VIP group! LIKE for new arrivals and specials!
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VIP group! LIKE for new arrivals and specials!

76 others
like this

Apr 12Reply

@siennaacre hey there girl, thank you for sharing this 💖💖💖 Hope you had a great day!
Apr 12Reply

Thanks Stephanie, you too!
Apr 12Reply

@malibutam Just "Like" this listing to stay in the loop :-)
Apr 14Reply

@houseofapril @azyogini @cheyenne61003 @karlajhamilton @inspiringstyle3 @malibutam @mkg84 @siennaacre @shansfitness Hey amazing VIPs - I added a lot of new listings in my closet today, take a peek! 10% off until 10pm EDT to the VIPS on this list only! Just comment on an item you like and say "VIP me!" and I'll do a price drop just for you! Have an amazing night!
Apr 14Reply

@highheelheath 😄😄😄
Apr 15Reply

@inspiringstyle3 thank you for joining my VIP list! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, I hope you're having a great day! 💖😄💖
Apr 15Reply

@bellabling05 I see you found it :)
Apr 15Reply

@rgrauber here is the VIP listing to "like" 💖😄💖
Apr 16Reply

@juliem200 here is the VIP listing to "Like" 😄💖😄
Apr 16Reply

@pttn111 here is the listing to like 😄😄😄
Apr 18Reply

@jeepzchick here is the listing to 'like' 😄😄😄
Apr 22Reply

@stephsgems Thank you 😊
Apr 22Reply

Fab Friday special just for YOU! 20% off a single item or 30% off bundles of 2 or more until 11:59pm! Just comment on the item(s) you want by saying "VIP me!" and I'll create the discounted listing just for you! New listings added today :-) Happy Friday! @duchessofmalibu @karlajhamilton @bellabling05 @lkblue @inspiringstyle3 @malibutam @mkg84 @siennaacre @1rachlyn @rgrauber @jeepzchick @lelagirl02 @shansfitness @lillysjewelryco
Apr 22Reply

Fab Friday special just for YOU! 20% off a single item or 30% off bundles of 2 or more until 11:59pm! Just comment on the item(s) you want by saying "VIP me!" and I'll create the discounted listing just for you! New listings added today :-) Happy Friday! @houseofapril @azyogini @ansterkowitz @annegirl1 @beaba777 @bjbutcher76 @jonescai @cheyenne61003 @pttn111 @highheelheath @jennlovestoshop
Apr 22Reply

@inspiringstyle3 great let me know if you need help or have questions about anything 😄💖😄
Apr 22Reply

New arrivals listed just now! 20% off 2+ bundles! @houseofapril @azyogini @ansterkowitz @achiamulera @mannerj77 @youngn219 @annegirl1 @beaba777 @bjbutcher76 @breesboutique @jonescai @coros1972 @cheri10 @cheyenne61003 @cboldra @cronutcouture @faithherron @pttn111 @highheelheath @jennlovestoshop
May 07Reply

New arrivals listed just now! 20% off 2+ bundles! @duchessofmalibu @jcfuller2013 @jsmith304 @karlajhamilton @laveycaffee @bellabling05 @amos4395 @kaniaulono @lrgudgell19 @lbraudt @inspiringstyle3 @lorilego @sopherdorph14 @malibutam @mkg84 @siennaacre @1rachlyn @reneels @rgrauber @jeepzchick @lelagirl02 @shansfitness @fatekazuki @tamaracherise @jeannemichelle @lillysjewelryco @glam4me2
May 07Reply

@stephsgems Awesome thank you for letting us know!!!!
May 07Reply

@tropical0xx here is the listing to 'like' 💖😄💖
May 07Reply

May 11Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @cheyenne61003 @houseofapril @azyogini @siennaacre @inspiringstyle3 @shansfitness @karlajhamilton @mkg84
May 11Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @malibutam @1rachlyn @highheelheath @bellabling05 @jennlovestoshop @rgrauber @lillysjewelryco @beaba777
May 11Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @annegirl1 @bjbutcher76 @duchessofmalibu @ansterkowitz @pttn111 @jonescai @lelagirl02 @jeepzchick
May 11Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @cronutcouture @glam4me2 @achiamulera @breesboutique @youngn219 @tamaracherise @fatekazuki @kaniaulono @lorilego
May 11Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @jsmith304 @jeannemichelle @reneels @jcfuller2013 @amos4395 @cboldra @lrgudgell19 @lbraudt @cheri10 @sopherdorph14 @laveycaffee @mannerj77 @tropical0xx @mlh10161 @kascan
May 11Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @sassyheather11 @kenssy2014 @carolannmlang @kayoticmomma @duchessjen
May 11Reply

@isabelrooper here is the listing to like 😄😄😄
May 13Reply

@mom2grandma3 be sure you 'like' this listing, you'll be notified of new items and specials here too 😄😄😄
May 15Reply

TGIF VIP sale in my closet today! New items added! FREE shipping on 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you, minus the shipping cost! @houseofapril @azyogini @adelciello @ansterkowitz @achiamulera @mannerj77 @kenssy2014 @youngn219 @annegirl1 @beaba777 @bjbutcher76 @breesboutique
May 20Reply

TGIF VIP sale in my closet today! New items added! FREE shipping on 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you, minus the shipping cost! @jonescai @carolannmlang @cheri10 @cheyenne61003 @cboldra @cronutcouture @ca_ny @pttn111 @highheelheath @sassyheather11 @isabelrooper @sunnypunch @janet51692 @duchessjen @jennlovestoshop @duchessofmalibu @tropical0xx @jcfuller2013 @jsmith304 @jcfuller2013
May 20Reply

