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Updated Jan 02
Updated Jan 02

Meet your Posher, Kalina

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Hi! I'm Kalina. My world is Jesus, my family, and coffee! Born and raised in California and I absolutely love it!! I'm a posh Ambassador and pride myself in quality products, great customer service, rocking prices and fast shipping! Thanks for stopping by, feel free to check out my closet too! Happy Poshing! ⭐️️💄👠😀
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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emmhiggi Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Emma, feel free to drop by my closet, poke around and say hi! 😊I'm also here to answer any questions you have! 🤔Happy Poshing and most of all have fun! 😎
Jul 20Reply
kalina777 Thanks Emma! I'll definitely check out your closet!
Jul 20Reply
katzkoz Hi. & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or visit my closet & Id be happy to help U *SHARING* is KEY! Why? When U Share an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in their FEED The more they Share it to "THEIR" Followers the more exposure it gets So....the more Followers U have the more POTENTIAL SALES U'll have! More questions? Just ask me
Aug 25Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have an AWESOME selection of HARD TO FIND jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Aug 30Reply
kuewtee Hi, Kalina! I have the same 3 loves!! Best of luck here on Posh!!😘
Sep 15Reply
kalina777 @kuewtee Thank you sooo much! I'm loving posh! 😀
Sep 15Reply
fatty8 Thank you, Karina for the rating and sweet review. 💖💕 I'm happy to hear that you like your tops!
Aug 25Reply
kalina777 @fatty8 they are beautiful and your prices are great! I'll definitely be shopping in your closet again soon! Thank you so much!
Aug 25Reply
fatty8 @kalina777 thank you again, Kalina!😚
Aug 25Reply
alexanichols6 Hey gorgeous!! I love your closet! Would you consider a trade with me??
Dec 05Reply
kalina777 @alexanichols6 thank you so much!!!! I'm sorry, but I dont trade only sell!!
Dec 05Reply
cwlovesshop83 @kalina777 hello!!! I have made some offers in your closet! Check them out when u get a chance. Thanks 😊
Dec 06Reply
kalina777 @cwlovesshop83 do you want both? I can give you a better discount if you bundle more than one item!
Dec 06Reply
nicknat14 🎉Hello Kalina, I love Jesus too❤️😊My name is Karen, I mainly carry little ones Newborn to 3T clothing. I offer discount and am always adding new merchandise. If you get a free moment stop by and take a look around. Many Thanks 😊
Jan 02Reply
kalina777 @nicknat14 yeah for finding other Christians!!! Yes I'll definitely check out your closet and share some things too!!! Thanks for the sweet note!
Jan 02Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 sure what's up?
Jan 06Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 are you trying to buy for some one?
Jan 06Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 are you looking for makeup or clothes?
Jan 06Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 what size are you? Guys clothes or girls clothes?
Jan 06Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 I don't have too much rocker chic style clothing but feel free to checkout my closet for anything ! I do have large and extra large. You can also type in leather or studded clothing to possibly find more clothes on posh!
Jan 06Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 I'll be posting more clothes and Jeffree Star makeup tomorrow! If I see anything that fits your size I'll share it to your page!
Jan 06Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 heck yes!!!! I'll share a few to your closet! Plus I make great bundle deals!
Jan 07Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 I love the name Jade! I'm sure your rockin already!!!! ❤️️😍
Jan 07Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 I'm delighted to be friends!!!! ❤️️💜
Jan 07Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 of course what's up Jade?
Jan 07Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 I love posh, but I'm more of a seller than a shopper. Lol this is how I make a little extra to pay bills!
Jan 07Reply
kalina777 @jedfr098 but I'll definitely help you shop and when I buy some more clothes I'll try to share anything that might fit your style! 💜
Jan 07Reply
sunflowerpetals Great closet. Thanks for sharing
Jan 08Reply
kalina777 @sunflowerpetals thank you!!! Yours is lovely as well! Happy to share , thanks for my shares too! 💜❤️️
Jan 08Reply
tlebrun70 @kalina777 my 3 favorite things also! Rock on girlie❣God bless you😁💛
Jan 14Reply
kalina777 @tlebrun70 aww thanks! Yes the 3 pillars are important! Lol Blessings to you as well! I hope your having a great weekend! 💜
Jan 14Reply
litaof5 Kalina thank you so very much for your generous offer of 23% off. Wow! I've been trying to justify me paying $27 for lipstick (the darn $6.49) s& and I certainly don't expect you to go any lower. If no s&h I would have caved. Lol. Thank you again. 😍
Jan 18Reply
kalina777 @litaof5 it's totally ok! I wish the shipping wasn't so much either, but if you change your mind the offer still stands! Have a wonderful week!
