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Have you sent a question or a request to a seller who does not get back to you? There are a few reasons why this happens but the most popular one is this: they don't think you are a serious buyer. Sellers get bombarded with questions and requests all day long and the majority of those buyers don't buy. Most don't even respond when a seller answers. As a seller, I find I could spend my day measuring, taking extra pictures, etc, for people that don't get back to me.

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So how would a buyer get my or any seller's attention? Let us know you are interested in buying the item. Asking "Size?" does not say "I want to buy this." Saying "I think this would be a nice gift for my daughter. Could you please tell me how long it is?" does say you are seriously considering the item. If you do say you are interested in buying and you still don't get a response, then move on. Life happens to all of us and it could be the seller is busy. Or she/he could just be rude.
Jan 27Reply

I get these a lot. People will ask for more pictures, or very specific measurements, and when I give them their requests, they ignore me (no thank yous). You got it 100% right! this behavior turns a lot of us off from responding. I would rather have someone say they are interested THEN ask questions. And of course, respond with them making an offer, buying, or simply stating it no longer meets what they were looking for. I personally hate asking someone if they are interested (seems pushy).
Feb 01Reply

@jha_ Completely understand what you are saying. When I get a request now I tell them I will be happy to do it as long as I know they are truly interested. Some say they are and some don't get back to me. It's a good way to weed out those that aren't interested 😀
Feb 01Reply

So very true! Happens all the time. Thank you for posting this.
Feb 04Reply

Great tips on here.. I'm new, and I have a lot to learn about buying and selling on here... thank you..
Feb 07Reply

🌺🌴🌺 Yeah that happened to me. She should have known I was serious. I asked her a question about 3 weeks earlier. I asked her two more times. I was willing to pay full price. She never answered me but she accepted the person right after me 😁 . FRUSTATION! Joyce 🌺🌴🌺
Feb 08Reply

@jha_ @wendimb I understand what you are both saying about potential buyers not getting back to you. From a buyers perspective though, the fact that we ask specifics or more information about a product means that we ARE interested and are just needing a bit more information to make our final decision about purchasing. 🙂
Feb 13Reply

@lbt81 Yes - you are so right! It's frustrating for both sides and it's unfortunate that buyers who are not serious have to ruin it for serious buyers like yourself (and me and so many others). It happened to me several times this week where I ran and took pictures, measured items, emailed the company for more info, etc, and never heard back from the potential buyer.
Feb 13Reply

@lbt81 Even saying, "I'm sorry that won't work for me," is better than nothing, And on the seller's side, we have to understand that the buyer needs that info to make the decision, regardless of the outcome. So how can we come together on this? What are your thoughts?
Feb 13Reply

As a seller it's pretty annoying. On one of my items I just knew this buyer was going to purchase. She asked for measurements, comparison pics, you name it. I delivered same day or next day. She even said "I'm really interested". No further response or purchase :-(
Feb 16Reply

@wendimb I have this happen often also. I hope to make this a serious business. Right now, I look at getting the information important to anyone who might come along and be interested. People can't try things on and returns aren't looked at as favorable. But I also agree, running around, and not getting a response is frustrating. Maybe there is a way to put a diplomatic statement in description. We don't want to turn off customers either. This is a service business.
Feb 18Reply

I am new to PoshMark but have been in the customer service field for years! I like all the comments above. I think with technology the tendency is to be right to the point and very brief - this app is like texting or even twitter. But good reminders to be polite and both ask and answer questions. I haven't sold anything yet but I've bought lots of things in the last two weeks but many times what I receive smells like cigarette smoke or perfume, I am allergic to both.
Feb 29Reply

I even bought items straight out as the price was very fair and I liked the item and the seller claimed they didn't even know they sold?? I sent reminders and then they said, "oh I didn't even know it sold". How could that happen? Suggest photos and description be more thorough so the buyer doesn't have to ask, "could you take a pic of the bottom or all sides of the shoes?"
Feb 29Reply

Or the photo is very dark and it's hard to see the item. Or the stats aren't listed so the buyer has to ask, "what is the material?; what size is the heel?", etc. If as much info and photos are provided upfront, I think that would minimize questions.
Feb 29Reply

OMG yes and don't get asked to put something on hold and the person doesn't buy it 😯😯
Mar 06Reply

@wendimb 2 days ago a man wanted extra photos and left me his email address to contact him. There were a total of 4 items he asked for extra photos even though I had great photos at every angle possible. I told him that and said I wouldn't sell outside Poshmark. He never responded. I get no thank you's whatsoever ever. It's a chore finding things to d extra photos. Do you respond to every message? Daily I could get over 1,000. It's impossible for me. Do you?
Mar 08Reply

