Hamsa Hand with Evil Eye White Tee
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Cotton Blend. Tagged as a L, but fits like a M.

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I love all things Hamsa!! I have a necklace and earrings in my closet. I 💜💜💜 that shirt!!
Sep 23Reply

@micheleds75 thank you!! You have a great closet and I am in love with Hamsas too! I might still have this shirt! I'll check for it!!
Sep 23Reply

Thank You for all the 📣📣📣 Shares!!! I see you're a Yooper lol! I have family in Houton and i believe Ontonagan. Love it up there!!! My dad always says you can't step into a cemetery past the Bridge without finding at least 3 Sain's buried there lol. Kind of morbid but went on a road trip once and he was right lol!!!
Sep 23Reply

@micheleds75 no way!! Too crazy!! We live in Marquette. I'm from downstate, my husband is a Yooper, he drug me across the bridge kicking and screaming when we had our first kid. But now that I'm here, I wouldn't want to raise a family anywhere else.
Sep 23Reply

@lilmama412 That's too funny. Ya it is beautiful up there. My dad was actually born Sault Ste Marie!
Sep 23Reply

Hi, I wanted to reach out to you and personally say thank you for following my closet, I greatly appreciate it. I know that with the holidays coming up, Poshmark offer great discounts and promos. So before all the sales start, if you have any questions on any items, please let me know. I will be happy to answer them. Also, if there is an item you are looking to promote, please tag me in it and I will be happy to share. Thank you and here's to many posh sales for you this holiday season!
Nov 07Reply

@lilmama412 thank you for all the shares!! I appreciate it :)
Nov 22Reply

Thank you for all of your kind likes! 💕
Nov 27Reply

@lilmama412 🐺❤️🐺 nice to meet you on poshmark ‼️ It's quite addicting.
Fox and lace is a high end boutique offering girlie lace and foxy boho styles. Always willing to negotiate or offer great bundle deals.
Feel free to check out my IG: foxandlaceboutique or FB: foxandlace Always here to help.
Nov 27Reply

Good morning! Just want to say thanks for sharing my Stuart Weitzman heels. It's truly appreciated! :) Have a great day!
Nov 27Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares!!!
Dec 06Reply

I just dropped the price on my Purple v-neck dress and all bundles of 2+ are 20% off tonight! If you would like, I'll throw in my pair of black leggings for free!❤️💚 Happy Holidays!!😊
Dec 07Reply

🎉 Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet.
Dec 10Reply

Thanks for following my closet 😊❤️
Dec 12Reply

Thanks so much for the follow! I'm sharing her feather ring - it's great. I hope you find things that you like in my closet!
Dec 31Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and following me! I enjoyed looking through your closet too :)
Jan 20Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Jul 20Reply

I would love to be considered for a host pick!💜
Jul 21Reply

Congrats on hosting tomorrow's Best in Swim party!!! That's awesome!! I am new member to posh (I just joined last Tuesday) and I am loving it. So obsessed😍Anyways, so excited for your party and can't wait to attend! If you have time maybe check out my closet!😊
Jul 26Reply

@essuccess Hey fellow Michigander! I see you're a Yooper! I'm downstate on the west side in Muskegon. We're actually going up to the UP next month to go on a Pictured Rocks trip. Haven't been there since I was a kid. Wishing you lots of success! 😊🌸🐘
Jul 26Reply

Congrats on hosting the party! 😄Cannot wait to attend🍸! I would really appreciate it if you can take a moment and look through my closet for a potential host pick? 👗I have quite a few pieces that would fit perfectly in with the party's theme! 😉Thank you☺️ Have fun hosting!
Jul 26Reply

@essuccess hi! Can you please check out my pink swimsuits for a hp? 👙
Jul 27Reply

@essuccess 😘 Shared shared & shared some more in hopes of helping you get one last push for sales! If you still need 🎉HPs I'd be thrilled to have you consider my closet 😍
Jul 27Reply

