Poshmark Etiquette #1
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It's really easy to be nice. And, it costs nothing! Be respectful. Answer questions. Say thank you. Don't advertise in anyone's closet. Basically, the Golden rule. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

120 others
like this

@larochelle @read247 @teresamarie01
Jan 19Reply

@deannacuh it is not Posh etiquette to tell everyone in someone else's closet that you got it for less. Perhaps in WV it costs less, but that seller paid more in their location. Just an FYI
Jan 27Reply

@sherriesharley I can if I want the people want to pay as less as they can
Jan 27Reply

Feb 10Reply

@official_forum great info!👊🏼
Feb 19Reply

Feb 23Reply

@antiquegoddess This is something new Poshers need to read because it is good information and will avoid future insult.
Feb 23Reply

@lmmanga another great read!
Mar 02Reply

@goodchic If you are going to continue to keep me block from ur closet, please don't tag me in your spam list of names to inform me of parties, sales, or any of your post. It's really not fair to block me then continue to fill up my feed. Just SayIN. Thank You for your consideration.
Mar 19Reply

Question. I like to follow and share but lately I am seeing a number of closets that do not share. From 0-3 shares but they seem to have followers and sell items which I was surprised about. Am I wrong to not follow back with these closets?
Mar 26Reply

If someone does this in your closet. Kindly guide them here.
Mar 31Reply

If someone lowballs you @spookyheartsg tag them in this
Mar 31Reply

Rude @warrior04 lately been setting $5-$9 offers on items over $50/ tge other day $20/ for MK jeans w tags priced at $139 im asking $55-60 and offer me $20 funny think ill counter them -5$ less then my asking price i either get ignored or decline ASAP lol
Mar 31Reply

@spookyheartsg like I said kindly tag them here
Mar 31Reply

Posh Etiquette via @official_forum! -- @authorjpro
Apr 09Reply

@poshgarden probably you should put this on every listings of yours 😜😜
May 18Reply

@hsohailk lol, 💟 you❣❣❣❣
May 18Reply

@poshgarden 😘😘
May 18Reply

@xsierrax you violated Poshmark guidelines and ruined one of my listings. It was rude and inconsiderate. We are all here to make money, as I see from you selling plates and other noncompliant items. Please refrain from hurting the bottom dollar profits that myself and Poshmark makes. Thank you for understanding and cooperation💟
May 19Reply

@hpoillion please see above 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 Plus, you are also in violation of selling prohibited items.
May 21Reply

@poshgarden 😘
May 21Reply

@tanya0825 you violated Poshmark by ruining my listings & I lost sales bc of it. It was only fair that you receive the same treatment. You were & are WAY out of line by accusing me of being the phone spammer. Wake up😳 I am a SU,
have 100s of repeat buyers & am currently hosting my 2nd Virtal Posh Party. Please stop being jealous, attacking &
harassing me by spreading this false rumor. You have been reported by several others and I'd advise that you walk a straight line from here on out.
May 24Reply

May 25Reply

@poshgarden interesting because I see you advertising your Facebook page & Instagram ... !
May 25Reply

@mommyknight uh, Poshmark encourages us to do that. You seriously need to get with the program lady.
May 25Reply

@partymk999 I'm tagging others here who don't know Poshmark Policies😬
May 25Reply

@poshgarden right on! So many just jump in ready to rock n roll. Like i did when i started. Made mistakes and learned from kind mentors. It's good to return the favors and help and guide to try and keep things positive for all. It can be a win win not a loose loose. 👍🏼👊🏼
May 25Reply

@didigro please see Poshmark Policies and Guidelines. That was complete harassment and uncalled for by you tagging people not to purchase from me.
@pm_editor @manish
Jun 03Reply

@blondiegr8 please read
Jun 25Reply

Don't know what you're getting at. I asked a legitimate question that you refuse to answer. This ad has no bearing on me. Thx
Jun 25Reply

