Going off PoshMark
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I’m going off Posh Mark because it is not the Posh Mark I first joined. I loved post things and selling things. Sometimes I did really good sometimes somebody would get a real bargain off of me. It seemed personal. Now it seems like a group of low price discount second hand stores. All hustle and gimmicks and telemarketing. My feed is nonstop promotions with cut throat gimmicks and silent auctions. I do not like this new format it has lowered the quality and it now looks like a cut rate thrift shop. I won’t say I won’t be back but I will say I won’t be back to a PoshMark as it is now .🥲

44 others
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Welcome to Poshmark 🌻🌹🌷
May 21Reply

Thank you
May 21Reply

Welcome Mary!!
May 27Reply

Thank you so much , I'm having a great time and making $ome cash too . I love it , thank you again
May 28Reply

@parklandgranny1 Welcome Mary!
May 31Reply

Thank you , it's fun.
May 31Reply

Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! It's definitely addicting! 2 tips : 1 ) Follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. We all try to help one another sell. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you're interested, I belong to a Facebook group of other sellers. We have lessons to help us further our business & support one another. You can go to: www.facebook.com/theposhsociety.tps tell them I sent you!💖
Jun 01Reply

Thank you so much for the advice and the welcome . I am literally trying to clear out closets . We are down sizing but the only thing getting smaller is our living space and storage space {closets} haha. I will be on Poshmark all summer listing it's fun and I can do it from my home office. Thank you again : )
Jun 01Reply

Fabulous Closet!!! You have exquisite taste!! A-1💐
Jun 04Reply

Thank you so much
Jun 04Reply

Hi.Mary & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or visit my closet & I'd be happy to help.
When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it n the FEED. The more the Followers SHARING it the more exposure it gets.
So...the more Followers U have the more POTENTIAL SALES U will get!
More questions? Just ask me.
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for the welcome . I am learning as I go but it has been fun with a few exceptions , but that goes with the territory haha. I am literally trying to clear out my closet and down size . If I have any questions I will be sure to ask, and thank you again.💞
Jun 07Reply

@parklandgranny1 - gorgeous closet ! Lord have mercy😃
Jun 22Reply

Thank you so much.
Jun 22Reply

Hi. You have the best closet!:). Will you be listing anymore Chanel or Gucci flats?
Jun 23Reply

Thank you so much for the compliment, I will be listing items all summer as I go through my closets and probably more shoes .
Jun 23Reply

Thank you for sharing !
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for the like ❣ you have a great closet it too!! Sharing link to my closet
Jul 04Reply

I have discounted all my items for the next 12 hrs. To celebrate the 4th of July. I will be repricing them again tomorrow. Happy 4TH🎉🎆🎇🎊🎉🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉🎊🎉
Jul 04Reply

Beautiful closet!! If you post any more Chanel shoes please tag me @jingle96 I would love to see more! 😍
Jul 05Reply

Thank you so much and if I post anymore Chanel shoes I will tag you.
Jul 05Reply

Hi, I ❤️the Gianni Versace black purse👍but it's reserve. f she won't buy it then wl u tag me pls. Thnx Hun 🌹🙌👍
Jul 14Reply

I'm glad & thnx Hun 🌹🙌👏
Jul 14Reply

so it's $300.? 🌹
Jul 14Reply

Ok Hun I wl b waiting🙌
Jul 14Reply

Pls f u cn bundle for me the 2 eyeglasses (Judith Leiber) thnx🌹
Jul 14Reply

will u accept $320. if u wna sell it to me in 3-4 days? 😅
Jul 14Reply

Beautiful closet!
Jul 18Reply

Classic, stylish and exquisite closet! 😘
Jul 23Reply

Thank you so much.
Jul 23Reply

Thank you so much for following me and sharing my listings! 🎉💕That was so very sweet of you! 😊 Happy Poshing! 🎉🛍👠👗🎁🌸💃
Jul 24Reply

Thank you ,come back any time.
Jul 24Reply

All I can say is WOW!! You have one of the most exquisite offerings I have seen so far on Poshmark❣ Not only are your pictures spot-on, but the items themselves are clearly well-loved and a lot of them don't even look used at all..... so thanks again for following my closet, and you can be sure that I'll continue to follow yours!! Thank you again, and God bless.
Jul 30Reply

Oh my...what a closet! Lovely, sophisticated, and priceless. 👜👛👠🕶😎
Jul 30Reply

Aug 01Reply

You have some very nice things ,nice closet. And your welcome. M
Aug 01Reply

Hi!!! Thanks for sharing my listing, it is greatly appreciated! You have an awesome closet!
Aug 04Reply

You are most welcome.
Aug 04Reply

Beautiful closet Mary! ❤️
Aug 12Reply

Thank you so much. M
Aug 12Reply

@parklandgranny1 You're closet is exquisite! I've looked several times since discovering it! You have fabulous taste. Classic with a fun twist! I bet you're a cool lady!
Aug 16Reply

Haha thank you so much for the compliment. And as far as being cool lets just say, I know how to let my hair down😱😜
Aug 16Reply

