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Updated May 08
Updated May 08

Great Advice💚💗

Aunt Frances


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Aunt Frances' advice from site Wild Women
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annick100 @agnesrose Well Greetings!! I am not a native Coloradan - but we've been here 14 years now, first in Grand Junction for 9 years and now Front Range. Lone Tree is 14 miles South of downtown Denver, right after Greenwood Village. It's a bit geriatric and boring, but excellent high schools...
Jul 31Reply
annick100 @agnesrose We'll be headed downtown as soon as 11th grader graduates. Been to Golden often. Good friends there plus HUGE soccer fans, bunch of my oldest's teammates play for Mines. My son plays in Chicago. Where are you now? Are you going to Conference? 💗 to meet!!
Jul 31Reply
abrazosybesos Luv! May I borrow? I love to have more than just things in my closet.
Jul 31Reply
annick100 @abrazosybesos of course you may!!! It's free to all - no copyright on website💚💗Enjoy!!
Aug 01Reply
annick100 @mycurvyboutique 👍🏼💚💗😘
Nov 14Reply
leoswife Absolutely love this 83 and admire any gals who keep up looking great even with age doing tricks. , MADE OFFER IN BOOTS, not trying to lowball, just dollar challenged with meds, etc, and how much longer to enjoy those great boots ? Not to insult.. Please. 🇺🇸. 🦃. Happy thanksgiving day. 🍗
Nov 20Reply
annick100 @leoswife Greetings-Have you made an offer on any boots out of my closet? I don't see anywhere- BUT, I'm in Chicago - I visited my eldest son to watch soccer match in NCAA Sweet 16 tournament. Sadly, they lost. Tomorrow I'll be listing 5-6 prs of pristine boots. You're my 'sister in mindset' LMK your size - I may have just what you've looking for. I NEVER GOUGE. PLS LMK what you're looking for--may well have as currently have 470+ items yet unlisted!?💚💗 @ annick100 Ann👍🏼
Nov 21Reply
leoswife Thank you. I am size 10-10.5 .. Euro 41 on designers, I.e., Choo, Tory Burch, etc. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours !
Nov 21Reply
cupofjoe @annick100 ❤❤❤ your gorgeous I love your closet much love ❤💋jo
Nov 27Reply
annick100 @dikey75 Ditto💚💗👍🏼
Dec 10Reply
annick100 @leoswife still never saw an offer on any boots. I'm so sorry I missed. Please retry. I'm pretty open to offers and your situation--I relate to. Also have more I've not gotten to listing and MORE won in an estate sale en route. Please retry. I'll try to work with you. Promise💚💗
Dec 10Reply
annick100 @cupofjoe that is very kind of you to write -- I'm so behind in every aspect of life!!! Will be checking out your closet and send my very best-💚💗💕🎄
Dec 10Reply
annick100 @leoswife okay- LET me see... I've one or if 9s that I think run small but 4 pairs coming in next week. Via Spiga's and got for a song. 9.5s. Let me spruce up and tag you okay? I'll make you a GREAT deal if you like any - just remind me k?💚💗
Dec 10Reply
winsomewardrobe @annick100 hey there lady - long time no talk! Life got hectic for me so I took a month off and just now getting back into the swing of things. I see you have some fabulous new pics :) Hope you are well and have had a great start to the new year!
Jan 26Reply
aliciananderson I hope I grow to be like this!! I can tell you march to the beat of your own drum...Wonderful!!
Feb 02Reply
iiannela Love it !!!!
Feb 03Reply
ettina Love it!
Feb 18Reply
callmecordelia Hello Ann - I am wishing you a better week!
Mar 08Reply
callmecordelia Thank you, Ann for your kind review-by far the nicest review I've gotten! Thinking of going to Poshfest just to meet you-I would recognize you as the most gracious woman in the room. Kate
May 18Reply
kattsclosett Ohhh this woman is so beautiful and of course I am partial to her hair color. What a stunning picture and quote. Thank you for reminding me, I have been beaten with the normal stick my whole life. I refuse to cower to it. :)
Jun 04Reply
annick100 @kattsclosett Amen sis. My hair is oft blue too!! 😘
Jun 04Reply
marin24 Hello, if you received your package please make sure to accept order . There's been some trouble with the tracking of some packages , and it would make it a whole lot easier on me then to go get the tracking history at the post office. Thank you :)
Sep 11Reply
callmecordelia Hello, Miss Ann- you must be out of town with all your items NFS. Hope you are having some fun! Kate
Sep 19Reply
kattsclosett Good morning sunshine!.... Oh my goodness I have been like the proverbial headless chcken. Just bought a fixerupper so I am SO SO sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Hope you are are doing well and is it possible I miss you? Your positiveness your sweetness.... Will be back listing fiercely in October or maybe November. In the meantime, ripping up floors, discovering fireplaces (yay) and trying to make a jungle a garden! Take care of yourself! Kat
Sep 24Reply
queenkeeper Just exactly what every woman should be told, hear, see, read, feel, and become. In many ways I have taken those words to Heart and have become my own person. But it's taken me almost 65 years to become that person. My mom always told me when I was growing up what will the neighbors think but you know what I think to hell with the neighbors.I am who I am and I cannot be any more than that.
Jan 24Reply
