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Updated Jan 25
Updated Jan 25

Hi Im Brooke!

Meet the Posher

US$22,222 US$22,222


Not for sale

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I’m from NY & live w/my BF of over 10 years & our puppy Mika-Well, she's 16 but still MY baby🐾 I ❤️ fashion, especially when it's affordable! Thats why I❤️ Posh! To list all my favorite Brands & styles would take days, but basically, if i see something cool, unique, comfy, fabulous... im not concerned w/ brand names! I've got SO MUCH stuff in need of new homes & im grateful to make some $$ while Cleaning out my closet! Im Always Open to Reasonable Offers- I ❤️ to give (& get) Great deals!
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cr7tx and 88 others like this
feministfox Hi! I'm Jade, and I'm a personal shopper. I love foxes, Taylor Swift, and NYC. I sell mostly J. Crew, Anthropologie, PINK, and Free People. I have all sizes from XXS to plus size, and I'm currently giving 20% off bundles because I really need money for a husky puppy. I'm so excited that you joined posh!!! :) Let me know if you have any questions - since you're new, I'll give you $5 off anything $20 or more in my closet. And my mystery boxes are perfect for those still figuring out posh. 💗✨🦄
Mar 05Reply
katzkoz Beautiful dog! HI & WELCOME to Posh! Posh is a very supportive & social community, so if U have any questions , there's always a Posher to help! Or, just visit my closet & I'd be happy to help too. "SHARING is KEY! When U " share" an item to your "followers", it goes to the " Feed" for them to see. The more followers U have, the more that item is seen. Therefore....the more followers that see it.....the more potential sales U have! Other Questions?? Just ask me anytime!👍👍
Mar 14Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Mar 14Reply
shoplunagrace @brookiecooki22 Welcome to Poshmark Brooke!💕💕😘💕💕I'm not going to sell you anything! Lol! I'm a posh mentor & if you need anything or simply want me to share your closet for exposure, go to the top of my closet where I have a listing for new poshers & click like. I try to share new poshers closets a couple of times a day!💕💕😘💕💕
Mar 24Reply
imani20020 Hello Brooke! I am looking for my package that was shipped in March. Please advise! Thanks!
Apr 06Reply
brookiecooki22 @imani20020 hi pretty! Omg! I cannot believe u have yet to receive the sunglasses! As u can see, they were shipped shortly after u purchased them, however there have been no updates regarding where they are in over 10days! I already contacted Posh regarding what to do, im terribly sorry for this inconvenience & delay... I dont know where they could be! But just so u know, i am working to track em down so they get to u asap!!
Apr 06Reply
imani20020 Thank You! I am really anxious to know what happened to them.
Apr 07Reply
4himnother @brookiecooki22 Thanks for the like! Please feel free to make an offer for the puma athletic tee. It seems like it would fit you all's personality perfectly. It's all about relaxing and enjoying what's around you!
Apr 26Reply
bagladyish1970 Your fur baby is adorable!! I love your closet too🐾❤️👍🏼
May 03Reply
jmaravilla Hi. Come visit my closet soon. Happy Poshing! ✨✨
May 04Reply
cdedeluk1013 @brookiecooki22 hi I just wanted to let you know in honor of Mother's Day buy 2 items get a $5 item free💕let me know if you have any questions😊
May 08Reply
aishablake Welcome to Posh, doll!!! I hope that you love it here!!!! 😊💖💋
May 15Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
May 24Reply
cdedeluk1013 @brookiecooki22 hi I just wanted to let you know I'm having a huge sale and I'm running 30% OFF bundles of 3 or more items. Lmk if you have any questions😊💕
May 27Reply
southerngal0724 Thanks so much for following my closet, and I have to say you are one of the most delightful Poshers I've met so far ~~ your personality is warm and engaging, and you seem to be very approachable!! I've got my eye on some Giorgio Armani sunglasses so may make you an offer. Do you think they could have a prescription put in them? Anyway, I've gladly shared shared❤ and shared your closet some more. God bless.
