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I LOVE seeing WOMEN succeed. Always remember: "Girls Compete with eachother, Women empower one another" Happy Poshing WOMEN! <3
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itselaine @theora AGREEED!!!!
Mar 19Reply
archivald Oh baby girl, I wish I could tell you it will stop, or get better, but I can't because broads are HATERS!!!!! It's called YOU'RE THE HOTNESS!!!!!!! and they're not so much. Just ignore them haters and keep it pushing, and stay you, HOT!!!!!!!! LOL! 😆
Mar 21Reply
theora @archivald Hi beautiful!!!! I haven't heard from you in a while .....and thank you ! you're too sweet...I try my best to ignore the negativity💕
Mar 21Reply
archivald @theora hello my luv, yes I know, I just haven't been doing to well with a lot of things. So just PRAY for me sweet girl. Yes mamaz STAY POSITIVE ALWAYS!!!!!! REMEMBER you're NOT the one who has the problem!!!!!! It's the HATERS!!!! That's their job mama, so stay HOT, and let them do their job, because it's easy to be WACK!!! LOL! Showing my age... LOL! 😆
Mar 21Reply
theora @archivald Lmfaoo yes!! Omg i miss talking to you..You're always so postive😘💕..Always makes my day...And yess i hope all goes well with you! I know it will 😊
Mar 21Reply
theora @iminaya11 Thank you beautiful =**!!
Mar 22Reply
lindseypinsey I live in NY too my love! @theora
Mar 23Reply
theora @lindseyhayzlett Hey beautiful 😄. What borough you're in?
Mar 23Reply
lindseypinsey @theora Manhattan Darling, Garment District. You?
Mar 23Reply
theora @lindseyhayzlett Same but Uptown =) Spanish Harlem <3...Nice to meet you!
Mar 23Reply
lindseypinsey @theora Let me know when you're near... let's get a drink sometime! xo I don't mind going to Spanish Harlem either!
Mar 23Reply
theora @lindseyhayzlett Sounds good beautiful 💕💕I definitely will!!😙
Mar 23Reply
olive101love This is perfect! LOVE LOVE LOVE😍 Couldn't have said it better myself! Get it girl!
Mar 23Reply
theora @olive101love Thank you beautiful !=)))
Mar 23Reply
gs07ddb smh, im with u 100% on that! I just don't get it why anyone can be cruel. That's immature. just last week i had someone comment that one of my items in my closet is sold on amazon...Really?!!! ---Block!
Mar 24Reply
theora @gs07ddb Omg wow! Like i hate unnecessary comments..I dont get why they even waste their time...No Life lmaoo
Mar 24Reply
gs07ddb I know! Que le importa?????
Mar 24Reply
theora @briannesolo 😄😄😘
Mar 30Reply
theora @akd13a LMFAO yes!! Exactly! Thank you beautiful for this you made my night <3
Apr 03Reply
kathymarquez_ Preach 🙌🏻
Apr 10Reply
theora @kathymarquez_ 💕🙌🙌💕😉😙
Apr 10Reply
gold911 AMEN!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌I'm so tired of waking up in the middle of the night because my phone is blowing up with not just sales, but hate message on the daily. Do you mind if I repost this? To keep it in the feed. Some people are beyond pathetic and sick in the head! I don't get it. I would never take the time out of my busy day to comment on someone's item if it's not about business.
Apr 10Reply
gold911 Time is so valuable! Go spend it talking and hanging out with the ppl you love and care about, not random ppl on the internet who can care less about anything you have to say. (Your negative comments: WILL NOT change the items being sold or the price of them)😊Yes, I'm venting, I'm sick of this ppl too! I just got 3 messages at 12:30am about pure stupidity and foolishness! You can only be professional for so long and then the disrespect needs to stop. I have no tolerance for it. Smh
Apr 10Reply
theora @gold911 Girlll i am right with you! And yes you can repost 🙌... and the funny thing is, they always comment late at night knowing we are sleeping no life...and half the time they aren't even selling anything! It's sad that girls take their anger out on strangers...If they saw me in person they wouldn't say Nothing lmao
Apr 10Reply
theora @gold911 so everytime a girl says something stupid...just say "ok Internet Troll" 😅
Apr 10Reply
gold911 Yes girl, half the time their selling $2 hand me downs! 😂This is why I will never get a social media, show my face, or reveal my identity. Women are so jealous hearted and bitter until it's a shame. I take my hat off to all you girls who do, the hate increases much more once they can put a face to you. Smh I just don't trust them. They comment and do all this on my page and I only post shoulder down pics. 😂It's like come on ppl!How pathetic can you possibly be, your hating on a random body.😂
Apr 10Reply
gold911 My block game is so serious! I block ppl on the daily especially on M@cari, the #1 place they like to come for me at. Thanks girl, I'm going to repost and starting tagging these "Internet Trolls" in the comment section, so that they are exposed!