Beautiful and impeccable taste! I would have a hard time parting with most of these items. Just gorgeous 💗👗
Aug 17Reply

Your closet is super beautiful.
Aug 25Reply

Welcome Mary! Make sure when replying or talking to someone you tag them by putting the @ symbol before their username. Otherwise, they will not know you responded to them. You have a beautiful closet and exquisite Escada suits! If you have any questions feel free to reach out😊 Happy Poshing!!!🌟❤️
Aug 28Reply

Thank you for the information,as you can tell technology is not my first language haha@eternalibra
Aug 29Reply

Thank you so much. M@sjt4520
Sep 01Reply

Thanks for sharing 🐢
Sep 03Reply

You are welcome. M@turtledove56
Sep 03Reply

Hi Mary! I'm pretty new to this poshmark stuff! Can you explain how you get all your sold listings to the bottom of your page? Mine are all mixed in and the OCD in me can not handle the unorganized mess! Lol!
Oct 18Reply

Hi Danialle, I use my profile post as a marker. I share it with my followers and I start at the bottom and share every item up the page in the order I want them in. I DO NOT share the sold items. When I am done I go back to the menu page and press my listing. The listing will all up date and your sold items will be at the bottom of the page. I hope this is helpful,good luck. M
Oct 18Reply

Sorry, I for got to tag you my answer is above@estellage
Oct 18Reply

Thank you so much! I wasn't sure if there was an easier way than doing each one individually! : )
Oct 19Reply

@parklandgranny1 good luck with your new home/moving. Your closet it's to die wishing I can afford to buy more of your amazing items!!
Oct 20Reply

Thank you so much@sayurinita
Oct 20Reply

Happy Poshing!
Oct 21Reply

Thank you and happy Poshing to you too@pulchritude
Oct 21Reply

Thank you so much@clairessence
Oct 23Reply

Wow! Just discovered your closet! Please tell me you have more to list! Have a great holiday😍
Nov 26Reply

Thank you so much. I am moving so I'll be closing my closet this weekend and I won't be reopening until next Feb. I hopefully will have more things to list then. Thank you again and have a very blessed holiday season.@marion2087
Nov 26Reply

Hope your move goes well. I'll check back in February🚚
Nov 26Reply

Are you selling any more stuff soon?
Mar 09Reply

Yes I will be adding a few things a week starting very soon thank you for your interest @babyxgm
Mar 09Reply

We seem to be from the same era. Lots of Escada, so classy. I was a designer collector & shopoholic, obsessed to have every designer in my closet😂 now, I stopped working, am 55yrs old, my 25 yrs old daughter doesn't have the same taste, time to clean up my closet & share it with the others. That makes me happy too, 😍 love your closet, you did that by yourself? I can't on my own, my daughter still helps me with the pictures 😂 met a lot of nice people at Poshmark 😍
Mar 28Reply

A good way to clear out a closet and make a little extra cash..
Mar 28Reply

Hi Mary. Do you have any LV bags you would want to trade for?
Mar 10Reply

Thanks for the follow. Here's a gift: Here's $25 towards a Getaway stay in a tiny house cabin http://getawaycabin.com/ncPR6 Bring your pet too!
Jul 19Reply

@parklandgranny1 Thank you so much for following my closet. Your closet is beautiful! I studied fashion merchandising in college and have a passion for clothes, shoes, purses, etc. Your closet is a dream to look at. I just wish I'd discovered it sooner, I love the purses that you've sold. Maybe I'll get lucky in the future😊 Thank you again, and happy poshing ❤ Connie
Sep 14Reply

@conniecampos thank you so much . Everything I post are my own personal items , they come from my own closet . I love fashion , clothes , shoes , bags and glasses . I am a bit classical as I love a great fitting suit or dress and I have a passion for bags and shoes . Every item I sell are my own personal items and are gently worn and well taken care of . I thank you for your notice and I hope I list something that you will fall in love with🥰
Sep 14Reply

@parklandgranny1 Wow. Love your style. Wish I was your size! :(
Sep 20Reply

good morning Posher!! thanks for the follow and shares. have a great week!!
Oct 01Reply

@donnafab good morning to you too . Happy Poshing 🥰
Oct 01Reply

@parklandgranny1 😍🖤
Oct 01Reply

@donnafab thank you🥰
Oct 02Reply

Thank you for following me as, in awe, I looked at every item you’ve listed and sold. Not only do you have exquisite taste, but I am extremely envious of your beautiful wardrobe!
Apr 05Reply

@annemarietm thank you 🥰
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 18Reply

I must say how much I like your closet. please take a moment to look at mine and if you like it ,let me know. I also have a YouTube channel called doc at the barn snyder. please check that out too and subscribe. It has been designed to help us all in the resale business. I thank you very much and Happy poshering!
Aug 12Reply

Aug 11Reply

Hi Mary❄️ How are you? I'm Cora wanted to Thank you for following me I really appreciate it. I shared some of your closet as a Thank you. Wishing you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you and yours so richly deserve.
Nov 20Reply

@parklandgranny1 Hello! Could you consider checking out my closet? Feel free to send me an offer on anything! Accepting reasonable offers!
Jan 22Reply
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