@cricket12354 please read before make any comments
Sep 18Reply

@kellyjea45 please see this helpful listing... Never comment on someone's listing saying that you found the same item for less at a store. You have no idea how much that posher pad for that item. And if you saw it elsewhere for less- then go get it there. Mentioning this publicly for all the viewers to see is negative. If someone is willing to pay that price, never interrupt a clean sale.
Oct 09Reply

omggg @lewis3265 it sucks, but some people (A) don't know any better or (B) are just rude and bored...
It would be nice to be able to delete those comments, but idk if posh will ever allow that because of how important comments are to the history of an item. Wish there was a little "Report comment" button for them to decide if they'll remove it! lol a girl can dream.
Oct 09Reply

@karisrenee right..lol
Oct 10Reply

Great information..Thank you.
Apr 11Reply

why dont sellers answer when someone is interesting in what they are selling? Thats why they are on here right?
Oct 31Reply

hello Poshers! Is there an appropriate amount of time to consider an offer? I understand they expire in 24 hours, but is a few hours considered poor form when you are receiving a few offers and expect to possibly receive more?
Feb 09Reply

@kelesemann Please educate yourself properly on Poshmarks official rules of etiquette above.
Mar 07Reply

May 12Reply

I am not sure if you are aware of the etiquette on poshmark. Please do not comment on my closet again. Thank you.
May 12Reply

@xoxo_shopaholic Please do not advertise your closet in my closet. It is bad policy to go to other Posher's items/closets and promote your items. Please read Poshmark Etiquette so you are aware rules/regulations.
Aug 11Reply

@styleontherun ??... ummm I never “advertised” my closet on yours. I left a note for YOU to read after I shared some of your items, so not entirely sure what this is for
Aug 11Reply

@xoxo_shopaholic This is not what a Love Note is - a Love Note is a means of rating and adding comments when you have made a purchase. Your message is advertising dressed up like a compliment. Please understand that many Posher's will report these type of "Love Notes" as Spam
Aug 11Reply

@styleontherun I never stated it was a love note... if I were advertising my closet to others on your closet don’t you think I would’ve done it on a popular item or even a similar item that I sell? Not on your “meet the posher” or one of your sold items where notes are intended FOR the posher.
Aug 11Reply

Hi, can anyone tell me if there is a way to block family or friends without them knowing? I want to sell lingerie and would hate for any of them to see it.
Aug 22Reply

Hello, I realize this is an old thread but I recently sold a pair of boots. The buyer gave me a bad rating noting some BS about the size and now are selling the same boots on their page. For more money and contradicting the review they left. There was nothing wrong with the size. I reported the posher but it is so shady to do that. Has this happened to anyone else?
Nov 03Reply

@a_steinbrecher lovely listing explaining posh etiquette.
Nov 06Reply

@a_steinbrecher as you can see, it’s not etiquette to comment about someone’s pricing. Especially with the 20% fee. Many poshers will block you. I’m always open to offers and usually price higher to allow for lower offers. Just keep this in mind. I too also block those who do these things. We should keep a nice atmosphere 🤗
Nov 06Reply

@fab_fashionista It was just a simple question ☺️ Good luck.
Nov 06Reply

@a_steinbrecher and I welcome questions! I don’t mind you asking for my lowest or stating the obvious (preowned, engraving) I just felt it was spiteful that instead of commenting on the listing we were chatting on you went to the for sale posting and commented there. I could be wrong tho. Sorry it didn’t work out! Take care.
Nov 06Reply

Is it ok to politely tell someone there is a mistake on their listing?
Nov 16Reply

I purchase on posh as gifts, for myself as well as for my aunt and DISABLED partner both of whom have less than i do. I am on disability and have little discretionary income after bills are paid. I let this fact be known when I am making an offer because it's true. I am not trying to guilt someone into selling to me. If you cannot accept my offer, that's fine. I know people are trying to make money Well I've offended someone and they've blocked me. How do I write someone who has blocked me?
Nov 23Reply