Apr 10Reply
theora @gold911 yeah I had Mec@@ri for literally 9 hours and deleted it...People were dumb...And yeah I feel you on the whole identity thing. ..This is the only social media I have..and I keep it simple with my name and that I'm from New York haha...Strictly business
Apr 10Reply
gold911 Yes, sometimes I want to delete my Mec@ri ,but I have a large following on there and it's where I make the majority of my sales, so I'll be dam if I let someone run me away from my money. So for right now I have to just deal with them and block them. Also question, I know you probably get this question a million times. Lol what do you recommend on Posh to build more sales? It's so much different than Mec@ri and that's were I first start selling.
Apr 10Reply
theora @gold911 Sharing people's items for sure...It's time consuming but definitely worth it...Sharing people's closets who have similar taste in what you're selling...and always being detailed in descriptions...Girls hate asking questions sometimes. ..Also always post a picture of the actual item...Girls want to know where their money is buying...And actively share your items every hour if you could, also time consuming, but that's how I make sales. ..
Apr 10Reply
theora @gold911 And when you do make a sale make sure it's wrapped nicely. ..if you just throw a shirt in a box, 98% probably won't buy again
Apr 10Reply
gold911 I was a fashion major and I work in marketing, so I know the importance of presentation. I have that part down, just have to take the time and be consistent with the sharing like you mentioned. Thanks again for the info! Also, let me know if you ever need merchandise. I could send you stuff. I live by LA Fashion District and have relationships with a lot of showrooms. I go every week for new merch and all of the items/ brands you sell have their showrooms there.
Apr 10Reply
theora @gold911 Omg thank you! Thats so sweet of you...I will definitely let you know=) and good luck in sales doll..I,know youll do great 💕💕
Apr 10Reply
gold911 Yes, of course no prob! There is no need to hate or be greedy. It's enough money out here for US ALL to WIN. 😊 Yes, if your every interested just let me know. Will work out something and figure out a safe and secure way to exchange. My mom actually live in NY. I can get any style online, on ig and fb. I also got to Magic Trade Show in Vegas every year.
Apr 10Reply
marywkariuki ❤️❤️❤️🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Apr 10Reply
ksadog22 True story!
Apr 25Reply
theora @hanmaloney Thank you beautiful!💕💕
Jun 04Reply
mydlen Totally! Love your posts!!
Jun 23Reply
theora @mydlen Thank you beautiful!😘
Jun 23Reply
shopisabels So true! I've certainly had a few instances happen. I really don't understand where it comes from. Would it be okay if I could use this? If not I completely understand I'll take it off :)
Jul 15Reply
theora @shopisabels yeah you can use it 😀😀💕
Jul 15Reply
cityoffashion @theora this is perfect, thanks for sharing! 💕💕🙌🏻
Jul 19Reply
x0lulu Yessssssssss🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Jul 24Reply
theora @katesaintclaire ❤❤❤😃
Aug 22Reply
theora @gloria0228 Thank you beautiful ! Women have to always stick together in positive ways❤💕
Sep 15Reply
camillep92 Yesss😍
Sep 18Reply
chicbomb yess!!
Sep 21Reply
sistercdrew I was just shopping your closet thinking - this girl is amazing. She REALLY has an eye for style and her photos of the clothes are great. Then I saw this post and my heart sank. I am a mother of a 14 year old very insecure girl. I can only dream that one day she will have the confidence to put herself out there in the world. Keep rocking it! Let the haters hate. Cheers to women empowering each other!
Oct 09Reply
theora @sistercdrew thank you beautiful!! And i can totally relate...I was 14 not to long ago and was very insecure! But having a supportive family definitely helped! I know she will be confident and get through this tough world we live in now (this newer generation has it harder than we did,especially with social media) I wish her the best💖💕
Oct 09Reply
shelli03 Love love love ❤️ thissss!!!
Nov 10Reply
theora @shelli03 Thank you beautiful!❤
Nov 10Reply
theora @nadege90210 🙌🙌❤❤
Feb 07Reply
elizabethhul i love your closet so much!!
Feb 09Reply
theora @elizabethhul Thank you so much !!!🙈❤❤
Feb 09Reply
amaraanthony Amen! Love this!💕
Feb 26Reply
theora @amaraanthony thank you!❤🙌
Feb 26Reply
desiignerlove I agree!
Mar 08Reply
alwaysem_ Girl yes AGREED!!! @theora
Mar 13Reply
fashionsavvy00 Love ❤️ this
Mar 30Reply
theora @fashionsavvy00 Thank you!!!💖💖
Mar 30Reply
theora @miaflora Thank you beautiful! I appreciate that💖💖
May 25Reply
rafaelaguerra Wow! You said everything! I am so on this team! 🙏🏼 Girl power 💥👭
Mar 17Reply
stylesbyniya Happy poshing 💕be sure to check out my closet
Dec 03Reply
blingitandmore I agree. Women should empower each other! Congratulations on your success ❤️
Jul 09Reply

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