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Updated Jul 05
Updated Jul 05

PLEASE READ! If u see this first in my Closet/TY💕

Tory's Timeless Treasures

US$2,000,000 US$1,000,000

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If this sign is 1st thing in my Closet/Ive had to step away from my computer/& tend to a personal matter or appointment/but I'll be BACK SHORTLY/as well as Checking messages ect.., so leave those Messages/I will get back to you as soon as possible! I PROMISE! Turning in Early per Doc's Orders! Thank You ALL 4 ur Love & Understanding!💞@toryshop💞


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toryshop @toryshop Calling it a NIGHT! Gotta put Tom to bed! We had a big day! So pls leave me your questions/messages! I Promise 💞Cross My Heart💞! Goodnight for now💞See you Tuesday!💞 @toryshop💞💤
Aug 02Reply
toryln Hello @toryshop thank you for the welcome!! I am actually somewhat new to the site and trying to figure it out day by day.. Thanks for the follow ❤️
Aug 02Reply
toryshop @toryln Just remember me/I'm a site mentor/I follow over 1.1 million closets!! I'm glad to help! I saw the adorable kitten & had to ask. @toryshop💞
Aug 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was called away from closet w personal issues/I am asking That you pls leave ?'s /messages I will get back to you/but I'm off the rest of the night! Started feeling bad! Please forgive any inconvenience! So please forgive any delays! Please leave. Those messages. Thank you! @toryshop💞
Aug 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop Good Tuesday night to you! See you on Wednesday morning! I'm going to be shipping on Wednesday, and checking in so please leave your messages, I will get back to you promise!💞 good night for now!💤 @toryshop💞
Aug 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gotta run a puppy home I was pet sitting for/I'll be back in awhile💞Leave me a message/I'll get back to you PROMISE💋💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop I calling it a Wednesday Night/I think I got all my messages responded to/I will say good nigh to all/Sweet dreams/Good Dreams to All! I'll be back in the morning briefly/so please leave your massages/I will get back to you PROMISE! @toryshop💞
Aug 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop It's way past BEDTIME into Friday Morning! I got some new items added/✔️out Likes/Shares/Followes/answered messages/?'s So goodnight/morning/and I might not be on the site a lot Friday/Family Appts. SO again/Please leave Questions & Messages/I will get back to U/Promise💞💤🙏🏼💞💤🐾🐶 @toryshop💞
Aug 05Reply
yugiohmom @toryshop love the new profile and header photos! Well done my friend💞
Aug 06Reply
lydianon Just stopping by to say hello 😊 Hope you're doing alright. Have a good weekend 🌃🌉🌠
Aug 06Reply
sgo709 @toryshop Love💟💕Always the first step is drinking my coffee🍵☕💟💕😆 Have a fabulous day💄💕😊
Aug 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop My chemo treatment landed me on my back in bed/Feeling better today be still very weak! I'll try to check in/but right now I'm resting! Through the worst part of it/but still weak! So PLEASE leave messages/?'s I will get back to you SOON! Thank you all for your understanding! @toryshop💞
Aug 06Reply
the_blue_topaz @toryshop Hope you feel better soon ✨❤️
Aug 06Reply
bloomingbrands Hi Tory! Thanks so much for the warm welcome . Just checked out your rockin closet! Wow! I aspire to have a closer as awesome as yours. We have a lot in common - dislike drama, love animals and love fashion! prayers as you battle with cancer. Check out my mom & sisters closets also @wra76 and @debgigi. Would you be my Posh Mentor? I need some advice for how to take my closet to the next level. I am thinking more creative picture layouts and using collages. Make today count!
Aug 07Reply
barellagirl @toryshop thinking of you! Hope you are doing well. Xoxoxo💕💕💕💗💗💗🌹🌹🌹
Aug 07Reply
toryshop @jgome228 New chemo med has kept me down since Thursday afternoon! But playing catch up saw ur lovely comment & just wanted to express how much ur support means/TY💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 07Reply
toryshop @bwhite2014 Thank you so much! I've been off site r/t a new chemo med that really knocked me for a loop! So now playing catch-up! So Thank you for all the Love & support! @toryshop💞
Aug 07Reply
toryshop @acamatthews If be honored to help in anyway I can! I'm playing a bit of catch up today/but message me first of week & we'll talk Poshing & how to grow!! I'm following over 1.1 million CH's so share & following are key! Especially to circulate ur listings!! We'll sure set up a time & get to work!! @toryshop💞
Aug 07Reply
toryshop @yugiohmom Katy/Ive been so sick from last chemo treatment just getting back on today/treatment was Thursday! Playing catch-up is hard! TY for ur love & support💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm hopping off for a few hours gotta get somethings done/we are having company! So please leave messages/?'s/I will get back to you! I PROMISE! @toryshop💞
Aug 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting off at 1:43PM Sunday will check back in a few hours! @toryshop💞
Aug 07Reply
spiritsnaks Love it😘😘😘😘😘@toryshop 😘😘😘
Aug 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm getting off for tonight/it was my first day back after a chemo treatment! Catching up was an all day deal! Please leave questions/messages I will be back tomorrow & checking in again every few hours! Have a Great Evening/Good Night to All! Please leave those Messages/?'s I will get back 2 U Promise💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop It's now early morning time slipped away was listing new items!! So please leave messages/?'s I will be back on later today! Goodmorning & Goodnight💞💤⏰🙀! @toryshop💞
Aug 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop Got to hop off again for awhile catch up some things at home! I'll be checking in! So please leave those ?'s/messages I will get back to you! Promise!💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm lying down for a bit/rather tired! So taking a supper break! Thank you all for the CONGRAT's on Host Pick @todays best in top party! Please leave me your MESSSAGES & ?'s! @toryshop💞
Aug 08Reply
the_blue_topaz Hey Tory! It's Jenny :) Hope you had a great day today. How are you feeling?
Aug 09Reply
toryshop @jgome228 I'm a lot better today! Even got dressed put on make-up! Amazing! @toryshop💞
Aug 09Reply
the_blue_topaz That's fabulous news! So happy to hear that Tory :) I have a random question: what's CH. I've seen it around Poshmark but don't know what ppl mean when the say CH. I'm lost haha
Aug 09Reply
toryshop @jgome228 My beautiful Jenn/because we are so limited in our characters we have in messages/descriptions we abbreviate a lot/CH= Closet Holder/PFF=Posh Friend Forever/Nip=New in package/NIB=New in Box/NWTS=New with Tags/NWOTS=New without tags/these are just a few/Never ever worry about asking/I learned the hardway &google! 💞Hope this helps💞
Aug 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been a long day/playing catch up! So calling it a Monday Night! Have a good night 1 & All! Please leave messages/?'s I will get back to you I Promise! @toryshop💞
Aug 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on answered messages/?'s getting off to do shipping! I'll be back & ✔️ing in! Please leave ?'s/messages again! I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 09Reply
pamelaluv @toryshop You have a message from me, my darling. No worries. EVER. You take time your time being fabulous👄You do that wonderful thing you do being WONDERFUL YOU, and I'll await your response ..... xo💘
Aug 09Reply
toryshop @pamelaluv Trying to find your message?? I can't find it/please message me or forward listing it's under?? I'd never ignore you my sweet friend/I'm worried b/c I'm not finding it?? @toryshop💞
Aug 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop I have liked/shared/followed/answered my messages/?'s so I'm turning in with another day that I've been blessed by! To you all I will say Thank You/and again I will ask your understanding/and request you leave messages/questions/I promise I will get back to you all. Good Tuesday Night💞💤 @toryshop💞
Aug 10Reply
spiritsnaks Love love love😘😘✝✝☕️☕️
Aug 10Reply
pamelaluv @toryshop Soo sorry my friend! I thought I added "bangle set" in my note. That's what I had in my mind (that I wrote it😳🤔). Glad you found my message!! Thank you darling💕💕
Aug 10Reply
anawat @toryshop good morning beautiful there's another one today at 3pm👑😘❤️
Aug 10Reply
toryshop @anawat40 I'm in! & trying for a bundle/If I get one I'll message/& if you get another/& want to sell to me/I'm up for that 2! Thank you for helping!! Love you like CRAZY💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 10Reply
anawat @toryshop sounds good gorgeous friend❤️
Aug 10Reply
toryshop @anawat40 💞💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on since 11AM/just got off at 4AM so may not ship today?? But Please leave messages/comments I am going to try to get some shipping done maybe not all/as have appts too! So/Again please leave messages/comments I will get back to you, I Promise💞! Have a great rest of day!💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it an early night/Tom's taking me out to dinner?? Yes/a real date! So/have a Great Party! Great night/Please leave ?'s /messages/I'll get back to you tomorrow! Good night to all my Lovely Posh Family💞💞💞! See you Tomorrow 💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been on went thur answered ?'s liked/shared/Followed! I'm getting off to do errands! Puppies go see beauty shop today! I will be checking in/Please leave ?'s/messages/I will get back to you! Promise💞!! @toryshop💞
Aug 11Reply
cluzaccessories ❤️ I luv it!! ☕️ morning and some afternoons too ha!! Thanks for the follow hun!! 🤗💞
Aug 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Friday/08/12/16 I'm really EXHAUSTED! No sleep/Not Eating/& Having a war w Cancer going on. I'm taking the day at LEAST, AWAY from my closet! I'll try & ✔️in but don't know if I can catch up? Please ✔️back if u had ?'s That didn't get answered! HOPE 2B back 2morrow?? I'll also TRY 2 ✔️in if Possible, BUT 4 NOW GOTTA REST! PLEASE LEAVE ME ?'s/Messages! Thank Ypu ALL! 4 ur LOVE/UNDERSTANDING💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 13Reply
toryshop @pamelaluv,@outlying0077,@aswartzer,@spiritsnaks,@kaitlyn_hahn,@cali1018,@pamelakyle,@shoplollipop,@cmjla,@rumorapparel,@lovelola11,@lovestoryshop,@grace4d,@kimsthings,@poshsmith,@iamthetrend,@alyssaw341,@sfconway,@anawat40,@bchic_boutique@uniquelysherrie,@caliglboutiqu,@mrsdoon1,@ocposh30,@t_jdesigns,@kim_b22,@pamlaleyan,@warrior04 Good NIGHT MY ANGELS/I think SLEEP MIGHT COME TONIGHT! I'll pray 4that🙏🏼! Love you ALL! @toryshop💞
Aug 13Reply
toryshop @girlrandi,@giamode,@littlerobyn,@caligirlinmn,@cajt62,@leoninus,@doggiegrace,@krbustillos,@kirabella35,@mthreads,@lhaag721,@janimack7,@@pamelaluv,@cuccdn,@wenrella,@racandra,@tchouseofstyle,@justice10forme,@cyndy_bennett,@fashionfauxpas,@britni623,@centerfoldvault Good Night my Posh Angels! I think I might Sleep tonight! I'm praying to get some rest!🙏🏼I LOVE YOU ALL💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 13Reply
leoninus @toryshop Sleep tight, MsTori. I shared some of your listings to the party.☺️
Aug 13Reply
britni623 @toryshop Rest Posh Angel.... There are times when we all need to reconnect with Our Souls. We need quite time, closed eyes, closed mind. And take ourselves to a Happy Place and Stay there... 💋💞🌸💯%❣🍪💐🍰☮🕉😘💐 Tory, your new profile pic is gorgeous..💞😎
Aug 13Reply
carolinagurl09 Hope tomorrow is a better day for you
Aug 13Reply
cmjla Love you!! 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 13Reply
cuccdn Sleep well darling💤😴 in the near future and when your feeling your message 📧 just want you to know I did respond. Nitey- Nite💋
Aug 13Reply
kim_b22 💖🙏
Aug 13Reply
spiritsnaks @toryshop rest well my sweet PFF!!
Aug 13Reply
wenrella HI Tigger! I'm closing tonight to get ready for vacation. I need a week to pack ( you know how it is) I don't know if I'll have wifi in the resort on the island of Nassau, but if I do I'll try to text you. I'm definitely NOT poshing. I really need to step back & rest. I'm thinking about leaving PM for a while. I'll LUK. Love Winney
Aug 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop I've been off the last 2 days/& Sunday is my Day w God & My Family/I will try to check in/But I Am asking you 2 PLEASE leave MESSAGE OR ??'s /If You Don't receive a response PLEASE REACH OUT 2 ME AGAIN! I Am fighting Cancer/Needed 2 Step Away 4 JUST A FEW DAYS! Thank You ALL 4 having my back💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 14Reply
michtol Thank you very much I appreciate it I've been working so much and I'm not real computer savvy but as soon as I get this settled down and it within the next two weeks and I have some nice Korman women stuff that I would like to sell I will definitely contact you if you wouldn't mind helping me tell me how to go about it everybody has been so friendly and I've made almost 50 purchases and have not had one problem I think Poshmark is wonderful and that's just in the last couple months
Aug 14Reply
toryshop @michtol When ever ur ready Im here to help/w following 1.2 Million closets I'm pretty informed/glad to get u up & running! @toryshop💞
Aug 15Reply
toryshop @wenrella You just NEVER LEAVE ME! I LIVE YOU! @toryshop💞
Aug 15Reply
toryshop @cuccdn Just wanted you do know it may be a few more days! I take another treatment on Monday so it'll take a couple days after that but I will get back to you I promise you Denise I love you so much thank you for your love/understanding/ and support! 💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 15Reply
toryshop @pamelaluv ,@outlying0077,@aswartzer,@spiritsnaks,@kaitlyn_hahn,@cali1018,@pamelakyle,@shoplollipop,@cmjla,@rumorapparel,@lovelola11,@lovestoryshop,@grace4d,@kimsthings,@poshsmith,@iamthetrend,@alyssaw341,@sfconway,@anawat40,@bchic_boutique Just a quit update/Still feeling exhausted! Have treatment tomorrow so down probably a couple more days I ask 4 ur love/continued support & cannot express my gratitude/love for each & everyone of you! @toryshop💞
Aug 15Reply
lovelola11 @toryshop sending all my love and positive energy your way😘😘😘
Aug 15Reply
cuccdn @toryshop - ....Oh Victoria, no worries here, take as long as you need....I'm here. I pray your treatments go well sweatheart❤️❤️😘 mucho love❤️❤️❤️🌺 xoxo
Aug 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Still suffering w Exhaustion/& another treatment tomorrow (Monday)so could be off a few more days, but I'm asking 4 ur continued love/support! I really truly need it! Pls anyone reading this please leave ur messages/?'s, I will try 2✔️ing in/answer them. Pls know shipping could B delayed day or 2, but I will message as soon as I ship ur items sold. Thank you all f 4 ur love & support during this time of illness/low strength! I promise I will B back in day or 2! Sincerely💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in for the night! Treatment tomorrow/Love you All💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 15Reply
wenrella I will ALWAYS be here buddy. I promise on the Bible & I don't do that often. So you know it's real. Love you.
