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Updated Apr 28
Updated Apr 28

Third Time Hosting Posh Party 4/27/16!!



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Theme and co-hosts TBA!! April 27, 2016! I will only consider closets who obey all Poshmark rules. Please like this listing to be considered for host picks once I get the theme😄. Happy Poshing🎉🎉🎉
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goldrose48 @s_rosebud Congrats on your 3rd party! Very excited for you! Hope you have fun co-hosting and choosing your host picks! Will be there to cheer and share them! 😀 @plumdelicious Thanks for the tag! @misskris74 @teaist @nikle714 @mjkindred @redpaperclip @believebig @stephxred @sdjean @kat_ellis @dearjamie1188 @xoallison12ox @cmc514 @theredpianist @jays_boutique_ @sarrah Party alert!
Mar 09Reply
sarrah Yay🎉✨Super Congratulations On being selected to 🌟Co Host🌟💕You deserve it!! 🎉We will be there celebrating with you✨Thank you for the party tag Pff 💕 @goldrose48 💕 Please check out these fabulous Posh Compliant Closets XO! ✨@poshpaisleys @jennifernicoleb @chirocarly @angel10 @xoninamarie @sineshako @holdon3 @kewpiedoll @azurebluecanary @mtnhiker @zebra_x3 @goldrose48 @courtneyheinz @zoezuo @babygeishga @alavint @stephxred @brokegirlshop @afonina @lgolivardia @vmusto123 @wlew
Mar 09Reply
mtnhiker @s_rosebud Congratulations on co-hosting 🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🍾🌹I'll be there to support you and join the fun ❤️😍 Thanks for the tag @sarrah 😘 Party @kewpiedoll @tracysg @janet0103 @debbie043059 @nami001 @janimack7 @hurdkb @tudie11 @lazulitect @roryry @mandapanda83 @for_the_baby @bellalize @lisadraper
Mar 09Reply
chirocarly Wow Third time! How exciting :))) Have a great time! THanks for the tag @sarrah <3
Mar 09Reply
jennifernicoleb @sarrah thank you for the tag PFF 😘
Mar 09Reply
julessee 💃🏻🎉👏🏽👏🏽YAY & CONGRATS🍸🍸 Can't wait to see all your host picks! Thank you Jen @jennifernicoleb for the tag😘!!! Here are a couple more fab closets @jennifernicoleb @blackcherry7 @angel10 @lwtodd @taste_of_sugar @annielov 🎉🎉🎉🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸
Mar 09Reply
blackcherry7 Congratulations on hosting! If u have time to peek at my closet, I would be honored to have one of my items featured in your party. Thank u and hope u have a blast 💕🎈🎉
Mar 09Reply
sdjean Congratulations on hosting a Posh party! Have a great time! Thanks for the tag @goldrose48 Party alert @lawyer_ontherun @mctracey @hollystpj @mirirose
Mar 09Reply
mctracey ✨🎉C O N G R A T S🎉✨ It will be an amazing party! Can't wait! @sdjean thank you for the tag! 😘
Mar 09Reply
mirirose Congrats!!🎉🎉🎉Thx for the tag @sdjean!
Mar 09Reply
xoninamarie Congrats on hosting!! I'll definitely spread the word! 😊🎉🎉🎉Thanks @sarrah for the tag! 😊🎉🎉💛💐
Mar 09Reply
sarenagirl @s_rosebud yay! Congratulations on your amazing party. I know it will be as great as your closet! If you have time, I'd love for you to check out my closet for host picks. Xoxo!
Mar 09Reply
kewpiedoll @s_rosebud @sarrah Thank you 💕🌷💕 Congratulations on co hosting 👍🏻🎉🎉👍🏻. Party time @mtnhijer @fashionm4women @yellowandpink27 @shiachar @dyfcloset @janmary @dallasstyle @raquel71 @rposen @sarrah
Mar 09Reply
kewpiedoll @mtnhiker 👍🏻🍀💚🍀👍🏻
Mar 09Reply
verachiccloset Congratulations, and i hope you have the best time hosting! If you have a minute come browse my closet for a possible host pick. Thank you, big congrats again and of course happy poshing! ❤️
Mar 09Reply
tudie11 Congrats on cohosting your party, I can't imagine how excited you must be and I can hardly wait! My closet is posh compliant and I actively share and participate in the Posh community. And I will be there to share and cheer you on!
Mar 09Reply
tamarismom 🎉🎉Congratulations on co-hosting your third party. I'm excited for you. 😁 I will be there with my party hat on. 👑 Get ready for another awesome experience. When time permits, Please check out my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks!
Mar 09Reply
tamarismom @ripplefade @donna0219 @songlady @jessiewing @cassandraknox @mizzpinay1980 @beachpalm02 @tibo2008 @isabellascloset @ginger71 @judyt726 @ball_mom @lhoude @nluciano @goldengirl754 @shelly592 @tayykm @roxygirl1
Mar 09Reply
roxys_treasures Yay, Congrats Jennie🎉💃🏻🍷🌹🎈@s_rosebud 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mar 09Reply
luvmyqh6 @s_rosebud 🎉Have a great time at your Party!🎉I will be there to Support👍🏻👏🏻💕😊Celebrate🎉🍷👏🏻💃🎈🎉Share👍👠👙👛👚and to Shop!👜👢👖👗👙🙋Have fun!🎉💃😄💥🎈🎉❤️🐴
Mar 09Reply
herparallax ongrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! 🌷🌹🌻💐 Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! Absolutely cannot wait to check them all out! It's PARTAYYYYY TIME ladies!! @little_bit_hp @mytherapy @la_boutique @longca1959 @jenkan23 @thebrightside @ij0c3lyni @blondsoul @chenlalaland @blingbabe10 @splendeur @mrsstorer @lazulitect @lwilke @teresamarie01 @laurynking @j00nbug1
Mar 09Reply
breezymoments @s_rosebud Oh my goodness! How exciting!!!!!!! You will be a fab host! I would be honored if you checked out my Posh compliant closet for a possible host pick. HAVE FUN!!!!!!
Mar 09Reply
apriljerseygirl Congrats!🎉🎉🎉plz peek in my posh compliant closet for a host pick. Ty for the tag @mimismenagerie and good luck, lots of fun, PARTY!!!!🎉🎉🎉💝🙀🙀🙀😘😘😘
Mar 09Reply
chiara08 Woooooohoooo!!! Congratulations on hosting!! Here are some gorgeous closets full of eye candy: @auchieau48 @chloejoy15 @zanapie @taste_of_sugar @sineshako @nic39 @dresslikeaboss @closetblues @promise65 @outlying0077 @gigilavie @megaounce @kimvanhorn Thank you for the tag!! 💕💜💕💜💕💜@auchieau48
Mar 09Reply
jewelsie Thank you for the tag @auchieau48 so sweet! And very nice to meet you! I can't wait to party!!! Cheers to you both 🍾🍸🍸☕️
Mar 09Reply
riverlove722 Three is a charm! Congrats and best wishes! I am looking forward to being there to share!