TGIF VIP sale in my closet today! New items added! FREE shipping on 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you, minus the shipping cost! @jsmith304 @wrelentless @karlajhamilton @kascan @kayoticmomma @laveycaffee @bellabling05 @mom2grandma3 @amos4395 @kaniaulono @lrgudgell19 @lbraudt @inspiringstyle3 @lorilego @sopherdorph14
May 20Reply

TGIF VIP sale in my closet today! New items added! FREE shipping on 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you, minus the shipping cost! @mhug2 @mkg84 @siennaacre @mlh10161 @mjs97 @1rachlyn @reneels @rgrauber @jeepzchick @lelagirl02 @shansfitness @smk07jck @fatekazuki @sydneyswagner @tabitha_s @tamaracherise
May 20Reply

TGIF VIP sale in my closet today! New items added! FREE shipping on 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you, minus the shipping cost! @malibutam @jeannemichelle @lillysjewelryco @glam4me2
May 20Reply

@stephsgems Awesome thank you for letting me know! !! I don't get paid until tomorrow but I'm gonna shop anyway because I luv ur closet!!
May 20Reply

I'll have to get there sooner to ur next sale, I just got married and so I missed this one, but I'll be watching 😊
May 20Reply

@jeepzchick I'll offer the same deal to you all weekend 😄😄😄
May 20Reply

@stephsgems Thank you so much!!
May 21Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷 New listings added including the sold out Stars & Stripes Tank! 🇺🇸 VIP special just for you today only! 25% off 2 or more items! Just comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing just for you!
@houseofapril @azyogini @adelciello @ansterkowitz @achiamulera @mannerj77 @kenssy2014 @youngn219 @annegirl1 @beaba777 @bjbutcher76 @breesboutique @jonescai @carolannmlang
Jun 08Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷 New listings added including the sold out Stars & Stripes Tank! 🇺🇸 VIP special just for you today only! 25% off 2 or more items! Just comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing just for you! @cheyenne61003 @cnorris
@cboldra @cronutcouture @ca_ny @francescka @pttn111 @highheelheath @sassyheather11 @sunnypunch @janet51692 @duchessjen @jennlovestoshop @duchessofmalibu @tropical0xx
Jun 08Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷 New listings added including the sold out Stars & Stripes Tank! 🇺🇸 VIP special just for you today only! 25% off 2 or more items! Just comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing just for you!
@jcfuller2013 @jsmith304 @wrelentless @karlajhamilton @pashchukposh @kascan @kayoticmomma @laveycaffee @bellabling05 @amos4395 @kaniaulono @lrgudgell19 @lbraudt @inspiringstyle3 @lorilego
Jun 08Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷 New listings added including the sold out Stars & Stripes Tank! 🇺🇸 VIP special just for you today only! 25% off 2 or more items! Just comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing just for you!
@sopherdorph14 @mkg84 @siennaacre @mlh10161 @melimel413 @mommawjanet @mjs97 @ppedwards @1rachlyn @reneels @rgrauber @jeepzchick @lelagirl02 @shansfitness @smk07jck
Jun 08Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷 New listings added including the sold out Stars & Stripes Tank! 🇺🇸 VIP special just for you today only! 25% off 2 or more items! Just comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing just for you!
@fatekazuki @sydneyswagner @tabitha_s @tamaracherise @malibutam @bribond @jeannemichelle @lillysjewelryco @glam4me2
Jun 08Reply

@txsunflower007 here is my VIP listing to like 💖💖💖
Jun 09Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only until 11:59pm ET! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝
@houseofapril @azyogini @sabella723 @adelciello @achiamulera @mannerj77 @kenssy2014 @youngn219 @annegirl1 @tumblina08 @beaba777 @luvjewelry2 @bjbutcher76 @breesboutique @jonescai @rollingrack
Sep 07Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝 @carolannmlang @cheyenne61003 @cnorris @cboldra @deeb1017 @cronutcouture @ca_ny @francescka @pttn111 @highheelheath @sassyheather11 @jaxlynchristine @sunnypunch @janet51692 @duchessjen @jennlovestoshop @duchessofmalibu
Sep 07Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝@tropical0xx @garrityj87 @jcfuller2013 @jsmith304 @wrelentless @karlajhamilton @pashchukposh @kascan @katspeers @kayoticmomma @kkhitson @laveycaffee @larides1gner @bellabling05 @amos4395 @bribond @kaniaulono @lrgudgell19 @inspiringstyle3
Sep 07Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝@mommawjanet @mjs97 @natashashen @nikks1284 @lorilego @sopherdorph14 @bigbutt1222 @mkg84 @mlh10161 @melimel413 @pbondy @pattyjune8 @1rachlyn @rgrauber @jeepzchick @lelagirl02 @shansfitness @smk07jck @sbuchanan08
Sep 07Reply

🍷It's Wine Wednesday!🍷VIP special today only! 25% off 2+ items! Comment "VIP Me!" on the two listings you like and I'll create a special discounted listing for you! Tag a friend who purchases today and I'll send a special FREE gift in your package! 💝
@fatekazuki @sydneyswagner @tabitha_s @tamaracherise @malibutam @lillysjewelryco @glam4me2
Sep 07Reply

@stephsgems You have the cutest closet, thanks for the invite, I wish I could buy but school time and I have 6 kids so that's alot of school supplies lol, please keep inviting me to VIP,I luv it!!!!
Sep 09Reply

@wonderdoc just 'like' this listing to be added to the VIP list :-)
Sep 17Reply

Your Closet I Have to Say Is Amazing💗🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Sep 29Reply

@vlsavell thank you so much that means a lot to me, I work hard on it. I appreciate you stopping by my closet! If you bundle anything, you'll get the bundle discount + the military discount 😄💖😄
Sep 29Reply
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