Jun 03Reply
outlawbanks21 I love your closet. Amazing💖👍 And thanks so much for all the likes💗! Please let me know if you see anything you are intetested in. I will work with you on prices and I love offers. Leave a comment on anything you want and almost all the prices can be dropped. And if you bundle 3 or more things you get a 20% discount on the whole order and orders $30 and over i will send a free surprise gift 📦😁! Happy poshing!
Jun 09Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx nice to meet you
Jun 23Reply
noroc1979 Hi, good morning Did you ship the bag?
Jun 25Reply
bad_betty @brookiecooki22 thank you so much Brooke for sharing my listing about raising money to get my boyfriends air conditioning fixed! You and your bf and dog are too cute!!!💗💗💗 much love to you.
Jul 03Reply
tanyalb77 Thank you for the likes 😙
Jul 03Reply
loopholer How hoes it,
Aug 15Reply
oliveyoumore Hey Brooke! ☺️ Thanks for checking out my closet! 💕 Happy Poshing!
Aug 15Reply
animaul54 Love your closet! Stay awesome 😊👍🏽😘
Aug 22Reply
lilmissninja Hi Brooke! Thanks for the likes and checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions about any of the items!
Aug 27Reply
zardiva1 Awww, Mika is such a *beautiful* big girl! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾
Nov 10Reply
brookiecooki22 @zardiva1 aww thank u!! She is my big baby, my bestie,& my ❤️... I see from ur profile pic ur an animal lover urself... I lovvve kittys too!! Whats his/her name?
Nov 10Reply
zardiva1 His name is Pandy, after the 🐼 (😆😆😆!)
Nov 10Reply
brookiecooki22 @zardiva1 im sorry **Pandy is Gorgeous!! (Ddnt realize u that ur baby's name written in ur bio!!) most people like to boast ab "pet free" home... Then there's us...with photos of our ❤️s in our profile!! We r just so fab
Nov 10Reply
zardiva1 Abso-durn-lutely! 👍😃 (LMBO! 😂😂😂)
Nov 10Reply
brookiecooki22 @jenlaura i know shipping will like double the price of an item on here...i do have mer-i only really use it when someone on here wants to-so if ud like the brighton bix ill totally list it on mer...lemme kno!
Nov 21Reply
brookiecooki22 Tell me ur mer name & ill post the brighton box & ill tag u...can u tag someone on mer? Haha
Nov 21Reply
chewsigirl Great closet!! And that Mika-Well sure is a #sexybeast 😍😍😍✨✌🏼️💚😊✨
Nov 26Reply
brookiecooki22 @jenlaura omg i dunno why u keep talking ab thisbon posh ur gonna get us kicked off-but i mailed the box-was busy all weekend-ull b getting ur package in mail by tonorrow im guessing-it ddnt go out til sat bc it was after 5pm here when u purchased it on friday
Dec 19Reply
brookiecooki22 @jenlaura what r u talking ab didnt do what i said i was gonna?! I sent u a shipping receipt to ur email. Please stop this is absurd. U purchased the item on friday- its been shipped (i sent a photo of shipping receipt) what is the problem?
Dec 19Reply
outlawbanks21 Hey you have an amazing closet! Love it💖! I don't want to seem pushy, but please check mine out if you have the time. I have some amazing deals.
Jan 09Reply
officestyle Hi friend, if you're interested in that jacket… I could ship it out to you for $70. Just make the offer
Jan 15Reply
lcalfarone Fantastic foto 😜
Feb 28Reply
brookiecooki22 @lcalfarone why thank u gorgeous!! 😘😘
Mar 01Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Brooke. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 13Reply
buysomesellsome Hi there! Just saw you added a few items from my closet to a bundle! I can ship out today if you're purchasing 😀
Jun 12Reply
tkrose32 Girl you are beautiful!! By seeing these pics I def think the dress will be perfecto!