Mar 09Reply
iqclothessavvy Woo Hoo!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to share and toast all you host picks!! Please check out my PFFs awesome compliant closets! @septemberlover @sherriesharley @stunning_29 @debbimiller @caligirlinmn @tifstreasures @nyc_apple @rachphx58 @beautyunseen84 @nic39 @nanookmom @kewpiedoll @tazze @blscheffer @cmcbryde @sunnietrisch Thanks for the tags @mimismenagerie
Mar 09Reply
iqclothessavvy Congratulations on Hosting a Posh Party!! Looking forward to seeing your shine! Newer Posh compliant closets that would love your consideration if you have time. @tac66 @madeline_27 @jxwcloset @cnwroten @mmpowell5549 @leb91391 @jaygreenert @taylpotts @kla5815
Mar 09Reply
fashionista21 1-🎉🎉 WOO HOO!! 🎉🎉Lets show our support FABULOUS FASHIONISTAS 💝💝 PFF Posh Party alert! I wanted to tag some FANTASTIC closets for host picks!! @sunnietrish 💕 @savi_sulli 💕 @saramill 💕 @snokitti_31 💕 💕 @lucksterlw 💕 @azann 💕 @virgincloset 💕 @planetqueen 💕 @kkloset49 💕 @smartposh 💕@kashelton 💕 @bfeliciano 💕 @sunnietrish 💕 @gigi1960 💕 @juicylina 💕 @wendy_huber96 💕 @magnaplus55 💕 @angelomine06 💕 @cyndy_bennett 💕 @kokomuffin 💕 @beth6856 💕 @jaxirocks12 💕 @ximena86 💕 🚫No Duplications
Mar 09Reply
fashionista21 2-🎉🎉 WOO HOO!! 🎉🎉 Lets show our support!! PFF Posh Party alert!! Please check out more Fabulous Fashionistas for host picks! 💕 @laurabethm 💕 @vrand 💕 @mmoench0330 💕 @jjnjack 💕 @melohdy_thalady 💕 @bombshell31 💕 @jocalhoon 💕 @livimusic 💕 @kxmichelle 💕 @ryanomclaughlin 💕 @foxythreadazine 💕 💕 @tigerlou 💕 @kvdv85 💕 @suzzzann @csdc000 💕 @handmeupresale 💕 @dovajean @rvatreasures 💕 @siennaacre 💕 @mina_davis 💕 @korby 💕 @pinkwasp 💕 🚫 No Duplication please
Mar 09Reply
fashionista21 3- 🎉🎉Party Alert! Let's show our support! Please check out these Fabulous Fashionistas for host picks! @curineia 💕 @misscrissi 💕@new_2you @mandywood79 💕 @dstone 💕 @satcheles 💕 @liannam 💕 @shannaloren 💕 @dawnleeds 💕 @summersalvage 💕@laurasreardon 💕 @hatianglam 💕 @nolagrl930 💕 @bannel 💕 @nicoleiggy 💕 @kai_drizzy 💕 @kgabriel19 💕 @jasz98 💕 no duplications please 🚫
Mar 09Reply
fashionista21 🎉🎉👏👏Congratulations on hosting🎉🎉. I'll be there sharing and supporting you💕 Daneen💕 Thanks for the tag @matadora1978 💕
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 💥New Posh Party Host! 💥 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕💥 @happystore @fashionistafind @csconlapn @habanera87 @wendibearr @special_stuff @anniemar @cbananas @alygatorcat Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 💎 New Posh Party Host!💎 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕 @aespo19 @ex_globetrotter @tamarismom @edamerval @kalifreshness @modafrancesca @blukat @mindyella @accessoriesgal @gpalo Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
thecatwalk congratulation
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 🎊New Posh Party Host!🎊 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕🎀 @kani907 @apt67 @carenhelm @juliecruz777 @noy2312 @jaymoon @pehang @brieharding @callie5510 Thanks 🌺Sher thanks @iqclothessavvy
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 💓New Posh Party Host! 💓 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕 @nealie75 @muneewoo @valorieann @mack6192 @tifstreasures @gpalo @lisasandler @chrissymarie924 @jaimee_mackey Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
schx4 Congrats 👏 Beautiful closet 👏👏👏 Can't wait to party with you 🎶🎉🌟🎊🎆🎉🌟🎶 @lisadraper (Thank you for the tag love ) @jazzybeelove @brutallymle @kmb42 @cyndy_bennett @bellanblue @lauras_boutique @frannyzfinds @minablack @lisadraper @bellanblue @bchic_boutique @bamagirl017 @miami_wife @vmalicoat @iqclothessavvy , @saundie @nadajanaali please consider all of these lovely ladies & their beautiful closets ❤❤🎉
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud ✨New Posh Party Host! ✨ Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕🌸 @emilyrubin @bwenger @shesaidhesaid @elevenroses @kres0043 @floridafashion1 @phyzylizzy @hopesparkles @gfiorante50 Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 💄New Posh Party Host! 💄 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕🎀 @saundie @stephanielatina @amardys @read247 @muneewoo @kkayo4410 @katz2 @katieb79 @nanookmom @valorieann @legallybfashion @nkhob Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 🌸New Posh Party Host! 🌸 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕🌸 @mytherapy @mystiskie @mickydkat @classicvintage @teenmomx3 @matadora1978 @threadsfromjen @reappareled @kewpiedoll @holdon3 @nanookmom @tac82 @special_stuff @elasticheart_19 @mtnhiker @patriciagyi Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 🎉New Posh Party Host! 🎉 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕🎉 @infinitelyposh @happystore @ninascloset5 @melavens @conniemarie12 @dstiletto @pjmack @autumnlynn3 Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 💟New Posh Party Host! 💟 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕💜 @vivacious79 @tammysbeachwear @polishedtwo @eserna @firstlady1026 @sgreen33 @caseyspluss @stephmin @lilijo @karmennn123 Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
lorriebug Congratulations on cohosting your third posh party! I will be there ready to share your amazing host picks and cheer you on! If you get a chance please take a peek in my closet....
Mar 09Reply
sherriesharley @s_rosebud 🎀New Posh Party Host! 🎀 Please invite and share this-pass it along💓💖💕🎀 @j9design @miaschonis @tudiell @nixie935 @bella_dolce @poeticlovestone Thanks 🌺Sher
Mar 09Reply
anawat @s_rosebud congrats on your party🎉🎉please consider following closets @jazzybeelove @suzmeow @schx4 @songae @laurabethm @marcie0707 @azurebluecanary @wsp90 🌹🎉💕❤️
Mar 09Reply
dearhope Whoo!! 🎉 I'll definitely be there! 😁 Please consider host picks from my favorite closets: @dearhope @warrior04 @stephxred @emptyhanger @eyearea @neferteri @roryry @unicornfunds @chellegolightly @sfconway @sglassman36 @samanthalaraina @kawther @ashlawson
Mar 09Reply
alexac Congrats on hosting!! ✨🎉 I'm so excited for you! I'll be there shopping, sharing, and cheering you on! 🎉💃🏼✨ cannot wait to see all of your beautiful host picks!!! 🍾😍🎉✨💃🏼❤️🍾🎉✨💃🏼❤️🍾🎉💃🏼✨❤️
Mar 09Reply
ximena86 Congrats!!!
Mar 09Reply
autumnlynn3 Whoo hoo! Congrats! Thanks for the tag @sherriesharley! Can't wait to party with you ladies! Sharing @kcford24 @bellaconfusione @daughter14 @kstarmaui ❤ 💕 💜 🎉
Mar 09Reply
warrior04 Party in honor of 💟💟💟 @s_rosebud 💟💟💟Event for this lovely right here, please check out possible HP candidacies from my PFF's amazing closets💟💟💟@warrior04 @luxyouries @joiil0v @jetset_go @vintage_lass @bwhite2014 @nyc_apple @jmc1978 @stillfabafter3 @dearhope @fashionplz @awepickles @kfab333 @ntowbin @loriscloset01 @urbanbridle @skullee @skystrukfashion @couturegypsy @mandazzen @jellybean_aj @staubco1996 @sdiep @latriguenamela @jjyj2010 @yvonnecordova 💟💟💟
Mar 09Reply
Mar 09Reply
warrior04 Party in honor of 💟💟💟 @s_rosebud 💟💟💟Event for this lovely right here, please check out possible HP candidacies from my PFF's amazing closets💟💟💟@coutori @vintage_lass @katwynne @jacqueray @reinem @justice10forme @giulssss @elsiebelsie @cgranados @kayellejay @mackie61506 @kourt115 @katia_closet @kclosetshop @vmusto123 @skullee @muddypuddles @chibitotoro @marseille133 @jodelleyates @kristykavo @xsupergrlx @tmc3526 @onetruelove @haitianglam @angelnurse1003 @kookc @texasmommaof3 @guo791999 💟💟💟
Mar 09Reply
warrior04 Party in honor of 💟💟💟 @s_rosebud 💟💟💟Event for this lovely right here, please check out possible HP candidacies from my PFF's amazing closets💟💟💟 @lovenotjudge @spookyheartsg @hollowseve @tpmom @texascopywriter @danieblue82 @crzybeeautiful @main_event @deniminiquities @luvsmink 😘😘😘 @bellanblue @scp_in_vb @kimvanhorn @kourt115 @outlying777 @vickyss @misstana @caldwellkelsie @dimndgrl @lazulitect @larochelle @candykiss143 @lifeisgood63 💟💟💟
Mar 09Reply
songae congrats on your party host!!...thanks for the tag @anawat40
Mar 09Reply
jeren27 🎉🎊CONGRATULATIONS🎊🎉on cohosting!!!! I'm so excited😝 for you!!! I'd love it if you had time to peek in my closet for a possible HP!! Also know that I'll be right there to share and shop your fabulous👠👘👗👚👙finds and support you throughout the night!! I just know it's gonna be an amazing 🎉🎊party🎊🎉 and I can't wait to see your HP's!!! 🎊🎉🌟WHOO HOO!!! LETS PARTY!!
Mar 09Reply
51twenty 🎉👏🏽💥WOOOHOOOO🎉🎉🎉PARTY🎉🎉🎉 I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. - Happy Poshing!💜
Mar 09Reply
51twenty Congrats!! 🎉🎉🎉😀
Mar 09Reply
stunning_29 @iqclothessavvy thank you babe for the tag :)
Mar 09Reply
laurabethm @s_rosebud Congratulations on your third party!! Can't wait to see the great host picks and share and shop! Thank you sweet @anawat40 for the tag!!
Mar 09Reply
stunning_29 @kookc thank you Carolyn for the tag :) 😘
Mar 09Reply
stunning_29 @s_rosebud Congratulations on hosting your posh party! 💕 🎉 💕 🎉 💕! What an honor! I'm so excited for you! I'm Michele 😊 so nice to meet you, I'll def be there to support & share ur HP'S & I truly hope you have a blast! Xo Michele :) 🎉 💕
Mar 09Reply
magnaplus55 🎉⭐️🎉congratulations!!🎉⭐️🎉
Mar 09Reply
floridafashion1 Congrats and pleasr take a peek in my closet when you have theme thank you Sherri
Mar 09Reply
slewis234 Congrats on your upcoming party. I know you'll be making it a fabulous party with fun to be had by all! I'll be there cheering you on for sure. I hope you'll take a minute to ck out my closet and find a great host pick from my posh compliant closet full of great stuff where's there's something for every lday! Congrats and have a blast!
Mar 09Reply
mystiskie Congrats! So exciting! I follow all Posh rules and I'd love for you to check out my closet for host picks if you get a chance :) Thanks, and hope you have so much fun hosting!
