Pink necklace
US$7 US$23
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3 strand pink tone necklace

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Well hello dear sis😘🎶🎼📯🎺🎻
I'm happy to meet you🎶
I'm Karen from Ohio👋😄
Oh by the way you have a real nice closet 💗
Dec 30Reply

I'm sorry I forgot, welcome dear hope you'll
Enjoy poshing ❤💗💓
Dec 30Reply

Thanks for following my closet 💕😊🌷🌷
Feb 03Reply

Hi my sister @less1970! Nice to meet you 😃
Mar 06Reply

Thanks for the like my sister. Sending greetings and much love from New York City. ❤️🙋🏽❤️🙋🏽❤️🙋🏽❤️
Mar 06Reply

Hi sister, it so nice you lost weight, I know you feel and look better, congrats to you 💃🏻
Mar 22Reply

The real challenge is maintaining it off. 😡😡😡
Mar 22Reply

Running to mtg, my husband and step daughter have a part 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
Mar 22Reply

Hello from NC🙋🙋🙋 so nice to find it here sister here😄
Mar 27Reply

thank you for the shares and likes! greetings from NYC! my sister is in the process of moving to concord, NC.
Mar 27Reply

let me know if you like anything, i am very flexible with my sisters from a distance : )
Mar 27Reply

Hello my sister!! I'm from Whitehall cong. In Ohio!!! Love the hints in your photos ☺️☺️☺️ I'm brand new here so I love the ideas
Apr 22Reply

So nice to continue meeting so many sisters on poshmark! My friend Rena NELSON moved to Ohio, just had twins. 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
Apr 23Reply

Hi there! You just put an offer in on my mint dress, and I really hate to not be able to give it to you for the offer price, but if I did, after Poshmark fee's, I would make $1, which is why my lowest priced items are $6. I feel really bad declining your offer, but I just can't do it to only make $1. I'm really sorry.
May 04Reply

its ok i totally understand my dear. i didnt see this comment until now.
May 05Reply

Hello sis! Thanks for liking my items! If you were interested in bundling them I could give you a 'family' discount ☺️. But I also have a ton of other dresses in that size from assemblies and conventions I just haven't posted yet. My smaller items are just selling so much better for some reason. But if you are interested let me know and I will get to posting! -Agape
May 23Reply

Hello my sister greetings from New York City. I am very much interested in dresses I have my convention June 9 10 and 11. But I'm always looking for dresses for the meetings. I am a 16 W and on a tight small simplifying life budget 😘😘😘😘
May 23Reply

@less1970 greetings my sister! Sending my agape love to you. Hope you have an excellent day with Jehovah's help. Btw I love your closet.
May 26Reply

Thank you my dear! sending you tons of love from NYC! let me know if you see anything you like, I am very flexible with my family. : )
May 26Reply

Hi sister😁, from AZ
Jun 10Reply

Love this 🙋🏽
Jun 10Reply

Hello sister!! Love your JW pics 😉
Jun 14Reply

I too am a JW ! In Virginia!
Jun 17Reply

Thank you so much for kind comments! I'm glad everything worked out 😊✌🏼
Jul 18Reply

Hi sister!
Aug 04Reply

Aug 04Reply

Love Caleb & Sophia!
Aug 10Reply

Hello, hope I'm not bothering you. I saw you liked an item and was hoping to let you know I'm happy to give discounts and free items :)
Aug 18Reply

no bother at all my dear. thank you for the heads up!
Aug 18Reply

@less1970 I know who those characters are. Caleb and Sofia...Hello my Sister! I'm in Cleveland Ohio and attend the Arlington Congregation. Nice to meet you. No worries, This dress is Meeting appropriate. Let me know if you're interested. I can lower the price to $35.00 and you'll get discount shipping.
Sep 05Reply

Thank you very much for the love. I have assembly coming up in october but I am working with a very small tight budget. My husband is currently unemployed so that tightens up the budget alot. So as you can imagine, i am shopping for great deals. : )
thank you for stopping by my closet. if i sell something then i can probably afford more. I hope you understand. much love from NYC.
Sep 05Reply

I thank you so much for visiting my closet and the like. I just lowered the price on that dress, which is a really great price. Just purchased in May and only worn 1 time. Thanks again!!😀
Sep 19Reply