Jun 12Reply
findingdoc1 My daughter name was Brooke🌻
Jul 21Reply
stagliatela Hi! Absolutely love your closet!! You have a fantastic designer keychain selection! I was wondering if you have any not listed? (Specifically I'm looking for Furla, Coach and Fossil.) I have bags in desperate need of bling! Thanks!!
Aug 24Reply
heavenscent2u Hello Beautiful🥀 I'm Heaven. Thank you very much for the like, share and or following my posh closet & boutique ! I would be ever so excited to address your fashion needs. Enjoy special discounts of 10-15% off any single item and 25% off bundles of 3 or more and oh' btw reasonable offers are always welcomed to bring home your lovely selections. I look forward to chatting with you answering any questions. I'm just a click away. @heavenscent2u  Cheers 🤓
Sep 07Reply
arshmani @brookiecooki22 Hi, thanks for visiting my closet and the likes 😍Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always open to offers 🤗😉
Sep 13Reply
denimessentials Hi, Brooke! Thanks for liking & Sharing the jacket! Appreciate your interest! Have a happy week!
Sep 26Reply
denimessentials P.S....Thanks for the other shares too!
Sep 26Reply
truemann Love your closet!💗 I am from NY as well just not the city. I’m close to Rochester. Great to see others from my state💗
Oct 16Reply
lesabennett Hi! Love your photos 💕 And your closet😊
Oct 18Reply
naturalneshia Thank you beautiful, for all of the shares! 😙❤️
Oct 25Reply
poshwithbiddy @brookiecooki22 hey girl I was going through my closet in my sell department and saw u liked two items. I'd love to sell them to you for $25 all together. I can also create a separate listing with the two items in it and price high and then drop the price to $25 so you can get reduced shipping as well. 😘
Oct 31Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for sharing.
Nov 03Reply
pmangus Thanks for the like on the faux fur vest! Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that 2 or more items when bundled saves you 10%!👍Have a great day!🌸
Nov 21Reply
vtgcovergirl Lol... I once had a “Mischa”...She’s no longer with me 😥 but my little rockstar now is a “Micah”. Great minds and all that! Btw, hello! Nice closet 😘😘
Nov 22Reply
brookiecooki22 @riglem65 hey gorgeous! I just saw ur comment - thank u!! Yes Mika is my Sweet baby girl (even tho she will b 13 in ab 1.5 months-she'll always b my chunky baby💕🐶) Is the photo in the background of ur closet of Micah? Bc that is one ADORABLE pup! What type of Doggie?
Nov 27Reply
resalem Thank you for the shares! You created a bundle with me also--I sometimes do that by accident when I am trying to share. However, if you are interested in those items I offered $45 for the bundle. This basically gives you the dress for FREE! Please note that the pocket flaps on the dress need to be retacked, as described/shown. Thanks again, and thanks for all the shares!
Dec 06Reply
charboneau74 Hi there! Thank you so much for sharing my listing, i greatly appreciate it . Have a great weekend Angela
Dec 09Reply
oxen3 Hello Brooke! Thank you for all the shares and likes😍
Dec 13Reply
vtgcovergirl I couldn’t get over that girl’s comment to you about how you HAVE TO come down on your price blah, blah, blah. If it was me I wouldn’t sell it to her at all for any amount of money. It kills me how rude people can be! Thank goodness it’s not the norm..... 😘💕💕
Dec 13Reply
vtgcovergirl That’s like the coolest picture ever 💕💕
Dec 13Reply
vtgcovergirl Sorry-they’re all cute but I meant the first one 😉
Dec 13Reply
brookiecooki22 @riglem65 im cracking up! R u talking ab like a paragraph of gibberish with "YOU MUST GO DOWN IN PRICE" followed by more incoherent rambling? Haha i read that like 🤷🏻‍♀️ ... ok... she was making bundles with 12-15 items & offering like $7-i dunno wtf. Haha some people just leave me speechless.