No way to contact blocker unless they unblock you.
Jan 03Reply

@yujipopshop thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated ☺
Jan 07Reply

@hautehina Love it....thank you for all the good advice and information
Jan 11Reply

@j0617 Hi, I see you re new to poshmark and probably not aware of the etiquette on this site. please dont use my closet to advertise your items. Tagging you on this post so you can become familiar with poshmark do’s and don’ts. This is a great site big enough for everyone, we just need to be mindful and follow some guidelines.
Jan 23Reply

I'm selling a skirt and I noticed that another posher was or is selling the same skirt but listed it quite a while ago. Someone had commented asking for measurements, but there wasn't a reply that I could see. This exchange happened months ago, would it be terrible to comment and ask the potential buyer that if they were still interested, that I have the the same skirt and size in my closet?
Feb 08Reply

@kaykayschultzy Please keep negative pricing comments off of my page; it goes against posh etiquette. Please see above listing for some great posh etiquette tips!
Feb 12Reply

@smileyeks Please read the list of Posh rules and etiquette. It is incredibly inconsiderate for you to spam my item because you have the exact item and are able to sell for less. I see you have been a user for 5+ years, so you of all people should know better. If not, this is a chance for you to educate yourself on the do's and don'ts of common courtesy, common sense and Poshmark etiquette. The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one's self would wish to be treated. Best of luck!
Feb 20Reply

Thank you for making this available to quickly tag someone coloring outside the lines. Most view etiquette as common courtesy, common sense and good manners- never breaking the rules because it simply isn't nice. It is mind-boggling that so many will not hesitate to selfishly ignore the rules and self-promote in another's closet, spam and ruin another members listing purposely provoking bad feelings.
Feb 20Reply

It's happening more and more, unfortunately. What happened to a world where not only women, but members of a community supported one another and built each other up instead of being vindictive and tearing another apart? It's not too much to believe we can co-exist, co-operate and thrive in the same community. The Poshmark community.
Feb 20Reply

Feb 21Reply

@1witty_usernamei need help I have a lady that is harassing me because I received an order from her that wasn't as described in her listing..I have just now started my own closet and hugs to make a little extra money for my baby boy she is trying to sabotage me I purchase an item from her that was dirty and bleach stain and received it yesterday and ask her about it nicely....
Mar 12Reply

Mar 12Reply

Are you seriously allowed to talk to people like that and Poshmark allows that? I'm with someone please lead me in the right direction because she will not get away with this it should not be allowed she should not be able to sell her listings if she's going to talk to people like that and treat people like they're less than
Mar 12Reply

She Downey because I was a stay-at-home mom she said maybe my husband. Ale me every once in awhile at go check on my baby or something all because I receive her order and commented on her post asking her why didn't she tell me it was in the the condition it was in and if you can make it right in some way shape or fashion
Mar 12Reply

*downed me....
Mar 12Reply

@ashmaas see photo 2 please. Thank you for your consideration.
Apr 12Reply

@modern_merchant okay I respect that 110% and I wouldn’t do this unless it’s completely unfair or a ripoff but it’s messed up to have somebody spend 100+ more than the original price like you wouldn’t like that would you? So don’t do it to others.
May 16Reply

Anyone come across anyone unwilling to share how much they paid for something? I asked if she had an original tag or receipt of purchase and literally got dogged out for it. I understand for some items that people may have paid more than it retailed for, but I wasn't about to pay over 50% more than retail on an item that wasn't in perfect condition. Just wondering if this is the norm🤷🏻♀️
Aug 14Reply

@bam1986bam it’s all about demand NOT the original value. Some people pay retail, some maybe got it as a gift (or bought at a thrift store). The value of an item is what people will pay. So a Chanel bag will sell for 3 times it’s original value. But an unpopular item/brand might only sell for $35, even if it retailed for over $2k. I’ve paid over retail for an item sold out in store. It all really depends on the market value.
Aug 31Reply

