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🇺🇸Veterans & Service Members🇺🇸Remember to THANK THEM for their service. 🌟Gold Star Mothers (and Fathers) have Sons & Daughters that were KIA. The 1st GSM Plaque in OH, Fall 2016, was paid for by my family-as was the Blue Star Mothers 2 years ago. I'm a proud 2 BSM. The 4 top Heroes in pic #1 are now Angels. I'm in the striped sweater in #12. Don’t forget those who Suffer at home. 22 Veterans commit suicide everyday! That doesn’t include “accidental” deaths 😢 May God Keep Them Safe

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All Proceeds from Sales this week will be Donated to cover the cost of the 🌟GOLD STAR MOTHERS🌟 Plaque.
Sep 25Reply

NO mother should have to bury a child. Im a retired police ofc w/friends on the force that were murdered (one a brave Marine who served 2 tours-I field trained him). I cant imagine their families pain-the pain I feel due to their loss is immeasurable. My 8 year old daughter wants to be a police ofc because I was one. I pray to God I never have to feel the pain these Mons do. Thank you all for your families sacrifices-these men & women are HEROS & will NEVER be forgotten!
Oct 01Reply

Thank you so much @malibubaygrl and thank you for everything you do, too! We are the privileged ones to have such Heroes in our lives. May you be blessed with love and peace! 🇺🇸❤️👮🏼
Oct 01Reply

@dawnelise My God, you've brought me to tears...Thank you so very much for your support as you know, we aren't exactly getting a good rap right now...👮🚔🗽🍻💙➰
Oct 08Reply

@malibubaygrl ...here in my town, we honor our Police, Firemen, and Military. They are thanked, appreciated, and given props everyday. People are always bringing cookies, lunch, goodies, etc to the station. We 💓 our First Responders. My FIL is the Commander of the VFW, our good friend is the County Sheriff, I know most of the POs and lots of them are our close friends. The Judges in town are my FILs BFFs. And I am friends with the Fire Chief and some Firemen.
Oct 08Reply

@malibubaygrl ...one of my first "real" jobs was being a dispatcher for a Rescue Squad in Maryland so I know how tough it is out there. And that was 30 years ago! I am appalled at they way Police Officers are treated. It's so sad! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Look for me on FB. Dawn Elise Nowers-Roan.
Oct 08Reply

God, you were a dispatcher? I know how hard that job ìs. My best friend was one & always asked 4 my Pc . I had a shooting 1 night & I yelled Shots fired, start me an ambo 10-18. Well, another guy talks over me & screams 345 just shot this guy-we need help! Well, all that came through was my shots fired & his 345, we need help 10-18. She was so upset thinking I was shot that she had to take rest of shift off. Worse part? My Mom had a scanner & heard same thing...
Oct 08Reply

@dawnelise Oh, and BTW, like I said, being a dispatcher is one hard ass job. It would INFURIATE me how some of the officers would treat the dispatchers. They would act like it was the biggest f-ing deal if dispatch wouldn't get back to the immediately. God that would pi$$ me off!!!!!!!! 👹👹👹
Oct 08Reply

@ty_onna...thank you for sharing! 🇺🇸💓
Nov 11Reply

🎗💞Thank you to your family for your service to our great country. It doesn't always make sense but serving says so much about the kind of people it takes to keep our country great. I personally believe it is the greatest privilege. Thank you. 🎗💞
Nov 11Reply

@jina123 ...The hardest part is not seeing my kids. The last time I saw my daughter/SIL and 2 sons was 4 years ago for her wedding (then they were stationed in Korea). My youngest son and his wife have two sons. The first was 1 old and she was pregnant with the second one. I've never seen the baby. He got stationed on the USS Roosevelt and she went back to Japan. Now he's on the USS George Washington. I still work for the USMC after 35 years. Now for Toys For Tots!
Nov 11Reply

@dawnelise 😢Awwww that's sad that you don't see your kids often. But with technology what it is today I'm sure you put video chat to good use! That's how I see my brother, sister, and their families. We do video chats. But it's so much better to get those hugs and have those laughs with the family, I know! Yeah Toys for Tots is always big. 🎁🤗 Take Care, Jina
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for your family's personal sacrifices for our country. Veterans are not given the tools they need to have the life they earned while being deployed. It's shameful.
May 09Reply

Thank You for sharing this, I too was moved to tears .May God bless you and your loved ones.My son serves in the Air Force 🌸❤⛪
Aug 17Reply