Aug 15Reply
michtol Thank you I'm going to need some help as soon as I'm done working 7 days a week I'll have time to settle down and take care of some of these things so I appreciate that very much
Aug 15Reply
iamthetrend @toryshop Vicki we are here to support and are praying for a speedy recovery 😃
Aug 15Reply
pamelaluv @toryshop Oh my thank you for that incredible review my girl. I'm just sooo happy you love the SM pumps. They must look amazing on you!!! Please know I am holding you extra close in thought & prayer. Close to my heart. You got this. You are surrounded by so much love. Always❤️
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @pamelaluv You are 1 of the most precious friends I have been blessed 2 find on Poshmark/I hope that someday I will get a chance to hug you for all the love/support u have shown me! You are my gift💞/& I love you so much! I Thank God in Heaven for the blessing he gave me! You💞! Tory💞
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @iamthetrend 💞💞💞💞💞/&Thank you w all my ❤️! @toryshop💞
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @wenrella U know I LOVE YOU my Winnie💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @cuccdn Just wanted you 2 know haven't forgotten! @toryshop💞
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @lovelola11 💞💞💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been working since 4AM/hopping off to exercise and get ready for my day! But I'm back will be ✔️ing in! So please leave ?'s & messages! I promise I will get back to you! @toryshop💞
Aug 16Reply
michtol I haven't told her I might have it they want me to get a biopsy but I'm scared to death of that
Aug 16Reply
michtol , she is absolutely one of the sweetest people I've ever met in my life
Aug 16Reply
toryshop @michtol The sooner they know!! The faster they can put it in check! The bad thing w mine is it went a year mis-diagnosed! I'm getting treatment at Mayo! @toryshop💞
Aug 16Reply
cuccdn @toryshop - Victoria my love...💕💕💞no worries...relax and be well....We know each other's heart💗take as much time as you need! Hoping and praying your treatments are being as kind as I pray they are. (((((Hugs))))) xoxo
Aug 17Reply
uniquelysherrie @toryshop. ...Sleep like the Angel that you are! 😉 😚 ❤
Aug 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on like shared followed/answered ?'s & messages/I'm taking a break to exercise and get ready for my day! I will be checking in/& hope to be listing a few new items today too! So please keep checking in/I will be back leave those ?'s Messages/I will get back to those too/Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Grabbing some shut eye! It's Morning and I haven't been to bed!! Please know I will get back to any messages/?'s asked! But just a bit later today Thursday 08/18/16 so Have a Great Thursday! I'll catch you later! @toryshop💞
Aug 18Reply
chloelenastyle Thank you for welcoming me on Poshmark! I have been feeling discouraged so it means a lot to have someone reach out. Do you have any pointers on my listings or profile look? Also I couldn't help but notice you are going through a difficult time - sending positive thoughts your way! ❤️
Aug 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Thursday Night/I'm going to be listing so may not respond 2-Night! But PLEASE LEAVE ?'s Messages! I will get back 2 you! PROMISE💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just finished ✔️ing messages/?'s answering all I saw. I'm headed to bed! Big Meet/Greet in MN Poshmark Lunch! I'm so excited to meet some of my Sisters in Posh face to face! B/c I'm ill & fighting Cancer/This Meeting may be my PoshFest! So/Will ✔️in tomorrow only on occasion /But PLEASE leave messages/?'s I will get back to you! I PROMISE💞Goodnight to All💤💞💋! @toryshop💞
Aug 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just ✔️Ed in messages /?'s and just getting ready to go into Posh meet Greet MN/So PLEASE leave ur Messages/?'s I'll check in later! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 20Reply
stachiar It was great meeting you today Tory!!! Believe it or not I doubled my money at the casino. lol
Aug 21Reply
toryshop @stachiar You are LUCKY!! Next time I'm gonna have you be my LUCKY RABBIT's foot! May I ask/I think I was calling u Stacy( please forgive my error!) how do you pronounce ur name correctly?? By the way! I'm crazy about all my Girls! I met Today!! 💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 21Reply
stachiar Thx bunches for the PM love!!! You have so many Angels!!! Stacey is my nickname. Stachia is my grown up name... lol Kinda like Anne/a Stachia but reversed in my case, I was lucky enough to have been given my grandmothers name. She was a little feisty southern girl like me. xo
Aug 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gotta get some SLEEP💤💤💤 Havent Been to bed! Just ✔️Ed messages/ ?'s + sharing & follows. So/I'm off for a few hours at least? I hope! Need the sleep. Please leave messages and questions/Promise I will get back to you ALL💞Goodnight? Knapp?💞💤 @toryshop💞
Aug 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on site ✔️Ed messages/?'s/liked/followed/shared/calling it a night! Back Tuesday! So Please leave me those ?'s/Messages/I PROMISE💞! I will get back to you!!💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on all since last night around PM/up all night/and just gotta catch a nap! So please leave messages/questions/I promise I will get back to you!! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Log off site for this Wednesday Morning! Up Late Again/Thank you all for All the Beautiful B-Day Wishes you sent to Tom/he LOVED💞it & Made his Day VERY SPECIAL! Please leave Messages/?'s I will get back to you! I apologize if I didn't get all my Sharing done/Tom had B-Day Plans💞🎉🎂! @toryshop💞💤💤
Aug 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night/got my sharing done /answered ?'s/messages so getting some sleep! If you see this sign up 1st listing/PLEASE leave me a message/I will get back to you I promise!💞Thank you all for All the Love & Support I receive everyday💞To all my Posh Angels You are always in my Prayers & no further away than a message! God Bless & Good Night to All! 💞💤 @toryshop💞
Aug 26Reply
toryshop @mandn67 So does Tom/we are 27 yrs together/he has been my caretaker too and I know the cancer is as hard or maybe harder on him as me! @toryshop💞
Aug 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hopping back off to get some things done! I'll be ✔️ing back in later! Please leave Messages & Questions I will return them all I PROMISE💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Saturday night/Oh NO! It's Sunday at 2:40AM! I'm going to turn in call it a day! Sunday is my Day! With God & my Family! I do check in but not much else! So PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGES/?'s I will get back to you! I PROMISE💞! To All a GoodNight💤💤💞! @toryshop💞
Aug 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Haven't been to bed YET!!! Was going to got busy? But have to now/U can barely jerk my eyes open! So good night/Morning I will be checking in later in the day! Gotta get some sleep! Please leave ur messages /?'s I will get back to you I promise!💞Thank You 💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 28Reply
spookyheartsg 💐 How r u lovely lady have an amazing day
Aug 30Reply
xoxojboutique I LOVE your closet 💖💕 #goals
Aug 30Reply
toryshop @xoxojboutique Loves your too!! 2 of similar mind! U have great taste & it shows in ur closet!💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been after 3 DAYS OF BEING ILL from chemo meds! I went thur & skimmed & tried to share as much as I could! I would ask for your kindness/understanding! I'm just getting back on my feet! If you ask a ? & I didn't respond Please MESSAGE ME AGAIN! I will get back to you! If nothing else/I will be ✔️in/PROMISE! Thank You all for ur Love/Understanding!💞💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 31Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was off all day Wednesday/Will be back Thursday! Related to illness! Please forgive any delays! I ask for your understanding as I am dealing w side effects of chemo/cancer treatment. I will respond back as soon as possible! Please leave messages/?'s. If you don't hear back PLEASE MESSAGE ME AGAIN/I may have missed your 1st message! Thank You💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop I've tried to catch up w all messages/?'s/sharing & hope I've missed no one! I'm calling it a night! As still feeling tired!! Thank you all for the love & support! Please leave your messages/?'s I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was just on spent about 2 hrs responding follow/like/sharing! So back off for a couple hours but I'll be back! Thank you ALL for your LOVE/SUPPORT/& ENCOURAGEMENT💞I LOVE & APPRECIATE! You all!!💞💞Be back soon! 10:52 AM 09/02!💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just ✔️Ed in gotta hop back off take care of some errands! I'll be back later! Please leave your ?'s /messages! I'll get back to you Promise! @toryshop💞
Sep 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night was on did a lot of sharing and following! Was part of tonight's party,and answered questions, did some window shopping for me! Great party with great closets, and host picks! I'm calling it a day! Please leave your ?'s and Messages, and know I will get back to you, I Promise! Goodnight/Good-morning to all/see you Tomorrow! Happy Labor Day Weekend! @toryshop💞
Sep 03Reply
barellagirl @toryshop thinking of you hope you are doing well xoxxo 💕💕💕
Sep 03Reply
toryshop @bwhite2014 You are so sweet! I so appreciate your support! It means the world, and it's just 1 reason I think of my special gals, like you as my Posh Angels! And I call on my Angels a lot here lately! So, you have ur wings! With lots of LOVE💞💞💞! @toryshop💞
Sep 03Reply
barellagirl @toryshop love n kisses to you my beautiful friend xoxo 🌹🌹🌹👼👼👼
Sep 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop It's 2:25AM JUST GOING TO BED!!! Crazy day! Please know I have been on all day trying to share! As much as I could! Please forgive me if I didn't get you all covered! Please know I will be back to face a new brighter day/tomorrow so please leave ?'s /Messages! I will get back to you! @toryshop💞
Sep 04Reply
jarnold2158 Thank you for the follow! If you see anything you live, feel free to make an offer. Hope to see you on my closet often!! Happy poshing!!!
Sep 04Reply
toryshop @jarnol2158 Thank you Jessica/I'll help spread the word too! If you ever feel like talking Posh & sharing some ideas message me we can set up a time we can both spend some time talking ideas! Welcome! @toryshop💞
Sep 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been on checking messages/shares/follows/So gotta take care of home & family! I will check in again/soon might be a few hours, but I'll be back! Please leave your comments & ?'s I PROMISE I WILL GET BACK TO YOU! God Bless you all! Be safe this Holiday weekend! I'll be back to check in! Promise💞! @toryshop💞
Sep 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Please forgive me if I missed messages! I had PERSONAL EMERGENCY! I will be back on site later Tuesday! Getting things shipped catching up! I apologize if I missed anyone/if you didn't hear back for me please send another message I'm trying to play catch-up I apologize for any delays! @toryshop💞
Sep 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Please forgive me if I missed messages! I had PERSONAL EMERGENCY! I will be back on site later Tuesday! Getting things shipped catching up! I apologize if I missed anyone/if you didn't hear back for me please send another message I'm trying to play catch-up I apologize for any delays! And to my sister closets forgive me if I didn't get my sharing in/it's 4:39AM just getting to bed! Life Happened!!💞🙏🏼💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Tuesday Night! Going to take a bath go to bed! I went thur ?'s/Messages for last day/BUT WAS OFF SITE A LOT over the weekend! If you left a message 4 me & I haven't responded?? PLEASE/send it again/or point it I /I will appreciate!! Thank You/Good Night💞💤⏰ @toryshop💞💞
Sep 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on responded to ?'s /messages/did some like/share/Follow's and jumping off to workout & maybe do some more listing today! I'll be ✔️ing in! To ALL I Will be Back! So Please leave those ?'s/Messages! Thank You All💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 07Reply
outlying0077 Hi beauty, how are you? No need to share back, just wanted to say Hi and wishing you a lovely sweet day! xoxo
Sep 07Reply
toryshop @outlying0077 Hi Sweet Jamie/See a couple things live in ur closet/need a payday! Coming up! Hope ur not studying to hard/but been there so I already know ur burning candle both ends!! Go back to Mayo tomorrow! Been suffering/I don't usually complain! But PAIN has been CRAZY BAD!!! Pray they can help! Ur always just a thought away! 💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 07Reply
outlying0077 Hello my lovely! You're in my heart and prayers, courageous beauty. I need to use that burning candle to meditate to calm down and not stress out. ; ) Sending many hugs and kisses! xoxoxoxoxo!
Sep 07Reply
toryshop @outlying0077 Love you too my Sweet Girl💞💞💞! @toryshop💞
Sep 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Jumping off to finish supper! I'll be back in an hour or so?? @toryshop💞
Sep 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gotta go to Mayo tomorrow/Finally calling it a night/I'm a NERVOUS WRECK!! Please leave ur ?'s /Messages/I PROMISE I'll get back 2 U/Thursday is Crazy Day w Mayo on my Schedule/Chemo & Dr Appt! So please bare w me. Thank you All💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on tonight to pick-up holds/✔️messages/did some shares/likes/follows/Off again! Another Day At Mayo! Thursday was tests & More Tests/then an emergency trip home/get to sleep at home/But Back To Mayo to meet w Dr's! So I will try to check in? But it will be sporadic/SO PLEASE leave Messages/?'s I will get to them! PROMISE💞! Goidnight🙏🏼💤💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 09Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Ok Victoria what is the verdict? What did the tests show and did they give you something for pain? You do not have to say if you do not want to just let me know if it was good.
Sep 11Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw Barb/Main Dr said its been really hard 2 get ahead of this! They wanted me 2 come home & rest that's why going back Monday/My cancer team is meeting & re-group/& see pain Dr/They did say from start/this cancer is unlike anything they have seen? They tell me it's b/c I'm special? I said r u kidding me? Trying 2 maintain/still have hope/will get 2 a remission? Pray all time & I'm here 4 a reason/what is happening I know I'll help others! It's getting everything 2 fit? @toryshop💞
Sep 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop I've just been thur 2 days worth of messages/?'s/likes/follows/shares/some Ive not been up to all the shares/Know I'm doing my best! Mayo was Thursday/Back on Friday/& Again on Monday/Sunday Im spending some time w my Lord! So Goodnight for now! I'll be ✔️ing in Tomorrow so PLEASE leave messages/?'s I will get back 2 U! I PROMISE💞Luv to you All!💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop I've been ill/off site! Pls 4give me! I'll try 2 ✔️messages as soon as possible/but ask 4 ur understanding. I'll B back soon! Mayo Clinic AGAIN tomorrow! I've been down all weekend/& I'll let u know how Mayo appointment goes! if I didn't message u pls re-send ur message! I would really appreciate that & ur kind understanding in this time of my chemo treatment. Thank you! PLEASE RE-send messages/I will get to them I PROMISE! Thank you ALL for your Love & Understanding! @toryshop💞
Sep 12Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Got your text I just do not know how to text back yet. Laura is out of surgery and is home sleeping. Doc said we wouldn't know anything until next week when she comes in for a follow up but from what he could see things are looking good. How about you did the pain doc come through for you?💕💕💕
Sep 12Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw They all still feel that the new chemo is doing what it's supposed to do! But they said I must be careful w the dosing! And I push myself too hard! Not enough rest/not eating/doing things I shouldn't/but I tried to explain life has a way of pulling me in! Continued...
Sep 12Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw Put me on IV pain meds/fluids, was very dehydrated/Told me "I MUST PUT MY HEALTH FIRST!" Barb I'm BAD! Worry about everything else! Ex- Thurs Drove home 2 attend memorial of friend/then got up next morning/back 2 Mayo! Didn't sleep Thurs or Friday night! Barb! I know need 2 start putting me 1st! Not good at it? Pain less & am resting in bed! Thinking of ur daughter sending prayers! Gotta go ✔️in w local Dr. Fri 2 c how I'm doing!! Mayo's orders! They scared me & Tom too! @toryshop💞
Sep 12Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Ok Victoria you have your marching orders! Take care of you first! I am glad to hear you are resting. It is hard to pace yourself but your body needs it so from here on out think twice before you do or say yes to things. So right now put down your device and take a nap! Will talk to you later! LOL. BARB P.S. Just a comment but Ashton Kutcher just joined posh an hour ago and he is all sold out!
Sep 12Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw How did you know about that?? Wow!! What's his closet name?? @toryshop💞
Sep 12Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop look at the top of your news it is a pop up but his closet is under Ashton k
Sep 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hope I got all my messages/ answered questions/answered all my sharing/ liking/ following /done and I'm ready to call it a night, so I'm turning in. I wish all of you a good night, &! I will be checking in tomorrow.! So till then have a good night/remember to please leave your questions and messages I promise I will get back to you. Have a good night!💤💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Got all my sharing groups done by 11:59PM CDT! Yeah! So going to bed it's after 2 AM! So calling it a day! Back tomorrow Good Lord Willing! So PLEASE leave messages & ?'s I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gonna step away and take care of me/worked till 3 AM /Just woke up did some party shares/answered ?'s /so gonna take care of home back later tonight! Please leave ?'s Messages! We are having heavy storms! Hoping internet stays up?? @toryshop💞
Sep 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! Actually morning 2 AM! See You tomorrow! Stuff to ship! Please leave your ?'s Messages I will return answers I PROMISE! @toryshop💞
Sep 16Reply
redheadpink @toryshop are you in the Atl area ? We would love to meet you for the meetup
Sep 16Reply
toryshop @shopniceties Jordan/I so wish I was was! No I'm in of all places! I own a small farm in Iowa! I went from New York/Chicago/Dallas/Alaska/Hawaii/Florida/LA/Kansas City/to nowhere IA/I'm not kidding you would not believe the stares! I'm determined to bring STYLE/FASHION to Mid West! My daughter lives close to New Orland's/I Love Atlanta! 💞💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 17Reply
redheadpink @toryshop in tentatively planning a New Orleans meetup 10-15. Fb group fabulous posh fashionistas -New Orleans join that for updates
Sep 17Reply
toryshop @shopniceties Jordan/Sweetheart I would love to join and what an honor to be asked! But I will share Im going thur chemo therapy/so sometimes not too easy to go/but I will check and I would Love to go! I went to a small gathering in MN/& LOVED the gals! And LEARNED SO MUCH! I can't express how much I will try to come/I'll stay in touch! @toryshop💞
Sep 17Reply
redheadpink @toryshop no pressure we would just love to have you at any of our meetups
Sep 17Reply
toryshop @shopniceties Jordan are you kidding?? I feel HONORED to be asked by you Lovely Ladies/& now I guess I should include gentleman?? May I ask/Do you have any of ur group now displaying men's wear/I'm just curious?? @toryshop💞
Sep 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop To all my Wonderful followers/& my PFF's I'm going to lay-down for a couple hours/no sleep last nigh , but made it thur the morning party, and now I gotta rest! I've answered questions done some listings /ready for a break! So I will be so be sure to leave your ?'s & messages! I will be back later on! My Regular Life is calling my name! I'll be back Promise! @toryshop💞
Sep 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Good night ladies & gentleman/Shoppers &PFF's /I'm not feeling well tonight so I'm calling it a day! Please forgive me if I missed ur message/but started feeling bad around 2 this(Saturday) afternoon! So Please Leave ur messages/Comments I'm turning in early tonight/Hoping 2 feel well enough 4 Church/Time w The Lord tomorrow/TY All! PLEASE Leave Messages & ?'s! I will GET BACK 2 U Tomorrow/But Later in the Day/Will ✔️In PROMISE! Have a Great Night & Blessed Sunday! @toryshop💞
Sep 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked messages today! So hoping back off to get some real life things done! Please leave ?'s & Messages I will get back to you! Be Patient Sunday is my Personal day! But I will get back to you Promise!! @toryshop💞
Sep 18Reply
cajt62 Dang Tory, did you re-do your whole closet? It looks great! Trying to figure out when you had time to do it. Hope you are feeling fabulous. Always in my thoughts and prayers luv! 💙💙💙💙
Sep 19Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Victoria hoping you feel better today! I got something that might do the trick! Ashton Kutcher is having another sale today at NOON so be there or be square! Hugs and Kisses XOXOXO. BARB🤗💋🤗💋🤗💋
Sep 19Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Sorry it is noon pacific time 😬
Sep 19Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Victoria there is a lady on Posh Denice (dkjewelry) she just got breast cancer and her husband just lost his job a month before that and she is so overwhelmed, I was wondering if there was something in your experience that you can tell her to get her to hang in there. Thanks if you can. LOL BARB😘😘😘
Sep 20Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw Barb/I saw that last night but was a very hectic day full of appointments/your right I missed /but you are a Love for helping me stay in the loop! Please continue as I think I'm in a fog half the time/All my LOVE my SWEET SWEET FRIEND/💞💞💞 Tory💞💞
Sep 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop Going to take a break/but I will be checking in later! Have some home things to do! So please leave messages & ?'S I will get back to you I Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 20Reply
snobchic2617 Hi Tory lmk if you are interested in the Chanel pendant I just sold the ring however the pendant is available the pendant is made of 10k and Cz
Sep 20Reply
delilahbenson Hi beautiful Tory, how are you doing?
