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Updated 2 days ago
Updated 2 days ago

Offer and percent off chart


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I love offers! Reasonable ones tho. Most people will accept in the green or yellow. Sometimes I will accept into orange. I won't lower something for less than $5 unless bundled. Poshmark takes at 20% or at least $3. Also please ask questions! I will give measurements if needed. Thanks in advance! Feel free to use this chart!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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my_blissful_btq Can I use this?
Apr 13Reply
seakoemm Yeah I don't mind. I got it from someone else but used permission first so should be fine :) @missyyo
Apr 13Reply
my_blissful_btq Thanks. I've been getting real terrible offers😢
Apr 13Reply
seakoemm Oh sorry. I get some too. It can be frustrating but I wouldn't take it too personal. Some ppl are just cheap. I can be too but I just won't buy it if I don't have the money. Haha. At least ur giving some wiggle room. Hang in there! @missyyo
Apr 13Reply
my_blissful_btq Thanks I will lol😊 thanks for all the shares🌸
Apr 13Reply
seakoemm @carels_closet oi vey. That's a crazy discount! Yeah feel free to use it. Someone let me and I feel like every closet needs one 😂
Apr 20Reply
wicked333 @seakoemm do you mind if I use this
May 04Reply
wildkatt07 @seakoemm Do you mind if I use this? It drives me nuts when people offer over 1/2 off...
May 17Reply
seakoemm @yiayia666 @wildkatt07 yeah go for it!! People need to know
May 17Reply
jhbuccino Ohmygosh yes everyone needs to read this chart!! I had someone submit an offer that was 60% lower than the listing price. Why do they think that's ok!? Mind if I use this in my closet? 😊
Aug 01Reply
seakoemm @jhbuccino yeah go ahead I think everyone needs to read this!
Aug 01Reply
jhbuccino Thank you! 😀
Aug 01Reply
cwill0910 Thank you for sharing!
Aug 04Reply
seakoemm @samya58 thank you so much for your likes! Just wanted to say if you ever want to make an offer for a bundle feel free to do so on this post. I can give a pretty good deal on bundles besides the automatic one 😉
Aug 29Reply
thriftinmomma1 May I use this as well. I would really appreciate it.
Sep 05Reply
seakoemm @missgreene of course ☺️
Sep 05Reply
thriftinmomma1 Thanks a million😊
Sep 05Reply
seakoemm @musiclover532 hello! Thanks for your likes! Idk if you're just browsing but I would do your 5 likes for $55. That's over 20% off. Let me know what you think :)
Sep 06Reply
seakoemm @manzi2012 yes I hope it helps!
Sep 19Reply
seakoemm @sjf131 hi saw you made an offer and liked a belt too. Were you interested in just the blouse or both? If you are interested in both feel free to offer a price for both items here, if not just let me know 
Sep 30Reply
sjf131 I'm not sure yet if I want the belt, but I will think about it. For now, just the cute top. Thanks.😊
Sep 30Reply
seakoemm @sjf131 ok no problem! Just wanted to check. Thanks for your business 😃
Sep 30Reply
autumn_21 May I use your chart? I have been getting awful offers lately 😑
Oct 16Reply
seakoemm @autumn_21 yeah go ahead. I know it's bad. People didn't always see it at first so I starting writing to look at my offer chart in my post too 😝
Oct 16Reply
autumn_21 @seakoemm Oh my... but thank you 😊
Oct 16Reply
crysiemonroe Love this can I use?
Oct 17Reply
seakoemm @crysiemonroe yeah feel free :)
Oct 17Reply
noble_elm @seakoemm i need this lol. May i use it?
Oct 24Reply
seakoemm @noble_elm yeah for sure!
Oct 25Reply
noble_elm @seakoemm thank you, you have no idea how much i need this lmao
Oct 25Reply
julz808 Hi there! May I borrow this chart? I've been getting a lot of rude offers lately. Hour something like this may help
Nov 15Reply
seakoemm @julz808 yes of course! Hope it helps. I still get some rude offers but at least then I've made it more clear
Nov 15Reply
julz808 @seakoemm thank you so much. And thank you for sharing. 😊 have a wonderful day
Nov 16Reply
kanoelani80 This is super helpful!! Excellent tool - I only purchase and I hate to lowball 😇
Nov 20Reply
shopjenzcloset Hi, how are you? Love this chart. Do you mind if I use it as well?
