~BeautifulAme ~ SOLD
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Hello everyone I'm Rachel and I'm in love with PMI worked in the Fashion Industry for almost 20 years and now Posh has become a place for me to work, have fun, meet amazing people and of course shop! ☺️This past year has been amazing! I've launched my website Started and became a SU and 5 Time Party Co-Host. Please have a look at my closet and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I'm always here to help! Happy Poshing!!

358 others
like this

Hi Rachel! Nice to meet you. :)
May 27Reply

@chickikay hi Dawn! 💜💗 Its nice to be able to put a face to a name 😊 #PFF✨
May 27Reply

So true PFF! :D
May 27Reply

May 31Reply

@mrsalfonso wow congratulations on your website that's awesome!! I absolutely love your closet and like so many things for myself!!😍🎀⭐️🛍
Jun 01Reply

@angelaenigro Aww thank you so much!! I've put a lot of love into it. Trying to make it better everyday :))
Jun 01Reply

Just ß your name in one if the SHARES and started looking at your closet. Oh HOW I MISS HAVING NICE THINGS LIKE YOUR CLOSET IS FULL OF....😭
Jun 06Reply

@oliviagrace58 I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm happy my closet made you smile 😍😍. We all go through our ups and downs. Unfortunately I don't get to keep the pretty things but it's nice to hold them ☺️☺️ lol stay strong my friend...this too shall pass 💕💕
Jun 06Reply

@liddobree awww thank you!!! ☺️☺️ You're quite stunning if I may say so! 🔥🔥
Jun 06Reply

@oliviagrace58 I'm sorry to hear that happened to you . Stay strong my friend! 💪
Jun 09Reply

Hi PFF! Just want to thank you for inspiring me to try shopify and start my online business, Matahum Gifts. 😘😘😘I'm selling through my FB page coz can't afford the monthly fee yet. 😁
Jun 09Reply

@chickikay wow I'm so excited for you!!! Look me up on Facebook and I'll definitely share 💗💗 If you need any tips or advice I'm here for you. It took me months and many many many hours to set up my website. Really wish I had someone to ask questions. So please don't hesitate to ask 😘😘
Jun 09Reply

Thank you for offering your expertise and assistance . I will certainly reach out . 😊 I have tried applying for summer job in retail shops here but no luck yet. So I'm going to focus on PM and my online store. 😄😄😄 I also found and following you on IG.
Jun 09Reply

@chickikay I forgot to tell you the Good news!! Your order is our for deliver to me today and I will ship out tomorrow!!! YAY
Jun 09Reply

Fridayayayay! Can't wait...😁😁😁😳😳😳 I haven't written anything on my blog yet. But I will use the pink dress for my first blog entry. 💃💃💃 have a nice day my friend! 😘
Jun 09Reply

@chickikay oh my gosh you are too cute!! I feel honored ☺️☺️☺️ thank you!!!💕💕💕
Jun 09Reply

Hi Rachel nice to meet you, you have a beautiful closet. Beautiful dresses, love sharing your closet each day have a great weekend :)
Jun 10Reply

@sweetbb14 oh my gosh ☺️☺️ your name truly suits you. Thank was the sweetest thing!! 💕💕 I absolutely adore your closet too! 😍😍 you have amazing taste! So nice sharing your closet too! This is exactly why I love PM so much...meeting friends like you! 🌸✨ Have a wonderful day doll. I'll see you tomorrow 🤗🤗
Jun 10Reply

@georginanatalya Love your story. Beautiful family. Love your doggie! Great closet✨👍🏻😀
Jun 12Reply

@smk07jck Thank you so much!! Loves of my life :))
Jun 12Reply

@mrsalfonso hi FAB closet and thanks for the shares! 😘
Jun 16Reply

@vetteaddict my pleasure doll!! TYVM for the share too!! 🌸✨ Sharing is caring 🤗🤗❤️
Jun 16Reply

@mrsalfonso Hi Rachel love this listing & your closet💕😊👍Happy poshing💐💕💐👡👠🌹🌻😘
Jun 17Reply

@sgo Thanks so much Sue ☺️ if you have any questions please let me know. Always happy to help 🌸✨
Jun 17Reply

I would of followed you on insta, but it doesn't look like you follow back?
Jun 22Reply

@julestreasures I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you referring to my personal IG or Glamvault? Either way I'm working and usually don't check throughout the day as I'm busy. Sorry if I somehow offended you.
Jun 22Reply

Oh no! Not offended at all!!! I ran across a posh post asking to follow you on Instagram. I believe #glamvault. I was just noting more poshers would probably follow if they thought you were following back....Happy Poshing☺️
Jun 22Reply

@julestreasures I do follow back And You never asked to follow me on IG...so I don't understand your comment. If you did follow me I would most definitely do the same.
Jun 22Reply

Maybe I found the wrong person then! I searched by the hashtag so highly possible. I am all about supporting other women. Is there an easier way to find it?
Jun 22Reply

Got it!! Thanks love❣
Jun 22Reply

@julestreasures no it's #glamvault it pulls me up right away. I just followed you so now it will be easy to find me. ☺️Thanks for your support! 💕
Jun 22Reply

@buell08 thank you so all your posh love and support! 🌸✨💗 PFF 💕
Jun 23Reply

Great closet!
Jul 04Reply

Thanks! @glitzylife yours too! This is what I love about share groups. You get to meet so many amazing people and see such beautiful closets! Hope to see you again soon 🌸✨
Jul 04Reply

I spy something thats in your shop on this pic 😍looks great
Jul 08Reply

@herluxee hehe thanks bae! 💕💕
Jul 08Reply

🌷 My name is Shannon and I noticed that you like Milly of New York dresses. I have a beautiful brown and white palm leaf print strapless Milly dress listed and wanted to invite you to checkout my closet and consider following me. I also have Lilly Pulitzer, Tibi, and Trina Turk dresses as well! Happy Friday and Happy Poshing! 🌷
Jul 08Reply

Rachael, you are beautiful! Love your closet! Congrats on your new adventure:)
Jul 09Reply

@brittneyb125 awe Brittney you made me blush ☺️☺️ thanks luv! 💕💕 You're closets beautiful too! Shares definitely coming your way 🌸✨
Jul 09Reply

@mrsalfonso hey love I am looking into Shopify and was curious on how you liked it? Does is seem to have good traffic?
Jul 09Reply

@diwuvbe hi doll! i will be very honest with you. It was one of the hardest things I've done. I spent days and months building my website. It's NOT as easy as it sounds, but if you're willing to put in the work or have the budget to have them build it I highly recommend it. The traffic will not come on it's own either, you need a very strong marketing strategy. I use IG as my main marketing channel. Hope that helps...if you have any questions feel free to ask. xoxo
Jul 09Reply

@mrsalfonso the time part I don't mind. I'm on IG as well but really need to put more time into it building my followers. I really have only been selling since the end of April. In April I had less than 5k followers and I spend so much time on Posh. It's something I'll really have to look into and consider if now is the right time. Thanks so much! 💕
Jul 09Reply

@diwuvbe wow that's amazing you have 5k followers already! that's a great start seriously!! Yes, I will admit it was a full time job creating the site. but once you have it up its so easy to change. Building it is the hard part then its cake.
Jul 09Reply

@mrsalfonso I'm up to almost 22k followers right now, I've really been active since April and was able to get it way up but obviously have a long way to go! Thanks so much for the input. My goal is to have my own website but just not sure if I'm ready for it just yet.
Jul 09Reply

@mrsalfonso gorgeous doll 😘 are you going to poshfest?!
Jul 09Reply

@jiffyjenny18 Awe you're so sweet thank you :) I wish I was It's just too big of an expense for me right now. I live all the way in Florida and just not the best timing for my family. I'm hoping by next year I'll be able to go! Sounds AMAZING! Have you ever been?
Jul 09Reply

@diwuvbe Holy Moly Girl! Thats incredible! You are way ahead of the curve. Once you're ready for your website you'll have no problem getting traffic. I wish I had dot it that way first, but you live and learn. When you decide to do it, I'm here to help xoxo
Jul 09Reply

@mrsalfonso no I haven't been! I am thinking about going I just need to confirm with a friend it's okay to stay with them! I totally understand the money thing, it's extremely expensive but if I can stay at my friends I'll book it, but I can't even imagine the hotel costs 😳
Jul 09Reply

@jiffyjenny18 oh that would be amazing I hope you get to go! Yea the hotels were outrageous 😳 and I wanted to bring my mom with me so it was just adding way over my budget. I'll have to start saving now for next year lol ☺️ If you get to go you'll have to Facebook me I'd love to see pics!
Jul 09Reply

@mrsalfonso what's your Facebook love? Only problem is I post a lot of political stuff..if you don't care I'll add you 😂😆
Jul 09Reply

@jiffyjenny18 lol you're fine just search for glamvault and i'll come up
Jul 09Reply

@jiffyjenny18 oh i forgot i looked up the app looks awesome! thanks again!
Jul 10Reply

@mrsalfonso yea I've been going at it for sure!! Thanks so much I'm sure I will be asking 😊
Jul 10Reply

@mrsalfonso added you 🙈 I'm glad you like it- get ready to judge me lol
Jul 10Reply

@jiffyjenny18 oh no pls no judgement here! 😘
Jul 10Reply

@jiffyjenny18 Umm Gorgeous!! 😍😍😍
Jul 10Reply

@mrsalfonso you're making me blush 😳😳😳❤️
Jul 10Reply

Awww, such an adorable little furry cutie! 😊💕💜💕😘🐾
Jul 10Reply

@mrsalfonso okay last question(hopefully) what types of payments do you accept on shopify? Looking into it and was hoping for some insight(again😊)
Jul 11Reply