Sep 22Reply
toryshop @delilahbenson Ugh/Dental Appt today! Was gone all day! They cleaned my pearly whites! Found I've got 2 wear night guard? Grinding teeth sleep I guess? Making a form & used disgusting stuff to create mold/gagging whole time! Im also meeting w new personal trainer! Yeah! Meet her Tuesday! Hoping she takes me! But wants Dr's ok! B/C of the cancer! But I'm thrilled! I'm feeling like working out! So excited! How are you my sweet friend! @toryshop💞
Sep 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Well been thur messages/did some shares/follows/answered all my ?'s & messages. So off to bed! Will try to be on site more Thursday/I was at dentist today! Errands too! But I'm also Car Shopping/So hoping maybe do that too?? Goodnight for Tonight! See ya Tomorrow! @toryshop💞
Sep 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop I apologize but an emergency came up this afternoon/so I was off and will not be back on site the remainder of the day or evening! Please forgive any delays this might cause. Please leave ?'s & messages I will be checking them again on Friday. I ask for your understanding/& I Promise I will get back to you! Thank you All! @toryshop💞
Sep 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! It's raining again so God only knows what tomorrow will bring?? Asking for prayers! I'll be ✔️ing in so please leave ?'s /messages I will respond/Promise! God Bless & Good night to all💞💤 @toryshop💞
Sep 25Reply
toryshop @toryshop You see this first/I've stepped away! Or gone to bed! But I'll be back! Rested bright eyed bushy tailed ready to ROCK & ROLL/Help my peeps! With what ever their needs!💞Please leave me ?'s /messages! So I can get back to you personally! Good nite All💤💞💋 @toryshop💞
Sep 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Still dealing with FLOOD damage/so just ✔️ed in/Please leave ?'s /messages/I will get back to you! PROMISE💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 27Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm going to be off site awhile/but I will be back to you! Got to mail out some orders/so off site for awhile but back later! PLEASE leave messages & ?'s ! I'll get you answered PROMISE! & TY💞 @toryshop💞
Sep 29Reply
dotseyqueen Hi Tory. My name is Diana. I have been admiring your closet for some time now and have not stopped to say hello. Your sense of style is flawless. I learn from browsing your many beautiful things.
Oct 01Reply
toryshop @dotseyqueen Diana, that is so very kind of you, and something I really needed today! You have no idea how your kind words have lifted me today. I will leave it at I have had a really difficult day, and your kind words reminded me that I am still a woman, and I still have something to contribute. It is my pleasure to meet you, and I am a mentor on site, so please bookmark my closet & me, and if I can help in anyway, please message me! TY💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 01Reply
dotseyqueen Well that choked me up. You have tons to contribute! I will bookmark you and I am sure I will have some questions. Thank you Tory God Bless you and your very handsome husband. Good Night.
Oct 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on & ✔️ed messages & answered ?'s so I'm now off to bed/after a huge emotional day at Mayo Clinic/I would ask for your understanding & patience as my life feels as if it's upside down! I'm trying to pull it all together/Thur Prayer/God's Love/Family/& my PFF's all of who are my special Family! Please leave ?'s /messages/I will get back to you PROMISE!💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 01Reply
girlrandi @toryshop Hello Victoria I was thinking about you wondering how you're doing sending all my love Randi
Oct 01Reply
jennifernora32 @toryshop Hi Victoria I hope you're doing ok love. Saw you are dealing with flooding love. Sending prayers and good vibes your way. 💖 Be safe, xo. Theresa
Oct 01Reply
toryshop @jennifernora32 We also just found yesterday I have 4 new lumps in my breasts/already dealing w another form of cancer so Mayo is concerned cautious/I needed some time to wrap my head around the flood damage/the cancer I have /& now the new lumps to biopsy/put it off to next Friday! I'm exhausted! Thank you 4 ur Love & support! @toryshop💞
Oct 01Reply
jennifernora32 @toryshop Oh Dear Lord. Wow. I'm wishing I could do some Magic and make you all better Babe. I'll talk to God for you. I'm sending you Hugs and Love. Make yourself eat, anything. Ice Cream. Know you're Loved and Just Beautiful. Tons of Love, T. 🌺😘😘😘
Oct 01Reply
toryshop @jennifernora32 Jenn Thank You w all my heart! You just being there means so much! @toryshop💞
Oct 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm hopping back off site/it's 9:39PM & am turning in hopping for more energy tomorrow! Thank you all for loves & shares! Please leave ?'s & messages I will get back to you! @toryshop💞
Oct 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Goodnight all! Listed & shared was on site almost the entire day today! So Wednesday will be checking in on /off /So PLEASE LEAVE ?'s Messages I will return your messages! Promise💞! Goodnight All🙏🏼💤💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 05Reply
divineduchess @toryshop was just thinking about you this morning. Hope you are feeling great today!
Oct 05Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hopping off site for awhile/will check in later today! Appointments to take care of before Mayo & biopsies! Tomorrow! @toryshoo💞
Oct 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just hopped on checked messages & ?'s /And did a little sharing but my head is not in it as I'm thinking of my Biopsies at Mayo Tomorrow (Friday) at 1:30PM! So please bare with me/I will be back & ship on Saturday! Just need some private family time right now! I LOVE YOU ALL! TY for you understanding & support! Please leave ?'s Messages I will get back to you! Promise & TY all for Understanding! 🙏🏼💞 @toryshop 💞
Oct 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Please excuse any inconvenience/Because of biopsies done yesterday on me, I'm taking some time ⏰off Poshmark to re-group & regain some strength to prepare for whatever Life holds in store! To all my PoshMark Angels/Shoppers/Buyers I will be checking in So PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGES & QUESTIONS & maybe do some shares on some of my listings! I WILL REPAY & GET GET BACK TO YOU WITH ANSWERS IF I HAVE THEM! God Bless & Thank You ALL💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hopping off to get some sleep if I can?? I'm going to ship out sales & will again be on/off site tomorrow with appointments & such. So please leave your ?'s/messages I will get back do my best to get back you💞Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 11Reply
minablack @toryshop Commented: Hi! Sweets, How are you? Doing? And Feeling? Theses days? I am sending Hugs & Kisses 💋💋💋💋💋😘😘😘😘😘spreading healing your way✨✨✨✨✨✨🙏🏻Your on my mind of prayers.
Oct 11Reply
minablack @toryshop Commented: Sweets, I went to PoshFest and show up for the morning and party at night take so much out of me on Saturday. On Sunday I woke up so sick with a migraine and my kidneys hurts so bad I did go to the Sunday one.I did meet a lot of nice PFF'S there and took pictures with them I notice they didn't even posted them with me. I don't understand why? Maybe because I look fat I do weight lift to keep in shape and jog I do like chunky I am short I do wear a small -medium in size...
Oct 11Reply
minablack @toryshop Commented: And I am ill and only take 15 meds also too! It took so much for me to be brave to even go to PoshFest 💕💕💕💕 I find out two weeks ago they found so lumps on my breasts I am afraid to go have them take samples to see if it's cancer sweets. 💕💕💕💕I been crying about this please guide me in the right direction 😔
Oct 11Reply
jennifernora32 @toryshop Hi Love. I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing🌺. You've been in my Prayers. xo. Theresa.
Oct 15Reply
toryshop @jennifernora32 Just a quick update! We are still waiting??? My Dr in Mayo Breast Clinic returned my call Today(Saturday) as results were to be in from biopsies by Wednesday/Still don't know? B/c I'm already battling another form of cancer/they sent biopsies to a specialty lab/She said she hasn't received info yet? I go up again Tuesday/I'm not leaving till I know!! Going CRAZY!!! @toryshop💞
Oct 16Reply
jennifernora32 @toryshop Oh my goodness. That's so hard. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine your stress. I'll keep my Prayers flowing. ✨✝✨. Keep yourself comfortable. Try to relax and watch a few movies. Buy some flowers and make a Lovely arrangement. Know you're Loved and Thought of along with Prayed for. Ok. xo Tory.
Oct 16Reply
toryshop @jennifernora32 I truly don't know what I'd do w/o my Poshmark Angels/ ur kindness brings tears as I shared w u all that's going on! I will not lie/I'm scared! And tired! And my heart is on my sleeve! But it's my Angels like U /@lucksterlw/@cmjla and @tm_stuff/& so many that have been there for me! I haven't been on site/my heart just hasn't been up to it! Just Thank You 4 being my Angel💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 16Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Augh! No news yet! That is just not good! Let us know when you know! In my prayers! 💖💖❤️💖❤️💖💕🌹💖💕❤️💖💐💐😘
Oct 16Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw Barb/I'm going crazy! My Dr did call today to explain the delay/I'm sure trying to reassure me?? But it's been harder than I thought/and I've felt outside my body?? Like I'm watching myself go thur all these steps?? Like it can't be me?? Crazy?? I promise I will as soon as I know anything? You have been great & I don't know what I'd do w/o my Angels! TY 4 all the sharing! My head hasn't been at PoshMark last few days/I know U get that one💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 16Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop I wish you did not have to go thru this delay but I am sure they want to make sure about everything one way or another and I would be like you it is like this is totally surreal! Hang in there and like I said cuddle with Tom for support!😘😘😘😘😘
Oct 16Reply
cmjla I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️
Oct 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop If U C this listing U know that I'm not on the site at the moment, & circumstances R currently allowing me 2B on 4 short periods of time,scanning messages, & answering questions if I see them. I'd ask that if u have left a question/made an offer/or left a message & I haven't responded please message me again, & forgive me if I missed U. I'm going thur biopsies & dealing with the aftermath of flood damage/so I'm asking 4 patience & understanding. TY @toryshop
Oct 16Reply
toryshop @cmjla U R my sister/my heart ❤️/ there isn't 1 thing U could not ask from me, or if U need, I would give w all my Love! Because, U my sweet friend have gone above & beyond 2 help me, someone U have never touched a hand or felt my skin, but it is of no matter, U know my ❤️/& have given ur friendship & love, when I'm down, U make smile, when I want 2 cry, U remind me there is always hope, & U have taught this old dog many new tricks! U-R so much more than a friend👭❤️ Tory💞💋
Oct 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop It's after 8 PM/per orders I'm going to put my tech gadgets away & try to get some rest! Although I feel like that's all I've done! I finally got to take a real bath/my incision sites have healed enough now! Thank you All my sweet PFF's you have know idea how much you all mean! I will keep updates as we know them? God Bless you All!💞🙏🏼 @toryshop💞
Oct 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Please know I just got back on Site for a couple hours/I have tons to catch up on! So if you had a message or a question please re-send them i'm trying 2 get back 2 work/catch up on things, but I'm under Dr's orders to not over-do/I ask 4 ur patience & understanding I will get back 2 U I promise! @toryshop💞
Oct 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on site most last night! Couldn't sleep! But I'm getting off now to get some sleep! Be back later! So please leave ?'s Messages/I will get back to you! Promise! @toryshop💞
Oct 22Reply
leoninus @toryshop I know you had trouble with a scammer returning ruined makeup so I want to give you a heads up that tnd101492 filed a false claim that I sent the wrong size shirt to her when I did not, and her claim was denied accordingly. But it took a week of them waiting and waiting for her to provide photographic evidence which she of course could not. Just letting you know. Again tnd101492 tried scamming me and Poshmark.
Oct 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! Please leave any ?'s or Messages you might have/I will get back to you , I'm recovering from surgery so please hang in there with me. Thank you All! @toryshop💞
Oct 27Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a big day! Shipped/✔️Messages /shared/follows/and Chemo treatment! All today! So I'm saying Good Night, Please leave your ?'s/Messages, I will be checking in tomorrow/trying to get back in the swing! Love to All & A Blessed Good Night🙏🏼💋💞 @toryshop💞
Oct 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been through today's messages/?'s likes/shares/follows and calling it a night! Had a big day! Thank you all for the shares & follows! I'm working hard to feel better & get back to my closet work! I Love & Appreciate you all My Poshmark Family! Thank you all for your love & support! Please leave ?'s & Messages/I will get back to you! I Promise! Watch for my Halloween SALE/BIG PRICE DROPS TO TREAT MY SHOPPERS! 🎃💞💤🙀 @toryshop💞
Oct 29Reply
vmallicoat @toryshop praying for you & Tom daily my sweet PFF😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘
Oct 29Reply
toryshop @toryshop Going to turn in! Been on site all day w HALLOWEEN Sale! SORRY 30% ended at Midnight CDT! But still offer greatly reduced prices & open to fair reasonable offers! I'm dealing w a new chemo drug for my cancer & having some issues?? Just know I'm here/I do ✔️in so Please LEAVE ?'s/Messages! I will get back to you/I Promise💞! Goodnight/✔️in Tuesday/I WILL RESPOND 2 ?'s & Messages! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop Goodnight All! 💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked messages, and responded 2 ?'s /I'm not feeling well today but will try to ✔️in at least skim through messages again later. Thank you all for your understanding. @toryshop💞
Nov 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm off for the night! But PLEASE ✔️out the tons of LOWER PRICES CURRENTLY IN MY CLOSET/@toryshop/Or never be afraid to make a fair offer! I'm In the Mood! To Move out Listings! Please leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in! Calling it a night! 😴Just got through lowering some move things out PRICES! Please leave ?'s/Messages, I Promise!! I'll be back tomorrow/probably afternoon! I'm mailing out sales! Thank you all! @toryshop💞
Nov 03Reply
tezza630 💚🔲🔲🔲🔲💚🔲🔲🔲🔲💚🔲🔲🔲🔲💚🔲🔲🔲🔲💚 Hi Tory! I'm just popping in to say Hello and hope you are having a wonderful day!! 🙋🏻. 😽😽😽😽. tari
Nov 03Reply
toryshop @tezza630 Thank you my Angel! Got sick at Dr the new Chemo Med is killing my tummy & food tastes funny! But otherwise good! Trying to hang in! All your Love & Support is so appreciated! @toryshop💞
Nov 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! Thank you all who stopped by to browse or buy! Always welcome! Because of health issues, I'm currently not on for long periods of time, doctor's orders! But I DO✔️IN/So Please leave ur ?'s & messages in comments/I will get back to You I Promise! Thank You & Good Friday Night!💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 05Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on to ✔️messages & now hopping off to charge my battery! Please leave ?'s Messages I will get back to you Promise! @toryshop💞
Nov 05Reply
spiritsnaks @toryshop just checking in with hugs & prayers😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nov 05Reply
toryshop @spiritsnaks Oh my sweet Angel, not doing so good! New rounds of chemo & it hit hard! But they found 6 lumps that turned out to be encapsulated melanomas, rare but they have seen it happen, that's why the new chemo. Then Friday, I had to see local Dr and she said back to Mayo! Monday, 9:30AM it's a 2.5hr drive! But need to go! Say a Prayer 🙏🏼! I sure appreciate each 1💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Good Saturday Night! Set your Clocks back Day light saving time ENDS tonight! YEAH🎊💞! So enjoy that extra hour! I'll check in tomorrow, and till then please leave me your ?'s & messaes, I Promise to get back to you! 💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Meant ?'s & Messages! I promise I'll get back to you! Good Saturday Night to All💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Happy Sunday! Hope everyone enjoyed their extra hour of sleep! I was just on to answer ?'s /respond to messages! I will be back later on today! So Please leave ?s/ messages I will get back too you! Promise!💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just ✔️ed in again/so hopping off! I'll be back later! Theirs a party I would like to attend/& as always I'm here for my clients & fellow CH's/See you later! Please leave ?'s & messages I'll get back to you! PROMISE💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting ready to go to Mayo! Gotta get going! I could list all day! Please leave ?'s/Messages I will get back to U Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Be back soon to do some sharing! Need a break! Please leave ?'s /messages I'll get back to you Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 08Reply
dotseyqueen I am glad to see you are on site. I hope you are feeling decent this evening. I put you on my friends churches prayer list I hope that is ok. First name only. I think about you from time to time and pray you are feeling O.K. Gee this Posh sure is addictive isn't it. My house is a mess, we had 1 clean plate for dinner (there are two of us) which reminds me I must go up and start the dishwasher!
Nov 08Reply
dotseyqueen I wanted to share the one plate rather than take time away from Posh to hand wash a second. But reluctantly came to my senses and washed one. Oh My.