Thank you for choosing my anthro blouse for your HP☺ I really appreciate it☺ I am ecstatic, this is my first time!🎉🍷🎊
Sep 12Reply

Yay, your are a hostess, congrats🎈🎈🎈🎈
Sep 12Reply

@essuccess Tysm for my host pick. I just saw it.. I didn't want you to think I was rude. I lost a very dear friend a few days ago. I am just trying to get through the days. Thank You again
Sep 13Reply

Hi! I wanted to say hi from Michigan! I see you are from da UP. I'm from Grand Rapids and have vacationed up there many times. So beautiful, love it. Good luck with your Poshing 💙💙
Sep 18Reply

@laundryservice hi! I'm actually from Grand Rapids, (Rockford actually) but have lived in the UP for about 5 years now! Small world eh? Good luck to you too!!
Sep 18Reply

Hi, I saw that you liked the Black lace velvet dress. I accept reasonable offers. Let me know if you have any questions regarding my closet. Thank you for visiting. Have a great day! 😊
Dec 06Reply

🌺Thanks for the follow!🌺
Jul 28Reply

Sending you love❤️
Have fun Poshing🌹
Best Wishes~👠🛍
Sexy N Monterey💋
Have a blessed day
Aug 28Reply

Thank you for following 😁
Nov 13Reply

Hamsa just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following my closet. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Nov 14Reply

Hey fellow Michigander! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Nov 17Reply

As a Yooper I had to check in and say hey and wish you all the best!
Nov 21Reply

@aubreesmith07 hi friend! 😁 I love meeting other Yoopers on here! Sending you lots of luck today!
Nov 21Reply

@divas_shop Thank you so much for the picking me to be the SP today!! I can’t comment on your listing or share your items. I think I may be blocked. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong! I’m not usually one to cause drama or have any sort of confrontations. Wishing you many sales today!
Nov 21Reply

Enjoy your day in the spotlight The Secret Posher Game! 🤠 Come play with us at @freddiesfind !!! 🛍👥👥👥👥👥👥🛍
Nov 21Reply

@freddiesfind thank you so much for an amazing day!!! I had a pretty rotten day yesterday, so waking up to this was truly amazing!! I just started playing your game about 2 weeks ago! I love it!! I will certainly continue! Wishing you many sales!! Happy Thanksgiving!! 💋
Nov 21Reply

🎼CONGRATULATIONS!🎼 on being selected as the 🎫VĮP SPG TĘAM PĮCK on Saundra’s BŁUĘ ARMY TØUR!! I have enjoyed sharing your closet! xoxo, Janeth
Nov 22Reply

@poisonpoet thanks for saying Hi! We moved to Marquette about 6 years ago to raise our kids and we truly fell in love with the UP! Happy Holidays!!
Nov 24Reply

I’m originally from the Marquette area living outside a Washington DC. Small world!
Nov 24Reply

@amylee115 it is a small world!! 😁 I have a cousin who lives in DC and we visit often! I love to meet fellow Yoopers (technically I’m a troll, but I call myself a Yooper this feels more like home 😊)
Nov 24Reply

@essuccess how funny!
Nov 24Reply

Thanks for following my closet...❄️
Nov 28Reply

You have an amazing closet!
Nov 30Reply

@lincolnscloset thank you so much!! You have a great closet too!! ❤️
Nov 30Reply

Hello! I have lived all over the country and even Japan, but the UP will always be home 😊 I grew up in Ishpeming and graduated from Westwood before taking off with my Airman husband! Happy Holidays!
Dec 05Reply

@kerribugg3 too cool!! I grew up downstate, but moved up here several years ago to raise our family! I’ll never go back! I used to run some school programs at Westwood through Big Brothers Big Sisters! Tell your boyfriend thank you for his service and yours too!! Military partners and kids sacrifice the most, and get the least recognition!
Dec 06Reply

@kerribugg3 I meant husband sorry!!
Dec 06Reply

@essuccess Thank you for all the shares <3
Dec 09Reply
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