🎈SALE *SIZE 8🎈NWOT"LOVE" screw style ring
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NWOT "LOVE" ring screw style in white gold color. Made out of stainless steel so won't tarnish when in water. I wear mine everyday and have for months with no issues. High quality. Inspired by Cartier. Also have 1 in gold and I in white gold with crystals. Any questions or if you would like additional pics please feel free to ask 😊 * SALE DOES NOT APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDER SIZES ONLY SIZE 8

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@kforrest1234 hi there, I have 1 gold one left and it's a size 8. Thanks for your interest I truly appreciate it. If an 8 won't work i can order you a size 7 but it will takes about 2 weeks or so to come in. Let me know if you would like me to order you a size 7. Thanks again, Susie 😊
Sep 14Reply

@kforrest1234 good morning 😊 id be happy to order you a size 7 in gold. As I said it will take about 2 weeks maybe a bit longer to come in as long as that's ok I'll order it for you today. Give me the green light and jll place the order this morning. Thanks, Susie 💜
Sep 15Reply

Hi do you have a white gold with crystals size 4.5 or 5 ring?
Sep 17Reply

@vmille05 good morning 😊 I do not presently have that size however I can order it for you. I'm getting ready to put another order in within the next coupe days so id be happy to order it for you. Just give me the green light and I'll order it for you. Thanks for your interest, Susie 💜
Sep 17Reply

Yes, please if you could order both a yellow gold ring with crystals and a white gold ring with crystals size 4.5 that would be great!
Sep 17Reply

@vmille05 hi there, let me talk with my supplier on Monday and find out if I can get them in half sizes. I also don't know if they make them that small so let me check with him on Monday and I'll let you know what he says. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll talk to you on Monday. Thanks, Susie 💜
Sep 17Reply

I'm wondering if a size 8 would work as a thumb ring?
Sep 20Reply

@olderchic hi there, I wear mine on both my middle finger and my thumb so I switch it off. I love it but that's just me. I think it looks just as good on my thumb as it does on my middle finger. Hope that helps 😊 let me know if you have anymore questions, Susie 💜
Sep 20Reply

@vmille05 hi there, I finally heard back from my vendor today and the smallest size they come in is a 5 so let me know cause I'm putting my order in tonight. I know you wanted 1 gold with stones and 1 silver with stones right? Just let me know if 5 is going to be ok. Thanks, Susie 💜
Sep 20Reply

@kforrest1234 hi there, I wanted to mention it to you before I list it. I got in today a size 7 in silver with stones and I know you want gold in a size 7 but i figured I'd offer it to you before I list it. It's gorgeous!! I've still ordered you the gold in a size 7 but I just wanted to mention it. Thanks, Susie 💜
Sep 20Reply

Hi yes a size 5 will work. Yes please yellow and silver both with stones. Thanks for letting me know!
Sep 21Reply

@vmille05 Hi Valerie, u just made the cut off my supplier was putting the pressure on me to put my order in. I have other customers that I'm ordering for as well so thank u for getting back to me. I appreciate it. I'm going to order 2 rings for u (1) in gold & (1) in silver both w/ stones in size 5. The total will be $78.00. Trust me u will be very pleased they are EXCELLENT quality. Thanks, Susie 💜
Sep 21Reply

Hi Susie, Thank you that is great!
Sep 22Reply

@vmille05 Hi, ok your rings are officially on order I don't think it will take as long as I originally said but just in case better to be on the safe side and you are very welcome. You will be most pleased with the rings they are of incredible quality!!! Thanks again!! Have a great night and I'll let I know as soon as they come in, Susie 💜
Sep 22Reply

@kellyrriley good morning 😊 if you would like I just placed my order yesterday I can see if I can add another size 5 to the order. Do you want one with stones or without stones? You want the gold color one right? I'll call my supplier now and ask i if can add to the order & wait to hear from you. Thanks for checking out my closet, Susie 💜
Sep 22Reply

@mindy1961 Hi Mindy, this is the ring i was talking about. They are all size 8 so it should fit you. This is one choice. Let me tag u now in the bracelet listing and it's adjustable. Susie 💜
Sep 24Reply

Hey! I am looking for a gold and possibly a silver as well. Probably without stones too. Do you have any 5 1/2 or 6?
Sep 28Reply

@jlanza1017 hi, I can order special sizes but they aren't $29 they are $39 for each one so the total for 2 would be $78. The smallest is a size 6. The ones on sale are the size 8's I have. Thanks for your interest & let me know & I'll see if I can squeeze it in the order I just placed. I will do my best but let me know as soon as possible. Thanks, Susie 💜
Sep 28Reply