Nov 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop Off to bed? Good morning! 4:30AM/So see U later today! Please leave ?'s/Messages I will get back to U Promise💞💋! @toryshop💞
Nov 08Reply
racandra hi my love!! your bundle is all ready for you <3 much love and many many hugs to you!
Nov 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been at appointments all day! Sorry if I missed you! Plan to check in tomorrow/Pleas leave ?'s /messages & if I didn't respond PLEASE MESSAGE ME AGAIN! I get around 2,000 emails /notices a day/so might have missed you/So I beg ur forgiveness & ask U please message again. Goodnight to All💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 10Reply
toryshop @racandra I purchased sweetheart/I was late because I was exhausted from working the election /PLEASE forgive the delay. But you can always count on my word/I would never ever hurt someone I care for that has always been there for me! I Love You & cant thank you enough! @toryshop💞
Nov 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on Did likes shares follows/& will do shipping today! I'm hopping off to do that & other errands but will be back later to do more shares/follows! Please leave ?'s & messages I will get back to you! Promise!💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting off for the Night/Morning as it's 5:15AM how time flys having fun! Please leave ?'s/Messages I will respond/I promise💞 Goodnite/Morning to ALL💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on Most of Today & Ladt night ALL NIGHT! So I'm getting off! I'll check in Later or even might be tomorrow! Need some time off site my eyes hurt! So Please leave ?'s/messages I will get back 2 U /PROMISE!💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 12Reply
mnk8 @artisticwhit Look at the very first sign 😂😍
Nov 13Reply
toryshop @mnk8 Yes! Took a day off! U see I have cancer so sometimes I need time off. The sign serves as a courtesy to my SHOPPERS to share that I'm off, at the moment, but will get back to messages/?'s. I'm glad you like it! @toryshop💞
Nov 13Reply
mnk8 @toryshop Oh, gotchya 😉. Great idea. I just saw the sign & loved it; can't function or think straight in the morning before having my coffee. Sorry to hear you are going through treatment. I'm all too familiar w/chemo myself, as I'm a breast cancer survivor. Was diagnosed very late stage. Do you mind if I ask what type of cancer you have? You can also message me back on my profile if you'd like 😊
Nov 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on & checked & answered ?'s/Messages, so turning in its wee hrs in morning now! So I'll check in tomorrow & maybe even do some listing! Tons to add! So please leave any new ?'s /messages you might have? I PROMISE I will get back to you!💞Good Night for now💤😴⏰! See you Later💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a GOODNIGHT😴! Been a LONG DAY but fun working w all of you Again💞! Please leave ?'s /messages I will be back to life on Monday! So I'll be checking in & trying t take care of my real life business! So please leave ?'s /messages I will get back to you PROMISE💞Goodnight & Thank You all💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 14Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Good Night Yes?! I'll be checking in tomorrow/so Please leave ?'s/messages I will respond/BUT I would ask, PLEASE UNDERSTAND I have a LIFE /I need to care for? I'm fighting cancer so there are times I am off site. Just know you matter & I will get back to you/Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on answered ?'s & messages/So getting back off site to run errands & mail sales. I will b back! So please leave me ur ?'S & messages/I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop❤️
Nov 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on Liked/Shared/Followed! So Turning in! Chemo tomorrow at Mayo! So please leave your ?'s/Messages I will get back to you/I Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hopping off site to see if I can catch some zzzz's😴! Haven't slept in 48 hours! But leave your messages and questions I will be back and answer them, I promise!💞 good knapp time for now💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 17Reply
thewifeysthings @toryshop How are you feeling? Making out w/everything?? I've been meaning to stop by & leave you a little msg & of course I keep!!! 😊😘😘 Hoping your doing OK....just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you & praying for you often!! 💋
Nov 18Reply
toryshop @thewifeysthings Been doing treatment at Mayo this week/1 more time tomorrow! Then a break till December unless complications/or issues come up?? I find myself talking w The Lord often! I so appreciate the Prayers! I know it works! W all my ❤️️Thank You! @toryshop💞
Nov 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Done for tonight! Please leave ?'s /messages I will get back to you I Promise! Good Thursday Night!💞😴💤 @toryshop💞
Nov 18Reply
toryshop @thewifeysthings Well had 2 chemo infusions at Mayo this week/& still fighting insurance/Tom isn't good with this stuff, so of course he waits on me to feel better! And sometimes it takes awhile! So Prayers are welcome & needed! For health & sanity! 🙏🏼💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just on & ✔️ed my ?'s/messages/did some likes/shares/follows. Off to bed, had chemo today! So gonna try to rest! I'll check in tomorrow & tons of new items to list! Please keep checking in! I promise I will get back t ?'s/messages! Good nite to all😴💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 19Reply
dotseyqueen Came by to see how you were doing today. My prayers are with you and your husband Tory. I sure pray you are feeling ok today. I can see on the posts in your closet you are loved by many, God Bless you and yours.
Nov 20Reply
juliet03 Hi gorgeous!! Always thinking of you. Always keeping you in my prayers. I hope you get well and recover soon ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 20Reply
leesha_33 Morning sunshine! 🤗How is my beautiful friend doing?! I haven't been on Posh as much as I'd like because I've been busy with work but I can't tell you how often you pop in my head 💗 I hope you're feeling strong & ready for this holiday season! Just wanted to pop in & say hello! 🙋
Nov 20Reply
juliet03 Do you have a go fund me page ?
Nov 20Reply
toryshop @juliet03 No/I don't even know how to ask/but I may need to! The stress is about ready to kill me!! I'm exhausted and can barely eat or sleep! @toryshop💞
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @juliet03 I've never asked for help, I just don't know where to go?? I'm not eating or sleeping & Tom has just let me do all! I'm so exhausted from brick walls and I just pray!!! @toryshop💞
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @leesha_33 Regrettably not doing well! A flood caused our drains to back up! Took out furnace/hot water heater/freezer filled with food /washer /dryer You name it! I'm fighting w insurance and still have no furnace & winter is upon us! And then chemo on top/I'm beside myself!?? @toryshop💞
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @dotseyqueen I am not doing well and Tom is going to be tested for Alzheimer's/I have shared that with no one else! I'm dealing w insurance on damages caused by drains backing up that took out furnace/washer dryer water heater/everything! I don't know what to do!! So please ask God to help me! I'm sick & have no one! @toryshop💞
Nov 21Reply
dotseyqueen You have way too much on your shoulders! I am praying for you to get some relief. I will write you more tonight or tomorrow.
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been ill last couple of days! Just came on to answer messages/?'S and correct some postings. I'm going to bed so please leave ur messages/?'S again I will get back to you promise! Thanks for hangin in there with me! @toryshop💞
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @dotseyqueen You have no idea how much that would mean to me!! I'm really feeling very alone!!! I don't know what to do, & Tom counts on me for everything, and the chemo makes me so sick that at times I don't know if I'm gonna make it??? Thank you for extending a hand of love & kindness! You have come to me at the Lowest point in a long time?? I just pray for God to help me🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼/I'm gonna try to get some sleep? It's 3:03 AM & my mind is still racing!! TY w all my ❤️️! Tory💞
Nov 21Reply
dotseyqueen @toryshop I pray to God you can get some peaceful sleep. Goodnight
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting off for now! Created new listings to erase the tracks of a maniac! Will be back later! Please leave ?'s/messages and know I'm a drama free closet holder! All crazy nasty remarks know your closet will be reported & blocked! To all those that are my Great Customer's & PFF's I love & appreciate ur support💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 21Reply
toryshop @fashionfauxpas She goes by the tag @oughttobehaute
Nov 22Reply
toryshop @fashionfauxpas She goes by the tag of oughttobehaute/and she did a number/ I pointedly ask if she had died on The Cross? I was confused, b/c she was judging me about my Listings? Dragged my friends in it to asking them to judge me or how could they be my friends?? I don't know what she was doing?? Tory💞
Nov 22Reply
toryshop @fashionfauxpas Been saying has designer things a plenty 2 post/looks like she has been saying this 3 yrs? I Saw conversation I didn't remember about yr ago/she bundled seVeral Listings/find out some were made in China/Japan? Said NOTHING FROM CHINA?? Told her hard 2 do these days? Sounds rather racist to me? I don't get that/big designers mass produce creations in these countries? I'd ? Her knowledge of fashion/but that's just my opinion? @toryshop💞
Nov 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop After a huge rather unproductive day headed to bed/ so please leave your ?'S & concerns in a comment or direct message me by using tag @toryshop just as written/guarantees I receive ur ?'s/messages. Good nite to all /See you tomorrow & after this long day! Not EARLY!
Nov 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Good Night💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Mailing out sales I can! ?'S on a couple but I'll be checking in so Please leave your ?'s & Messages/I will get back to you! Promise!💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on checked messages/answered questions /so I'm off site rest of the evening & tomorrow/at least part of tomorrow! To all please leave ?'s /messages I will be checking/and to all HAPPY THANKSGIVING! @toryshop💞
Nov 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on to check messages & questions! Jumping off to enjoy my family time/Wishing all my Followers & PFFs the most Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Holiday Season to ALL! Please leave ?'S & Messages I will be checking in! @toryshop💞
Nov 25Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a goodnight! I have ✔️ed messages/?'s & saying Good night! Will check in tomorrow but will be off site a lot tomorrow/So please give me ur patience! I will honor all discounts as ?'s/messages are time stamped! Good night All!💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Did mailings/✔️ed messages/answered ?'s/& Shared! I'm calling it a day! Thank you all! Have a Great Night! Please leave your ?'s /messages /I will be checking in but Sunday's is my day w The Lord & Family! So just know I will get back to you! Promise💞Good Night All! @toryshop💞
Nov 27Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on all day/Taking a break! Please leave a Message in Comments or if you have a ?/I promise I will get back to you! It may be a bit/but all sales & discounts honored as Comments are timestamped! Thank you All! I'll be back Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Nov 30Reply
jennifernora32 @toryshop Hi Victoria, I wanted to see how you're doing love I've thought of you and said prayers for you and I do hope you're doing better, xo Theresa.
Dec 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'll be back this afternoon! Have been sick from chemo but getting back to work Friday afternoon! So please, asking for a little more patience! Thank you all and Please leave ?'s Messages I will get back to you first! Thank you all for your support! LOVE!! & Understanding! I LOVE YOU ALL! @toryshop💞
Dec 02Reply
toryshop @jennifernora32 Thank you so much! Been off last couple days but w over 400 messages thought I better try to get on go Thur them! I'm starting to feel better. @toryshop💞
Dec 03Reply
jennifernora32 @toryshop I'm glad to hear that love. Stay Strong. 💖💖💖. Sending Good Vibes & Prayers. xo. Theresa.
Dec 03Reply
toryshop @jennifernora32 Thank you w all my heart! That means more than mere words can express💞 Tory💞
Dec 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on site ✔️ing messages/answering ?s getting off to grab some winks💤😴! I'll be back later! Will ship sales today! Leave ?'s/Messages I will get back to you Promise! @toryshop💞
Dec 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop Thank you all for the shares & prayers! Chemo really hit me hard so just been on to check messages & answer ?'s/I'm going to try to rest for awhile as was super sick during the night, but ask PLEASE leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you! & to all my PFF's Thank You for sharing my closet! I will get back to sharing & more for all your help! LOVE TO ALL Shoppers & my Pff's I Love & appreciate you all💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Another late night! If for some reason I didn't respond to a ? Or message/PLEASE send it again! I skimmed through so could have missed?? Tom has Drs appointment in the AM so will be busy part of the day! Trying to get ALL MY NEW GREAT THINGS LISTED! COLOURPOP/& Kylies! Stay tuned!! @toryshop💞🙏🏼😴💤⏰ PS/Later! I'll be back!💞
Dec 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Got to get off site! Still haven't been to sleep! Tom's Drs appointment got chg! But words are running together! Feeling sick! So going to lay down! Please leave messages and questions I promise I will get back to you, but for now it's lights out naptime see you guys later! @toryshop💞
Dec 06Reply
toryshop @cmjla Just wanted to let you know, I'm not going to be able to make your party, I'm so very sorry but I started feeling very ill this afternoon. Tom's making me go to bed! So, I'm sorry Im going to have to miss it! Wishing you many shares & sales! All my Love💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 07Reply
toryshop @vmallicoat I'm getting ready for bed/early Drs appoint 10AM so I'll check messages early! Get some rest! I'm going to! See you in the morning! @toryshop💞
Dec 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm going to call it a day! Goodnight to All! 😴 Please leave ?'S & Messages I will be checking in & listing tons of Great New items just received for Holidays!!! Yeah!!! 👍🏼🙏🏼💞🎁🎄❤️️💝Leave those messages/?'s Ill get back to you Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 09Reply
serendipity3 I wanted to send you extra love from a daughter who has two parents battling cancer! I think you have such a beautiful heart it shines through so bright!!! My mom has breast cancer and is finishing her treatment. My dad has CLL and has been battling it since 2007. I'm always here! I'm also a huge dog lover, jewelry lover and optimistic friend! 💕😘❤️️
Dec 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on this morning since around 6AM answering ?'s /comments/Off line now to get ready for a Christmas Party! I will be checking in later today or tonight! So please leave your ?'s /Messages I will get back to you! Promise!💞Have a great Sunday! @toryshop💞
Dec 11Reply
fashionfauxpas Hey 💘 haven't heard from ya in a min..hope ur faring well!! Much much luv 🖖✌🤘💋
Dec 11Reply
toryshop @fashionfauxpas Been having a ROUGH TIME w new Chemo Med/it is killing my insides for sure! Can't keep anything in! But when I can I crave weird stuff?? But things taste so Metallic! I know that's normal but they are concerned about my nausea ? I'm taking tons of anti nausea meds/but just throw those up too😝! @toryshop💞
Dec 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on ✔️ed messages/?'s so off to bed! Christmas Party I made it! Posting pics of my best dressed look in my Closet tomorrow as I wore a PoshMark Find! Tons of Fun had by All! Please leave any ?'s/messages via a comment/I will get back to you! Promise! Goodnight All😴👋🏽❤️️💞with visions of sugar plums all dancing in my head!🎁💞🎄💞⏰💞🙏🏼😴 @toryshop💞
Dec 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night early! They have a High Wind/Freezing Temperature warning out and I'm exhausted to my Share Group I will double share tomorrow! Please forgive me! Things at home pulled me away from being online. Please Leave your ?'s/Comments I will get back to you. Thank you All! I'll check in tomorrow morning! 💞⏰ @toryshop💞
Dec 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on ✔️ed messages & responded to ?'s/Off again to catch some 💤's(😴) /I'll be back tomorrow! Please leave ?'s /messages I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on all night/Hoping off to grab some sleep. I'll be checking in often to help w BUNDLE requests. Please leave those comments/?'s/Messages. Thank You all for the Prayers & Support during this time of uncertainty for Tom & Me💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting off site for awhile! Been on a lot and getting very tired! I'll check in again! So please leave ?'s/comments/messages, I will get back to you! Promise💞Have a lovely evening! We are in the midst of a Blizzard! 💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 17Reply
funkypineapple @toryshop ....Just writing to say hello! I am sorry it took so long to say HI but we have been throwing ourselves into working on our closet. Seems there is always a lot to do and keep up with. Get rest, feel better, talk soon! xx, Mandy
Dec 18Reply
toryshop @twobrokefriends 💞💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been working on listings all day! Hopping off for the rest of tonight! Please leave ?'S or comments(things are timestamped/in the event you are requesting a lower price from My countdown to Christmas sale)you will revive the correct amount off/even if not seen till morning. Please leave a message/I will get back to you! Promise! @toryshop💞
Dec 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop See the message above this one! I will be back tomorrow/Things are time stamped you will recipe correct amount off! Leave ur ?'S & messages/I will get back to you.💞Have a Great Sunday Night. @toryshop💞
Dec 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been on to ✔messages/do follows/& answer Comments. But please leave comments/?'s/messages and I will get back to you! Been off & on r/t blizzard & health issues but I will get back to you! promise! @toryshop💞
Dec 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm taking some time off site/need a break been on site almost all day. Wishing all a Good Friday night! I will be checking in so Please leave your ?'s /messages I will get back to you, Promise.💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 24Reply
sweetieheart Merry Christmas my sweet friend. I hope you find comfort and peace this season and in the new year. Lots of love, your friend. Tina💜
Dec 24Reply
racandra Wishing you a Merry Christmas beautiful! Heavenly blessings, renewed health, wealth, and un surmountable joy! Xoxo😍🤗💖🎄🎉✨🎁💖💖💖
Dec 25Reply
toryshop @racandra Andrea/should be able to pay you tomorrow! Yeah! I got to wait till my back opens to deposit! But got it! Yeah! Hoping you had a lovely Christmas too! I took 2 days off site so playing catch up w messages! @toryshop💞
Dec 26Reply
racandra you are so sweet!! i am glad you took some time to enjoy the beautiful holiday my love!!! tomorrow is great, right before i leave!! <3 I will ship it out right before i leave. xoxoxo mwahhh <3 <3 <3
Dec 26Reply
toryshop @racandra You have been so lovely! I'm going to get it there as soon as we get around! I'll message you as soon as funds are there! I hope you had & have a GREAT HOLIDAY!! @toryshop💞
Dec 26Reply
racandra @toryshop i am always more than happy to work with people , especially lovely and kind ones as urself!! U are inspirational and amazing in every way! And sure love, just msg me tomorrow and i will get that shipment out. It's all ready and boxed up and so pretty😍💋🤗🙏🏼
Dec 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been on & checked messages & ?'S and I will be doing some household cleaning after Christmas! I'll be checking back! So please leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you! Promise! Merry Christmas to ALL💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 26Reply
outlying0077 Hello beauty! Hope you had a warm and fuzzy holiday filled with lots of love and laughter! xoxo ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 26Reply
wenrella Miss your face😘I hope all is well. Love from @wenrella❌⭕️✌🏽️
Dec 26Reply
toryshop @outlying0077 My sweet Jamie! Wishing you the Best of Holidays! Sending my love💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 27Reply
toryshop @toryshop Good evening! Headed to bed it's the wee hours of Tuesday morning! So I'll be checking messages later in the day! Please leave your ?'S & Comments /I will get back to you Promise! @toryshop💞
Dec 27Reply
funkypineapple @toryshop ...Just checking in on you. I've been thinking about you and wanted to say hello! All My Love! xx, Mandy
Dec 27Reply
toryshop @twobrokefriends Love you too girl! @toryshop💞
Dec 27Reply
racandra Hello gorgeous! Just checking in my love. I know u are going to be ready today and making rounda to the poat office, wanted to see if u were ready so i can drop urs off as well! Much love and hugs ur way beautiful🤗🤗🤗💝💋🙏🏼✨
Dec 27Reply
toryshop @racandra Andra I am ready to purchase! Let me know the listing! Yeah!! @toryshop💞
Dec 28Reply
toryshop @racandra Had errands all day! Sorry for delay?! @toryshop💞
Dec 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Going to bed/I will double share for groups tomorrow!! Exhausted! Please leave your ?'s /messages I will get back to you! I PROMISE! @toryshop💞
Dec 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been through messages/?'sand did some shares & must get off to get ready for Mayo! Will be ✔ing & doing sharing! But must get ready to go right now! I will be shipping sales on the way there! Please leave ?'s /messages! I will get back to you! @toryshop💞
Dec 29Reply
