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Updated Jan 18
Updated Jan 18

Reusable Silicone Nipple Covers




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Reusable silicone Nipple covers with easy care. Wash with soap and water after wear and replace plastic. Mine have lasted 4 years.
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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megeliza11 Love these! I haven't tried mine when it's wicked hot tho, do they stay even when you sweat? Oh wait... I don't think nipples sweat. Win :)
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 😂😂you guys heard it here first amazing testimonial I'm gonna have you guys do some testimonials because some of my friends to try this you guys on here these and the sticky bras from the same company and I think it would be a fun listing which in the end would promote all of us
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 omg The other night when I made this graphic my friend @cajt62 was working on something and she wasn't refreshing of course so every time she'd back out it kept showing my nipples basically 😂
Aug 27Reply
megeliza11 Hahahahaha amazing. These are so much better than wearing a bra. Same with the strapless sticky bras. You just feel free and natural!
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @meglizza11 well you definitely just earned yourself a price once we get it on the listing.
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 i'm trying to find a wholesaler cause just ordering overseas as I'm putting it like I need big numbers. It's hard to find somebody. Have u seen they have triple thickness!?! I'm a day and I'm enhanced so I don't know of any damage I got a double though and I like it because it feels stronger
Aug 27Reply
megeliza11 That makes sense. Oooo double and triple sound wonderful. And I bet they would last longer and overall just hold up better. Genius !
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 every command even up to my thighs get a double and it just stays and feels in place and held you know and locked and loaded you know what I need and it's not that much different that even get the paperwork here to the right of the paperwork off to send it with people so they would have information on how to put them on because not all of them come with it but it's like a 9 mm and then 14 mm and then 21
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 shoot I had my first single layer pair for four years that wasn't you when I'm like I would now with all the dresses I was heavier and I didn't have them in Annapolis if I want to wear but yeah I bet the Devils right now up you know they come in a bag and all that stuff so it's a pretty cool little deal I'm gonna show you a picture of the sickness
Aug 27Reply
cajt62 I'm still practicing with them, but I dine realized that brass cause you to have back fat. With these there are no bikes sticking out from your bra. Makes you look thinner!
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @cajt62 I also need to send you all the new composite paperwork that I just told today that I didn't have before when I gave you the information. But we will get you guys and I think Erica and me of course and dad not sure who else because I have sold a lot just it'll help promote the all the closet and that I have all the different type so I'm not sharing all of them all the time and I'll help cut down on that and of course I'd be happy to do it for something that y'all have going on
Aug 27Reply
megeliza11 Wow. I never knew that. Guess I need to up my game! They are incredible with so many dresses or backless tops where even a bandeau doesn't feel right. The strapless sticky cups are good too but I wore them in 105 degree weather and I get boob sweat in the middle so that was less than ideal but my nipples don't sweat at all so these are great. I now wear stickies with tops that I could even wear a bra with, it's just more comfortable to go sticky :)
Aug 27Reply
megeliza11 I didn't know there were instructions on how to put them on either! You are a silicone sticky nip connoisseur! :)
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @cajt62 you know that something that you might want to look into two or we could look into offset of that because they have the ones that are halter I don't know it's tough because I would say one of my purses girls but I don't really have any but I hit it hard like this but with the free people dresses and the tops and all those things like Meg is talking about also @megeliza11 -Cheryl is a new and very dedicated recruit to free people! My daughter lol.
Aug 27Reply
cajt62 @loopholer oh I didn't know they had halter style ones...that's cool
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @cajt62 @megeliza11 well we could look into the ones that have a halter possibility if I can find good wholesaler and who knows what e because cheryl u know my situation , but Meg I had my right and plant pot twice and one time it was for years and years and years till just about three years ago I had six all through my 20s basically kind of dramatic and then I mean those kind of things could really help people feel the same, they just are shown that it exists
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 @cajt62 and really works buy all five of them tight and obviously we have nothing to gain here we're not actors. I helped @ollially with hers and had a play some that's who found me up so she was here and I did all that it's just one of those things like I wish more women knew because it's comfortable to comparatively. By the way I tried to mama
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 I was Morceau talking about the entire ones because I just started getting the Doubles this week. It's difficult because you don't want to have five listings for sticky bras that are all different because of the thickness or whatever I don't know we can always talk about this on another listing so that by a good idea
Aug 27Reply
cajt62 @loopholer we can do this. Not a problem. You tell me what to do and I will do it.
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @cajt62 oh no just whenever we had some time and I decide how to do the graphic I'd like to have the triple sec in and let somebody drive then maybe Meg @meglizza11 would be willing to do that or Teresa @teresamckevitt . depending on what I could get a lot of them for And if I could swing it maybe we could do a little trial base group singing over a certain amount of time and different things every cool just a social thing to
Aug 27Reply
cajt62 @loopholer this are good ideas.