@shari23114 You absolutely did the right thing with that man. I have had a similar thing happen and only communicate through Poshmark. I try to get back to as many as possible. Like you, I can get more than 1,000 a day and would spend many hours getting back to everyone. 😀 I get back to questions and requests first then the rest when I can.
Mar 08Reply

@wendimb I can't do it! It used to really stress me out so now I just don't. I don't know if it hurt my sales or not but what most people don't understand is that I have to take the time out to make the jewelry. It's all original you know and that's very time consuming?
Mar 08Reply

@dstrobl That is terribly rude and I'm sorry you had to go through that. Glad you shared your story though. It just goes to show that it can happen for a variety of reasons or for no reason at all. Big Hugs to you and I hope you find it somewhere else!
Mar 09Reply

@wendimb the #1 reason I am ignoring a comment from a buyer I DON'T KNOW THAT THE COMMENT IS THERE!!! If you don't tag us we have no idea that the comments exist. Expecially to sellers like myself who have several hundred items listed. So if you feel like you're being ignored make sure that you have tagged the person first. They may not know the comments exist. Xoxo 💋 Hillary Marek from Hillary's of Houston Vintage Boutique
Mar 20Reply

@hillaryshouston Very good point! That happens to me sometimes, too. 😀
Mar 20Reply

@mimi0072 Very good advice! That may solve some of the problems. 😀
Mar 20Reply

@jackiekiddo I agree. Providing as much info as possible will definitely solve some of the problems. 😀
Mar 20Reply

Great listing Wendy!👌🏼
Mar 28Reply

@kookc Thank you! Very happy that it started a good discussion 😃
Mar 28Reply

Yes! Something we've all experienced.
Mar 28Reply

@wendimb Great advice!!! Nice closet too!!
Mar 29Reply

@cynthialmetz Thank you! 😀
Mar 29Reply

I am a seller and a buyer on posh. I think sellers should be complete in their listings if they don't want to answer questions. Maybe stating measurements, brand names, listing any flaws. I have asked questions and been ignored plenty. It's rude. If you are wanting to sell on here you should be willing to either 1 be complete in your listing or 2 be prepared to answer questions.
Mar 31Reply

Also just because you answer questions does not mean the potential buyer was not "serious" about buying your item. Maybe the top was too short or the brand was a Walmart brand they don't want. It isn't personal if they don't say no thank you I'm not interested because of XYZ.its an online market place plain and simple. Yes it's nice to make friends but that's not why this site is here.
Mar 31Reply

Rules we should all try and abide by: be kind be professional and tag for goodness sake lol!
Mar 31Reply

And if you're going to sell, invest in a measuring tape❤after seeing many questions posted as to length or width questions are ignored because the seller doesn't have a measuring tape and doesn't respond until I state, if you don't have A measuring tape can u tell me how this fits on you and your height please. It's crazy lol
Mar 31Reply

@jjsix Thank you for chiming in 😀
Mar 31Reply

Yes I find it very annoying when I have something very basic listed as a medium and they want me to make fifty measurements on it and I'm just like either you know you're a medium or not jeeeeeze. Not worth the hassle for a $5 profit to me when I've already taken all that time photographing, editing it to fit a square and describing it! Haha
Apr 25Reply

I get this ALL the time. Unless someone says "I am interested" or "I want this but"... I don't even respond. You can consider this rude but after working a 12 hour day the last thing I want to do is find the $10 item(s) in question, get the measurements and give them the requested information for them to not even respond to me/purchase them anyways OR even better - offer me some ridiculously low offer that only makes me want to block them. SO FRUSTRATING!
Apr 28Reply

All the time. :(
Apr 30Reply

I had a potential buyer ask to lower the price on a item they put in a bundle. I agreed and she said she would buy them in a sec... 5 hours later and nothing. Even put the item on hold for her! Or like another seller mentioned, giving measurements of an item and not getting any responses or thank you!
Another pet peeve... acting like you're interested, asking for more info and pics then offering Half of the listed price. Really??
May 03Reply

interesting thread!
May 12Reply

@wendimb I love this! I adore closets that are so graciously supportive! Thus I'd the best thing about posh! Thanks do much for taking your time to support and encourage the posh community. I've had an exhaustingly busy day again, and your page was so refreshing. I wanted to add that some sellers simply miss notifications. I miss at least a cpl each week or more bc I had to do off posh things, then simply was too buried to catch up.
Jun 08Reply

@wendimb I think it's okay for an interested party to politely touch base if after a day a seller hasn't responded. I am so grateful to my customers who give me the benefit of the doubt on occasion. A second polite reminder also shows me they're committed. Thanks again sync lovely closet😘
Jun 08Reply