@diwuvbe hey luv email me at my gmail
GlamVaultBoutique more than happy to answer your questions
Jul 11Reply

@dogpacksports hi Sandy! Yes I am #glamvault let me when you follow so I can follow back 💕✨✌🏽️
Jul 16Reply

😍 Love your entire closet!! You have such great eyes for fashion!! I want to buy it all!! 😁
Jul 17Reply

@mrskroll awe Lisa you're so sweet thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ posh love coming your way!!!💗💗💗
Jul 17Reply

@mrsalfonso thank you for all the shares!! 😚 just checked out your website and it's super cute. Do you ship to Canada? I would love to share your site on fb but half my friends live up north. (I'm canadian) Lol.
Jul 17Reply

@mrsalfonso Your closet is Gorgeous my dear!! WOWZA!!💖💖💖
Jul 17Reply

@rnicu00 Awwww you're making me blush! Thank you!! xoxo
Jul 17Reply

@mrsalfonso Rachel, did u go to FIT? Great resume and pics. I will check out ur website soon. I'm running out of speed right now. That's awesome that u have one besides posh.
Jul 19Reply

@sammy yes I did go to FIT I loved it!!! Graduated with a Fashion Merchandise Management degree. Worked in wholesale for many years. Also ran 7 Macy's stores in Florida. So I have both wholesale and retail background. Yes please take a peak. It's a working progress. I had to build it myself so I'm constantly working on it. ☺️
Jul 20Reply

Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! happy Poshing 🐳🍉
Jul 20Reply

@mrsalfonso I want one of every romper! I wish. Last time I sold anything, Altho I can't ship yet, was a month ago to Amanda. I'm doing a bundle for my girl Diane Dierks now. Do u know her? She does shareposhlove . Too much commitment right now. My group kinda works at the individuals pace. We had a blast all year! I always throw in about 5 things just for a few pple. Can you pull up rompers alone or are they under dresses? We have to get more pple! Did u ask Jen, bellanblue?
Jul 20Reply

@mrsalfonso H! Is there some reason you listed yourself again for the share that igclothessaavy setup? Had already done your shares and saw your name again. Just curious ☺️
Jul 21Reply

@nola3707 bc someone sent me a message saying I didn't sign in. I'm out running errands for my mothers birthday so I just logged in and put up my name.
Jul 21Reply

Hi Rachel. Very nice to meet you. I also studied Fashion Buying & Merchandising and worked in the Fashion Industry for 13 years. I'm just starting here the last few weeks and I'm having so much fun. Happy Poshing!!' Susan
Jul 21Reply

@mrsalfonso thanks so much😘love your closet
Jul 24Reply

@tchouseofstyle you're welcome! And Thank you too! xoxo
Jul 24Reply

@mrsalfonso Love your closet!!! 💕💕💕
Jul 25Reply

@dawnmaries Aww thank you so much! So sweet of you xoxo
Jul 25Reply

@guzmand Hi Susan! Nice to meet you too! How funny...we've probably crossed path in the city :)) Welcome to Posh! It's so much fun I've been doing it FT now for a few months and love it! Lml if I can help in any way xo
Jul 25Reply

@bellissimo1 this is me :) thats just my brand model ;)
Aug 04Reply

@mrsalfonso There you are sunshine!! Hi Rachel, It is a pleasure to formally meet you! Love your closet and fun sharing in these groups with you! Have a lovely night, Molly
Aug 04Reply

Hi Rachel 😀! It's an absolute pleasure to follow and share your beautiful closet!! I wish you much success 👏💓😊. Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply

@dogpacksports you're welcome doll! xo
Aug 10Reply

Hi Rachel! I'm Rocksan (double R's are double trouble 😃) just because I saw you in your closet Chrush to check you out love the top you're wearing here too! 😍
Aug 15Reply

First question...is that Becca from the bachelor? She is so beautiful!! Also I am in love with your closet!! I have liked several items to buy for Christmas. Love the style especially the tunic style sressez!! Great closet. 2nd question...why does your closet name sassy Glamvalut but on your posts it show glamvault? Just curious😄
Aug 24Reply

@shabbychic45 hi! Oh my gosh you're so sweet! Thats me in this picture, my aviator is not me she's a model. I'm so happy you like my closet ☺️☺️ that's means the world ❤️❤️ not sure what the sassy part is. But my collection is GlamVault I have my own website where I sell my label as well as posh. Thanks so much for your note!! ❤️❤️
Aug 24Reply

@mrsalfonso my auto correct is crazy. I meant tunic dresses.
Aug 24Reply

@shabbychic45 lol mine does the same thing. It's wrote some really crazy things 😂☺️
Aug 24Reply

Nice to meet you!
Aug 24Reply

@mrsalfonso amazing closet darling, love everything in it ♡♡♡♡♡
Aug 26Reply

@munkmunk4 Thanks Courtney So sweet of you! xo
Aug 26Reply

@camsgirl06 Nice to meet you too doll! :))
Aug 26Reply

@mrsalfonso youre welcome hun!!! 😙😙😙
Aug 26Reply

@ginap7777 no thats a model, she's so pretty right! This is me :))
Aug 29Reply

Oh!! I know her from the Bachelorette, that's why I was asking!! Lol trust me you are prettier! 😘💖
Aug 29Reply

@ginap7777 oh is she really lol i had no idea
Aww thank you that was so sweet! :)) xo
Aug 29Reply

Aug 29Reply

HI honey!!! Looking for something for Hannah! Did u hear the news??? Good news and then not so good news... xoxo @mrsalfonso
Aug 30Reply

@mandapanda83 yes! i messaged you yesterday I was thrilled when i heard your hubby got his job back!! So happy for you!! xoxo
Aug 30Reply

I missed it.. Girl, my feed is crazy! Now we just found out Grey needs surgery.. They have to do surgery on his feet and legs and will be in thigh casts for 6 weeks!!! I'm so scared.. @mrsalfonso
Aug 30Reply

@mandapanda83 oh no poor baby! well think out it as a positive, this might help him...God willing!
Aug 30Reply

Yes! If his PT and myself didn't think he has the capability to one day walk, we wouldn't be doing this. HE WILL WALK! I KNOW this! @mrsalfonso
Aug 30Reply

@mandapanda83 That's right! Keep the faith my luv! He will better before you know it! xoxo
Aug 30Reply

Amen!!! @mrsalfonso
Aug 30Reply

Hello, @glamvault! That was quick. I love it!
Sep 01Reply

@solidthreads Oh my gosh right! lol Thanks so much for you're help! xo
Sep 01Reply

@glamvault Anytime! ❤️
Sep 01Reply

@glamvault Congrats on your name change and website!
Sep 01Reply

@skeeterposh :))) Thanks so much!! xo
Sep 01Reply

@bloginsong Thank you so much! So sweet of you xo
Sep 01Reply

Rachel; Thank You for your kind Note !! I have been looking & looking for just the 'right' little fun 'Cross body/ Wristlet' for my very precious young granddaughter who JUST turned 11 yr's old, who lives on the East Coast/ Main Line Philadelphia Area .... I, meanwhile live in Austin. I love the Blue Kate Spade .... but know? What DO YOU Think these 11-12 year old cute little girls love the most in that area ?💗
Sep 01Reply

@andrealeslie7 Hi Andrea! Oh that's so sweet happy birthday to your granddaughter 🎂✨ I definitely think that Kate Spade would be a great option. It's the perfect size for a young lady ☺️ I also think the Polk dot Kate spade would also be a great choice for her. The girls love the Crossbody bags. The blue one has an adjustable strap too. 💕 Both would make a lovely gift.
Sep 01Reply

Rachel; Thx. so much again !😋 I think Ella would luv the blu tho a bit pricey for an 11 yr. old. Ugh ! I'll need to FedX, 2 ! So, I'll get back in AM. Is Sz. Ok for her? Blessings 4 ~ 2nite💖
Sep 01Reply

@andrealeslie7 you're very welcome. Yes they are a bit pricey, if you bundle you can get the extra discount too which will help. I have some clearance items in my closet that's aren't expensive so you can save more. Please let me know if you need anything else. Happy to help
Sep 01Reply

@andrealeslie7 sorry missed the part about the size. I actually think it's a perfect size for her age. You definitely don't want to get her a big bag. 😊
Sep 01Reply

Love your closet!! Will definitely check out your website too 💕
Sep 11Reply

@rhine15 Thanks Paige! So sweet of you xoxo
Sep 11Reply

@glamvault , Hi there Rachel! You have an amazing closet ❣❣. THANK so much for following me 🌺🌺. Gonna like something for right now so I can get back! Stop by and check out mine too❤️
Sep 17Reply

@jannie56 Hi Janet! Thanks so much for saying hello ;) It's always nice to meet new posters and make new friends. I'll definitely send you some posh love when I revisit your closet. xo
Sep 17Reply

💕Hello @glammajanis your closet is amazing. Thanks for the follow. I am doing my best to start my own website also. Can you give me some advise? POSHMARK has great wholesale items but I am looking for more stuff like what you have like boots and shoes etc. you are my inspiration. I am still learning though
It started as a hobbie, I love doing this and POSHMARK is great I am grateful for them. Thank you in advance 💕
Sep 29Reply

@glamvault Congratulations on your lovely family❤️ & Fabulous Closet 😍!
Sep 30Reply

@glamvault Your Furry Baby is adorable.. .
Oct 01Reply

@jennifernora32 Thank you!!! Baby Beau runs this house! lol He's my baby xox
Oct 01Reply

@glamvault Too cute. Off to bed my love. I'm waxed ..😴
Oct 01Reply

@glamvault Hi! I have a question please. Is it allowed for me to post a listing (not for sale) saying a portion of this month's sales goes to a good cause? (I will be specific in my listing.) Thanks!!
Oct 01Reply