Dec 30Reply
seakoemm @shopjenzcloset Hi! Go for it!
Dec 30Reply
shopjenzcloset @seakoemm Thank ya so much!😉
Dec 30Reply
queenoflocs1964 @seakoemm Greetings! This is a very helpful chart to use for a closet. I have received from ridiculous offers. I counter, then don't hear from them again. To that, I just say "Next!" :D May I use your chart in my closet? I would really appreciate it! :)
Feb 07Reply
queenoflocs1964 @seakoemm ... Meant some instead of from...
Feb 07Reply
seakoemm @queenoflocs1964 yeah same for me too! And yes definitely go ahead and use it :)
Feb 07Reply
queenoflocs1964 @seakoemm Many Thanks! Have a great day!!!!
Feb 07Reply
grinandwearit Very awesome post, Thank You. I don't understand other Poshers treating other Poshers like they wouldn't want to be treated themselves. Call me "Old School" but the Golden Rule should Rule! 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩
Feb 13Reply
yourshoper I would also like to use your chart. To be honest I have made offers that were lower than green but did so because for that particular item I was not willing to pay any more esp knowing it might nit fit and I could not return. So I don't always think people are being disrespectful. I was not. This will help me with offers aND in accepting. If there a place on Posh where charts like this is available? Plus how do I put it on my site? Do I juse take a picture? Once again thank you for sharing.
Mar 05Reply
chicnycdeals @yourshoper u can just copy it then post it by selecting the sell option
Mar 07Reply
seakoemm @yourshoper Hey sorry took me so long to respond. Yes you can definitely use it. I got this from another posher with permission. Just take a screenshot and then make your own post from it. Idk if you read the caption but people have different percentages the are comfortable with so I wrote mine underneath it: I also make offers that are not in the green but I just try to think about what if I was the one selling it. :)
Mar 09Reply
yourshoper You are so right. That is why it is such a good ideal. Sorta Like a tip chart. Thanks
Mar 10Reply
genellec Do you mind if I use your reasonable offer chart? I am new here but the last two offers were 50% + off. Am I crazy? One of these Poshers has a full closet too! I appreciate your consideration and Thank you in advance!
Apr 16Reply
seakoemm @genellec ooh yeah that's stinks. Feel free to use it!
Apr 17Reply
genellec @seakoemm Thank you very much!
Apr 17Reply
lizandfound Hi! Just curious, do you feel this has made a difference deterring low-ballers? I know there will always be people who offer absurdly low amounts (😤) but have you noticed any change since this was posted?
May 02Reply
seakoemm @lizandfound Hi sry I totally forgot to write you back! Honestly I'm not really sure. I posted this fairly early on starting on posh. I still get crappy offers but I figure at least I know they aren't ignorant unless they want to be.
May 14Reply
haleigbdobbs Hi! Do you mind if I use this chart? It's super helpful!
May 16Reply
seakoemm @haleigbdobbs no problem! :)
May 16Reply
motherhenalaska I like your chart and information. Your closet is the only one I've seen with this. What is acceptable to one is not necessarily acceptable to another, so this is very helpful so as not to offend. I think I offended a seller a week ago because they did not reply to an offer I made. I had no idea and didn't mean to offend them. All they had to do was counter, but instead lost out on a possible sale because of my unintended offense. Everyone should do as you have done.🙂
Jul 02Reply
seakoemm @motherhenalaska Oh thanks! Yeah someone let me use this from their closet. Im glad people are reading it at least. Lol. Usually I won't outright decline anyway but counter. Maybe the person didn't see your offer in time? Just make sure to use the offer button bc people usually don't negotiate thru comments. Also saw you're interested in a few things. If you bundle everything I can give you my lowest offer :)
Jul 02Reply
motherhenalaska @seakoemm Boy how I wish I could. I shouldn't even be looking now. Thank-you for your offer. 🙂🌼
Jul 02Reply
is222 Mind if I steal this too? I just got my second 50% offer of the day 😡 which unfortunately is better than some offers I've received in the past ($18 for a $60 item?!)
Jul 07Reply
seakoemm @is222 Go for it! Twice in one day is rough 😟
Jul 07Reply
is222 @seakoemm Thanks girl. Happy Poshing!
