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Updated Apr 20
Updated Apr 20

Updated picture of my babies ❤️

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I have not posted a photo of my new Boxer since my other one passed away last May. She just turned a year old and is the sweetest baby (we got her at 8 weeks old ❤️). She helped fill a void and helped my family to heal from losing such a huge part of our lives. Her name is Cara Bella and this is her with my Jack Russell, Annie Grace.
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iamwarrior Adorable pups. My husband and I have 4💕
Apr 21Reply
luvnstuff So cute!!!!
Apr 21Reply
eeburtis You have beautiful children 😊
May 02Reply
pandada Awww they are so cute!!❤️❤️❤️💐
May 04Reply
musiccitymama Sweet pups! Thanks so much for all the shares! Welcome to Poshmark! 😊💙💛
May 09Reply
kreativekristen If you get a chance check out my Pinterest board .... Posh dogs... At blueyedragonart ... Many more great boards too... .Posh on, girlfriend;)
May 23Reply
aulauni Awww too cute!!! Sorry to hear about your loss. Glad to hear that Annie Grace has a new buddy Cara Bella. :-)
Jun 04Reply
epiccloset Cuteness!!! So sorry to hear of your loss - I know that can't be easy 😢
Jun 14Reply
tdgreer @dixiebella64 thx for all the shares. Your pups are soooo cute!
Jun 16Reply
kc1101 Awww, I love your babies! ❤️
Jun 19Reply
karenott50 Awe they r absolutely beautiful ❤️
Jun 23Reply
karenott50 @dixiebella64 I had a Boxer once, I loved her, that was many years ago, I thought my Dixie was a Pit at first, I didn't want her, now I think , what if I had said no, look what I would have missed out on, that would have for sure been my loss.
Jun 23Reply
karenott50 @dixiebella64 I have seen a lot of Black Mouth curs, I'm still not quite convinced she's full blood like they say, but I don't care, she's one of a kind,
Jun 23Reply
melissa2924 @dixiebella64 Your babies are beautiful! I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for the compliments of mine! I always grew up with dogs, but never a boxer. As soon as I moved out and got my own place, I got a boxer named Joe. He was my heart, my entire world. He was sick his entire life and passed at just 8.5 years old. He was fawn. My bf didn't think he could handle the same face as the loss hurt too much, so 6 months later we got Floyd, a brindle. He's our wild child.
Jun 23Reply
melissa2924 @dixiebella He's 4.5 years old and soooooo misbehaved, but he's my mush. We adopted Frankie, a boxer/pit mix when Floyd turned 1. She's a perfect little angel. We saved her from a high kill shelter at only 5 months old. They are my life. Everything I do is for them and I wouldn't have it any other way! Boxers are so much fun. It's so nice to meet someone who shares that feeling!
Jun 23Reply
grace43202 Soooo cute
Jun 24Reply
iamwarrior Precious! We have 4 fur kids who are the loves of our lives💖
Jun 24Reply
frenchie80 How sweet!!💕 Animals are such a blessing!! They will always love you unconditionally!🌷
Jun 27Reply
mouniques Beautiful dogs. :-) :-) :-)
Jun 29Reply
littledarlings1 @dixiebella64 Beautiful! Animal lover here. ❤️❤️
Jun 29Reply
littledarlings1 @dixiebella64 Hi Gina! 🙋🏻🙋🏻. It's funny I was just going to thank you for all your shares...and then I get your beautiful comment. They say you can judge a persons heart the way they treat animals. I know your heart is huge and beautiful and I'm so glad I got to meet you here. I completely understand the pain but I know that I, as well as you gave them THE BEST LIFE EVER, and that is exactly what we are supposed to do. So I try relish I that joyful fact. They are gifts!, ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 29Reply
dixiebella64 @littledarlings1 Darla, I couldn't agree with you more on everything you said! I didn't think I wanted to get another one after our Dixie passed away but, as usual, my sweet hubby knew what I needed. I just hate it when he's right! Haha. Plus, our Jack Russell was missing her as much as we were so we got another Boxer and she brings so much joy to our lives. I tell her all the time that she saved my life. 😊 Lets stay in touch!
Jun 29Reply
dixiebella64 @melissa2924 Hey Melissa, sorry I'm so late in writing back but I did want to reply to what you said about everything you do is for your Boxers. That made me chuckle because when we were looking for our current home, we bought it totally around our dogs needs. Our realtor would just shake her head when we'd turn down some of the most beautiful homes because it didn't fit her needs. Haha. I used to pick at my mother-in-law about her & her dogs and now I'm much worse than her. Haha.
