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Updated Nov 06
Updated Nov 06

Meet your Posher, Michelle

Meet the Posher



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Hello! Texas graduate BS/MS, selling beautiful clothes ♥ Thriftymichelle on IG
  • Seller Discount: 25% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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b16cordova Welcome to Posh!!!!! 😉😊🎉 check out my closet if you see something you like Don't hold back on to making an offer..🎉
Jul 05Reply
merileeann Hello! I'm Merilee. Welcome to Poshmark! It's addicting around these parts, but the nice people and deals are too good to pass up! Who can resist? Anyway, if I can ever help you with questions as you get acquainted, buying or selling, simply tag me @merileeann. And remember to share your own items daily. The more you share, the higher they appear in searches. Cheers🎉
Jul 06Reply
trulymichelle @merileeann Thanks! I already can see myself spending countless hours on here😊--still trying to figure everything out
Jul 06Reply
feministfox Hi! I'm Jade, and I'm a personal shopper. I love foxes, Taylor Swift, and NYC. I sell mostly Anthropologie and J. Crew items, but I carry a lot of other brands too. I have clothing as low as $10, and I'm currently giving 25% off two or more items! I'm so excited that you joined posh!!! :) Let me know if you have any questions whatsoever, as I am a Posh mentor for newbies, a top rated seller, and former Posh party host!! Sending you love! - feministfox🦄
Jul 12Reply
trulymichelle @feministfox thank you 😊 Everyone is so sweet!
Jul 12Reply
feministfox You are so welcome! ❤️
Jul 12Reply
stephxred Hi Michelle! Nice to meet you 🌞 Your closet is so lovely! 💕
Jul 18Reply
elviraj22 Hello to poshing 🍃🍃🍃🍃 take a peek at my closet, like something??... Make an offer 🙃
Jul 24Reply
jenmartine Hi, was wondering when you would ship out a recent purchase from a few days ago
Jul 28Reply
trulymichelle @jenmartine Your tank going out today. Had to wait on some new boxes :)
Jul 28Reply
jenmartine @thriftymichelle oh that's great thank you! I was just curious because I'll be moving in a little over a week 😅
Jul 28Reply
vlsavell Where Are You @ In Houston ? you Interested In Tge Posh N Sip On 8/21?
Aug 02Reply
trulymichelle @vlsavell southeast. It depends on my schedule. Finishing up my masters/rotations at the hospital right now and still serving on the weekends...not much time lol--but I'll try to see if I can get that night off
Aug 02Reply
vlsavell @thriftymichelle cool Im On Southeast Also!!
Aug 02Reply
vlsavell I trierd to put you on The Posh N Sip Tag But I dont Kniw if I did it right or Not!!
Aug 02Reply
kimkjc2 @thriftymichelle Hi Michelle! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you'll love it! 😍 Thanks for following me, I'm Kim. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to tag me. Happy Poshing! 💖💖
Aug 17Reply
leaditbackhome Hi Michelle! Thank you for the follow! I want to share with you my new business. Would you be interested in learning about Rodan and Fields?
Aug 17Reply
shabbychic45 Hi Michelle, my name is Michele 💘! Looks like we are in the same neck of the woods! I am in Pearland. What part of Houston are you from? I have been looking for various houston posh n sip but it look like we may have just missed on. Hopefully there will be another one soon!! Looks like you are doing well!! Good luck in your sales and thank you for the share!
Aug 18Reply
trulymichelle @shabbychic45 Hey!! That's awesome! I'm from Webster/Clear Lake, so just a little south of you. Definitely we should try to make a posh n sip sometime. Good luck to you too!😊😊
Aug 18Reply
shabbychic45 @thriftymichelle you are just a hop skip and a jump from me!! I see when the next Posh n sip is and maybe we can meet at the Starbucks by Baybrook!!