Jul 07Reply
moongoddess7 Hi love, I put some items in a bundle, would you possibility have a few minutes to let me know what your lowest offer would be? I'm really tight this month but you have some nice items I would love to be able to afford
Jul 09Reply
seakoemm @moongoddess7 Oh thank you! Glad you like them ☺ will send you a offer for the 4 now
Jul 09Reply
moongoddess7 @seakoemm thank you so much love!!
Jul 09Reply
seakoemm @moongoddess7 No - thank you! Btw do you want the pink shirt in the count or no?
Jul 09Reply
moongoddess7 @seakoemm Thank you so much for the extra discount, I really really appreciate it, I'll be back for that blue beautiful dress when I can afford it! xoxoxo
Jul 09Reply
seakoemm @moongoddess7 My pleasure! Especially for someone who is so kind and appreciative. It's refreshing. 😃Plan on sending out your package Tuesday
Jul 09Reply
moongoddess7 @seakoemm Your so sweet, I know what you mean tho by crabby people. Have a great rest of your weekend! xoxoox
Jul 09Reply
seakoemm @kcscloset80 no problem. Go for it!
Jul 11Reply
seakoemm @jallisonalbert Thanks for your offer. Please check out the chart above as a guide 😄
Jul 13Reply
funstuff83 May I use this chart as well?
Jul 17Reply
seakoemm @funstuff83 definitely 😃
Jul 18Reply
seakoemm @nikki2316 thanks so much for the likes! Add your favorites to a bundle and I'll give you my best price :)
Jul 24Reply
cindy59scheit I tried to buy this a while back and it was $3.00. It seemed like it was a done deal, but then it was taken back. Do I really have to pay $25.00 for this ??? 😐
Jul 28Reply
seakoemm @cindy59scheit Hello this post is not for sale. Just a free informative chart. Is this what you were looking to buy?
Jul 28Reply
cindy59scheit @seakoemm yes. But do I feel stupid right now !!! I was wondering why it was taken off my order without any explanation.
Jul 28Reply
seakoemm @cindy59scheit Oh no! Don't feel bad. If you want the chart you can just screenshot it to keep and post it : )
Jul 30Reply
cindy59scheit @seakoemm got it!! Thank you so much 😊
Jul 30Reply
seakoemm @gabbybk for sure! 😃
Aug 26Reply
sirod19 Is it okay if I use this for my closet?
Aug 28Reply
seakoemm @sirod19 yeah go ahead! 😁
Aug 28Reply
mspenny05 Omg I love this!!! May I use this? It grinds my gears to get low balled lol
Aug 31Reply
seakoemm @mspenny05 haha 😆 of course
Aug 31Reply
sandrakaysroom May I steal this image? I've been looking for a nice clear chart like this 😍
Sep 04Reply
seakoemm @sandrakaysroom yeah steal away lol
Sep 04Reply
seakoemm @estu5609 not at all :)
Sep 19Reply
sdrouse2 @seakoemm Hey. Do u mind if I use this?
Oct 11Reply
seakoemm @sdrouse2 no problem :)
Oct 11Reply
sdrouse2 @seakoemm thanks so much!😁
Oct 12Reply
mcruff1 @seakoemm Is it ok if I use the chart? I just got an offer for 50% off asking price. I already list my items with reasonable prices and don't mind working with people but I think this would be a helpful tool.
Oct 29Reply
kaylulu Hello! May I also use this chat as well? This is such a great visual! I appreciate all the comments on this thread. It’s great to know we are all in this together. :)
Nov 03Reply
seakoemm @mcruff1 sry I forgot to respond sooner. Feel free to use it :)
Nov 03Reply
seakoemm @kaylulu yes please do. I just reread them myself. It’s is encouraging to hear from all these lovely ladies!
Nov 03Reply
kaylulu Thank you so much!! ❤️
Nov 03Reply
mcruff1 @seakoemm It's ok...I figured you wouldn't mind and used added it to my closet. Thanks so much!
Nov 03Reply
seakoemm @lilmissy6 wow you go girl! Welcome to posh!
Nov 07Reply
seakoemm @lilmissy6 haha yeah. Well it depends on how much time you have. I suggest to share your whole closet once a day if possible. Also follow and share others. If you can there are some really cool super posher games. I don’t get to do it everyday but they’ve really helped me gain followers. I’ll tag you in one
Nov 07Reply
harleygal143 Would you mind if I use this? I'm pretty new to selling and I'm getting offers that are even below 50% off!
Nov 16Reply
seakoemm @harleygal143 yes girl! Please feel free!
