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! Super cool plaid dress/duster💕-ONE LEFT


Updated Dec 20
Updated Dec 20

! Super cool plaid dress/duster💕-ONE LEFT




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This plaid dress features a button up closure on center front, long sleeves and side slits on hem. Also featuring a crochet top back!
  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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kfab333 @myraayn Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 04Reply
tripsmama3 @kfab333 I really like this one 💕
Aug 04Reply
kfab333 @tripsmama3 yay! Me too😊
Aug 04Reply
kfab333 @lanboutique hi there😊 I will update you as soon as I get a shipment date
Aug 04Reply
kfab333 @lanboutique great 😊let me know when you are ready😊😊
Aug 04Reply
kfab333 @indymartinez Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 06Reply
kfab333 @cookiepaolo Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 12Reply
kfab333 @dmp1107 Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 14Reply
kfab333 @elliedee553 Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 14Reply
kfab333 @gracefull7 Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 17Reply
kfab333 @lexilay Thank you for stopping by 🌸 I am offering $5 in Kfab bucks on any $35 purchase and $10 off any $60 purchase 💃💃 I will take off at time of purchase- my best! Kimberly
Aug 17Reply
kfab333 @toryshop Hello💃 !! Countdown to Paris Wedding Contest!! 1st 2 bundles receive a FREE item of choice $24 value! 🤗🤗
Aug 20Reply
robin1865 @kfab333 thanks . I can't order just yet but like your closet. Love a few things . Hopefully soon 😊
Aug 20Reply
kfab333 @robin1865 thank you so much 😊😊
Aug 20Reply
kfab333 @cbturner512 Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 20Reply
toryshop @kfab333 If you still have this in the large or medium/Me:32C/34B bust/25-26 waist/34-35 Hip/109 lbs/I want it to be very relaxed fit/could you hold for me/I moved some funds & will hit my account Tuesday after 6PM my(central )time?? Would U do that 4 me?? @toryshop💞
Aug 21Reply
kfab333 @toryshop I will try to pull one aside- I am trying to empty my closet before I leave the country- please feel free to make an offer😊
Aug 21Reply
toryshop @kfab333 That's fine Kim/I understand completely. @toryshop💞
Aug 21Reply
kfab333 @toryshop I will pull one for you and put in a separate listing
Aug 21Reply
kfab333 @jrf0112 Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 22Reply
kfab333 @toryshop hi there! Just checking in with you- I will be closing for France soon- happy to set up a bundle for you I know you want this piece 💕💕 Kimberly
Aug 24Reply
toryshop @kfab333 I don't want to be nosy but Are you going to Paris!! To get Married?? @toryshop💞
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @toryshop not nosy at all😊😊😊 yes!!
Aug 24Reply
toryshop @kfab333 I'm so very HAPPY FOR YOU! And you will be such a beautiful bride!💞💞💞💞💞🎉I'm so Thrilled!!! @toryshop💞
Aug 24Reply
toryshop @kfab333 Your going to have to help me with this/I want it comfy So Med or large/I'm still rather small 5'5" 32C/34B /25-26/34-35/ up to 109-110 depending on the day?? @toryshop💞
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @toryshop it's oversized I would not go large 😊
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @toryshop 💕💕💕😊😊😊
Aug 24Reply
toryshop @kfab333 Wishing you all the Best from both Me & Tom(my hubby of 27 years) and Congratulations!!💞🎉💞 Tory & Tom/@toryshop💞
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @toryshop thank you so much- 😘😘😘
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @styledae Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 24Reply
kg0617 @kfab333 I love this, but I'm petite (5'2", 32b, 26, 35). Will this be overwhelming on me?
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @kg0617 hi😊 not if you wear as a duster- however I do believe as a dress it would swallow you - happy to answer any other questions 😊
Aug 24Reply
kg0617 @kfab333 Perfect, bc I want it as a duster. Thanks! 😊 I've started a bundle with a few of your tops, how do I add the $10 off of $60 offer?
Aug 24Reply
kfab333 @kg0617 great😊 the system is not set up to do dollar amounts off with bundles - if you will tag me on your selections I will bundle with both discounts 🤗
Aug 24Reply
kg0617 @kfab333 Awesome! Thanks! I want this in a small. I'll tag you on the other 2 I want.
Aug 24Reply
benner75 Can I ask how tall you are so I know where this would hit in length on my daughter? Thnx much 💖
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @benner75 yes😊 I am 5'6
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @benner75 Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 25Reply
benner75 So cute but she's 5'3 so probably too long for her....