Aug 18Reply
h_parsons @thriftymichelle You have a super cute closet!! Wishing you many sales! 💖🎀🛍📦✨
Aug 20Reply
trulymichelle @h_parsons thank you 😊😊
Aug 20Reply
puffedsleeves @thriftymichelle Hi there! Loving your closet; we have similar tastes! I just recently joined Poshmark, too; it's been fun learning the ropes, and most everyone is very sweet. 😙 Good luck; Posh on! ✌
Aug 28Reply
trulymichelle @mandi622 hey! 😊 I am in love with poshmark lol welcome! We can learn the ins and outs together!
Aug 28Reply
teachme123 Thank you for the shares Michelle. Good luck with your masters. Happy holidays to you and your family.💜🙋🏼💜🎁🎅🏻🎄
Dec 17Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Dec 17Reply
turtledove56 Thanks for sharing 💞💐
Dec 18Reply
lulalau Awesome vintage finds!!🌻
Dec 22Reply
trulymichelle @lulalau thank you 😊
Dec 22Reply
michtol U r sooo pretty happy New year
Jan 03Reply
trulymichelle @mestiles sorry, can't go any lower right now since it's new and has a few other pending offers :/
Jan 29Reply
nyc_apple You have a lovely closet.
Feb 01Reply
trulymichelle @nyc_apple thank you! :)
Feb 01Reply
officestyle If you're interested in the bow tie Top... $50! Just make the offer
Feb 03Reply
msleslied1 Hey howdy..hope u r having fun...I'm a bit addicted and loving it ❣️🎉. I'll share and hope u will too...Happy Poshing, Leslie. And u r so cute!!
Feb 04Reply
msleslied1 So so thank you
Feb 04Reply
jayru Beautiful closet 😍
Mar 05Reply
trulymichelle @jayru thank you 💕
Mar 05Reply
jayru @thriftymichelle You're welcome 😊
Mar 05Reply
brthestar713 Thanks for all the love 😘
Mar 05Reply
sylvania777 Thanks 4 the share!😁 beautiful eyes!!!
Mar 06Reply
watergirl2oqq Michelle can you give me advice on how you've gotten so many followers. You've only been posting since July of 2016. Thanks!
Apr 03Reply
trulymichelle @watergirl2oqq I am very active--especially in the last few months (finished my masters and am studying for a state exam). I spend hours on pm everyday and SHARE like a crazy person. My numbers also increased a lot after I became a suggested user :)
Apr 03Reply
lesleymmc You have such a beautiful closet! Congratulations on getting your degree. I have a Masters in Nursing. It was one of the most difficult times of my life. Poshmark takes up a lot of my time but I'm just getting started. Closets like yours are an inspiration. Hope you're having a great weekend. Happy Poshing 🤗
Apr 03Reply
watergirl2oqq @lesleymmc thank you and good luck on exams!
Apr 03Reply
hmsimon1 Michelle thanks for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
Apr 28Reply
trulymichelle @angiebrooke welcome! Thanks 😊 Nurrition and Dietetics!
May 19Reply
johnmercer Thank you for following
May 19Reply
hwebb28 @thriftymichelle Lovely closet Michelle!!!😘🌺
May 19Reply
lovelucyxoxo @thriftymichelle thank you for all your shares! If you are interested in anything I am opened to offers 💕❤️🎀
Jun 30Reply
ashleyandme01 Hi Michelle, glad I came by your closet! Everything looks so pretty and cute! Love them 😘❤️❤️ I was wondering where you got your mannequin and your background/wallpapers? They make your clothes look very nice and bright!
Jul 07Reply
trulymichelle @ashleyandme01 hey! Thanks 😊 I got my mannequin from joann fabrics, and my backgrounds are the outer wall of my old apartment, and the wooden fence of my current porch :) I've considered printed backgrounds, but I like the look of the real thing better!
Jul 07Reply
ashleyandme01 @thriftymichelle oh no wonder the pics look so good! I've only got the marble ground and the wall..not the best backgrounds 😁
Jul 07Reply
kingcat11 Sweet Michelle!!! I came back to shop, sorry for the offer! BUT thank you so very much for kindly accepting it for the three items! You're pretty awesome! I am so appreciative and just maybe when I return, I won't put in another offer!! That's the least I can do for you! Take care, Jo :-)
Jul 14Reply
datpiff99 I respect your hustle 👌
Jul 29Reply
missmoonxoxo Congratulations on working towards your Master's degree. I watched both my parents & older sister do it - it's not for the faint of heart. Thanks for the follow - I ❤ your closet. Keep slaying, girl 💪🎓📚
Aug 07Reply
saving_grace11 Your closet is beautiful. I like the tip where to get a mannequin.🎀🎉.