Hooray for Caleb & Sofia! 😀 How easily we could recognize eachother... 💕
Oct 11Reply

@texanlady hello from Florida too my sister 😀... 💕... Hooray for Caleb & Sofia!
Oct 11Reply

@originalsamidee. Hello dear sis from Ohio 👋😄 yes we all love Caleb and Sofia, young and old ! Those videos are such a wonderful teaching tool💕
Oct 12Reply

Hi ther, much love from NYC, hope you are safe in FL. 😘😘😘
Oct 12Reply

Greetings to Ohio from your sister in NYC! Stay busy 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
Oct 12Reply

@texanlady One of my favorite things on 🙂... Have a great day.
Oct 12Reply

thank you originalsamidee! much love. let me know if you see anything you like!
Oct 12Reply

@originalsamidee. So true dear sis😘💓 have a very good 🌙 night!
Oct 13Reply

After bundle discount , plus shipping ,that would be $31.14 total for your 3 likes :)
Oct 13Reply

Sorry at assembly today didn't see offer til a few minutes ago submit again if you want
Nov 19Reply

You a witness?
Nov 19Reply

Recognized Caleb and sophia, I was inactive on Poshmark Central congregation in New Iberia Bible student
Nov 19Reply

Yes, I am a JW.
Nov 19Reply

Nice 2 Meet You🌺 I sell NWT Children’s Clothing, Come See My Closet. Thank You💕
Dec 26Reply

Hi my sister from Stockton, CA Lafayette congregation. My name is Pam. Love to find my brothers and sisters here!👋💟💟💟
Jan 13Reply

From new York? How far from new facilities in Warwick? My mom visited in April in a group tour. She had a blast!😊💛💙
Jan 13Reply

The red dress measurement from the waist to him0
Jan 26Reply

Sorry I drop my phone that sent the incomplete message. For the red dress on my closet from waist to helpline is 30inches. Please let me know if you are still interested. Again sorry for the earlier message.
Jan 26Reply

Hi my fellow sister! Love your pics. ❤
Jan 28Reply

Hi there! Greetings from the big apple, NYC 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
Jan 28Reply

@less1970 Good evening. if you would like to have the blue and silver sandals they can be yours for the asking. Does me no good having them sit in my closet. I ship daily .Welcome and thanks for stopping by my closet. It all had to go.
Mar 20Reply

Hi!you know I had to stop by and say hello when I saw Caleb and Sophia family!❤
Apr 10Reply

I’m sorry for the declines on your offers but I cannot go that low. I try to price my items reasonably. Thank you. Amy
Apr 18Reply

Please return the offer. I meant to do $30 with free shipping. 😊
Apr 23Reply

@less1970 Hi sister! Greetings from SoCal (originally NY)
Apr 27Reply

Thanks for the like on my dress shirt from my closet I am also a JW from Oklahoma so greetings. If I can help in any way please let me know.
May 02Reply

Hello my dear sister 💖💖💖💖. I love you Caleb & Sophia picture.
May 08Reply

Hello sis, so happy to meet more of my family 😊
May 20Reply

Thank you Tonya! I love meeting my sisters on posh. I hope your body is adjusting to the transplant until paradise. This lovely hope of perfect health soon keeps us standing firm! Love your closet, but I'm working with a small simple budget. My 13 yr old getting baptized in sept this year. 💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉
May 20Reply

Hello my name is wanda I noticed your sofia picture we had our meeting tonight I am a regular pioneer living in the Atlanta area I am almost an ambassador
May 31Reply

@texanlady hi my sister I live in Austell ga A Regular pioneer at the cooper lake congregation
Jun 03Reply

Greetings and much love from the Bronx, ny! I'm a size 20 w, looking for a low priced dress for sept. My husband and I have a part at our regional conv. Keep your eyes open let me know if you see something. Trying to keep a simple life so budget is very tiny. Gracias! 🙋🏽🙋🏽❤️❤️
Jun 04Reply

Hi Sis from NJ!
Jun 06Reply

Hi! Sis🙋♀️ I just wanted to pop I. And say HI🤗
Have a wonderful day!💕
Jun 11Reply

Thanks for viewing my closet. Please feel free to make me an offer and if it's reasonable I will certainly say yes. :))
Jul 09Reply

Those pictures are good. Are you the artist? I noticed you liked my shoes. I feel you want send offer for $22 and I will accept. Take care!
Jul 14Reply