sweetthrifz @toryshop Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I greatly appreciate it. Reading the comments I realized your strength is incredible and I'm truly humbled by you reaching out to me. Hope you're doing well 😘
Dec 30Reply
toryshop @laurielyn95 I will share some news! Thursday I & Tom(hubby) were at Mayo all day 2 C how I'm doing. I did have 2 have a biopsy/but otherwise the current Chemo Meds seem 2 be helping! So, if U believe in Prayer, I'm asking all my Sister's In Poshmark, my Pff's, & I Count U as a new friend, so if inclined, please say a Prayer 4 me & Tom, if U think of it. My Faith is Strong! And I know I'm going 2 get through this! I'm so glad we met! I'm here 2 help U 2! @toryshop💞
Dec 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on all NIGHT! So getting off to catch some 💤'S a few winks! So Please leave ur ?'s/messages addressed to @toryshop I Promise I will be ✔ing in later today! Promise! @toryshop💞
Dec 30Reply
sweetthrifz @toryshop That's amazing news! Praying 4 u, ur hubs & fam. My faith is strong. Huge believer in power of prayers in #s. Dx w/tonsil cx 2 yrs ago. Drs were able 2 cut it out b4 it spread. It litteraly grew over night & was extremely aggressive. Drs were shocked by it & said 2 prepare 4 the worst but I'm still cancer free proving them wrong. I've learned God never gives us more than we can't handle & 2 find the msg & gift in everything no matter what. May God bless, be with & heal you 😘 💚🌹
Dec 30Reply
toryshop @laurielyn95 I just want you to know how Thankful I am that you were there for me💞you will never know how much you touched my heart💞Thank You for ur Prayers/Support/Love💞 Tory💞
Dec 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just got back on went thur messages/?'S getting back off to go get my puppies from grooming! Please leave any more ?'s /messages/requests/I will be back later tonight! Going to do some listings later! @toryshop💞
Dec 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in early & going to add to closet tomorrow if I get the chance! Please leave ur ?'s/messages/I will get back to you! Promise💞Good Night All!💞 @toryshop💞
Dec 31Reply
cupofjoe @toryshop I hope your doing OK. I just want to wish you the most wonderful new year you deserve so much and I hope your prayers are answered. I send my love and hope for you thank you for being an inspiration And a beautiful soul. 💋jo
Dec 31Reply
craftcraze Thinking about you constantly!!❣️🎊❣️I just wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year filled with joy, happiness and especially good health !✨🍾💌🙏🏼❣️...xoxo...Katalin 💕🌟💕
Jan 02Reply
toryshop @craftcraze I'm hangin in! Been pretty sick last few days! A lot of pain?? Going back to Mayo later in the month, till then I'm resting! Writing this from bed! Just wanted to Thank You so much for caring & thinking of me! God Bless You & Yours in this coming year! Praying for only good things! @toryshop💞
Jan 04Reply
toryshop @cupofjoe My sweet PFF/I wanted 2 message b/c I've been ill/mostly in a lot of pain, 2 the point I was placed on bed rest in hopes things will settle down. For some reason after my last chemo things flared? I was fine then very sick? That's why as I was back on site & saw this/had 2 message. Ur sweet words & kindness means more than any words can express. God Bless you! & Thank You with all my Heart💞! @toryshop💞
Jan 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been catching up on 4 days of messages and am still not feeling the best. So I'm going to rest a bit & I will be back on later tonight. So leave those messages/?'s I will get back to you. Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 04Reply
craftcraze @toryshop I'm so sorry to hear that Tory,...I just wanted to send you warm wishes and positive vibes and prayers on your way!💕🙏🏼💕I hope you're going to feel better after the treatment, hopefully lot better!!!❣️Just take it easy, as much you can!! 💖Please don't worry about sharing back!! I just want you to feel better!!✨💖💫💌💫🙏🏼✨❣️
Jan 04Reply
dashindiva99 💖💜HAPPY POSHING🌸😘
Jan 05Reply
toryshop @starylite Thank you💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 06Reply
toryshop @craftcraze I read your lovely message & started to cry/please don't think they were tears of sadness or anything like that! They were tears of Love 💞b/c I felt so loved & cared about! Illness can be very isolating and your love & support mean so much! I'm so blessed by you & so many Posh Angels & I'm so very grateful ur in my life💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Jumping off site for awhile to do some resting/been up ALL NIGHT! But I'll be back! So please leave your ?'S & messages. I PROMISE I will get back to U! I have been ill r/t chemo treatments/side effects so please I ask 4 ur kindness & understanding if I'm off site. Thank You💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting shipping ready to go! I will be back! Please leave any ?'s /messages via Comments /I do check back! Thank You So Much! @toryshop💞
Jan 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Off site for the Night/Back Friday! Please leave me ?'s /Messages I will get back to you! PROMISE!💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Need to step away to ship/weather final is giving a small break! Please leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you! Promise! @toryshop💞
Jan 07Reply
craftcraze Oh, sweet Tory,....I had tears reading your beautiful messages too,..!💕😌💕I'm so blessed to know you and every single day I'm thinking about you, I just want to turn those thoughts into positive energy and transfer to you soonest possible!!💫🙏🏼💌🙏🏼I would like the "posh angels 👼 "to help me and bring to you all the strength and positive thoughts so you will feel better very soon!! Have a beautiful night my sweet friend ,!❣️🙏🏼❣️
Jan 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked message but not feeling well so I will be off site rest of this Sunday evening /Please leave ?'s & Messages/I will get back to you Promise! @toryshop💞
Jan 09Reply
dotseyqueen Tory I am praying for you to feel better. I want yo to know you are in my thoughts as well as many many other PFF's.
Jan 10Reply
toryshop @dotseyqueen It's been a hard several days/a very close family friend passed away & your right I haven't been feeling well! Winter's are hard! Thank you with all my heart your love & support means more than I could ever express! You are a true & cherished friend! 💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm currently off & on site related to a very unexpected loss in our family, as well as dealing with some health issues. I would ask for you to please leave ?'s /messages and patience, I will be checking messages Ext.., so please leave one! I will get back to you as I am checking at least 1 or 2x's per day. Thank You All for ur understanding & support. @toryshop💞
Jan 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked in will be trying to check in 1 more time tonight & then again tomorrow just not sure of timing! Again I ask for your understanding & patience in this time of our families loss. Thank You All! Sincerely 💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 10Reply
lidiyac @toryshop LOVE THIS 💖💕😘
Jan 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been on & checked messages /?'S I ask for you continued patience as I deal with a loss of a close friend & my ongoing Chemo and side effects but I am getting stronger & life closer to normal. We are currently also dealing with a severe Winter Storm! Ice /Snow! I'll be checking in so PLEASE LEAVE messages /?'S I will respond back! Thank You! @toryshop💞
Jan 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was just on checking messages/I'm going to be off site with family issues but will be checking in! So please leave ?'s & messages I will get back to you! Promise💞Maybe later but I will get back! @toryshop💞
Jan 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Stepping away for the rest of the evening a good bubble bath w a glass of fine wine! Wasn't feeling great so this will be a treat! I'll be back so please leave your ?'s/messages and I'll get back to you! Promise! Have a great night! @toryshop💞
Jan 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop I've just checked messages/?'s & am hopping off 2 attend Church! So will be gone some today! But please leave ?'s/messages I will be back checking in later on! Thank You 4 ur kind Understanding. Sundays are SPECIAL! @toryshop💞
Jan 15Reply
racandra Just thinking of u!! Lov u!!! Wishing u a blessed week sis!✨✨✨🤗💝💕🙏🏼👌🏼✨✨✨
Jan 18Reply
toryshop @racandra My sweet Andra/I'm still waiting on my paycheck but I'm sure the Holiday slowed it down as well as the horrific ICE STORM we are just getting done with! I'm going to ask for ur patience & trust know I won't leave u hanging! I will pay u as soon as I get it! Promise! Continue..,,,
Jan 19Reply
toryshop @racandra I want 2 ask 4 ur prayers! We just received word from a biopsy I had about 3weeks ago/the phones have been out/internet/no travel!! It's been bad! But they reached us with news that the biopsy showed active cancer so another surgery has been scheduled for Feb 7th/I also have to have 1 B4 then for a problem r/t a pain issue they r putting in a pain block. That's Jan 31/Needless 2 Say been rather discouraged! Please hangin with me! Know I LOVE YOU💞 Tory 💞💞💞
Jan 19Reply
racandra oh sis!!!! i know it is discouraging news, but don't let it get the best of you. Thankfully they cought it and I pray the surgery would help remove it. I really wish upon you strength and I encourage you to remember how loved you are and how amazing, and just what inspiration you have been to many women in ur town and across the web. We are a family united, although virtually! count on me for prayers, support, and sisterhood! love u sweet Tory! so so so much
Jan 19Reply
racandra also, no worries about ur bundle. I am not worried at all, it will be there for u when u are ready. <3 don't even worry pplease please!!!
Jan 19Reply
outlying0077 Hey honey, so good to hear from you, I'm bummed for you too. Surgery isn't fun at all. You're an amazing beautiful woman, I'm rooting for you sweets. Lots of hugs and kisses. 😘😘😘
Jan 19Reply
toryshop @outlying0077 You never ever forget you are loved💞💞💞 @toryshop💋
Jan 19Reply
toryshop @racandra My beautiful Andra/there are no words, just know our hearts stand together in hope & love💞🙏🏼🙏🏼💋 Tory 💞💋
Jan 19Reply
dakkie @toryshop thank you for sharing my iso
Jan 19Reply
outlying0077 @toryshop Wise words my dear, this is why i ❤ you so much.
Jan 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop Battery about gone/so getting off & taking a knapp! I'll be checking in later, so PLEASE, leave a message via Comments. I will get back 2 U I Promise💞Later!💞💞💞💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop To all my shoppers/& Posh Angels! I'm not feeling well so I'm going to be off site & try to get some sleep? None last night! Drs appt in the AM so Please leave messages/?'s I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked messages & comments jumping off to run some Saturday errands/be checking in later. Please leave ?'s & comments I will get back to you PROMISE💞 @torshop💞
Jan 21Reply
born_againbtq I just saw your comment on the wifeythings and want you to know you are in my prayers always and especially now. You are a beautiful person and I know the Lord will guide you through this difficult time. I wish so badly I could do more than pray, could be there to help you! I've been through cancer personally and have lost just about every one I love to it so I understand. Sending huge hugs and positive thoughts and prayers❤️
Jan 21Reply
toryshop @danalouf You kind words & thoughts mean more than you will ever know! Your prayers do more than you realize, they give me strength, hope,& courage to face the unknown. So you are doing more than you ever realized, just by prayer & being here to talk if I ever need to! God Bless You & Yours💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was just on 4 last time Saturday Night. Going to bed hopefully to attend Church, so it will be sometime Sunday to check in. Please leave your ?'s & Messages I will get back to you, I Promise! Have a Wonderful Night💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 22Reply
cmjla I miss you... I hope you are feeling fabulous and enjoying life (hard for even the healthiest of us I know - but still what my heart wants for you)
Jan 24Reply
toryshop @cmjla Cyn/things aren't well! 2 more surgeries scheduled 1st Jan 31, Mayo's putting in a pain block in my lower spin. That's out pt surgery. Then we got my last biopsy back, shows active cancer, so their going back in Feb 7th. I needed some time to wrap my head around all of it again. Otherwise just feeling run down/but still trying to get some home stuff done before surgeries. Sending my love to you & the girls💞 Tory💞
Jan 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on checked messages & answered ?'s/So getting off for awhile/please leave ?'s & messages I will be checking in. Thank You💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on to check messages/r/t BLIZZARD we have had wifi issues as well as phone/heat/water pipes/roads/you name it!! If it could go wrong it did!! So I'm still off/on but hopefully more on! Please leave ?'s & messages I will get back to you/but please know I'm working under less than perfect circumstances! Thank you all for understanding!! @toryshop💞
Jan 27Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on after no internet/wifi (intermittent at best times) 4 several days b/c of BLIZZARD 14" of blowing snow! Been off site! Got Thur messages & listed some NEW ITEMS! I will be checking in again later today as it's 5AM just going to bed! Please leave ?'s messages and I will get back 2 u/Good Lord willing & wind don't blow! 💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 27Reply
sweetabell I'm reading all your little Live messages in your closet. I'm not shopping right now, but sometimes we come across a kindred spirit in closets, and we know we want to know this person a bit better. Hope you are feeling well, or better this night. Have a good rest. 😘💨
Jan 28Reply
toryshop @sweetabell Want 2 "Thank You" from my heart/I haven't been feeling well/actually looking forward 2 going 2 my Mayo. I hopes I will start 2 feel better again! I want u 2 know I share b/c I felt alone many x's then realized I'm not alone! So many out there that might find each other or that might need help as I have found in my Posh Angels/Thank You so much 4 ur lovely message/I look forward 2 actually getting 2 know U! @toryshop💞
Jan 28Reply
sweetabell @toryshop Good Afternoon Cup Cake! So happy you responded. I put you in my nightly prayers last night. Hoping you will feel better real soon. I don't have to wonder, I know you are an amazing woman. A roll Model I would say. Your closet is filled with so much Love. I felt it as I read all those sweet Love notes from everyone allll over your listings. May God wrap you in his arms today and all here after and bring you comfort and Joy. Big hugs Sweet Woman😘💨
Jan 28Reply
toryshop @sweetabell My eyes fill w tears when I read this lovenite from you! Just know my heart is filled with Love & Hope and ur helping fight a giant at times I think is winning until inspiration & strength reaches out to me with an Angel like you! God Bless💞🙏🏼💞 Tory💞
Jan 28Reply
sweetabell @toryshop I have good ears and a great shoulder not to mention a heart big as a wash tub. Reach out if you ever need either or all. Also, never ever hesitate if you need help sharing your beautiful closet. We can get it done. I have my own little team of angels and a big ole tag list. 😘🌺
Jan 28Reply
toryshop @sweetabell I already got you on my Angel list/just know I might just take you up on that! I barely know you but am more grateful and thankful that u decided to check out my closet! The Lord has away of allow people to find each other! I'm thanking Him for that as I'm writing this! With all my LOVE💞💞💞🙏🏼! Tory💞
Jan 28Reply
sweetabell @toryshop will share some more later Honey. Hope the afternoon is profitable for you. 👯❤
Jan 28Reply
toryshop @sweetabell Thank you with all my heart! I gotta jump off too! Gotta get somethings done! Surgeries start next week! Jan 31st is the 1st of 2 second is a bigger one it's Feb 7th! Just want to get them done at this point! You have a great afternoon! Thank you again💞💞 Tory💞
Jan 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on answered messages/?'s Ill check in later gotta get somethings done! Thank you All💞! Leave ur messages & ?'s/I'll get back promise💞! @toryshop💞
Jan 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop I have been on site ALL DAY listing away! I hope you enjoy all the NEW items! I've got somethings to get done in the AM Monday, so it will be later when I get back on site. Please leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you. Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Jan 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop I am asking all that read this to understand I'm not being rude if I don't respond back right away. I just had outpt surgery at Mayo on Tuesday & there is another scheduled at Mayo on Feb 7 to remove more cancer! I ask that you continue to shop & hopefully buy/I do have help w shipping! So please continue to ask ?'s & leave messages I will get back 2 U as soon as I possibly can! God Bless💞 @toryshop
Feb 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just was in checking messages/?'S and expressing my continued gratitude for all the love/prayers/support you have given so freely! Know how much it means to me during this time! Please leave ?'s/messages as I will be ✔ing in. And I do have help with shipping if a sale is made! I will get you what you need! Promise💞God Bless & will ✔in again tomorrow/So please leave messages💞Thank You All💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 03Reply
toryshop @palauluxos God Bless & Thank You Nina for caring! @toryshop💞
Feb 05Reply
toryshop @palauluxos I just wanted you to know how grateful I am for my friends & Angels/I got a message from someone telling me I shouldn't share my life & that's their choice/but I do it more to explain why I'm not on as often these days! And Prayer is a powerful thing/& if my friends & Angels sends them, it gives me strength so With all my Heart Thank You💞It means everything to me💞💞💞💞 Tory💞
Feb 05Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on all day today! Prices Dropped on dozens of items! I'm calling it a day! Please leave ?'s/messages/offers I will be checking back tomorrow! Goodnight All/God Bless💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm getting off for the night! Mayo Surgery tomorrow! So, I will be off more than on for at least tomorrow! But will try my best to check in! Please leave ?'S & messages(I will get back to you)and a prayer if ur inclined? They are appreciate & appreciate all the love & support from my Friends & Followers! Thank You💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on briefly Thursday night/ENTIRE Site Had a Glitch?? Was unable to get on all evening! To those leaving messages I have been recovering from Mayo then came down w stomach flu😱! So Will try & catch up later/Please forgive any delays! But this stuff is YUCK! Please leave Messages/?'S I will get back to you! I Thank You for your Patience/understanding! God Bless All that have sent well wishes/prayers/words of support! @toryshop💞
Feb 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was back on/responding 2 messages/comments. Update/surgery scheduled 02/07 was rescheduled r/t FLU(me & hubby both) Mayo delayed till 02/22/compromised immune system. I'm gaining strength so checked in tonight! Back off to get to bed descent hour tonight! Will be checking in Saturday! Please leave ?'s/messages, I will get back to you!Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Spent weekend online trying to catch up! Been Listing/sharing/following like crazy! I'm getting my strength back & home is missing me! Gotta do some housework before next surgery reschedule r/t flu to 02/22. Please leave me those questions & messages/I will be ✔ing in & I will get back to you! God Bless! Happy Monday! Remember to look for that 20% Off Offer! 💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Got some GREAT NEW COLOURPOP things listed/at least a couple/tons more to add! And a couple other things! ✔ed messages/answered ?'s & countered offers! Please leave me a message with ?'s /I will get back to you! Always checking in! Thank You /Good Night/See You tomorrow!💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gotta step away! Life Calls! So please leave a message I will be checking in & checking for ?'s & messages on closet things in general. I'll be back later! Have a good day everyone! @toryshop💞
Feb 16Reply
dezchic @toryshop 💕💕 another gal wants to buy the raquel top. Well she says she does. I wouldn't hold it for her and what she initially offered I wouldn't accept anyway. Let me know what your thinking, if you want it and/or the Rick Owens. Whatever you want to do is a-ok but didn't want to start negotiating without hearing from you!! PFFs come first 💕💕💕💕💕😘
Feb 17Reply
toryshop @dezchic I would like the top & will gladly give listed price/if U can wait/if U want funds sooner then U won't hurt my feelings at all. But I don't expect it 4 less than listed price, well worth it. The Ford I'm not sure? I luv it but not sure? I'll decide closer 2 payday, Tues evening/Wed, if still under anesthesia, from surgery Tues at 10AM taking out more cancer! I'm ready! Get it over! Only u know if u need funds sooner/won't B offended either way. I promise! @toryshop💞
Feb 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying good Thursday Night! Willbe back to a couple parties on Friday/please leave ?'S comments /I will get back to you Promise! Gotta get taxes ready in the morning Tom had Dr appt in afternoon & 2 puppies go to vet tomorrow so is BIG DAY! But will be checking in I promise & will respond to any ? Or comment! Good Night! God Bless you all in my prayers! 💞🙏🏼Sleep well! @toryshop💞
Feb 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm off site! Please leave it offers/messages/?'s I will be checking in! Been listing all night! So gotta catch some winks! Supposed to be close to 70 degrees here tomorrow! Might go wash my car?? But I'll check in! Promise! @toryshop💞
Feb 19Reply
outlying0077 Hi beauty, just wanted to say Hi and see how your surgery went. Sending lots of love and hugs! ❤❤❤
Feb 19Reply
the_violet_fox_ Prayers & hugs from stcloset.I finally got some sales, so exciting! TC, hope all is going well.
