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Meet Holly! 💖

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Hi, I'm Holly! Thanks so much for stopping by our closet! My husband and I have been selling on Poshmark since June of 2015. I also write books - young adult and middle grade - my first published novel is THE INHABITANT OF ALEXIS O’RILEY. If you’d like to purchase a signed copy let me know and I can list one. We have two kids, two dogs and a cat that is queen of the house. I'd love it if you would comment below and introduce yourself! Making new friends is definitely the best part of Poshmark! ❤️
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hvandyne Hi @elioranam !!! Thanks so much for stopping by my closet - yours is adorable! Great job! Adding new things often is definitely key so keep it up. :) Please let me know if you have any Posh questions or if you need any help with anything!
Jul 07Reply
cattyo Hi Holly! I'm Catrina. You have a lovely closet!! So many beautiful pieces of jewelry, I'm like a kid in a candy store lol! Happy Friday! Have a great weekend😊❤️
Jul 08Reply
hvandyne Hi @cattyo ! Just left you some love in your fabulous closet - thank you so much!!! 😘😘😘
Jul 08Reply
kjanos Are you interested in selling any books?
Jul 27Reply
hvandyne @kjanos - Sorry, but no - I love them too much to let them go! 😍 But I'm happy to find a fellow book lover on Posh!!
Jul 27Reply
ninareid You, your closet and your little family are absolutely adorable! ❤️
Aug 12Reply
hvandyne Thank you SO much, @ninareid - I feel the same way about yours! :)
Aug 12Reply
singaporejones Haha, another Harry-Potter-loving, Groot-adoring, spectacle-sporting, story-scribbling, hot brunette! 😆 I knew I liked you for a reason.... Congrats on your writing career! (I'm not there yet, but I'm trying. 😥) Your girls are adorable, too!
Aug 14Reply
singaporejones Oh, and who also hoards jewelry and paints walls turquoise. 😅
Aug 14Reply
hvandyne Oh, @singaporejones !!! We were destined to be friends! 😂 Writing is my sanity, hopefully a career at some point. One of my books was supposed to be published this year but the publisher closed before that happened so... 😢 Oh well! I just keep plugging away. What do you write? So glad you commented! BTW - I am DYING for Guardians 2. 😁😁😁
Aug 14Reply
packrabbit Hello Holly! I'm Sherry 😊. Love your closet! You have an amazing life! Thanks for the helpful tips!
Aug 14Reply
hvandyne Thanks so much @sherrypd !!! I was just falling in love with YOUR gorgeous closet!!! 😍😍
Aug 14Reply
singaporejones Apparently so! 😁 Sorry for the delayed reply - crazy Monday. Writing keeps me sane too. Stephen King said writing makes life possible, not the other way around. 👍👍 Sorry about your publishing deal going bad! 👎👎 Hopefully someone else will pick it up! As for me, mostly essays and spec fic - I say that instead of fantasy since my stuff tends to blend fantasy and magic realism, with a bit of horror and maybe some sci-fi. It sort of does what it wants.
Aug 16Reply
singaporejones Good luck on the plugging - I know a writer in Austin who didn't get published for 15 years, and now everyone who likes fantasy humor likes him: Joe Lansdale. He wrote the book that cult film Bubba Ho-tep is based on. If you like Guardians, you will like BH and Lansdale. Bruce Campbell is Elvis, and Ossie Davis is JFK. In a nursing home beset by an Egyptian mummy. And I can't wait for G2 either - G1 was one was one of the best movies I've seen in forever.
Aug 16Reply
singaporejones If you haven't seen Deadpool, rent it. It's very well written, and the credits at the front make that clear. I won't ruin it for you by giving even one example. But it's not for your kids yet, I don't think. Deadpool is as unabashedly florid with four-letterisms and sexual references as Jay of Jay and Silent Bob fame, but also with the same odd but charming innocence, which is why it doesn't just turn me off.
Aug 16Reply
amyjoanne Hi! I'm trying to bundle the yellow rose necklace, the yellow and aqua flower necklace, and the aqua flower necklace. I can't figure how to make an offer on the bundle! Would you accept $40? Let me know. Thanks!!
Aug 20Reply
hvandyne Hi @amyjoanne - unfortunately I can't go over 50% off on them. If you can come closer to the $84 I have on them I can set up a bundle listing for us to bargain with. Let me know! 😊
Aug 20Reply
amyjoanne Would $55 work?
Aug 20Reply
hvandyne @amyjoanne - if you could come up another $15 you have a deal but that's as low as I can go on them. Thanks!