I’m glad this thread is here! I recently had a seller try to lowball me on an item that I’m already one of the cheapest on (from my most current search), and when I counter offered she still tried to lowball. I think it’s so much more insulting seller to seller. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one experiencing these issues but it’s disheartening to see it happens so often. ESPECIALLY when you go to their closet and they have similar items with similar prices.
Sep 15Reply

Sep 24Reply

Hello I have a question about commenting. previous people who like items i let them know that i was having a bundle sale on items they liked. I typically leave the comment on the persons personal post with their picture. But if that is not available I left it on an old sold items. I had no complaint and people all said thanks for letting me know.
Sep 29Reply

I never spammed to random people's only people who showed interest in my closet. Then this morning I was told to not do this that it is against policy. I was confused because I see lots of other Poshers Leaving there promos on my wall and other walls. Some people I've never followed and they spam there promotion.
So what is the policy on this... ?
Sep 29Reply

Oct 01Reply

Dec 16Reply

@jennasch80 girl this is America I can do/say/think/feel whatever I want boo 😂😂😂 I can comment whatever I want any-day and you can sell whatever you want for whatever price you want i’m just gonna call it out . This is irrelevant!! Hmu when you actually make a sale off that over-priced nonsense !!
Dec 30Reply

I sold an item and the buyer left me 5 star feedback 2 days ago & now someone is asking me to ask her if she will sell that item.. what would y’all do?
Feb 20Reply

@katieh821 oh my, just happened to me! Someone bought my Christian Louboutin for $150 and relisted on their Closet with my pictures for $550! Hilariuos :) So sad that people do that! And she never accepted the delivery, oh man...
Feb 25Reply

@yyefimova so shady! I’m sorry.
Feb 26Reply

May 11Reply

@lewis3265 sorry but i think people should be allowed to inform others that they aren't getting the best price especially if someone is selling something for WAY more than it's worth. like something that's usually $10 for $45 dollars. I dont want to see people get ripped off.
May 13Reply

@karisrenee yeah but I think it's fair to warn others that they can get a better deal. I don't see how it's rude. it's just capitalism. target doesn't get mad if you tell them that another store sells something cheaper, they just match your price. whining that people are calling you out on over priced items is just bad business...
May 13Reply

@fab_fashionista then you shouldn't sell an item that you can't sell at a fair price. if you're selling a two dollar item for way more so you don't lose money you should just donate it.
May 13Reply

@bam1986bam thank you! people are getting all bent out of shape because I commented that I think they're charging too much and I have proof and they just tagged me in this stupid etiquette post. it's one thing to say someones prices are too high by a few dollars but when you know for a fact something is marked up 50-80% then they those comments are a beware to other buyers because you don't want to see them get ripped off!
May 13Reply

@dealpony that's fine but if something is still available online, new and a seller is selling it at a ridiculous mark up that doesn't seem right and I don't see how it's bad etiquette to mention that!
May 13Reply

@amberparsonsss thank you!!! I can't believe I was tagged in this bullshit lmao if you're going to sell used crap at a high price I'm going to call you out on it! I felt like it was so petty of this seller to tag me in this when I was just trying to warn people that they're potentially getting ripped off.
May 13Reply

@websterpoo55 by countering the offer?
May 13Reply

@lunarclouds I hear ya but you don’t know where a seller bought something! A lot of sellers might be getting things at goodwill when another one may have paid full retail. Just like a local store might have higher prices than Walmart or Costco (because they buy in bulk). It’s considered “bad etiquette” to mention on the individual listing. I buy a lot online and I don’t always go for the lowest price. Seller ratings and photos are more important to me.
May 13Reply

@lunarclouds I’m unsure of why you are tagging me on a post from almost two years ago but in my case a buyer making a $40 offer on a $225 Tiffany necklace because they can find it cheaper on “e b ay” and staying that it’s “on sale” doesn’t seem right when I paid full price for it plus tax. I could be wrong tho 🤷🏻♀️ thanks.
May 13Reply

