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Updated Oct 22
Updated Oct 22

my 4th posh party !

US$50,000 US$1,000,000

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Join me on Friday, October 21 as I host my fourth Posh Party! I'm so looking forward to browsing your Posh-compliant closets for my picks and I'm uber excited for the Fall Must Haves theme!
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jentucker Hi ladies! Hoping you'll help me spread the word about my upcoming party! 💞 @lizzydrew22 @nlan123 @casualglam @anniea44 @kmdavies @hjb818 @bwenger @roro724 @mytherapy @jloway @liannam @jenniferdc7
Oct 08Reply
bwenger Yayyyyyyy!! Omg you're gonna ROCK!!! Sharing now!
Oct 08Reply
bwenger PFF PARTY COMING UP! Please help share!! 🍾💕🍾💕🍾💕 @kb2008 @kla5815 @kpawsrn @lifebydesign @lorilouie @mandapanda83 @midweststock @mlknoselg @nolagrl930 @ninascloset5 @parpar15 @santinagirl @siennaacre @stelladotcyndy @teresamarie01 🎀This tag list is not to be copied or used for any other purposes.🎀
Oct 08Reply
lorilouie Congratulations on Hosting a Posh Party! I'll be there to cheer for you and shop 'til I drop! Thank you, Bethany, @bwenger for letting me know! @etui Party alert!
Oct 08Reply
kissesbykristin Congrats Jen!!!
Oct 08Reply
matadora1978 ty for the tag !! @bwenger xoxo
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @bwenger Thanks so much, Bethany! 😃💞
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @lorilouie @matadora1978 Thanks so much, ladies! 💞
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @kmdavies Thanks, Kristin! 😃💞
Oct 08Reply
matadora1978 Yw!! 😊😊
Oct 08Reply
roro724 @jentucker yay! Awesome! I'll spread the word!!! 🤗🤗👍🏻
Oct 08Reply
warrior04 Yay @jentucker Event for this lovely Please check out possible HP candidacies from my PFF's amazing closets: 🌺PARTY@warrior04 @indigodiv @hila808 @icat @jennfrn @lucirose2 @luxyouries @fashionmellow @fionaspassion@caligirlinmn @swankyplus2 @joiil0v @jetset_go @vintage_lass @bwhite2014 @nyc_apple @jmc1978 @toryshop @stillfabafter3 @fashionplz @awepickles @kfab333 @loriscloset01 @urbanbridle @skystrukfashion @couturegypsy @jellybean_aj @staubco1996 @mydealyoursteal @latriguenamela🌺🌺🌺
Oct 08Reply
warrior04 PARTY🌺🌺🌺 @angelnurse1003 @lyss91 @ttd2 @sewdramatic @texasmommaof3 @entropycat @lovenotjudge @spookyheartsg @hollowseve @texascopywriter @danieblue82 @kourt115 @mikimakes @whiskeyandoj @deniminiquities @littlerobyn @vmusto123 @annluggen @jjyj2010🌺🌺🌺
Oct 08Reply
warrior04 PARTY🌺🌺🌺@51twenty @bellanblue @1roguepuppy @halieking @drizzymizzylove @katwynne @hollowseve @zeusstevenson @outlying0077 @tpmom @peachtreeshop @kourt115 @b @caldwellkelsie @dimndgrl @faith2bshared @larochelle @kasohio @tezza630 @kayellejay @reinem @vicky_ymcagirl @giulssss @elsiebelsie @cgranados @tburg21🌺🌺🌺
Oct 08Reply
warrior04 PARTY🌺🌺🌺@katia_closet @daisymae1970@hellompenzi @nanacoups @kpnestle @turkoiculture @dearhope @justice10forme @kclosetshop @yellowshadess @coutori @urbanbridle @rnicu00 @fabthreads @sneakergurk @cronutcouture @angelabouzeid @dinofinder @onetruelove @jacqueray @amiboutiqueus @deborahrn @littlerobyn @ginga69 🌺🌺🌺
Oct 08Reply
shoplunagrace Jennifer, Congratulations on your Party!🎉🎉🎉💕😘💕 PFF's with PC closets to consider: @bellanbue💖@warrior04💖@paicar💖@poshgarden💖@mbvaughn💖@jayjune💖@joyamarino💖@mimismenagerie💖@janimack7💖@dinofinder💖@jadrch💖@tburg21💖@katolarae💖@51twenty💖@lucksterlw💖@stephxred💖@candymuse💖@jules1717💖@michiv💖@mtnhiker💖@debbie043059💖@ankalo💖@sunlvr1821💖@nkhob💖@icaton💖@paradise_808💖@millicentgar💖@savannah_slim💖@rainmyheart💖@72inches💖 @marlanap💖@iqclothessavvy💖@poshtessa💖 @twinkletoestoni💖
Oct 08Reply
warrior04 Wow 4th party @jentucker Jennifer? That is simply Amazing!
Oct 08Reply
shoplunagrace Party!🎉🎉👏🏻 PFF's with PC closets to consider: @persuasions💖@abandondedlove💖@bdbcr💖@sparrowsage💖@lemurianmuse💖@peachtreeshop💖@1roguepuppy💖@autumnlynn3💖@romekey💖@niftylisa💖@flutter_buys💖@tpmom💖@shoefloozy💖@nette_61💖@nicky9💖@shopaholicsss💖@plump_petunia💖@shopnaway💖@verbalgymnast💖@outlying0077💖@dramaless💖@kaleyheider💖@soni50💖@purpleposher💖@creative2💖@meagannwilson💖@eyecandybydidi💖@poshgranny💖@bustingbeauty💖@skystrukfashion💖@keytar💖@itera49💖@ashjesh💖@katyyan25💖@sebastian22💖@sherrypd💖@snicole82💖
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @bellanblue @warrior04 @justice10forme Thanks so much, ladies 😃💞
Oct 08Reply
mtnhiker Congratulations on co- hosting 🎉🍾💃🏻🎊🎈😍 I'll be there to support you and join the fun 😍 Thanks for the tag @justice10forme 😘 Party @kewpiedoll @lisadraper @jamet0103 @sarrah @debbie043059 @nami001 @tracysg @tudie11 @rnicu00 @faith2bshared @roryry @mandapanda83 @sherriesharley @1roguepuppy @lorriebug @romekey @goodchic
Oct 08Reply
shoplunagrace Party🎉🎉🎉 PFF's with PC closets to consider: @marcie0707💖@lgolivardia💖@juliejoff💖@clever02💖@cattyo💖@bwhite2014💖@dearhope💖@gizzysmom67💖@lolli_posh💖@frannyzfinds💖@jenswee💖@kdollystyles💖@triciatx💖@liss_luvlace💖@tchouseofstyle💖@wenrella💖@wsp90💖@mmadonna40💖@wendy_huber96💖@pindaokane💖@stunning_29💖@califashtrends💖@cutenthrifty💖@charming_mhel💖@tropicalmama💖@oceaneyes2010💖 @shiloh077💖 @lls516💖 @cdelancey1018💖@christyw744💖@blake6red💖@summerchance💖@limegreenme22💖@annabananaesq💖@cha121💖
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @roro724 Thanks, Rosa! 😃💞
Oct 08Reply
shoplunagrace Party! 🎉🎉🎉 Newer closets with few or no HP's!💕💕@cupc4ke_0_💖@epcs042410💖@kaitlinkao💖@mandi622💖@avondale05💖@robandsteph2014💖@srkogut💖@stevensonkatie💖@avk1430💖 @thoibi💖
Oct 08Reply
katyyan25 Congratulations 😍😘🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oct 08Reply
shoplunagrace Party🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻PFF's with PC closets to consider: @croweart💖@icat💖@klee928💖@leleperry64💖@nbayldon💖@freeman11💖@caligirl332💖@fabloot💖@affffashion💖@sami023💖@jessica_jecker💖@bstic💖@spokanistan💖@swanagin💖@zanapie💖@smegathlin💖@allluck1210💖@sunlver1821💖@califoxx💖@sewdramatic💖@cncalabro💖 @jlotopper💖 @shoppermaj💖 Thank you for your consideration and we will be there to cheer you on, shop & share! Have fun!🎉💕💕
Oct 08Reply
sarrah ✨Yay✨ Super Congrats on being selected to 🌟Co Host 🌟!! We will be there celebrating with you Pff🎉 🌟Party Alert🌟 @poshpaisleys @jennifernicoleb @chirocarly @poshgarden @mtnhiker @meagannwilson @angel10 @xoninamarie @goldrose48 @courtneyheinz @tropicalmama @babygeishga @malee95 @stephxred @lekohn @nmmulkey @laylamaj @kaylee0910 @danielledunc @likenstudios @tchouseofstyle @lennyleu @cegraves 🌟Fabulous New Closets 🌟@krstpfaucht705 @d1smiles @princess958 🌟
Oct 08Reply
51twenty Congrats 😄
Oct 08Reply
sarrah @mtnhiker thank uuu pff ❣😍
Oct 08Reply
warrior04 You are most welcome, it's my pleasure to spread the good news and share bomb your closet @jentucker
Oct 08Reply
lemonposh So cute! Yay 🎊🎉🎈🍾
Oct 08Reply
dlcowan Woohoo!! Congrats!! Can't wait to party with you!!! 🎉🎉😊💕🎉🎉
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @warrior04 You're amazing, Wendy! Thanks so much for all your support and I'll be visiting your closet to return the favor soon 💗💗💗
Oct 08Reply
sunnietrish @jentucker Congratulations on the honor of hosting! 💕🍡Please look for HPs in the closets of my PoshCompliant PFFs@dinofinder @bellanblue @cyndy_bennett @nyc_apple @nic39 @fashionista21 @callie5510 @rposen @tpmom @iqclothessavvy @stunning_29 @smileyjo2 @chloejoy15 @pinkbee @piacar @icaton @luckstew @lovecherise @poshgarden @tezza360 @armani4 💝 They are Super Sharers! Thanks for recommending me-@bellanblue
Oct 08Reply
tropicalmama @jentucker congrats on hosting party saved the date can't wait!🌴😃
Oct 08Reply
stunning_29 @jentucker Wow!! Congratulations to you on hosting your 4th posh party! 💕 🎉 💕 🎉! How exciting! So happy for you! I'm Michele 😊 so nice to meet you, I'll def be there to support & share ur HP'S & I sincerely hope you have a blast! Xo :) 💞 💞 💞 💞!