Oct 26Reply
lolalue Good luck with your Masters!!
Nov 22Reply
lolalue Me again- no hurry at all on shipping top- 😀
Nov 22Reply
mymarket4all Thanks for SHARES!!!
Dec 03Reply
myeclecticfinds Your closet is amazing! Love all of your vintage denim. Thanks for the shares 😊 happy holidays!
Dec 17Reply
retrobohemian Hi Michelle thanks so much for your offer! I’m shopping for my mom. She just told me she’s an xl in lucky brand not a large. Your offer was extremely generous and I would have purchased it if that was her size. Now I have to start over lol and I’ll be looking in your closet for her size! Just wanted to let you know why I’m not accepting your offer. 💗 your closet is beautiful!
Dec 19Reply
zuzumarket - Happy Wednesday and Happy National Sangria Day!!!😁💃🍷🍊🍷🍋🍷🍍🍷💃🇪🇸 🎉😜
Dec 20Reply
slroland At the
Jan 06Reply
shopplie Thanks for the shares!!
Jan 08Reply
carleeraex I’m obsessed with your closet.
Jan 14Reply
trulymichelle @crh71657 ❤❤ Thanks for your purchase!
Jan 14Reply
carleeraex @trulymichelle thanks for having such great items and prices. I will definitely be shopping with you again.
Jan 14Reply
fancytiger24 Beautiful, lovely closet! Nice to meet you!
Jan 20Reply
fleursdenice Gorgeous closet❣️😍you your taste! I’m so trying to be good and it’s not getting any easier! Lol! Wishing you a fabulous day!
Jan 22Reply
jillianeverett Really inspired by your closet! Go girl 💗💗
Jan 28Reply
stephaniecherie Love your closet! 💕
Feb 03Reply
gnvr Michelle so sorry! I didn't mean to purchase! Please cancel the order
Feb 13Reply
gnvr Please do not ship the Trina turk cardigan. I did not make the purchase or the offer. I hope you can understand!
Feb 13Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a nice weekend!
Feb 16Reply
mimataja20 Thanks so much for sharing “our closet”:-))))))
Mar 17Reply
hawaiian_so_phi Love love your closet!!
Mar 18Reply
coconut_couture Yaaaay!!! 100k! Congrats girlie! 💎@k_madayag 💎@sparklesandglam 💎@abeautifulchaos 💎@pretty_pear 💎@jjj9_4 💎@poshmaymay 💎@shuffman77 💎@vcher77 💎@rosebisou5 💎@bridgemill 💎@swanagin 💎@heelsinthegym 💎@pdcosc61 💎@mlb1006 💎@abc_g 💎@midtownlounge 💎@beriterinhoward 💎@punkinrn68 💎@alejandraz86 💎@hrtstyle 💎@haleys_hanger 💎@myvintagevanity 💎@sweettsvariety 💎@ellarosebloom 💎@bostonbella
Mar 25Reply
jefe4141 Thanks for the share!!!!!
Mar 28Reply
maryannela Hey! Great closet. So nice to meet you 🌸💜. Happy shopping. This site is addicting!
Mar 28Reply
trulymichelle @stylebyvalerie thanks! saw that one, but I felt the wash/cut/paris aspect of mine set it a part 😊. The only one I found exactly the same (except said dallas not paris) is on ebay for 200
Mar 29Reply
stylebyvalerie @trulymichelle her’s is priced way too low either way. Yours is definitely nicer! If anything you could source it from her lol
Mar 29Reply
trulymichelle @stylebyvalerie I agree haha. And that's very true!
Mar 29Reply
trulymichelle @glossygleanings I dropped it off last night! It should update today ☺
Apr 09Reply
yourgoodfortune Thank you for sharing my item. Your closet is adorable. Which I could fit in all of them ! I need to know your secret to sending out so many packages everyday!