Aug 27Reply
loopholer @cajt62 I told you you got a watch man I'm quick like a bunny right now and I told you it's gonna be a good month so hop with me bunnies. I mean address and talk about him tonight I think of that impeccable product not because it's a beauty thing or anything like that because it makes me feel better about myself and I know when I put them on Erica she said that he feel infinitely better I mean even with a shelf or on it can at least add some fullness back
Aug 27Reply
sherpy Need some today. What thickness should I buy?
Aug 28Reply
loopholer @sherpy that's not for the covers I'm sorry they have 1 thickness but I have them in circular or flower petals
Aug 28Reply
bellaedge Serious question: Will these stay on pierced nips? Can you see them through clothes like bodysuits?
Aug 29Reply
loopholer @bellaedge good question! I've never tried with A bodysuit and I used to have pierced nipples and I'm going to accommodate you on that in a minute because I have some jewelry in there and will make sure that it sticks up feel pretty confident that it will I don't see why I wouldn't if it goes to skin I would worry abou
Aug 29Reply
loopholer @bellaedge t getting too sweaty-MAYBE! I have implants but if I just grab my four year old pair not taken care of and thrown in a basket w no backing for a photo they stick fine. I'll get you the millimeter thickness up 😃
Aug 29Reply
shari527 I could use these trade
Sep 08Reply
loopholer @shari527 sure actually on your listing I was telling @cajt62 to make sure she had her stickies!
Sep 08Reply
sherpy @loopholer these are Amazing!!!! They work. I tried to share it to the outerwear party but system wouldn't let me. I think it's absolutely needed for the Winter!!!!
Sep 11Reply
sherpy @loopholer I did a bit of damage this weekend but I can't blame you😀 - for you didn't tag me to these👅. I figured I'd give myself a posh honeymoon period and then get serious on selling after my trips.
Sep 11Reply
loopholer @sherpy tho why don't we just go over A couple teensy things like your graphic I want to do and you will still be socializing but not enough to buy I bet. Girl tho it's in the air I've NEVER!!
Sep 11Reply
loopholer @sherpy OMG u killed me! Good one homie!! We will have to make secret listings to talk during ur "hiatus" (i may need your back up! )
Sep 11Reply
kisskissesstyle These work wonders! 💋💋💋
Sep 18Reply
garnetgirl79 @loopholer flower or circle?
Oct 06Reply
loopholer @garnetgirl79 i'm glad you're awake I need to order some actually but there like a pedal or a circle I suggest getting a full ones and I'll throw those in with it because you need the whole thing I mean you may as well it's close to the same price
Oct 06Reply
war3006 Are these triple thick or need to be?
Oct 14Reply
loopholer @war3006 no you want these to be their thinnest. The double thick is for extra padding on the others. I think have measurements they're about a quarter of a mm thick or less and should be smooth enough that you can't see under clothing.
Oct 14Reply
war3006 But will still hide nipples and not show circles through clothes?
Oct 14Reply
loopholer @war3006 yes I've had mine 4 years and I own the single and double layer bras. I have a ton of references on these actually in my love notes if you check there. Or scroll down a lot of sold and I always ask. Some that bought the bras got them free too if you WanA see comments
Oct 14Reply
war3006 Great.... so the circles don't show through clothes? Lol. Sorry just curious!!!
Oct 14Reply
loopholer @war3006 no definitely not. I would only be worried if it was super spandex and thin. I wear un padded bralettes and slip dresses a lot and tanks and I'm good. 😃
Oct 14Reply
holliejeant @loopholer size: flower or circle?? What does that mean? How do I choose lol Any advice?? ....
Oct 19Reply
loopholer @holliejeant it's kind of just for fun it doesn't even matter
Oct 19Reply
loopholer @holliejeant and thank you
Oct 19Reply
holliejeant @loopholer lol gotcha!!😉
Oct 19Reply
holliejeant @loopholer do they really work? Lol I went braless last night to the market with my husband and I think I offended everyone! Hahaha haha! I haaaate bras
Oct 19Reply
loopholer @holliejeant girl yes I have implants and I do not wear bras for these if you look at the other to the ones that are single and double thickness of had a really good responses out of them when you scroll down you can see how many I sold to returning customers- and that's just what I could keep my hands on. I've had mine four years until I decided to get a double thick which was actually just more support not making it bigger and you can always when I'm inside like Camis and stuff
Oct 19Reply
holliejeant @loopholer cool...NO MORE BRAS
Oct 19Reply
holliejeant I will try the other ones next time! Thanks for helping me
Oct 19Reply
loopholer @holliejeant cool deal or if you want to try the single or double layer bras first of all you'll always get a deal as a returning customer with me but I'll throw in a pair of the other ones. I like having them for like you know if you were to go out fancy which I never leave the house but you know you might LOL no but every once in a while especially with the free people dresses and stuff like that but now we've got the holidays come in so I'm thinking it will be about the same
Oct 19Reply
holliejeant @loopholer which bras are ya talking about? Can u tag me there?