Hi cutie...I see yo have like a few items in my closet...I would like to offer you 5 items $10 or less for $25 today :)...just bundle and I will adjust the price...this is good for today only🌼 and ends at midnight 8/4🌼
Aug 04Reply

Hello dear sister , you have a lovely closet 🤗
Dec 03Reply

@alexandra182 yes dear I’m your sister too, from Mississippi I’m in the Spanish congregation and I have the experience to attend the ASL meeting in various occasions, hope one day I move completely to the ASL congregation.good day🤗
Dec 03Reply

@iselita15 yessss it’s so nice to found brothers around the world. My name it’s maryanis I’m from MS
Dec 03Reply

@maryanis hi sis👋🏼 nice to meet u too❤️
Dec 03Reply

thanks for stopping bye. sooooo nice to meet my real friends. let me know if you see something you like, im very flexible with family!
Dec 03Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet! Hope you enjoyed browsing! I just sent you a deal on the Jewell handbag. It's really a pretty color! Happy Holidays! 🎄⛄️ 💕
Dec 21Reply

Hi Sis, greetings from Central Florida
Feb 07Reply

Hi there thanks for stopping bye. Sending you tons of hugs and kisses from Bronx, ny 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
Feb 07Reply

Sis Sis and all my friends of peace 🌸. Im new to PM please feel free to visit my closet. Ill he adding more as time permits 🤔😁
Mar 09Reply

Thank you for such kind words in your love note. 💕 I’m so happy your pleased with the dress.
Mar 15Reply

i was under the impression that it did. please see below:
thriftyvillegas @dbowling09 if you purchase the dress I'll throw in blazer for free! Just be aware of the stain on dress. I will change out the string on blazer buttons so they all match too!😊
Feb 13 05:33PM
Apr 04Reply

That's correct
Apr 05Reply

Hi there Sis!We are serving in Eatonville Congregation,Just stopped by to say hello during this busy time.Hope you are having a great campaign 💕
Apr 17Reply

Hi Sister! I’m from the Lacombe Cong in Louisiana!
May 04Reply

Hey sister! I see Sofia and Caleb and I click immediately!❤️ Greetings from Houston TX! Are you or someone you know coming to the international convention?
Jun 08Reply

I tried to lower the price on your bundle but it would not allow it. If you are interested, please let me know & I will lower the prices of those items
Best Regards, S
Aug 10Reply

@zenya19 hallo!! My sister!!
Sep 11Reply

Hi there my dear sis pumas62, thanks for stopping bye. sooooo nice to meet my real friends. let me know if you see something you like, im very flexible with family!
Sep 11Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success, and FUN. God Bless
Oct 28Reply

Hi sis, I just lowered prices for the sale through the weekend. Hadn't planned on accepting offers for these items, unless reasonable or bundled. I appreciate you stopping by though.
Nov 28Reply

Hello , I have had more time to consider your offer of $10 for the dress and sweater. After taking into account my cost of goods ,if you will counter back at $10 I will accept.. I’ve never changed my mind on an offer before but I had just awakened, well you probably know how that is. Have a great day and wishing you lots of sales!
Dec 06Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 20Reply

Hello sis! Greetings from MD
Dec 22Reply

@justfayva hi there thanks for stopping bye, sending you much love from the big apple! ❤️
Dec 23Reply

Wow! Such a beautiful big organization of brothers and sisters!! I was going to read all the comments but so many! Such love. It’s was exciting to see the J W and then when I saw Caleb and Sofia’s family I knew for sure! Happy Poshing. May it help support your needs to further our work! 🌎🌺💜
Jan 07Reply

hello my dear sister! its a very small world among all 8 million plus. Staying busy in his work but looking great on a dime! thanks for the love, it is very exciting indeed! : )
Jan 07Reply

Hi Sis I’m Linda from the English Ishpeming, Michigan congregation. Glad to meet you
Jan 08Reply

@della991 nice to meet you too! It's a small world in this large org. Sending you much love from the big Apple, English cong in Bronx ny 😘
Jan 08Reply

greetings I'm currently running a 3 for $20 sale on items listed $10 or less please consider bundling to save
Jan 26Reply