Dec 14Reply
brookiecooki22 @riglem65 aw thank u!! Thats so sweet
Dec 14Reply
vtgcovergirl @brookiecooki22 RIGHT ???? Same thing happens to me all the time. Then when others are actually respectful, I fall all over myself to try and make sure I work with them. As far as that gibberish goes, God knows what she was trying to say. I was sitting over here with my jaw dropped 😳
Dec 14Reply
yukisan Hi Brooke! Thank you so much for sharing & liking my items earlier! Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed looking through your closet! 💗 Nice to meet you! 😊😊😊
Dec 19Reply
poppyclauz Best Seller On Poshmark <3 ^_^ Highly recommended !
Jan 30Reply
brookiecooki22 @poppyclauz omg how sweet r u?! I just dropped ur package off in the mailbox (was running late & didnt have time to bring it into Post Office) so the shipping info should b updated by later this afternoon or tonight. Thanks again for ur purchase-i hope u love it 🤗💕👌🏻
Jan 30Reply
poppyclauz @brookiecooki22 Thank you so much Mrs. Brooke <3 I'm sure I will ^_^
Jan 30Reply
timelinestyle thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique, Brooke 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 same day shipping + gift with purchase on now! 🌈
Mar 03Reply
seconds2love Good morning !🌅 I Sent something you might be interested in to your dressing room. Hope its something you will find you want to add to your personal collection. Feel free to like the listong to be notified when its available and for sale alerts. Thanks and Have a great day! Happy Poshing💕
Mar 09Reply
sunnyrey Thank you for all the ❤️ and shares. If you like to bundle anything or like a certain item I do give fantastic discounts whenever I can👍❤️😎
Mar 10Reply
thriftynikyy @brookiecooki22 Thanks for all the Posh 💕
Apr 11Reply
roxxysunshine Hey thanks for all the likes! Let me know if you're interested I'll give you a great deal on a bundle :)
Apr 17Reply
tsnap101 Hii beautiful!! Thank you for the love!! I hope your morning is going perrrfect!! 💕💕☺️ -Makita
Apr 24Reply
surfstylin Thanks for the shares! If you are interested in an offer on the two likes you tagged, I can send you a deal if you bundle them to closet.
Apr 26Reply
lillymaris Hey Brooke!!🌹, thanks for the shares and stopping by my closet! let me know if you have any questions or I can help with anything! 💋💫😃 Love how you say she is My baby haha my doggie really is my baby too 🙈🤗
May 02Reply
brookiecooki22 @lillymaris aw thanks!! And yes my doggie is my baby, my bestie, she’s also basically the boss of the house too!! Haha xo
May 12Reply
brookiecooki22 @mykidsmom04 omg how sweet r u?! Ur comment just totally made my day- (&its a rainy blaaa day here in NY) so my day def needed some extra sunshine💕 thanks so much for ur kind words! Ima go check out ur closet now!! xo
May 12Reply
brookiecooki22 @mykidsmom04 omg hi! I just realized u made the offer for te betsy motorcycle... i accepted ur offer-im so glad i realized it was u bc i have another adorable lil betsey charm ill throw in to hopefully brighten up ur day too!! thanks so much!
May 12Reply
lmdc62 Fabulous closet Luv! ❤️🥂❤️
Jul 05Reply
cradleonline You got two great BF’s thanks for sharing your sizzling beautiful pictures 🦋🌈😎
Jul 21Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the like on the skull T-shirt. Bundle another item for 15% off. I'm open to reasonable offers. Thus t-shirt is New.
Jul 27Reply
bi_hawaii43 Aloha from the Big Island.. thanks for liking the bikinis. Bundle them for 10% off, plus I'll offer a bigger discount! Mahalo
Aug 15Reply
mrs_rdrck @brookiecooki22 thanks for all the love!! Bundle your likes and I will send an offer!