Oct 08Reply
dinofinder @matadora1978 thank you, babe!!! I hope you're having a great weekend!!!💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Oct 08Reply
matadora1978 yw gorgeous!! @dinofinder ;) xoxo
Oct 08Reply
hollypo 🍾🎉🎈woo hoo!🎈🎉🍾congrats on hosting!! 🍾🎉🍾party alert! 🎉 please check out these closets for host picks! 🎀@rachrich2022 @aulauni @aemoser87 @vik_rod @stylebunnybee @pschuenke @iloveny2016 @chach26 @hollypo 🎀
Oct 08Reply
shop_essentials TY Michele @stunning_29 😘😘
Oct 08Reply
stunning_29 💕🎊PARTY LADIES @karen1177 @3mdr @shoe_girl_emily @craftcraze @faithngrace1 @belladoc ❤ @amyrocks66 @oldhippiegal @foxarazzi @thewifeysthings ❤ @ccprice74 @trabag ❤❤ Have a blast! Xo :) 👍💞🎉💞🎉💞🎉💞🎉
Oct 08Reply
dovesofashtrees @jentucker Congratulations on hosting! I wish you the best of luck! 💜
Oct 08Reply
stunning_29 @justice10forme 😘 thank you sweetheart
Oct 08Reply
stunning_29 @51twenty thank you 😊
Oct 08Reply
meagannwilson @jentucker Congratulations on hosting your 4th party! Wow! 👏🏽👏🏽 I bet you're so excited!! I will be there shopping & sharing 🎉💕 i'm excited to see all of your pics! Check out these beautiful closets 😊 @lolli_posh @hopeeleigh @califoxx @cegraves @sarrah @jennifernicoleb @zoezuo @kittenb @marynoles @bellanblue @justice10forme @fattyslilma000 @aesramble @liss_luvlace @emily22387 @ras_dunn - Help spread the word ladies 💝💝
Oct 08Reply
stunning_29 @sunnietrish thank you sweetheart for the tag 😘💞💞💞
Oct 08Reply
ginga69 🎉🎉🎉          Congrats on your 4th PARTY!!!   . ~Chris~
Oct 08Reply
ginga69 🎃Some LOVLEY closets to view 🎃 @motherskiss🌹@candymuse🌹 @mmadonna🌹@lyss91🌹@warrior04 @frogs4me430🌹@laurendeubel🌹 @posh4kids🌹@veperez🌹@bellenblue @fashionjunkie16🌹@cheetah123🌹 @teamaddison🌹@angelabouzeid🌹 @spookyheartsg🌹@manahannah🌹 @cupofjoe🌹@shawnee_love🌹 @camieanderson🌹@rnicu00 @adenabean🌹@envymycurves🌹 @rack1257🌹@blue1222🌹@windrew11 @annahalsey🌹@artsie_1🌹🌹@emilann101🌹@posh4kids🌹 🌹@tomi_o🌹@sunmommmy🌹 ❌Private tag list no copies ❌ @bellanblue 💋@warrior04 💋😘💨
Oct 08Reply
poshsweetly Congrats on your party!!! 🙂
Oct 08Reply
motherskiss 5CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G© @between2worlds @millielovesyou @kaciopia @lknyc @ccapello1 @cmmonsini @greekmama1  @yorktownlady @edith_berber @lisdeanne @tifmiller @solrianna @missgabybee @rawrawriah @kylej @foxxy_mom  @kkherma @roseabby100 @queenb73 @hayaz @vixen676 @bonniejean @livsboutique THE ORIGINAL TAG-ALONG-GANG© DON'T COPY.
Oct 08Reply
motherskiss 4CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G©  @kathrynflood @levyh @doreen34 @meysmom  @chloelove11 @sle082899 @jarheadjen @karias1 @king311 @antonetteo @slightly_used @loveangel15 @monimaven @fashion_lily @divamom820  @kaylas_kloset2 @kaylabrooke722 @yummy333  @jam3715 @mandapanda83 @loveittwice @lalissann72  @kittenb  @alorah @mamaskiss THE ORIGINAL TAG-ALONG-GANG© DON'T COPY.
Oct 08Reply
motherskiss 3CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G© @lyveh @annalise0800 @sssylviah @kellidavis05 @craysexycool @finediva @tdkbkt6 @kbsc_ @mrsmadariaga @abstractdreams @tlb1963 @blassiter93 @twinkle1076 @amocie @katralvin @cassandraknox @plainjanexo @lsprague3   @bethany_george3 @divamom820  @symone_says  @mzdivinity @cierramotley THE ORIGINAL TAG-ALONG-GANG© DON'T COPY.
Oct 08Reply
motherskiss 2CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF T*A*G!©  @bjgilliam  @razzrn62 @chrimsonshane  @sconrad878  @ironmissy @donnamz2  @vikinget07 @heather1315  @thegoodgoods @lermsce @sakshi9984  @britshim  @jazzmine_99 @ynotreadfood1  @snichol1  @jodisjewelry @healchno @whatsleft  @kmariec @travelinggirl68 @charms245 @emccandless @shorty3794 @mkribs   @lsheppard29 @dodmomdwd @angelabouzeid THE ORIGINAL TAG-ALONG-GANG© DON'T COPY.
Oct 08Reply
motherskiss 1CONGRATS FROM THE LADIES OF TAG©! @mikkimo  @jazzy_love13   @leighkubrav @milissamartin  @kimaj  @txan66  @purpleforestcat  @djgross5  @frosci @amberwoodward  @theneonetwork @otepbunni @dclopes  @donisalon7  @delazy  @onechicday  @lsprague3  @matadora1978   @ellen111200 @checkerednoon @aelalea @kristinabe @kalondrea @bohraj @partymk999 @blondejetli @turtledove56 @dunnlauren6 @petiteshopper THE ORIGINAL TAG-ALONG-GANG© DON'T COPY.
