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Updated May 30
Updated May 30

The strength to keep going...

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I wanted to post something to show my solidarity with the ladies on here who are struggling, or who love someone who is struggling, with a mental illness. I have bipolar 2, but most people would not know that unless I told them. People like me suffer in silence because the stigma is still huge - the mentally ill are bogeymen, mass shooters, and serial killers on prime time tv shows - we aren't supposed to be wives, or mothers, or sisters, or coworkers, or bosses, or friends. (Cont below πŸ‘‡)
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promise65 If you are suffering, or if you love someone who is suffering, please know that you don't have to do so in silence. If you need help, please visit or call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. I'm also always happy to chat, if you ever want a sympathetic ear.
Mar 06Reply
everythingpink1 @promise65 That is very kind of you to share:) you can read my "meet your seller" to see a little bit @ me. I too struggle and decided to write & publish a book @ it which I did in 2012. It's now selling on Amazon & any online book store. Thank u for sharing:) HugsπŸ’•
Mar 07Reply
promise65 @everythingpink1 thank you 😊. I can't imagine going through cancer, but I do know how much stronger you can become going through something that traumatic. Also, you have a lovely closet πŸ˜€
Mar 07Reply
everythingpink1 @promise65 Thanks:) Yeah going through the Cancer while trying to get pg & then not being able to have kids, left me in depression & other issues. I found writing everything down helped me get through it somewhat easier, and if I can help at least 1 woman with what they are going through like I did- it's all worth it:) God Bless & your closet is quite lovely also🌺
Mar 07Reply
promise65 @leebeegood thank you so much - that's really lovely to hear πŸ’–πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–
Mar 08Reply
thecatwalk @promise65 thank you for having the courage to speak up. Actually most people with mental illness are not violent. I think the number was less than 1%. And most often the common denominator for violence is co-morbid substance abuse - we should all encourage those we love to get help with both disorders. I have a child who is bioplar and an addict. Every day is a challenge. Much love your way.
Mar 25Reply
promise65 @thecatwalk yes, I've seen some of those statistics on violence and the mentally ill, and I know that neuro-typical people are far more likely to commit a violent crime than the mentally ill. Sadly, the only people we're at real risk of harming is ourselves πŸ˜₯. My thoughts are with you and your child - I can only imagine how hard that is for a mother πŸ’•
Mar 25Reply
promise65 @27holister I'm also seriously considering the tattoo! This is the first thing I've encountered where the meaning is personal and significant enough that I would think of putting it permanently on my body :)
Apr 12Reply
promise65 @deniseet thank you 😊. Faith has definitely been a comfort to me during some dark times!
May 11Reply
brendapie I share with you the belief that mental illness is undeservedly a major social stigma. Instead of hiding and punishing owe with mental illness, we need to understand it. Sadly, I was married to a man who is bipolar, and ultimately he chose to live with his mania instead of me. In addition to that emotional trauma, I've since also survived major physical trauma that resulted in permanent disability. "Forward!" Is my motto; there's no point in going back. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.
Aug 11Reply
brendapie Sending you best wishes and lots of love πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Aug 11Reply
promise65 @brendapie it's so sad when people just allow their illness to take over, but you can't force someone to participate in their own recovery, and without that participation, there's no chance of meaningful symptom control. I'm so sorry you had to go through that πŸ™. My main motivator to take my meds and do my best everyday is my family. And I agree, you really only can keep going forward!
Aug 11Reply
brendapie You're so right. I knew nothing about bipolar until after the relationship ended. He told me his diagnosis but I just didn't get it. Since then I've learned so much; coincidently met others (and spouses) with the disorder, and also dealt with my own disability. For me, compassion rules my actions and beliefs.
Aug 11Reply
retronostalgix Thanks for putting this out there!
Aug 31Reply
promise65 @addiexoxos πŸ˜€πŸ˜˜
Aug 31Reply
ripleyscloset Thank you! I needed to read that today! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’Ÿ
Sep 05Reply
promise65 @ripleyscloset πŸ™‚ I hope today is gentle with you πŸ™‚
Sep 05Reply
javanna16 Thanks for being so courageous btw. We are really less alone than we think at our hardest times. πŸ’—
Sep 05Reply
ripleyscloset @promise65 thank you! I hate the cycles. Today will be a great day.....I hope.
Sep 05Reply
promise65 @javanna16 I don't know how I didn't see your comment until now! Thank you 😊. It makes me sad how many people feel alone with this struggle when there are so many sympathetic people out there.
Sep 08Reply
crazyhotcatlady It's so brave you posted this! My mother in law has Bipolar and it is so difficult for her. I myself am a marriage and family therapist and have seen how hard it is to manage as well. Blessings and Love to you for sharing your struggle and helping others to not feel alone.
Sep 09Reply
promise65 @kanderss thank you so much 😊
Sep 09Reply
kaleyheider thank you for posting this ❀️ I relate all to well.
Sep 21Reply
promise65 @kaleyheider πŸ™‚. Of course I wish no one was able to relate to this, but I do think it helps to see that you're not alone.
Sep 23Reply
cupofjoe @promise65 OK first thank you for sharing something so intimate, second I love you. Yes you. I am so happy for you and proud that you are not only being so outgoing but helping so many I will be adding this to my pinterest and anyone reading this. If you need an air hug, you got it. I know all to well the dark abyss... I am sorry to anyone who suffers on any level but I have a chronic lung disorder among other things so I get it...
