Meet your Posher, Sarah Ann
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Hi! I'm Sarah Ann, but my friends call me SAS. Thanks for swinging the door open to my closet and checking out my stash! Poshmark Ambassador. So, if you’re new and have some questions, feel free to ask. If you’re a patron, I accept almost all reasonable offers. So let’s negotiate! If you have any questions, leave me a comment. Happy Poshing! ⚡️🤩⚡️

241 others
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Hi! I am offering the Versace shoes for 85 and 4.99 shipping this morning, ifyoure still interested. Have a good day.
Sep 09Reply

I am also listing some Christian leboutin heels today if you want to check them out.
Sep 09Reply

@gettumgirl huh? I’m not quite sure what that “it’s not of god with the symbolism I’m throwing it away” response. Would you please clarify?
Sep 15Reply

@sasafras07 sure.....first I must tell you the only way you can get to heaven is one way not many’s through receiving Jesus Christ in your heart with that being said...the hand sign on Sassoon I realized way after purchasing is an Illuminati hand symbol..and they hate the God I serve and the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me about this matter
Sep 15Reply

@gettumgirl Sassoon symbol represents holding up the 👌🏼 sign. Illuminati’s symbol is a “triangle”. Very different gestures. Throwing that gem in the trash instead of allowing someone the happiness of having it would be a travesty. Btw, I hope you’re not a fan of Beyoncé, Halle Barry, Rihanna, Barack Obama, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Lebron James, Sean Combs, Quincey Jones, &more. They’re all A-listers of the Illuminati. Including the majority of the designers that you have posted for sale.
Sep 15Reply

@sasafras07 I follow none of those artist ...,,please look up symbols of the Illuminati’s more than just triangles...there are tons...sun goes on and on....but I’d rather throw it away than face God on that error
Sep 15Reply

@gettumgirl you should throw away all the designers you’re trying to sell then. Because they’re all Illuminati too. I suppose this is your God’s way of intervening with my clothing addiction. Wherefore, my bank account should thank you. My wardrobe on the other hand, thinks you’re ridiculous.
Sep 15Reply

Thanks for your order! I'll ship first thing tomorrow!
Sep 15Reply

@trendingsince92 awesome pants. Thank you so much! They’re going to a good home. 🖤
Sep 15Reply

@mimisblonde thank you for the warm welcome and follow. I hope to start a nice side business out of this.
Sep 15Reply

😎☝🏿 Hi. Happy selling. I will dash through your closet. Hopefully you'll be kind enough to do the same.
Oct 09Reply

Hey Lady! Thank you so much for being swift with accepting your item. Most people for some reason don’t even bother to do it anymore like they pay when they accept or something. It’s greatly appreciated! You’re gonna rock those bad boys!
Oct 10Reply

@l_caylor my pleasure! Those boots are amazing. I could not allow them to go into anyone else’s closet but mine! I need to take them to the cobbler and get new tips on the heels. But my daughter took one look at them and said, “those boots rock, I’m totally stealing them!” Ha! Gotta love a girl with good taste! Thank you for such a nice discount. You’re a great posher!
Oct 10Reply

@sasafras07 that’s awesome, i totally wish i wasn’t 6’ tall and had a smaller fit. I would have rocked those had those two things not been issues lol. Enjoy!
Oct 10Reply

@l_caylor they are in a good home now. 😻
Oct 10Reply

Thank you soo much for following my closet. I hope you’re enjoying the wonders of Poshmark 😄 I wanted to let you know that I am clearing out my closet to get ready for a big move and I am having a sale. Bundle any three items with a 🎄 in the title for $25 or six items for $50 plus add a free gift of any item marked with a 🌺. See something you like, please make an offer and it’s yours. Thank you again and Happy Poshing!!
Oct 17Reply

Hey Sarah! Love your closet! And your modeling shots are great! You’re gorgeous.😊
Oct 21Reply

@gloriasgalleria thank you! I’m having fun with it. Buy stuff! Hahaha 🖤😻🖤
Oct 21Reply

Oct 22Reply

Hello 🙋♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 23Reply

Just came here to say you have the best screen name! Sassafras is one of my favorite words 😂
Oct 24Reply

@just_harry thanks! SAS is my initials and Sasafras became a nickname in the 90’s in the Grateful Dead scene. So it just stuck. Everyone just calls me sas. Which is fitting because i am quite sassy!
Oct 24Reply

@sasafrasstash Grateful Dead scene?! Well that seals it, you’re cool. Lol.
Oct 24Reply