Oct 19Reply
sweettorment Do you accept personal checks?
Nov 02Reply
natures_healing @loopholer could u do any less on these? Im using credits and dont have enough to pay the shipping and the cost
Dec 21Reply
loopholer @natures_healing I'll split ship w u or use the offer button you're s returning customer
Dec 21Reply
tippiejax Another MUST for the BUST!
Mar 02Reply
butterflyrae Lmfao, never tried
Mar 10Reply
loopholer @butterflyrae they're grrrrreat!
Mar 10Reply
loopholer @sabrino thank you
Mar 18Reply
shayleedesigns If you can bundle the ones I made offer on and this ?? Thanks lovely closet
Apr 08Reply
loopholer @shayleedesigns just put them in a bundle then make an offer on the bundle
Apr 08Reply
shayleedesigns I tried that but I had a bundle going already and it keep taking me to the bundle with four item :/
Apr 13Reply
loopholer @shayleedesigns I do nit have double thick dDs I have one pair available to use and they're not a lot though they're single
Apr 13Reply
loopholer @yazmaiyosef sorry thank you
Apr 13Reply
monoemono @loopholer hi! I was wondering if you were up for a trade. I love bundle trades & have unlisted items as well. Thanks girl:)
Apr 15Reply
loopholer @monoemono possibly what were you looking at
Apr 15Reply
monoemono @loopholer just a pair of these & the coin anklet you have listed :)
Apr 15Reply
haxby541 Any thoughts on how well they do/don't work with pierced nippy?
Apr 23Reply
urbanlove I can't live without mine !
May 05Reply
natali_boyer Are these used?
May 15Reply
apophenia821 @loopholer I hope you don't mind, I just Shared these in the Flirty Favorites party. And, when I make money from my own closet I will definitely buy and try these!
May 18Reply
magicalfinds These look awesome ❤️ sharing now ! Xxxooo😊😊❤️😘😍💕💕😘😊
May 24Reply
magicalfinds @loopholer anytime !!!😊❤️❤️😍💕💕😍❤️💋
May 24Reply
loopholer @ejeveryday thanks love!
May 25Reply
loopholer @pug3 ty for like! 🌸
Jun 20Reply
urbanlove I had to use some today !!
Jun 20Reply
shopofthemoment @goldenhearted or something like these would work. And this is a reputable seller to purchase from! 💋
Jun 22Reply
loopholer @shopofthemoment thank you l😊 be! 🌺💕
Jun 22Reply
imgvy4you What is this used for?
Sep 02Reply
loopholer @imgvy4you when you only need to cover your nips.
Sep 03Reply
imgvy4you This work on guys too? I'm asking for a friend
Sep 03Reply
loopholer @catherinemonte ty! Love these!
Apr 10Reply
sgerboth @allyssal don't know why I chose to tag you on this one, but this chick has rad closet!
Apr 27Reply
allyssal @sgerboth 😐 i follow her already..
Apr 27Reply
degotto Hey! I hope everything is awesome in your world! 😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 02Reply
ecampbell0188 Can you please make me the same offer again, it expired but I am ready to buy 😊
Jun 18Reply
karenish Hi there - I desperately need something to cover up nips in the tanning booth. I go twice a week n been using round stickers meant for boxes. It hurts ripping them off! 🤦🏼‍♀️Would these work or is that overkill?
Jul 11Reply
christilynn28 @loopholer hey girl. I seen you on some old salvage listings and was wondering if you had any salvage for sale? Thanks dear
Jul 14Reply
megeliza11 Hey Rock, would you be able to get the rose garden to me? I really want it for fall! Hope you are well.
Sep 17Reply
bobbibenton71 Are they new or used??? Thanks. 👩🏼‍🎨🌵😎
Sep 22Reply
megeliza11 Are you still going to send my thermal trade?:)
Nov 05Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 yes maam I still havent been home from when i told you i was gonna pop by. We will be moving to a permant place within two weeks so ill have to go then
Nov 05Reply
loopholer @bobbibenton71 new sorry just seeing this
Nov 05Reply
loopholer @megeliza11 np sorry about all this. Its intense.
Nov 05Reply
megeliza11 @loopholer Sorry you have to go through it
Nov 05Reply
swagslayer Do you have pictures of the actual item?
Dec 27Reply
loopholer @swagslayer I’m moving right now I’ll have to get back to you :)
Dec 27Reply
swagslayer @loopholer Okay, Thank You.
Dec 27Reply
gemfox I wondered about these....But still need, like, support. I can't even do strapless bras. They don't stay up on me :/
Jan 10Reply
gemfox I bought removable padding to wear with my Hanaleis but found I still need support cuz FP Intimately fabric is so soft and stretchy
Jan 10Reply
loopholer @gemfox they have the other in a halter style (mine are fake-1st world problems) I’ll see what I can find
Jan 10Reply

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