Feb 20Reply
toryshop @palauluxos Nina/getting things done before surgery at Mayo 02/22/ the original was postponed b/c Tom & I both came down with the flu. So now well enough to get it done! Prayers welcome! God Bless💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 21Reply
toryshop @stcloset Thank you so much! Just saw this just now while checking messages! Been getting ready for surgery at Mayo Clinic 02/22! Thank you with all my heart! @toryshop💞
Feb 21Reply
toryshop @outlying0077 Jamie/that original surgery at Mayo/was rescheduled to 22/Tom & I were hit w flu within hrs of each other the morning of the 7th(original date) Mayo made me wait till I was back on my feet! Send Prayers my sweet friend, I believe they help tons! All my Love ❤️ @toryshop💞
Feb 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been on ✔ed messages/gearing up for my surgery at Mayo on 22nd (Wednesday) Just know I will get back to you/& appreciate ur love & support! Each of you my Pff's & my Clients/I'll be checking in so please leave offers/?'s/Messages! Thank You All Good Night For Now! @toryshop💞
Feb 21Reply
outlying0077 @toryshop Hi beauty, lots of love and prayers for your surgery, no need to msg back, I know you've got lots to prepare. You're strong, beautiful and are going to heal well and the surgeon is going to do a good job. Sending good thoughts love. ❤❤❤
Feb 21Reply
dotseyqueen You are the strongest person I never met in person. Tory I am praying to our Savior for Him to hold you and Tom in his arms tight!
Feb 22Reply
toryshop @dotseyqueen You are so kind! It truly blesses my heart to read this! I don't feel alone! Thank you with all my heart! Tory💞
Feb 22Reply
dotseyqueen @toryshop I am so glad to hear you don't feel alone because you are not. You do not need to reply please get some peaceful rest. Also I am glad you met @patriciacloset. She is so sweet. I and many others are thinking of you a lot and praying as well. Good night my new friend. Love ya, Diana
Feb 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Well been on answered ?'s/messages/shares/follows! Gotta get a nap/up at 4:30 to go to Mayo for surgery this morning! At 10AM! Asking for prayers & will be off Wednesday. But Tom is helping w shipping/sales are welcome! So Leave ?'s/messages/I will get back to you/Thursday! Thank You all for your Love & Support/And keep those Prayers coming! Thank You all! You all Make the Difference! Good Night!💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 22Reply
classyvintage I have been thinking of you
Feb 23Reply
toryshop @classyvintage Just a quick update/Had surgery at Mayo today! Now lucky 2-B Home resting & partying w my PFF's My Angels! Mayo Removed 2 Cancerous sites! Said 3 Months 4 complete recovery/must continue Chemo/monthly cancer checks. But 4 now, HOME! W Tom & my Puppies! Thank u for Thinking of me /the Prayers/the Support! U all w God's Love keep me going! God Bless! @toryshop/Tory💞
Feb 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Thank You ALL/Had surgery Tues 02/22 at Mayo. I'm home resting/starting recovery. Mayo Removed 2 Cancerous areas, & told us it will b 3 Months 4 recovery from surgery. Will continue Chemo therapy/monthly cancer ✔-ups. But HOME! with Tom/Puppies! TY 4 Ur Prayers/Support/Love! U all, w God's Love, & my family & friends, help keep me going! God Bless! I'll B Selling/✔ing in/Tom's shipping/Pls keep shop/share/following/?'s/messages/I'll respond!asap! @toryshop💞
Feb 23Reply
blueb1rds @toryshop I am praying for God's strength for you during this recovery.
Feb 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in! Will try to be on more tomorrow & got a new shipment of things in! Please leave ?'s/messages/And REMEMBER I am always Open to Reasonable Offers! Good night All! @toryshop💞/On the Mend!
Feb 26Reply
toryshop @blueb1rds That means so much! God Bless💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 27Reply
blueb1rds Good to hear you are on the mend.
Feb 27Reply
toryshop @blueb1rds Show but sure! Thank you so much💞 @toryshop💞
Feb 27Reply
toryshop @blueb1rds Gayle Thank You! It's slow but sure! I wanted to ask/I say the bluebird & it reminded me of home/childhood/may I ask are u from Missouri? That is where I'm originally from! It's their state bird? @toryshop💞
Feb 27Reply
blueb1rds Hello. What a pleasure to hear from you. We live in Montana. I spent 6 weeks off work on my front porch recovering from a surgery that is my miracle. The bluebirds entertained me as they fluttered through the sprinkler. They also landed within an arms reach. They are very special to me. The bird I have posted kept tapping on my window as he sat in my empty window box in the spring
Feb 27Reply
blueb1rds That surg occurred over 10 years ago and my gynoncologist from Denver said she no longer needed to see me. I AM a survivor. I did not talk about it for 10 years because I didn't want to own it, but God is not finished with me yet and I feel so much better, but have slowed way down. It took many months to get the effects of all that out of my system...Give yourself permission to slow down and enjoy the dogs. I want to hear about them
Feb 27Reply
toryshop @blueb1rds Gayle/I'm crying like a baby! I can read between the lines & feel in ur words/u know what I'm going thur! I sometimes feel like a lab rat! But I feel I'm supposed 2 do more! If Mayo learns something from all this, even 2 help 1 other, it's worth it all! This is surgery 8/still on chemo! But at every turn my puppies r here! They don't care! My beautiful Spice, is pregnant! The pups r going 2 close friend that have lost their fur babies! They really help me stay calm! @toryshop💞
Feb 27Reply
blueb1rds Look at @hsshall she just shared. I have never seen her closet before but that photo of a cloud is amazing
Feb 27Reply
romynmichelles @blueb1rds Awe, thanks for the shout out 💕 I am very devoted to my guardian Angel and I love this photograph so much. I am glad you like it😊
Feb 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! So please leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you! Promise! I am recovering from surgery done last week at Mayo Clinic! But still have help to ship sales! So please take a look/make fair offers/it's very appreciated! See you tomorrow! @toryshop💞
Feb 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Thank you all for the day! Calling it! Saying Goodnight! Back tomorrow checking in! Leave those messages & ?'S I will get back to you! Promise! Goodnight All💞 @toryshop💞
Mar 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was on the entire day! There is no way to repay all that all my wonderful Poshmark Angels have done! But I want each of U2 Know how much it means! I'm exhasted! But feel I did something today! Please leave ?'s/messages/I will get back to you! Good Night/God Bless💞🙏🏼 @toryshop💞
Mar 04Reply
spalalaboutique @toryshop Thinking of you Tory! I hope you are doing better! My prayers are with you 💞💞💞💞
Mar 04Reply
toryshop @spalalaboutique Your the best! I'm healing! Starting to Feel stronger/just gotta be careful! Surgery sites are fragile! @toryshop💞
Mar 04Reply
spalalaboutique @toryshop good news! Just rest! Thank God we can Posh in bed right?!? Lol😘😘😘
Mar 04Reply
toryshop @spalalaboutique Girl you know exactly where I am! In bed/feet up/ but my brains on overdrive! @toryshop💞
Mar 04Reply
spalalaboutique @toryshop have you ever used essential oils and aromatherapy to help your brain to relax? Recently I was in the hospital and I had diviriticulitis and was in extreme abdominal pain. This blend called Digestzen worked better than morphine! Then I started trying them for anxiety, sleep, etc. they are awesome. I have been able to get off several prescriptions, with my doctors approval .
Mar 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Taking a break! And a knap! I'll be checking in later! Please leave ?'s/messages/I'll get back 2 you! @toryshop💞
Mar 04Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Hope you are resting and getting better from surgery! Hopefully this time you can catch a break! My thoughts and prayers are with you😘😘😘💐💐💐🌸👏❤‼
Mar 05Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Saturday Night! Back tomorrow! But Church first! Enjoy your evening & have a Blessed Sunday! I'll be checking in! Please leave ?'s/messages! I'll get back to you Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Mar 05Reply
toryshop @toryshop Added tons today! Turning in! Have a GREAT night/see you tomorrow! Got appointments so will be on/off Monday! Please leave messages/?'S I will get back to you! Thank You All! @toryshop💞
Mar 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Goodnight All! Leave ?'s Messages/I'll catch you Tuesday! Thank You all💞 @toryshop💞
Mar 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop My first day out! Was a big day! Calling it a day turning in! Please leave your ?'s & messages/I'll be back later tomorrow! Thank you all! Good Night for tonight💞 @toryshop💞
Mar 08Reply
blueb1rds Read your posts to hear how you are doing. No need to reply...I will keep in touch are keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Mar 09Reply
toryshop @blueb1rds Gayle/Thank You so much for your lovely message. As u may have read/yesterday was my 1st day out/& today I had & Drs appointment. I hurried/was exhausted but even made it early! Unusual 4 me! The Dr had been called home b/c of a sick child! I had missed their call & had 2 smile! The 1 time I'm early! But, it also made me realize that we are all human & when family calls! You gotta go! I'm exhausted after another big day! But healing! Thank You/God Bless💞🙏🏼 @toryshop💞
Mar 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Great Wednesday Night! Thank you ALL for follows/shares every one is appreciated! I'll be back tomorrow! So please leave messages & ?'s/I will get back to you! Promise! To All Good Night! @toryshop💞😴
Mar 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Big Thursday! Not feeling great! Did too much last couple days! I'm turning in! Please leave ?'s /messages I will be back to you/Promise! Thank you all for stopping by/well wishes in my recovery/& all the Prayers! You truly are my Angels💞Have a Great Night!💞😴 @toryshop💞
Mar 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight/Goodmorning!! Getting a Knapp before classes! I'll be back later Saturday! Errands & just timeoff! Please leave ?'s/messages I will get back to you! Promise!💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a LONG SATURDAY! Gotta catch some 😴sleep! Off 4 rest of tonight! Please leave ?'s/messages I will respond, 2 respectful/truly honest questions! Closet is drama free zone! I believe kindness/respect begets kindness/respect! I'm all about supporting each Other & Always respect Other CH's & Be Professional/This is my business after all/Thank You All💞 @toryshop💞
Mar 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting off for a bit /Some errands to do! Calling for another blizzard???! I will be checking in/Please leave ?'S/messages/OR OFFERs? Please! @toryshop💞
Mar 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Have an appointment gotta step way to get ready! Be back soon! Leave ?'s/messages I'll be back! @toryshop💞
Mar 14Reply
toryshop @toryshop Going to say good Tuesday nite/Wednesday Morning? I'll see you tomorrow! Please leave ?'S/messages/questions/I'll get back to you! Have a great night! @toryshop💕
Mar 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gotta take my Spicecake for a checkup! So Ill be back! Please leave ?'s/messages/Make offers! All will be looked answered considered! Thank You! Be back! @toryshop💕
Mar 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! Please leave ?'s /messages/or make offers via site offer system. See U tomorrow. Have a Great Night!💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop Husband has Doctor Apt gotta get ready! Please leave ?'s /messages/Offers/I will get back to you! Promise! @toryshop💕
Mar 16Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in! Was only 27 followers away from my 100,000 goal! When I get there running s BIG SALE ON Colourpop/Kylie Cosmetics! To celebrate! Please leave ?'s/messages/Offers I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Turning in for Thursday Night😴💕🙏🏽Goodnight dear Poshers & my Poshmark Family! @toryshop💕
Mar 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Gotta step away/take care of some business! Please leave ?'s/messages/offers/I will be checking in! Thank You! @toryshop💕☘️
Mar 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saturday & errands to run! Please leave ?'s/messsages/& offers I will be checking back in! Promise💕Be back a bit later! @toryshop💕
Mar 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked messages & jumping off for the rest of Sunday! Haven't been feeling well but needed to check in. Please leave ?'s/messsges/offers/I will be back tomorrow! Have a great Sunday Night! God Bless💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 20Reply
spalalaboutique @toryshop Hope you are doing better! Think of you all the time!💕💞
Mar 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop Stepping away to take a break & gotta do some appointments too. Please leave ur ?'s/messages/& offers via site Offer System if you want me to consider them. Remember that how this closet considers offers, as those new will find most CH's use! Avoids mis-communications. Thank U All! I'll check in later! Have a Great Day!💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Off for tonight/will be back Wednesday/Please leave me your ?'s/messages/& make your offers via the site offer system, that is what I check, so if serious make offers via site system please. And I will gladly consider & work with you! I'll see you tomorrow/Good night all💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 22Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Thursday Night! Thank God it going to be Friday! Please leave ?'s/messages /& make offers via Offer system only please. You all have a great Night! See you Friday! @torshop💕
Mar 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Taking some time away, gotta get some things done. Please leave ?'s/messages/and please make offers. I will get back to you I promise. Thank You All/Have a Great Saturday💞 @toryshop💞
Mar 25Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just been back on answering ?'s/messages/and offers/getting off to do some shipping! But feeling better after a really sick weekend! I'll be checking in and Thank you ALL for the LOVE & SUPPORT! God bless u each & all! Leave those ?'s/messages/offers/Ill be back later checking in! @toryshop💕
Mar 27Reply
breauxmode I love this cover photo!!! Hahaha. That is me everyday.
