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Hi! I'm Alicia. I live in Central Florida.
My mother named me after a Russian novelist many years ago. Just about every piece of jewelry you see in my closet is handmade by me. I call my brand Poetry in Motion. Because that is what you are.
Each piece is designed to fit just about any body type. One of my favorite stylists is Betsy Johnson. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet, too. I get share crazy.

63 others
like this

You are one beautiful Lady Lucky!!
Jan 16Reply

@crystalraeanne thank you Lovely Lady!
Jan 16Reply

@alucky you're welcome Lovely Lady!!
Jan 16Reply

Pretty Lady!!
Apr 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for all the likes.... 👠👜👗🎩👢👠
Apr 29Reply

Hi! Thank you for all the shares!!! You're the awesomest!!
Apr 30Reply

Apr 30Reply

Welcome to Posh
Apr 30Reply

@rteacher21 thanx💝
May 01Reply

Thanks for visiting ..I am getting ready to sell. Takes time. Happy Poshing!⭐⭐⭐
May 01Reply

hi there! thanks for taking a look through my closet :)
May 07Reply

Hi Alicia, The Praline Queen sends an invitation to the Royal closet to view the treasures !
May 08Reply

Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! 2 tips: 1)Follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. 2)Make your pictures clear & bright to show off your beautiful items. If you're a seller & interested, I belong to a Facebook group of other sellers. We have lessons to help us further our business & we all support one another. Poshmark is addicting! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me!💖
May 11Reply

@taysloft great closet!
May 11Reply

@donnastreasures Thanks fot the tips.
May 11Reply

May 11Reply

@alucky Always happy to help! 💗
May 11Reply

thank you so much :)
May 11Reply

May 18Reply

@crystalraeanne I LOVE YOUmy lovrly daughter💝
May 19Reply

@alucky I love you more my lovely Mamacita!
May 19Reply

@crystalraeanne I know....haha. Am not gonna debate that. Mughaha.
May 19Reply

@alucky muah!!
May 19Reply

Hey Alicia! The Tuscan Hills bundle you were asking about is now $10 for the entire set, please let me know if you are interested :)
May 22Reply

Hi.Alicia & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them
When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in the FEED
The more Followers U have the more exposure it gets
The more Followers U have that see it...the
More POTENTIAL SALES U will get!
More questions? Just ask me.
May 24Reply

@katzkoz thanks for sharing advice. I have a question about sharing. I like to share my closet but I feel like I am sharing to many times. Is it not good to share over and over again. Or is is a good idea?
May 24Reply

@alucky That's a good question. I thought the same thing. BUT.....think of it this way... if this was Ur store...U would expect people to walk by it & stop in & see what U have, right? How R they going to do that when Ur on the internet? There is NO store have to get Ur stuff "OUT" there for people to see it. The best way to do that is to "share"... or " get it out there" for people to see whats in Ur store. Share as many & as often as U can to Ur followers.
May 24Reply

@alucky The purpose of "sharing" to Ur followers is many fold....when U share Ur items to Ur Followers it goes in the FEED. That's for 1. Ur Followers to see it in the Feed & 2. For THEIR Followers to see ....and so on and so on.
So....U can NEVER not share enough times. Think about how many items go thru that Feed.....U only have so many shots of getting Ur item seen. Make Ur cover shots unique too!
May 24Reply

@alucky Make sense now? A little........?
May 24Reply

@katzkoz your an angel. Thank you so much. I was struggling with that and kept thinking I was oversharing. 💝
May 24Reply

@alucky Ohh thanks, but, you know, I thought the exact same thing! But it makes sense now with the way I explained it, right? So many don't understand why Sharing is important. There simply is no other way around it for Ur sales to increase!
Anyway, U have a lovely closet and best wishes on MANY sales. If U need me again.....just ask..
May 24Reply

@katzkoz I have another question if you please about sharing. Sorry. I realise I am asking alot.
If I click SHARE.then MY FOLLOWERS.then just keep clicking on My followers over and over repeatedly for the same item. Instead of clicking the BACK button. Will that anoy my followers? I did that today and got more shares. But is it a no no?
May 25Reply

@alucky Hi, some Followers like it that way but they would rather after Ur done with one item, go back and try to share 2-3 more of their stuff. Than onto the next closet.....same thing. However....if theres a party going on....go ahead & share to FOLLOWERS & PARTY. U can only do that when theres a party going on, of course, otherwise Ur Followers. So, tonite, U can share their item or yours to 2 places; FOLLIWERS & PARTY.
May 25Reply