Jan 18Reply
reedusgirl I apologize I've pressed every button possible on your page trying to figure out how to msg you lol. Thanks so much for the Unicorn Survival Kit😊. I'll get the hang of this eventually👌. How do I send a private msg🙈? Again thank you💖.
Jan 18Reply
kalina777 @reedusgirl it's totally ok! You can comment on any photo or item ( like you did here) but there's no actual private message on posh! Thank you so much for the order, I think you are going to absolutely love it!!!! 💜
Jan 18Reply
reedusgirl @kalina777 I just figured this out with the messages😉. I know I'll love it👌. I hope you have a great day.
Jan 18Reply
litaof5 @reedusgirl Hi! I happened to read your message to another Posher and couldn't help but lmbo! I feel the same way......always running through this app pushing buttons, getting no where. I made my first two sales this week (was beginning to think it would never happen) and couldn't even figure out how to offer a private discount! Thought I was going to lose the sale, bcz I was taking so long to figure it out! Lol! Welcome to Posh confusion with me. 😳😅😱
Jan 19Reply
kalina777 @litaof5 way to go on your sales! Once you learn the ropes it becomes second nature in no time!!! So happy you had a good selling week! ❤️️❤️
Jan 19Reply
litaof5 Thank you Kalina for your kind words. Also, for sharing items from my closet. It's very encouraging. Have a blessed weekend! 😍
Jan 19Reply
michael_valles So beautiful kalina god bless you
Feb 02Reply
kalina777 @quivermiss no problem!
Feb 19Reply
annasposhalley @kalina777 Hi sweetheart, ty so much for the offer. I am getting lost in my news feed with our new offer button info, its been crazy. i shld have came here & told u, i put them in a bundle so i could find them easier as my granddaughter wants something like this for her bday Im just not sure about colors & styles. hoping to see her this weekend so i can ask a lil more questions, giggles & bug ty hugs
Feb 22Reply
annasposhalley @kalina777 Hi Me again, i talked to my granddaughter she wants the wallet & the make up bag, but she wants the backpack in another color, lol Crazy kids. Anyways i am going to change my bundle around. I hope thats ok with you? ty hugs😘😘😘
Feb 23Reply
kalina777 @annasposhalley no worries!!!! Bundle what you want and I'll send you an offer!
Feb 23Reply
annasposhalley @kalina777 well then i thought maybe i can use the backpack, lol omgosh i shouldnt be shopping when im hungry, giggles & hugs
Feb 23Reply
kalina777 @annasposhalley your too funny! Yah whatever you decide you want you can bundle ! I only declined the last one because I thought you had changed your mind. Either way I'm good with whatever you decide you want!
Feb 23Reply
annasposhalley @kalina777 lol, its just been one of those weeks, lol i sent over the offer, ty sweetheart. Have an evening, TGIF tmrw, lol
Feb 23Reply
kalina777 @annasposhalley I countered with the best offer I can do on those 3, hope that works for you! Have a great evening!
Feb 23Reply
selenacraine Oh my gosh! 😍😍😍😍 THANK YOU so much for accepting my offer i just love your closet and actually will be back to you tomorrow for more i really want the 24 k palette. you are such a sweetie! thank you thank you!
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine thank you for your sweet heart! Are you sure you don’t want me to wait to ship? If you decide you want another item I can always add it so you only pay one shipping! Plus if you do 3 or more items I’ll discount it even more!
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 i bundled more just have to go to the bank first thing tomorrow morning lol
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 of COURSE the 1st fell on easter lol
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 im totally good for it and ssoooo excited. I love what a fair seller you are!