@lunarclouds Since target is a large corporation that offers a price match guarantee, you should definitely shop with them over an independent seller who makes their own prices and rules. They’re simply not the same & will never be treated as such.
This thread is extremely old, however. Like several YEARS lol So, please be careful with the advice you receive and reply to, as I’m sure many things have changed since. Happy Poshing
May 13Reply

May 29Reply

@eliseegrace just so you know!
Jun 17Reply

@em1283 I have been on Poshmark for years. Someone's clearly offended.
Jun 17Reply

Jun 22Reply

@gregsonemily thank you!
Jun 22Reply

@lindseytracey please read this. It’s incredibly rude and disrespectful to comment on anyone else’s listings trying to solicit customers. Commenting that you have an item for less to my potential buyers is poor etiquette & it ruined my listing. I will now have to relist my item due to your comment. Also you have a ton of NON COMPLAINT items listed that are against Poshmarks terms & conditions.
Jun 22Reply

A majority of your listings are violating seller policies. You might want to review what Is and isn’t allowed on this platform.
Jun 22Reply

Jun 29Reply

@silvianic I’m sorry! You can flag my comment and delete if possible...
Jun 29Reply

@ashsax1018 you can benefit from reading this!
Jun 29Reply

@lindsaysands 👍
Jun 30Reply

@official_forum so very tired of posher's coming onto my closet and trying to steal my customers by advertising. People can be so rude!
Jul 24Reply

Hi there! So, today I posted A pair of shoes for $50 in excellent condition. Another posher that goes by the handle@yeezysrlife Made a comment saying that she had the same shoes for sale in her closet for $30. I reported it as spam and blocked her. Now for some reason I am not able to share or post anything on my store?? What’s that all about?
Aug 04Reply

Aug 14Reply

Aug 14Reply

@ noellalessio11 read up Noell.
Aug 15Reply

@jlccc Please do not advertise your closet in my closet. It is bad policy to go to other Posher's items/closets and promote your items. Please read Poshmark Etiquette so you are aware rules/regulations.
Sep 01Reply

I appreciate this post soo much! I just listed an authentic Gucci bag and the 1st comment I received was to see the original receipt. I don't mind showing that for proof that I purchased from a Gucci store but I do mind showing how much I paid, especially when I purchased multiple items. The potential buyer wasn't rude, I just needed to see how others handle this type of situation and if I am justified in not wanting to share that information.
Oct 25Reply

Oct 27Reply

Nov 17Reply

I ordered a dress that arrived & looks NOTHING like the dress in the photo as listed. The photo makes it appear like its lace and quality, but in person its like a poorly made sheet. I'm so annoyed by being misled. The photo led me to think it could be my wedding dress, but I wouldn't be caught dead in this thing, on any occasion. If Poshmark won't give me a refund, how do I let other buyers know that the quality of this store's items is not what they represent. I don't want ppl to waste $$
Nov 18Reply

Word of mouth is how most stores build a reputation and if a store is misleading buyers, others deserve to know. During hard economic times, it is particularly immoral to mislead people into wasting their money. I'm so annoyed and feel like I was part of a bait and switch. What do I do?!!!
Nov 18Reply

Dec 12Reply

I was blocked my @myracir_style & have no idea why. I had like two items & added to bundle, I received individual offers on both with discounting shipping (which I’m grateful for) I declined both others since I had bundled them already & wanted more in my bundle.
Dec 26Reply

I went to the bundle to let seller know I was also declining the bundle offer since I wanted to add more items, but I couldn’t because I was blocked! I just thought it was very unpleasant experience to block me for no reason when I was still shopping.
Dec 26Reply

Happy Holidays to all!
Dec 26Reply

Thank you for this post. I have a question..if I've posted a dress and want to change up the background can I delete the original and repost another picture of the same dress? thank you.
Dec 30Reply