Oct 08Reply
motherskiss After the party, turn this listing into a follow game and next time you're asked to host use the same listing!!!! CONGRATS AGAIN! Tip brought to you by The Best Poshmark Tips, find us on Facebook (2,300+ members! )
Oct 08Reply
rposen @jentucker @sunnietrish Ty for recommending my closet!😍Congratulations on your 4th party!🎉Please look at the following Posh compliant closets for HP's!🙏🏻@matana @ejanbev @sidebyeach @ktbethworley @poshgarden @goodchic @rnicu00 @lauras_boutique @kewpiedoll @sunnietrish @ savannah_slim @joyamarino @deanabean6 @goldielocks1960 @mmadonna40 @pindaokane @teamaddison @rosieiscool @romekey @aulauni @candymuse @sandy_98 @thechoice @degotto @archandbrow @jayjune 💝
Oct 08Reply
_hannahb Lovely news! Congratulations!😊🎉
Oct 08Reply
shoplunagrace @stunning_29 TY! 🎉💕😘💨💨💨
Oct 08Reply
fancypantsmcgee Yaaaas!! @jentucker Congrats!!
Oct 08Reply
mrsmadariaga Yay!! Congrats on getting to host an upcoming Posh party! Wahoo!!!💃🏻🎉🍾💃🏻🎉🍾💃🏻🎉🍾 🎉PARTY ALERT🎉 @bgab @carenlovesgucci @hrachal @kellieshannon @karens54 @thenewera @treasuresbytrac @marlanap @clever102 @stylenu @smegathlin @jodisjewelry @janimack7 @abrazosybesos @cali1018 @candykissa143 @kellidavis05 @foxarazzi @xochicboutique @xoguadiana @rmccouture @kirabella35
Oct 08Reply
stunning_29 @ccprice74 @justice10forme you are more than welcome ladies 😊👍😘💞💞💞
Oct 08Reply
mrsmadariaga Thx for the tag @motherskiss 😘
Oct 08Reply
maggiesfarm Congratulations!
Oct 08Reply
lizzydrew22 Congrats Jen!!!🙌🏻🎉🛍🍾👏🏻👸🏻
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @lizzydrew22 Thanks so much, Liz! 💞
Oct 08Reply
shelpen Congrats!!!!!will be there to cheer you on for a successful evening. Sondra if you find you need a last-minute host pic, I would be honored. I do have a posh compliant closet. Thank you
Oct 08Reply
51twenty ✌🏽️😍
Oct 08Reply
alluck1210 Congratulations!! @myboutique71 ;)
Oct 08Reply
frogs4me430 Hi Jennifer! 🙋🏻 I'm Stacy. 🎉Congratulations on co-hosting your 4th posh party!🎉 That's so exciting! 😆 I'll definitely be there to cheer you on 👏🏼 shop 👛 and share your amazing 💚 Host Picks 💚 See you there. 🍃🐸🍃
Oct 08Reply
gizzysmom67 That picture is so flipp'n cute !
Oct 08Reply
herparallax Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! 🌷🌹🌻💐 Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! Absolutely cannot wait to check them all out! It's PARTAYYYYY TIME ladies!! @little_bit_hp @mytherapy @la_boutique @longca1959 @jenkan23 @thebrightside @ij0c3lyni @blondsoul @chenlalaland @blingbabe10 @splendeur @mrsstorer @lazulitect @lwilke @poshjeepgirl @laurynking @j00nbug1 @hayworth @dotseyqueen @me3314
Oct 08Reply
jloway Happy to share @jentucker! Best of luck!☮💟
Oct 08Reply
jentucker @gizzysmom67 Thanks! I can't resist such a cute face 🐶💗
Oct 08Reply
myboutique71 🎉Congratulations!🎉Party Time PFF's!🎉 1 @myboutique71 💋 @alluck1210 @mycurvyboutique 💋 @emscat78 @goensshopping 💋 @classyvintage @swinefloozy💋 @forever_chic 💋 @angelcribbs @onnam 💋 @re_inspired 💋 @kroy2130 💋 @terrilynn70 💋 @bootr 💋 @jat34d 💋 @warrior04 🔒POSHPINUPS PRIVATE TAG LIST🔒DO NOT COPY🔒
Oct 08Reply
treannesfrocks Woooo hoooo!! Love your style so I can't wait to see your picks! Thanks for the head's up @nlan123
Oct 08Reply
maidmarian Woohoo 💞💞 Go Jen! Congrats 💞💞💞
Oct 08Reply
armani4 Congratulations on hosting-you'll have a great time!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thank you for the nomination my PFF @sunnietrish !!!! 😘😘😘
Oct 08Reply
bustingbeauty Woo, hoo party!! 🎉🎉 Congrats!! 🎊 thank you @armani4 💙 for the nomination 😊 Some other amazing closets I adore and would nominate for Host Picks are @justice10forme @shoppermaj @jlotopper @lisabeththomas @tomi_o @kristentanabe @nat007 @leleperry64 @lekohn 💙😊✨
Oct 08Reply
kirabella35 @jentucker 🍸💋🍸 YAAAY JENNIFER 🍸💋🍸 CONGRATS ON YOUR PARTY💋ROCKSTAR GODDESS🍸💋🍸I WILL BE THERE TO SUPPORT YOU💋🍸Please check out my friends ♠️PC♠️ Closets for any 💋HP💋-mine @kirabella35 💘PFF'S💘 @warrior04 @jodisjewelry @dinofinder @51twenty @bellanblue @stylenu @vickyss @clever102 @nic39 @croweart @angelbritton @tburg21 @cali1018 @joyamarino @jennfrn @califoxx @toryshop @littlerobyn @hismrs @rrsanborn @aemoser87 @mrsmagdaria @susaneichhorn @misty0308☠💘PRIVATE-Please Do Not Copy💘☠
Oct 08Reply
kirabella35 @jentucker @ccprice74 @donnaw1 Jennifer please check out these wonderful closets for ❤️HP's❤️💋💋💋kisses CeCe
Oct 08Reply
lekohn Congratulations! I will definitely be there to shop and share! PFF with beautiful PC closets @armani4 (thanks for the tag Wendy) @bustingbeauty (thanks for the tag Lisa) @stunning_29 (thanks for the tag Michele) @sarrah (thanks for the tag Sarah) @jlotopper @shoppermaj @plumdelicious @gr8look @frewa @rf012984 @oscarsgirl @tatoo1951 @poshgranny @lisa0333 @doodleneal @flirtygirl2015 @tropicalmama @lls516 :)
Oct 08Reply
kristentanabe Congratulations on hosting! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Thank you so much, Lisa, for nominating my closet! 💖 @bustingbeauty
Oct 08Reply
foamgirl Woot woot on the hosting gig!! 🎉🎉💐✨
Oct 08Reply
armani4 Thank you for the tag Lauren @lekohn !!! 😘😘😘
Oct 08Reply
blackcherry7 Congratulations on hosting! If u have time to peek at my closet, I would be honored to have one of my items featured in your party. Thank u and hope u have a blast 💕🎈🎉
Oct 08Reply
sweetabell Congratulations on your Party Host! I know you will do an awesome Job!🎉🎉🎉. Going to tag some closets with some beautiful items worthy of a Host Pick. We will all be there cheering you on M'Lady!🎉🎉💃🏻🍷🍾
Oct 08Reply
sweetabell Great Closets! @jmwelker5, Jenny @bellaindira, Dira @teejax, Tee @rosecheeks, Linda @justrightat40, Tammy @glamvault, Rachel @lesterwife, Ashley @warrior04, Wendy @kirabella35, Kira @51twenty, Carolyn @br_07, Brenda @vegasbabyy, Erin @rhylista, Rhyan @sweetvanna77, Vanna @dottieandchloe, Dot @moderngal, Leesa @jetsbabexio, Xiomara @dfasulo76, Michelle @acrystalrose, Crystal @empressnina, Herlinda @rhonda5756, Rhonda @letitbegin, Debbie ❤️Do Not Copy❤️
Oct 08Reply
sweetabell And More Closets! 🎉 @dragonfly1108, Tracie @bama11, Tasha @jeanann29, JeanAnn @witchipoo Bobbi @artsie_1, Carol @ccprice74, CeCe @kg01, Kat @dilynn040 Diana @alicat96, Alisa @thewhitedogkc, Lisa @whitneywall86, Whitney @ddorsi13, Daniella @milkandsugar @georgieblenkey Georgie @piglet88, Alex @alisam2016, Alisa @only1niknik1, Glam @littlebear02, Barbara @krwvem, Kelly @scbboutiquegal Tami @luvamocha, Sandy @missy79us, Monica @jmjla7, Linda @plus_4_us. Christina ❤️DO NOT COPY❤️
Oct 08Reply
velvetspell Woo hoo!!! Congrats on hosting! I'll be there to party & celebrate with you. 🍾🎉💃🏻 Here are a few FABULOUS closets for you to check out for a possible HP! ✨ @donnaw1 ✨ @stylebunnybee ✨ @4theluvofshoes ✨ @dottiesdeals ✨ @aelalea ✨ @j00nbug1 ✨ @rebounded ✨ @m_collective ✨ @violetskys7 ✨ @kg01 ✨ @ccprice74 ✨ @goodcents
Oct 08Reply
mytherapy Congrats!!! I'll definitely spread the word😘🎉💕
Oct 08Reply
mytherapy @nami001 @auchieau48 @goldrose48 @mellieheart Ladies, one of my favorite PFFs is hosting party #4! Please spread the word! 😘🎉💕
Oct 08Reply
mystiskie Congrats! So exciting! I follow all Posh rules and I'd love for you to check out my closet for host picks if you get a chance :) Thanks, and hope you have so much fun hosting!