Nov 16Reply
harleygal143 @seakoemm Thank you! I am amazed at how many people will offer $10 no matter what price I have listed! Bless their hearts! LOL
Nov 16Reply
debjoy Great info 😀
Dec 05Reply
jimcherrix Can I use your chart? I had someone offer $35 on a $135 item. Really?! 🤑
Dec 07Reply
seakoemm @barbcherrix what? That is just wrong! Yes please take it lol
Dec 08Reply
jimcherrix @seakoemm Thanks. Next question, how do I get it? 🤔
Dec 08Reply
seakoemm @barbcherrix I would say a screenshot is probably the easiest way and then write your own description of what you feel is reasonable :)
Dec 08Reply
jimtami Hi, This is great! Do you mind if I use it too?
Dec 09Reply
teo_nna How did you make this chart?
Dec 11Reply
laposhboss May I use this chart? $50 shoes were just offered $20 🙄 Lowballs are happening way too often.
Jan 28Reply
seakoemm @lpc112 hello sorry I wont sell anything for less than $5 as you can see this and the reason above. But if you would like the scarf also, I would bundle both pieces for $8
Jan 31Reply
blushing_lotus @seakoemm Thanks for sharing!This is very helpful! 😄 Although I err on the conservative side when I make an offer, this helps me to have some leeway and options! Happy Poshing! 😊💕
Mar 02Reply
seakoemm @lilalovesstyle oh no problem. Thanks for checking it out! Yeah I usually try to be very respectful too. Sometimes I just want to get things out of my house tho. Lol
Mar 02Reply
blushing_lotus @seakoemm This will also be helpful when I start selling, too! 😁🌷
Mar 02Reply
valprincipe I’m going to borrow this too if you don’t mind. I feel like it should be one of the items new posters have to acknowledge viewing before creating an account 😂. xoxox!!!
Mar 05Reply
seakoemm @valprincipe haha yes! Or people shouldn’t be able to offer less than 40% of the asking price. That’s still a lot of leeway
Mar 05Reply
rhyeblove It makes me sad that Active Posh users try to take advantage. :(
Apr 22Reply
krolka I have something listed for $15 & someone just offered me $5! Lol really?
Apr 26Reply
huckleberryrow @seakoemm I would love to share this in my closet and credit/link your closet. SO IMPORTANT, thank you for sharing! 😍
May 09Reply
seakoemm @rhyeblove aw yeah that’s the worst. They should know better
May 09Reply
seakoemm @krolka ugh no no no 😣
May 09Reply
seakoemm @armywife1269 oh yeah that’s fine! I think it’s nice bc recently a buyer thanked me that she would know what’s fair. Made me glad bc I wasn’t sure if ppl looked at it lol
May 09Reply
sosoboho May I use this?
May 22Reply
seakoemm @sosoboho of course doll!
May 22Reply
sosoboho @seakoemm Thank you!
May 22Reply
mheywood12 this is so helpful! thank you!
Jun 11Reply
seakoemm @mheywood12 you’re very welcome
Jun 11Reply
fashion_4u2018 @seakoemm Is it ok if I use this? Thanks.
Jul 20Reply
seakoemm @stylishbeauty4u yes feel free to use it!
Jul 20Reply
ladylucifera Hi, @seakoemm. Can I use this chart please?
Aug 02Reply
seakoemm @ladylucifera yeah feel free!
Aug 02Reply
ab7589 May I use?? These offers I'm getting 🙄
Aug 02Reply
seakoemm @ab7589 for sure!
Aug 02Reply
ab7589 @seakoemm Thank you!!
Aug 02Reply
myjoyfamily Hi! May I use this?
Oct 01Reply
seakoemm @myjoyfamily of course 😊
Oct 01Reply
myjoyfamily @seakoemm Thank you! :)
Oct 01Reply
nicoleclough Ha! I saw this and shared it some people make offers without even looking at the condition of the merchandise , or fees .
Oct 09Reply
myvanityreplay Thank you, this is a really good idea! I just started selling on Posh, I don't think that people realize how expensive it is to ship or how much Posh takes after a sale is made & that's why items are priced accordingly. This is a good point of reference for new sellers like myself
Nov 02Reply
seakoemm @eyesome no problem! Most of us need as much help as we can get 😆
Nov 02Reply
myvanityreplay @seakoemm. Thanks! I am slowly, but surely trying to get the swing of things on here lol.