@suzalbertson hi there, I'm not 100% sure. Before doing it, I would just shoot posh support an email, they will always give you the proper guidelines :) I always email them, they're super helpful.
Oct 01Reply

@glamvault Okay, will do! Thank you!
Oct 01Reply

Ahhh ah, first time I looked at your Meet the Posher! You Beautiful One! Gonna give you some Posh Love during Party. Updating my tag list. Lol. Realized some are completely gone or blocked me lol. Later!
Oct 03Reply

@donnaw1 thank you babe!! you're too kind!! You know i'll be given you love later. gotta share these boots xoxoxo
Oct 03Reply

@glamvault I'm not sure I can pull it off. But I love the bodysuit. You look incredible. 😘
Oct 08Reply

@jennifernora32 oh gosh thank you ;) that was my birthday ;)
Oct 08Reply

@glamvault I can't remember Birthday month. I'm a January baby. Garnets got me into the Gem world, I discovered there are over 18 colors. Black. White. OMG. Orange.
Oct 09Reply

@glamvault Good Morning Love🌹. Hope the rains are settling down some it's just so scary to watch and worry for so many people. High Tide and everything combined, praying you're ok. Love. 💕💜💕
Oct 09Reply

I placed an order last week. Could you please message me when I should expect it? I'm going out of town and don't want it delivered while I'm away! Thx!
Oct 10Reply

I absolutely LOVE your closet @glamvault 😍😍😍 I am getting married in Hawaii next month and so many of your pieces would be perfect for the beach. I'll be shopping from you over the next week!
Oct 10Reply

@nicki0401 aww congrats 🎉✨💍👑🎀 🍾 And in Hawaii what a lucky girl! ☺️☺️ that's super sweet of you! Please lmk if I can help you in any way! Questions, suggestions anything you need💕 Yay! Thanks so much for leaving me a message 😘
Oct 10Reply

@glamvault Thx for the follow. I offer discounts, accept reasonable offers and ship promptly, usually within 24 hours. I love swapping so please let me know if you do too. 🤗
Oct 12Reply

@glamvault Hi there. I have a question for you, i am a small boutique owner in CA. I have been looking for boots like your over the knee that go up to a size 11 for months now. I am not a Posh seller nor do I plan on it(plate is too full) would you be okay emailing me the name of the vendor you use?
Oct 15Reply

@glamvault my email is trmaurice@comcast.net I understand if you wouldn't want to, I promise I am not competition 😀 they are just exactly what ive been searching for.
Oct 15Reply

@glamvault Hi GlamDoll. Checking on little bit. Trying to share while I can the moving pictures are making me so sea sick. 🙃🙃.
Oct 21Reply

@jennifernora32 oh Theresa you're just my little angel. They crying has stopped for a moment (holding my breath) thank you so much! love you xo
Oct 21Reply

@glamvault Wonderful. Just cuddle that precious little baby. Ttyl. Love you doll. 😘
Oct 21Reply

Love, love, love your closet ♠️😍🙌🏻
Oct 26Reply

@charliemoe thank you so much 💕💕💕 always nice to hear when someone appreciates your hard work ❤️ please let me know if you ever have any questions or need any help. 🌸✨
Oct 26Reply

@glamvault Hi love. I don't know if I missed it. Lol. Tag me on it ok. Thx
Oct 26Reply

Great website and I love your closet/boutique 💜💚❤️
Oct 28Reply

@777stylist thank you so 💕✨💗I really appreciate that 😊
Oct 28Reply

Love your entire closet Cup Cake! Hope you at least get some likes from my shares. Felt like being overly kind tonight! Enjoy😘💨
Nov 02Reply

@donnaw1 oh my gosh luv!!! That was a luv explosion ✨✨✨✨ thanks babe😘😘
Nov 02Reply

You are indeed Welcome for the Explosion! I'm saving my monies so hard to one day have a boutique closet. Did you start off full boutique or slowly add as you sold? You have fabulous taste in your picks you purchase.
Nov 02Reply

💐💐💐You have my closet crush lol. Items are not for me, but I'm not too old to admire great fashion. Your are awesome. Not to mention, your so appreciative of my shares. Makes me appreciate you and all the shares your able to give still love truly the way we don't keep up on shares. We do when we can. Love to you Darlin❤️
Nov 02Reply

@donnaw1 you're such a sweetheart 💞💞💞 me too super grateful to have a pff like you! 💎💎💎 no tabs just love. I started with stuff from my closet and then started slowly adding in boutique.
Nov 02Reply

I have to ask, was it the best move you could have made? Because, I see huge things coming for PoshMark. I feel it in my heart that this Store Front (Closets). Can become anything we want it to be with the followers. I've had extensive sales training, and I see it. Feel it and just know it.
Nov 02Reply

Hi gorgeous closet! Do u ever have any xl sizes ?? Or get and xl sizes in the items u sell! Ty
Nov 12Reply

@kdarcy1118 hi doll! thanks so much! Yes, I actually have a few things currently in XL. Would you like to me tag you in all the posts? And there are some things I can advise on that would fit xl :)
Nov 12Reply

Shared all that Love because I simply wanted to! We are a Kindred spirit on the sharing Lady Bug!😘💨❤️
Nov 12Reply

@donnaw1 thanks love!!!❤️😘❤️😘 you're just the best!!!! Going back to you closet for more love ✨❤️✨❤️✨
Nov 12Reply

@glamvault yes sure pls do.. ty again ♡♡
Nov 12Reply

Congratulations Rachel! I love your closet - looking forward to following you on your new adventure!
Dec 08Reply

@petitesboutique thank you so much!💕💕 That was very sweet of you! Please let me know if I can help you with anything. Your closets beautiful by the way 😊 xo
Dec 08Reply

@glamvault thanks Rachel! I absolutely will 😊
Dec 08Reply

@glamvault Gorg!!! ❤️ Love your closet!
Dec 08Reply

Easily one of my most favorite closets! You have such great taste!
Dec 09Reply

@goldie2675 oh my gosh thanks so much! You made my day 😊❤️ Please let me know if I can ever help you with anything
Dec 09Reply

Thanks for the share! 😆
Dec 11Reply

@glamvault, thanks for all the shares! Happy poshing!😊
Dec 13Reply

@glamvault 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations Rachel, have a wonderful time hosting!🎉🎉🎉💃🏻🍾🎈🎁
Dec 15Reply

@glamvault Congrats on your party 💕! Wishing you a fabulous time w/ lots of new followers and happy sales! I’m tagging my favorite party-going PC closets w/ lovely HP worthy goodies.
👗@marlabrannan👗@justice10forme👗@lisa0333👗@jennifernicoleb 👗@ankalo👗@niftylisa👗@yfmcclease 👗@fashionmellow 👗@prflorin2002👗@pammysthreads👗@iamwarrior👗@candace011👗 @candymuse 👗@shoppermaj👗@poshswizzle 👗@janimack7 👗@jules1717 👗@kschwartz1961 👗@aldute 👗@dinofinder 👗@treasuresbytrac 👗@style_for_less 👗@poshtessa
Dec 15Reply

@glamvault Hi Rachel 💕 here are some lovely ladies with many wonderful HP worthy items. Enjoy the party! 🌷@kfab333🌷@joyamarino🌷@frannyzfinds🌷@bigapple88🌷@reinem 🌷@vivacouture🌷@mishabomb 🌷@qelegance 🌷@amylynnscloset 🌷@jessica10908 🌷@sac71 🌷@citytoseaside🌷@kathryn80 🌷@jlotopper 🌷@sf_gal 🌷@crystallavery 🌷@dunnlauren6 🌷@archandbow 🌷@becky9157🌷@costumebaldor🌷@romekey🌷@que_bellas 🌷@deege65🌷
Dec 15Reply

@glamvault Yay, It’s party time! Here are some favorite PC closets with many lovey HP worthy items. Enjoy your party ! 🌼 @jen_is_lost🌼@ashjesh 🌼@threads_trends 🌼 🌼@waterwoman 🌼@persuasions 🌼@wlew🌼@kmhicks 🌼@seldenallie 🌼@tangofrancis 🌼@verona2016🌼@ele226 🌼@neicyminnie 🌼@coolmum2🌼@lilmilo
Dec 15Reply

@michiv TY 🌸💕
Dec 15Reply

@glamvault CONGRATULATIONS 🎈🎊🍾🎉 on hosting your Posh party!! I'll be there as well!! And Thank you @michiv Michelle for letting me know!! 😘
Dec 15Reply

Congrats on hosting, Rachel!!! 🎉🎉🎉If you're still looking for HPs, appreciate if you peek in my closet and these lovelies too @crystallavery @sf_gal @deege65 @archandbow @ashjesh @shoppermaj @fashiondiva382 @kemurray333 @creative2 @tropicalmama @jlotopper @justice10forme @lhaag721 @warrior04 @christineclem12 💖Thanks! 💖 Thanks for the mentions, ladies! 💖 Party!
Dec 15Reply

Congratulations on your launch and party hosting! 🌹🎉🎈
Dec 15Reply

@glamvault I'm so sorry I posted to this by mistake! I meant to post on your party listing.😞
Dec 15Reply

Hi, congrats on your party! Please check my closet for awesome bags. Enjoy!
Dec 17Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Dec 17Reply

@glamvault ❄️❄️❄️Congratulations❄️❄️❄️It's almost party time! Best wishes for a wonderful & successful party🌟 If you are still searching for Host Picks, I'd be honored if you checked out my closet😉 I have a Fabulous Coach set that I'd love to have featured👝👜👛Thank you for your time⏱❄️❄️❄️Happy Holidays❄️❄️❄️
Dec 17Reply