Oct 08Reply
nami001 @jentucker 🎊🎉 Congratulations Jen on hosting party #4! 🎊🎉 I bet it's just as exciting as the first one. I'll be cheering you on. Enjoy your well deserved spot light 💕 Thank you PFF for the party tag - will help spread the word @mytherapy xoxo
Oct 08Reply
happilyeverglam Congrats 🎊🍾🎉🎈 please check out my closet
Oct 08Reply
goodcents CONGRATULATIONS Jennifer👏👏👏👏 Will be there to share and support! These are all PC closets, (many are newer, as well) Party Alert, Ladies!🎉@bohemiabelle @kroy2130 @missannknit @noralynn06 @atred2 @4friendsandme @omnigal @keirapaisley @mstravesura @kaylavan321 @beingless @jsduffy78 @jhyman8394 @jules4gems @kailovefashion @kathymay728 @greencrate @nbilel1 @hanamifestival @sassafras19 @julhamil @emsneyd @mgeringer @amylm0309 🌷PRIVATE TAG LIST🌷✔ DO NOT Copy.✔
Oct 08Reply
zanapie That's great news. Congrats on hosting. I'll be there to cheer, share and celebrate. It would mean so much to me if you could check out my compliant closet for a potential host pick. Please and thanks🌸🌸🌸
Oct 08Reply
kerry2000 @jentucker Congratulations on your hosting gig!👏👏👏. It's clearly well deserved - you have great taste! Please check out my closet and shares for some great HPS. Also Check out some of my fav closets: @goodcents @grace4d @kimmando @motherskiss @loopholer @thriftychicla @ananj Congrats again and have so much fun!👯🎊🎉🎊🎉💗
Oct 08Reply
etoba Congrats on the party 🎉🎉🎉. Please consider my posh compliant closet for a HP💐
Oct 08Reply
ccprice74 I recently joined POSH in July and these ladies have been so welcoming! I am so grateful our paths crossed. Each of them are amazing😘🤗Please consider their closets: @donnaw1 @flutter_buys @ @dottieandchloe @kirabella35 @retrouvailles @aulauni @stunning_29 @shiloh077
Oct 08Reply
justrightat40 🎉🎉🎉PARTY ALERT!!!🎉🎉🎉 Please check out these closets!!! 👠 @jlarae82 👠 @meisdupree ❤️DO NOT COPY❤️
Oct 08Reply
jenbcloset Woooohooooo. It's party time 🎉🎊 Congrats ! Super exciting. If you have a chance p,ease check out my closet for a HP 🍭 thanks !!! And 🙋🏻 I'll be there for all the fun sharing and shopping and having a great time. 👀 see you there.
Oct 08Reply
sellloveposh Congratulations 💥 how exciting it's party time 💥 and I can't wait to party with you 💥 if you have a chance please check out my closet for a HP. Thanks !! I will be there for the fun sharing and shopping. See you there. ☺️🎶💐
Oct 08Reply
retrouvailles @ccprice74 You are a doll, thank you so much!! And in addition to @ccprice74, would you kindly consider a few more very special closets? @itera49 @mandi622 @tomi_o @mrsvite @vik_rod @skilling @craysexycool @trendyhijabi @stylebunnybee Thank you in advance for your consideration, and hope you have a fun and productive first party - CONGRATS!! :) Ali Z.
Oct 08Reply
icaton 🎉🎉 congratulations 🎉🎉 thanks @style_shanty for the tag
Oct 08Reply
retrouvailles @jentucker I meant FOURTH not FIRST party, sorry, LOL!! 😁
Oct 08Reply
studioitera @jentucker 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on hosting 🎉🎉It's Party time! Here are some fabulous compliant closets 🎉🎉🎉 @awong3 @bojjangles @fabricmuse@katolarae @flutter_buys @hannahjanehelms @justice10forme @kbarkhimer @keyonnasummers @khorydanrenee @ihaag721 @lwtodd @mlangleykim10 @notoriousvog @ottersoutfits @reinem @renees13@shopnaway @sobelle37 @staar20 @stylenu @tezza630 @justice10forme (Please let me know if you would like to be removed from this tag list)💕
Oct 08Reply
millimed @jentucker Very Exciting! 🎉🎉🎉 Looking for forward to joining you for the party! @karen1177 @ankalo @iselita15 @51twenty @molinda25 @christyw744 @shoe_girl_emily @wisprynwatdrobe @slvrbel @smchop @missilaneous @s_rosebud Thanks for the tag @stunning_29 😘
Oct 08Reply
gordomom @jentucker Awesome! Congratulations!! @roro724 Thank you for the tag! 🎉🎉🎉
Oct 08Reply
katz2 Congratulations on co-hosting another Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I will be there checking out ✅ the great Host Picks, sharing and shopping! 👗💍👠
Oct 08Reply
katz2 Party time⭐️ 🎉🎈🎉🎈@nkhob @beautyblack @tammysbeachwear
Oct 08Reply
thevintageroze Congratulations on co-hosting another Posh Party
Oct 08Reply
lauras_boutique 💛🎉I am so happy for you PFF!😘xoxo🎉💛Congratulations on co-hosting a fabulous posh party!🎉💛I will be there to share, cheer, and party with you!🎉💛I can’t wait to see your fabulous host picks!💞🎀I would be honored if you would take a peek in my closet, which follows posh rules, and see if there are any possible HP's that catch your eye! Laura😘💋 xoxo
Oct 08Reply
lauras_boutique 🎉🎉PARTY🎉🎉💕@51twenty💕@allyoop23💕@apple_blossom💕@bellalize💕@bellanblue💕@chicagdl💕@croweart💕@dotgallo💕@dvacante💕@faith2bshared💕@flutter_buys💕@janet0103💕@marlanap💕@hrachal💕@emory1975💕@glamvault💕@goodchic💕@hsohalik💕@jimsprincess💕@kden_wallace💕@kellidavis05💕@lifeisgood💕@mandapanda83💕@matadora1978💕@molinda25💕@nami001💕@newyork222💕@nic39💕@ninacloset5💕@poshjeepgirl💕@resaleresort💕@rnicu00💕@roryry💕@rposen💕@smchop💕@schx4💕@stunning_29💕@treasuresbytrac💕@twinkletoestoni💕@valerieann💕@warrior04💕
Oct 08Reply
ses54 CONGRATULATIONS! 🎈👏💥🎼🎧🎉🎊 & thanks for the tag @lisabeththomas 😘
Oct 08Reply
karen1177 🎉Congrats🎉So exciting, Amazing opportunity!! 😃👏🏼🎉 Thanks for the tag @3mdr 💖
Oct 08Reply
sassafras19 Holy wow! Your FOURTH party?! You must be fantastic to be asked so many times! That tells me you're very good at what you do! Kudos and best wishes for a lovely, memorable evening! 🤗❤️👯🌺🎊💫🎉 and a monkey for luck!🐒
Oct 08Reply
wenrella Congratulations on this amazing opportunity. 🎉 I'm sharing the Posh❤️Love. C 👀 U at this Virtual Posh-Party ️⭕️❌✌️Love from Wenrella. I'LL BE SHARING THIS PARTY ON Instagram, Flicker, Tweet, & Tumbler. #poshparty #poshmark #flicker #tumblr #Tweet #igfashion #wenrellaschronicworld ️ @wenrelas_boutiq
Oct 08Reply
paicar WoooHooo!! YAYYYY!!!!, 👏👏👏👏 Congrats on your FIRST party Jennifer! Your closet is absolutely AWESOME and I couldn't be more excited for you 😘💕💋💕💕. I'll be there to cheer you on and share your FABULOUS Host Picks 💕💕. Have a BLAST and OMG, what a SUPER CUTE invite girl!! 😘💕💋💕💕 ~ Cheers🍷🍷~Debbi (formerly @debbimiller)