Nov 11Reply
cupofjoe But I hope everyone finds the help and support for these tough life long issues and the tools to manage such hard challenges. Much love to you all; good luck. πŸ’‹joπŸ€—
Nov 11Reply
promise65 @cupofjoe thank you so much ☺️. Your kind words mean a lot! I always wish that people didn't have to suffer this way, but it does help to talk with others who sympathize πŸ’•
Nov 12Reply
britannea Thanks for sharing this!! I, too, have struggled, especially this year, but actually since childhood. Thanks for your courage and for encouraging your followers!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
Nov 28Reply
promise65 @britannea thank you for your kind comment 😊. My struggle too started very young, which I think is more common than most people realize. It's comforting to talk to other people who have been through the same thing though.
Nov 28Reply
britannea @promise65 It does help! Take good care!
Nov 28Reply
britannea @promise65 God bless you and your family!!πŸ’•
Nov 28Reply
mossandvine @promise65 Thank you for having the courage to post this. I've struggled with depression most of my adult life. Earlier this year I hit bottom, and tried to take my own life. πŸ˜₯ I still don't have the courage to tell friends and some family what I did. There is so much stigma. Some of the people I told don't get it. I'm stronger now than I have been in years. Strong enough to face the judgement if strangers...but not strong enough to face family.
Dec 31Reply
mossandvine @promise65 Anyway, it is always nice to "meet" someone who gets it. I hope you stay well in the coming year. Even if 2017 is as bad as 2016 was, at least I've found the help and hope to overcome. Peace and love, Monica πŸ’œβœŒπŸΌοΈπŸ˜˜
Dec 31Reply
promise65 @mossgirl007 nice to "meet" you too 😊! I am always sad to hear that someone else is struggling with this, and I'm so sorry you've had to walk this path. My suicide attempt was in 2009, but in its way, it was a blessing - I was hospitalized and finally received the correct diagnosis and medication. Cont πŸ‘‡
Jan 02Reply
promise65 @mossgirl007 What people don't realize though is that recovery after an event like that takes a LOT of time. I would say that the year following my hospitalization was the hardest of my life. I couldn't work, I was on the med roller coaster trying to find a combo that worked, I felt like I couldn't tell anyone what was going on, it was awful. But after my meds were stabilized and I found a therapist that I "clicked" with, things got better. Cont πŸ‘‡
Jan 02Reply
promise65 @mossgirl007 I still don't tell a lot of people, but I'm much more out about it than I used to be now that I'm stable. I wasn't able to do that until the last couple of years though. I wish you peace and recovery in 2017. If you ever need a virtual person to talk to who's been down this path, my comments are always open πŸ’•
Jan 02Reply
mossandvine @promise65 Thank you so much for sharing. I'm happy for you that you have gotten past your dark place and are in a well place now. I'm still working to get there, but I have come a long way. It really helps just to admit it out loud to another person. I had a therapist I liked, then she was in a very bad car accident. Too much tragedy last year!! I'll eventually find a new therapist. Thanks for listening and being brave. 😘
Jan 02Reply
agallagher18 Thank you for sharing this. My mother in law suffers from no polar as do several people I know and it can get terrible. I lost my 2nd son when he was 3 months old 1 year ago in January and as expected I developed severe depression, blame, anxiety, and wanted to give up. I have a beautiful 4 year old who needs me so I push as hard as I can no matter the pain. I understand suffering immensely and mental illness.
Feb 13Reply
agallagher18 Thank you for speaking up on this and it's nice to see a community of woman discussing their problems no matter the circumstance. God speed to you my love and always be victorious
Feb 13Reply
darkeyemakeup I feel it ❀
Feb 25Reply
cissytrevino God Bless you sweet lady, you are truly an inspiration to many, many, people out there living in silence.
Oct 04Reply
promise65 @cissytrevino thank you ❀️😊!
Oct 04Reply
stacyann_1 @promise65 I ended up with a lot of inventory and had to stop graduate school during my first severe? hypomanic episode. Still getting through it and trying to sell off stuff trying to stay out of thrift stores and get back to school. Thanks for being so open about bp2 , still coming to terms with the diagnosis.
Jul 24Reply
promise65 @stacyann_1 I also stopped grad school after a hospitalization. I had my MA and my first year of PhD coursework done, and I had a severe breakdown. I actually chose not to return, since the stress and competition was a huge trigger for my episodes, but it took months of reflection in therapy to reach that conclusion.
Jul 24Reply
promise65 @stacyann_1 It all worked out for the best - treatment has been successful for me, I landed in a great career, and I’ve since gotten married and had 2 babies. A great life is absolutely possible after this diagnosis.
Jul 24Reply
stacyann_1 @promise65 thank you so much for your reply. I’m in therapy and working on this, still struggling a bit; I guess it will be a long time before I feel at peace with everything. My email is my posh username at gmail. Thank you again, I hope I feel so open one day I can post this support on Poshmark πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸ™
Jul 24Reply
promise65 @stacyann_1 It can take some time, but you’ll get there 😊. Best of luck with your recovery! If you ever want to chat, message me here and I’ll email (I don’t like to post my personal email address on posh, because it contains my full name).
Jul 24Reply
stacyann_1 @promise65 thank you so so much. Such a rough day today, it means the world to me
Jul 24Reply
stacyann_1 @promise65 I’m so sorry. My email on gmail starts with stacyann1 wasn’t thinking straight earlier. So very sorry. Would love to hear from you.
Jul 24Reply
missdelilah1985 I also have bipolar 2 and aspergers and ptsd and anxiety and night terrors and myoclonic seizures
Jan 05Reply

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