Do you still have any size 8's left?
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys hi there, yes I do actually have I think 2 left. 😊
Sep 30Reply

How long will it take to ship?
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys I will ship tomorrow and it's 2 to 3 day shipping. So. You will probably have it by Monday or Tuesday 😊
Sep 30Reply

Okay so I am trying to buy it but it says reserved..
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys hi, if u look at my ship time i ship everyday just about and I have other orders to go out tomorrow but just for the future I ship everyday if I have an order I ship it the same day if the post office is still open, Susie 😊
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys that's weird I've never seen that happen before I'll create another listing for you give about 2 minutes and I'll tell u when it's ready. I just checked my inventory and I have 2 left so I don't know why it's saying that. I updated my iPhone today weird things have been happening who knows but I have one for you so give me a min, Susie
Sep 30Reply

Okay thanks :)
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys sure anytime just give me a min and I'll tag you in the listing, Susie 😊
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys ok try now i first try rebooting my phone since the updating and it doesn't say reserved anymore so it should allow you to purchase now. Sorry about that, Susie 😊
Sep 30Reply

@jessynickkys hi there, is it still giving you trouble? If it is let me know and I'll create another listing. Thanks, Susie 😊
Sep 30Reply

Does it have the engravings on it
Oct 03Reply

hi, would it be possible to order the white gold in 7.5 or 8? or do you have one of those already
Oct 05Reply

@sim27 hi there, I do have one in silver in a size 8 if that will work for you, Susie 😊
Oct 05Reply

yes i think that should work, will you go any cheaper?:) it's ok if not!
Oct 05Reply

@sim27 hi there, I just marked these down from $29 to $19. If it weren't for posh fees being so high at 20% I would be more then happy to give it to you for less believe me. I'm sorry I hope you understand. If you do decide you would like to purchase you can do it right from here. Susie 💜
Oct 05Reply

@califiacouture hi there, I'm pretty sure I have 1 gold one left in size 8 in the 4mm and 1 silver one with the stone in a size 8 also 4mm. Give me a minute and I will go check my inventory. Thanks, Susie 💜 I'll get right back to u in 2 mins
Oct 08Reply

@califiacouture hi, I have 1 silver one left & they only come with 3 stones there is no way to order them with only 1 stone they all come with 3 stones. I have 1 silver one left with 3 stones and I have 1 gold one left plain with no stones. If u are interested I could give u a better deal. Just let me know, Susie 💜
Oct 08Reply

@califiacouture no worries. I have 1 silver with stones in 6mm with the inscription on the inside in size 7 & more on order but I have not received the order yet. They are all 6mm they are not 4mm but have the inscription on the inside. I also have 1 matching silver bracelet with stones & the screw tool to go with it also has the inscription inside.
Oct 08Reply

@califiacouture hi, sure no problem, I will let you know if I have any of the rings you desire once my shipment comes in. Thanks for your interest. Have a great night, Susie 💜
Oct 08Reply

@califiacouture you are very welcome, anytime 😊
Oct 08Reply

I would love a gold in size 6, do you plan on having a sale on those any time soon?
Oct 11Reply

@taylor_vu hi, I have ordered new rings that are 6mm instead of 4mm & the new ones will have the inscription on the inside & are very high quality. I have one in right now that is silver w/stones in a size 7. I have an order in right now & it's in but I've yet to receive it & I believe there is a gold one in size 6. Due to the high quality they will be more expensive then these. Let me tag u in the bracelet & u will see.
Oct 11Reply

@vmille05 hi there, I just got word that your 2 rings are in. 1 in gold & 1 in silver both with stones & both size 5. They are in & she is shipping them to me tomorrow so I should have them in less than a week just wanted to update u. Also wanted to let u know these are going to have the inscription on the inside of them like the bracelet I have listed. Susie 💜
Oct 11Reply

@kforrest1234 hi there, wanted to let u know your ring is in & she will be sending it to me tomorrow with the rest of my order. I should have it within a week. Also it will have the inscription on the inside like the bracelet I have listed. Just wanted to keep you updated. Thanks, Susie 💜
Oct 11Reply

Hi, I have a question. Are these the same quality as the ones listed on Amazon or that other app? Also, do they come in size 5? Thank you for your time, ;)
Oct 12Reply