Jun 29Reply
hopefloats1 @dixiebella64 🐾🐶So sweet! 💕🐾
Jun 30Reply
pugmom16 Beautiful babies!
Jul 02Reply
pugmom16 I am overwhelmed thank you so much for your shares! If you have any questions please let me know! Happyness Poshing!
Jul 02Reply
ross1203 Omg!!!! How cutie!!!!
Jul 02Reply
themerrypear Such sweethearts! 🐶🐶
Jul 05Reply
mobile_boutique Such precious babies! Love those sweet faces!🐶🐶
Jul 09Reply
zardiva1 Awww, such beautiful fur sweeties! 😊💕💜💕😘🐾
Jul 09Reply
lafemmelw Awww your dogs are darling. Thank you so much for the nice post. Very sweet of you. Yes I'm starting to love Poshmark. I went to the other one they talk about and didn't feel the love. I have a lot of clothes in suction bags that I need to get out and iron... Thanks again. Have a great day:))))💝💝💝🙋
Jul 09Reply
raninmyheart @dixiebella64 I'm sorry about your loss and I know what u mean we are planning on getting another Boston terrier ours passed away about a year ago and we have decided to start looking for another. I just love dogs they are so sweet and funny. We have a part chihuahua and a blood hound outside and they are a mess!
Jul 16Reply
spottythedot ADORABLE !!!!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jul 26Reply
aishablake 😍😍😍Super adorbs!!!!🐶🐶🐶
Jul 31Reply
kenzie_alexis Hi Gina, nice to meet you! I'm sorry to hear about your loss :/ But your two puppies here are adorable, and look very happy to be a part of your family! 😊
Aug 10Reply
caitsuper Hi Gina! Hope you have a great weekend too😘
Aug 11Reply
laurengent 🤗💕💕💕
Aug 15Reply
bgab @dixiebella64 they are adorable!💗 The hardest part of having pets is losing them 😕.....really does leave a void in the family. But we have to remember the awesome Love and lives we gave them, and cherish all the good memories we have of them😇
Aug 18Reply
nazer95 Love them both. Sorry for your loss they are part of the family🐶
Aug 23Reply
angelsposhfinds Thanks for all the likes! Your dogs are so cute, ❤️😘😘
Sep 01Reply
kate777 Awww❤️😁
Sep 21Reply
carearings I Love Your Fur Baby's! ! ! ! They R Beautiful! ! I HAVE 4 rescue fur baby's here myself! PURE LOVE! And 1 is a white Boxer, Love the Breed! They thought she was blind when she was young. But she's not = )
Sep 25Reply
laskinr @dixiebella64 Adorable 😘❤️😘💙😘❤️
Sep 27Reply
maxiemelt Isn't having a fur baby the most wonderful opportunity. By showing you is unconditional and allows you to learn and grow along with them. So sorry about your loss.
Sep 28Reply
kamikundu Welcome to posh 😘 I accept reasonable offer on my items 💝 Thank you
Sep 29Reply
dotseyqueen This picture of you fur babies is so cute.
Sep 30Reply
mizani7777 Good Afternoon Thanks a million for stopping by. I hope my closet and boutique are pleasing to your palate
Oct 13Reply
mrnblue @dixiebella64 so cute🐾
Oct 14Reply
deege65 So cute!!!!😉
Oct 22Reply
dukejaney They are so cute
Dec 06Reply
cjsilcox Beautiful babies! We lost r doggie of 12 yrs in October. It's like a member of our family passed. We are so greatful we were able to give her a good home n love her so much all those years. Our remaining 2 doggies took a few weeks to adjust to her absence as she was their leader but they have become inseparable sidekicks since. Animals r amazing!
Dec 19Reply
corboy Love your babies ! I follow all doggie mamas.