Mar 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight/Goodmorning either way calling it a day! I'll be back tomorrow, not too early?? Please leave ?'s/messages/Offers very open to fair one! I'll get back to you I promise! Mayo appointment too! So will be off periodically. But I will get back to you! @toryshop💕
Mar 28Reply
ellerose59 So me! "First I Drink Coffee Then I Do Things." I'm new to Posh but I'm am enjoying learning how everything works (lots more to learn) and look forward to meeting some new friends in the process. You have some beautiful items in your closet! 😍❤️
Mar 28Reply
toryshop @ellerose59 If you need help/I'm a site mentor/just message! Glad to help!💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop Good night/morning All! I'm turning in! Late Night Again! Please leave ?'s/messages/offers I will be getting back to you tomorrow sometime, later afternoon. Appointment in the AM & early PM back to site after workout! I'll be back! Promise!💕Good Night God Bless💕🙏🏽 @toryshop💕😴⏰
Mar 29Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in/Not feeling great tonight? Having a lot of pain? Probably from Mayo yesterday?? Please leave your ?'s/messages/and fair offers/I will be back Tomorrow! God Lord Willing💕Good Night All😴💕 @toryshop💕
Mar 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop Checked messages/stepping away for a bit! But I'll be back! Leave ?'S/messages/offers Ill be checking back & sharing a little later. @toryshop💕
Mar 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop Bern up 36 hrs straight/Gotta lie down! Nap Time! Please leave messages/?'s/Offers I will respond later! Thank You All! Stop in Browse! Offer? Purchase?? 💞💞 @toryshop💕
Mar 31Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop u will like it ! Have a great day ❤️❤️🌺
Apr 02Reply
toryshop @oliaposka LOVE ur closet! Some great gift ideas!! I'm following & sure I'll be shopping! Great to meet you! @toryshop💕
Apr 02Reply
oliaposka @toryshop thank you Hun ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Jumping off to do some much need home things! I've checked current messages/?'S/offers/So Ill be back a little later! Please continue you leave those ?'s/messages/& fair offers I will be back a little later to do some sharing!!! God Bless All! @toryshop💕
Apr 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight/Goodmorning! I'm turning in! I caught up & double shared for my group shares I missed 03/31 & 04/01 @breauxmode Thank you for ur help! Please leave ?'s/messages/and make offers or requests for listings/I will get back to you I promise! Thank You All/God Bless💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop Lots of New Listings Check them OUT! I'm turning in/it's early morning Tuesday! So might be later getting back on site. Please Leave your ?'s/message/and Offers please make via Site Offer System/I will be back! Promise!💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Checked messages/?'s/& offers & shipped sales/so calling it a Tuesday! Please leave ur ?'s/messages/& Fair Offers via site system only PLEASE! I won't respond to offers in comments, it causes too much drama! I'm a drama free zone! Good night All/Back Wednesday! 💞😴⏰ @toryshop💞
Apr 05Reply
kitterv Are you looking for a wig?
Apr 06Reply
toryshop @kitterv I'm thinking of trying one as currently going thur chemo & hair is very short!! @toryshop💞
Apr 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Bern on all morning /afternoon playing catch-up been ill last couple days! So hope I got all my sharing/follows/& messages/?'S caught up on or at least close? I love you all but gotta get some other things done/I will be back later this evening(04/07) so leave ?'S/messages I will be back! Thank you all💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight! I'll be checking in closet tomorrow so please leave ?'s/messages/offers I will get back to you! Promise Goodnight All😴💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop Really late/early depends on how you look at it! I'm calling it a Goodnight/morning my Pff's! I'll be checking in much later Sunday⏰(Today) but till then I'll be snoozing😴! Please leave ?'s/messages/offers/I will get back to you! Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on answered ?'s/messages/offers so getting off rest of evening! Have a GREAT SUNDAY Night! I believe back tomorrow! Please leave any & all ?'s/messages/Offers! I will get back to you/Promise!💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 10Reply
cashmoni Hey haven't heard from you in a while.. i hope all is well and you are doing good!!!😘😘 @toryshop
Apr 10Reply
toryshop @cashmoni Dearest Monica/Dr appt 4 Tom Fri/results of MRI/showed damage/could B from small stroke? HBP? & B12 deficiency/knew he has last 2/but hasn't been Tom? Finding notes all over/writes 2 remember things? He has testing coming up 06/05 4 Alzheimer's? Can barely stand 2 use the word😢! My tests show kidney function isn't good/going 2 Mayo 4 further tests/Just A day at a time!🙏🏽💞 God Bless U 4 caring so much💞💞💕 Tory💕
Apr 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Done for today! Shipped/followed/shared! All Day! Please leave your questions/messages/and offers/I will get back to you! I do have an afternoon appointment so please be patient/Thank You All💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on answered questions/messages/&offers getting off for tonight! Exhausted! I'll be back tomorrow so please remember leave me ur ?'s/messages/& make offers I will get back to you tomorrow! @toryshop💕
Apr 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was just on liked/shared/followed/ and responded to ?'s /messages! Stepping away/got to do some house things/worked till 3AM just got up! I will be back! Please leave ?'s/messages/and offers! I will get back to you Promise💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Turning in! I'm sorry not feeling well! Have a drs appt tomorrow! Please leave ?'s/messages/& make those offers! I will get back to you tomorrow sometime/B/C of appt not sure when but Promise I will! Goodnight for now!😴💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 13Reply
dolceasiria Thank you so much for the love note it made my day 💗😍😘😍💗
Apr 13Reply
toryshop @dolceasiria I only spoke the truth! God Bless! @toryshop💞
Apr 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! I'll be back adding TONS of NEW ITEMS! Please leave your ?'s/messages/& make those FAIR OFFERS! Please! See you later! I'll be back Promise! @toryshop💞
Apr 14Reply
toryshop @toryshop Bern on ALL DAY! Hopping off to make dinner & do some housework/I'll be back! Please leave ?'s/messages/and make offers! I will get back to you! Have a lovely evening 1 & All💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying to all! Have a Happy & Blessed Easter! I will be checking in briefly off & on! It's a time to spend with God & Family for me! Please leave ?'s/messages/please make offers via site system/I will get back to you! Promise/might be Monday? Thank You for understanding/enjoy this special day!💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 16Reply
ajcollection If u like u can check my bags collection at instgram @AJDESIGNERCOLLECTION
Apr 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Jumping off for awhile gotta get some business taken care of & a doctor's appointment/Ill be back later today. Please leave ?'s/messages/& please make fair offers I will get back to you! Promise💞 Have a great day💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 18Reply
thedenimbar @toryshop Hi Victoria🤗 I hope you're feeling better😘
Apr 18Reply
toryshop @sheryljudi Thank so very much! That means a lot! If I can offer my help/please just message! Thanks for sharing! @toryshop💞
Apr 20Reply
toryshop @sheryljudi I just saw your a longtime posher! Just know I appreciate the shares! I've been under the weather not feeling well & playing catch up! I'll try & share ur closet too as soon as Im back on my feet! God Bless & again thank you for the support! @toryshop💞
Apr 20Reply
toryshop @215posher I'm trying my dear friend I'm trying/ thank you for all the shares! God Bless! I'll make it up when I can! Sending my graditude & LOVE💞 @toryshop💞
Apr 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on answered ?'s/messages/followed as much as I can at this minute! Gotta take care of some personal business & make arrangements for my puppy, Victor, he passed away 04/18 around 11 AM he passed peacefully/bug my heart is broken! God Bless all for their warm condolences! They mean so much! Please leave ?'s/messages/& make fair offers/I will be checking in! Promise💕 Thanks for ur understanding!💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 20Reply
thedenimbar @toryshop Hey love, don't worry about sharing my closet. Take care of yourself. Btw sorry for the lost of your puppy😔
Apr 20Reply
toryshop @215posher Your heart is big at as all outdoors!💞 Victor had a stroke during a grooming last yr. I got him to the vet right away & meds were started, but my vet said he's on borrowed time/God's time! When the meds quite that's all he could do! Victor was with Me thur so much! I noticed he was struggling but tried to keep him as comfortable as possible & watched him so close! He just slipped away! Not a sound! He was lying in his favorite spot! He was such a good boy! 🐶💞 Tory💞
Apr 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight! Please leave ?'s/messages/Please make some offers/all fair ones are considered! I'll get back to you! Promise! Goodnight/morning 3:07AM! TGIF! YES💕👏🏼 @toryshop💕
Apr 21Reply
racandra Love you sis!!! I have been thinking of YOU! Sorry it seems otherwise, since i've been remote for awhile. Life took some major twists, would love to update you! But i misssssed you so much. Praying for the joy, healing, strength, and peace of out King to overflow your cup this fine day! I LOVE you sis!!🙌🏼👌🏼❤❤😘😘😘🌟💐🌈
Apr 21Reply
toryshop @racandra Your so special to me/& u have my number/anytime sweet Angel anytime!💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was just on checked messages/back off as have some important business to handle/but I will be checking in & taking care of ?'s/messages/& fair Offers! Thank you All & I will be back! Promise! It's now 12:30PM central! Later💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 21Reply
vvgaby @toryshop thanks for the shares
Apr 23Reply
lucksterlw @toryshop Ahh I knew something was up. Sorry to hear about your puppy. They are so dear and I am sure yours was extra special. Sounds like he had a good life and was not in any pain when he passed. Boy karma can go somewhere else besides you right?
Apr 24Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw Barb, as Im sure I mentionedI raised the mini Yorkies not really for money as I loved them so much I usually have them to only people I knew would live them! And cried for days with each pup that left! When I got sick my Drs insisted I cut the nos! The younger puppies were easy! But the older dogs, we kept! Now they are older and some w heart issues! It breaks my heart! Tom & I love them so much! 🐶💕💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 24Reply
toryshop @lucksterlw But we try so hard to give them all the love we can! I know I will see them all again! And while they are with us! I give them all the love I can, but what I get back, the unconditional love & companionship is priceless! And neverending! @toryshop🐶💕
Apr 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on site all day! Doing shares/follows/& answering questions/even window shopping & sharing! I'm going to call it a night/morning! Please leave your ?'s/messages/& make some offers! Please! I promise I will get back to you! Goodnight/morning for now! It'd Mondsy 2:45 AM! ⏰💕😴👍🙏🏽💕See you later!💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just checked all my messages/did follows/shares/turing in as got Mayo Clinic tomorrow! Please leave ?'s/messages/& FAIR REALISTIC OFFERS only please! Remember seller pays site 20% of all sales! Thank you & have a great night I'll be back tomorrow sometime! @toryshop💕
Apr 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop Got tired had to go to bed! Will catch up tomorrow! Sorry for any delays! Please leave your message/questions/Make fair Offers Via site system/I will consider & respond to ALL FAIR offers! Thank You! @toryshop💞
Apr 27Reply
toryshop @toryshop EMERGENCY! MY PUPPY DIED! While doing surgery so making emergency trip to vet clinic! Please leave ?'s/messsges/& make offers via system/I will be ✔️ing in later! Thank You All💕🙏🏽 @toryshop💕
Apr 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop This is to share that my heart has suffered yet again more loss 2 of my previous dogs passed within 24 hrs of eachother making it 4 within the month! They R senior dogs! But their loss still hurts! Tears won't stop! I'll return but 4 now Please understand & leave messsges/offers I will ✔️in within next day or 2! Mourning my loss!💕 @toryshop💕
Apr 30Reply
toryshop @toryshop To all my wonderful Poshmark Family & Friends! Thank you so much for selecting 3 of my listings as Host Party Picks tonight 05/01/17 after suffering the loss of my 2 percious puppies, this made me feel so much Love & Caring! I know that I must continue doing this thing I LOVE TO DO! Poshing! Please leave ur ?'s/messages/& please make fair offers! I will get back to U I promise!💞 @toryshop/Tory💞
May 02Reply
cmjla Hi Tory! I have been meaning to get back to you... my brain these days... always so distracted. My condolences on your babies! What a tragic thing to happen all at once. I am so sorry! I am worried about you... I hope everything else is on a better path! Love love love you!! 😘 😘 💕
May 03Reply
toryshop @cmjla Dearest Cyn/After getting some sleep & getting my hair done! It's my Birthdsy today! 05/03! A great big one! I'm getting off Tom taking me out! Got to get ready! I'm trying to pick up the pieces of a broken heart & have my other babies still with me 2 think of! I LOVE YOU! @toryshop/Tory💞
May 03Reply
cmjla @toryshop omg happy happy happy birthday to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you have fun young lady!! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! I know you're going to be a knockout 💃🏾💃🏾😘💕💕
May 03Reply
toryshop @toryshop This girl was just on ✔️ing messages and doing follows/& shares! Today(05/03) is my Birthday! So off to get ready for my special day! I'll be back soon /Please leave your ?'s/messages/and PLEASE MAKE SOME BIRTHDAY OFFERS! I'm in a giving state of mind! Thank you all!🎂💞 @toryshop💞
May 03Reply
blueb1rds Sorry🐴🐱🐱🐱🐶🐶🐶🐰🐥🕊The loss of pets is one of the saddest parts of owning them. I am down to O for now, but I know God gave them to us forever and He created them for us, so they are waiting for us. My horse was the hardest, he was 30.... because he was my last pet.
May 03Reply
toryshop @blueb1rds Gayle/I had horses too! I was hurt & couldn't ride after that but let the neighborhood children come over & Tom would lead them around the pen! We finally sold Bud(my quarter horse+his pal Cookie R goat/they couldn't be separated!) He had a great life! I know your fellow did too! @toryshop💞
May 04Reply
toryshop @cmjla Dearest Cyn, I just wanted to Thank You for all the shares today! It was my Birthday & I had a lovely day! I discovered I can no longer hold my alcohol! 2 drinks I was ready to come home & bed/but instead went to dinner! Like fine wine Im not Older just better! God Bless @toryshop💞
May 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Stepping away for a few hours/home work needs me! I'll be back to check in! Please leave ?'s/messages/Make fair offers! Thank you all for all the Birthday well wishes U all made it very Special💞 @toryshop💞
May 04Reply
hautellie Thanks for the ❤️ note 😘
May 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a long day! Please leave ?'s/messages/offers I will be checking in & wil get back to you! Promise! Good Night & God Bless🙏🏽💞 @toryshop💞
May 05Reply
toryshop @toryshop Please forgive any delays today! I'm feeling really sick today! We have called my Doctors at Mayo waiting to know what we need to do! Please! I ask for your understanding & patience! We will update! @toryshop/Tory💞
May 08Reply
dotseyqueen Tory I am praying you feel better!
May 08Reply
toryshop @toryshop I have surgery at Mayo 05/10/17 Im shipping all orders today and will be off site pretty much next few days so any purchases made after 4 PM Central won't be sent out for next few days. I ask for your understanding during this time of surgery & recovery! Thank you all! God Bless🙏🏽💞 @toryshop💞
May 09Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm getting off as getting ready for Mayo Clinic/I will be off site rest of tonight & tomorrow! Please leave your ?'S/messages/and offers I will be checking in & back on site in a couple days! Thank you all for ur well wishes and support! @toryshop💞
May 10Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on all day! Gonna call it a night! Got Church Classes in the Morning, but I'll return later in the day. Please leave ur questions/messages/& make those fair Offers! I'll be checking in Promise. God Bless & Good Night to All💞 @toryshop💞
May 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a Good Mother's Day Night! Good Monday Morning! Please leave any ?'s/messages/or offers I will get back to you! Turned in late(3:00AM) so it will be later in the day Monday when Im back on site! But I will be back so please leave me ur message! Thank You for understanding! @toryshop💞
May 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a day/night and will be off site awhile! But leave ur ?'s/messages/offers I will get back to you! Later! Gotta catch a few 😴💤's! CU Soon! @toryshop💞 a minute ago Reply
May 17Reply
vvgaby @toryshop thank you for the shares
May 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Shared/Followed till I'm so tired! Calling it a night! It's 1:45AM Thursday! Please leave all ?'s/messages/& PLEASE Make Offers! I'll be back later today! Thank you all & Good Night!😴 @toryshop😴
May 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hoping off been up all night window shopping & sharing haven't been able to sleep! Too much thinking!! Well gonna try to grab a nap! Please leave your messages/?'s/And Please Fair Offers would be SOOO Appreciated! Check in later today! @toryshop💞
May 19Reply
darbyze Yes!