queenkeeper I grew up in the south, where you are taught to be a southern lady. And I still believe in that that is to be the lady. I want men to treat me as I am something special because I believe that I am something special. But I also know that I can stand up and I can do work that any man can do and can do it almost if not better than they can. There are some things that men can do better and there are some things that women can do better. But that's the way life is made.
Jan 24Reply
queenkeeper Young women don't think that wearing nothing or almost nothing makes you look better because it doesn't it just shows that you have no respect for yourself. And if you don't respect yourself how can you expect any of the boys to respect you. They're just going to see you as something to play with and then toss aside because when they want to get married they're going to look for the girl who is pure in heart and in living than what you have been.
Jan 24Reply
queenkeeper When you wear short dresses show off your ass have words stapled across your ass that would make anyone blush all you're doing is hurting yourself. Stand up for yourself be proud of Who You Are be proud of who you can become you have a lifetime to live don't waste a single second of it. As a woman you have so much to give you are the nurturer of the world. You are the one that your little boy and you're little girl will come to when they need the love in the care of a nurturing mother.
Jan 24Reply
queenkeeper Again women just be who you are I might wear Circle dresses. I might wear my rah-rah shoes. And I love to wear my crinoline petticoats. But I was born in the 50s and I remember my grandmother making poodle skirts for me. That is a time where life was so much simpler we had just been through several Wars the country was rebuilding itself but it was a time to be happy. And I would love for our country to return to that time.
Jan 24Reply
queenkeeper I know it's time to get off my soapbox and I will. But young ladies be true to yourself and act like ladies. Gentleman be just that don't try to make a girl do something she does not want to do.... You're the man act like it. I hope I haven't bored anyone too much but thanks for reading and I hope you can get a little something out of this. Queenkeeper
Jan 24Reply
annick100 @queenkeeper Dearest Queenkeeper💗😘, That you care so deeply about our young women is wonderful. I offer one small piece of advice to remember; society, the media and other peers put so much pressure on young women to look a certain way in order to be accepted —
Jan 25Reply
annick100 @queenkeeper so much so that by the ages 3 to 5, most girl children actually complain that they feel they’re overweight. How sad is that? We older ‘role models’ must remember the pressure these young girls internalize—no matter how hard their parents try to instill strong senses of worth in their girl children.
Jan 25Reply
annick100 @queenkeeper It’s very difficult to grow up today & I think young women need a lot of love & support versus admonishment, because basically, they feel deeply insecure. We ought not criticize them for they hear that in their own heads plenty, rather and I think you do this in your actual life—it falls to us to demonstrate for them how to be just fine
Jan 25Reply
annick100 @queenkeeper being how they are without changing to please anyone else but themselves. Women cannot control men, not even by how they dress. It’s up to the men and women (parents) to teach boys to become fine young adults. “No” always means NO‼️ no matter what a young woman has on her body. That is a rule that is the law & it was not different in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s the 00s, or now.
Jan 25Reply
annick100 @queenkeeper Men who were raised well will always know & respect that. I find that young women today really crave a lot of love, understanding, & support. That is something that we can do for them & not concentrate so much on what they wear or their other insecurities. Those things will change in time with the love & support that we offer, IMHO.
Jan 25Reply
annick100 @queenkeeper I respect your thoughts & it was an interesting discussion that we’ve had today. I’m very glad to of met you, & look forward to our continued friendship- xoxo Ann 💚💗🌟
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper Ann, of course you're so right about how young ladies should be raised in a world where they can see who they are and not what they look like is so much more important these days. And yes starting out as little girls they should be given baby dolls instead of Barbie dolls. So they can learn that being a good mother is much more important than what kind of clothes you put on even if it's clothes just for a doll.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper One of the things that I'm most proud of on my farm is my internship program for kids. So far I've had almost 30 kids go through the program both girls and boys. They learn a lot about caring for animals about putting up fencing about taking care of vegetables and then we spend the most time talking about themselves.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper One thing I do more than anything else and something I believe kids get the least of these days and that is to listen. Cell phones I believe have taken over the time that I'm parent or other adult would spend talking to a child rather than sitting and playing video games or texting someone or whatever else they're doing. These kids need someone just to spend time with them.