Jan 08Reply
ses54 Hello! I ran across this boxer picture while surfing & Ofc I HAD to say something! I absolutely LOVE Boxers! We are going on our 3rd one now & in my opinion, you can't have a better dog! Yours are so cute! We had one named Zeus who passed away last year & my heart just broke! I'm so thankful we rescued another one, little Buddy from an abusive home & he's my best friend! So Nice to meet you, I'm Sherry. 😊
Jan 09Reply
jannieshops ❤️ Thanks for sharing. Those are adorable babies!!!! 🤗
Jan 17Reply
peace1253 @dixiebella64 Adorable 😌
Jan 18Reply
itsmecassy95 💕totally Adorbs💕 boxers are the greatest 🐾🐾🐾
Feb 26Reply
croweart OH MY GOSH!!! Your pups are beautiful!! I'm particularly partial to boxers!!! I had to leave my 2 boxer loves in Atlanta this year, and I am just lost without them!!! Just wanted to say hi, and got sidetracked by your babies! lol. Nice to meet you! Lisa
Feb 28Reply
fashiondiva382 Regina, cute pups!! I've got four myself. I like to adopt seniors that people tend to pass up, so I understand your loss. It's not easy. And I appreciate the shares. ☺
Feb 28Reply
dixiebella64 @fashiondiva382 I so admire you for doing that. I mentioned doing either that or fostering older dogs after we lost our other Boxer. My hubby said that he knew we'd give them great lives but after he saw how devastated and depressed I was after losing her, he didn't think he could watch me go through that over and over. We may still do it at some point. I see we live in the same neck of the woods! I'm a Bama transplant but love GA.
Feb 28Reply
fashiondiva382 @dixiebella64 You should!!! The seniors are such great pups. They're more low-key, generally pretty well-behaved and give so much love. It's heartbreaking how often people pass them by for the young pups. It's really rewarding, though tough when they do leave us. But we try to provide an amazing retirement home where they'll be loved and spoiled rotten in their last years. Maybe at least foster and go from there. ☺
Feb 28Reply
fashiondiva382 @dixiebella64 I'm near Conyers. I'm not sure where Baxter is, but same state at least! I'm from Chicago and don't miss it at all, lol!! We went to the Atlanta History Center this weekend. Gorgeous weather. 🌞
Feb 28Reply
dixiebella64 @fashiondiva382 We looked in the Conyers area before we decided on where we currently live...which is the Newnan/Peachtree City area....but when we looked here, it just felt like "home". Well, I've just recently started doing my family tree and discovered that so many of my ancestors are from this area and I have a great great grandfather buried in Newnan! So, guess that's why it felt like home! Ha.
Feb 28Reply
dixiebella64 @fashiondiva382 I'm sure you do NOT miss those freezing Chicago winters! The only time I've been there, it was awful and the wind would literally blow me all over the sidewalk...of course, I didn't weigh but 100 lbs at the time so don't know what I expected in The Windy City!! Hahaha. I loved the city though and want to return in warmer weather. And I definitely haven't given up on the adopt/foster thing. I don't work so I would have lots of time to devote to them.
Feb 28Reply
fashiondiva382 @dixiebella64 That's interesting that you've started learning about your history. ☺ And you're right! I don't miss the cold, ice, and snow in the slightest. 😳❄️⛄️❄️⛄️ I've been here over 20 years now and love it!! 😃
Feb 28Reply
dixiebella64 @croweart Oh Lisa, my heart breaks for you, having to leave your fur babies in Ga! I can't imagine how much that hurt. I took a look at your Meet your Posher page and saw the three dogs. They're beautiful and so are your children. Sorry you had to move away from GA. I'm a transplant from Bama myself but love it here. Not too much difference in AL and GA, honestly. 😊
Feb 28Reply
lisalovesbling So cute! Nice to meet you. 💜
Feb 28Reply
80blueyes Love the pups!❤
Mar 01Reply
tabbytreat Aww hun so sorry for your loss I couldn't imagine life without my boxer baby Diva Monster :( She's white with one blue and brown eye,but turns pink when she wiggles! I'm sure your new addition will fill some of void in their own special way! Boxers that's just what they do!!!!
Mar 02Reply
tabbytreat And I'm sure your other puppy is stoked!
Mar 02Reply
dixiebella64 @tabbytreat Hi Tabitha, it's so nice to meet you. I always enjoy meeting another Boxer lover. Our current Boxer is a mess and she was exactly what we needed to heal because it was not easy losing our other one. I've never seen a Boxer that wasn't loving but God gave her a little extra dose, just for me. All our family needs is a white Boxer as we have all the other colors. You'll have to post a pic of your baby and tag me!