Mar 09Reply
dinofinder @s_rosebud congrats and good luck with your party! I hope it's a great success! I will be there and want to recommend some PFF's who have beautiful collections @mbvaughn @jaimee_mackey @janimack7 @holdon3 @hila808 @sijolie71 @jmc1978 @kaciopea @hsohailk @pinkydinkyerin @pink_bee @ricksmthree @thevintagenvy @sunnietrish @couturegypsy @samipoo24 @wayofthegoddess @sandysohn @poshgirlsglam @warrior04 Thank You!! Best, Jennifer
Mar 09Reply
rocketcitypugs Congratulations on hosting your posh party!! I know you’re super excited!!!! I’ll be there to shop, share, and celebrate your awesome host picks with you!!! You’re going to have an absolute blast!!! {Sharing now!}
Mar 09Reply
annabrownco <3 <3 <3 congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 09Reply
kandbthrift 💕💕🎀🎀 Congrats on your Posh Party! I'll be there to shop and share your gorgeous host picks! 💕💕 Here are a few of my favorite poshers. @chloejoy15 @4happykidz @shannonboom @chiara08 @helloimfabulous @infiniteskies @scp_in_vb @awepickles @debbimiller @mkguiles @gretzeli @thestylehive @kate_elle @kajasso @inna_lala @rissajanda @thatbohochic @fallingleaves @dresslikeaboss @josiiih @reinem @skelly757 @shopahola @wilverine @warrior04 @auchieau48 ❤️❤️(thanks for tagging me ladies!)
Mar 09Reply
hmonday Yeaaaaahhhh!! Whohoooo!! Congrats on your party!! I'll be there to cheer you on!!:)
Mar 09Reply
vacat Congrats! I'll be there to shop & share🎉🎉🎉 @fancy514 @hydrogirl @poppy64 @ginger71 @acephalous @augustpinkstyle @styled @fccandles @camposcc @brittanydillon1 @dierks24 @mk4 @lakeforest @tinpat @mccshe @csconlapn @britta21 Let's all share the news, in small tags, and get ready for party fun🎉🎉
Mar 09Reply
fallingleaves Congrats on your party!!! I would love you to check out my closet. Also, @merileeann @sayeverything @1savvymama @stephmbragg @wilverine @scp_in_vb @reinem @kimvanhorn @suz_f @esme377 @mo79 @sundaypostage @msox73 all have lovely posh compliant closets for your consideration! Looking forward to partying with you!!! 🎉💖🎉💖🎉💖🎉💖
Mar 09Reply
queensgp Weee Times Three! Congrats on your 3rd gig! I'm so excited for you; I will be there to support you! 💕💞
Mar 09Reply
mandapanda83 Yay PFF!!!! Congratulations!!!!! We miss you!! 💖🐼💖 Thanks live! @stunning_29 @s_rosebud
Mar 09Reply
s_rosebud @musical_penguin Here is the annoucement😃
Mar 09Reply
kstarmaui @s_rosebud⭐️✨looking forward to your party! Wishing you many sales💰& lots of fun💃💋hosting! 💕❤️thanks so much @autumnlynn3 for the tag! Aloha🌿🌈🌺
Mar 09Reply
zanapie Wow...that's great news. Congrats on hosting. I'll be there to cheer, share and celebrate. It would mean so much if you could check out my compliant closet for a potential host pick. Please and thanks🌸🌸🌸
Mar 09Reply
plump_petunia Congrats on hosting a party! Here are some girls with posh compliant closets that I love to party with, including my own: @plump_petunia @502kelley @aldute @cainsley @emjhere @floralfolk @jackiec1012 @kerri_lynn10 @kurves @maritzap30 @suzzzann @taammers69 @tammieoverholt @thriftyone @tropicbeach322 @vfgnagang @wanted_wardrobe @windylouu @yankat . Please take a look at our closets for potential host picks. I will be attending the party to share, congratulate PFF’s and support you! Thanks, xoxox
Mar 09Reply
septemberlover Congratulations on so many Parties, WOW!!!- Sharing with all my followers. You have a beautiful closet, your upcoming party will produce for you many more followers and lots of sales!! Thank you for the tag Julia @iqclothessavvy !!!
Mar 09Reply
daughter14 @s_rosebud congratulations is in order 😊💕💜😊💕💜wishing you only the very best😊💕💜Thx for the tag @autumnlynn3 😊💜💕Sharing, sharing😊here are some great closets along with mine too take a peek into😊💕💜@erikagannon @generationxgirl @siouxshawn @susanleeyogi @deangel40 @2edgy @becmarmil @inik @mickmee @huesofpink @angel10 @tamaralite @nikongirlrocks @mrshljones
Mar 09Reply
_hannahb So exciting! Congratulations!😊🎉
Mar 09Reply
tamaralite Congratulations on hosting your Posh Party! I am so happy for you.😄 Jan
Mar 09Reply
hollylynnsclost Congrats!! That's awesome! Have so much fun!! 😘❤️😘❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mar 09Reply
rposen @s_rosebud Congratulations on hosting for the 3rd time! Please look at the Posh compliant closets of: @kewpiedoll @sunnietrish @ savannah_slim & @pindaokane for HP's!🎀 @kewpiedoll Ty for the tag!💗
Mar 09Reply
aprils2ndcloset @s_rosebud Yay! 🎉🎈🎊💐 Congratulations! This is well deserved! I'm super excited for you! I'll absolutely be there to help you celebrate! 🎉🎈🎊💐 @jennifernicoleb Thank you for sharing this fabulous news! 😊💖
Mar 09Reply
kmadeoy HOORAY! Congrats on hosting!!! 👏🎉🎈 you must be so honored and excited! I will be there to party and help share your fab host picks! 😀 @bellanblue thanks for the tag! 😘
Mar 09Reply
mickmee Congratulations❣❣❣🍾🎈
Mar 09Reply
thejeweladdict Woohoo! Congrats on hosting number 3👍👏👏💖💕🎈💃I hope you have a an amazing time!💖💖💖💖
Mar 09Reply
curineia Congrats! Have fun with your party! :)
Mar 09Reply
katz2 Congratulations on co-hosting another Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I will be there checking out ✅ the great Host Picks, sharing and shopping! 👗💍👠 Thanks for the party tag @sherriesharley 💞
Mar 09Reply
katz2 Party time🎉🎈🎉🎈@nkhob @beautyblack @tammysbeachwear
Mar 09Reply
maidmarian Congrats!💞💞💞💞💞💞
Mar 09Reply
kewpiedoll @mimismenagerie 👍🏻🌷💕🌷👍🏻
Mar 09Reply
kewpiedoll @iqclothessavvy 👍🏻💕💖💕
Mar 09Reply
kewpiedoll @sherriesharley Thank you, shared👍🏻💕💖💕👍🏻
Mar 09Reply
kewpiedoll @rposen 👍🏻💕🍀💕👍🏻
Mar 10Reply
blu3935 Congratulations! How exciting! Have a blast and I'll be cheering you on. Thanks @mimismenagerie 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈💐💐💐💐💐👏👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🌷🌷🌷🌷💝💝💝👏🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
Mar 10Reply
golddanzer Congratulations! Have a great time! 🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞🌸🌸🌸😊👍
Mar 10Reply
ilovesunset 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mar 10Reply
ellecookie Congrats! Can't wait! I have some nice pieces in my posh compliant closet that might make some great HPs! If you have a moment, please take a look? Thank you! 🎉😘🍾👏💗
Mar 10Reply
tata715 Congrats on ur party!! U go girl 3rd time!! I have a PC closet and would love if u can check it out, happy poshing and congrats again Hun, let the party begin!!!👠👏😊👛🌂❤️💕👜💍👏👏👏👏
Mar 10Reply
jaxirocks12 Yay congrats 3X 🍾🍾🍾👍👍👍🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🍀🍀🍀💍💍💍👯👯👯🎉🎉🎉⭐️⭐️⭐️💞💞💞🌺🌺🌺💖💖💖💕💕💕🍃🍃🍃
Mar 10Reply
cmc514 Congrats! Sharing this ᖴᗩᗷᑌᒪOᑌᔕ news w ladies who not only love a good party, but have ᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ ᑭOᔕᕼ ᑕOᗰᑭᒪIᗩᑎT ᑕᒪOᔕETᔕ! @vanessa_03 @rozsingh @proverbs_31 @meg23 @leliluv @tpmom @dvacante @carissam22 @kianalv @chirocarly @lauras_boutique @ddstorm @debbimiller @dkjewelry @lhaag721 @goldrose48 @kcford24 @lazulitect @partymk999 @mimismenagerie @fashioniata @raetz @debbimiller @aflattery @sami023 @1smalltowngurl @unplainjane @fabulook
Mar 10Reply
poshpaisleys 🍭C🍭O🍭N🍭G🍭R🍭A🍭T🍭S I'm super duper excited for u🍬Thank u @bellanblue and bella_rose13 and @sarrah for the tags🎈Be sure to check my PFF's closet for amazing host worthy picks🛍 💗@poshpaisleys
Mar 10Reply
pindaokane Congratulations on hosting posh party !!!! I'll be there to shop+share and support. I would really appreciate if you could take a peek at my closet and @rposen for a possible host pick. Thanks so much and see you at the party!! @rposen thank you for the tag.
Mar 10Reply
rposen @s_rosebud Looking forward to your party!🎉@pindaokane Ty for recommending my closet! 💕
Mar 10Reply
kristikreations  Congratulations!!!! I am so Happy for you!! It will 🍧be a BLAST!!🍧 🍭If you have🍭 a chance PLEASE take a 👀 peek in my closet for a possible Host Pick!! 🍿🍭🍧🍿🍡🍿🍭🍿 🍡I would be most 🍡 🍰GRATEFUL!!🍰 🍿Here are my🍿 🍦яє¢σммєи∂αтισиѕ🍦 for Host Picks: @bellanblue @abstractdreams 💐@lauras_boutique💐 🎀@cyndy_bennett🎀 💕@muneewoo💕 🍭@hopesparkles🍭 🍿@rnicu00🍿 🎀janimack7🎀 Thank You!! 🍦🍧🍨🍧🍦
Mar 10Reply
sami023 Congrats!!! Thank you for the tag @cmc514 💕💕🎉🎉 (I love the pics btw 😆 I just finished re-re-watching the entire series!!)