May 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop First day back after about 4 days away! I missed U All/Im officially back open tomorrow but have done some sharing/following & window shopping! So see U in the Morning have a great night! It's a bit late so might be on later /leave your ?'s/messages/and make some Fair Offers! Goidnight💞⏰😴 @toryshop💞
May 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Checked messages did shares/follows and going to bed. Will be checking in & listing new items tomorrow! Please leave ?'s/message/& fair offers via system only. Thank You all & back tomorrow!💤 @toryshop💞
May 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on checked messages/did shares/follows & answered questions. Turning in for the evening so please leave those ?'s/messages/and make fair offers I'll be checking in tomorrow! Have a Good/Peaceful Night💤 @toryshop💞
May 25Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm calling it a day! I have been on all day sharing and following and getting new things ready to add! Stay tuned Please & watch for all the great New Colourpop Finds/Kylie Kits/Free People/Sunnies styles/And Vic Secret! Plus so much more! Please leave ur ?'s/messages/& Make those FAIR Offers via Site System/To All have a GREAT Night!💤💞/CU tomorrow!⏰👍🏽 @toryshop💞
May 30Reply
serendipity3 @toryshop hi!! We spoke once before. My mom was going through breast cancer for the second time. Well in March I was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer. I have had a double mastectomy already and start chemo tomorrow. How are you doing?
May 31Reply
toryshop @serendipity3 God Bless U&Ur Mom! I'm still fighting & been thur 9 surgeries! But remember mine is melanoma,that can turn into anything! In October we had a BIG scare w breast cancer,turned out 2B encapsulated melanoma in breast tissue,Mayo removed all they could &again on chemo&✔️ed monthly! Cancer is devastating both emotional/physically/financially! Ur in my prayers! On FB as Vicky(Victoria)Middleton (Iowa). If U want 2 reach out there? Still fighting! @toryshop💞
May 31Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a GoodNite/Morning it's almost 3AM turning in! Please feel free to leave a message/questions/Make me Some Fair Offers I will get back to U/Have a Great Day and Happy Poshing💞 @toryshop💞
Jun 01Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight/GoodMorning AGAIN! It'd 5AM & Somehow I worked all night again! So hopping off to get some 💤💤💤⏰To to try anyway? I'll be back later today, so PLEASE leave ur ?'s/messages/& HOPEFULLY a FAIR OFFER or 2?? See You Later! @toryshop💞
Jun 02Reply
toryshop @toryshop GoodNite/GoodMorning it's 4:45AM been following/Sharing! Turning in 2 catch a few 💤's! ⏰Time 4 beauty sleep! And Please C Something U Like? Price doesn't fit Ur wallet? Consider making FAIR OFFERs? Won't know, unless U try? Please use sites offer system/will negotiate via counters/& FUNDS DON'T pull unless I accept. ?'s/leave them in comments under listing ur asking about/Thank U All/See U Later⏰! Bye4Now💞 @toryshop💞
Jun 03Reply
juliannclothing Hi posher! Thank you for following my page!💕 Please take a look at what I have and feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like. Happy shopping!❤️
Jun 04Reply
toryshop @toryshop Ive been playing catch-up! PLEASE IF I haven't responded 2 a message U sent PLEASE Message me Again! I had over 1,000 messages over a 24 hour period & I could've unintentionally missed ur message! I'm asking 4 UR help. Please send that message again if I haven't gotten a response. I so appreciate ur understanding & help at this time of family health matters. Ur each important & I want U 2 get any ?'s U have answered & any offers responded too. Thank U So Much! @toryshop💞
Jun 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Ive been on for 8 hrs so jumping off to do real life things that need attention! Please leave me ur ?'s/messages/and Please make ur Fair Offers via the sites offer system ONLY! Those R the only Offers I consider. I'll be back later today & adding New Listings! Watch 4 them! Thank U All💞 @toryshop💞
Jun 06Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been on site for about 3 hrs answered ?'s/messages & did follows & shares! Turning in early but I'll be back tomorrow! Please leave ur ?'s/messages/& Please Make those Fair Offers via sites offer system! I'll be checking back! Have a Great Night! 💞 @toryshop💞
Jun 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm turning in tonight! Exhausted! Please leave me a your ?'s/messages/& please make fair offers via site's offer system! Remember funds don't pull unless I accept! Thank U All /Goodnight💤😴 @toryshop😴
Jun 09Reply
sbfashions Hi friend I totally understand😢 basically I have those orders all the time I'm not even supposed to have the electromagnetic aeffectsfrom devices and chargers near me almost ever but I do all the time and it's really hard on me so I hope that you get your rest…I have those necklaces reserved for you so whenever you're up to it just tag me and
Jun 10Reply
sbfashions I will mark them for sale for you also if there were other things that you'd like to bundle I'll make you a private offer in the dressing room… XOXOtake care and then treat yourself❤️🖤🙏🙏🙏💚
Jun 10Reply
floridagirlwear Thanks for all your love towards my listings, I truly appreciate your support! I love your style 😍😁
Jun 12Reply
toryshop @toryshop Was back on to ✔️messages do likes/follows/shares/I apologize that I've been off we were trying 2 save 1 of R pups that was very ill/regrettably BooBoo passed around 1:30 PM Sunday. I hope U will understand my absence on site. I just did a quick skim of messsges/getting off 4 the night! Please leave messages/?'s/& offers I'm back & will B ✔️ing back regularly! Good Night for now! @toryshop💞
Jun 12Reply
sbfashions I have your pet paw print necklaces reserved for you so tag me anytime and when I am awake and see it I'll put for sale! Hugs to u and the puppies 🖤😘🐶🐶✔
Jun 12Reply
1luck @toryshop you got that right. I do the same. I see that you are a mentor here in Posh. Could you please take a look at my closet and tell me what I need to change or just give me some advise. Thanks love your closet. 😘💃🏻
Jun 12Reply
toryshop @1luck Just saw ur message late Monday nite bug In sure will! God Bless @toryshop💞
Jun 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! Please leave any ?'s messages and please make some fair offers! I truly consider all fair offers! I'll be back Tuesday and shipping Tuesday! Delay related to the passing of our beloved Yorkie BooBoo! Good Night/God Bless @toryshop💞
Jun 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just on responding to ?'s/messages/and offers and will be back again later so please continue leaving ur ?'s/messages/and please make those fair offers via site's offer tab only, funds will be pulled, only if offers are accepted. Thank You All so much! @toryshop💞
Jun 13Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm getting off gotta take a knap! Been listing all night & this morning! Please leave ?'s/messages/ and please make those FAIR OFFERS💞I promise you I will consider them. I'll be back later on today ✔️ing in! For now though getting some 💤💤's! @toryshop💞
Jun 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Just a note to all those seeing/reading this I have been ill since Thursday afternoon w a bad headache & exhaustion I would ask your patenience & understanding! I will be back as soon as I'm feeling more myself! Thank you for ur understanding! Please leave any ?'s/messages/and please make fair offers via site's offer system. Remember that funds don't pull unless I accept! Thanks 2 All💞 @toryshop💞
Jun 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying good night! Just ✔️messsges/did shares & follows/and ✔️Ed for offers! Have a great night I am adding new lisings so stay tuned! Please leave any ?'s messages and please make fair offers via site's offer system only please! We can negotiate via that/& offer $$ don't pull unless I accept the offer! Thank you all & good night to all!😴💤⏰ @toryshop💞
Jun 17Reply
toryshop @toryshop Getting off to take care of Father's Day Activities! Please checkout what's new & just added to my closet. Please leave ur ?'s/messages/and please make those offers! No funds pulled unless I accept! I'll try to check in later tonight/otherwise Monday? Enjoy your day! Happy Father's Day to All! @toryshop💞
Jun 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been off site because of not feeling well! Was just on going thur messages/?'S/ offers and responded! I'm back off to get ready to turn in early! But will be back probably Tuesday afternoon sometime, as Dr appt in the morning! Please leave those ?'s/messages/and please make offers. Funds don't pull till I accept. I will be checking back tomorrow! Thanks All💞 @toryshop💞
Jun 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop just checked messages/did some shares & follows got to hop off to get ready for Dr appointments this morning! Please leave ?'s/messages/and make FAIR OFFERS NOTE offer funds don't pull unless I accept your offer. I'll be back later! Thank You All! Have a great day! @toryshop💞
Jun 20Reply
toryshop @toryshop Unexpected things came up this entire weekend pulled my attention away from closet & site! I also will be at Mayo Clinic Monday at least and longer if found to be necessary! Please leave messages/?'s/and make fair offers! Funds don't pull unless I accept! I will be ✔️ing in when possible! I will leave updates here! Thank You All for Ur Understanding💞! @toryshop💞
Jun 26Reply
khoasky7 @toryshop Beautiful soul, I ran across your messages here and there checking out closets. I read some of your earlier messages and conversations, and your personality and outstanding character really shines thru. I am a cancer survivor, stage 4, given six weeks to get my affairs in order, and here we are, 20 some years later and I am Poshing! I will pray for you and you keep on keep on with the good fight!
Jun 26Reply
toryshop @khoasky7 That is so very kind of U to share with me! I'm a fighter & my hubby of 28 yrs says I'm a tough little cookie! He told me he's betting on me! God Bless💞So lovely to meet U! @toryshop💞
Jun 26Reply
toryshop @toryshop I'm back from Mayo Clinic, but been off site more than on! Pls 4guve any delays in responses or messages! But Turning in early 2nite, still in a bit of recovery mode from treatment at Mayo! I beg ur understanding, a day or 2 more! Been trying 2 catch up! Pls leave any ?'s/messages/& PLEASE make fair offers via site's offer system! Funds won't pull unless I accept offer made. Turning in ⏰Not Feeling Well tonight! See U tomorrow!😴 @toryshop💞
Jun 28Reply
toryshop @toryshop A family emergency has taken me away from site for the next few days! Please know I will only be checking messsges/& for offers & sales. PLEASE leave ur ?'s/messages/& offers and I will get back to U as soon as possible! Funds don't pull unless offers are accepted! I THANK U ALL 4 Ur patience & understanding.💞 @toryshop💞
Jul 01Reply
meganwalker99 I saw you were interested in a tularosa dress, I have the same on listed on my page for cheaper! Please check it out!
Jul 03Reply
meganwalker99 Also has the tags on it!
Jul 03Reply
mbpuravida 🌟Happy 4th! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply
ynlapparel Hello feel free too check out my closet❤️ As I will check out yours❤️
Jul 06Reply
toryshop @classydollsz Please like an my "About Posher" listing that way if U ever are in need of assistance/U can find me! I'm always here to help! Like/Follow/Share are very important in gaining followers & circulating ur listings! They all help gain U sells! If ur just shopping I follow almost 3 Million Closets/I can help U with that as well! It's my pleasure to meet U! @toryshop💞
Jul 07Reply
toryshop @toryshop Will be off site most of the day! Got to get some things straightened & packed away! Must do!!! I will also be shipping! Please leave your questions/messages/and PLEASE MAKE Fair Offers. Funds on Offers don't pull unless I accept. I will be checking in/ so go for it!! I'll be back! But LATER!! Have a GREAT NIGHT/& Tuesday!💞 @toryshop💞
Jul 11Reply
toryshop @toryshop Have to catch some shut-eye! But I will be back & will be shipping on Saturday morning first thing! Please leave your messages/questions/and Fair Offers I will be checking in! Thank You & Good Night/Morning!?? @toryshop💞
Jul 14Reply
giginadineaya @lydianon Hey guys, if you are looking for a Kylie Letter make sure to come and join my page. Thank you and love you. ❤️😍 Accepting OFFERS!!
Jul 14Reply
giginadineaya @sgo709 Hey guys, if you are looking for a Kylie Letter make sure to come and join my page. Thank you and love you. ❤️😍 Accepting OFFERS!!
Jul 14Reply
giginadineaya @jgome228 Hey guys, if you are looking for a Kylie Letter make sure to come and join my page. Thank you and love you. ❤️😍 Accepting OFFERS!!
Jul 14Reply
giginadineaya @acamatthews Hey guys, if you are looking for a Kylie Letter make sure to come and join my page. Thank you and love you. ❤️😍 Accepting OFFERS!!
Jul 14Reply
lydianon @toryshop Hi, I don't know why that person sent me a message here on your page 🤔 ?! I have no desire for anything 'Kylie' either Lol Seems like you haven't been feeling up to par lately, I'm sorry about that, I'm saying a prayer for you right now. I hope you have a really strong A/C at your house, I always feel worse in hot weather, I literally feel as if I'm melting when it's over 80° Lol. I just bought a new A/C 2 weeks ago and now I never leave home 😁 Take care of yourself 😻
Jul 14Reply
toryshop @lydianon Kitty! Hello & just let me say "Thank U w all my HEART" Ur message means a lot! U probably got that B/C someone share it with their followers of with people following them(listing seen both ways) that's all! I don't know why they'd share this listing as I try to share real listings? But Ur message was lovely! Cont...,,#1
Jul 14Reply
toryshop @lydianon Part#2/Kitty, I just want U 2 know I'm am oldie but good as far as online selling! I'm a site Closet/Shopper/an most importantly a Site Mentor/So please if I can offer my help or advice please just reach out! As U've discovered Like/Share/Follow R important in creating a Closet Following an Audience/Listings get seen=SALES$$$/fyi to DM a closet B SURE 2 Tag w @then closet name ex... @toryshop WELCOME! I'm here 2 Help!💞
Jul 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying good night to all! A special Thank You to all of those that sent congrats on my 3 Host Picks at the "Summer Trends" Party 07/14 Thank U w all my heart! Gotta catch some winks! I'll see U all tomorrow! Please leave ?'s/messages/& please make Fair Offers via site system only! $ won't pull unless I accept! Good Night All💞 @toryshop💞
Jul 15Reply
khoasky7 Good Morning to you sleepless wonder Victoria!
Jul 15Reply
toryshop @khoasky7 Oh you do know me!! Sleepless is CORRECT! Just jumping into bed & saw ur message! Had a smile! Good night! New friend😴👍🏽 @toryshop💞
Jul 15Reply
toryshop @toryshop I've been busy reorganizing my house & my closet inventory to make room for all my new listings! I have been gone helping a friend! But will be back at it Tuesday! So please leave ?'s/messages/& PLEASE MAKE FAIR OFFERS! Keep following, getting ready for a SALE!! Keep following! Stay tuned for that SALE! @toryshop💞
Jul 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Will be shipping Wednesday & Thursday! Just went thur messages/& did shares & follows! I'm back so please leave ur ?'s/messsges/& make those FAIR offers VIA Sites Offer System! Those are what I check! Remember I'm gearing up for a Makeup SALE! So stay tune and please keep following! I'll be ✔️ing in thur out the day! @toryshop💞
Jul 18Reply
toryshop @toryshop Hopping off for the rest of evening! Riding & texting don't mix! On my way to airport to pick up a girlfriend! Please leave ur ?'s/messages/request/& fair offers I'm to consider if done via sites offer system! Goodnight All! See U tomorrow! @toryshop💞
Jul 19Reply
toryshop @toryshop Say Goodnight! Someone took 1 of our Yorkies,"Tiny Tim" a little 2 lbs Sweetheart! We have been contacting anyone & everyone that might help! Walking ditches in Heat & Storms! I pray they bring him home! Please leave ur ?'s/Messages/& Fair Offers via site system. I will be back Tomorrow! Pls say a prayer 4 Tiny Tim💞🐶💞@toryshop💞
Jul 20Reply
chosen02 @toryshop cute idea🤗
Jul 21Reply
toryshop @toryshop Saying Goodnight! Been playing catch-up all day! I'll be checking in tomorrow, but it's my day! To catch up on soul & home! Please leave those ?'s/messages/& please make fair offers I'm willing to work with most that make fair offers! $$ not taken unless I accept! Thank You All & Have a Great Night!💞 @toryshop💞
Jul 23Reply
toryshop @toryshop Calling it a night! Been at Poshing ALL DAY! I'll be checking in & trying 2 ship 1st thing! So see U later in day, Monday! Please leave ?'s/messages/& PLEASE make those OFFERS! I'm pretty open right now! Just consider my expenses too PLEASE👍🏽💞 Good Night/God Bless/SweetDreams💞 @toryshop💞
Jul 24Reply
toryshop @toryshop Been placing orders to my Distributors, & trying to like/share/follow & stay current w messsges! Hopping off to grab a Knapp! Please leave any ?'s/messsges/and PLEASE make those OFFERS! I'm in a SELLING MOOD! I'll be checking back(🔜)LATER! Have a GOOD One💞 @toryshop💞
Jul 27Reply
craftcraze Thinking of you beautiful Tory!💕😌💕I just wanted to hear from you and also I would like to send positive thoughts and prayers to your way!❣️🙏🏼❣️ I hope you're having a beautiful summer and you're feeling lot stronger and healthier!💖🎋💌🎋💖 Have beautiful upcoming week!🙏🏼🌹🙏🏼
Jul 28Reply
thaicutie76 @toryshop hi, your closet is amazing!!!!!!😍😍😍
Jul 28Reply

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Last Active: Feb 14

Grimes, IA
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