Thanks for the love!!! ❤️🌻🙋🏼💜 You are awesome!!! Congrats on your Posh 🌟 success!!! 😘
Dec 19Reply

Very nice closet. Thank you for shares and likes. Let's keep it going PFF!!!!!
Dec 20Reply

@papi_2002 my pleasure! Happy to help & share with my PFFs 😊 Thank you as well! Happy Holidays ✨🎄❣️
Dec 20Reply

@glamvault please if you have any suggestions to help me to become more of a better posher. I would appreciate it. And happy holidays to you and your family as well.
Dec 20Reply

@papi_2002 of course :) the best advice I can give you is share share share. Share your closet and as many poshers are you can. That's what will give you optimum exposure for your closet 😉
Dec 20Reply

@glamvault I was trying to figure out how do you share your whole closet with your followers, Instead of sharing each item individually
Dec 20Reply

@papi_2002 unfortunately you can't. You have to share each item to your followers. Just a lot of hard work and lots of clicks lol Definitely invest in a mouse pad with a wrist support
Dec 20Reply

Thank you so much. I don't mind hard work
Dec 20Reply

@papi_2002 np! Also get into some share groups. Great way to make new PFFs and get your closet seen by more people :)
Dec 20Reply

@glamvault share group. How do I join?
Dec 20Reply

@papi_2002 I'll tag you in a few
Dec 20Reply

Hi! I'm a newbie trying to clean my closet out . Visit my new closet
Dec 22Reply

Thank you for the shares have a happy holiday to you and your family.💜🙋🏼💜🎁🎅🏻🎄🌟🎉🌟
Dec 23Reply

Thank you so much for all of your shares and support!!! You are awesome!!!
😊 sheryl
Dec 23Reply

You have a beautiful closet Rachel!! 😍 Such gorgeous items and pictures. 🌟
Dec 25Reply

@posh_geri thanks so much doll I really appreciate that 💕💕
Dec 25Reply

Rachel!! You are awesome!!! Thank you!!! 😘😘😘
Dec 27Reply

Thanks for the shares! 😆
Dec 31Reply

Thanks so much for the share, Rachel! Love from NY!!
Jan 01Reply

Thanks for following my closet and Happy New Year 😊💕🎊🎉🎊🎉Luv your fur baby 💕🐶
Jan 02Reply

Ty for the share doll💕❤💕❤
Jan 02Reply

@glamvault Happy New Year Rachel! I am stopping to share some Posh luv 💕 if your on Instagram add me Cobblestonecreati0ns I want to increase my networking in 2017 and I would love to include you in it too ! I wish you a healthy, prosperous and joyful new year 💕🦋
Jan 02Reply

@glamvault THANK YOU so much for your continued shares! 😘😊💗
Jan 06Reply

@dalachildress my pleasure luv 💕😊
Jan 06Reply

Hi are you still in NYC? I like the small bag Kate spade for my daughter, I can pick up them.
Jan 08Reply

@elizabeth_nyc87 hi doll, I'm not sorry. I moved 3 years ago. But I'm more than happy to put a bundle together for you. 😊
Jan 08Reply

Gorgeous Closet!!! Swoon!
Jan 10Reply

@mstrini1216 my pleasure luv 💕 happy poshing
Jan 10Reply

@wildmoonstylist aww thank you 💕💕
Jan 10Reply

❤ your closet!! Have a wonderful day!! 😀😘
Jan 10Reply

I am new on here.. So i am still learning. I follow alot of people and quite a bit of people follow me.. I always share and keep sharing! I believe i have a nice closet. Just needs some tips on how to actually sell items!! How do you get your items listed as Host Pick?? And what do you do if someone bundles your items and post an offer and then doesn't message back? Just simple suggestions could help me become successful on PM
Jan 10Reply

Thanks for sharing 💕😊
Jan 11Reply

Hi, you have a beautiful closet. I'm fairly new to Posh and have really enjoyed making new fashionable friends 😊
Jan 12Reply

@glamvault Beautiful closet! Thank You for sharing 😊💕
Jan 15Reply

Hi Rachel, I'm in love with your closet. Your background in fashion is evident & I'm so happy that you have brought your fashion sense to PM so we can Like, Share and purchase from your colest. I look forward to coming back when I can purchase some of your beautiful listings. ☺️ Happy Poshing💟
Jan 15Reply

Okay sorry my math was wrong $119.20 correct?
Jan 15Reply

@mirnaphernandez that's close enough lol would you like me to make the bundle for you? 😊
Jan 15Reply

@glamvault please! Sometimes I find it easier to just pick up the phone.
Jan 15Reply

Hi Rachel, You have a wonderful closet and great photos. I'm in love with the dog picture. I lived in NYC for 15 years before moving to LA. I still keep my place there and come "home" from time to time. Thank you for your shares and Posh love. Much appreciated. Best, Elizabeth
Jan 16Reply

Thank you for the shares and good vibes!! 🤗
Jan 18Reply

Thanks for sharing and Luv your fur baby 💕😊🐶💕💕
Jan 24Reply

@enocharden my pleasure luv 💕💕💕 thanks so much ☺️☺️ me too!! 🐶❤️
Jan 24Reply

Thanks for all the shares!☺️😘
Jan 24Reply

Thank you for the share and happy poshing to you!🌸🙋🏼🌺
Jan 25Reply

Hi Rachel! Nice to meet you. Congratulations on your new website and business. Your closet is gorgeous! Love ❤️ it! 😀
Jan 31Reply

❤ congrats and I hope your journey so far has been full of love a great memories
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for sending the picture but I am gonna pass on that one! 🌺🌸
Feb 01Reply

Love ur closet!! And the beach!! Thank you for shares. I am trying to get my closet off the ground. Have meet so many wonderful ladies here and found some really great items. I will keep sharing ur closet. I wish you great success in 2017!! :)
Feb 01Reply

@wildlife17 thank you so much! Posh is a wonderful community with lots of loving & supporting women :) Happy to share thanks for the shares too :))
Feb 01Reply

@glamvault Hi!! I had a couple of questions if your not too busy.. i just started or listed my first Boutique listing and was wondering if you had any advice? I am a stay at home mom and starting a Boutique on posh seems very fun for me!! Lol i really want to get into it and was wondering if you could change your(mine) posh account name or here? Like to a Boutique name such as your account? Jw.. any advice thank you!!
Feb 01Reply

@miriah2891 hi hun congrats! It's very easy to change your name. Just email posh support and they will do it for you. My best advice is share, share, share. 😊 it's the best way to make friends and get your items shared back. Posh is a wonderful community. I wish you lots of luck and success 💕
Feb 01Reply

@glamvault thank you so much! Ive had great success so far on my personal items cant wait to start selling as a Boutique!! ❤❤🤗
Feb 01Reply

@glamvault Hi Rachel, nice to meet you! Thank you so much for all of your shares! Love your closet! 😘
Feb 04Reply

Hi. Could you please tell me what "CL" means on some of your listings? I'm not sure if it means closed listing.
Feb 04Reply

@danarie1 hi doll it means clearance 😉 if you have any questions please let me know
Feb 04Reply

Thanks! Have a great weekend!😉
Feb 04Reply

Thanks for all the great sharing 💐🌹
Feb 04Reply

Hey Rachel!! Just wanted to say you have an amazing closet i hope mine looks like this one day!! Love absolutely everything! Would you possibly have any tips on a successful boutique I recently started mine up and was wondering if you had any helpful tips! Anyway thanks so much! 💕❤🤗🎀
Feb 07Reply

@tayloradams14 hi hun congrats and thank you! My best advice is share, share, share. 😊 it's the best way to make friends and get your items shared back. Posh is a wonderful community you're going to love it. I wish you lots of luck and success 💕
Feb 07Reply

Thanks for the share! Happy Poshing to you & many many sales...
Feb 07Reply

Thank you for all your shares! You are fabulous! And have an amazing closet!
Feb 08Reply

@chanel_judith aww thanks doll! You do too! 💕💕happy to share 😊
Feb 08Reply

Thank you for all the shares the past few days! Your support is truly appreciated💞
Feb 09Reply

@bethmoos you're very welcome doll 💕💕 happy poshing
Feb 09Reply

💕thanks for sharing💕
Feb 09Reply

Hi Rachel, nice to technologically meet you xo I am Michaela, Mickey <3
Feb 09Reply

Thanks for sharing items from my Closet. I really like your Closet! You have a very unique selection of name brands. I recently found a dress by A'RBOIS. That's it, that's all that is on the dress for fabric content, size, etc. in addition, I cannot find anything anywhere online. I've checked all my usual sources and again, Zip, Nada! If you happen to know anything about A'RBOIS, please let me know. Thanks!
Feb 10Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. ❤️
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for your shares and the posh❤️❤️. It's poshers like you that make this the best retail platform!! 😘 happy Valentine's Day!!
Feb 11Reply

Hi, Rachel. Congrats on your party. Please take a look in my closet. I have lots of beautiful items!
Feb 12Reply

Good morning love! 💕 thanks for all the shares😘
Feb 13Reply

@sweetride on here luv :) it's on my thank you card
Feb 13Reply

@glamvault it shows no 6.5 left though? Or am I wrong?
Feb 13Reply

@sweetride please look on the thank you card
Feb 13Reply

@glamvault ok I'm feeling not so smart right now but all I'm reading is how to exchange them. Can you make a listing just for the 6.5? Otherwise im not understanding. There aren't any on that website. Maybe I should just mail them back unless a new listing can be made?
Feb 13Reply

Ty for the share ❤💕❤💕
Feb 14Reply

Thanks for following my creations 🌹
Feb 14Reply

Hi Rachel 💕💕💕. I wanted to drop a note to thank you for all your shares. I always love visiting your closet. 💕💕💕. Audrey
Feb 14Reply