Hi I'm Janelle and I want to welcome you to the best community on the internet for friendship selling and buying. If you have any questions about navigating the site or trying to help with your sales or buying please let me know and I will do my best to help as a posh ambassador. If you get a chance please stop by my closet and know my closet is negotiable. Everything has can be negotiated for a sale, just be fair and it's yours!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 25Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet! I have a huge 🍁Autumn🍁 sale going on right now. 30% off 3 items, 40% off 4, 50% off 5+! Look for the leaves!
Oct 25Reply

Very pretty 🎀 thank you for following me & welcome to Stop By anytime 🎀 open to offers also donate 🎀
Oct 27Reply

Great Photo.
Oct 27Reply

🧡😇I am now humbled to be a Posh Ambassador😇🧡I will appreciate you checking out my closet🥰💕🌸and am always committed to caring🌸sharing🌹being respectful to all🌷🌺💐If you want message me and I will help in any way I can🎀💐Happy Poshing💐🎀🧡Be Blessed🧡
Oct 29Reply

Fun, beautiful closet! I love your style!!
Oct 29Reply

@sonora_a_go_go thank you so much!
Oct 29Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow‼️
Oct 30Reply

@isaidmelanie hi! Thank you for following back. Happy Poshing! Hope you have a great day of sales! ❤️
Oct 30Reply

Hi Sarah, nice pic and collection. Good luck on posh
Nov 01Reply

@queeney304 thank you!
Nov 01Reply

@mp3tribalfunk thank you! More to come. I’m just getting started!
Nov 01Reply

@queeney304 no. I understood you were complimenting me. Wherefore I thank you. I was participating in a solo contest submittal for work and won! I’m talking my dept team out to celebrate with my prize! So again, thank you!!
Nov 02Reply

Hi Sarah , this is Ziva thanks for following me I hope when can do some business with each other in a very near future.
Nov 02Reply

Thanks so much for sharing my closet
Nov 02Reply

@zilpahak ditto! Pleasure to posh meet you ❤️
Nov 02Reply

@sasafrasstash me too thanks
Nov 02Reply

Thanks for the Follow and the Shares. Happy Poshing! 😊🌞
Nov 02Reply

@connie_posh what a beautifully thought out message. Thank you! I have such eternal gratitude for all the wonderful people I’ve had the virtual pleasure to meet here. You being one of them. I wish you the best of luck on all your endeavors. You’re an absolute delight! ❤️
Nov 02Reply

Sarah hi and thank you for the follow, got puppies crawling all over me, trying to type, have a great Sunday ma'am, Bill
Nov 03Reply

Hi Sarah! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Nov 03Reply

Hi. practically neighbors. I'm Wellington 🤗🌻🌻
Nov 05Reply

@tiarabee nice to meet you, neighbor!
Nov 05Reply

@sasafrasstash 😊
Nov 05Reply

@tav35758 wowzers! Thank you!! ❤️
Nov 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmania!🎪 Easily make friends willing to answer questions 🙄and cheer you on! Read Poshmark’s guidelines.📗 💖Tip: Posh is all about sharing listings & followers. Goto the list🗒of people that have “liked”😍someone. Touch the names, one by one. Now they are your contacts! Goto 🚣🏻♂️the list of closet(s) near the bottom of an ‘About’ page. Touch ea. name.Ⓜ️ Now, those are closets you follow: a large number will follow you back!
Please peruse *MY Closet. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Nov 09Reply

Loved your closet and your
Pics! You need to model professionally ( if you do t already)!
Nov 10Reply

@gatorlisa you’re too kind! I’ve never modeled before. So, I sometimes feel a little silly doing it. But, unlike some other poshers, I cant afford to hire a real model. And, I want to add the “human element” to my closet. So THANK YOU! It’s a HUGE compliment!! 🖤
Nov 10Reply

@sasafrasstash You are welcome!
Nov 10Reply

🍁🍁Hello Saraha thanks for the follow🍁🍁
Nov 10Reply

Fun pictures! I look forward to seeing your vintage clothing though, I'd be wearing size 12. Cheers to you
Nov 12Reply

@1wildone thanks for the nice compliment! 97% of my vintage isn’t for sale. I have had an addiction to vintage for about 31 years now. My personal stash is pretty amazing 😬. I need to learn to source vintage that isn’t my size! I will get better at that. Promise! 🖤
Nov 12Reply

@sasafrasstash Yes I get it! My addiction is all in one size as well and I'm going to have to sell. I have way too many items. I'm super interested in classic styles with a twist in soft and functional fabrics that I feel look good on me and can pull off well. Happy Poshing and purging without any feeling of loss!
Nov 12Reply

@1wildone I have a few more that I’m trying to push myself to purge. I think I may today. It’s time. I have a vintage white leather pencil skirt that just doesn’t fit me anymore. It needs a good home. I’m sad but it’s doing no good sitting in my personal stash not being worn.
Nov 12Reply