Aug 21Reply
amyjoanne Hi I saw that you dropped the price of the Kate Spade necklace. Would you accept a bundle of $60? Thanks
Sep 01Reply
ttd2 @hvandyne hi Holly, beautiful family! Nice to meet you, love your closet and your photos tips. 😘💕💕
Oct 10Reply
hvandyne Hi @ttd2 - you are so sweet, Diana! Thank you so much! And thank you for all of the shares! <3
Oct 10Reply
ttd2 @hvandyne 😘💕👍
Oct 10Reply
candacebrake @hvandyne Hello, Holly! I'm a fellow Posher, my name is Candace. Please check out my closet, too! 🤗 I love, love, love your closet! Bcuz I love, love, love jewelry! Lol 😉 I made an offer on two pieces of jewelry and really hope we can work something out! 😎
Oct 16Reply
hvandyne So nice to "meet" you, @candacedingler ! And yay for a shared love of jewelry! 😍 I will definitely check out your closet - thank you so much for your purchase -- it'll go out Monday morning!
Oct 16Reply
corabrown15 I'm so jealous of your book shelves!:)
Oct 17Reply
singaporejones Hey, lady! How's your writing coming? Life good? 😊
Oct 18Reply
martha581 Love, love your closet. So many super cute pieces. Congrats, wishing you many sales💕💕😀
Nov 04Reply
ppamprrd Hello. Great closet. I am introducing myself. I also have a little girl and a shih tzu rescue who we call Lucky Bear🤗😍😄. We think she looks like a little bear. Lucky's middle name is Pepper bc she is black and silver gray. Gorgeous girls too!!
Nov 04Reply
hvandyne Hi @ppamprrd !!! Oh my gosh your puppy is SO adorable! And love your closet, too! Thanks so much for introducing yourself! 😊
Nov 05Reply
ppamprrd @hvandyne 😍😄😉😙
Nov 05Reply
kellzz1 Hi my name is Kelli mom of 3 beautiful children daughter23 son 19 and my baby girl 11
Nov 13Reply
hvandyne Hi @kellzz1 ! So nice to "meet" you! My youngest is 11 too -- such a fun age! 😊
Nov 13Reply
kellzz1 @hvandyne sometimes it's so much fun until she spends some time with her 23 yr old sister then she TRIES YES TRIES to put on the older act. They need to have fun kids these days just want to grow up so quick I loved growing up when I did so easy kids actually played outside came in when the street lights came on oh if I could only go back in time
Nov 17Reply
juliana10 Hello! Really enjoyed reading about you. Best of luck with your writing. Sounds fantastic! You are very talented. Your closet is beautiful and so visually appealing 💐💐💐💐💐💐
Dec 13Reply
hvandyne @randyandkaye - oh my gosh, you're SO right!!! What type of dog is yours? We got ours from the shelter and no one has any clue what kind of dog he actually is. 😂 We're thinking part shih tzu but other than that we're lost! Yours is so adorable! 😍
Dec 18Reply
kate498 Love your jewelry choices!
Jan 12Reply
nymo830 What a beautiful family. Great closet.
Jan 15Reply
hvandyne @kate498 - thank you! 😊
Jan 15Reply
hvandyne @nymo830 - thanks so much!!! 😊
Jan 15Reply
barriebailey Hello and Happy February ☃ I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience as much as I am 🛍💸🎁
Feb 05Reply
steffany242 @hvandyne my bracelet arrived today! Thank you :)) I've had this one before but lost it a few years ago. I'm so glad to have it again!
Mar 20Reply
gotchabach Hi there. Nice to meet you as well. You are rigjt. The best thing about poshing, is the people!! My name is Eileen. I am at gotchabach. I don't sell yet, but i should. I love jewlery alot!!!!😛😜😝👍
Mar 26Reply
hvandyne @gotchabach - Hello!!! So nice to "meet" you, too! Yes, I love selling jewelry almost as much as hoarding and wearing it! 😂 Let me know if you start selling so I can check out your goodies! Thanks so much for saying 'hi'! 💕
Mar 26Reply
ng0413 Just run into your closet based on multiple likes :-) I have not sold anything yet. I guess too busy with buying. I am also a mom of two girls and would love to write a book or two for I love writing and reading.
Apr 16Reply
kimberlyskorner Awww love your furbaby. And you have a beautiful family. Happy mothers day. And you take really great pictures. Love your closet. Thank you for advice
May 13Reply
tannerlc60 Hello Holly🤗, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet 💚👛👜👝👖
Jun 18Reply
vickag24 @hvandyne it look like we both have love for jewelry! I make my own and also absolutely love Brighton Jewelry 💕
Jul 10Reply
hvandyne @flowers62 - I am! Glad you love it - it's SO pretty!
Jul 10Reply
hvandyne @flowers62 - but I'm confused - you purchased the charm before I sent it out to you or I wouldn't have shipped it. Not sure why you would return it? Thanks again and glad you love it!
Jul 10Reply
hvandyne @vickag24 - awesome! Brightons jewelry is so pretty!
Jul 10Reply
hvandyne @scootersmommy - Doesn't it look like we have twin dogs? 🤣🐾 What breed is yours? We rescued ours from a shelter and have been trying to figure out what he is.