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine lol totally understand!!! If you decide you want the other stuff tom, message me and I’ll cancel the prev order and we can make you a custom bundle with whatever else you want! 👍🏽👍🏻👍🏿💙
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 absolutely i do want it im going to the bank at 10 am pst thank you thank you thank you! im so excited!
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 I've been doing Poshmark for a really long time but due to family issues I'm kind of slowly shutting my closet down so any purchases I make are absolutely for me and I really want to expand my Jeffree Star collection
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 so I'm pretty sure you can see what I bundled next just don't accept it consider it sold
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine it’s didn’t show me an offer, it just showed the bundle. However if you want me to add it to the other stuff tom, I can do that! It’s no prob! Just hit me up in the morning when your ready and I’ll get it put in a big bundle for you! I’ll put a (Not for sake) on those items til tom, so no one grabs them!
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 yes lets do it. im literally going to go to the bank at like 9 am ilshoot you a message!
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine sounds perfect!!!!
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 yes! thank you so much again
Apr 02Reply
freddysolis524 How much for one of each of the jeffree star holiday glitter collection liquid lips that you have together in a bundle?
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 hey i had a good deal.of fumds go through can you customize everything for me?
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine great!!! Ok let me cancel your previous order! Then it’s prob easiest if you put in a bundle everything you want and then I’ll make you an offer. Just give me a minute hi open everything back up!
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 Ok I re listed the previous bought items with your name in it. Go ahead and put those and whatever else you want in s Bundle and I’ll make u an offer!
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 no problem so excited just let me know when you're ready
Apr 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine I’m ready!!!! Go for it 👍🏽👍🏻👍🏿
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 ok just one sec
Apr 02Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 I'm sorry I was helping my father run errands I'm ready
Apr 02Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 I'm still deciding on my bundle but I have a question what's the lowest you could do for pointsettia?
Apr 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 hey girlie!!! That ones a hot seller but I can’t really discount unless you bundle at least 3 things. Bundle what you like and I’ll shoot you my best offer! 💜
Apr 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 I currently have mermaid blood, pointsettia and I'm debating between gargoyle and crocodile tears. Plus the only reason why I asked is because if that was the Lowest you can do than I was going to pick another color. I'm planning for summer!
Apr 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 gotcha!!! My best is going to be 10% off the poinsettia if you bundle minimum 3, I can give you a bigger discount on the other ones though. It’s up to you ?
Apr 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 I'll think about it for a little bit and I'll get back to you ASAP!👍💕
Apr 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 either way you know I’ll give you personally my best best offer! So just bundle what your thinking and I’ll see what I can do!!!
Apr 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 yeah you always give the best deals! I'm deciding which colors I really want though I'm having a hard time deciding.
Apr 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 I will say mermaid Blood is fabulous and I do love poinsettia , it’s stunning on and lasts so long!
Apr 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 how much for only 2?
Apr 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 which two ???
Apr 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 either MB and P or MB and G
Apr 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 knowing the prices of the 2 will help make my decision
Apr 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 MB +G= 33 MB+P=39
Apr 03Reply
selenacraine omgsh missed ur offer!
Apr 04Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine that’s ok, I’ll send it again!
Apr 04Reply
gamer_princess @kalina777 hey i messaged u want yur opinion which one would be better for me wifey or poinsetta
Apr 14Reply
selenacraine Amen to Jesus and Coffee! So excited to do business with you again!
Apr 19Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine ahh hun thanks so much for another order! I’ll pack it all up and it will either ship out tom afternoon or fri morning !!!!! ❤️💜💙
Apr 19Reply
selenacraine Hi love I saw your offer I tried to accept it for some reason Poshmark is not letting me post any new items or make any purchases
May 01Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine no worries... once you get it figured out let me know and I can always offer it again if it expires!
May 01Reply
selenacraine @kalina777 okay thank you so much I don't know what they're doing or what's wrong but I love shopping with you I'm trying to get it figured out as soon as possible
May 02Reply
kalina777 @selenacraine no worries at all! Take your time and let me know when your ready. I’m sorry it’s been so difficult.