No problem with me for asking questions. Just , it may take me awhile to get back to U if I'm not on line. But, I ALWAYS return my questions. Just ask anyone that's dealt with me before. I'm good at getting back as quick as I can.
May 25Reply

@katzkoz oh your a doll ! Thank you so much. Happy Poshing.
May 25Reply

@alucky Hey, you too! Early nite of Poshing for me and its nitie nite for me! Continue forward!
May 25Reply

@katzkoz hi Mom Alicia! Hi Katz! That was really cool how you spent that time to help her! ♡♡♡ very cool!
Jun 02Reply

@crystalraeanne Thanks! Its always so great to help someone & 'splain a reason why its important to share not only others items...bur Ur own closet. Simply no way around it. Otherwise how R Poshers going to see what U have? Its not like going to a Mall & U can peek in the windows and look at what they have! U've got to make the effort to "SHOW" them whats U have thru sharing it. Back to bed for me now!
Jun 02Reply

@crystalraeanne For those reading this ...she is my lovely daughter. Visit her closet please fir some exciting fashions💃💕💃💕
Jun 02Reply

Sorry that is @crystalraeanne ..shes my baby girl.
Jun 02Reply

Hi Alicia! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Great pictures sell. 📸 You're talented.
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for spreading our sparkle :)
If interested in anything visit our jewelry box on Tuesday for our Sale!
Best of luck in sales!
Jun 06Reply

You have fabulous taste in style and your handmade jewelry collection is so unique, made with such quality!!! A very classy, beautiful, talented lady💕
Jun 11Reply

lotus1234 My gosh..I think my head is going to explode with pride! Thank you so much for the lovely words. You are so sweet and I am so, so happy that you love.."Eye of the Tiger"
Will I get that song out of my head tonight?...Not likely. Because you just made my day!
Rock On gorgeous!
Jun 11Reply

@alucky Hi Alicia, Beautiful Closet! It looks amazingly beautiful and fresh today! May you have continued success and sales!!!
Jun 11Reply

Hi @msuebest Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. You are very kind. Happy Poshing to you!
Jun 11Reply

I luv the pic of u. Awesome!
Jun 11Reply

@k8skate Thank you dear!
Jun 11Reply

Hi, Alicia❣👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to meet you and your lovely closet!
Jun 17Reply

Hi Alicia. Thank you for following me. I look forward to helping one another share closets. I will look through yours and share a few things right now!
Jun 20Reply

@doggiegrace Oh wow! Thanks for checking out my closet. I love all the jewery in yours
Thanks for all the shares as well. Happy Poshing. Good Luck on sales.
Jun 20Reply

It's great to help one another out Alicia. I pray we both be blessed for sharing!
Jun 20Reply

Hello Alicia ✨❤️😘 thank you very much for stopping by my closet ✨❤️ I'm always happy to consider offers, so please don't be shy about using the offer button to negotiate a price on items you like. I think that is part of Posh fun 😊 have a beautiful Tuesday
Jun 21Reply

@chickouture Thank you for the precious kind words. It is my pleasure to share closets that I love. Have a Blessed Day!
Jun 26Reply

Alicia you have such beautiful pieces! Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listing! Lets get this week STARTED right 💫!
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Yesenia
Jun 27Reply

@ginger_nj Hi and Thanks for stopping by to pay me a visit in my closet. You are a sweet lady. Yeah let's slam this stuff out and make some stellar sales this week. I am with you on that one. Love your dog too....wuff wuff! What a cutie!
Jun 27Reply

@alucky Hello! Thank you for the Posh love! Glad to meet you!
Jun 28Reply

@antiqueorunique My pleasure. You closet is beautiful.❤
Jun 28Reply

What a cool vintage profile picture! Thanks for the follow.😊❤️
Jun 29Reply

@juliewahoo Hi. Thanks for the nice compliment. Yeah thats me. ❤ Happy Poshing!
Jun 29Reply

Hi! You have some cute stuff! Thanks for sharing my listing!
Jul 03Reply

@shannamae Thank you for the nice compliment. Your closet is very nice too. Happy Poshing.
Jul 03Reply

Hello! Just bought the palazzo pants and my address was wrong that you have. How can I send you my updated address?
Jul 09Reply

@jmartellotta I will cancel the order and you go to edit your address and then just offer the same price again and I accept worries.
Jul 09Reply