Jul 13Reply
hvandyne @ladyniuk - Thanks so much for stopping by! Aren't rescues the best? 😊
Jul 13Reply
scootersmommy @hvandyne ummm YES!!!! Cubby is a Cavachon, he is half cavalier spaniel half bichon friese. Yours should sure pass for one! Bless you for rescuing🙌 I am the biggest dog lover, I have a poodle and a cockapoo too.
Jul 13Reply
lorac2015 Hi💖 if you love vintage bags 💖please visit my overloaded closet filled with Vintage Coach, Dooney & Fossil💖! Come peek💖 New bags in weekly! Purse Heaven!
Jul 22Reply
dashyo I love all your jewelry photos! I can't stop Browsing :) :)
Jul 23Reply
hvandyne @dashyo - awww! Thank you SO much!!! That made my night! 😘
Jul 23Reply
lonna63109 Hi Holly! I'm Lonna and it's nice to meet a new PFF! I hope you love Poshmark as much as I Do! You have a great closet as you can tell by all my likes! I can't wait to purchase jewelry from you!! I hope you have much success with your sales and happy Poshing to you! 😃🐖🦄🐯🐶🐩🐑🐮🐷🐄🐺🐗🦁
Jul 23Reply
lonna63109 Oh, me again! I just just wanted to let you know that I really admire you so much for writing books! That is SO cool! I've always wanted to write a book.
Jul 23Reply
hvandyne @lonna63109 - Awww - you are so sweet!!! Thanks so much for the compliments! If you've always wanted to write a book my advice is to just do it! I love writing so much and wish I would have started years earlier. It's wonderful therapy! Thanks again for stopping by my closet and please keep in touch! :)
Jul 23Reply
samantha_sf_ca Hi Holly, I LOVE your jewelry. You have fabulous taste. I'm not currently working but I'll be back when I have some money, or sell something. I really enjoyed going through part (didn't finish) of your closet. It's beautiful.
Jul 24Reply
hvandyne @sammmmmmmy - you are so sweet, THANK YOU! Your comment made my night! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jul 24Reply
jazzymama1 I absolutely 😍 your closet!
Jul 25Reply
hvandyne @jazzymama1 - thank you so much!!! 😘
Jul 26Reply
jeaneparadis Hi Holly! I'm really enjoying your closet! I'm a Mom to a beautiful girl who has 2 beautiful babies of her own. I'm an artist and art teacher, semi retired but as you probably know, artists never retire! Im in Tucson enjoying the monsoon reason but dreading the heat that will return later...ahhh, but fall, winter and spring? Beautiful! Have a wonderful day; your girls indeed are lovely!🌺🌺🌺
Jul 28Reply
meggiemyoung 💖 your jewelry! How do u have so much New York & Co??
Jul 29Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Aug 09Reply
sassyshop83 Love your closet! I'm liking alot of items and starting to look for gifts for holidays!
Aug 09Reply
hvandyne @sassyshop83 - Thank you! WOW - I'm so impressed that you're already thinking about the holidays! :)
Aug 09Reply
sublimesale @hvandyne -Hi Holly, I love the HB bracelet! Thank you! Hey, I was wondering... I thought we were not supposed to use the flat rate boxes. Most things I sell are small and would fit in a small flat rate box. Is that allowed? Thanks! Lisa
Aug 25Reply
hvandyne @sublimesale - Hi Lisa! So glad you ❤️ the bracelet! We are absolutely not allowed to ship things in flat rate boxes. I'm not sure if you're implying that your bracelet arrived in one but I can tell you with 100% certainty that it didn't. I wish I could use a flat rate box, that size actually fits in the big mailboxes but unfortunately I have to get out and walk all of my packages into USPS because the non-flat rate boxes are slightly bigger and don't fit. 😢
Aug 25Reply
hvandyne @sublimesale - the boxes I use to ship my jewelry are free on the USPS website - they are Priority Mail boxes, just don't order the ones that say Flat Rate under the Priority and you'll be fine. ☺️
Aug 25Reply
sublimesale @hvandyne -No, I'm not implying that. I just didn't look that closely. Thanks for the information. Very helpful!
Aug 25Reply
hvandyne Hey @singaporejones ! I miss seeing you around! Just shared something to you, very funky I immediately thought of you. 💕 How's the writing coming? I have a Sept. 30 deadline to get mine finished... we'll see... 😬😉
Aug 29Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Holly. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Sep 04Reply
pcdavis Hi Holly, You asked what breed my two precious girls are. Misty my grey and white girl is a Maltzue, shitzus, Maltese mix and Daisy is a breed that came from Cuba. a Haleness, I can't remember how to spell it. Lol.
Sep 05Reply
ceqomws Did you advertise an MWallace straw bag for $50?I can't seem to locate it.
Sep 07Reply
hvandyne @nea49 - Sorry, wasn't me!
Sep 07Reply
tannyaustin wAy tO gO oN bEiNg 🤐👄sEcReT pOsHeR👄🤐 😉shhhhhhhhh😉
Sep 22Reply
hvandyne @tannyaustin - I am?!?! What did I miss? 🤗
Sep 22Reply
tannyaustin @hvandyne The Secret Posher Game! 😍
Sep 22Reply
tannyaustin @hvandyne do you play?