Aug 21Reply
feda2424 Hi there, thank you for checking out my closet and liking ❤️ please let me know if you have any questions 🌹
Sep 05Reply
savichick Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet. I added some handbags. Check them out! 🐥
Sep 08Reply
feda2424 Hi there, thank you for checking out my closet and liking ❤️ please let me know if you have any questions 🌹
Sep 17Reply
feda2424 I really appreciate you thank you for all your likes ❤️
Sep 17Reply
preppy22 @brookiecooki22 Hi I saw that you put a few things from my closet in a bundle unfortunately I can’t see the what’s in the bundle if you could please make an offer that would be great thanks 😊
Sep 22Reply
mandapanda70 I noticed you like a couple things in my closet if you’d like to make a bundle I can send you a Great discount on those items either way thank you so much for looking and the shares and thank you for the likes 🐼❤️🐼❤️
Sep 23Reply
cdmroses Hi Brooke I made an offer on your one item bundle Poof! 😊. Hope that helps ... thank you for stopping by my closet. If there’s something else you’re interested in... add to your Bundle and I’ll make you a deal 😜. Cheers! My daughter lives on Front st in Financial district miss her 😢
Oct 02Reply
glammarket Thanks for sharing my items and shopping my closet! I am bundling your likes (if you don’t mind). 😁 Amazing offer to follow! 🛍🎉
Nov 08Reply
colleenp2727 Good morning, Can you tell me when you plan on shipping item I purchased a week ago? I have tried to communicate however no response and this is a gift.
Dec 04Reply
_motleyscloset 🎁 5 for $20 DEAL🎁 bundle from any of our $5Sale items until 12/31/18. That’s buy 4 get a FREE item. Happy End of the Year SALE! (As long as $5items last)
Dec 29Reply
randeeq Brookie, Thanks for showing to your friends .and my original design, sure to watch out for my new creations. Randee
Jan 10Reply
schelenoftroy Hi Brooke! Thanks for your “like!” I started Posh 8/2017&still find there's much to learn to score&create great deals! If you haven’t tried it, I encourage you to explore “bundling.” I learned to share "likes" to dressing rooms to make it easier to "bundle" & submit an offer. You may also form a bundle & leave it open ended to receive private discounts. It’s a terrific tool for private Q&As & to create &/or score win-wins! Enjoy your Posh adventures!💕
Jan 27Reply
misscloset15 Thank you for all the shares🤗😁🤩
Jan 31Reply
jazdoll82 Great pics! Thank you for sharing :)
Feb 13Reply
jorja062 Thank you for looking at my family closet prices are negotiable if you bundle two items and shoot me offer I will accept and cans hip today 😊
Feb 13Reply
danasdoings Thanks for the follow and the share Loved your personal pictures and your closet so I shared a few items 💖💖
Feb 19Reply
elleannchic Thank you so much for the likes and shares! Please feel free to bundle and/or make an offer. Have a wonderful weekend! 😊
Feb 22Reply
raccoonluv66 Thank you for the shares!
Mar 18Reply
freddielou64 Hi Brooke im fairly new to posh but i think its so kewl to connect with you im Freddie Lou im from Carnegie Oklahoma 😎😊 Poshing and blessings💞
Mar 22Reply
brookiecooki22 @freddielou64 heyyy! That was such a sweetie
Mar 23Reply
gantael Hey there thank you for visiting my closet and Thank you for the shares and likes. When you are ready bundle your likes and send me an offer. Have a happy Posh day. 🌸
Apr 17Reply
leitiques Welcome to my closet and if you find items you like make a bundle for a discount on shipping. Also wait for me to submit a offer for the shipping discount.