@jmartellotta I cancelled the order and made a new listing for you. Make an offer again when you have corrected your address and if you still want this item. Thank You
Jul 09Reply

@jmartellotta To be clear...I would never ask you or anyone else for their address. I try to stay within the confines of Poshmark protocol. In that I would require an authentic Poshmark label that follows an Order from another Posher.
For your protection, never give your address to anyone.
Thank You
Jul 09Reply

@katzkoz on the subject of sharing, some closet holders don't like their items shared to the parties as you can only share each item one time to the party and they like to decide when to share it.
Jul 17Reply

@alucky Aloha, FYI, on the subject of sharing, some closet holders don't like their items shared to the parties as you can only share each item one time to the party and they like to decide when to share it.
Jul 17Reply

@alucky Share your closet at least three times a day.
Jul 17Reply

@annielaurieshop ????.I'm lost!?
Jul 17Reply

Jul 17Reply

Unfortunately I am disappointed
Jul 22Reply

lmoeller67 I offered you some options to make it better and you turned them down. I did my best. Happy Poshing.
Jul 22Reply

Hi Hun. I left you a message on the Parisian hand towels you bundled. Please let me know what you would like to do. Sorry for the confusion. 🤗
Jul 25Reply

@kylej Thank you for the Love. 💜💜💜💜💜
Jul 27Reply

@alucky ✌️❤️😀
Jul 27Reply

Well you guessed it! I am Norwegian! Happy for your move to FL. Those MN winters are rough.. Love your closet too! Happiness to you and yours😃
Jul 29Reply

@alucky beautiful pics💋🌹
Nov 03Reply

@soulcrusher716 Thanks Doll....hugs💝💝💝
Nov 03Reply

@renabeemer Thanks so much. ...That is very sweet of you.
That deserves a cyber hug......huggggg@you
Nov 05Reply

Hi! I don't think I ever thanked u for the cute bracelet for my daughter. It was such a wonderful surprise!!! And I love the coin necklace ❤️
Nov 07Reply

@baniaz82 Oh wow! Thank you for coming in and telling me that. I am always happy to know that I made someone else happy ...even in the smallest of ways. God Bless you and your sweet daughter.
Nov 07Reply

Thanks for following my closet 😊❤️
Dec 01Reply

I have to say I'm all about your daughter's closet. Plus Crystal is just the best!!! 😁😁😁
Dec 04Reply

@klbutler76 Wow! Thank You. Yes she has modeled most of my things for me too
She goes the distance for sure. Have a Happy and Blessed Holiday Season. 💝
Dec 04Reply

@alucky you do the same 😊
Dec 04Reply

@11thstreet Thank You for the Love. I will come visit your closet too. Happy Holidays
Dec 16Reply

Thanks so much for the shares!
Dec 19Reply

@yanethrina Your welcome!
Dec 19Reply

@cmlawson93 Thanks for stopping by to say Hello. I sure do appreciate the nice compliments. Love your closet also. 💝💝💝
Jan 11Reply

@pamneese I know you are busy. Well I am retired so I have a ton of free time. I get hooked on a closet and love to share it. No counting required. Share back when you can Darlin'.
Jan 14Reply

Hi!! Can you bundle those three items together and cancel the shirt alone?
Jan 31Reply

@jenny_dlee75 I think you have to cancel all 3. Then I will make you a package deal with the 3 items...try that ..thanks.
Jan 31Reply

Hi Alicia, I'm trying to clean out my closet, I can bundle all 4 items you liked for $25 and I also offer 10% discount on bundles 😊 let me know if your interested and I can adjust the price. Thanks!
Feb 07Reply

Hi Alicia -- I received the watch today but two of the flower pedals are missing :-( They are at the upper left closest to the buckle end. They are there in the photos, so I don't know what happened! I can send you a picture ... if I knew how. It really does detract from the otherwise adorableness of the watch and I am cursed with perfectionism. Please let me know where we go from here. I appreciate it. xxoo
Mar 02Reply

@minniepins I sent it out with no missing pedals. You have to tell posh a out it in your settings. I don't know what else can be done on my end.
Mar 02Reply

can I send you a picture? the pedals have two layers and two of the top layers are gone. The under brown layer is there but the pink top layers are not. I thought perhaps I was careless in unwrapping it, but if the little pieces were in the wrapping I would just glue them on! :-(
Mar 02Reply