Mar 10Reply
larochelle Hi! ALOHA!!! 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉BIG BIG CONGRATS on co- hosting soon! I almost never miss a posh party, you can count me in to share and cheer at the party! Have a blast! Tagging some posh friends to join the fun!!! 💋❌⭕️❌⭕️ PARTY ALERT🎉🎉🎉🎉 @pmgr22 @katz2 @jenniferrlee @lisadraper @emilyrubin @bellanblue @cassandraknox @partymk999 @marlanap @endersd @read247 @lizstyle @miami_wife @treasuresbytrac @footcandy
Mar 10Reply
sunnietrish @s_rosebud Congratulations on hosting ! I have some awesome PFFs with Posh compliant closets(of course!) Please look for HPs in the closets of @dinofinder @bellanblue @nyc_apple @nic39 @fashionista21 @callie5510 @rposen @tpmom @iqclothessavvy @stunning_29 @smiley @chiara08 @chloejoy15 @pinkbee & last but not least one of my longest PFFs who has recommended me for this party @cyndy_bennett -thank you Cindy🎉😘👸🌸💕🎶
Mar 10Reply
kecampbell 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 I can't wait to shop and share all of your great picks on your special day!
Mar 10Reply
ginasjewels4you Yahoooo!!! Congratulations on your hosting!!! You can count on me, I will be there to help you celebrate!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
Mar 10Reply
Mar 10Reply
bendthetrends 🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS🎉🎉🎉
Mar 10Reply
schx4 Congrats 👏 Beautiful closet 👏👏👏 Can't wait to party with you 🎶🎉🌟🎊🎆🎉🌟🎶 (Thank you for the tag love ) @jazzybeelove @brutallymle @kmb42 @cyndy_bennett @bellanblue @lauras_boutique @frannyzfinds @minablack @lisadraper @bellanblue @bchic_boutique @bamagirl017 @miami_wife @vmalicoat @iqclothessavvy , @saundie @nadajanaali please consider all of these lovely ladies & their beautiful closets ❤❤🎉
Mar 10Reply
mack6192 Congrats!🎉
Mar 10Reply
wade1953 @s_rosebud congratulations on your cohost 🎉🎉🎉🎉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💚💚💚💚💚💚👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎶🎶🎶🎶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💫💫💫✨💫💫🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Mar 10Reply
judyt726 @s_rosebud WOO HOO!!! Congratulations on your exciting news!! You will have so much fun!! I'm looking forward to your fab, fun and fashionable celebration! Please check out my closet! 😍😘💕👛👠💖🎉🎉🎉
Mar 10Reply
rposen @s_rosebud Can't wait to party with you! 💕 @sunnietrish Ty for recommending my closet! 💕
Mar 10Reply
sunnietrish @rposen you are welcome can't think of a closet more perfect for an HP🌸
Mar 10Reply
dinofinder @sunnietrish thank you for the recommendation, trish!!! I will be sharing your lovely collection!!!👍
Mar 10Reply
sunnietrish @dinofinder thank you my PFF I know there is a HP in your future🍀
Mar 10Reply
hillarynking Congratulations!!!
Mar 10Reply
juliejoff Yay! Congratulations! Thank you @caligirlinmn ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 10Reply
rosystrinkets @s_rosebud Congrats on your great achievement of hosting a Posh Party. Yay Party Time :-) :-) I will be there for sure hun to cheer you on :-). I'm sure your party will be a great success. Here are some wonderful Posh Compliant Closets for you to check out for some Host Picks :-) @stunning_29 @tpmom @nanookmom @slvrbel @merc13 @forever_chic @shopahola @karen1177 @jaicikaye @rosystrinkets (me) :-) :-)
Mar 10Reply
juicylina @s_rosebud 🎉🍾🎉 congrats on Co-hosting 🎉 🍾 🎉 I will be there to shop, share, cheer you on 🎉🍾🎉
Mar 10Reply
pink_kiwi Congrats on co-hosting!!!!! Have a wonderful time!!! 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉Thanks for the tag @kewpiedoll 💖🦄
Mar 10Reply
bootas12 Congratulations on being asked to host a Posh Party!!!! @s_rosebud You deserved it with the beautiful closet you have and all you give back to Posh. Thanks @matadora1978 for the tag. 💕 If you have a chance check out my closet and these amazing ones as well. @maddistouffer @ericarose1989 @kate_elle @chloejoy15 @jordie92 @mo_mento @inna_lala @jstilly @gigilavie @amedack @thecamp @alinasher @epgishe2 @hblecher -Sarah
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉I am so happy for you PFF!😘xoxo🎉💛Congratulations on co-hosting a fabulous posh party!🎉💛The lovely ladies below will be there to share, cheer, and party with you!🎉💛We can’t wait to see your fabulous host picks!💞🎀I would be honored if you would take a peek in my closet, which follows posh rules, and see if there are any possible HP's that catch your eye! Laura😘💋 xoxo
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@1fashionista15💕@1smalltowngurl💕@1qtpie💕@abstractdreams💕@aflattery💕@africansisters💕@ajohnson2008💕@alecka💕@alise28💕@allyoop23💕@alyssahourglass💕@amandamjalapeno💕@amaulz💕@ameliaa_ameliaa💕@amyjc924💕@amywhip💕@angelacoppola💕@anna_bellesbtq💕@annagnade💕@annesclothes💕@annetteclark05💕@annielaurieshop💕@anoliver💕@apriljerseygirl💕@ardavidhizar💕@auchieau48💕@avemuse💕@backwoodsbarn💕@baglady24💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@bajanme27💕@bamagirl017💕@bdbcsr💕@beautyshineson💕@bebop20💕@becca_lee💕@believebig💕@bella_xox💕@bellalize💕@bellanblue💕@blkeyedsiouxsie💕@blon22die💕@boutiquec💕@brittanydillon1💕@brokegirlshop💕@brookelawson💕@brooklynnfly💕@bwenger💕@c_whatidid💕@caitygabrielle💕@cakeandlexie💕@caldwellkelsie💕@callie5510💕@callidoracloset💕@carollbryan💕@casej08💕@cbltrio💕@cds314💕@cfeuer💕@charm_boutique💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@chellegolightly💕@chessiekat💕@chicagdl💕@chloejoy15💕@chrystella💕@closetfairies💕@cmc514💕@colorado_mommy💕@couturegypsy💕currentfashion💕@d1wholuvsyou💕@daisyd0102💕@dejavu_dv💕@designerguru2💕@dierks24💕@dimndgrl💕@divasells💕@drea04💕@dvacante💕@eclecticloft💕@elevenroses💕@emory1975💕@eogal💕@everybreath💕@fabthreads💕@faithscloset914💕@fashionbabie💕@fashionweek65💕@figoria💕@footcandy💕@foundthelook💕@gabbys_boutique💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@gford12💕@ghtinoco💕@glamupstyle💕@goddessofwisdom💕@goodchic💕@gretlew💕@happilyevaafter💕@hauteflowerbomb💕@heatherschoice💕@hello_kimmy💕@holdon3💕@honeyfortwo💕@hot_hippie💕@houseofposh💕@hrachal💕@hrd💕@hsohailk💕@infinitelyposh💕@ironmissy💕@jarheadjen💕@jazz72💕@jeannes_closet💕@jenasartori💕@jenn8201💕@jennerjo💕@jfriedman💕@jimsprincess💕@jjyj2010💕@jodisjewelry💕@jooky💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@jovanas_closet💕@juicylina💕@jwittich💕@katwynne💕@kcford24💕@kclane7💕@kden_wallace💕@kellidavis05💕@kellyb7💕@kiersenblest💕@kimberly803💕@kimp424💕@kimsthings💕@kkherma💕@kmcking💕@kookc💕@ktbug1217💕@lady99💕@ladyqstuff💕@lazulitect💕@lelaine44💕@lemonlollie💕@letshop123💕@lexismith1699💕@lifeisgood63💕@lhaag721💕@lindsey042💕@linsleppo💕@lisa1203💕@lisasandler💕@livi2997💕@livingadream💕@lizamc🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@ln4stylez💕@lnation818💕@lolmimi💕@lolordeluxe💕@lovesoflori💕@lovenotjudge💕@lpshare💕@ltjansen💕@lucidemotion💕@lunaaapotterrr💕@luvmyqh6💕@luvsmink💕@maldimi💕@mandapanda83💕@mandaroseey💕@mandyoperman💕@mar68💕@marianegreer💕@marie5143💕@marlanap💕@marykat💕@marypa13💕@matadora1978💕@mbvaughn13💕@meekamouse13💕@melaniepatrusky💕@melsmathison💕@miami_wife💕@mimismenagerie💕@mirandanicole33💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@mnfitmom💕@molinda25💕@mommymoo124💕@monia69💕@monikamoshposh💕@moonglo💕@mountaingoats💕@muneewoo💕@myboutique71💕@mykidsfault💕@nami001💕@natty1121💕@neontigress💕@newyork222💕@nic39💕@nicolet2324💕@ninascloset5💕@nmurz💕@noy2312💕@ohlarissa💕@olguilla💕@omgitslatin💕@onechicday💕@osofast2💕@palmistachic💕@patriciagyi💕@peacehopelove💕@pinkcat808💕@pinkizme03💕@pinkwasp💕@pinkydinkyerin💕@plainjanecj💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@poshmishmosh💕@proverbs_31💕@rainewear💕@resaleresort💕@retagit💕@riedelni💕@rnicu00💕@roryry💕@rozalind08💕@rposen💕@samidee93💕@sammy💕@sarahvsis💕@scblei💕@schx4💕@seksi_em💕@sellloveposh💕@serendipity8888💕@shblond💕@shethkh💕@shlmsw22💕@shoppinggirl66💕@shopwithkiki💕@skullee💕@smchop💕@smilenini💕@sofash💕@sparky01💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉Party🎉💛💕@stbartsbaby💕@stephanielatina💕@strosper💕@stunning_29💕@susanlee321💕@tamarismom💕@tammy4444💕@taylorlauhon💕@tcotnam💕@teen_fashion💕@teresamarie01💕@terminatrix💕@texascopywriter💕@texasrose11💕@tfaske💕@the_pink_slip💕@theoandco💕@thesequel💕@tifstreasures💕@tracy723723💕@treasuresbytrac💕@treefrogjewel💕@tudie11💕@twinkletoestoni💕@valorieann💕@vinustyling💕@violet507💕@wendibearr💕@wendimb💕@xaris💕@xcrspy💕@youroffers💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Mar 11Reply
hello_kimmy Lets party:))))))
Mar 11Reply
jayjune Yay! Congrats! How exciting and very well deserved! Please check out these awesome closets for some stellar fashion and possible HPs and in the meantime we'll help spread the word! @serendipity888 @smartyknickers @groovycouture @mafaldamarie @abandonedlove @bchic_boutique @nami001 thanks for the tag!!