Apr 26Reply
coco3388 Hi Brooke, thanks for all the shares and your time. Good luck 🍀
Apr 28Reply
modifiedmon Adorable picture doll
May 04Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 21Reply
clozrack Thank you for the shares! Enjoy your Sunday!!! 😊
Jun 09Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. If you bundle two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
Jun 10Reply
jirha_lucky7 Hi hon thanks for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 11Reply
reuseagain Brooke ♥️♥️♥️Thank you so much for all the shares ♥️♥️♥️
Jun 16Reply
dajco So fun to meet you! Saw that you liked a few things in my closet. I’d love to bundle them for you, but haven’t figured out how to do that yet 🥴!but please bundle up any and every listing you like and I’ll send you an offer. It’s time for these items to find a new home! Happy Poshing! 🛍📬📦
Jun 17Reply
jorja062 Thanks for looking at our family closet prices are negotiable and we have excellent ratings and reviews so go ahead make offers 👍
Aug 27Reply
jorja062 Can add you two likes ❤️ to bundle shoot us offer we accept most and I can ship tomorrow 😊😊
Aug 27Reply
brrayan207 Hi, welcome to Poshmark thanks for visit my closet 😊
Aug 29Reply
msneverending1 Brooke just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing my Sterling Silver 4.8 ctw Faceted Natural Amethyst Gemstone Ring. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Sep 11Reply
cch1971 How gorgeous are you, babe?! Rhetorical question.... if you’d like to bundle anything in my closet? I see you identify with amethyst... I’ll give a discount. Thank you. Happy poshing!
Sep 11Reply
emiliflower_ Thank you so much for the share I Appreciate you
Sep 15Reply
twicenstyle Hello! I saw you liked a couple items, I just wanted to let you know I'm having a bundle sale, 2 items 20% off, 3 items 40% off and 4+ items 50% off. 🤗 if you have questions let me know!
Sep 28Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey!! So glad we connected through Poshmark. I hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow! Happy poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 27Reply
wadescloset Thanks for all the shares and Posh ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 24Reply
seconds2love Thanks for stopping by my closet, and spreading some Posh Love. I was in the middle of relisting a few items, including the romper you liked. If you would like to continue to receive updates on the item, it has been relisted and is available to "like" again. If interested in purchasing today, I consider all reasonable offers. Thanks again. -Lauren (IG @Seconds2Love)
Mar 25Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 08Reply
stylesbytere Hello there ! I Love your pics, super cool profile. Let me know if you have any questions about the items you liked . 🤞💕
Jul 16Reply
cristobel @brookiecooki22 hi! Random question but did you a flannel that said something wicked like awhile ago?
Jul 23Reply
sourcedforyou Hello! We hope you’re having a great time here! We have such a large variety of items in our closet & we add more almost everyday if you’d like to check us out! We look forward to checking out your closet too!🎉
Aug 01Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Aug 07Reply
mntntop4me Hi there! I sent you an offer on the Black Top and now seeing you like the jacket too! So sorry I didn't see all your likes!! ! If you decline and then want to Bundle, I will give you a GREAT DEAL! 😍🙋‍♀️
Oct 02Reply
poshion4it Hi Brooke! Thank you for visiting my closet and for all the shares! I sent you an individual offer on each of the beautiful items you liked. I also added them to a bundle in order to offer you a greater discount with free shipping.... just in case you are interested 😊 Have a wonderful day!!!!🌼🌷🌞
Nov 04Reply
friperiechic Hi Brooke 🙂 Thanks you for checking out my closet and taking time to share several of my items. I appreciate the Posh Love 🙌❤🌸 I would love to send you a private offer on the items you "liked" if you'd want to create a bundle. Happy Holidays & Happy Poshing 🛍🎁🥂🎉🎆
Nov 28Reply
abelli610 Hey! Hope your enjoying Posh 💕 come check out my closet I have tons of name brands at low prices ‼️ I’d love to help in any way I can, stay safe & happy holidays 🛍🌹
Dec 16Reply
ladypenguin17 Hi there, thank you for all the shares! I will try to reciprocate the Posh Love whenever I can. Best to you! :-)
Dec 16Reply
bodegavega13 Hey there ! I appreciate all the shares , I can give you a great deal for the items you liked if interested! Have a good one !