@alucky Alicia - I sent some pictures to Posh and reported the damage. It is most unfortunate.
Mar 02Reply

Love your alter (kitten) ego. Thank you so much for sharing.
Mar 17Reply

@purplej Thank you. I was enjoying the pieces on tour closet. All very interesting. Great labels too. Love it❤
Mar 29Reply

Hi Alice. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Apr 04Reply

Hi! We are almost neighbors! :)
Apr 08Reply

@veronicasgemz Yes. Hi neoghbor!🎀🎀🎀
Apr 08Reply

Ouuu I Vann spell neighbor this morning. Need more coffee. LoL
Apr 08Reply

@alucky 😉
Apr 08Reply

Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
May 30Reply

@nanamarie95 Oh fun! You are just starting out. I can't wait to see your closet when done...itnalready looks cute. Thanks for stopping by! And the nice compliments. Happy Poshing! If you need help just send a shout out ❤❤❤
May 30Reply

Good morning!! I received your style request. I sent some items to your dressing room but I'm not sure if they are even your style😉 Thanks for requesting the styling😊💕
Oct 14Reply

Good afternoon Alicia. I also love to make jewelry and thank you for choosing to share my creations.🌹
Jan 06Reply

Thank you for all the shares. Looking to grow my closet and be successful here on Posh 👍✌️
Jan 26Reply

Hi, thank you for sharing on Twitter & Tumblr💕
Mar 10Reply

Hello Alicia, Thank you for the follow and all of the sharing. I hope you have a great weekend! :)
Mar 17Reply

THANK YOU for your shares!! ❤️ I lost my job the other day & an trying to sell like a crazy lady! Your stuff is SO BEAUTIFUL!
Apr 12Reply

Hi Alicia, this is Mary aka: @hillscreek
I was wondering if the darling jacket I just purchased from you could be sent to my mother who is at at a different address than me, because of my mother being in Assisted Living. It’s for her she’s 93 and I’m sure will be thrilled to get this jacket. If possible would you send it to this address:
Prestige Assisted Living, Betty Wright, 400 Executive Parkway, Room 104, Oroville CA 95966
Please advise if possible. Thank you 🌹
Sep 08Reply

@hillscreek Hello. I am sorry but I cant. The label you paid for will ship to you and there is no way I can change the address. The food news is that whenever anything is shipped from me in Florida it arrives really fast. As you pribably already know, You can make labels at your house without even going to the post office. Go to God Bless you and your lovely Mother. 💜💜💞🤗💞💗💜🌝❣💢💕🤗💞❣💜🤗💞💚💜💓
Sep 08Reply

@alucky Okay I didn’t think about that 🌸 I
I’m 3 hours away so I have a good reason to go visit her then. Thank you ⭐️🌹
Sep 08Reply

That works out great then. Thanks again. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Sep 08Reply

♥️🕊So nice connecting with people like you. I’m Heidi. Don’t be a stranger ✝️🌲☀️🍁🐕🙌🌿
Oct 29Reply

Hi Alicia! Thank you for the like!! 🙂🙂🌸🌸
Nov 04Reply

Hello there, thank you for stopping by my closet and sharing and liking ❤️ please feel free to if you have any questions 🌹
Nov 07Reply

Very rude of you and unprofessional to block me on fb because I asked if you wanted to complete your necklace order you requested me to make for you. Wow!!
Dec 03Reply

@khuff It is against Poshmark policy to sell something outside of its APP. I was wanting you to sell it from your Posh Closet. Sorry if I offended you.
Dec 03Reply

Great rising Alicia thanks for sharing my closet I really appreciate it. I hope this finds u doing well today. Happy selling & shopping. much luv sis. 😁😉🤑🤜🤛❤
Dec 13Reply

Thanks for the share!
Dec 13Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my product. :) And have a great new year!
Dec 30Reply

Hello, 😃 I wanted to thank you for sharing my Closet!! I greatly appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend, Elise M@elisemckenna1 😊
Jan 05Reply

Thanks for all the shares Alicia! 💛💚💙💜
Jan 07Reply

@tracyneff Your Welcome🎵🌴❤🚴🚦
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Jan 11Reply

@jenniferpryor9 Your Welcome. Have a great day🌴🌴🌴
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for posting my JLo jacket on Tumblr! 😁
Jan 15Reply