Oct 08Reply
paicar Sharing this AWESOME news with my PFF's who ALL have beautiful Posh compliant closets:🎈💃🎈PARTY ALERT LADIES!🎈💃🎈 💕@icaton💕@tpmom💕@proverbs_31💕@cmc514💕@anoliver💕@kden_wallace💕 @luxlauren💕@molinda25💕 💕@zanapie💕 @faith2bshared 💕@nmmulkey💕@daughtrey💕@kimeejae💕@poshgarden💕@jooky💕@scp_in_vb💕@marie5143💕@nanookmom💕@gretzeli💕@nic39💕@colorado_mommy💕@stunning_29💕@sunnietrish💕@shoplittlebird💕@rnicu00💕@bdbcsr💕@janimack7💕@nyc_apple💕@sdjean💕@dramaless💕 @iqclothessavvy💕@croweart💕
Oct 08Reply
paicar 🎉💐Congrats again! Hope you HAVE A BLAST Hosting, get tons of sales and new followers. Here are some lovely Ladies who are very supportive at the parties, ALL have beautiful Posh compliant closets:🎈🎈PARTY ALERT LADIES!🎈🎈💕@srk4💕@muneewo💕 @xoninamarie💕@mzdivinity💕@sunlvr1821💕@marinaschic💕@peachtreeshop💕@jewelinem💕@luvmyqh6💕@justice10forme💕@melohdy_thalady💕@nlgka💕@niftylisa💕@joyamarino💕@posh_pineapple💕@paradise_808💕@shoppermaj💕@ccprice74💕@stylenu💕@dinofinder💕@goodcents💕@califoxx💕@ginga69💕
Oct 08Reply
ginger_nj Jennifer how fabulous! ¨*•♫♪ⒶⓌⒺⓈⓄⓂⒺ See you there!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!! •*¨*•♫♪ⒸⓄⓄⓁ and ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ⒶⓌⒺⓈⓄⓂⒺ!!!! ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
Oct 08Reply
4theluvofshoes CONGRATS! I will be there to support and share with you! I would be honored for you to browse my PC closet for a possible HP. @dottieandchloe thanks for the tag! Here are a few more fab closets to consider @sweetstyleomine @poshgranny @etaudette @amimeinc @mandenstein @tevelyn @dottiesdeals @hippiewife @beachwave5, @aspaige79, @posh@juliasuh, @fashionistaave, @2trendysisters, @bohosnowgal @goodcents @tdcgirl @kud6t, @megaliza11
Oct 08Reply
blobue Congratulations 4th timer 🎉👍👠👕👜. I will def share. Thank you dear @armani4
Oct 08Reply
ajcollections @jentucker Wow! Congrats on your 4th Posh party Jennifer!!! 🎉🎀🎉🎀🎉 So excited for you and ready to party! 💞 I'd be honored if you check out my and my pffs closets for HPs please. 🎉🎀🎉 @crystallavery @shoppermaj @romekey @skystrukfashion @annabananaesq @poshtessa @bellanblue @kelyeskloset @kewpiedoll @sf_gal @archandbow @tammyleetucker @deege65 @justice10forme @mtnhiker @tropicalmama @cajt62 @sebastian22 @alyssaditty @shiloh077 🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞 (Pls lmk if you no longer wish to be tagged for parties. Thx!)
Oct 08Reply
kelyeskloset 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations!🎉🎉🎉
Oct 08Reply
kewpiedoll @jentucker @mtnhiker Thank you 🌻Congrats on hosting 🌾🍂🌾 Party Alert 🌻@mtnhiker @fashionm4women @yellowandpink27 @shiachar @dyfcloset @janmary @rposen @raquel71 @dallasstyle
Oct 08Reply
tammyleetucker Woot Woot 🎉🎉🎉congrats on your well deserved hostess gig 👯🍾💕I look forward to shopping and sharing your picks 💋
Oct 08Reply
dinofinder @51twenty thank you, Carolyn!
Oct 09Reply
paradise_808 Party for Jennifer! More PC closets for a possible HP. @heyconniemay @coutureoconfetti @yenay @treasuretoday @honeyandlime @kasacast25 Pls let me know if you want off this list.♥
Oct 09Reply
tamarismom 🎉🎉Congratulations on co-hosting your fourth party. I'm excited for you. 😁 I will be there with my party hat on. 👑 Get ready for another awesome experience. When time permits, Please check out my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks!
Oct 09Reply
tamarismom 🎉Party Time🎉 @ripplefade @donna0219 @songlady @jessiewing @cassandraknox @mizzpinay1980 @beachpalm02 @tibo2008 @isabellascloset @ginger71 @judyt726 @ball_mom @lhoude @nluciano @goldengirl754 @shelly592 @tayykm @roxygirl1
Oct 09Reply
cutenthrifty Congrats on hosting! I will be there to shop and share! Please consider my PFF's for possible host picks @ojdc @syejunior @sgo709 @des24rob @paradise_808 @ankalo @justice10forme @lilkk13115 @brandikasch @ariana_rae_
Oct 09Reply
delazy 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Sharing 💞 with beautiful Posh compliant closets party Time Ladies ❤️ @rayneeeheath ❤️ @akbruce ❤️ @ri2zle ❤️@elaandart2005 ❤️ @adria_scarlett ❤️ @olivekay ❤️ @lezhanson ❤️ @kaylabrooke90❤️ @macygabriellexo ❤️ @evekshel ❤️ @ashleyh8720 ❤️ @etteloc❤️ @tammieoverholt ❤️ @magmell ❤️@biancadennis ❤️ @loves2travel4 ❤️ @faithsuccess ❤️
Oct 09Reply
delazy 💃💃💃💃Party time ladies @iconcepta ❤️ @laurra728 ❤️ @kbbillin ❤️ @rac11ael ❤️ @Skibbyama ❤️ @rakassa ❤️@katieh1218 ❤️ @bagswithtags ❤️ @dreadro ❤️ @kelpal ❤️@gabrielloandco ❤️ @rakassa ❤️ @annaalvarez_99 ❤️ @prettite❤️ @summeray ❤️ @shopdottie ❤️ @hiddentreazurez ❤️@katiedayross ❤️ @lovelymey ❤️ @misttya ❤️
Oct 09Reply
delazy 💃💃💃💃Party time ladies @mandyten220 ❤️@deh_sale ❤️ @mstyle2 @dolma123 ❤️ @angelfish94 ❤️ @sweetie456 ❤️❤️@kburns86 ❤️ @mstyle2 ❤️ @nette_61 ❤️ @nanic281 ❤️ @plump_petunia ❤️ @simpscam ❤️ @blueeyeeffect ❤️ @aaroyian ❤️ @conejito0660 ❤️ @rttlngr ❤️
Oct 09Reply
delazy Party time ladies, ❤️@rebecca247 ❤️ @myposhmart ❤️ @triciatx ❤️ @suumbia ❤️ @kittybaby1 ❤️ @amoretutu ❤️ @seraphinarose ❤️@hollylilly ❤️ @vhh21 ❤️ @artamanda ❤️ @sellminator❤️ @mlgraton ❤️ @sadiepoo123 ❤️ @caligirlinmn
Oct 09Reply
debbie043059 Congratulations on being chosen to Co-Host🎉🎉🎉 I will be there to celebrate and share your Host Picks💕⚜️💕 Thanks for the tag Norma @paradise_808 💕⚜️💕
Oct 09Reply
suumbia Yayyy!! Party time!!!! 💃💃🎉🎉🎈🎈 Congrats on your party missy! I'll def be there to shop, share and show love! 🙌🙌 ... Thanks for the invite love @delazy 😘😘
Oct 09Reply
aprils2ndcloset @jentucker Yay! 🎉🎈🎊💐 Congratulations! This is well deserved! I'm super excited for you! I'll absolutely be there to help you celebrate! 🎉🎈🎊💐 @51twenty Thank you for sharing this fabulous news! 😊💖
Oct 09Reply
jennifernicoleb @sarrah @meagannwilson thank you for the tag
Oct 09Reply
theshopist Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉 please check out @albposhmark116 @courtney1335 @llkeegan @torymcirish
Oct 09Reply
pindaokane Congratulations on co-hosting posh party !!!! I'll be there to shop+share and support. I would really appreciate if you could take a peek at my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so much and see you at the party!!