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @benner75 I just sold one to a stylist client who is 5'2 she is wearing as a duster- which I love this piece for as a dress I believe it will swallow her - but duster yes😊
Aug 25Reply
benner75 Ya probably she's only 10.. But she saw this and loved it💖
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @britishluv Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @sportyspice Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 25Reply
toryshop @kfab333 I was really surprised to see this/as 10 hours ago I paid $39.95 with shipping? I really don't how I feel other than shocked?? Had I known you were going to drop the price I would have either offered you the amount?? I have always thought the world of you/and I don't usually make offers $10 lower but this really hit me right in the heart! @toryshop💞
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @toryshop I am monumentally sorry and I understand why you are upset - my goal was to close yesterday I still have outstanding buyers who requested time - I then marked everything down - I will cancel your order and create a new listing for you - I had no dishonorable intentions- I just did a huge sale - please allow me to make it right
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @toryshop so you are aware I have also posted that people can buy several items at wholesale if they wish
Aug 25Reply
toryshop @kfab333 Was just surprised/& I'm sorry too! We have been friends long time /& I'm sure ur stressed 2 Max Capacity /My words weren't intended 2 cause more/Was just I don't even know! I know U didn't even realize?!!! U have way more going on! UR getting Married/I just re-purchased & w ALL MY heart Pls accept apologies/& appreciation 4 chg 4 me! Let's both chalk this up/2 being over the Moon Stressed💞Luv U Sweet Friend/I no there were no ill intentions/Good if U-R/That's what matter!💞 @toryshop💞
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @toryshop thank you so much you are an Angel and I really am truly sorry- canceling previous
Aug 25Reply
toryshop @kfab333 Please forget it! I know u would never intentionally hurt me/I know ur Stressed out/u probably never realized/just have a Wonderful Wedding!! U always have a friend in me! I know that b/c u did exactly what I would do 4 a friend! I Luv U/& can't get rid of me over a simple misunderstanding! God Bless! U have enough 2 deal with! I'm fine! Just hope u r ok-2!Really wasn't sure should even say anything?U did exactly as I would! U did make me feel like u care! I know u do💞! @toryshop💞
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @toryshop 💕💕💕
Aug 25Reply
holliejeant Love your boots!
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @holliejeant Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @britishluv Thank you 🌸 - offering $5 in Kfab bucks on $35 purchase and $10 off $60 purchase 💃💃 TEMP CLOSE for France SOON! Reviewing OFFERS! 🤗
Aug 25Reply
kfab333 @holliejeant they are sooo comfy - you can find them on posh a lot they wear very well they are Blowfish what size I will tag you if I see these
Aug 25Reply
holliejeant @kfab333 I wear 9. 😉
Aug 25Reply
salleylin @kfab333 Thank you so much for sharing my listings. I really appreciate it a lot. Thanks again and take care.
Aug 26Reply
kfab333 @kemorand Hello😊 Thank you! I am closing today temporarily for France! Offering wholesale on certain items based on quantity and reviewing offers - entire closet reduced 💃💃💃💃
Aug 26Reply
libra8888 @kfab333 hello, this piece is so cute! Will you be getting more in stock?
Aug 29Reply
kfab333 @aholiva22 I may have a couple left I am doing inventory- what size?
Aug 29Reply
libra8888 Oh yay!! A medium!
Aug 29Reply
kfab333 @aholiva22 I am doing inventory I will check and let you know as soon as I can😊
Aug 29Reply
libra8888 @kfab333 Thank You I really appreciate you❤️
Aug 29Reply
kfab333 @emmaaa721 Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Best- Kimberly
Sep 22Reply
kfab333 @mkendlehart Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Best- Kimberly
Sep 23Reply
kfab333 @kimchamberlin Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Best- Kimberly
Sep 26Reply
kfab333 @deneadixon Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Best- Kimberly
Sep 27Reply
kfab333 @edenfox Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Sep 27Reply
kfab333 @kgregory0414 Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Sep 29Reply
kfab333 @mmof28 Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Oct 03Reply
kfab333 @tkwintner Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Oct 04Reply
kfab333 @aublynnson Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Oct 04Reply
kfab333 @jessandrobs Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Oct 05Reply
kfab333 @briebuff Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Best- Kimberly
Oct 06Reply
briebuff How do these run?
Oct 06Reply
kfab333 @briebuff hi😊 true to size- happy to help with sizing
Oct 06Reply
kfab333 @debrablonde1978 Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Summer Sale ends Monday! Best- Kimberly
Oct 08Reply
kfab333 @imrashkiera Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Summer Sale ends Monday! Best- Kimberly
Oct 08Reply
kfab333 @amberian Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Summer Sale ends Monday! Best- Kimberly
Oct 10Reply
kfab333 @sweetnursemegs Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off any $35 purchase😊 Summer Sale ends Monday! Best- Kimberly
Oct 10Reply
kfab333 @livnoncloud9 Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off $35 purchase- Best! Kfab Designs
Oct 11Reply
kfab333 @lovinlife77 Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off $35 purchase- Best! Kfab Designs
Oct 15Reply
kfab333 @mleller Hello💋 Thank you for stopping by💕😊happy to assist however I can! Now offering $5 off $35 purchase- Best! Kfab Designs
Oct 15Reply
kfab333 @leahnyce Hello😊Thank you for visiting! I am offering $5 off any $35 purchase- and will be deleting summer items soon- happy to assist you! Kfab Designs 💋
Oct 17Reply
vcamp17 Cute dress! Thanks for sharing!!