@survivor128 hi Audrey 💕 my pleasure doll! Always happy to spread some posh love! 💖💖💖
Feb 14Reply

@glamvault thank you so much for reaching out. I just want to warn people that everyone on here is warm and fuzzy . So now I take pictures with there label of every item. 💔
Feb 15Reply

@jkndabx oh it's my pleasure sweetie 💕 I'm always happy to spread some posh love ❤️ ❤️😊😊 I wish you much success 😘😘
Feb 16Reply

Sharing is caring and so thank you. Happy Poshing
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for all the shares. Happy Poshing and best wishes to you 😊🛍💝🌹. Your Posh boutique has lots of pretty items 😍
Feb 18Reply

Thank you, Rachel for sharing my Coach heels!! I'll return the sharing favor👍
Feb 18Reply

Thank you for sharing my things in my closet you're the best
Feb 19Reply

Nice to meet you! Your closet is amazing and very inspiring!😍💁🏼
Feb 19Reply

@linde4747 wow thank you so much ☺️☺️☺️💕💕💕nice to meet you too!
Feb 19Reply

Hi thanks for ur share!!! Check out my closet n follow, thanks again 🤗🤗😻😻🤔🤔😇😇
Feb 19Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Feb 19Reply

Congratulations on your website gorgeous!! I wish you much success!! 🤞🏼 ✨✨
It's one of my dreams to own my Boutique someday! 💜
I love your closet!!
Feb 20Reply

Thank you for being such an excellent sharer all the time!! 💕💕💕💕
Feb 21Reply

@fivetenandahalf my pleasure sweetie 😘😘
Feb 21Reply

@glamvault Hi Rachel 😬Thank you so much for supporting me by sharing my closet!! You shared it more than a few times now and I really appreciate it. Here's a Rose for you because you're beautiful like it🌹
Feb 22Reply

Thank you for the share!!! :)
Feb 23Reply

Thanks 🌹I accept offers 💕
Feb 25Reply

@glamvault Thank you so much for the continual shares 💕💕 you have a great store 😊
Feb 25Reply

@jblachut5 my pleasure sweetie 😊 and thank you so much 💕💕
Feb 25Reply

@glamvault You're welcome! Have a great day 🦋
Feb 25Reply

Thanks so much for all your shares!!!😍😍😍
Feb 26Reply

Congrats on your website it's beautiful just like your closet! ✌️️
Feb 26Reply

@glamvault Hi Rachel! Your closet is awesome!
Feb 26Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing
Feb 27Reply

@alexxbriiskiin hi doll please check out my IG @glamvault 💕
Feb 28Reply

@alexxbriiskiin_ hi doll please check out my IG @glamvault 💕
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for sharing!
Mar 01Reply

Hi, I am buying the stuff on the website, can I still get the same price for the three of them $110?
Mar 01Reply

I am sorry for the inconvenience, I am trying to purchase the stuff and my card gets declined. I used my boyfriend's cart and that somehow got declined too, I spoke with my bank and they don't understand what have happened. Can you pls hold the stuff for me until Thursday?
Mar 01Reply

I have been trying to purchase the dresses but it tells me that I have to contact you in order to do so.
Mar 01Reply

@afroditi82 hi hun, sorry i haven't received any info on my end. I would check your email again :)
Mar 01Reply

@afroditi82 hi hun did you get my message?
Mar 01Reply

Thanks for the share 🎊HAPPY POSHING🎊😄
Mar 01Reply

@carlieelizabeth hi doll you can follow me on IG. The info is above 💕
Mar 01Reply

@glamvault I did and thank you very much for the fast respond. I'be been trying to purchase the dresses every 30 an hour for 2 hours now and it gives me the same message over and over again. I don't know what to do. Shall i start a. Shall I make a new bundle?
Mar 01Reply

@afroditi82 oh no! I would call your bank or credit card. I think they have put a hold on it.
Mar 01Reply

@lenablake hi doll you can follow me on IG here. Please see the post above 💕
Mar 01Reply

@cnhs13584 hi hun please see above for my IG. I offer special discounts on there 💕
Mar 01Reply

@rachael2013 oopsies it's this one ☺️
Mar 01Reply

Hey the my sharing Posh friend!! I am some what new on here.. still learning! I had a buyer purchase one of my cross bracelets this evening.. if you go look on my sales list it's showing sold but when go to my closet it isn't showing sold.. does that mean she cancelled the order?? I didn't won't to ship it if that's the case.. but wasn't notified that she had cancelled... what do you think it means??
Mar 02Reply

@sweetnsimple1 hi hun. If a buyer canceled the order you would automatically get an email from posh saying it's cancelled. 😊
Mar 02Reply

That's what I figured but couldn't figure out why the listing isn't showing sold!!
Mar 02Reply

Thnx much for ur shares....check out the rest of my closet and follow ty 😇😇🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤔🤔🙀🙀
Mar 02Reply

I absolutely adore your boutique, Rachel✨ It's an inspiration 💫 Congrats on opening your new boutique! Happy to have found your closet. ♥️Geri
Mar 02Reply

@apuello oh my gosh!! I just got an email from posh about being selected as your closet crush!! 😊💕☺️💖🤗 Thank you so much!! I'm so honored 💝💝💝💝
Mar 02Reply

@glamvault Just have to thank you for the shares. This will sound corny and cliché, but you ARE an inspiration! I've found your website, and love it (and your closet!) Anyway, thanks again for the shares!
Mar 03Reply

@boutiqueboro oh my gosh you're so very welcome and thank you so much thats super kind of you! Your closet is lovey its my pleasure to share were all here to support one another :)) Happy posting luv! xoxo
Mar 03Reply

Hi pretty lady I truly appreciate you always sharing items in my closet! ❤️🙂
Mar 03Reply

@mrsluna11 hi doll 😊 my pleasure 💕 happy to spread some posh love 💖💖
Mar 03Reply

@glamvault 🌹🌹🌹🌹💋💋⭐️⭐️ Of Course!
Mar 03Reply

@ maddycatherine5 hi doll here you go pls see my post above for my IG page :)
Mar 03Reply

hello, I love your closet... I have my own personal share group, that I share daily would u like to join?
Mar 04Reply

@chupchick hi so sorry I've been meaning to get back to you. Thank you so much I'm flattered ☺️ I'm actually taking a little break from share groups right now. I've just got a lot on my plate. I'll definitely let you know when I'm ready to rejoin 💕💕 thanks again!
Mar 04Reply

Hey there 😘 I'd love to offer free shipping on some items as well- you've been so helpful so far (⭐️thank you!⭐️)- what are the logistics of free shipping/ how do you navigate it? Thanks! 💕
Mar 04Reply

@smcdade32 hi hun! I'm so happy glad to hear that 💕💕 I actually only offer free shipping on my website. But if you want to do it on posh I would suggest making a post for free shipping and ask the buyers to make an offer for $6.5 less and that you'll accept the offer. 😊 hope that helps
Mar 04Reply

@glamvault ah ha! So when I saw it that was in reference to your website 👌🏼 which I visited this morning and joined the mailing list 👍🏼😘 thanks for your help! Appreciate you 💕⭐️💕
Mar 04Reply

@smcdade32 oh my gosh thanks so much! Hope you liked it ☺️ I've been working so hard on it. 💕💕 But yes if you need anything just lmk happy to help 💖
Mar 04Reply

it's easy to see you've put a lot of work into it ;) it's a GREAT site! congrats! xoxo
Mar 04Reply

Hey girl....just wanted to say thanks for all the likes! I keep seeing you pop up on my feed and I SO appreciate it!❤️️
Mar 05Reply

Thank you for always sharing my items! You seem like a very kind person. Many blessings to you.😊
Mar 05Reply

@jessicar316 hi hun sorry thats my best offer. you can follow me on IG for specials
Mar 06Reply

Love your boutique ❤️ thanks for the shares!
Mar 06Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet, I love yours!!
Mar 06Reply

Love your closet! I really appreciate all the shares, too. I'll make sure to share back when I can. Thanks for being such a great Posh friend!
Mar 08Reply

@glamvault Hi there dear! We are already following each other. Does it show u differently? I've been seeing you following most days. Or should I do something different? I love sharing your closet and highly appreciated your regular shared too. Let's keep it going💕💕💕
Mar 08Reply

Thank you, thank you for your shares. I hope you make lots & lots of sales. 🤑 #HappyPoshing
Mar 08Reply

@colleenaw thank you so much sweetie 💖💖💖
Mar 09Reply

Thanks 💕
Mar 10Reply

Thanks for the share!
Mar 13Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my item's!! I greatly appreciate it!! You have a beautiful closet as well! ❤ Heidi
Mar 15Reply

Hi Rachel! You're closet is amazing. You have gorgeous items!! I just started PM a few months ago and don't seem to be having much luck. I'm having sellers remorse over a pink coat and Tiffany necklace I let someone talk me into selling for what I felt was too low. So I'm learning to not fall into that again. I was hoping If and when you have a few moments you might could take a look at my closet and make any suggestions?? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!! 💕💕
Mar 15Reply

@shellyt50 hi sweetie your closet is beautiful, you're not doing anything wrong. It takes a lot of time and dedication to grow your business on posh. When I first started I worked 20 hours a day 7 days a week. I pretty much still do. My suggestion would be to share as much as you can, your closet as well as from the feed. Also going share groups and facebook groups. lots of good advice on there ;) Just keep working hard and it will start paying off xoxo
Mar 15Reply

@glamvault Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate your input. You're a doll. 💕💕
Mar 15Reply