Apr 15Reply
trulymichelle @yourgoodfortune good pics and self shares :)
Apr 15Reply
bellaizzymo Your closet is lovely and what a selection. I hope everyday you have packages like that. Happy poshing!
Apr 25Reply
stmnt Cool profile pics! those are my goals , any tips you'd like to share?
Apr 25Reply
dowelldana Love love love your closet! So clean and put together! Happy Poshing!
Apr 26Reply
atomicblazer Thanks for your share and congratulations on your beautiful closet!
May 05Reply
rebekkitty Thanks so much for all the shares! Much appreciated! 😘
May 09Reply
bohoglam33 Thanks for the share 🌺🌺🌺 P.S. I love you profile picture!!
May 26Reply
fltrdfinds Hi! Do you by any chance have any brandy Melville dresses? :)
May 28Reply
reuseagain Beautiful closet 💕✨💕✨
Jun 13Reply
stephmcgee9 Hey! Love your closet and all of the great info you share on your IG page! 😊
Jun 18Reply
abbeymchale I’m obsessed w your closet wow!
Jul 09Reply
sandeepeck Hi! I find your closet and instagram so inspirational. I love reading about your thrifting adventures. I thin that you do such amazing work. I just thought you’d like to hear that from a newbie 😁💕
Jul 10Reply
kmclean13 Hello! I hate to sound like an annoying buyer, I hope you don’t mind - I had submitted an offer earlier today on an item you have for sale, are you flexible on price? ☺️ let me know! Thanks! 💜
Jul 10Reply
trulymichelle @kmclean13 ah, sorry I don't know how I missed it! Just accepted 🙂
Jul 10Reply
kmclean13 @trulymichelle that’s quite alright! I know you get a lot of traffic 😉 thank you so much! Looking forward to getting it! Btw I follow you on insta I love your content! 💕
Jul 10Reply
vrdnmartin @trulymichelle Wow!! I can't believe it!! Thanks for the follow and shares, your one like one of my pff's in my head!😁😂😂
Jul 10Reply
taayprezz @trulymichelle i will put the jeans in the mail for you tomorrow sorry for the inconvenience i’ve been working doubles at work! 😩
Jul 13Reply
trulymichelle @taayprezz no it's completely fine! Thank you for your purchase ❤
Jul 13Reply
taayprezz @trulymichelle anytime you have gorgeous stuff! 💕
Jul 13Reply
elishevaavraham Hi Welcome to Poshmark ^_^
Jul 20Reply
livelarge55 Love your closet!
Jul 24Reply
cmaster89 @trulymichelle You have some amazing stuff in your closet! It was a joy to go through :) Have a Fantastic Friday!
Jul 27Reply
carmelacandy Your photos are amazing! And your closet looks divine! I feel like I want everything!!
Jul 30Reply
trulymichelle @carmelacandy❤❤
Jul 30Reply
kmg6524 Great offer on the dress! Excited to wear it!
Aug 05Reply
freisner You have such a fun closet! So many great pieces -makes it easy to share! I love your style! 🌼
Aug 06Reply
pigstyatelier Gorgeous closet!
Aug 13Reply
encoredepot Thank you for the follow! You have the prettiest eyes!
Aug 16Reply
rosegoldlining Hi Michelle! Trying to reach you via email! Please look for my message!
Aug 21Reply
trulymichelle @rosegoldlining ah okay, sorry! I'm the worst at checking emails
Aug 21Reply
peri_y hey! I absolutely love your listings ! I’m actually thinking of buying from you and just wanted to check in with you and let you know im having a huge sale going on ! all bundles are 25 % off and all items are going for 20% off ! let me know if you need any help !happy poshing xx
Aug 23Reply
junquefood Saw your Insta story today! Sending shares and lots of love and good vibes your way to get some sales happening this month for you!! Hope my shares help and wishing you the happiest of poshing 😘
Sep 07Reply
llellie Love your closet! Found you through Instagram and followed 😊💓💕
Sep 08Reply
hrcollier3 I recently ordered a dress from you and it still hasn’t shipped. Is there any way I can get an eta on the dress as I need it for an event. Thanks!