Oct 17Reply
sunnydinsd So cute !🌻
Oct 19Reply
kfab333 @sunnydinsd thank you so much
Oct 19Reply
kfab333 @jashworth Hello😊Thank you for visiting! I am offering $5 off any $35 purchase- and will be deleting summer items soon- happy to assist you! Kfab Designs 💋
Oct 20Reply
kfab333 @gatorgurlr6 when I did these pics- I kept one!😇 one left😊😊
Oct 21Reply
gatorgurlr6 @kfab333 I like it!! 💕💕
Oct 21Reply
gracie53 Is this a flannel type material and will a large run truer to junior or women's ? 10/12.?
Oct 24Reply
kfab333 @gracie53 this is womens' sizing let me check the material i believe it's cotton- will definitely fit a 12
Oct 24Reply
kfab333 @jillie2009 Hello😊Thank you for visiting! I am offering $5 off any $35 purchase- and will be deleting summer items soon- happy to assist you! Kfab Designs 💋
Oct 24Reply
kfab333 @calijc9395 Hello😊Thank you for visiting! I am offering $5 off any $35 purchase- and will be deleting summer items soon- happy to assist you! Kfab Designs 💋- last one
Oct 26Reply
kfab333 @lavishlook Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist/ very best- Kfab Designs💋- last one
Oct 29Reply
kfab333 @sandymcdonough Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist/ very best- Kfab Designs💋- last one
Oct 29Reply
gatorgurlr6 @kfab333 still available? Is is a summer-ish piece? 😃😃
Oct 30Reply
kfab333 @jerryg1 Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist/ very best- Kfab Designs💋- 🎉Ask me how to get $5 off! - last one
Oct 31Reply
kfab333 @carla2511 Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist/ very best- Kfab Designs - last one
Nov 04Reply
kfab333 @tmarie2011 Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist/ tonight is Buy 3 get 1 free!! very best- Kfab Designs- last one
Nov 07Reply
kfab333 @amandajocaba25 Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist! One more night!! BUY 3 get 1 FREE 🎉🎉🎉very best- Kfab Designs
Nov 09Reply
kfab333 @kellie54 Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist! One more night!! BUY 3 get 1 FREE 🎉🎉🎉very best- Kfab Designs
Nov 10Reply
kfab333 @sweettooth4k Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist! One more night!! BUY 3 get 1 FREE 🎉🎉🎉very best- Kfab Designs- last one
Nov 10Reply
kfab333 @ogdengirl Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist! One more night!! BUY 3 get 1 FREE 🎉🎉🎉very best- Kfab Designs- last one
Nov 13Reply
kfab333 @jb5 Hi😊 We appreciate your stopping by! Always happy to assist! One more night!! BUY 3 get 1 FREE through Monday night 🎉🎉🎉very best- Kfab Designs- last one
Nov 20Reply
kfab333 @meenaslove Happy Thanksgiving🍂🍁 Thank you for visiting! Orders will be shipped Monday when I return- Happy to assist you💕😊- last one
Nov 25Reply
kfab333 @lxand13 Hello😊 Thank you! Happy to assist you! $5 Kfab Bucks off $35 purchase! also before deleting summer items I am offering bundle boxes🎉 while supplies last! Best! - last one
Dec 02Reply
kfab333 @shoptil_i_drop_ Hello😊 Thank you! Happy to assist you! $5 Kfab Bucks off $35 purchase! also before deleting summer items I am offering bundle boxes🎉 while supplies last! Best!
Dec 04Reply
kfab333 @cheerbeat79 Hello😊 Thank you! Happy to assist you! $5 Kfab Bucks off $35 purchase! also before deleting summer items I am offering bundle boxes🎉 while supplies last! Best! - last one
Dec 06Reply
kfab333 @scb1028 Hello😊 Thank you! Happy to assist you! $5 Kfab Bucks off $35 purchase THRU 11/12 ! Also before deleting summer items I am offering bundle boxes🎉 while supplies last! Best! - last one
Dec 10Reply
kfab333 @hickschick1432 Hello😊 Thank you! Happy to assist Also before deleting summer items I am offering bundle boxes🎉 while supplies last! Best! Last one
Dec 15Reply
kfab333 @cheerbeat79 Hello😊 Thank you! Happy to assist Also before deleting summer items I am offering bundle boxes🎉 while supplies last! Best! - last one
Dec 17Reply

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