Mar 02Reply
dixiebella64 @jmadami Thank you so much!😊
Mar 02Reply
tabbytreat @dixiebella64 Oh wow I know I would love to have another Boxer a little boy perhaps? If my other half agreed to it I totally would ,I feel Diva just isn't satisfied with the cats lol! And Yes I definitely will tag you when I put some pics of our furbit up! And very nice to meet you too hun;) Blessings to you and your family! !!!
Mar 02Reply
dixiebella64 @lisalovesbling Thanks, Lisa! Nice to meet you too!
Mar 02Reply
dixiebella64 @purplepassion68 Thank you and it's nice to meet you. I don't work so I am with my two fur babies 24/7 and they are naturally spoiled rotten. You have a great closet and I will be checking back often to see what you have. 😊
Mar 02Reply
dixiebella64 @80blueyes Thanks, Lydia!
Mar 02Reply
holidaylady Wow! We lost our Boxer a couple of months ago. He was 14 years old. We are near 70 years young but we don't know if we can handle a puppy. Boxers in our opinion are the Best! Enjoy your dogs! God Bless them and you!!!
Mar 02Reply
sherylpt Hi Regina! I love your beautiful babies! I have four furry babies of my own! Thank you for the like ! 😊 Sheryl
Mar 07Reply
gploposh Ahhh what cuties, I have a boxer that's turner 14 in a couple of months!
Mar 25Reply
dixiebella64 @holidaylady It's so nice to met you. I'm sorry for your loss. It hurts so bad when you lose a furbaby. I didn't think I'd want another one so soon but hubby insisted, he could see that I was so lost without one & it was the best decision for us. I completely understand you being hesitant about getting a puppy, maybe you can rescue one a bit out of the puppy stage? Boxers are such a special breed & always seem to know just what you need. Thanks for reaching out, have a great weekend!
Apr 01Reply
dixiebella64 @sherylpt Hi Sheryl, it's so nice to meet you! My name is Gina. I can't imagine having FOUR fur babies! You are a very brave woman. Ha. But, it just shows that you have a lot of love in your home. ❤ Your closet looks great and I will stop by often. I hope you have a very blessed weekend. 😊
Apr 01Reply
dixiebella64 @gcunn724 Hi there, it's so nice to meet another Boxer lover. Wow, fourteen! ❤ I hope you have many more years with your baby. The Boxer in this photo turned 2 yesterday. She is a mess and since our children are all adults, our world pretty much revolves around our two fur babies. Thanks for saying hello. Have a great weekend! 😊
Apr 01Reply
sherylpt @dixiebella64 Hi Regina! Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes, four fur babies is a handful but I am so blessed to have them in my life!! I adore those little angels 😍 I am happy that you enjoyed my closet! Thank you so much for stopping by ! Have an awesome weekend ! Sheryl
Apr 01Reply
sherylpt I meant to type Gina 😊
Apr 01Reply
gploposh ☺️😊
Apr 02Reply
sandragittleson Beautiful! I understand the pair of losing a fur baby. I lost 3 within a year so painful. Much Love to you all ! 🐾😊❤️
Apr 10Reply
nymo830 They are too cute!
Apr 16Reply
dixiebella64 @sandragittleson Thank you, Sandra. I'm so sorry for the loss of your fur babies! Just rips your heart out😢. Have a great week! 😊
Apr 18Reply
greatnanacloset @dixiebella64 hope you are doing daughter got a baby male boxer for her birthday in Oct. he is gorgeous, yours is as well. I love all animals. You may have seen my gdaughters Great Dane. Oh my goodness I love that big ole boy!!!
Apr 28Reply
cityshoppermom She's beautiful!!
May 14Reply
leili24 Cute dogs, 🌺
May 24Reply
mmcleary i love them!♥️
Jun 07Reply
g1arlock Hello posh lover check out my closet you might find something for that special furry friend in your life
Jun 08Reply
clothesaddict72 They are precious! We have Fur-Babies too and love them like family! ❤️🐾❤️🐾
Jun 27Reply
wlew @dixiebella64 Love your dogs!!
Jun 29Reply
lorigattis Sweet ❤ we have3 miniature chihuahua's that are all like family to us, not sure what me and my husband will do if and when something happens to one of them. Sorry to hear of your loss but I'm so glad you found another baby to fill the void💕💕
Jul 09Reply
lorigattis They are both very beautiful!!
Jul 09Reply
dance_all_nite Cute !!!!
Jul 11Reply
dance_all_nite And sorry for your loss !!