Hi there! I love your boutique!! I am a new Posher and am thinking of starting a boutique since Im running out of stuff to sell. I wondered what advice you would give as far as investing in boutique inventory?
Mar 16Reply

Thank you for all the love and shares❣️❤️😘😍 Still new and trying learn. Xoxo 💖
Mar 17Reply

I came to tell you that you are an awesome sharer and then I found this listing and everyone's praise and realized just HOW awesome of a sharer you are.... lol.... amazing. Thanks for always sharing. You're a rockstar!
Mar 18Reply

@saruhsto hi doll thanks so much for taking the time to send me a message. That was super sweet of you 💕 always a pleasure and happy to share 😊
Mar 18Reply

@glamvault Thanks for the shares. 💝
Mar 19Reply

Love love LOVE your closet!!! Thanks for all the shares 😍🤗✨
Mar 19Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I appreciate it! 😊
Mar 19Reply

So many beautiful things to share!!💕💕love your closet!!
Mar 20Reply

Thank you for the like, I really appreciate it 😍
Mar 20Reply

Hi Rachel❣You have a beautiful boutique closet! I am interested in easing into the market, but I am very selective and I insist on quality. I've found that the few boutique items I've purchased from some sellers are not accurate in terms of size & cut. Can you recommend a wholesale company that you believe is quality & for the most part affordable for customers? Thank you!! 💐💐💐💐
Mar 21Reply

Thank for always sharing my closet 💕💕
Mar 21Reply

You're closet is one of my favorites!!!
Mar 21Reply

@mindywilliamson aww you're so sweet thank you so much! xoxo
Mar 21Reply

@ycbear22 my pleasure doll :)) always happy to share
Mar 21Reply

@mdreis1969 hi doll thanks so much! I agree Quality is extremly important. I'm always happy to help, but I had to work EXTREMELY hard to get my vendors and establish relationshios. It takes time and dedication. What I will tell you is to avoid wish, aliextress and all those other websites, they are junk. Hope that helps and I wish you lots of luck :)
Mar 21Reply

Hey! 😊 I want to thank you for your advice! You're boutique is the best I've ever seen. I will take it slowly. When I pick something, would you mind giving your opinion!
Mar 21Reply

@mdreis1969 my pleasure 💕 and thank you so much for your kind words ☺️ Yes absolutely id be happy to help you with that 💕
Mar 21Reply

Hi, love your closet! Beautiful pieces!
Mar 23Reply

Thanks for sharing Rachel !We accept reasonable offers,
Mar 23Reply

Hi Rachel. You have an amazing closet. I am really enjoying poshing. I now want to posh full-time and I need advice from successful poshers like you. What has been your experience with buying wholesale and selling boutique items? Any advice on growing my followers? How do you go about taking such great pictures of your closet items? Thanks in advance.
Mar 23Reply

@angreen40 hi Angela! Thank you so much for your kind words! 💕😊 I actually get this question almost on a daily basis. I have a lot of info in the comments right above. I will be starting an advice post in my closet very soon for tips & advice for posh to help all my fellow PFFs 💐💕 I will definitely tag you as soon as it's done 🤗
Mar 23Reply

@glamvault Thanks Rachel. I look forward to your wonderful feedback.
Mar 23Reply

@mindywilliamson hi hun, I have some advise above. I'm going to be starting an advice & tips post very soon. I get asked on a daily basis, so it will be a good way to help my fellow poshers 💕😊
Mar 24Reply

@glamvault okay so I do the fancy wrapping, I always throw extra jewelry in and I almost always have gotten a 5 star rating. I'm top 10% according to posh. I have Facebook instegram and twitter, so I'm guessing that you'd say I've only been doing this since January and I'm doing well?
Mar 24Reply

Love, love, love your closet and boutique! Beautiful selection! 💗
Mar 24Reply

Hi there, I invite you to visit my closet for cute fashion and bargain prices on designer and none designer items. Bundle discounts and reasonable offers are available. Tnx Hun 😊💕
Mar 24Reply

Hi! I see you're looking for the black Kate Spade Keira clutch. I have a brand new one with tags, original stuffing and dust bag! Let me know... open to reasonable offers!
Mar 24Reply

@zmac2012 do not spam my listings and advertise your closet! It's against posh policy. You've been blocked and reported
Mar 24Reply

@mindywilliamson hi hun you can always chat with me here. I don't like to chat on the listings. 😉 It's called a share group. Many poshers have all different kinds. I can tag you later in my favorites. 😊
Mar 26Reply

@glamvault yes that's easier to chat here! Xo tag me in them def
Mar 26Reply

@glamvault my mom is seeing if her friends want it and I shared your closet with her and said you're my mentor!!
Mar 26Reply

@mindywilliamson aww that's so sweet 🤗💕
Mar 26Reply

@glamvault yeah she and my dad are well off and she hated I haven't worked really in 3 years since I've been married, she doesn't get commission Only stuff, but I think she's coming around.
Mar 26Reply

Beautiful closet!! Thank you for the share !!! 😊💕💕
Mar 26Reply

Thanks for all the shares I was posting stuff and going to do sharing during the street clothes party but we ended up getting hail the size of baseballs and I went outside to try to collect some and got hit on the head really hard lol. My husband has a wood shop on the garage so we got the BMW in in time, but he didn't have time to get blankets over our jeep which is now destroyed! Thank God for Hail insurance!!! So I'm probably going to share some street stuff and go to bed lol!
Mar 27Reply

Thx for being such a wonderful, faithful sharer! :) :))
Mar 28Reply

@savibleu hi honey here's my social media info. Please see the listing above 💕
Mar 28Reply

@amlafemme oh my gosh you're the cutest ☺️💕🤗 yay lmk I'll be happy to help I love shopping with my girls 💐
Mar 28Reply

Just wanted to say I love EVERY single item in your closet. I love sharing your items and seeing what's new! I'll definitely be keeping you in mind for the next time I need some new things :)
Mar 29Reply

@anaraee hi Ana! Thanks so much for taking the time to say such kind words! I truly appreciate it! 💕🤗 I love sharing your closet too! If you ever need anything lmk 😘
Mar 29Reply

@glamvault You are always wonderful sharing with me💕 I appreciate you for that🌷
Mar 29Reply

@queensa it's my pleasure sweetie 💕 always happy to help share! 💐
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I'm Wendy, I would love to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcomed, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.
Apr 01Reply

Thanks for the share! ❤️💋🛍
Apr 01Reply

Thanks for sharing my items. Have a fruitful blessed wonderful week.
Apr 03Reply

Thank you for sharing, beautiful photos
Apr 03Reply

Nice closet 👗👠
Apr 04Reply

Hi Rachel thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Apr 04Reply

@hmsimon1 my pleasure always happy to share 💐 happy poshing
Apr 04Reply

Good morning Rachel. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 04Reply

HI Rachel🤗 I'm in love with your closet💓. Thank you for the shares.
Apr 04Reply

@cycy411 hi Ginette! Thanks so much for the kind words luv! Happy to share 🤗💕😊 thank you too 😉
Apr 04Reply

Apr 05Reply

You're a darling! Thank you for the daily shares and for being a great Posh buddy 😍
Apr 05Reply

@glamvault 🌸🌺 Thank you so much for all the shares🌼💜
Apr 07Reply

So I took a lot of my non selling stuff, (love the blue shirt I bought from you so keeping it). Ended up scoring a Kate Spade nwt wristlet walker, msrp 135 for 30, some other Kate stage jewelry, a DVF clutch with chain, 25$, Kate Spade jewelry nwt! A Tory burch nwt wristlet wallet msrp 195 for 50%, and some other things. And they took all my hand Painted Clothes and buffalo exchange took all my hand Painted stuff they loved!
Apr 07Reply

@glamvault great closet 💖👍 I'll be back to shop 😎🎉
Apr 07Reply

@jamie105 thanks doll 😊💕 Great! Please lmk if you have any questions or need help with anything 💐
Apr 07Reply

Hi thanks for the share👍 You have an amazing closet/boutique.
Apr 07Reply

Thank you for sharing some of my pieces!!! Love your closet!
Apr 11Reply

From one Rachel to another, I do so appreciate all the sharing from you.
Apr 13Reply

@glamvault thank you for all the sharing! Hoping to make a good go at PM 😊 all the best!
Apr 13Reply

Thank you for sharing my animal print heel. 👏😊
Apr 14Reply

Hey Lady! I just wanted to say thank you for all the shares! I see your name pop up all the time 😊😊 you have SUCH an amazing closet!
Apr 15Reply

@lizandfound my pleasure sweetie always happy to help share 💕😊
Apr 15Reply

Well I appreciate it! I'll try and keep up!
Apr 15Reply

Thank you for all the shares! I'm just getting started and I really appreciate it!😊
Apr 15Reply

@farleygal my pleasure sweetie happy poshing 💕🤗
Apr 15Reply

@houseoflaird thanks so much doll 💕🤗💐
Apr 16Reply

@glamvault Hi Rachel! Thanks for the shares. I could have sworn I had been following you this whole time! Love your closet. 💕
Apr 17Reply

@retailtherapy06 Hi Christine 😊 lol that happens to all of us 💕 thanks for being a great share buddy 🤗
Apr 17Reply

Hi girly! Hope you're well, so I've been sharing other people stuff non stop. Question, sometimes I do it through my feed or do a bunch from one person, what do you feel has worked better?
Apr 18Reply

Hi Rachel. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 19Reply

@glamvault how hard is it to make a decent side income as a PM boutique? It's so hard to sift through info and know what's legit! 🌷
Apr 19Reply

@glamvault Hey lovely 😍Thank you so much for all the PoshLoves. You have an amazing closet. Wishing you countless endless sales 💁🛍Happy Poshing dear
Apr 20Reply