@anothergalstrsr ofcourse you can :)
Dec 30Reply

@official_forum Oh great, starting out I made a few mistakes and I want to change them, I'm sure I'll make more, but thanks to beautiful Poshers like yourself helping us out I know I wont have as many ,lol. Thank you
Dec 30Reply

Ridiculous set of rules. Identifying an item as being priced over market helps everyone (except maybe the unscrupulous person gouging).
Feb 15Reply

I have someone self promoting her closet on my listing. She self promote and tag people who likes my listing. Isn't that against Postmark policy? What should I do? Should I tag her here so she can understand Poshmark etiquette? 😣
Feb 21Reply

What is proper etiquette for leaving huge list of tags on another users post? Is this common in a follow game. I was not aware of the rules (my fault) and added someone to a list of tags I was leaving not understanding how tags work (still dont) and a person who was leaving multiple post with huge lists of tags jumped on me for having her on my list. So obviously I done something wrong but can someone clear this up for me please?
Mar 02Reply

Mar 14Reply

@poshgarden I love that you tagged some of the trolls that have done this! I’m blocking every single one. Ain’t nobody got time for that 😪😌
May 01Reply

Thank you for your Poshmark Etiquette poster. Someone just posted on one of my listings how they got their shoes a lot cheaper from the Outlet Store.
May 12Reply

I understand that it is rude to comment about finding a product cheaper somewhere else but it is also unethical for a posher to list an item for hundreds of dollars more than they're worth and they should be called out.
May 27Reply

@rebecca_l62113 here you go!
Jun 28Reply

@mandible89 totally agree!!!
Jul 07Reply

It’s incredible to me that there are people out there who actually need to be told these things. It’s called basic courtesy—something your parents are supposed to start teaching you when you’re still in diapers, and not stop until you get the concept. For an adult with an ounce of class, manners are automatic because they were taught by parents during childhood. Amazing that Poshmark must teach basic manners to adults who should already know better!
Jul 08Reply

@christinaspohr Hi! i’m currently in a similar situation as you. i’ve seen other people do it and i’ve been told about this twice that it’s against guide lines. i’m a little confused as well. i did some research too online and i didn’t find anything. maybe i’m just missing something. if someone could let me know that would be lovely:)
Aug 04Reply

hello, I am still figuring out poshmark and I am not sure if this is something I can do... can I flag someone's comment if they commented a link of a website where people can go purchase what I have listed up?
Aug 11Reply

@vogue_vintage Because it's unethical. I'm not talking about making a profit off of something you paid a lot of money for I'm talking about price gouging which is against the rules on poshmark.
Oct 17Reply

@vogue_vintage well you do you.
Oct 17Reply

Jan 19Reply

@lunarclouds yeah my comments are from years ago and I'm getting tagged here too. I can completely understand marking up an item to make sure they're making what they spent back, to cover shipping, to cover the fees here, and to make a profit.
Jun 21Reply

@lunarclouds But selling something at 4x it's original cost, higher than any other resale value that I can find online, and for something that is in better condition than what they are selling. I'm going to let people know that the seller isn't selling the item at a fair price. That isn't ethical and no where in my comments was I rude just stated facts 🤷🏻♀️
Jun 21Reply

HELp!! I have a situation that needs some attention. I did an authorized return and now the seller along with two friends are writing awful things about me on my profile and item comments. They are also threatening me. I contacted the support center on (Saturday at 11:30pm) and it is Monday (noon) and have not heard back!!
Jun 12Reply

Hi, everyone! Newbie question here: I like an item (because I don't want to lose track of it) and then I get an offer on it. The offers I get are really attractive - I'd be in trouble if I accepted all of them! Is it rude to simply let an offer expire? Declining an offer seems a little brusque, but is that considered the most polite way of letting the seller off the hook? Is it okay to decline an offer and then put that item in a bundle and make a reasonable offer on it? Thanks!
Feb 15Reply
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