Jul 11Reply
toryshop @dixiebella64 Dearest Regina, I was blessed 2 own a boxer,"Red Dog". My son's boxer, Bcame mine when he re-uped 4 the Army! She was R's several yrs when she developed a huge cyst on her side/ Vet told us it would B only a week or 2/she passed a few days later! That fast! I had her cremated & her ashes & all my other dogs who've crossed"Rainbow Bridge" will B put w mine when God calls me Home! Maybe crazy 2 some/but those that LOVE their fur babies understand. Ur New Baby is a BEAUTY🐶💞@toryshop💞
Jul 14Reply
tamara_hartsook Love boxers have one of our own and have had 5 previous boxers they are the best❤️❤️❤️I also have an Old English Sheepdog who is pretty darn special too. Your new baby is beautiful ❤️
Jul 21Reply
shaynola Picture perfect!
Jul 22Reply
mycelle21 Sweet looking babies! So you have grown kids, me too. I spent 7 years developing MyBeautyIs. It's truly amazing! But I created it for us not the 20 somethings! Read thru my many listings ( photos of myself) and you will know all there is to know! God is good and gave me this gift!
Jul 25Reply
leighkubra Beautiful dogs! I have a 12 year old chihuahua who is my "son". Animals are precious!!!
Sep 08Reply
danadykes Love ❤️!!!!!!!
Sep 12Reply
teayuri Hello there! You have beautiful puppies too 😍💕 yes! Boxers are great dog! He is a sweetheart! You have a wonderful weekend dear 😘🤗
Sep 23Reply
rlynmass I'm so sorry about your loss!😥 Your Jack Russell & new Boxer must keep the family on their toes! They're so adorable! Hope you're having fun on this app!! Thank you very much for all your shares/likes. ☺️💕
Oct 10Reply
lmpurcell So cute! Cant live without them ☺
Oct 15Reply
lecain79 Hi Gina! Your pups are so cute! I swear the only thing that helps after the loss of a fur baby is a new fur baby.
Oct 19Reply
msleslied1 Cara Bella...I love you!❣️. Mine was Lady Bella❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 24Reply
hollyc777 Awww adorable!! My daughter has a Boxer, it’s her baby! He is 5. My aunt in Colorado has bred her Boxers twice & he cane from one of her litters! Great dogs! We have 5 dogs (2 black labs, 2 cocker spaniels & a part Chow part Golden). I have pics on my page too! Life isn’t complete without dogs!
Oct 28Reply
lyndsay_c Hey I can do a bundles on the bras you liked
Oct 31Reply
gaylenknack Awwww!😍 I have a half-boxer. She's a lover too.🤗
Nov 02Reply
puppylove8 Welcome Posher, from the puppylove8@angela vintage/contemporary closet! ;-)
Nov 19Reply
neylaflor Your babies are beautiful!!!
Dec 01Reply
couturewarrior 💕they are family💕
Jan 14Reply
joyce52832 Awe your dogs are so cuteeeee🐶
Jan 16Reply
lexiga Hi Regina! Love your pups 🐶💕 Thanks for liking my handmade copper and sterling silver ring. I can make it any size you need 😘
Jan 21Reply
cornershop_23 Thank you for your like I am open to offers and bundle. If you bundle 3 items you get a 5% discount and a private discount from me. Happy Poshing 🎉❤️
Feb 02Reply
lindsey1022 Hi, ill accept the offer on the jeans, but I don't see a place to accept it? I'll lower the price so be watching to grab them up if i still want please.
Mar 11Reply
jasmine8198 Hey! Thanks for checking out my closet❤ thanks for the like on the talbots denim buttonup! If you are interested I can give it to you for $13 to cover shipping! Let me know if you have any questions💕
Apr 09Reply
margitscloset What a beautiful picture of 2 beautiful dogs. I am glad you added a wonderful new frind to the family . ❤😚
Apr 13Reply
mandygailg LOVE 😍
Apr 23Reply
papermoon40 @dixiebella64 Thank you so much for the shares Regina 😊 Your fur babies are precious 😊💕
Apr 25Reply
pampena Awe. Cute pooches..... I see you just liked one or more of my items, I just wanted to make sure you know of the special I am running, if you bundle 3 or more items from my closet, I will send you a 50% discount off the bundle, or if you just want the item, send me a offer and I will be happy to accept or counter it....Happy Poshing 😊
May 03Reply
hellodarrrling Hello, Regina!🍃🌸😊 I’m Alisia nice to meet you! You have the sweetest babes! They are so BEAUTIFUL! We had a Lab 3 month old for a few days until our complex manager told us he would be too big for our place. It was the saddest day, ever!😔 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing. I really appreciate it. I see you’ve been on PM for awhile. How do you like it?💕
May 05Reply
sofiesboutique Beautiful dogs, thanks for visiting my closet.