Dec 17Reply
tina140 Thanks for all the shares! I’m so happy to return the favor. Hope you have a wonderful New Year!!
Dec 31Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing my listings it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.......Dorothy
Jan 23Reply
imjenchen Hi beautiful! Thanks for the follow. I am giving a 15% bundle discount on 2 items or more in my closet. Feel free to check out my closet. Happy poshing and stay safe xoxo
Jan 24Reply
laywoolley Thanks for checking out my closet! 🥰
Feb 14Reply
ashxoxoley Thanks for following me✨ I am preparing for a big move out of state and am trying to move some of my closet to make some extra $. So I hope my message doesn’t come off annoying or anything! I just wanted to share that I always price my closet at low and fair prices I would actually want to pay. My closet is a mix of my own clothes and my aunts so there is a huge variety available. I am a fast shipper and always send a free gift with bundles of 3 or more items!
Mar 12Reply
iheart_vintage WOW BROOKE- thank you for ALL the posh LOVE!!!!! XOXO Back at you! Wonderful closet- amazing finds...dont hesitate to reach out anytime. :)
Mar 19Reply
teenie59 Hi Brooke, I love all your pictures you and your boyfriend look so happy it’s so nice to see❤️ I also love my husband I feel incredibly fortunate. 💞 Thank you for showing so much ❤️in my closet let me know if there’s anything I can help you with I am always open to reasonable offers there are some exclusion on certain items , but not many. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the cute guy of your’s ☺️ Teenie🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
May 27Reply
kfab333 @brookiecooki22 Hello! ☺️Super Happy You Dropped By! I am Kimberly- Owner of Kfab Designs! 💖-Always Happy to Assist You in Finding Your Perfect Style! All Orders are Shipped with Gifts 🎁! I Look Forward to Working with You!
Jul 13Reply
starzelda7 Hi Brooke, Thank you for being so generous with shares for me!❣️I always will return in kind!🤩✨👍
Jul 13Reply
suzannefarkas Hi Brooke!!
Aug 15Reply
flutter_buys Hi Brooke! 😊 Just wanted to say Thank you for sharing and your closet is beautiful!! Have a great day! 😊😁👍
Aug 15Reply
2girls2122 Hi Brooke love your pictures and we are animal lovers hugs🤗 to yours...Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Aug 17Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 Hope you are loving 🥰 poshing. I’d love 💕 it if you’d 🛑 by my closet and follow me. And, I will do the same. 💫Wishing you all the luck 🍀 in the world 🌎.
Sep 01Reply
coquidelsol123 Hi, nice to meet you. Just stop here to tell you that you have a gorgeous and chic closet. Best wishes!🤗
Sep 14Reply
earthbum @brookiecooki22 Thanks for the shares! 🥰🌞
Sep 19Reply
cinderella927 Hello Brooke‼️I see you liked The RUNWAY👠 Welcome‼️We are a great group of Poshers who share each other's closets while having fun‼️ I am scheduling closets to be featured this week and have openings on Mon. 10/3 Tues. 10/4 Wed. 10/4 and Thurs.10/5‼️ Let me know if you would like to "walk" The RUNWAY👠 and what day works best for you‼️ Happy Poshing👠‼️
Oct 03Reply
gajamie Thank you for the shares! Happy poshing!
Nov 18Reply
uneekfinds Brooke, Welcome to UNEEKFINDS! I am always posting new pieces so keep an eye out. I also send our exclusive sales every once in a while to my shoppers. For the BEST DEAL create a bundle. Keep in mind I am Fast Shipper! Many thanks for browsing! Happy Poshing!
Nov 22Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 25Reply

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