May 02Reply
kalina777 @clarechar thank you so much!!!! You have an shaving day as well! 💚
May 05Reply
kalina777 @clarechar I meant *Amazing LoL
May 05Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 how low can you do on the bundle?
Jun 04Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 honestly the counter I sent is the absolute lowest I can go! That’s over 20% off and I still have to make enough off the sale. Let me know if you can work with that?
Jun 04Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 yeah I can do $28
Jun 04Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 can you resubmit the offer???
Jun 04Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 it shows my offer is still good,,, so you see it?
Jun 04Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 thank you so much!!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jun 04Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 you are so very welcomed!!!!💙💜❤️💙💜
Jun 04Reply
velvetoctopus @kalina777 Where so you purchase your Jeffrey ⭐️ from?
Jul 08Reply
kalina777 @loulou6998 I buy everything directly from Jeffree Star. 💙
Jul 08Reply
niknak661 Thanks for stopping by and sharing my closet 👡👠👢👘👗🧥🧤👚👜🛍.  My closet is updated by the end of every week...please stop by and take a l👀k...something may pop up you like or would like to share.  Can't wait until our next exchange.  HAPPY POSHING❣
Aug 05Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 I’m just curious, are you going to get anymore JS stuff soon? Sorry for asking I just really like you, you are my favorite to buy from💕💕💕💕
Aug 09Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 ha ha, I love ya ! Yes actually I have been waiting to post a bunch of stuff I just have been really busy. I will be posting Saturday and have a lot of new stuff. I’ll tag you once it’s up. ❤️
Aug 09Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 sweet can’t wait 💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 09Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 sent you a offer 🍒💧❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 19Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 hey I was wondering if you will be getting more JS stuff soon there’s like a few colors that I’m searching for
Oct 02Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 I might be getting some more next week. What colors are you specifically looking for ?
Oct 02Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 unicorn blood, designer blood and pumpkin pie mainly just some good fall colors
Oct 02Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 i know I am for sure able to get Unicorn Blood and designer blood. I’ll keep my eye out for a pumpkin pie too though.
Oct 02Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 thank you luv ya bunch💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 02Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 no prob girlie, thanks for all the shares as always. 😘💜❤️
Oct 02Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 of course,always 😉💕💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 02Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 I know I said this awhile ago but are you going to be getting more Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipsticks and Products soon? There is 1-2 shades I really want for the holidays, I really want Pumpkin Pie in time for Thanksgiving and sorry if I’m bugging you about this I just really love buying from you💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 03Reply
kalina777 @sugarskull19 hey girlie! I have been so busy at my regular job that I haven’t been posting as much. I do still have some stuff I need to post and it should go up either Monday or Tuesday. However I know that I don’t have pumpkin pie. That ones been sold out for awhile now. Thanks for always checking- your such a loyal customer! ❤️
Nov 03Reply
sugarskull19 @kalina777 thank you so much 😉👍💕
Nov 03Reply
sugarskull19 Btw I just checked JSC website and pumpkin pie is in stock🧡
Nov 03Reply
trevorcord hey i had some things come up, i would love to sell to you, plz add any items you are interested in a bundle, i give great bundle deals.
Jan 30Reply
trevorcord i would really appreciate it
Jan 30Reply
trevorcord hey i have some items from jeffree star if you want to buy them, i have had some things come up and i need to make some sales, i will give u a great deal
Jan 30Reply
glam_grrll Hey, my friend!! Did you see the new track suits!! I missed out!! Ugh.. I bought sneakers on here instead. I didnt know you could buy separates. Hopefully he restocks! 🙌
Feb 21Reply
graciegirlie Hi Kalina! Thanks for the great prices on my bundle! Cannot wait to get my my goodies!
Mar 09Reply
kalina777 @graciegirlie no problem! I’m glad you got everything you wanted and I’ll pick it up and ship it out on Monday.
Mar 10Reply
sunshine856616 @kalina777 I'm back lol I made a offer 🤞 its good if not plz save til next week
Aug 31Reply
jlas69 Hi there
Jan 25Reply

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Fontana, CA
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Last Active: Sep 25 2024

Fontana, CA
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