May 06Reply
sophiesue516 Beautiful pups. They really do add so much to our lives. ♥️🐶🐶♥️
May 07Reply
sophiesue516 Thanks for sharing my closet. 🙂🙂
May 08Reply
sophiesue516 @dixiebella64 your comments made me smile because i bought my car in order to accommodate my Saint Bernard...ten years later, i did the same thing for my Golden Retriever...guess they bring out our generous natures because they are so appreciative of what we do in their name.
May 08Reply
freedreaming Adorable! Thanks for the likes!!!! 😊
May 11Reply
091207 So Sorry To year about poocher passing away. Looks like You have a lot of LOVE TO GIVE TO YOUR BABY POOCHERS ! Welcome to Poshmark!
May 13Reply
crowegg Awe... you are a Boxer Fan too! Your boxer looks like my Laila ! Cute. Thanks for your bundle - see my offer
May 20Reply
margitscloset Thanks for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing and shopping.
May 21Reply
joalkr They are darling. So sorry for what you’ve been through. I’ve had fur children losses too.
Jun 01Reply
pampena Awe, cute fur babies, I have three pups, I see you just liked one or more of my items, I just wanted to make sure you know of the special I am running, if you bundle 3 or more items from my closet, I will send you a 50% discount off the bundle, or if you just want the item, send me a offer and I will be happy to accept or counter it....Happy Poshing 😊
Jun 04Reply
samantha7696 Bundle your likes for a low offer :)
Jun 09Reply
asawyer72 Thank you so much for your shares! Your fur babies are so adorable!
Jun 21Reply
lovemariac Beautiful dogs. Enjoy all the love!
Jun 21Reply
bayshore3462 We rescued our gorgeous boy Ace about a year ago. He rules our roost for sure!
Jun 28Reply
chastegk My sister had a boxer. Her name was Maggie & she was so gentle and sweet.
Jul 13Reply
poshcrush So precious. They do become such a huge part of our lives. They help us along our daily path and when they leave, take a piec of our heart. I am al ays amazed how when we allow another fur friend into our homes, they rescue us and help us heal. We rescued a little 4 month old, 8 pound mix terrior that friends helped us determine is a miniature Italian Greyhound mix with some terrior. Our rescue kitties helped her to become the sweetheart she is almost 6years now.
Jul 13Reply
dixiebella64 @poshcrush Hi Rhonda, thanks for such sweet comments. I bet your fur baby is adorable, that is a great mix of breeds! Yes, I’m always amazed at how animals can heal a broken heart. My life would be completely different without my dogs. You have a great closet and I will stop by often to browse around. Have a great weekend!
Jul 15Reply
dixiebella64 @chastegk Gina, Boxers are amazing dogs, for sure. By the way, I am loving those pajamas I purchased from you! Have a great day. 😊
Jul 15Reply
chastegk @dixiebella64 🌸Oh I’m so glad! They felt so soft & comfy.
Jul 15Reply
snootymissmooty Cute babies ❤️
Jul 21Reply
carey_anne_1968 Love your fur babies!
Jul 22Reply
wladyslawlovesm ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 23Reply
jesus_loves_us Awe!!! Such cute fur babies 😊❤️
Jul 23Reply
briannam_59 Hello! My name is Brianna! I am having a Sale because I’m trying to clear out my closet to reload it. If you bundle 2+ items together you can save 10% or more! Also, I’m doing a special, bundle a pair of jeans and a shirt you like together for about $50-$60 depending on the listed prices! Thank you so much! And if you buy today.. you get a free gift! Let me know what you think! 🎉😄💓✨
Aug 06Reply
dierks24 Sweet babies;) I have “Hope” my cavalier King Charles who helped give me hope so I can completely relate;)
Aug 11Reply
shopsandys 👒How sweet!👒
Sep 03Reply
angeladgm28 I love boxers!!! My 11 year old boxer passed away last month!! Your boxer is beautiful!!
Sep 04Reply
universalfinds 😍😍❤️💞
Sep 19Reply
sistersclosetgr Cute puppies!!