@less1970 Hello my sister. 😉 Nice closet.
Jun 27Reply

Hello from Los Angeles! 🤗 If you have time to check out my closet, I carry Vintage & designer Chanel, Gucci, Dior, Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, Michael Kors, Lululemon, Indah, Nike, Free people, VS, and more ❤️ Offers always welcome! Have a BEAUTIFUL week!
Jul 29Reply

Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 23Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet😊 And liking what you seen🌸🌺
Aug 15Reply

Hi Sis! Pueblo, CO Lakeview Congregation
Jan 21Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Mar 05Reply

I love Caleb and Sophia, too ! :)
Mar 05Reply

@less1970 : Good morning, How are you doing? You had a offered for two dresses under my post for $28.00., Are you still interested in it? I was working on other offers at the same time and submitted yours by mistake. Please let me know if you are still interested $28.00. Thank you and have a great day. Ninam337
Apr 05Reply

@less1970: Thank you so much for the purchase. I will have both dress in the mail today. Have a wonderful day 😊. Ninam337
Apr 05Reply

thank you very much for accepting my humbler offer. things are very tight at the moment. trying to lift myself up.
Apr 05Reply

@less1970 hello check out my closet all offers are accepted see something you like
Apr 18Reply

Hi my Sister. Love your Caleb and Sofia pic. 😍 Thanks for the like.
May 17Reply

what a small world! i love it when this happens. i have met several sisters like this. I am in the BX, NY. where are you tx marsha?
May 17Reply

@less1970 I had to check when I saw JW. Hello my sister, from AZ. 💜
May 22Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
Jun 09Reply

Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 22Reply

Hello my sis! Enjoy your day, mine will be filled with cart witnessing today!
Dec 04Reply

@less1970 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 09Reply

Thanks for the LIKES from my closet. I've BUNDLED them for shipping savings. Unfortunately, I can not go any lower on the price of both your choices
May 15Reply

Hi. Thank you so very much for your Love and Comments. Thank you for the 5⭐️. We appreciate you. Looking forward to seeing you again. 🌸❤️
May 26Reply

Enjoy the holiday weekend ♥️🌟💙
Happy 4th 🎉
Jul 02Reply

Hi. Just thought I would let you know that I posted a pretty Shelby & Palmer Dress, 18W, that might be of interest to you. Plus, I have 1000+ other items that might be worth visiting. Thanks for taking a minute to stop by.
Jul 14Reply

I need to weigh the pants and sport jacket so I will know if extra postage cost will be charged to me.
I’ll respond to your offer tomorrow once I know how much postage I must pay over the normal postage you are paying.
Aug 21Reply

@mtk1960 Sure thing! I will wait patiently. : )
Aug 22Reply

I apologize for the delay on doing weigh of the items you are interested in. My only excuse is exhaustion from chemo. I have been sleeping most of today, but as soon as I’m able, I will definitely message you or give you an offer on your bundle.
Aug 22Reply

@mtk1960 no worries, please take your time And focus on getting healthy and recuperating from the treatment. I work in nuclear medicine sept and know what the patients endure. We all are contending with a challenge. Things are tight.
Aug 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for offer on Mens Suit Blazer. Hope you’ll consider my counter. I can ship first thing tomorrow 😊
Sep 27Reply

Hi. So glad you liked the Suit Blazer and Thank you so much for kind words. Made my day 🧡
Oct 03Reply

Hi. So glad you liked the Suit Blazer and Thank you so much for kind words. Made my day 🧡
Oct 03Reply

Sorry about delay on getting back to you. Lots of chemo and broken arm🤪
The sport coat and 3 pairs of pants weigh too much to bundle. If you offer $10 for sport coat, I’ll put as many pants in box as I can without going over a total of 5 pounds.
Nov 14Reply

Hi there, I’m just stopping by to check out your closet. Please visit my closet when you have a moment. We have the best fashions for vacations, holidays, celebrations, special events, and all seasons. If you see something you like, please send me an offer on any item(s) for the best “low” price. Thanks, Grace.
May 31Reply

Hi there Posher, thank you for liking the Steve Madden Loafers in my closet and thank you for the offer but I need a little more than what you offered to make even a minimal profit.
Sep 18Reply

Hi there, thanks for liking my Appleseed dress. The $5 price is my last offer and a great price which came way down. If you like it, go ahead and grab it. Thanks for shopping my closet.💐
Sep 21Reply

Thank you so much for your score and review 🙏 ❤
Oct 08Reply
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