Mar 11Reply
rposen @s_rosebud Can't wait to party with you! 💕 @lauras_boutique Ty for the tag! 💕
Mar 11Reply
kkherma 💥Woot woot💥 Congratulations on co-hosting! 🎉 What fun it will be 👏🏼 If you have a chance to take a peek in my closet I think you will find some perfect potential host picks! @sgulling has an awesome, posh-compliant closet (think: classic professional meets casual chic) as well! I'm obsessed with her closet enjoy sharing the love 😍 Can't wait to party with you and share your top picks! 😆👏🏼👍🏼👊🏼😆
Mar 11Reply
posh_enthusiast Congrats! Check out my closet if you get the chance! Thanks!😘
Mar 11Reply
kclane7 🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS🎉🎉 Hope you have a great time! It's so much fun and an honor! I can't wait to see your picks! Please check my closet for possible picks if you have chance, I'm Posh compliant! 😊
Mar 11Reply
smilenini Congrats!🍷
Mar 11Reply
jjyj2010 I am so excited for you and I will cheer you!! here are amazing ladies with amazing closets for possible HPs including mine @warrior04 @ashleyjane82 @pink_bee @roos_rendezvous @wifey86 @kykim87 @sweetjillian88 @kbsa @jskid @eraunique @mysticmay @serendipity123 @lauras_boutique thank you very much @lauras_boutique
Mar 11Reply
jskid Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 11Reply
klynn3887 @s_rosebud congrats on hosting! If you have the chance I'd really appreciate if you could check out my posh-compliant closet for possible HPs. I can also tag you on a couple listings to make it easier. Thank you so much and have a wonderful time hosting!! 🎉🎈💕
Mar 11Reply
gallery_of_gems Congrats!! How exciting!!👏👏 What an honor to host your 3rd!! This is going to be an Awesome Party!💁 I will be there celebrating with you!!🎉🎊 If you get a chance I would be honored if you could take a peek in my compliant closet!😉Have a Fabulous Time!! Maybe I will see you on the dance floor!!🎊🌟🎶💃🏼👠👯👯🎉🎉📸🙋📸🎉🎉💖💖💐💐
Mar 11Reply
gallery_of_gems 🎊Here are some Highly recommend Poshers for you to consider!🎉PARTY TIME LADIES!🎉@siennaacre @misscrissi @stephaniemelo @dawnleeds @smailebaby @lilshopaholicc @jodiastacey @here4looks77 @myredshoelace @juicylina @mmtalt @iluv2shop @sanela3 @kaesbass @curligoddess @sofancyunicorn @tapnbarbie13 @luvbucs28 @joyamarino @aimeyliz❌PRIVATE TAG LIST DO NOT COPY❌
Mar 11Reply
carson_creek @emsneyd ❤️❤️❤️ pick me for HP!
Mar 11Reply
myredshoelace Congratulations on your party! Way to go girl!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mar 11Reply
myboutique71 👯 Congrats on your party! Let's party ladies! ✨ @beautyshineson@otsana428@myboutique71@romarra@tchrgirl02@meybaby@amyjacobs36@richera137 ✨@shop_sift ✨ @poshboutique16@sglassman36@vritch@anawat40@ltcwheatex@memomarlyn@chicandbroke@poodit@yanka24@betster@penandstage@guo791999@kimgaffen@princesspoppell@forever_chic@cali1018@mcknight820 ✨ 🔒Private Tag List For @hauteposhmamas Do Not Copy🔒
Mar 11Reply
myboutique71 👯Party time ladies! 2👯 ✨ @squeaky227@nic39@threadsfromjen@lilysafari@goensshopping@klee928@pehang@spiritoffashion@twinmom2007@gonecoastal@boiseblonde ✨@dreadro ✨ @missrenee2@tiffy521@pinkee4evr ✨@restlessangel ✨ @cyndy_bennett@kblock412@onnam@zeldamc@buell08 @_wrinkleintime_@jstone6767 ✨ ✨ @laurenmm22@sweetjoy30@cyndy_bennett@hacsince91@kimsklothes 🔒Private Tag List For @hauteposhmamas Do Not Copy🔒
Mar 11Reply
jenn_sd Congrats on your party!! 🎉🎉
Mar 12Reply
poshpaisleys 🍥C🍥O🍥N🍥G🍥R🍥A🍥T🍥S🍥 so excited for your April☔️Party🎉Please check out my PFF's Fabulous closets❣@crazyposh @sarrah @bellanblue @poshmishmosh @allycog💗@poshpaisleys
Mar 12Reply
carenhelm @s_rosebud Helping to spread the word & will be there cheering you on & sharing your HP's & closet to the party. Have Fun ☺️💕☺️
Mar 12Reply
pindaokane Congratulations on hosting posh party !!!! I'll be there to shop+share and support. I would really appreciate if you could take a peek at my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so much and see you at the party!! And thanks @rposen for the tag
Mar 13Reply
goensshopping 💕⭐️🎉💕⭐️🎉CONGRATULATIONS🎉💕⭐️🎉💕⭐️
Mar 14Reply
wsp90 Hi hope you have time to peek in my closet for a possible HP💜 It will be a blast🌟🌟🌟-Ma
Mar 16Reply
kcandrus5890 Congrats!! I'd love to be considered for a possible HP!!
Mar 18Reply
dressingdoris Posh Society Sister. 💕
Mar 18Reply
gracennelson Hey, jennirea! I came to your closet to share your party listing! Love your closet and proud to say I am your fellow member in TPS!
Mar 18Reply
honeybeeoutlet @s_rosebud congrats! Can't wait to see what the theme is!
Mar 18Reply
jensnewseason Have a wonderful party💕💕✨✨🎉🎉 and if my closet can help you find a pic, then great!!
Mar 18Reply
echodeco Hey congrats from a fellow TPS sister!
Mar 18Reply
ashleyjane82 @s_rosebud Congrats Jennie!!! So excited for you!! You'll have all of your Posh Society Sisters cheering you on!! 😊🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mar 19Reply
icvisme CONGRATULATIONS on hosting your third party ❤️❤️❤️ so excited to see another posh society lady doing so well 😃 best wishes for an awesome + productive party!
Mar 19Reply
shopthemoon Congrats! So happy we're posh sisters. 😘 Your closet is amazing! So many gorgeous dresses and retail items! I'll have to take notes. 😉😉😉
Mar 19Reply
siennaacre Hi Jennirae, congrats again on hosting! I will try to be back on here promptly with my tag list ... I have some new additions and I just need to get the list updated before posting! :)
Mar 19Reply
ejeveryday @s_rosebud my society sister, 👏👏👏congrats !!!
Mar 19Reply
flippin_thrifty @s_rosebud congrats fellow society sister!!! Cant wait to see your theme!! @dnrruss @tessahouse @pjcck @rodeocowgirlie @vernescloset
Mar 19Reply
vonhoovs616 Congratulations @s_rosebud !!! 😃🎁🎉😀🎁🎉
Mar 20Reply
shop_ninas @s_rosebud congrats on your 3rd party 😎
Mar 20Reply
carolinagurl09 Congratulations 🎉 🎉
Mar 20Reply
trixybunny Congratulations on hosting hope you have a blast💟💕💖💚💗
Mar 20Reply
aldute Congratulations 🎉🍾🎉
Mar 20Reply
missilaneous Congrats on hosting🤗🤗🤗💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Mar 20Reply
kelyeskloset 💕Congratulations!💕💕💕
Mar 20Reply
paper_crane Congratulations 😊!!! I have never gotten a host pick yet... Hint-hint 😉🍀
Mar 20Reply
staciec71 Congrats🎉🎈🎉🎈
Mar 20Reply
lovetxposh Congrats!!! Love the Gossip Girl theme -- fabulous!! 💖💖💖
Mar 20Reply
fabunnie6 Congrats on hosting your third party Hun! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾☺️☺️☺️☺️
Mar 20Reply
curligoddess Congrats!