Thank u so much for sharing my listings!💕
Apr 20Reply

Also your closet is AMAZING! I am much more of a buyer than a seller. Still deciding what to buy of yours😊
Apr 20Reply

@melisaschutt aww it's my pleasure sweetie always happy to help :)) Thank you so much! Please lmk if you have any questions ;)
Apr 20Reply

Thank you for sharing!!! Beautiful closet😍😋!
Apr 22Reply

Hello, Beautiful closet! 😊Ty for the shares! Wishing you many speedy successful sales!
Apr 23Reply

@glamvault Hi Rachel! Do you have a moment for a quick question!
Apr 23Reply

@suzalbertson hi hun! how can I help?
Apr 23Reply

@glamvault Awesome! I have a buyer who purchased one item. A few hours later, she gets back to me saying she wants to add another to get my bundle discount. Do I cancel the original order & have her bundle the two items? Or...? I'm confused. Lol!
Apr 23Reply

@suzalbertson no worries. Yes you have the ability to cancel it for her. It will ask "why" just put buyer would like to bundle. Then she can go ahead and make her bundle 😉
Apr 23Reply

@glamvault Thank you so much! You're a peach!!
Apr 23Reply

@suzalbertson anytime doll 💕
Apr 23Reply

@glamvault It worked! Just printed my label. Thanks again!
Apr 23Reply

Hello Rachel you just inspired me to continue my online business I was a little sad this morning but reading your profile it helps me to continue harder blessed you
Apr 23Reply

Wow, you are really one pretty lady. I will be sure to visit your website. Would you pls hit the follow button I am trying to track my goal. The best of luck in your new endeavors.💃💃
Apr 23Reply

@tredi that's so sweet thank you!! 🤗🤗🤗 Wish you lots of sales & success 💕✨💕✨
Apr 23Reply

@sbradecki hi hun my IG info is listed above 💕 ty!
Apr 24Reply

Thank you for all the shares!! ☺💕
Apr 24Reply

Hello there Rachel! It's so great to hear from you again! I would really love to thank you for sharing my Lee Rider black jeans! I'm going to visit your closet and leave you some more PoshLove. You have a gorgeous day and Happy Poshing! Nancy
Apr 24Reply

@glamvault congrats Rachel!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎈🎈🎈🎈🤗🤗🤗🤗
Apr 25Reply

Thanks for the shares!!
Apr 25Reply

Thx for the follow
Apr 26Reply

Hi Rachel thank you so much for the shares, You make me smile everytime I see you in my news☺I love your closet babe xo 💕💋😇
Apr 26Reply

@frenchavanilla my please luv! happy to share! Thank you too 💕💖😊
Apr 26Reply

@elika808 my please luv! happy to share! Thank you too 💕💖😊
Apr 26Reply

@bluebird22 my please luv! happy to share! Thank you too 💕💖😊
Apr 26Reply

Hi there!! Welcome to Poshmark. Check out my store to find great deals (everything under $20!!!). I feature brands such as Guess, Pink Victoria's Secret, Aeropostale, Old Navy, Forever 21, and many more. Stop by to see all the pretty things I have for you, purchase something and I'll throw in a freebie just as a thank you for buying from me. I greatly appreciate your time and business, as I sell to help pay off my college debt. Have a lovely day and happy Poshing!
Apr 26Reply

@queenofspaids hey doll! I've been thinking about you! You're ears mush have been ringing 🤗💖 Hows everything?
Apr 27Reply

@queenofspaids that's great! Your closet looks amazing! Hope thats going well 😊 I'm been crazy busy too, all good things 💖 I sent you some of my favs! lmk if you need anything 😘😘
Apr 27Reply

@queenofspaids oh my gosh I know! I really thought they were going to include that. That would be AMAZING 🎉🎉🎉
Apr 27Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing ♥️😘💚🤗Happy Poshing‼️
Apr 27Reply

Thanks for sharing ,feel free to make me an offer🌹💕😎
Apr 28Reply

Can I please meet u
Apr 28Reply

Thanks for all your shares. I know it helped me sell some TOMS 😃❤👍 much appreciated!
Apr 29Reply

@jaycie712 That's wonderful!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Yay Congrats! Wishing you lots of sales 💖🌸💖
Apr 29Reply

I see that you live in LA as well! Fun! Let me know if you ever want to do any trading
Apr 30Reply

❤️Thank You so much❣️You always show my closet so much love💕🤗 I really appreciate you❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Apr 30Reply

Would you be interested in hosting a posh n sip with me here in LA?
May 01Reply

@misscoppola hi babe! oh my gosh I totally would love too, bun I'm in Florida now. I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for asking!! 😊💖🤗💕
May 01Reply

Bummer!!! You should totally do one there!!!
May 01Reply

Beautiful closet...love love love
May 02Reply

You're so supportive😘😘😘😘 Gold Bless!
May 04Reply

What is it that you have to do to become an official wholesaler?
May 05Reply

Hello! I would love to seek your advice and expertise about wholesale vendors and Shopify. If you are willing to assist, please contact me at katenovello@yahoo.com. I'm trying to develop a part time business but it is a bit daunting to get started. Thanks 😊
May 05Reply

Hi Rachel! Thanks for all the shares! 😊
May 08Reply

Thx for your faithful sharing!
May 09Reply

Hi! Nice to meet you:). Thank you so much for sharing my staff!
May 10Reply

Thanks for the shares!!!! 😊
May 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares ❤
May 13Reply

Yes!! Please, I need all your secrets! Lol
May 13Reply

🌹🌹Thanks for shearing 🌹🌹
May 15Reply

Thank you for Sharing!!! ❤️
May 15Reply

Hi! I ordered the tailor braided block heel on may 11. Was wondering if you're shipping them out anytime soon?? Was hoping to wear them this weekend 😬
May 15Reply

Hi Rachel, thanks for all if the shares recently! You have beautiful items! Have a wonderful evening & hopefully it will be a good night for sales. 😍😊👍
May 17Reply

I Love your closet!! Will definitely be looking out for stuff to order 🌷🤗
May 17Reply

@katoliveri713 you're so sweet! Thank you so much! I look forward to shopping with you💕⭐️💐🎀 Please let me know if you need anything 💕
May 17Reply

@glamvault Hi! Sorry to bother you..I know your busy. Your the only one I could think of at the moment..it's a harassment issue with someone. And its on my listings..can you give me advice on what to do please☺
May 18Reply

@amyndls hi! No worries! I'm so sorry. Yes block them immediately. Go to their closet and on the top right on the little drop down you can choose block user.
May 18Reply

@glamvault I did as soon as I saw the paragraphs that were left in several listings. Do I wait for pm to view them? This would be the second time with this person..The comments are just horrid.
May 18Reply

@amyndls okay good always block if anyone does anything like that. Send an email to posh support with the direct link to that listing where they left the comments. Unfortunately there's nothing else you can do, they won't remove any comments 😔 But definitely report them!
May 18Reply

@glamvault Ok. Do you think I Should leave them up before so they can see before I delete them? I'll definitely send another email with the links..I just didn't know if the link would still work if I deleted the listings..thanks so much☺
May 18Reply

@amyndls if you can delete it I definitely would. But take a screenshot with a time stamp on it and email that to posh 😉 happy to help ❤️
May 18Reply

@glamvault Thanks so much..you've been very very helpful☺☺
May 18Reply

Congratulations on your website❣️ I've noticed how much you've helped me by sharing my stuff, and I really appreciate you 🙏🏼. I love your closet, I feel like we have similar taste in style ❤️ thank you 😊
May 19Reply

Thank you so much for the follow and shares! I truly appreciate the posh ❤️
May 20Reply

Thank you for sharing. Xoxo
May 20Reply

Thanks for the shares! Have a lovely weekend ;)
May 20Reply

thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on fashion tv 👠 thank you for the shares!! LOVE your your designer resale section!! 🛍 Same day shipping + gift with purchase on now! 🌈
May 20Reply

Thank you so much for all of the shares. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it!😃
May 21Reply

Thank you for all the shares ❤️😘
May 23Reply

Hi Rachel...I hope you are having a magical day. Thanks for all the shares. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for your commitment to quality and excellence.. Cheers dear.
May 23Reply

Hi Rachel! I'm BRAND NEW to PM and I'm loving it already! We have a lot in common :) I used to work in the Fashion Industry too and I've recently decided to launch my own online boutique! I decided to start here at PM :) I LOVE your store and I'd love to connect! <3
May 23Reply

Hi Rachel... thanks for the shares. Back at ya. 😎
May 24Reply

Thanks, as always, for all the shares! xo Michelle
May 25Reply

Hi, all items in my closet are 25% off until Monday at Midnight. Bundle pricing will also apply. Please let me know when you're ready to buy and I will adjust the price. Thank you for shopping my closet.🌼
May 27Reply

Gorgeous closet!! 😍😍
May 28Reply

Thanks for the shares!! Love you closet! 🖤
May 29Reply

Thanks for the shares XOXO
May 31Reply

Thanks for all the shares all the time girl! It really helps when you're still small in this community ☺️ also congrats on hosting your third party. Can't wait to see all the host picks.
Jun 01Reply

Thank you so much for always sharing my listings! It means a lot to me. ♥️
Jun 01Reply

Thanks for the share, Rachel! Beautiful boutique! 🌷
Jun 01Reply

Thank you Rachel for shares, you are amazing girl 💕💕 🌷 and outstanding closet!! 👗👯👍
Jun 01Reply

I'm beginning to think you and @foundforyou are incredibly pretty bots. How do you share things so quickly?! 😁🤖💞
Jun 01Reply

@mollyside hi! You're welcome for the shares 😊 We have 4 online companies and have an incorporated staff 💖
Jun 01Reply