Oct 01Reply
trulymichelle @hrcollier3 it is going out tomorrow! Sorry for the delay
Oct 02Reply
mee0wsers 👋 Thanks for checking meowt! Closet benefits animal rescue. Ty for helping me help them 🐶 🐱 Happy poshing 🎉
Oct 24Reply
braziljen05 Your closet is great! I always enjoy sharing! Happy Poshing! ❤️👠👗
Oct 27Reply
meglud94 @trulymichelle Hey! I shared as much as I could of your closet && I hope you get some sales from it. Found you on Instagram and have been loving keeping up with you!
Oct 29Reply
designersondime Welcome to Poshmark!
Nov 10Reply
newcreations83 Wow! 😍I can't believe you just followed my closet!💓💓💗 I follow you on Instagram and watch your Insta-stories everyday. I just love your personality and you are absolutely gorgeous! Also, your closet is amazing! 😍😍 This just made my day. I pray your day is blessed with lots of success!
Nov 15Reply
q_posh Check out my page
Dec 03Reply
raraluiz Hi Michelle, I have a Sam Edelman crop top you might be interested in. Check out my closet!
Dec 19Reply
loriguidryatx I just watched your first Haul video! Good job! And you're a Texas gal too! I'm in Austin!
Dec 20Reply
trulymichelle @treasured_heart thank you ❤ & it's always fun meeting fellow Texans!
Dec 20Reply
loriguidryatx @trulymichelle thanks for the shares! Awesome!
Dec 20Reply
shopalteredera Thanks for sharing! Happy POSHING & Happy New Year! 🐔
Dec 27Reply
romi425 Welcome! Just wanted to share that I am selling these amazing luxury hair products that are vegan, and cruelty free! Let me know if interested in buying or even selling yourself :) you would love them ! 💕 take the hair quiz in my bio and if interested in selling to make extra income in an easy way then don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Jan 04Reply
momentsbynaenae Love you beautiful closet Michelle, your photos are Amazing!!😉
Jan 04Reply
sassydass Ahh!! Can't believe you followed me on Poshmark, LOL! Love LOVE your IG and your closet. Thanks so much for the follow! <3 Happy Poshing!
Jan 07Reply
zuperbear3 Hiiii!!! Thank you SO much for the follow on Poshmark!! Love your Insta stories!! Love your closet!! 💜💜💜
Jan 22Reply
hopeforever29 Hello! Love your closet! I like a mix of current fashions and cool vintage pieces too! ☺ Thank you for following my closet. Following yours as well now! 😊 looking forward to checking it out more later today! Have a great, blessed day 💕
Jan 22Reply
ellenauggie1 @hopeforever29 Hi !!!! Love your videos and your closet !!!
Feb 04Reply
patti7 Hi Michelle - great closet! I follow you on IG. :)
Feb 08Reply
studiochic_ Welcome to poshmark!! Hope you love it here!! 💕💕
Feb 10Reply
dressedbyd You are so beautiful!! Absolutely love your closet and your Instagram!!!!
Feb 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 13Reply
my_gypsy_soul Love your latest haul video on Instagram 💗 Happy Poshing!! 😊
Feb 19Reply
affordinstyle Congratz on make a deals day win! ^.^
Mar 06Reply
amber2286 Congrats on the Deals day Win!! You are now rewarded with posh money in your account. So, I’m running a special for all winners for HALF off my entire closet for the next week. Please just bundle your likes and send me the code word “WINNER” to receive your own special offer ❤️❤️❤️ Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself today! You deserve it!!! Happy Poshing 💗💕💞💗💖❣️💗
Mar 06Reply
c_juliani ✨Congrats on your Make A Deal Days win!! Feel free to stop by my closet for special winner deals!!! Send me an offer or bundle your likes. You deserve to treat yourself to something you love 🛍 HAPPY POSHING✨
Mar 06Reply
poshmark1111112 Congrats on your make a deal days WIN! How exciting~ !
