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Updated Mar 22
Updated Mar 22

I'm a SPOONIE...Look up The Spoon Theory...


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THE SPOON THEORY...A very inspiring story for all people, not just those with life changing, life long journey of rare disease! Look it up...a great short story!
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1splendidlife @macsgal2010 hello fellow spoonie! Some days my spoons seem to run out before I even get out of bed. I know how you feel! You are in my prayers. May your spoons be plentiful! 😀. Lol
May 28Reply
macsgal2010 @whitney237 you also my sister! I'm sorry you know what a spoonie is...oh yes, its like taking a shower...I have to rest when I'm done! Its exhausting just thinking about it! 💖
May 28Reply
1splendidlife @macsgal2010 yes! I have to plan out everything I need to do during the day and space them out so I can get them done. Shower, rest, laundry, rest, eat, rest. Etc. but God is good. I have a wonderful understanding family. 😀
May 28Reply
macsgal2010 @whitney237 same here! Is it A.S. you have if you don't mind me asking????
May 28Reply
1splendidlife @macsgal2010 oh I don't mind at all! No. I have status migranosis (daily chronic severe migraines), and CVID (common variable immune deficiency). Between the two, my energy is zapped. So sorry you are a spoonie but wonderful to meet a sister! 😊
May 28Reply
macsgal2010 @whitney237 yes...I feel bad when I meet someone who knows Spoonies, but its nice to know people who understand! If you'd like, look for me on Facebook. Lucy Staub-Helwig...I would love to chatmore. Need to lay down. Pain doctor up my dosage of pain meds yesterday a good bit. Only for 2 weeks. Having a really bad flare for over a month! Not use to this dosage. Sadly...I'm sure you understand! Please look me up! Have a peaceful night & tomorrow you can explain your disease if that's okay! 💖
May 28Reply
1splendidlife @macsgal2010 so nice to meet you! Sadly I'm not on Facebook. I know, probably the only person in America, but my email is if you ever want to get in touch. Hope you have a restful sleep. 😴☺️
May 28Reply
macsgal2010 @whitney237 I certainly will...Id love to learn is the first step to treatments & a cure I say! 😀Good night dear!
May 28Reply
1splendidlife @macsgal2010 absolutely! Goodnight!
May 28Reply
love_laurenee I am a spoonie too. 20 diagnosed with MS at 19. We gotta keep fighting!
Jul 27Reply
macsgal2010 @love_laurenee Yes darlin'! We can never give up! We are warriors for the next generation! Its very nice to meet you! 😘💖
Jul 27Reply
scarletp @macsgal2010 hi, Sister spoonie!
Aug 01Reply
macsgal2010 @scarletp hello darlin'! I pray you need no spoons today but if you do that its only a few & you have an array of spoons left over! Its wonderful to "meet" you! 💖😘💖😘💖😘 Lucy
Aug 02Reply
scarletp @macsgal2010 it is a pleasure to meet you Beautiful!!! Thank you for one of the best well wishes I have had in a long time. If someone does not have a "rare" or debilitating issue then it is so hard for them to understand that is really is min by min, hr by hr and day by day. I wish you a plethora of spoons every min, hr, and day.
Aug 02Reply
tulle_and_tweed @macsgal2010 Another spoonie!! 💙 I have Crohns and AS. Love that Posh has helped me meet many fellow spoonies! Hope you are feeling well today! One day at a time! 💙💙💙
Aug 19Reply
macsgal2010 @jmwelker5 I dislike we had to meet under these circumstances but, I'm very happy that we have met! I have met so many wonderful people through A.S. I pray you are not going through all the things I've . But I also have RA, Osteo, & one other...I cant think of the name of the other right now! My immune system has even given me Immune Hepatitis. Because my body gave it to me, I can't give it to anyone else. I pray you are doing so much better me! 💖😘💖😘
Aug 19Reply
butterflyrae @macsgal2010 God bless you, I am a former nurse, I know what you suffer with. You are a warrior. I also suffer since my second pregnancy from Severe Fibromyalgia, ME, CFS, RA, Hoshimoto's, Leaky Gut, and Anemia. People don't understand , but if you ever need anything, please lmk. I lost a lot of friends when I got sick. You realize who your real friends are♥️♥️♥️🌸🌸xoxoxo
Sep 08Reply
macsgal2010 @butterflyrae thank you so much! A.S. is only where it all starts. I only pray that one day soon, the medical community will make the public more aware of this devastating disease that has so many 'sub diseases'. How this disease is different in every person. With no treatment no cure...sometimes it feels like no hope! I will keep you in my prayers my friend.
Sep 09Reply
macsgal2010 @butterflyrae If you'd like to be friends on facebook so when either of us need we can talk more privately, Lucy Staub-Helwig, please friend request me. More than half of my friends are part of my A.S. family around the world. May you always have your pain as a memory...may you never feel the pain we feel ever again. Much love & many hugs my new friend! 💖
Sep 09Reply
fairytradepost the spoonie story has made it better for me to describe how my days are to people! I wish you better days beautiful!
Sep 24Reply
nia1113 @macsgal2010 Thank you for taking the time, as well as being brave and open enough to share this with your Posh Sisters / Misters....Not everyone can always relate , so it's always a good thing when we can connect with those who do relate. @butterflyrae sorry to be nosy, didn't know that you also have Fibromyalgia (me, too)... Head up, smile on face and we do the best we can💕💋💕 luv always,Nia XOXOXO
Nov 01Reply
flutter_buys Unfortunately, I too am a spoonie. Gentle hugs my new friend. If you ever want to talk, just tag me. Or if you aren't well one day, then tag me and I'll share for you!! 😃💕
Jan 01Reply
macsgal2010 @dalianaaa I want to say it's called Coconut butter is what I've heard. They say it helps with scars, stretch marks, etc... I used a stick of it years ago right after I had surgery on my hand & wrist...I still can barely see the scar. I hope this helps. Lucy 💙💚❤️🦋
May 04Reply
pammy02 Hi, Lucy! I just came across your closet and wanted to let you know that I’m a Spoonie too 💜sending healing hugs your way!! 💐
Sep 15Reply

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