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Bebe Clutch Purse wallet party 2b New black pink🌺


Updated Dec 23
Updated Dec 23

Bebe Clutch Purse wallet party 2b New black pink🌺

Tory Burch

US$13 US$50


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I am selling this gorgeous clutch as pictured - gray, black and pink geometric design! 2b Bebe New!
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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sassypitstop No flaws & includes all 3 pictured?
Jun 14Reply
kks2001 @ryanet92 inspired 💎
Jun 15Reply
kks2001 @ryanet92 you can make an offer :)
Jun 15Reply
kks2001 @harrison_9 yes-no flaws, all three included. I have other amazing studs in my closet also if interested!
Jun 15Reply
kks2001 @ryanet92 $26 is probably the lowest i can go
Jun 15Reply
kks2001 @hayleyaoff sorry Hayley, the lowest I can go is $25
Jun 15Reply
kks2001 @haleyahoff sorry Hayley, $25 is the lowest I can go!
Jun 15Reply
kks2001 Inspired Tory Burch
Jun 21Reply
kks2001 @ashleegrenier hi, still want these for your offer? Please resubmit and I will accept. Thanks
Jun 22Reply
backdoorlins SCAMMER!
Jul 09Reply
julesjax Hey girly, I came by bc I was going to share your closet and I noticed you have some inspired pieces like this listing. Those are against posh rules & since I'm a suggested user I can't share from non-compliant closets. If you take them down I will share you all day though! 😉. Just letting you know xoxo
Jul 28Reply
kks2001 @julesjax understood. Thanks.
Jul 28Reply
nami001 @kks2001 This one too and for the same reason as the other earrings
Aug 02Reply
kks2001 @ryanet92 willing to get rid of all three sets for a low price! Any interest? I'm getting out of the Posh business :)
Aug 02Reply
vintage_closet_ @kks2001 🚨Poshmark prohibits the sale of replicas or fakes. Members who buy, list, or otherwise attempt to sell replicas or fakes risk immediate and permanent suspension from Poshmark. Using a brand name to falsely describe or promote an item violates trademark law, even if the item is not explicitly "counterfeit". For example, the use of the words, "inspired by" followed by a brand is prohibited on our platform. 🚫🚫
Aug 02Reply
kks2001 @hayleyahoff Trying to get rid of the 2 pairs I have left ...interested? I'll throw in the white rose and cz studs as well! "T" design
Aug 07Reply
kks2001 @harrison_9 Hi Stehanie, I would like to get ride of 2 pairs of the Tory Burch earrings - I'll throw in the white rose and CZ studs for you! That's 6 pairs of earrings? Interested? Getting out of the posh business soon :(
Aug 07Reply
sassypitstop @kks2001 - No sorry. I passed.
Aug 07Reply
kks2001 @katef Tory Burch Party ?! Please consider Host Pick! 🌺🌺
Aug 08Reply
nami001 @kks2001 I'm sorry I can't share or support your closet knowing that you still have these inspired earring listed even though you told me you removed them. All you did was change the picture. Second, as I mentioned if you want shares you should share first instead of asking for shares. Third, you claim you have 10 host picks however, that's not true. You do realize your listing comments are visible right?
Aug 09Reply
nami001 There are no comments on a few of the listings that you claim are host picks, from the host saying they've selected it as a host pick or from other Poshers congratulating you. This is false advertisement. I can't support closets that are falsely advertising achievements that aren't true. Sorry. And again if you want shares, you should share first. I've been trying to help you but obviously we aren't on the same page cuz I keep telling you the same things. Sorry
Aug 09Reply
kks2001 @nami001 hi! So This particular listing can't be deleted because it was a "multiple". I put it to "Avail: 0" and it says "not for sale" I was given hp by the people mentioned in the desc of each listing-Justbar, xtnatran, dclare32...I have the emails to prove them! Whyare you being so hard on me! I got rid of everything you tagged. I'm being very honest. I am not trying to be misleading. I was asking for you to share because you said if i got rid of the stuff you tagged, you would share.
Aug 09Reply
nami001 @kks2001 I'm not being hard on you, I've been trying to help you. You asked me to share you closet & I did. I also told you that the best way to get shares was to share first instead of mass tagging people to share you listings. I noticed you had noncompliant items & told you that most people won't share from closets that were noncompliant. You said you removed them but you didn't, you changed the pictures
Aug 09Reply
nami001 And then asked me to share. I told you, you were misleading people by saying you were a suggested user when you weren't. You did remove that. Now you have HP on listings that aren't host picks. It's your closet and you can somewhat you want but if your ultimate goal is to host a party or become a suggested user then you should follow the rules. Like I said I want to help you reach your goals and help you succeed but if you don't take the advice I give you then we are just going around in circles
Aug 09Reply
kks2001 @nami001 Emy, thank you. You're a doll. I have emails for all of my host picks!!!! I received emails for all HPs. I'm now doing it right!! We're not going in circles...please go see all the closets from which I said I have an HP! They are all there ---shared!
Aug 09Reply
nami001 I hope you understand. I'm not trying to be mean to you. You keep asking me to share and I would love to but I can't share a closet that isn't compliant or is misleading. You do have a few host picks though. If you bring up your share count and start engaging more with the community you'll pick up more. Remember I'm here to help you. I'm sorry you feel otherwise
Aug 09Reply
nami001 @kks2001 Congratulations on your host picks. You don't need to prove it to me or anyone else. I'm just saying normally when you get a host pick, people are congratulating in the comments and the host also congrats their host picks. Anyway, like I said I'm here to help you and if you need help, just reach out, ok? As long as you play by the rules, you'll pick up followers and people will share your listings.
Aug 09Reply
nami001 You should really bring up your share count though. This tells people that you're active as well. A good gauge is to have more shares than followers. Also attend the Posh parties and congratulate hosts picks like the people who've congratulated you. Share their host picks to your followers and they'll return the favor and share several of your listings
Aug 09Reply
nami001 This is the best way to meet other Poshers and bring your share count up. Plus you'll get more exposure by interacting with the community. When people congratulate you, make sure to thank them and share several of their listings as a way of thanking them. This is how you gain exposure and followers. Hope this helps. Like I said I'm here to help you succeed so reach out any time. Have a good night. Aloha
Aug 09Reply
kks2001 @tat2ktn Hi 🔝Posher, Host a pick for your awesome Best in Bags Party tomorrow?
Aug 10Reply
kks2001 @tat2kitn Hi 🔝Posher, Host a pick for your awesome Best in Bags Party tomorrow?
Aug 10Reply
kks2001 @tat2kitn Hi 🔝Posher, Host a pick for your awesome Best in Bags Party tomorrow?
Aug 10Reply
kks2001 @persuasions 🙏🏼🙏🏼🌺🌺
Aug 27Reply

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