Sep 22Reply
hvandyne @tannyaustin - I do but didn't see my name listed. 😉 Maybe I just didn't look in the right place!
Sep 22Reply
tannyaustin Wait, which one do you play? With pacedeals?
Sep 22Reply
hvandyne @tannyaustin - nope, with cavslover. But I'll check the one you mentioned out!
Sep 22Reply
tannyaustin @hvandyne it's pacesdeals
Sep 22Reply
audreyejs What a beautiful family and rescue fur baby!!! I love your closet. It can get me in a lot of trouble with my husband.🙄 I have two daughters who might get something too if they're good. What a stunning collection! Happy Fall!🍁🍁🍁🍁
Oct 16Reply
llaspaluto @taozi Hey Sarah, check out Holly's closet, she has lots of adorable jewelry that seems right up your alley. :-)
Oct 28Reply
cache100 Hi, Holly I love your closet you have s0!! Many beautiful things!😍💐
Oct 28Reply
hvandyne @cache100 - oh, thank you SO much! You are so sweet! 😘
Oct 28Reply
margaritarice Could you cancel my second order? I purchased two bundles by accident. I’ll keep my first bundle. Thank you.
Nov 06Reply
hvandyne @margaritarice - you can cancel it within 3 hours of placing the order - just click on the order, hit the Problem/order inquiry button then Cancel Order.
Nov 06Reply
jarujav12 Hi Holly! I write YA novels too! :-) I'm with HarperCollins for now. Love your jewelry!!!
Nov 06Reply
hvandyne @jarujav12 - Hello! So nice to “meet” another writer on PM! I will definitely check out your books! 😊 I was with Egmont USA but they announced they were closing the day after I got my advance. How’s that for timing? 🙄 Hoping for better luck in the future.
Nov 08Reply
jarujav12 @hvandyne oh, the Egmont closing was so terrible for so many authors I know. Just heartbreaking. Bigger and better things are next for you, I'm sure!
Nov 08Reply
lecxi I love love love your closet, one of my closest crushes for sure! 💕I have my eye on at least three necklaces I will be purchasing when my Posh credits come through( pending)🛍😍❤️
Nov 12Reply
hvandyne @routique - you’re so sweet! Thank you so much — made my day! 😊
Nov 13Reply
tina_a63 Gorgeous closet happy to share it👌🏼👏
Nov 18Reply
hvandyne @tina_a63 - Thank you so much! 💕
Nov 19Reply
hvandyne @tina_a63 - Thank you so much! 💕
Nov 19Reply
vickyrich 🍁🦃Happy Thanksgiving Holly😀I’m Vicky from SC💗
Nov 23Reply
hvandyne @vickyrich - Happy Thanksgiving, Vicki!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! 💕
Nov 23Reply
vickyrich Just liked a bunch of your jewelry as a Christmas wish list😊🎅🏻🎄
Nov 23Reply
ella_shoppe Hi Holly, You have a beautiful collection of Jewelry and great price❤️ too... and your girls so pretty ❤️ love checking your item ☺️
Jan 16Reply
hvandyne @ella_shoppe - thank you so much! I adore your closet, too! 😘
Jan 16Reply
jaeljaeljael Wonderful jewelry closet. Love your taste. Great job!👍🏼💍👏🏼👊🏼
Mar 01Reply
hvandyne @jaeljaeljael - Thank you so much! So glad you love it! 😘
Mar 01Reply
hvandyne @fiano - Eeek! So sorry I missed seeing this! I actually loved that necklace so much I decided to keep it. But I will tag you on it if I ever repost it. I need to get you your replacement earrings. Whoops you comment on the pair you want me to send? Thank you so much!
Mar 01Reply
hvandyne @fiano 🤣 Ok! Thank you! I will have to figure out who I did owe Earrings to!
Mar 01Reply
hvandyne @sweettsvariety - Thank you so much!!! :) My daughter keeps trying to convince me to have him model my jewelry instead of her... ha ha! Yeah, um... no.
Mar 18Reply
veerobles LOVE your closet! You have many great items!
Apr 02Reply
hvandyne @veerobles - you are so sweet, thank you! LOVE your closet, too! :)
Apr 02Reply
tispencer Hi Holly! I love your closet! It's magnificent! 💕
Apr 06Reply
hvandyne @tispencer - Thank you so much! <3
Apr 06Reply
jormsby Wow, what a gorgeous closet!!!
May 06Reply
jacidestin I got it from them in an email about 1:30 in the morning from a msg I sent earlier yesterday. Now it’s tracking old label instead of new one! Good luck!! Hopefully it never happens again!! 🤗❤️
May 08Reply
jacidestin They scanned new label and it’s on way to customer. Just not tracking I contacted posh again to try to fix that
May 08Reply
hvandyne @jacidestin - I don’t know if I even want to send it if it won’t track. 😞 It’s an expensive item.