Oct 09Reply
jentucker Ladies, I've had a hard time keeping up with my feed, but wanted to make sure I thanked you for all of the party well wishes! You're all amazing! 💞 @myboutique71 @kroy2130 @nlan123 @treannesfrocks @maidmarian @armani4 @bustingbeauty @lisabeththomas @kirabella35 @lekohn @kristentanabe @foamgirl @blackcherry7 @donnaw1 @dottieandchloe @mytherapy @joyamarino
Oct 10Reply
maidmarian 😘😘😘
Oct 10Reply
jentucker Ladies, I've had a hard time keeping up with my feed, but wanted to make sure I thanked you for all of the party well wishes! You're all amazing! 💞 @mystiskie @poshgarden @nami001 @tsilva626 @goodcents @zanapie @kerry2000 @etoba @ccprice74 @style_shanty @justrightat40 @jenbcloset @dmarie44 @ts5062736 @sellloveposh @retrouvailles @icaton @itera49 @3mdr @gordomom @katz2 @nkhob @lauras_boutique
Oct 10Reply
jentucker Ladies, I've had a hard time keeping up with my feed, but wanted to make sure I thanked you for all of the party well wishes! You're all amazing! 💞 @ses54 @karen1177 @sassafras19 @wenrella @rposen @paicar @marhart @ginger_nj @4theluvofshoes @blobue @ashjesh @kelyeskloset @kewpiedoll @tammyleetucker @missy79us @paradise_808 @tamarismom @cutenthrifty @delazy @debbie043059 @suumbia
Oct 10Reply
jentucker Ladies, I've had a hard time keeping up with my feed, but wanted to make sure I thanked you for all of the party well wishes! You're all amazing! 💞 @sunlvr1821 @aprils2ndcloset @jennifernicoleb @albposhmark116 @pindaokane
Oct 10Reply
armani4 Jennifer, no need to worry about that!!! Even though I've had the pleasure of hosting I found it wasn't possible to keep up, especially as the date got closer!! Hope you have a great time!!
Oct 10Reply
myboutique71 Your more than welcome!😉💕
Oct 10Reply
mytherapy @jentucker Hi love, no need to return shares, just enjoy the spotlight! 😘🎉
Oct 10Reply
jentucker @mytherapy Mina, you're too sweet! Now that I'm finally catching up I had to sneak at least a few return shares in 💞
Oct 10Reply
gordomom No worries! Party time feeds can be crazy. No need to share back or respond. 💝
Oct 10Reply
ses54 You are so welcome @jentucker & congrats on your 4th party! @lisabeththomas thank you for the tag! Lets party & help Share this for her! 👍💐👏🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
Oct 10Reply
4theluvofshoes @jentucker You are most welcome! Only 10 minutes away...will be there to share and support 👗💗💞💚
Oct 10Reply
retrouvailles @jentucker Never worry!! I can only imagine how much you have had going on in your feed! Thanks for your sweet note, and hope you are having a super fun and productive night!! Woohoooo!! ;) xo Ali
Oct 10Reply
blackcherry7 You're welcome 💕
Oct 10Reply
janimack7 💥🎉 Congratulations, JENNIFER❣ Can't wait to come to SEE 👀, SHOP🛍 & SHARE💞 at your party!🎉💟 Might you check for 🎉HPs🎉 In these lovely closets? 💃 @paicar (Thanks for the tag, Debbie!) @icaton @flutter_buys @dinofinder @hsohailk @stunning_29🍦@@niftylisa @nic39 @debbie043059 @bdbcsr @muneewoo @amywhip @bdbcsr @sdjean @bethjennings @sunlvr1821 @nbayldon @nmmulkey @sami023 @leleperry @mmadonna40 @loopholer @hippiewife
Oct 10Reply
goodcents @jentucker Jennifer, anytime. Have a blast!
Oct 10Reply
rposen @jentucker My pleasure!💕
Oct 10Reply
dinofinder @janimack7 thank you, Jan!!!
Oct 10Reply
larochelle hi! id be co-hosting with you on the 21st as @deuxbox wooohooo! i havent gotten around to making my party listing yet :) il tag you and the other co-hosts as soon as i put up my listing :) and in the meantime , il help spread the word ♥️
Oct 11Reply
larochelle Hi! ALOHA!!! 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉BIG BIG CONGRATS on co- hosting soon! I almost never miss a posh party, you can count me in to share and cheer at the party! Have a blast! Tagging some posh friends to join the fun!!! 💋❌⭕️❌⭕️ PARTY ALERT🎉🎉🎉🎉 @pmgr22 @katz2 @jenniferrlee @emilyrubin @bellanblue @cassandraknox @partymk999 @marlanap @endersd @read247 @lizstyle @miami_wife @treasuresbytrac @poshjeepgirl @lhaag721 @musemax @warrior04 @51twenty
Oct 11Reply
11winchester Check out my closet! Feedback welcome! 😊
Oct 11Reply
kecampbell 🎉🍾 •CONGRATULATIONS•🍾 🎉 I can't wait to shop and share all of your great picks on your special day!
Oct 11Reply
pink_kiwi Congrats on co-hosting!!!! Have a wonderful time!!! :-) Thanks for the tag @kewpiedoll <3
Oct 12Reply
jentucker Ladies, I'm sorry for the delayed response, but my feed is hard to keep up with lately! Thanks so much for the party well wishes and I look forward to seeing you there on the 21st 💞 @yellowandpink27 @kecampbell @tyrotoxism @janimack7 @larochelle
Oct 12Reply
jentucker @larochelle So excited we're co-hosting together! Thanks for reaching out 😃 I can't wait for our party on the 21st! 💗
Oct 12Reply
carolinagurl09 Congratulations 🍾🎉🎊🎈
Oct 12Reply
velvetspell @d1smiles Thank you for the tag, Dee! 😘💕
Oct 12Reply
janimack7 No worries, Jennifer! 💞😊💞I had my first party a few months ago and there was no way i could respond to all the comments...So I just added a post on the party announcement thanking them all.😄 I didn't leave individual comments. I also don't think I have seen many party hosts that do reply/respond to each comment on party announcements. This is YOUR TIME! Let your PFFs give you support and POSH LOVE! It is ok! Enjoy the process and don't fret!😄💞😄
Oct 12Reply
whatsleft @jentucker Hi! Congratulations to you! I am Sharon, in case we have not officially met, it is so nice to meet you! I will be at your party sharing your closet and HP's! I follow all posh rules if you want to peek at my closet! Yahoo!💛🌾🌻💛🌾🌻💛🌾🌻🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😘
Oct 13Reply
justrightat40 🎉🎉POSH PARTY🎉🎉 Follow the person that created the listing, like the listing, share it and follow all of the people that liked the listing. Make sure to tune in to party so you can share your listings appropriate to theme! 👠 @jlarae82 👠 @meisdupree 👠 @houseofdragan 👠 @cassmarie8406 ❤️DO NOT COPY❤️
Oct 15Reply
magen83 @jentucker 4th party! Wow! I can't imagine hosting 1 just yet. I'm excited for this one. It's my daughters 16th birthday on the 21st! @lelaluvsapollo she just started her closet. Yay!
Oct 15Reply
nbayldon It must get more exciting each time! Congrats on 4! You deserve it!!!!
Oct 16Reply
sunnietrish @jentucker if your party is anything like your ad it will be a blast (@dinofinder @tpmom @bellanblue @bwenger )
Oct 16Reply
rosemaryatl Congratulations!!!
Oct 18Reply
jentucker @rosemaryatl Thanks very much, Rosemary!