Oct 05Reply
heidisue608 Awwww, Love your fur babies 🐾♥️♥️♥️
Oct 08Reply
sandradwheeler Awwwww!!! Absolutely adorable! I have pics of my foster pups in my closet. You’ve gotta check out Cassius Clay. He’s the cutest 10 month old brindle boxer mix. With his tail! Sweetest baby! I love your sweet babies!! God bless you!
Oct 15Reply
the_lucky_cat Awwwwwww
Oct 28Reply
mamabear11413 Hi there! I will be closing my closet on 11/17. Please bundle any and all likes and I will discount!
Nov 06Reply
poppypetalsbtq Hi 👋🏼 Gina! I know you’re a Buyer, but I just had to follow you, in case you posted more pics of your Furr Babies & Humans! Love your About Page, I have no idea how I landed in your Closet, but so glad I did! Nice to meet you! My name is Sandy ♥️🐶🐶
Nov 09Reply
ahuot 🐶❤🐶❤
Nov 11Reply
eg416 Adorable! If you ever need help rescuing please let me know!! 💋🐶
Nov 19Reply
alyce4m Cara Bella is beautiful, boxers truly are the best! 💕🐾
Dec 06Reply
pradapurse Omg your fur babies are so cute!
Feb 03Reply
annespark Wonderful furs of joy. I adore mine as well.
Feb 10Reply
kenseth20fan Your Babies Are Beautiful!! Happy Poshing!
Mar 06Reply
themiamigirl Feel free to bundle your PLW tops for a discount (:
Mar 15Reply
danay0626 Fur them
Apr 09Reply
isuzie Thanks for the like 🙏🙏🙏
Apr 28Reply
mslu Beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍
May 09Reply
poshmishmosh Such cute dogs! 🙂
May 18Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success. (Beautiful babies!)
May 20Reply
wwjdgrout Hi I sent an offer through for the bundle. Also I love your boxer, love dog!.
Jun 07Reply
dakota1419 Such cute pups! I have two loved Pit bulls myself😊
Jun 18Reply
grand_corazon They are so cute!!
Jul 04Reply
sparklebeyond Adorable :-)
Jul 05Reply
clothes1234 Sorry for the loss of your fur baby. I have 4 doxies 💕💕 seniors now :(
Jul 08Reply
zailo Hello there if you want to create a bundle with the purses you liked on my page I will give you a good deal on all of them 🌹
Jul 12Reply
desfeli Your fur babies are beautiful!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jul 21Reply
onemorecolor Boxers are great dogs! 💕
Oct 18Reply
resaletflorida They are absolutely beautiful! I have a Jack Russell too, they are so much fun! She is my life🐾🐶
Nov 08Reply
gigi11155 I’m so sorry for your loss!! I think getting another one though especially with all the love we have to give a FURBABY is the best way to heal from the pain and also give another baby love!! I lost my Lil man this year and it hurt so bad I couldn’t breath!! He was a Yorkie rescue and only had one tooth when I got him but I gave him all the love I could!! Just a quick hello and Happy Poshing!!❤️👍😊🐶🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nov 10Reply
ajsontay Such a sweet picture of your fur babies 🥰🐾
Mar 25Reply
gullprint I like your closet
Jul 13Reply
3hotdoxies Beautiful pups 💕 We have 3 Dachshunds that are the center of our life, they definitely keep us hopping. With all 3 children off on their own, with their families, you’re absolutely right, they fill a huge void.
Dec 16Reply
2039blackrock Good morning 🙏 love 💘 your 🐶🐕 puppies happy poshing Ginger
Jan 04Reply
livvylouscloset Hi! Feel free to check out my closet. I have things from babies to kids to women’s to men’s to even home items! Feel free to bundle & send an offer❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 12Reply
shoedip Would love for you to check out my closet! 😊nevertheless, Happy Holidays! 🎄💕
Nov 28Reply
watsonlilmommy @dixiebella64 hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets as well
Aug 20Reply
cutehosiery @dixiebella64 Hey,there. I have to say you did a good job. List and share can get more sales. God bless
Apr 21Reply
bonnyjean06 Hi! I love the pictures of your dogs especially your boxer! We lost our boxer to cancer in 2014, we miss Tanga very much she was a special family member. Also you have a great closet. I Believe you will enjoy buying and selling as much as I do.
Sep 27Reply

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Cusseta, AL
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Last Active: 30 hours ago

Cusseta, AL
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