May 08Reply
jacidestin @hvandyne so is mine! It is tracking just not to me! Poshmark is receiving, because it’s a posh label. They will know when received. I let them know what was going on so they can keep eye on
May 08Reply
jacidestin @hvandyne you can track off new label number. I’m following mine! Alls good!
May 08Reply
hvandyne @tricitymerch thanks so much! Love your T’s!
Jun 01Reply
shanteeswan Happy Poshing to you🌻💛 ~Shantee
Jun 09Reply
beantownthreads What a lovely family!
Jun 27Reply
miaharper1 Hello, I ordered. Yesterday. Can you ship today?
Jul 02Reply
hvandyne @miaharper1 - Absolutely! Nothing ships on Sunday so it will be on its way to you today. 😊 Thanks so much for your order!
Jul 02Reply
hvandyne @brand_vieux - Thank you SO much!!!! 😘
Jul 02Reply
ho11ister Hi Holly I'm Hollie. 😁 I just wanted to tell you that your clothes what is adorable just like you and your girls!! 😘
Jul 06Reply
hvandyne @ho11ister - Hi Hollie!!!! So glad you commented - nice to “meet” you! 😊 Thank you for the sweet compliments!
Jul 06Reply
c_sporing I love your closet! I have a couple Statement necklace collection myself ☺️ Happy Poshing!
Jul 09Reply
quint1 @hvandyne hi ive been commenting on your heart Anne Klein posting. Would you mind providing the measurements for that watch please? Any damages
Jul 18Reply
kregkarel $100 for the ysl necklace blue water drop next week Friday?
Aug 01Reply
iggy1 Plz contact me I have 2 pre authorization showing on my bank account for 1 item
Aug 16Reply
ellezmark You have such beautiful pieces! I'm looking forward to receiving my purchase!
Aug 22Reply
hvandyne @ellezmark - Thank YOU! I’m pretty sure you got the prettiest items I have listed! 😍 They will ship out today, thanks again!
Aug 22Reply
goldenlinings Hi Holly! I absolutely love your closet! I get lost in it every time I visit. I had a question for you - I also sell a lot of jewelry and wanted to know if you had tips on inventory/storage. Do you use storage bins, or have a way to prevent items from oxidizing if they have been sitting around too long, or any tips on dealing large inventory? I started using sandwich bags to protect each item but I still struggle to find a way to neatly store things. Would appreciate your thoughts :) ~Naz
Oct 09Reply
hvandyne @goldenlinings - first... GIRL, your closet! 😍😍😍 And Thank you so much for the sweet compliments on mine! I have some tips I’d love to share with you but I’d be sending pics and links, which is hard to do on PM. Could you maybe make a fake bundle and comment on it with your email address and I will send some tips over!
Oct 09Reply
goldenlinings @hvandyne of course!! thank you so much Holly 😊😊
Oct 09Reply
elizajane78 Hey there... I just declined your offer because I think I’m going to add more to the bundle. Thank you for the offer. I’m not sure if this is the way to do this? Thanks again. Daneen(ElizaJane)
Oct 19Reply
hvandyne @elizajane78 - yep! That is fine! You should be able to change the things in your bundle now that you declined. 😊 Let me know if you need help!
Oct 19Reply
dancingqueen555 Hi, I am Cyndi. Great closet and beautiful family! Neat to meet an author on Posh!!
Oct 21Reply
curator_fashion Hi there, I was wondering if you saw my offer on your J. Crew pendant necklace? The listing didn't say "price firm" so I took a chance ☺. If the price is indeed firm could you decline my offer please? Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving 🍗🍰☕
Nov 16Reply
hvandyne @curator_fashion - thank you! I was worrying and just saw it. Thanks for the offer! It’s really a gorgeous necklace. 💕
Nov 16Reply
curator_fashion @hvandyne Thank you! So glad we could come to a price we are both happy with. It is a gorgeous piece. Can't wait to wear it. 😍♥️
Nov 16Reply
hvandyne @curator_fashion - thanks so much!!! It will be sent out to you today. 😊
Nov 16Reply
hjonesbrown Beautiful closet it!
Dec 28Reply
clothandhide Happy new year! I’m interested in your lucky brand moonstone three chain Necklace. Is this really a moon stone and coulf you please provide me the exact measurement of that pendant including the outer gold edge side to side? Would greatly appreciate it :-)
Jan 01Reply
clothandhide Hello again I’m just following up I’d like to make a purchase but I just need to know how big the Centerstone is on the Lucky three chain necklace
Jan 01Reply
clothandhide And is this a true moon stone?
Jan 01Reply
hvandyne @zoemaekenney - Hello! So sorry I forgot to reply sooner! I really do not know if this moonstone is authentic or synthetic as I no longer have the packaging it came with. However I do know that Lucky Brand typically uses authentic semi-precious stones in their jewelry - I just don't know if this is one for certain. I will measure the pendant shortly and reply with the measurement for you. Thanks!