@sasafrasstash Yes, there are not enough days in the year to wear what I have collected! There is a cute shot that looks like the California desert, perhaps Arizona. Good luck to posting more and me, I need to start posting items!
Nov 12Reply

@1wildone yes, that’s Joshua Tree. Family summer vacation before my bf had to get into rehearsals for his last North American tour.
Nov 12Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings. I have only recently started working my posh account so I really appreciate the help. I opened it a few years ago and then forgot about it as life took over but now am trying hard to make it happen so thank you thank you thank you!!!
Nov 15Reply

@robbiegirl13 much luck and success to you!
Nov 15Reply

Thank you so much!!!
Nov 16Reply

Great pics! You are awesome!!! Thanks for following!!!
Nov 19Reply

You are too great looking for Birkenstocks.
Nov 19Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too. PS: you may want to check out a vintage outfit that would look FAB on you !
Nov 21Reply

Nov 21Reply

Hi Sarah.....goodness and thank you for following
Nov 21Reply

Hiiii!! You are my 110k follower! YAY!! I wanna give you 50% off. Just like ❤️ your items & I’ll send you an offer. If not, no worries 🥰
Nov 24Reply

Dope closet with great style💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
Nov 24Reply

Thanks for following. I update weekly. I have two Florida football jerseys for you. Fast free dhipoing
Dec 01Reply

Thank you for the follow 😊
You look amazing
Dec 09Reply

You have amazing eyes
Dec 09Reply

Thanks so much for the follow🧡
Lovely closet you have
Jan 14Reply

@rachelwhite830 thank you! ❤️😬❤️
Jan 14Reply

Hi SAS Thank you for following me and checking out my closet 😉
Jan 21Reply

Very pretty pics! Thanks for the follow!
Jan 21Reply

Great closet and lots of great style and energy!
Jan 28Reply

@rangerric thank you so much!! I really appreciate it 🥰
Jan 28Reply

thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 14Reply

Simply stunning.!💯💥😚
Feb 19Reply

Thanks for following 💕
Feb 24Reply

@shellmyles 🥰
Feb 24Reply

you're gorgeous
Mar 04Reply

I have no idea how to PM!! I’m trying to figure it out! But I have this dress in dusty rose- so I can only image what she looks like in blue! It’s not my size though😔
Mar 14Reply

Mar 18Reply

Your just somekind of special
Mar 21Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 16Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 04Reply

Thanks for the follow sweetie. 😉😉
May 12Reply

Hi Sarah, wow you have amazing style 😀👍. Happy Poshing!
May 15Reply

@mr_jc happy poshing!
May 15Reply

beautiful pics
May 21Reply

Hi Sarah Ann! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 31Reply

@sasafrasstash 👌
Sep 25Reply

Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Nov 09Reply

Hello! I like your closet very nice! I am inviting you to luke my Facebook page its Skintastic123 I sell vegan and gluten free and parabin free skin care and makeup. Hope you'll check it out! my website is there too.
Nov 09Reply

You look good as hell 🔥✨❤️👌
Sep 29Reply

Hi @sasafrasstash , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 29Reply

Hello! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like. Also, items that are marked are 4/$15. Please feel free to check out my closet! Thanks! 😊
Sep 29Reply

Damn you look like the wicked witch of the west awesome!, and coughs- you’re beautiful young woman as well
Sep 30Reply

Oct 01Reply

Thank you for the follow! You’re a stunning model too! Take care!
Oct 11Reply

@chadmw thanks! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 12Reply

@chadmw thank you! I haven’t been on that insta in a min. I’ll go add you.
Oct 12Reply

Hi SAS! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 15Reply

@tatnaples thanks for following me! Wishing you a great day of sales. Happy poshing ❤️SAS
Oct 15Reply

Hi and OMG I saw u viewed something of mine so I peeked in ur closet , enjoyed it then checked out ur profile. Thank u so much for that Posh Ambassador welcome. I JUST joined on Sept 17 n have been trying to figure things out by stumbling. Just learned how to bundle. But I do have just a question or two about what to do next to enter a Posh Party and any other ways to advertise, I’m all in. My name is Paula @netherwoodcraft , thanks
Nov 01Reply

Thanks for the follow!
Nov 04Reply

Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 12Reply

Hi Poshmark fam! Stash clear out goal - have some really cool original pieces I’m ready to make and I’m accepting all reasonable offers. If you see anything you like, add to a bundle send me a comment and let’s make a deal! Have any questions? Just ask! Happy poshing! 🖤,SAS
Jan 23Reply

Hello beautiful ❣️❣️
Nov 25Reply

Dec 09Reply
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