Oct 18Reply
deege65 Wow! Four times!!! You are one party pro! @ashjesh Jesh has is a wonderful, supportive posher with a terrific, pc closet. Thanks for the tag my friend. Here are some other great places to find your host picks: @crystallavery @shoppermaj @sf_gal @fashiondiva382 @archandbow @chatshattire @tomi_o @rnicu00 @littlerobyn @jlotopper @topicalmama @erinctrent and @leleperry . :D
Oct 18Reply
larochelle hi! tagging you w the party line up in a bit!!looking forward to co-hosting w you this friday ♥️
Oct 19Reply
jentucker @larochelle I'm excited, too! 🎉😘
Oct 19Reply
shelpen Congratulations on your party. Will definitely be there to cheer you on. I have several PFF's with posh compliant closets. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. @2edgy @mia_bellavita @rdomal @yolakohavi
Oct 19Reply
rdomal Congratulations🎶🌹🎼🌸♩🌻🎵 on Hosting. It's on my daughters Birthday,🎂🎉 so it will be a double celebration.🎊✨🎈❇ Sondra said we're going to have a Blast.🎉💣💥🎊 @shelpen Sondra💖 Thank you for the tag. Ruth 🎀@rdomal
Oct 19Reply
2edgy @jentucker congratulations 🎈 and have fun and I know you will!! 🎉Thanks for the tag, Sondra @shelpen 😘
Oct 19Reply
ajcollections @jentucker Congrats again on your Posh Party Jennifer!!! 🎉🎀🎉 If you are still looking for HPs, I'd be really honored if you checked out my closet please. Have fun hosting!!!💕😊💕🛍🛍🛍🌹🌹🌹
Oct 19Reply
vmjohnson95 Hi and congrats! If you had time to look at my closet I would be so honored! Thanks and have fun!
Oct 20Reply
ellenasmith1213 💖💖💖 Congratulations on your party! Please consider my closet for a host pick. I have beautiful sparkly and blingy jewelry made with Swarovski crystal and best of all, our profits go to support childhood cancer in the name of our late granddaughter Lila May who passed away on September 12, 2015. Lila May loved sparkly things. Thank you! @ellenasmith1213
Oct 20Reply
swanky_panky Hi! Thanks for hosting for us. I would love for you to consider my closet for a Host Pick. It's been quite a while since I've enjoyed one. Have a blast! I look forward to it! 😘💕🍾🎉
Oct 20Reply
nycma Congratulations on the party for tomorrow. If you are still looking for host pick, I do hope you will consider my closet. Thank you.❤️
Oct 20Reply
estelski @jentucker love love love you're closet!!!
Oct 20Reply
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!!!!! 😊🎉🍾💃🏾That's exciting news!!!! I hope you have fun looking at all the wonderful closets! Please check out mine and my PFFs closets that I will tag for you! Have a great day and a great time looking at all the amazing closets! 😊💕😊💕😊💕😊💕
Oct 20Reply
jentucker @estelski Thanks so much, Estelle! Very kind of you to say 😊
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (1) @sofiabella1213 🌻@adrianemace🌹@siyaaa 💐@maggiesfarm 🐕 @poojajp 🐟 @goldensandjewel ☀️@lila64579 🌙@cynthaaa ⭐️@lalew 🐬@emmynoemi 🐱@mandapanda83 🐼@ahnec 👗@prittimonster 🌷@novalties 🎒@jrsprague128 🌸@d_laney82 🍍 @alenaco 🍋@cha121 🌙@enzeru 🌲@lisamarie1518 🍁@styleimperative 👛 @sweetcheeses 🐢@kellegrey 🐈 @lauried1989 👒 @kg01 💫@cathsattire 🌸@simmysnow 🍂@virago 🌺@belen18 🌳@creative2 🕶
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (2) @myboutique71 🐠@kaisey14showers 🌷@rachs1 🌻@skylyrc ☀️@mfournier2004 🛍@mvannoy1 🌟 @stunningstyle 👠@makayllaaaaaaaa 🌙@kayhill69 🍇@kkuehns 🍍@alinadimella 🐬@sherryw3 🐞@ravendeaira_ 🍉@aulauni 🍓@alouie97 🍋@lean14 🐚@katyyan25 🍊@petrichjm 🍐@virgomoonlover 🌙@fashiondiva382 👠@retrouvailles 🍋@rachcook96 🍪@bustingbeauty 💄@peacefrog777 🐸@lotzmannjm 🐿@tayknot92 🎀 @klassy1967 👗@sandralee6 🎀
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (3) @cbm3228 🍓@fabtrends16 👜@lau0789 🌷@bgab 🌺@misskay235 💄@fayepgarcia 🍒@mystanfield ⭐️ @sophiaaleccia 🕊@ykwickss 🐟@zzjwalzz 🛍 @ash_vetts 👡@twiggypop3 🍭@christineclem12 👠@dzaldiva 🕶 @emstar 🌟@gaitante1996 🐚@ericagaitan 🌻@fashionshurelle 👗 @cdy0810 🕶@janetkorsmo 🌹 @guiatunguia 🌼@isesunshine ☀️ @kimber5746 👗@jsduffy78 🎀 @aniabrands 🍍@stacyhadac ⭐️ @workingwebers 🌼@ravenrray 🕊@rmoon13 🌙
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (4) @polkadots2plaid 👛@lovedolly4 💄@delladay8 🌤@leapederson 🐬@starkeygirls 🌸@blingjewels 👠@precision8277 🍓@nina8625 🌟@methebeau 🎀@dritty 🍇@lovesoflori 💖@markieh98 🌷@deege65 🍉@kswitzer 🍁@debit0823 💐 @britmoe 🛍 @amandabenson31 🍉@staciep77 🍍@jlotopper 👜 @interspace8 💫@pecolaras123 ⭐️@kmdzier621 🌲@sabrina41653 🐬@gypsyswagg 👒@amyliz2710 🎀@ellissusan971 👛@vardhan 👗@wanaflan ☀️
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (5) @disneykendall 🐬@mmarte 🍓@keytar 🔑@teedeean 🌹@camoupandbeyond 🌤@karen1177 🍎 @guzel85 🌙 @achumbley0810 🍂 @smirio 🍍@jenn_76 🛍 @laboscloset 🐕 @shopnccloset 🛍 @taymanderson3 🌺@ll7207 🌻@beananomaly 🌷@dldlas 🍇@volatpropriis 🌟@abbydufort 🐚@clothez4u 👗@lizpink13 🌸 @megan124 🐚@carlyerica 🍁@luvpaisley 🍍@sam0790 🍉
Oct 20Reply
tomi_o Congrats on hosting!!! 😊🎉💕Please check out my lovely PFFs closets for possible host picks! (6) @bombdotcomme 💣@addefoor 🌲@mrs_ah 🍂@bzepka 🍉@amberveraldi 🎀 @lookyou 🛍 @inspired2015 ☀️@beeburd01 🐝@kelleyq5 🍓@kellymorgan518 🎉 @goldengirlz752 🏅@pixievixxen 🍋@ppamprrd 🌙 @leminohp 🍭 @amberskye2000 🌤@tsilva626 🌹@treasuretoday 🎒@lindafloe 🐟@poshmarksavvy 👜
Oct 20Reply
_rlpeterson @jentucker hi!! 🎉🎀 Congratulations on hosting your fourth party tomorrow!!! 🎀🎉I would love it if you looked at my posh-compliant closet for a possible host pick! 😘
Oct 20Reply
crystallavery 💥🅲🅾🅽🅶🆁🅰🆃🆄🅻🅰🆃🅸🅾🅽🆂🎉 O꙰n꙰e꙰ D꙰a꙰y꙰ A꙰w꙰a꙰y꙰ вєíng α prєvíσuѕ pσѕhmαrk pαrtч hσѕt, ím hαppч tσ σffєr mч ѕuppσrt αnч wαч í cαn!! lσσkíng fσrwαrd tσ ѕєєíng чσчr BẸ ¥ØỤ Ŧł₣ỤŁ hσѕt píckѕ!!
Oct 20Reply
lizpink13 Congrats ! Have a Blast!
Oct 20Reply
bzepka Congratulations to you!! 🎉🎉🎉
Oct 20Reply
mandymaescloset I love this graphic so cute! Looking forward to tonight! 🎉✨👍🏽
Oct 20Reply
cncalabro @jentucker Congratulations on hosting!!! I'd love it if you would consider items in my closet for possible HP! Thanks so much and look forward to partying with you! 😘💕🎉✨🎈🎀
Oct 20Reply
kelseyybarnes Congrats on hosting! Please consider my closet for an HP!