Mar 20Reply
ca_ny @vickyss new party! @s_rosebud congratulations and good luck picking your ladies! Check out my closet when you have the chance 😁👍🏻
Mar 21Reply
mollyruth15 Congratulations on hosting your 3rd party!!!
Mar 22Reply
linsassy Woohoo!!!! Congrats!!! 🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉 @mburns6150 @linsassy
Mar 22Reply
kc1101 @s_rosebud. Congratulations on your third time around, your triple crown of parties! I'm sure you will have a blast!👏🏻🎉🎈
Mar 22Reply
kaitlyn_amanda Check out my closet! I'd love to be considered! ♡
Mar 23Reply
Mar 25Reply
mirooy Congrats on your party love!! I'm super thrilled for you! If you haven't overbooked your picks, please check out my closet for possible pieces <3 More importantly, I hope you have a blast! ;) Can't wait! Thanks for the tag @tamarismom Cora!
Apr 02Reply
jenbcloset Woooohooooo party time 🎉🎊. Congrats. So exciting. If u have a chance please check out my closet for a HP !! Thanks. Can't wait to party with you. Count me in on the the fun 🙋🏻. I'll be there sharing and having fun.
Apr 02Reply
sellloveposh Congratulations!! So exciting I'll be there sharing. If you have a chance please check out my closet for a HP! Thanks. 👀 u there sharing and shopping and having a blast ☺️💐🎶
Apr 03Reply
laurynking Congrats on hosting! I'm very excited to shop and share your party and your host picks and I hope you have a great time hosting!! Can't wait to hear the theme!
Apr 03Reply
wsp90 Congratulations! Please have a peek in my posh compliant closet. Would be honored to get an HP. But more importantly, have a blast at your party👯 Thanks, Ma 💋
Apr 04Reply
sparkleofgrace Congratulations❤️❤️❤️ @rosecottage231 @2horses
Apr 05Reply
my38strings Congratulations! Please check out these closets. @rosecottage231 @poshannasmark @2horses @alisonberry @emhug
Apr 05Reply
neverandever Loving the Gossip Girl memes 😉 Congrats! ❤️
Apr 06Reply
klalab Congratulations! I would be honored if you visit my closet for one of your HP!!! Ty
Apr 12Reply
nyccanary Hi @s_rosebud ! I'm posh compliant and I've never had a HP 💖💖💖
Apr 14Reply
elise_1 @s_rosebud Congratulations! Here's a couple of great closets to consider. @anthrogurl @prelovedworks Of course my closet too. 🙌🏼👏🏼😘🎉❤️
Apr 16Reply
anthrogurl @elise_1 thanks so much for the posh support! 😊
Apr 16Reply
wsp90 Congratulations Jennie 🌟 I'm sharing your party news to my followers👯 I'm sure it will be a blast🎉 Please if you have a moment to visit my closet, it will be a thrill to get a host pick 💖 Hugs, Ma 💋
Apr 16Reply
klalab Oh I would love to have a first time HP💕🌻🎉👒🌼🎀
Apr 18Reply
shopgirl2119 Congratulations
Apr 18Reply
acsconner Would absolutely love your consideration for a HP! Congrats on hosting!
Apr 19Reply
lovemygirlz It's my first party!! 🎉 can't wait!
Apr 22Reply
larochelle wow!!super cool theme!!! girly girl !!WOOOHOOOO👏👏👏👏👏👏 will tag you w the party line-up within the day💝💝💝 cant wait!!!💝💝🎉
Apr 26Reply
evelynsophia543 Congrats on cohosting this party - third times the charm!! A fab way to have some midweek fun, with posh friends too :D if you're still looking for hps, please consider checking out my closet :)
Apr 26Reply
croweart CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! What a superb theme!!!!! Can't wait to cheer, shop and share the night away with you! Would love if you had a free sec to check my closet for possible HP...Hooray for you! Have a wonderful time!!
Apr 27Reply
blairjv Congratulations on co-hosting 🎉🎉 would love if you could check out my closet, I am Posh compliant and have great selection 👌🏼Thank you!! 💕💕
Apr 27Reply
2015pily Congrats!!!! Love the theme! I hope you enjoy hosting! For sure I will join you at the party!!! If you are still looking for HP I would be so honored if you could consider my closet... Thanks!!!! And wish you the best! 🎀🌷😃👏👏🎉🙋
Apr 27Reply
urbanbridle Congrats on ur party hun! Chk out @urbanbridle for some fab host picks xo ♡♡♡
Apr 27Reply
everythingpink1 @s_rosebud Congrats on 3rd time hosting🎉🎉 whenever you get a chance can you take a peek in my closet for a possible each P💗Thx💚💙❤️💗💜💚💙💜💗❤️💕💕💐💐
Apr 27Reply
wlew @s_rosebud Hi and Congrats On Hosting number 3!!
Apr 27Reply
paulenem Congrats!! I love the girly girl theme and have some girly, pink and sparkly items in my closet that I can't wait to share. Feel free to check them out if you're looking for a host pick! 💗💓💞💟💖💐🌺
Apr 27Reply
mercermarket 💃🏼Congrats on hosting!!! Me and my posh compliant closet can't wait to partay 😉
Apr 27Reply
pammalla Third time a charm 👑👑. Congratulations on hosting your third party. I will be sharing with my PFFs @mzdvinity @lifeisgood63 @derinda @lorenacreel
Apr 27Reply
effloro Congrats on hosting the party!! 😊💕👗 I'd love it if you could take a quick peek at my closet, I have some fun girly pieces. Thanks, have a great time!!
Apr 27Reply
knessler123 Congratulations for your party! I love your closet and all of your girly girl listings lol 😉 I have already RSVP'd and I'm ready to share all of these lovely listings! It'd mean a lot if you'd check out my new listings! They are absolutely catching that girly girl vibe🌻✌🏻️From one fun-loving Posher to the next... Have a Poshtastic day!
Apr 27Reply
annieklee Congratulations on hosting the girly girl party!!! 🎉🎉🎉 If you are still looking for host picks please check out my closet. I'm still new to Posh and it would mean a lot to me! 😊💕
Apr 27Reply
yaskween Congrats on cohosting 🎉🎉🎉👑✨
Apr 27Reply
buttrflye Congrats on hosting!! 🎉🙌🏽💗🍾 Please take a look at my closet for any possible Host Picks! 💁🏼😽
Apr 27Reply
alinasher Congrats!! :) If you get a chance, please take a look at my closet along with these gorgeous closets: @alinaslivinskiy @inaver09 @inna_lala @leahpid @bootas12 @kate_elle @ericarose1989 @hopeeleighh! :) Thank you and enjoy hosting!
Apr 27Reply
1roguepuppy Congrats on hosting your party, Jennie! 👍🎉🎆 I'll be there to shop and share your host picks! Here are some lovely closets to consider... @reinem @fallingleaves @inna_lala @ericarose1989 @gypseatreasures @josiiih @mtnhiker @ebspear @tchouseofstyle @lisa2644 @sami023 @hollyflower12 @shoplittlebird @treannesfrocks @lovelylilac10 @justice10forme @breezymoments @paicar @kimvanhorn @warrior04
Apr 27Reply
ca_ny @s_rosebud hi, please check out my compliant closet! PS I absolutely love the gg post, I was way too obsessed with that show (mostly Chair 😜) 💞🎉
Apr 27Reply
four_doxies @s_rosebud congrats on co-hosting! Would love to be considered for a host pick! Good luck and can't wait to party with you! :)
Apr 27Reply
jensnewseason Feel free to check my closet for a host pick. I follow the rules. Thank you and have fun!!
Apr 27Reply
elliekrump CONGRATS!!!!! Can't wait to party with you tomorrow night! :)
Apr 27Reply
bellanblue see you tomorrow pFF! party time!!!!
Apr 27Reply
haute2wear Hello @s_rosebud 🙋🏽! I hope you are hcing a good week☺️,first and foremost: I LOVE GOSSIP GIRL TOO😍😂!! congrats on co hosting your Girly Girl party tomorrow🍾🎉! This party theme makes me happy because i just learned yesterday that my sister is having a baby girl👶🏻🎀! If you are still looking for HPs, I have a ton of new girly listings that are looking for a new home🛍💕! Thank you for looking😘
Apr 27Reply
vivacouture Congrats on hosting !! I will be there and hope you have a great time 😃🎉🎉
Apr 27Reply
ppg13bubbles 🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS🎀🎀🎀
Apr 27Reply
astyleaddict 🎉Congratulations 🎉 on hosting tomorrow. It's less then 24 hours away I'm sure you're very excited. My self along with these lovely ladies have Posh Compliant Closets if you could take a look we would greatly appreciate it. @tburg21 @hopeeleighh @floralmajesty @dressmechic @dlzbth @misslisamarie @bootas12 thank you so much. We look forward to seeing all your beautiful picks
Apr 27Reply
shopaholicsss . ╔═══.♡.══════════╗ c⃣o⃣n⃣g⃣r⃣a⃣t⃣s⃣ on cohosting tomorrow's p⃣o⃣s⃣h⃣ p⃣a⃣r⃣t⃣y⃣ ♡♡♡ if you have a moment, please check out my closet. i have a few 🎀❡!ԻℓƖყ ❡!Իℓ🎀 worthy picks. i can't wait to see all of your picks tomorrow! - @shopaholicsss ╚══════════.♡.═══╝
Apr 27Reply
jd1010 Best wishes on your 3rd party🎉🎈
Apr 27Reply
janekma Congrats on co-hosting the girly girl party! 🎉 Love the theme ❤️ I'd be truly honored if you found a ⭐️host pick⭐ ️worthy item in my closet 🙏 Thank you soooo much for your consideration. PFF! 😘💋 see you at the party!!! 🍾 yay! Xoxo
Apr 27Reply
fabthreads Hi there ! Congrats on hosting - have a blast! If you are still looking for HPs please take a look at my complaint closet - it would mean a lot! Thanks a bunch!