@holygoats ..thank you so much! And Bless You for being a Heroes Mom! It takes a Special Soul to raise such a child and Special Heart to become one! Where is your son stationed? My daughter and SIL are at Warner-Robbins now. My son is now in Newport, RI, and my USMC wife daughter now lives here near me with her two young sons ages 5 and 7. Little one starts Kindergarten next week so she wanted to be close to me...💕
Aug 17Reply

@dawnelise He is at Wright Patterson and just graduated from college this past December. During his college years he met a lovely lady from Medina. We live close to (not close enough) to the Outer Banks and on October 21 they will be married on the beach. I enjoyed reading about your loved ones,you are truly blessed.
Aug 17Reply

If you get a chance check out meincket13 closet and you will see a pic of my son and his little bride to be. ❤❤❤🌸🌸🌸
Aug 17Reply

@holygoats Medina just just a half hour from me! I'm in Massillon. My husband goes down to Dayton often. He works for (USAIRWAYS) American Airlines as an Inspector and he's the Union Negotiator. Have you ever been to WPAFB?
Aug 17Reply

@holygoats and @meincket13 Following both of you! And you are right! What a handsome young man and she's a beauty! 🙋🏼💓
Aug 17Reply

@dawnelise Yes, in March. We are coming out for Christmas this year. That base is so amazing with that museum, never got past part of the second hangar, more for another day. Thank you for your compliments on my son, Ethan and Taylor .They are two love birds for sure. We are so proud of both of them. She just finished her degree but is looking to work for an office setting at one of the Ohio Colleges.
Aug 17Reply

@minniemouse1345 ...you are using so many excuses now that you are a joke! No worries, the truth will be found out!
Aug 30Reply

@lindsayn12...read her above comments. How many excuses does she need?
Aug 30Reply

@moongodesscc just how many excuses does she need? Really???
Aug 30Reply

@minniemouse1345 ...of course the sellers have been paid. The packages were supposedly "lost" so Poshmark releases funds to the seller. And then Poshmark does not take the buyers money or they refund it! I know this first hand as I sent a package and it was damaged in the mail. The buyer got refunded and I got my money from Poshmark.
Aug 30Reply

Well the police in Chattanooga are investigating.. they think the people who moved to my son's house are stealing the packages.
Aug 30Reply

I owe this to all the poshers who helped me by giving me the serial number of the shipment.
Aug 30Reply

So what I have done I re order a lot of the items and have them sent to my APO instead of my son's house. I went to the post office today and I received four packages from my poshers
Aug 30Reply

one of these I was cheated on because I paid about 24 dollars and the sequins were missing and so I still gave her five stars. I just can't do harm to others..
Aug 30Reply

@minniemouse1345 ...and why would your packages be in Chattanooga? Your address is an APO to Weisbaden Germany! Remember, I work for the Military! APOs don't work that way.....sending mail back and forth, forwarding, etc. unless it's within the service. Remember, I have Military Kids! The only way you get mail at an APO is if it is registered to you...so obviously another scam since you stated it was your son. Lies...scams...sad...
Aug 30Reply

🇺🇸❤️God Bless you and your family!!❤️🇺🇸 My Husband is a Retired Houston Texas Fire Fighter. 30 Years. Nice meeting you!! 🌸😊🌸
Mar 03Reply

@vondiefish and you! 👩🏼💕👨🏼🚒
Mar 03Reply

@dawnelise Omgosh God Bless you.. the Lord knows how much you’ve sacrificed and you will be with your wonderful family in heaven 🙏🏻🙏🏻 My prayers are always with you
Jun 19Reply

@schameleonart thank you so much. It was two years ago today that we Michael. I miss him so much but I sometimes feel like he’s hugging me and I can hear him laughing. 💕😢😇
Jun 19Reply

I love your purple cami and I have worked it into my August 15 check. Please hold on to it if you can. :)
Aug 02Reply

@dawnelise thank you so much for your support!❤️ God blesses you all!🙏🇺🇸
May 02Reply

@bluesea38 🥰
May 02Reply

@sass24_7 Here’s my family!! Real Heroes…on Earth and Above.
Aug 18Reply

@sass24_7 thank you for all your service, too! Aren’t we the lucky ones to have True American Hearts and Heroes in our lives. My oldest son is a Fireman/Paramedic in SC and my two youngest daughters (30 & 25) married Marines also. Marine Wives…one of the toughest jobs you’ll ever have!
Aug 18Reply
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