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper One of the most important things that I do with the kids is I do listen to them. I allow them to talk about anything that they want to and try to give them advice like a grandmother would. I want the kids to understand that is not what kind of clothes you wear or how much you weigh that's important in life, but it's who you are as an individual that's the most important. I want these kids to understand that not only should they respect others but they should be respected themselves.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper I also try to take the kids some of the lost arts, such as how to can Foods or at least for them to have a curiosity about how to do that. I teach him how to fish, how to clean fish and then we have picnics together even if it's just a slice of watermelon a couple of towels that I have running around we go out with put them out in the wooded area and sit there and talk. I want the kids to learn how to do crafts. I try to get their imagination growing.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper And I try to teach them to look at things and people including themselves, not as what it was made to be but for the potential that it can be. And I think I have to explain that a little bit. When I see tiny Christmas ornaments, I don't just see them as something that would go on a tree but I also see them as a necklace a pair of earrings or a dozen other things. And that's what I try to teach these kids.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper I teach the kids had to take old glass and make it into a combination bird feeder and bird bath. I show them how to take old suitcases and make them into brand-new suitcases. And I love redesigning the suitcases and briefcases as well. Not only do I totally redo them but I also repurpose them. I like to use briefcases and make them into small suitcases for kids to visit Grandma. They make the best size to go visit for a weekend.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper Also I'll take old suitcases and briefcases and make them into dog travel luggage. When I do this I try to find out what size dog it's going to be for so that I will know what size suitcase needed to put in a dog bed usually an old blanket a couple of owls and area for food and a couple of places to carry water. Some of my suitcases look like school teams, whatever color they want the cases to be, and I even made one suitcase out of nothing but black and white newspaper.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper That when I had fun adding related articles for that day so it's kind of a time machine. As well as having crossword puzzles on it in Sudoku puzzles on it that they can play using dry markers so it can be erased and used again. But what I have the most fun with is teaching the girls how to make their very own Christmas tree skirt skirt. These are old Christmas tree skirts I find at thrift stores and we make them into skirts that they wear at Christmas time.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper Some of these things I have posted on my Farm website for others to see but mainly I just show pictures of what I'm working on at that time. And yes I know Ann, I am venturing out into other things but at this age I just tell people my mind wanders all over the place. Haha now I do spend a lot of time trying to reinforce with the kids things that I feel are important. Number one is to love God. Number two is to love themselves. Number 3 is to love others. And number four is to love animals
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper Being a teenager is hard enough. But being a teenager that puts so much influence from their peers in their lives makes it almost impossible. These kids can get on the internet and just say one thing bad about someone and it mine ever go away. And I know how much influence it had on me when I move from Texas to Alabama. And that was in 1963 the year Kennedy was shot. When the kids found out that he had been shot I have a group of five girls come up to me and called me a murderer
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper That had so much influence over me for years to come. Because all it would take was for one of these five girls to come up to me and Whisper to me that it would ruin my whole day my week sometimes even my month. So yes I know how important it is for all boys and girls to learn to be happy with who they are, what they have to give, and to not be influence about what sex is selling on the television or in a magazine or on the billboard.
Jan 25Reply
queenkeeper All the kids call me Nan and I guess right now I have about a hundred kids that I considered to be my grandkids. I hope that in some way I've been a positive influence in their life and that they will look back at the time they've spent with me here as some of the best time. I want these kids to grow up to be the adults that I know they can be. And I hope I have taught them how to share of themselves. Thanks Ann for giving me a chance to hopefully redeem myself a bit. Your friend, Diane🤗💌🙄
Jan 25Reply
vtgcovergirl Damn skippy!! 😎😎😎
Apr 18Reply
ellenk1k Love this!!!
Jun 17Reply
ally_marc @annick100 I like this, will post it on Instagram 🙏🏻💗🥰😘
Feb 25Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

Lone Tree, CO
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Last Active: Feb 25

Lone Tree, CO
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