Apr 27Reply
alexac Congrats on hosting!! ✨🎉 I'm so excited for you! I'll be there shopping, sharing, and cheering you on! 🎉💃🏼✨ cannot wait to see all of your beautiful host picks!!! 🍾😍🎉✨💃🏼❤️🍾🎉✨💃🏼❤️🍾🎉💃🏼✨❤️
Apr 27Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hi Jennie! Congrats on hosting tonight!!!💖👍💞🎉🎉 you have such a great closet, no wonder they picked you to host!! 🎙💗 if you have any host pick slots left, I'd love for you to check out my rule abiding closet! 👌🏽💕 either way, have a great time tonight and I can't wait to see all your picks! ❣💙
Apr 27Reply
msulli31nd2013 Congrats on hosting! Looking forward to the party tonight--especially since it's my birthday! xx
Apr 27Reply
myirelandrose 🎉🎉Congrats on hosting👏👏👏 I am so excited for you! Please peek in my close for HP's!🙏🙏
Apr 27Reply
carenhelm @s_rosebud Helping to spread the word & will be there cheering you on & sharing your HP's & closet to the party! Have Fun! ☺️💕☺️
Apr 27Reply
uwearitwell Congrats on co hosting🎉🎉love girly girl💋👠💄! I've just recently come back to posh & I'm sooooo glad I did! Unfortunately I'll be working tonight😢but I would be honored if you had a second to peak in my closet & see if maybe you find a girly girl item you💕 have a great time💃🏼
Apr 27Reply
sherry1313 @s_rosebud 🎉🎉 Good Luck With Your Party Tonight!! I will be there to cheer you on!! 🎉🎉
Apr 27Reply
arbitrarilychic Good morning! Would you please consider @jules_m_bell for a potential host pick this evening? She is brand new to pish, working so hard to build her portfolio and following - and today is her birthday! I think she'd be tickled with that gift 🎁🎂🎈🎈🎂🎁 thank you so much for taking a peek at her closet! Have a great party! 🎉🎊🎊🎉☺
Apr 27Reply
ankalo @s_rosebud Jennie I hope you'll have fun tonight. In case you are still looking for host picks, I would appreciate if you would take a look at my closet and some of the closets I think deserve a host pick 💕 @ankalo @michiv @lorilouie @cassandra8187 @girlwithpearls @poshgarden @jen_is_lost @candace011 @nicky9 @girlwithpearls @inna_lala @allyoop23 @spadoni57 @elevenroses @randie21 @pindaokane @luvsmink @commonladybug @bchic_boutique @kmb42 Thank you!!! See you tonight! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Apr 27Reply
julie_monster Congratulations on hosting! 👗🎉🛍 I'd be so honored if you took a peek at my closet when considering your host picks.
Apr 27Reply
chicclosetedit @ankalo 😘😘😘
Apr 27Reply
taylerbrooke Congrats on your 3rd party!!!
Apr 27Reply
fatallyflawless Congrats on hosting! Check out my closet for host picks :)
Apr 27Reply
kalynkawula If you are still on the hunt for any HPs, would you mind taking a peak in my closet and my two lovely friends @hopeeleighh & @kub0001 ? We are all posh compliant and I think there is something in each of our closets you will love! 💕 Thank you and congrats! 🌷
Apr 27Reply
violetfieldsvtg 💐💐💐Congrats on hosting! Will be there to share and celebrate!💐💐💐
Apr 27Reply
nikkinik 🎉Congrats on cohosting! I know you'll have a blast looking through all of the wonderful closets! If you have time please look at my PFFS wonderful PC closets (along with my own!) @bellanblue @lisadraper @herparallax @chloejoy15 @teafly13 @nbunin @sashaavchukov @ninascloset5 @emmagwicks @paislea @josiiih @kwistenm @mkguiles 🎉
Apr 27Reply
emoral 🎉💖🎉 Almost party time! 🎉💘🎉 Best wishes for a super awesome party! 🎉💖🎉 Great theme! 💖 I will be there caring, sharing and checking out your host picks! 💘 If you need one more, I would be honored if you checked out my closet. 🎉😍💞 Thanks......💞
Apr 27Reply
thelostnomad Congrats🎉 Love the theme❤️ I'll be there sharing all the wonderful host picks💕🌟👍
Apr 27Reply
vintagedonnie YAYY!! Congrats on hosting🎉 Can't wait to shop & share all of your lovely picks! If you have a sec, take a peek at my posh compliant closet for a potential HP - lots of girly girl chic happening there!😘
Apr 27Reply
luckych4rms Congrats and have fun hosting tonight! 😃
Apr 27Reply
poshthreadz Congrats! Enjoy hosting 😘
Apr 27Reply
haute2wear Hello @s_rosebud 🙋🏽! I hope you are hcing a good week☺️, congrats on co hosting your Girly Girl party tomorrow🍾🎉! This party theme makes me happy because i just learned yesterday that my sister is having a baby girl👶🏻🎀! If you are still looking for HPs, I have a ton of new girly listings that are looking for a new home🛍💕! Thank you for looking😘
Apr 27Reply
klwahl Congrats on your posh party host! So exciting!! Please check out my closet if you get the chance 😘
Apr 27Reply
negliaj1 congrats on hosting!! Cant wait to be shopping and sharing! Check out my closet for potential host picks :) enjoy!!
Apr 27Reply
emoylan55 Congratulations on being chosen to host!! If you are still considering host picks, I would love for you to take a quick peek at my posh rule compliant closet. Can't wait to party with you tonight!!!!
Apr 27Reply
sinnersorsaints Hi girl! Congrats on cohosting ❤️. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see your fabulous picks 😍. I'm sure you are receiving hundreds of messages..😜 all my closet proceeds go to funding pediatric trauma research. Your support would mean the world to me 👶👧.. Enjoy and gave fun tonight ☺️ can't wait 😚x Sarah
Apr 27Reply
chantydelauzzz Congrats! 😘
Apr 27Reply
missilaneous Can't wait🎉🎉🎉If you have a moment pls buzz on by my closet and see if there is anything that is GIRLY GIRL worthy👛👛💃🏻💃🏻👠👠
Apr 27Reply
luvsmink @ankalo ...thank you💐💐💐💐💐💐
Apr 27Reply
katiehardy12 Congrats on hosting!! I've already rvsp'd! I'm so excited to shop around and share your listings including all of the lovely host picks! So excited for you! See you there 😊💜🌸🎉🎉
Apr 27Reply
maurensparrow I am obsessed with your GG theme party!!!! Ahhh! I will be there cheering you on ma'am! Can't wait! 💕
Apr 27Reply
ankalo @luvsmink My pleasure! 😆💕💕💕
Apr 27Reply
whirk I'm a new follower and looking forward to seeing your picks tonight! I'd love for you to check my closet if you have time. I follow all PM rules! 😇
Apr 27Reply
jen03199 @s_rosebud congrats!! what a great theme to host!! If you get a chance please check out my closet i have some great items i think will be a perfect fit! Have fun!!
Apr 27Reply
thetrendygal 👠💋Congratulations - It's almost time......Have a fun time hosting! 🌟🍸🌟 Good luck! 🍀 I'll be checking out all the great 🎉Host Picks🎉! If you're looking for a last minute host pick I'd ❤️ it if you looked at my closet ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Apr 27Reply
loveericaaa CONGRATS on hosting! I hope you have a wonderful time tonight! If you have any spare host picks, I would appreciate if you could take a peak at my closet :]
Apr 27Reply
dlzbth ♡♡♡ⓒⓞⓝⓖⓡⓐⓣⓢ♡♡♡ Congrats on hosting! That's super exciting! ⓣⓗⓐⓝⓚⓢ for the tag @astyleaddict ♡ Here are some lovely closets worth checking out♡: @hopeeleighh @neat2repeat @bootas12 @karendaugherty @floralmajesty @astyleaddict @artsunnyh @missmle16 @cottonconfetti ♡ @dlzbth
Apr 27Reply
artsunnyh YAY Congrats on your co-hosting!! :D @dlzbth Thank you so much for tagging me! I'm sharing this with everybody!! <3 See ya all tonight!! :)
Apr 27Reply
cocosverobeach hi there, my name is Ronda and I'm still fairly new to Posh and was wondering if you would please take a quick peek in my closet in hopes that you'd honor me with a Host Pick this evening? I just recently lost my job of 9 years and I'm really hoping that Posh can carry me through this rough time. I would be more grateful then you know... @designerguru2
Apr 27Reply
shopaholicsss . ╔═══.♡.══════════╗ c⃣o⃣n⃣g⃣r⃣a⃣t⃣s⃣ on cohosting tomorrow's p⃣o⃣s⃣h⃣ p⃣a⃣r⃣t⃣y⃣ ♡♡♡ if you have a moment, please check out my closet. i have a few 🎀❡!Իℓყ ❡!Իℓ🎀 worthy picks. i can't wait to see all of your picks tomorrow! - @shopaholicsss ╚══════════.♡.═══╝
Apr 27Reply
cocosverobeach my all time favorite closet, this incredibly talented beautiful passionate person has taken Posh to the next level with a flare of Art unfathomable. Please choose something from her closet for me .. @rmccouture
Apr 27Reply
angieleah Woot woot! It's almost party time🎉🎉🎉I'll definitely be there to cheer for you and share your fabulous host picks with dear Poshers 💐💐💐I'm co hosting my first party on 5/30! Hope to see you there😘😘😘
Apr 27Reply
niftylisa Congrats I love the theme!!! So excited! 🎉🎉❤️💕❤️💋💋🍹🍹 sharing out of all you lovely ladies closets!! I'll be here ready to shop!! 📣📣🙏🏼 please take a look in my posh compliant closet for his touch ideas!! It would be an honor since I'm a girly girl!! 💜💜💋💜
Apr 27Reply
zulumama Congrats on hosting! 😊 I've hosted only once before and it was the most exciting thing ever!! So happy for you! I'll be there at your party! Please consider me as a host pick if you still have room, I'm moving this week and any exposure might help me make a little extra for the move! I'm posh compliant and a suggested user. Thank you so much! Good luck and I hope you make many sales as well!! Happy Poshing!