@tina0508 Your Welcome. Good Luck❤
Jan 15Reply

Feel free to check out my closet!
Jan 28Reply

Thank you for sharing on tumbler & twitter!
Jan 29Reply

@hobiekitten Your Welcome
Jan 29Reply

Thank you for the likes
Feb 05Reply

@johnnyo7551 Your Welcome and Good Luck in sales.
Feb 05Reply

Hi thank u for al the shares! I will return the favor 🤗
Feb 17Reply

Your welcome
Feb 17Reply

Enjoyed walking Through your closet so I left you a few shares
Feb 18Reply

Hi. I am new to this today so thank you so much for the share. I really appreciate it!!
Mar 02Reply

Your Welcome. Good Luck in sales.🔆
Mar 02Reply

Hi! I just wanted to say Thank You for all the shares and your model is lovely 😊
Mar 21Reply

Your welcome. And thank you so much.
Mar 21Reply

Hi. I’m in love with your closet!
Mar 27Reply

Thank you I will go check yours out
Mar 27Reply

Thanks for the love 💘💘 right back atcha!
Mar 27Reply

Alice that you so much for the Generous shares how sweet of you. Come by anytime even for a chat. Wishing you well 💍💖💍
Mar 27Reply

Your Welcome. My pleasure indeed.❤
Mar 27Reply

My pleasure. Good Luck in sales
Mar 27Reply

Nice to meet you hope you check out my closet
Apr 02Reply

@alucky Hi, I have another Poshmark account. When I click on the link next to the photo it brings me to a video. I’ve clicked on other Poshers links and it works. A person can click the subscribe button from that video. If you would like to subscribe, just search me by my full name: Giovanna Francesca Mistretta and Subscribe. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Apr 12Reply

Thank you. I'm refering to the link in your listing. At the Description box. (This could be because I am on an Android phone and not an Apple?)
However I can do the link in your ABOUT button on top of your closet.
But your description says "Click the link above" and that is the link I am referring to that does not take me directly to your YouTube channel. Hope this helps. I do love your YT Channel though. Gonna go subscribe. Yay!
Apr 12Reply

@alucky oh, yes....that one. I will delete it so that ppl only refer to the one in my profile box. I hope you are having great weather. It’s not that great here and they say it’s going to rain on Monday for the Boston marathon.
Apr 12Reply

Just direct them to your ABOUT and ask them to click your YouTube link.
Apr 12Reply

@alucky ok, I will once you subscribe 😊
Apr 12Reply

I hope the weather clears up for y'all up there in Boston. Marathons are so fun.
I'm up in age so dont run. However in Savannah GA they have one each year . They ran past my house . I admire the clothes they choose to wear. Some very brite neon colors to add to the fun.
Neon Tutus were very popular as most of you know.
Poshmark needs a Marathon category. . 🔆🔆🔆🔆Let The Sun Shine In🔆🔆🔆
Apr 12Reply

@alucky thanks for the follow. Luck is actually your last name?!!!!!! I need whole lore of luck!!!,!
Apr 12Reply

Yup! When I met my hubby 19 years ago his last name was Luck. Still is. And mine is too.
Apr 12Reply

🌺aloha! Thank you so much for sharing an item in my closet to twitter and Tumblr😃 i wanted to thank you personally and share your great items since I don't have either one of those. That is so kind of you! 💕💞💓🌺
Apr 23Reply

My pleasure. Your closet is lovely. Good luck in sales. 👭👫👫👫
Apr 23Reply

Hey feel free to check out my closet! 😊
Apr 26Reply

Thank you much for the follow and the shares 🙏🏻🌼🌸🌼🌸💐
Jun 24Reply

I love you💗💗💗
Feb 07Reply

I Love You to my beautiful daughter.
Feb 07Reply

Feb 07Reply

Oh that's awesome!
I should get fast
It's nice to meet a neighbor.
Have a great day!🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴
Jul 18Reply

Thanks for the shares , have a blessed evening! 😃💖
Oct 28Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly!
Apr 13Reply

Your Closet looks Beautiful Mom! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 09Reply

@crystalraeanne Thanks Sweetie.
Nov 09Reply

What’s yo number
Dec 01Reply

@alucky Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 22Reply

Hi! I’m a new posher and I just want to introduce myself and my closet. I hope you can check out my closet. I do accept offers on my listings. Thank you for your support and have a great day :))
Feb 09Reply

Hello and thanks for the follow. Love your closet! We are over-stocked, so we're accepting offers at well less than our posted price. If you get a chance, take a look. Happy Poshing!
Jan 25Reply
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