@alaskanstyle Thank you Tessa! 😃
Jun 08Reply

Better yet, just post the measurements with your listings then potential buyers don't have to "bombard" sellers. ^^ Create your posts with the information you would want to know about the item if you were looking at the listing for the first time.
Jun 12Reply

I know that I have missed comments and felt so bad. My news feed can really fill up. I realized I needed to start checking the comment option 🙄 I try to list basic measurements with each listing to avoid questions when I can't answer due to being away from the item. I try to look if I want to purchase and their first listing hasn't been refreshed within a few days (some are 6-8-months) I move on
Jul 07Reply

@musiccitymama great advise. I learned when people started asking me for measurements right away do it with the listing! Saves time and hassel🤗
Jul 07Reply

I will say if you are going to list jeans and you can't include inseam in listing??? Crazy most of the time there are so many others in the brands of jeans you're looking at ill just move on to ones posted sufficiently. I'd even pay more on a pair with all info then to have to wait for an answer on inseam.😴
Jul 07Reply

Hi @millicentgar ! Thanks for the shares! I hope people are reading your tips -- they're very helpful. May I just say that it's presumptuous and rude to assume that a buyer isn't serious? I've gotten so exasperated by lack of response on here that I'm considering closing my closet. I have a hard-to-fit shape. Most people my size have a much smaller waist. Because of this, I gave to be very very careful about what I buy.
Jul 07Reply

If a person has a closet full of listings, I think it's safe to assume that she wants to sell them and should do what it takes to do so. Again, listing all the information a buyer would need to consider making a purchase takes more time on the front end, but dramatically reduced the number of questions a seller will receive later. Buyers shouldn't have to go to extreme lengths to get a seller's attention!
Jul 07Reply

@musiccitymama so true. I have to watch material etc for tops fitting. I have several new pieces not worn I purchased before posh online that don't fit. I try to respect and answer I don't get over excited and try to push a sale. Few of my listings I've even not really discouraged but tried to be very honest about the fit and said it may not work for them. I want people be satisfied instead of just selling. If there's a chance it may not fit them I will not push the sale and give all info I can.
Jul 07Reply

@musiccitymama and agree when asking questions they should be live you are serious, yet I treat everyone that way but I don't assume or push thinking I will make a sale. I try to treat with customer service like in a store. Even if they don't buy that they may find something else! You're right😍
Jul 07Reply

I've done this as a buyer and have still been ignored. I've also bought an item that didn't ship and asked about it, didn't get a reply even though each day showed seller was "active" so I had to cancel my order. So frustrating as a buyer.
Aug 02Reply

I 100% agree that it's always courteous to simply respond that you're no longer interested rather than ignore the seller. I had one woman do this to me.. She asked for measurements, I measured & answered, & then of course never heard back from her. Fine but then she asked another question on a different item a few days later 🙄 So at that point not to get duped again I asked if she was interested in purchasing.
Aug 18Reply

We got into this long disagreement about it & she was saying how people get busy so they shouldn't have to respond. However I think that's a poor excuse. It's rude to leave a seller hanging when they go out of their way to find out more info. Wish I could tag her in this but don't want to cause any drama 😉 The point is it's a two-way street and it's just the kind thing to do!
Aug 18Reply

@nduran We can relate! Lol
Oct 27Reply

I totally agree!
Dec 08Reply

@wendimb You hit the nail on the head!!!!
Mar 31Reply

I reviewed 200 encounters, I spread the encounters among tshirts, medium brand shirts, higher end with Popularity. Did a group of shoes and bags the same way. Any sales e encounters that got complicated, 3rd person etc.. I y threw out as samples.
Apr 07Reply

Any, many stories to tell and analyzse, but to be brief. All the variety of selling POSHERS encountering, I'll call them "QUESTION COMMANDOS" , and being polite and accomodating with them were able to do the following
92% of those engagements resulted in a " no sale ".
Apr 07Reply

I thought a few were salvagable and possibly could've
Lowered the no sale %'s. Not a professionable study but recording other variables - too time cosuming. However, this is fairly close to reality, and from reading some of these post, I think a lot of you feel these percentages are close enough. Thank you all for any interest and consideration. ROBERT
Apr 07Reply

@lbt81 Couldn't agree more. I ask questions every now and then but don't always have the time to reply. My thought process is if I have to request more details, it is something that probably should have been listed. If someone ask me questions, I will try my hardest to update my post but if they don't respond once I have spent time updating something I should have posted to begin with...no problem. It is now there for the next buyer.
May 26Reply

hello! Please pass by my closet and see if you're interested in Anything! Everything is negotiable! Thanks ❤️❤️
Jun 26Reply
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