Apr 27Reply
poshglamgirl Congrats on hosting.🎉🎉🎉 plz take a peek in my closet for a fab host pics, thx!🎉😊
Apr 27Reply
jenevarose Congrats on hosting! Can't wait to party🍍🍍🍍! I'd ❤️ it if you took a 👀 at my 👗👠👙 closet for a possible host pick🙋🏼! Thanks 💖
Apr 27Reply
misslee85 @s_rosebud Congrats on being a host!!!!! I would love for my Loubs to be considered for a host pick. They are super girly there!
Apr 27Reply
lovelymey IT'S HERE, JENNIE! 😱😱😱 2 MORE HOURS TO GO!! Can't wait for your party to start! 🍻🌸🎉🎁💐🍾🍸 I'll definitely be there to shop and share your fabulous host picks! Have fun! ❤❤❤ If you have any last minute spot for your HP, I'd be so honoured if you could come and visit my new, Posh compliant closet! Thank you 😊
Apr 28Reply
wenrelas_boutiq Congratulations on this amazing opportunity. 🎉 I'm sharing the Posh❤️Love. C 👀 U at this Virtual Posh-Party ️⭕️❌✌️Love from Wenrella. I'LL BE SHARING THIS PARTY ON Instagram, Flicker, Tweet, & Tumbler. #poshparty #poshmark #flicker #tumblr #Tweet #igfashion #wenrellaschronicworld ️
Apr 28Reply
lovelymey Just finished sharing some Posh Love with your closet! You have such a fabulous one! Lots of beautiful items and amazing covers shots! So enjoyable to share! ❤❤❤ If you have any last minute spot for your HP, I'd be so honoured if you could come and visit my new, Posh compliant closet! Thank you 😊
Apr 28Reply
kzirk1 Have fun tonight! Check out my posh compliant closet for some girly girl inspiration and potential host picks!
Apr 28Reply
andim1 Almost time to party👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎊❣🎉
Apr 28Reply
wenrella Is your Instagram name the same as your Poshmark name? I will share your party on my IG and tag U so U can see how many "looks" it gets.
Apr 28Reply
sydneyswagner 💕😄🎉🎉CONGRATS ON HOSTING! I'd love it if you could check out my closet for a host pick! I'm excited to see what you pick tonight🎉😍😄💕!
Apr 28Reply
downsouthshop Congrats on hosting! You're going to have a blast! If you have a second, I would love if you could peek into my closet for a potential host pick!! 😊💕
Apr 28Reply
s_rosebud @wenrella Thank you. My insta is srosebudfashions
Apr 28Reply
thetrendygal 👠💋Congratulations - It's almost time......Have a fun time hosting! 🌟🍸🌟 Good luck! 🍀 I'll be checking out all the great 🎉Host Picks🎉! If you're looking for a last minute host pick I'd ❤️ it if you looked at my closet ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Apr 28Reply
skystrukfashion I agree, NO Gossip, JUST Fashion! Have a fabulous time tonight, I will be there to party, shop and share all of the beautiful item the poshers have to share!
Apr 28Reply
fieldlilies Congrats on hosting tonight!!🎉🎉hope that you get tons of sales!!! 💞💞please take a look at my closet for a HP. I have tons of new spring and summer retail perfect for your party! 💙
Apr 28Reply
valeries c o n g r a t s 🎈We'll b there 2 share, SELLebrate, & shop! @biancarenee
Apr 28Reply
lovelacy Congrats on hosting! If you are still looking for HPs I have a closet full of super girly, lacy things😊
Apr 28Reply
candace011 Thanks for the tag @ankalo! 😊
Apr 28Reply
larochelle have a blast👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉 and see you there! il be there to share your closet♥️
Apr 28Reply
croweart Almost party time!!!! Woot Woot!!! How exciting and CONGRATULATIONS! I will be there shopping, sharing and cheering along with you!!! Would LOVE for you to take a look at my closet for possible host picks! Thanks! Have a blast!
Apr 28Reply
nmurz Congratulations on hosting a ✨✨POSH PARTY✨✨ Please check out my closet for a possible 💗HOST PICK💗 I follow Posh Rules💟
Apr 28Reply
thriftme Hi Jennie! Congrats for hosting! Hope you'd be able to find time and check out my closet for a possible host pick or two 😍 looking through your closet! So fab!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Apr 28Reply
megcarrier Congrats!! :) If you're still looking for HP then I can definitely help you out! I have clean photos and a posh compliant closet! Have fun tonight -- I'll be cheering you on and sharing your host picks!
Apr 28Reply
prettite Please consider me for a possible HP! Looking forward to partying with you tonight!
Apr 28Reply
li152302 Congrats!🌸
Apr 28Reply
stunning_29 @s_rosebud Congratulations again on hosting tonight's awesome party! ❤ the theme ❤ 👍 I'll def be there to support & share ur HP'S & if by chance you have any last minute hp's I'd be so honored if you could take a look at my PCC, thank you so much for your time :) & have a blast! Xo Michele :) 🎉 💕 🎉 💕
Apr 28Reply
emmagwicks Yay girl! So happy for ya! It's going to be a BLAST! I have a party tomorrow night "total trendsetter" I hope to see you there 💕💛🤗
Apr 28Reply
zulumama Countdown! Have fun! ☺️
Apr 28Reply
zulumama Countdown! Have fun! ☺️
Apr 28Reply
lolobai Hey girl! Your closet is AWESOME 🌼🌻🌼🌻🔆🔆🔆and congratulations on hosting the party :) I will be sharing and cheering for sure 😁😁🙌🎉🎊🎉🎊please come check out my closet for a potential host pick ;) I have a lot of newly updated goodies💐🌷🌺🌸thank you so much girl and hope you have a lot of fun tonight, woot woot 🙌❤️❤️❤️
Apr 28Reply
teachposhrepeat Congrats on hosting tonight, lady!!🎉🎉🎉 I hope you're having a fabulous time. I'm thoroughly enjoying all your excellent host picks this evening - you clearly have amazing taste as evidenced by your super chic closet! If you have any more picks, I'd love for you to check out some of the AMAZING listings in mine. Enjoy the rest of the party, and as always, much Posh love! Xo. 🎀💕🎉🎀💕🎉
Apr 28Reply
me3314 Please check out my closet, I would love to be considered as a host pick tonight! Thanks :)
Apr 28Reply
saristo Congrats
Apr 28Reply
rmccouture I hope that you are having a great time cohosting Jennie! WOW! 3RD TIME!!! YOU ROCK! Cohosting is a lot of work, and is also the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. It is a very selfless act, and I want to thank you for ALL the time and effort you have put into your planning. Idk if you asked a PFF to share your closet to the party, so I'm going to share as much of it as I can. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS! ❤️Amanda
Apr 28Reply
needsnwants18 I hope you're having fun hosting! If you're looking for more host picks, please check out my closet, @shopgirlchicago and @principessabtq :-)
Apr 28Reply
jessicahmonique congradulations on hosting your posh party!!!! Your closet is gorgeous! please check out my closet, i would be honored if you considered one of my items for a host pic. thank you for the posh love. xo
Apr 28Reply
shopaholicsss . ╔═════════════╗ ┊  ┊  ┊  ┊ ┊  ┊  ┊  ★ ┊  ┊  ☆ ┊  ★ ☆ 🅟🅐🅡🅣🅨 🅣🅘🅜🅔! hope you're having a blast co-hosting! if you haven't made your way to my closet yet, i would love to be considered for a last minute host pick! i have some 🎀❡!Իℓყ ❡!Իℓ🎀 worthy picks in my closet! ╚═════════════╝
Apr 28Reply
bootas12 Congratulations on being asked to host a Posh Party!!!! @s_rosebud You deserve it with all you give back to Posh. 💕 If you have a chance check out my posh compliant closet and these amazing ones as well. @ericarose1989 @alinasher @inna_lala @kate_elle @jordie92 @jstilly @gigilavie @kaylee0910 @amedack @mo_mento @maddistouffer @chloejoy15 @inaver09 @mkguiles @hopeeleighh @astyleaddict @dlzbth @artsunnyh @epgishe2 @hblecher -Sarah 🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉
Apr 30Reply
akmantia ... 🙌 YAY 🙌 YAY 🙌 YAY 🙌 YAY 🙌 🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍 Congrats on hosting a Posh Party! On your hunt for HOST PICK's, please check out my closet! 👀🔎🚪👀🔎🚪👀🔎🚪👀🔎🚪 👠👚👖👗👞🎒👓👙👔🧤👜🕶 Thank you, Allison @akmantia 😊
May 28Reply

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