Hi, Thank you so much!
Oct 12Reply

@vmille05 you are very welcome. The ones you are getting are much better quality and have the inscription on the inside. I don't know if you looked at the bracelet I have listed but the rings are just like that. They are gorgeous!!! So I'll let you know as soon as I receive them. Thanks for getting back to me. Talk to you soon, Susie 💜
Oct 12Reply

@m1slave hi, I have new ones coming in not these. They are excellent top quality & have the inscription on the inside. I already received the new matching bracelet so take a look at it & the rings are of the same quality. I have it listed at the top of my closet. I don't get them from amazon or any other website. The ones I have coming are of the best quality u can get. The smallest size is 5 😊
Oct 12Reply

Do you do in gold size 7?!
Oct 12Reply

Do you have a size 7 in gold?
Oct 15Reply

@jackieg6 good morning 😊 I have a new order from a new company that should be here today or tomorrow. The new ones are 6mm & these are 4mm & the new ones will be inscribed with the name. Much better quality. These ones are not inscribed the new ones are. The price of the new ones are $39. Take a look at the bracelet i have listed the new rings are just like that. Much nicer and much better quality. Let me know & I'll hold the only 7 in gold I have on this order for you. Thanks, Susie 💜
Oct 15Reply

I would prefer the new rings, thank you! Would you happen to have a rose gold instead of just the gold? Sorry.
Oct 15Reply

@jackieg6 I'll have to look at my order if not I'll add it to my new order. My new order is already placed but I can always add to it and it only takes about a week to 10 days to come in. Rose gold in a size 7 right? 👍👍 I'm not home so I'll look when I get home and if it's not on this order coming today or tomorrow I'll add it to the new order. Thanks, Susie 💜💜
Oct 15Reply

Yes, thank you so much. 😊😊
Oct 15Reply

@jackieg6 hi Jackie, ok 1 rose gold ring in size 7 on order. It shouldn't be too long. My next order hasn't gone out yet so she's able to add it. I'll let u know as soon as it comes in. I have one of the new ones & I love it. I also have one to list so u will get to see what your going to get. I'll tag u when I post the new one it's silver with crystals in size 7. Susie 💜
Oct 15Reply

That's perfect. Thank you so much.
Oct 15Reply

@jackieg6 you are very welcome, anytime 💜 I'll let you know as soon as it arrives. Have a great weekend, Susie 💜💜
Oct 15Reply

Any gold rings in 8 hun?
Oct 17Reply

@khubbard172 hi there, I have 1 gold one left in size 8. If you would like I can make a separate listing for you. Just let me know, Susie 💜
Oct 17Reply

That would be wonderful!! Can you post photos of actual ring and what metal?
Oct 17Reply

@khubbard172 hi, I just checked my inventory and I do have one gold one left in size 8. They are stainless steel so they will not turn. I will make a separate listing for you and tag you in just a few minutes. Susie 💜
Oct 17Reply

Thanks so much :)
Oct 17Reply

@khubbard172 you are very welcome. Just give me a few minutes to create the listing for you, Susie 💜
Oct 17Reply

@khubbard172 hi there, I made a new listing and tagged you in it. It's the first listing in my closet just in case you didn't get tagged. Let me know if you need anything else, Susie 💜
Oct 17Reply

Thanks! I got it and made an offer :) also asked a couple questions. Thanks for your help!! 💕
Oct 17Reply

@vmille05 Hi Valerie, surprise surprise!!! Your 2 rings are in & ready for you to purchase. I'm going to go ahead & create the listing. I'll mark it not for sale until I hear from u. Then I'll lift the not for sale so u will be able to purchase them. Actually just let me know when your ready it will only take a few mins to create the listing, Susie 💜
Oct 17Reply

@kforrest1234 Hi there, I would like to make sure before I list this ring that you do not want it. It's a size 7 in plain gold no stones. This is not the same ring in this listing. These are new ones that have the inscription inside the ring and they are not 4mm they are 6mm a little wider. If I don't hear from you ill assume you no longer want it. Thanks, Susie 😊
Oct 17Reply

Thank you! I am ready to purchase.
Oct 18Reply

@vmille05 hi there, ok let me put your listing together give me a few minutes and I'll tag you when it's ready shouldn't take more than a couple minutes. Susie 💜 ps your going to love them they are GORGEOUS!!!
Oct 18Reply

@vmille05 hi, I made u your own listing and tagged you in it. So your all set to purchase and I'll ship them out to you first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks again for choosing items from my closet. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Susie 💜
Oct 18Reply
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