct 20Reply
emms_corner Congratulations on cohosting!🎉🎊 I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my closet and take a look for maybe a potential host pick. Thank you and have a wonderful party!✨
Oct 21Reply
ditooshop @reemoly_llc Congratulations on cohosting today's Everything Kids Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Oct 21Reply
karinhausman Congratulations on hosting a party! If u have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick?
Oct 21Reply
myclosetspot Congratulations on hosting today’s party. Love your picks…♥️ and your closet! Wishing you much POSHsuccess! 🛍
Oct 21Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Co-Hosting the Everything Kids Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you🤍
Oct 21Reply
acelestialsoul 🤸‍♂️🧚‍♀️🍭🍼🎪You’re Hosting the EVERYTHING KIDS party? GREAT-I’ll be there! Could you sneak a peek at my Posh compliant closet for Host 🏆 Picks? Thanks! I’m a Poshmark Ambassador, have a Posh Compliant Closet. See you at the party.🎡🎢🎠🏰🧸
Oct 21Reply
simplyradical Hi there! I just shared 20 of your items in hope that if you have any host picks left you will consider one of my items!
Oct 22Reply
kayposhfashions 🌸💕🌸Hi there!! Congrats on cohosting the Bags Party!!! 👛 🎒👜👛 🎒👜. I'm so excited- I'll be there. I've already shared some great things from your closet- I'd be honored if you too a peek at my closet for a possible Host Pick- thanks in advance and cheers 🥂
Oct 29Reply
frmrshopaholic9 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on Hosting a Party!💕💕💕 Hope it’s an awesome one! 👏👏👏 I would be super grateful if you could check out my closet and choose an item as your Host Pick! 😍😍😍
Oct 29Reply
crp60 🎉👜 Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Bags Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck and have fun. Looking forward to the event.♥️👛
Oct 29Reply
kjoyc ❤️🎉 Congratulations on hosting a party! You have a beautiful closet! Blessings to you and happy poshing!
Oct 29Reply
jillianchristia Congrats on hosting tonight’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! ❤️❤️🎉🎉👍👍🎁🎁🎊🎊😇😇🙏🙏🎃🎃
Oct 29Reply
brandauthentic Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Nov 02Reply
brittanybehnk12 hi I made a offer of $29 for the bestyjohnson lepoard backpack with Pencil Case please ecepet it .?
Jan 13Reply
mariposadecampo CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PARTY HOSTING!!!!! 🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨ I appreciate if you consider any of my listings for a Host Pick ;) 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Feb 14Reply
bojura Congratulations on hosting today’s party! 🎉I am sharing some of your beautiful items in hopes of quick sales. Please feel free to stop by my closet and select an item or two for your host picks.
Feb 14Reply
cutehosiery @reemoly_llc Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 14Reply
kellinds I had a quick question- I purchased the size 16 McDougall sequin sheath dress from you received it today. It’s absolutely stunning but unfortunately it is too big. Would you allow me to return it? If not, I understand.
Aug 29Reply
amabte Can you please view my message?
Oct 10Reply
reemoly_llc @amabte Hello, Sorry, just got a chance to check it. I’ve replied there too.
Oct 10Reply
mimifield @reemoly_llc hi I'm trying to figure out what size the hunter boots is UK 12 or b12?
Mar 28Reply
jmaz289 Just a quick note to let you know that I cancelled my order today. It’s been almost 2 weeks, and while I understand that you’ve been under the weather this week, it doesn’t explain why you were not able to ship last week or why you have not been able to give me an approximate ship date. I hope you feel better.
Nov 07Reply

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