Nov 02Reply
teachin4s @seakoemm Thank you for making this chart. I found it by doing a web search, but I wanted to give you credit for it. Thanks
Nov 18Reply
seakoemm @teachin4s Oh no problem. Thank you! I actually got it from someone else who said I could use it but don’t remember who lol. I think everyone needs this tho 😆
Nov 18Reply
teachin4s @seakoemm I agree. Everyone needs this in their closet.
Nov 19Reply
wendym198 Look at how many people are saying they are getting really low offers- 50% and lower- that’s really despicable! If there are that many cheap people out there or they don’t have the $$ to be shopping, get the heck off the app. It’s just wrong! People who are that entitled to think they “deserve” to rip u off to benefit themselves..well what comes around goes around!
Dec 16Reply
flamingo5050 Would love to use your chart and your clear & professional description!
Dec 28Reply
seakoemm @flamingo5050 go for it girlfriend!
Dec 28Reply
hiitzsandii Hey do you mind if I use this? It’d help me a lot! 😊
Jan 31Reply
seakoemm @hiitzsandii No of course I don’t mind! I hope it helps :)
Jan 31Reply
elizabethmeech I see you don’t mind if others use this chart but I wanted to make sure to ask! I don’t think people mean to be rude, they just don’t know.
Mar 19Reply
seakoemm @elizabethmeech aw thanks nice of you. I don’t mind at all :)
Mar 19Reply
pauli26 Hi would it be ok if I used this?
Mar 26Reply
donniibrooke @seakoemm do you mind if I use your chart? I've been on Posh for a few years now and lately I've been shocked by the offers I'm receiving. 😢 I'm hoping it's because the buyer is new and they just don't get it. But wouldn't hurt to do some research first. I would never offer 50% less than asking price, but I've had it happen twice within a month. 😳 Thank you.
Mar 26Reply
seakoemm @pauli26 yes, for sure!
Mar 28Reply
seakoemm @donniibrooke I’m sorry it does get frustrating! Im pretty lenient but depends if it’s something I have got a lot of use from, how much I like it, or bought to sell. If it’s real bad sometimes I’d don’t respond. Please go ahead and use the chart. :)
Mar 28Reply
joann_montaque Hi, may I use your chart in my closet? It may give some idea on how to make an offer.
Apr 30Reply
seakoemm @joann_montaque of course. Feel free ☺️
Apr 30Reply
joann_montaque Thanks, just got to figure out how to get it to move over.
Apr 30Reply
bocamom_sales This is a wonderful post. May I use it? I have in my profile that I will accept reasonable offers. Then I get offers 50% off or more. Ugh!
Jul 07Reply
seakoemm @bocamom_sales yes of course!
Jul 07Reply
bocamom_sales @seakoemm thank you so much. I appreciate it. People are offering crazy low prices. Then I feel badly when I decline and it's beginning to take the fun out of Poshing.
Jul 07Reply
seakoemm @bocamom_sales yeah don’t let it stress you out. I mean you can only go shopping if you have the money lol. If something is totally out of my price range I don’t even consider buying it. People should get that. It’s not your fault. And I try to give good deals too. I don’t really think ppl realize how much profit you make unless they are also a seller.
Jul 07Reply
bahamianqueen_ Hi I love your chart, may I post it on my page?
Oct 05Reply
seakoemm @bahamianqueen_ Definitely! Its up for grabs!
Oct 05Reply
bahamianqueen_ @seakoemm Thank you! ☺️
Oct 05Reply
jacquie33294 Hello! I wanted to get your permission to use this chart please? I have been getting some not so considerate offers. Example NWT $35, I was offered $10. I am open to discounts but that is just low! Thank you in advance.😊
Oct 19Reply
seakoemm @jacquie33294 go right ahead. Some of the offers are rough. ESP if it’s NWT!
Oct 22Reply
jacquie33294 @seakoemm Thank you! 😊
Oct 22Reply
seakoemm @2fullcloset go ahead hun ☺️
Dec 29Reply
swimminggirl87 May I use this too? so helpful! 😊
May 22Reply
seakoemm @swimminggirl87 sure! I’m not sure how much it helps but it can’t hurt! Lol
May 26Reply
swimminggirl87 @seakoemm yeah worth a shot. thanks so much!
May 26Reply
armstrongmary This chart is great! I’m going to use it in an attempt to educate lowballers 😂 I hope you don’t mind. Happy selling!
Aug 16Reply

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