Mar 06Reply
javamomscorner Congrats on your Make A Deal Days win!! Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Mar 06Reply
starkravenwild Congrats on your Win for Deal of The Day. Super Exciting!! I haven't won yet But I am going to keep on trying. Hopefully you will get lots of shares and followers from everybody seeing your closet on the list!!
Mar 07Reply
simplychuse Congrats on your win make a deal day!!
Mar 07Reply
shoplushglam Congratulations! That’s so cool you won! Just want to let you know I have a 🎉FLASH SALE🎉 going on, up to 20% off. Visit my closet sometime! @lushglam ⭐️Prices Negotiable⭐️ 🌈MAKE AN OFFER🌈 🛍Bundle for better deal💰 Free 🎁 with $20+ purchase😘 📦Ships ASAP!
Mar 07Reply
sasales Congratulations on being a Make A Deal Days Winner love!! I’m super excited for you!! I hope you will take a look at my closet and consider purchasing from a 5⭐️ seller like myself. I’m open to offers and ship extremely fast. Please let me know if you have any questions. Congratulations once again! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 07Reply
harlowwifey Congrats on your make a deals day win! 💥🎊🎉 I have to admit I’m a little jealous! Please stop by my closet to see if I have anything u must have!! 🙃 if you don’t see anything for you, consider sharing some of my listings! I have returned the favor and shared some of your listings with my 31K + followers!! Congrats again!!
Mar 07Reply
ogkatlee Hi Michelle! Congrats on your ‘Make-A-Deal Days’ win! I won last year as well, and splurged on some pretty nifty items from fellow Poshers’ closets. Do feel free to check out mine - you may find something you like. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Mar 07Reply
bbytess Hey girl when are you planning to ship? I need these clothes in my life!! 🙌🤪☹
Mar 08Reply
trulymichelle @bbytess should go out today! Sorry for the delay, I wanted to wash one of the items 🙃. I'm adding an extra for your patience 🙂
Mar 08Reply
bbytess @trulymichelle ok awesome thank you for letting me know! Cant wait 😍
Mar 08Reply
379_vintage I just have to tell you that you are so pretty! ☕🌞
Mar 16Reply
mwmercantile I am literally obsessed with your closet. I know this probably sounds cheesy, but I have been wanting to do this for so long and your insta+posh closet has inspired me to get started! Can't wait for more dooney finds - I'm waiting on a cream one in larger size :) :)
Mar 26Reply
trulymichelle @kmklitzke 😘❤ thank you! yay!!
Mar 27Reply
grayclover Hi! When are you listing the gray POL top? I love it!
Mar 31Reply
trulymichelle @thriftily just added it! It's more of a gray/blue though 😊
Apr 01Reply
grayclover @trulymichelle Thanks, I’m in love, but small...😐
Apr 01Reply
oh_herro_kitty You’re awesome! Thank you!!! You have a fabulous closet! It was really hard to pick things!
Apr 16Reply
kassavabread @trulymichelle wow! Very beautiful style. Would love for you to check ouy my closet. Offers always welcome. Have a good night
May 30Reply
laurenmarie143 Hey there! Is it ok if I use the photos of the 2 dresses I bought to attempt to sell? They don’t fit 😐
Jun 12Reply
trulymichelle @laurenmarie143 ah! sorry they didn't fit 😑! But sure 😊
Jun 12Reply
laurenmarie143 Not your fault at all! Thank you 😊
Jun 12Reply
rthiel4676 Thank you!!!!! Your super AWESOME!!!
Jul 31Reply
shanelene Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️ Feel free to look at my closet (adding new stuff frequently) and don’t be afraid to shoot me an offer on anything. ❤️ Happy Poshing!
Aug 05Reply
finleyfindstx Hello Neighbor I live in Keller.
Aug 19Reply
faith0555 Hi, thanks so much for following & sharing 🌺
Aug 31Reply
ptangles Wete do store so much inventory? And how do you keep track of were the item is?
Sep 02Reply
trulymichelle @ptangles I have them in lettered bins on shelving units 😊
Sep 02Reply
bydonnywu Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Nov 06Reply
paulisue Welome to Poshmark!! I'm new myself and having a blast selling (and buying) stuff! Please stop by my closet and take a look!