@mollyside : Haha, I'm real!!
Jun 01Reply

Thank you so much for the shares and the Posh💖 You are amazing!!!💕💕💕
Jun 02Reply

It took me long enough to find out your name, Rachel – shame on me! Let me read on, my friend – the shorts you share; Blue ones, by the way , are the ones I'm trying to find tops for; I thought they were bought from you; but no matters right now – it's time to finally meet Rachel😘❤️
Jun 02Reply

And it's so nice to finally meet you and thank you for everything you do for me – you are the best!
Jun 02Reply

@oliviagrace58 I am so sorry to hear about your divorce after so many years! I've been through it and it made me stronger – easy for me to say now, as it will take time for you – BUT hang tough and remember: there is life after divorce!
Jun 02Reply

@eyecandybydidi I am with you girl! I want to expand and do different things; but I do spend so much time here – I do need a one on one consult with Rachel one day – but days are crazy for both of us and I'm reading what you said and digesting everything here – maybe I'll get there one day and thank you for letting me read all of this!😘
Jun 02Reply

@glamvault you wore prettier for sure! Just beautiful! I'm still reading ......
Jun 02Reply

Thanks for all the shares!
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for all the shares 👠
Jun 03Reply

You have an amazing closet
Jun 03Reply

Hi Rachel, your closet is amazing!! 💐🌺🌻❤️
Jun 04Reply

@quynhcrotty thank you so much ✨💕💐 please let me know if I can help you with anything 😊
Jun 04Reply

@lovemariac thank you so much 💞✨🌸 please let me know if I can help you with anything 😊
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet! All reasonable offers are considered! :)
Jun 04Reply

Hi, thank you for the shares. Love your closet👍 I just hit your follow button would you pls hit mine.🌸
Jun 04Reply

Your website looks great!
Jun 05Reply

@kgallier Aww thank you so much! That means a lot 😊 I do it all myself, so I try really hard ☺️💗
Jun 05Reply

That's impressive! So this is full time for you?
Jun 05Reply

@kgallier thank you! Yes, I went to school for fashion and worked in wholesale and retail for almost 20 years. I designed private label collections and ran 7 Macys stores. So I have a little experience ☺️ I opened my company a little over a year ago and I've been very blessed to be able to do this full time now 😊 I love posh 💞💞
Jun 05Reply

You have a great eye for fashion! Congrats on your accomplishments! I wanted to major in fashion but allowed myself to be talked out of it and became an accountant for practicality. I am having a blast buying and selling on this site!
Jun 05Reply

Hi! You are the first person I started following after I posted my first item. It's been a month now. If there are any tips you would be willing to give me, I would be forever grateful!!! I've shared several of your listings and I SINCERELY appreciate the items of mine you have shared💕. Many blessings
Jun 05Reply

Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
Jun 06Reply

Hi! I have a question that I think you might be able to answer. I had several listings that were not posh compliant. I deleted those. I have 3 empty eyeshadow palettes that once held eyeshadows but no longer do. Would that be against posh rules as well or can I keep that item listed for sale? I know you're probably busy but if you are able to answer my question I'd really appreciate it😊♥️😊
Jun 08Reply

@jakesma3 hi hun! Oh gosh yea I would definitely read though the rules, Posh does not mess around. But it's okay it's happened to all of us. 🤗😘 I'm not 100% sure, but I would think no because it's not clothing or accessories. If I ever don't know the answer I email posh support any they'll let you know. They're super helpful ❤️ I'm sorry I couldn't help more.
Jun 08Reply

@glamvault thank you! That was very helpful😊 I will probably go ahead and email support just to be sure. Thank you again!!
Jun 08Reply

@jakesma3 oh good happy to help 😊 Anytime ❤️
Jun 08Reply

Thanks for sharing !! 😘😘😘
Jun 08Reply

@glamvault Thank You! You're awesome!! Seriously! ❤😘
Jun 08Reply

@hwebb28 my pleasure luv! 😘❤️🤗
Jun 08Reply

I love your closet!I will definitely be back!!☺
Jun 09Reply

Thank you got sharing my listings! I appreciate your support
Jun 11Reply

@blueyedangel72 My pleasure happy to help 😊💖
Jun 11Reply

I love all your stuff! Are you looking for a wholesaler? I'm local to you and am looking to get some help clearing out my warehouse
Jun 13Reply

Thank you so much for all the consistent shares! I really appreciate it!! 🌸💕
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for the share, so sweet!!💕🐘🐘
Jun 14Reply

@glamvault Thanks for sharing please feel free to check out my closet anytime and my PFF's @johnelem, @g_fashiondiary, @bobo808, and @dadarokm808 for their great closet collection of fashion and style. Also for hopeful HP's Happy Poshing!!! 😘 🌹🌺🌸🌷ALOHA🌸🌸🌹🌷
Jun 16Reply

thanks for being an awesome posher and always sharing my closet! 🐱🦋👜💕🌸
Jun 17Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow's Men's Style party! I can't wait to join you!! Would love it if you could please visit my closet and consider one of my items? Thanks!! See you tomorrow! 👕👖
Jun 22Reply

@glamvault ❤️🌈🌸🌺💜Thanks for the request my fellow PFF, you have such an exquisite closet!!!❤️🌈🌸🌺💜. Please feel free to come check out my closet along with my PFF's @johnelem, @g_fashiondiary, @bobo808, and @dadarokm808 for their great closet collection of fashion and style. Also for possible HP's. Keep on sharing as well & best wishes for a speedy sale!!! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🌈ALOHA 🌸🌺🤙🏼
Jun 23Reply

Hi Rachel, your style and closet ROCK! Thx for your recent share too! Please note ALL profits I earn with PM through 6/30 will go directly to this young boy's family through their GFM site. See posting in my closet. Plx help spread the word by forwarding to your followers. He was my teen's classmate. May God bless you♥️
Jun 26Reply

Hi Rachel!! Thank you so very kindly for the shares!😍💕🏵⚘💓
Jun 29Reply

@sohairiam8 a lot of ppl on this who I wasn't following and really great closet! 😘😊
Jun 29Reply

@paganoan tytyty!!!! 💗💗💗💗
Jun 29Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!💖
Jun 30Reply

You have an amazing closet. I can tell you work very hard. Great job🔥🔥🔥😍😍
Jun 30Reply

Thank you for sharing my stuff you have so much cute stuff in your closet
Jul 02Reply

I had a new girl asking questions on my posh help page , a major issue was her photographs and descriptions so I wanted her to see yours!
Jul 04Reply

@chic_n_unique you are so sweet!! thank you so much :)) I'll help her if she needs some advice ;) Hope you're having a wonderful Holiday
Jul 04Reply

Thanks for the share!
Jul 04Reply

Hey Rachel, congrats on co-hosting again! 🎉 If you still have room for host picks, these ladies have beautiful closets to fit your upcoming party theme 😊: @lizandfound @kimberlymarie24 @etteloc @lolli_posh
Jul 14Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Jul 16Reply

Congratulations on hosting, how exciting. Please consider my closet for possible HP's. I appreciate it, sharing is caring will be sharing your listings to show my gratitude of appreciation. Thank you and ❤️🌈Aloha!
Jul 16Reply

Hi there! Congrats on hosting today. I would love it if you would check out my closet & consider some host picks. Thank you & have a great day!
Jul 16Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my beautiful closet 💋💋
Jul 16Reply

thanks for sharing my listing! be sure to check out my closet and add your likes to a bundle. i offer private offers, along with a 20% off discount for bundling 3 items or more. happy poshing☺️✨🌸
Jul 17Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I'm new to Poshmark so I appreciate it!!😘💜✨✨💕💕✨💖
Jul 17Reply

Hello!!!! Love your closet !!!!!Felt free to check out my closet if you can ;) xoxoxo
Jul 19Reply

Lovely closet :D
Jul 19Reply

Hi! I have a question about starting a Posh boutique and since you're a very successful one I thought I'd try asking you! Does Poshmark still take the same percentage fee from boutique sales as closet sales? Thanks!
Jul 20Reply

Thank you so much for sharing! I'll do the same in return happy poshing.
Jul 21Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet 😁
Jul 21Reply

Thanx so much for the share! I've been a member here for about a year now, buying my favorite items! I just recently began listing some of my favorites for others to check out! Thanks again!
Jul 21Reply

Just wanted to say hello and thank you for always sharing my closet! It's really appreciated, and doesn't go unnoticed!😘😘
Jul 24Reply

Nice to meet you thanks for sharing
Jul 25Reply

Hi Rachel. Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers🌹
Jul 26Reply

Thank you for sharing my beautiful closet 😁
Jul 26Reply

Hi Rachel! I was wondering where you get your beautiful wrap for your items when shipping. It's not as heavy as wrapping paper, but heavier & much prettier than tissue paper. Of all my Posh purchases, yours is the most memorable at arrival 🌷🌷. Could you let me know where it's available?? Thanks so much!! 😘😘
Jul 27Reply

@pattylynn22 Hi Patty! Oh my gosh thank you so much! I order them in bulk from one of my manufacturers. I'll send you the info 💖💖
Jul 27Reply

@glamvault Thanks so very much, Rachel -- I appreciate it 💟💟💟.
Jul 27Reply

@pattylynn22 my pleasure! Just ask them for the polka dots and they should know :))
Jul 27Reply

Thanks for share.
Jul 28Reply

Thx 🎉🎉🎉👋👋👋🤗🤗🤗😁😁😁😎😎😎😎
Jul 29Reply

Congratulations Rachel!!! 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Kat
Jul 29Reply

@glamvault hi! Thank you so much for always sharing items from my closet. I too work in the fashion industry but in NYC (production & product development) =)
Jul 30Reply
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