Jan 01Reply
hvandyne @hjonesbrown - Thank you so much!!!! Hope you have a fabulous 2019!
Jan 01Reply
hvandyne @zoemaekenney - hello! The stone including gold edge is 3/4” wide. Thanks!
Jan 01Reply
weenocks Hi there. Love your closet. I too am not a seller but rather an addicted buyer 😂 I am going to start to sell to find this addiction. I’m a life long Texan but a few years away as an expat in Malaysia. It was quite the adventure and the whole family loves it ( hubby myself and 2 boys)
Jan 15Reply
weenocks I definitely this that life journey which enriched our lives immensely. I’m an artist so it was nice to see parts of the world I would never get to see. I’d love to dread one of your books. I have two dear friends that are authors. One just finished watching her fourth novel be made in to movie here in Texas ♥️♥️ The other is a science fiction writer. Both are based in Houston where I am from.
Jan 15Reply
atelier27 Hi Holly - great jewelry and I love your style of photography on Poshmark! 👏🏼🧡🍊
Jan 26Reply
hvandyne @frenchtangerine - Thank you SO much!!! <3
Jan 26Reply
hvandyne @weenocks - How did I miss your comments? Thank you SO much for your sweet compliments! So you're in Malaysia now? Wow! I would love for you to read one! I write (kind of) science fiction, too - it's a little more like a fantasy/sci-fi mix. Trying to finish up my revision to get it to my agent but Posh has kind of taken over my life lately! What are your friends books? I'd love to check them out!!! Thanks again for writing!
Jan 26Reply
weenocks @hvandyne we are not in Malaysia any longer but rather back in Texas. Lubbock. So we’re in the desert of west Texas. So my two friends are DL Young who is the science fiction writer and Katherine Center. She’s a chick lit writer.
Jan 26Reply
weenocks @hvandyne Her novel The Lost Husband has just finished filming and soon to be released on the big screen. We’ve been friends our whole life so that’s awesome to follow her. He’s amazing and so talented.
Jan 26Reply
kathy0917 @hvandyne Hi! I would love to chat with you about how you keep your Poshmark closet so organized by brand I don’t even know how to make the listings showing the brand. Let me know if you would be willing to help me out. Thanks!
Apr 04Reply
nymo830 What a beautiful family. Great closet!
May 12Reply
runway63 Great collection of jewelry! Super impressed !
Jun 05Reply
hvandyne @runway63 awww, you’re so sweet - thank you for making my day! 😘
Jun 05Reply
hvandyne @nymo830 - Thank you so much! (And sorry for the super-late reply!) somehow I missed the notification!
Jun 05Reply
hvandyne @kathy0917 - Hi Kathy! Sorry for my super-late reply but I have a post on my Instagram account that shows step by step how I make my signs. My IG name is @hollyv21. And if you have any questions please ask! 💕
Jun 05Reply
runway63 @hvandyne Glad to share some happiness your way ! Thanks for the shares. Your skills at purchasing and marketing are excellent 😊❤️!
Jun 05Reply
kathy0917 @hvandyne Thanks, but I’m not on Instagram.
Jun 05Reply
hvandyne @runway63 - Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that! The last few days I've messed up 3 orders and was really down because of it, and you've made me feel so much better. I can't thank you enough. <3
Jun 05Reply
princess6157_ Hello Holly! I’m Sarah. Stopped by your closet! Wow 😮 you have some beautiful jewelry!!!! Thanks for following my closet! See any item you like don’t hesitate to make an offer, bundle, ask questions! Happy Poshing!! 🌹😊🌹 🐘
Jun 13Reply
jopalooza Wow! Gorgeous Closet! Beautifully organized! I am in awe. So fun to browse (and shop). Saving as one of my faves for sure! Must return when I have some $. Thank you💕
Jun 18Reply
capaesano I enjoyed visiting your closet. You have some beautiful jewelry. My favorite is Betsy Johnson earrings. None today but you had a couple necklaces I liked. I haven’t posted anything to sell but hope to in the future.
Jun 28Reply
hvandyne @capaesano Thank you so much! Betsey is great, isn’t she? I look forward to seeing your closet once you get it up and running- best of luck! 💕
Jun 28Reply
faithvawterrr Beautiful pictures :)
Jun 29Reply
onemorecolor Hey Holly! Just followed you over on your other closet @jarsofjewels. I love jewelry too, vintage and handmade in particular. Can’t wait to check out both your closets! 🌺🌺🌺
Aug 10Reply
hvandyne @onemorecolor Hello!!! *waves* - Yay! A fellow vintage jewelry lover! So glad to meet you, thanks for introducing yourself! You have a lovely closet!