Nov 09Reply
island_sos Hi Michelle, Very nice that you are here on Poshmark. Thank you! #IAM911 🚑🚒🚓🚒🚑There’s always something to ⭐️FIRE UP⭐️ your wardrobe in my Closet 🎉FLASH SALE🎉 5 items with the snowflake ❄️ emoji pay $25 for all 5 💲Prices Negotiable💲 MAKE AN OFFER🌈 🛍Bundle for discounted Shipping📬 📦Ships ASAP!
Dec 05Reply
caclosetlove Love your closet! All my fave brands! ❤️
Dec 21Reply
anisbenzarti09 Thx Michelle for the DB purse! Have a great year! Happy shopping with you
Jan 06Reply
neonzoo Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Jan 20Reply
poshstylist101 Love your hair!! Who cuts your hair in Texas?
Jan 20Reply
ultrachic111 Hi Michelle! I’m fairly new to the ‘Posh World’ and truly loving it💘💘💘 I found you on Instagram where I’m following many inspirational Poshers. So happy to add you to my list! Awesome 👏 👏👏 Closet🔥🔥🔥👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
Jan 26Reply
sawayaka Thanks for the private offer on the painted plaid dress. I liked the item in the faint hope that those of us in the tiny Canadian PoshMarket can eventually order from the US as I’ve been wanting that dress for ages! Sigh.
Jan 28Reply
pspatelusa Hi dear I have beautiful jewelry in my closet I would love if u please visit my closet feel free to ask any question or offer Have good one
Jan 29Reply
designdiva2020 Hi. I see you like Brooks Brothers too. Today I posted quite a few size 4 Brooks Brothers items. Please take a look when you have a chance. I’d be happy to work with you on the price - with or without a bundle. Let me know how I can help. Have a better than great day! Candice
Feb 20Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm moving so accepting most (basically all) offers! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like/start a bundle! I will accept! Thank you :)
Jun 25Reply
sugarymom hi there👋. I shared 10 or more of your listings🖐💙💜❤ Blessings
Jul 24Reply
comeon Michelle, You are killing me with this goreous closet! :( :)
Jul 26Reply
mjwalker1 Happy Poshing Michelle🤗
Aug 13Reply
brandi_sails Hello lovely. Thanks for following my closet. Have a beautiful day! 🌺🌻
Aug 15Reply
ashholeswing Omg your so gorgeous!!🥰
Aug 17Reply
dianabananah I love your IG 💕
Oct 10Reply
ccvoya you have such a great closet, so easy to share. I kinda got carried away! I saved a few things so I can remember to keep looking back for new things. thanks!
Oct 28Reply
kloth_n_leather LOOVE your closet!! Your pictures are SO pretty!! Look at your Ms. Workaholic!❤️😃
Nov 26Reply
madiyates Hi! I wanted to let you know I have a 50% discount on all bundles from my closet today only! Just make the bundle and I will offer you 50%! I have brands like American Eagle, PINK, under armour, champion, Nike, and more! Have an awesome day! ☺️
Jan 07Reply
owltopus miss you!! 🤗🥰🤗🥰🤗
Jan 18Reply
trulymichelle @owltopus Chloe! ❤. Miss you too woman
Jan 18Reply
danielarojas25 😍🥰😘😗 Hello, my name is Daniela!!! Welcome to Poshmark. If you need help, don’t be shy to ask for help. All my items from the boutique section come from my small boutique in Portland, Oregon 😍 currently has a great sale going on till March. Bundle any five items from either closet (not new) or boutique and get 50 percent off your purchase 😙😚😋😛😝😌😍🥰😙🙃😛😚😙😍😇 Hey girl just wanted to let you know I was having a sale
Feb 17Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off.
Mar 27Reply
mollys3 You’re absolutely adorable!
May 05Reply
gploposh Hey! Are you still selling vintage items?!
Jul 03Reply
gploposh Or I guess more specifically like anything vintage from 70s-early 90’s?
Jul 03Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
May 02Reply
cutehosiery @trulymichelle Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 24Reply

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