Aug 10Reply
onemorecolor @hvandyne Thank you so much! You too, and I’m so impressed with your selection! Endless joy of scrolling. I need to come back another time and filter by color just to see more if it! I am glad to have met you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 💕💕💕
Aug 10Reply
mari7736 Hi will you accept my offer
Aug 15Reply
krede715 Beautiful closet! Beautiful family and adorable fur baby!😊
Aug 18Reply
hvandyne @krede715 Thank you so much! 💕
Aug 22Reply
tjmango17 Hello Holly! So nice to meet you. I just discovered your closet and I love it 💗
Aug 25Reply
regaliallc Hi there! What a beautiful family you have! I'd love to hear more about the books you write. You have such great taste in jewelry. I'm turning green with envy over here. :)
Sep 06Reply
joebilly753 Good day to you Posher. My name is Wanda. Nice to meet you. Look forward to following you. Thank so much for sharing. Also shared you. GREAT RAINBOW days ahead!!💖
Sep 15Reply
kathleenr7 Hi Holly, I am Kathleen and welcome to Posh! Check out my closet maybe you will see something you like! I am open to offers, no prices are carved in Stone!
Nov 12Reply
hvandyne @pdyer612 yes! I just saw that! I wonder why? ☹️ I feel bad that you have to pay two shipping charges! I’ll throw in a few extra goodies for you!
Jan 03Reply
urbanhaven2014 Hi Holly. Just came across a post on Instagram, I’m in love with your jewelry. Great taste, everything is gorgeous. Will be back for sure. 🤗
Jan 20Reply
hvandyne @sonpaises Thank you SO much!!! Just followed you back! 🥰
Jan 21Reply
urbanhaven2014 @hvandyne ahhh sweet thank you. I’m going to be watching out for one of your mystery boxes 😀
Jan 21Reply
hasski Good morning! I think I received a packaged but by mistake my husband 😒 placed the incorrect box to be ( returned back to sender) . So I believe the necklace I order will be arriving in a few days back to you. My apologies for this. Could you please return the order back to my address. Let me know if there are any issues. thanks Katherine
Feb 20Reply
hvandyne @hasski I’m confused. I don’t think it’s possible for me to just return it back to you again as it would require new postage. I believe one of us will have to contact Poshmark. Would you like to do it so you can explain what happened?
Feb 20Reply
hasski @hvandyne no worries, I got it 😀
Feb 24Reply
libbylu You have a beautiful closet & family. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Feb 25Reply
sloan555 You have a wonderful closet!
Apr 11Reply
glamourgirl6884 I adore your closet. ♥️
May 18Reply
carjesden You have a fabulous closet. I really want to buy the Bendel gloves from you but just can’t justify that price during these difficult times. Please.... let me know if you decide on
May 18Reply
carjesden You have a fabulous closet. I really want to buy the Bendel gloves from you but just can’t justify the cost in these difficult times for want instead of need items. Please.... let me know if you do a lower price. Thanks and stay safe
May 18Reply
jilldwilliams Hi! I’m so glad I came across your closet! Thanks for following mine. I love your store and your photography! I hope you have a great weekend - Happy Poshing! 🌸💕
Jun 12Reply
ladyspring13 One of the best, nicest sellers on PM!! Gives amazing deals and is constantly adding wonderful things to her closet! I can’t recommend Holly highly enough!! 🤩💕✨
Jun 22Reply
hvandyne @ladyspring13 thanks so much, Erika!!! You have a gorgeous closet yourself!
Jun 23Reply
ladyspring13 @hvandyne 💕🦩✨ You’re awesome!!
Jun 23Reply
adamadisonart How do you do your pictures? The lighting with the white background is so beautiful
Jul 28Reply
benny_la_rue Awesome name, cool office and cute kids!
Aug 07Reply
essentialrose Thank you for accepting the offer. Love this bracelet. Abundant Poshing!
Aug 13Reply
hvandyne @essentialrose it is so pretty! Thank you so much - it will ship out to you today!
Aug 13Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Nov 14Reply
flowermom11 Great closet! And locally owned!!! Love it ❤️ If that’s St Mary’s my girls went there too before transferring to St Pete’s! Small town 😊
Jan 07Reply
hvandyne @flowermom11 Hello! Yes! My girls are both at St. Peter’s now, too. (These pics are a little old - my oldest is a senior!) I’ve taught at St. Mary’s for 11 years now - I might have had your daughters as students! 💕 It’s so nice to meet someone else local who sells on Posh!!!!
Jan 07Reply
flowermom11 @hvandyne Both my girls transferred to St Pete’s in 2010 I believe? But they both started at St Mary’s with Mrs. Mears!! Daisy started there around 2003 and Lilly in 2006. They had Mrs Osbourne, Mrs Ralston, Mr Parrish, Mrs Dunbar, so it might have been before you started there? It’s great to meet you☺️
Jan 11Reply
hhstock87 You have a beautiful closet! I’ll be following you and look forward to Poshing with you! 😊
Mar 07Reply
hvandyne @hhstock87 Awww - you are so sweet! Thank you so much!
Mar 07Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Mar 12Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Mar 12Reply
sherryzawacki8 hi I'm Sherry from Florida
Mar 17Reply
hvandyne @sherryzawacki8 hi Sherry!!! So nice to “meet” you! 💕
Mar 17Reply
veronika2205 Thank you for all the sharings🥰☺️! You have a beautiful closet! Good luck 🍀 with your sales!!!
Jul 15Reply
suzishops Holly! I’d b more than happy to “buy” u if that meant a girls weekend away! ☀️🌊🛍💙 Suzi 🙋‍♀️
Jan 21Reply
triciaking381 Nice pictures!
Jan 21Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jan 21Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer for a great deal!
Feb 15Reply
mapleleaf5 Love your closet, but what grabbed my attention is your beautiful library! I love all things bookish 😃
Apr 15Reply
gracie607 @hvandyne Thanks for stopping by my closet ✨👗🙋🏼‍♀️✨
May 22Reply
lilanastasia Hi Holly! Thank you for sharing my closet! Your closet is so lovely! Have a blessed day!🤗
May 24Reply
thoward67t Thank you for the share! Happy Friday eve!
Jun 03Reply
1sumrgrl Thanks for the follow and the shares! I appreciate your support ❣️
Jun 19Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Holly on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻🤟🏻❤️💜
Jun 28Reply
shagen0917 Thank you for sharing my listing!❤️
Jul 09Reply
apollo1013 Thank You for sharing my listing!💜 I Truly Appreciate It:)🦋🦋🦋
Jul 29Reply
weifulan Thanks for sharing,you have fabulous closet,I like it,also I like your family lovely pictures ,Happy poshing ❤️
Aug 28Reply
sm697 Hi Holly, I have a question about one of your items...
Sep 15Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Nov 03Reply
louisepeters363 Thank you much sharing my item appreciate it
Jan 23Reply
triplesquared Hi Holly, thank you so much for sharing!!
Feb 07Reply
danebug Hiya Holly! 🙋‍♀️ Just wanted to say thanks so much for taking the time to peek thru my closet and for the share 💕 Really means a lot to me, especially considering your Posh status and how many people are following you, wow! 🤩🥰 I can see why though, your closet is beyond beautiful and your aesthetic is 🔥❤️‍🔥Wishing you continued success and many more sales ✨️💃✨️ Cheers!
Feb 18Reply
hvandyne @danebug Awwww, thank you SO much! 💕 You are the sweetest! You made my day! And you’re very welcome for the shares!
Feb 18Reply
jscalabrino Hi Holly! I love love love your closet. It is a delight to scroll through your items, it is so professional. I would want to share everything (I don't know if it is possible at once!) but really I could not tell that you like jewelry so check out again mine and maybe you will find something you like! Happy Poshing. Sunny ☀️ ᓚᘏᗢ
Feb 19Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for the share 🦋
Mar 08Reply
jameylane Beautiful closet, I love the jewelry you creat!
Apr 03Reply
hvandyne @jameylane awww, thank you so much! 💕 I love making it!
Apr 03Reply
closetresycle Your closet is crazy fun!!!! So many things I love ❤️
Apr 11Reply
hvandyne @closetresycle oh my gosh I feel the same way about YOUR closet!!! 😍😍😍 Thank you so much!
Apr 11Reply
eclectic_artist Hi there 😊 you have an amazing closet! which is your favorite book?
Apr 24Reply
hvandyne @rociohuerta28 thank you so much! Favorite book - that’s a tough question! I know it’s completely biased but I would have to say it’s the book I published last year, THE INHABITANT OF ALEXIS O’RILEY. I love so many books but I think writing one yourself makes you love it so much more. 👍🏻 What is your favorite book?
Apr 25Reply
eclectic_artist @hvandyne Hi Holly, My favorite book is Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes. I hope your day was great!
Apr 27Reply
barbysanez Hi Holly, Thank u so much for sharing my item!! I am about as newbie as u can get as being a seller on Posh so I truly appreciate u! :) I will be back to check out your closet soon and return the ❤️. Ur book sounds amazing! I'm a city girl with very limited space so I read everything on k indle and I saw that ur book is part of my membership. Unfortunately I don't think that makes u money, but I'm super looking forward to reading it!! 🤗 Thanks so much for sharing!
Dec 14Reply
hvandyne @barbysanez Thanks so much for leaving a comment! Good luck with Poshmark! It’s a great way to make a little extra money! And I’m SO excited that you’re going to read the book! Please let me know what you think! 💕
Dec 14Reply
jaycell44 Please review my offer thank you
Feb 23Reply
julieh28_1984 Hi there, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for all your likes and for visiting my closet. I greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if your interested in anything.
Mar 27Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
Apr 28Reply
mermaid_vintage You have such a lovely jewelry collection! I've like a few pieces and plan to buy when I'm back home mid August ♡♡♡ Happy Poshing 💚🧜‍♀️
Jun 05Reply
cutehosiery @hvandyne Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 25Reply

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Mansfield, OH
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Mansfield, OH
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