Oct 20Reply
lindsmclaughlin Congrats! I'll be shopping and would love to be considered for an HP! 💜
Oct 20Reply
emstar 🎉🎉 Congratulations on hosting!! 🎉🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet for potential host picks. Can't wait for the party. ✨😍 Have fun!! 🔹
Oct 20Reply
myirelandrose Congrats👏👏👏 So happy for you!! Please peek in my closet for HP's🙏🙏🙏
Oct 20Reply
kylemcolucci Congrats on the party! Please consider my PC closet for a potential HP :)
Oct 20Reply
iris1019 Congrats on hosting. I will be there to cheer and share. Would you take a peek at my closet for possible HPs? I just listed several cute fall / winter items that fit perfectly with the theme. Thank you. 🎉🎉
Oct 20Reply
li152302 Congrats!!💕🎉🎉🐶
Oct 20Reply
presleybee 👻🎊would love if you'd check out my closet for a potential host pick!🎊👻
Oct 21Reply
rain_bow_cloud Congrats on hosting! If you're still looking for host picks, please take a few seconds to visit my compliant closet. Thank you and have a blast hosting! 🎉💃🏻👯💃🏻🎉
Oct 21Reply
tigerluv0 Love your closet, and especially how you frame your cover shots - what a great eye you have! Also, congrats on hosting your party tomorrow. I hope you'll check out my posh-compliant closet - I've got some great items ready for fall! Cheers :)
Oct 21Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Party! Party! Party! @christyw744 @sparrowsage @stunning_29 @josiefredericks @thevibe @dinofinder @veperez @roos_rendezvous @alisabeegirl @tlude @alluck1210 @marykat @lauras_boutique @cyndy_bennett @annc64 @swanagin @rposen @jeren27 @dawnediva @lhaag721 @cajlove @basebllmom @robandsteph2014 @closetfairies @juliejoff @ginger_nj @alouie97 @juicylina
Oct 21Reply
jentucker Thanks very much for the party well wishes, ladies! I'm still doing some last minute host picking and will try to get to as many of your closets as I can 😉 @goodchic @tigerluv0 @rain_bow_cloud @presleybee @li152302 @iris1019 @kylemcolucci @myirelandrose @emstar @oak_and_main @caylarae14 @africansisters @lindsmclaughlin @kelseyybarnes @cncalabro @cathsattire @mandymaescloset @bzepka
Oct 21Reply
blingjewels 🌺Congratulations Jennifer!🎉🎉 So excited for you!🎉. Will help spread the awesome news! I'd be grateful if you could take a peek at my PC closet and consider these fabulous ladies closets as well for host picks. @blingjewels @ojdc @bchic_boutique @carrieburke @lovejoyforever @jen_is_lost @chickikay @caitlyngarris @tomi_o, thanks for the tag!🌺
Oct 21Reply
jentucker Thanks very much for the party well wishes, ladies! I'm still doing some last minute host picking and will try to get to as many of your closets as I can 😉 @lizpink13 @lindafloe @crystallavery @_rlpeterson @tomi_o @i70_seller
Oct 21Reply
mandymaescloset @jentucker thank you for thinking of me! 🐶☺️✌🏽️✨
Oct 21Reply
passionboutique @jentucker I was reading your highlight above about your party theme here is where everything is located
Oct 21Reply
peacefrog777 Congrats on your party!! Sounds like a blast! 😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉✌️️I would love it if you could take a look at my closet!
Oct 21Reply
poshthreadz Congrats! Enjoy hosting 😘
Oct 21Reply
poshthreadz Congrats! Enjoy hosting 😘
Oct 21Reply
alyssatippett congrats on hosting the party tomorrow!! If you're still looking for any HPs I would love for you to consider any of mine 💖🎀 congrats again and Btw your closet is gorgeous!
Oct 21Reply
fabthreads Hi there ~ Yay it's almost party time - congrats, have a blast! If you are still looking for host picks please take a look at my complaint closet to see if anything catches your eye. Thanks a bunch - see you at the party!
Oct 21Reply
mrsmadariaga Yay!! Have fun hosting tomorrow!!! 😘😘😘💕💕💕👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🍾🍾🍾👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐🎉🎉🎉
Oct 21Reply
bzepka Aw, Thank you for considering my closet! 😊❤️️
Oct 21Reply
brandi_12 ***CONGRATS!! I hope you can consider my closet for possible host picks!!***
Oct 21Reply
hannahsells19 Congrats on hosting a party tonight! I hope you're having fun selecting host picks and finding some new and veteran closets that you love! I'll be there to party with you and shop and share!🎉
Oct 21Reply
x_staypretty Congrats!🎉 Please check out my pretty little closet for a possible Host Pick. 💕
Oct 21Reply
sam0790 🎉Congrats on hosting your party! Please take a look at my closet and consider some of my items for a host pick. Thank you! @sam0790
Oct 21Reply
myhappyplace22 🍁🌳🍁🌳🎊Congrats Jennifer🎊🍁🌳🍁🌳🍁🌳Have a Blast & Enjoy!!😙PC Closets to consider😄👍Thank you💖All my Best😄😙💖Jeanette 🍁💙 @justice10forme 🍁💙 @shoppermaj 🍁💙 @lekohn 🍁💙 @paradise_808 🍁💙 @tropicalmama 🍁💙 @califoxx 🍁💙 @katyyan25 🍁💙 @bustingbeauty 🍁💙 @deege65 🍁💙 @aulauni 🍁💙 @michiv 🍁💙 @lucksterlw 🍁💙 @tomi_o 🍁💙 @lhaag721 🍁💙 @nazer95 🍁💙 @oceaneyes2010 🍁💙 @eyecandybydidi 😙TY ladies for tags😙😙😙😙😙😙
Oct 21Reply
genia_s @jentucker 🎉Congratulations.on hosting! Best of luck!💕
Oct 21Reply
oceaneyes2010 Congratulations!!!😀🍷🎉💞
Oct 21Reply
ecobbella Congratulations on your party!!🎉🎉🎉Love your theme for tonight and as your choosing your HP, I hope you'll consider my closet! Thank you!!
Oct 21Reply
pinkflamingobtq @jentucker 🎃🍁🎃🍄ᑕOᑎGᖇᗩTᔕ Oᑎ GETTIᑎG ᑭIᑕKEᗪ TO ᕼOᔕT!! E᙭ᑕITIᑎG.. ᑭᗩᖇTY TIᗰE!! 🎉🎉🎉 Iᖴ YOᑌ GET ᗩ ᗰOᗰEᑎT I'ᗪ ᗩᑭᑭᖇEᑕIᗩTE Iᖴ YOᑌ'ᗪ ᑭEEK Iᑎ ᗰY ᑭOᔕᕼ ᑕOᗰᑭᒪIᗩᑎT ᑕᒪOᔕET ᖴOᖇ ᗩ ᑭOTEᑎTIᗩᒪ ᕼᑭ. ᑭEᗩᔕE ᗩᑎᗪ TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ! ᗩᑎᗪ Oᖴ ᑕOᑌᖇᔕE.. ᕼᗩᑭᑭY ᑭOᔕᕼIᑎG!! 🎃🍁🎃KᗩᖇEᑎ🎃🍁🎃
Oct 21Reply
elliekrump CONGRATS!!!!! Can't wait to party with you! :)
Oct 21Reply
aniabrands Congrats! 🎉💃🎉💃
Oct 21Reply
aniabrands Congrats! 🎉💃🎉💃
Oct 21Reply
savvychicluxe Yay!!! Congrats!! 😊
Oct 21Reply
tamarismom Have a blast 🎉🎉
Oct 21Reply
sunnietrish @jentucker I'm ready 💃🏻🍰👛
Oct 21Reply
deege65 Yay! Have fun!!!!!😉
Oct 21Reply
graphi @jentucker 🌪Congrats on your Poshparty🌪 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸 💸💸💸💸💸 🌟✨Wishing you amazing party I'll be there and partying with you🌟✨ Pls take a look @ my little closet for possible HOST PICKs!!! @graphi 😊
Oct 21Reply
shawndelaney Congratulations!
Oct 21Reply
rdomal It's almost time 🕗🕢🕓to Party🎈🎉🎊🎉 Party🎃🎉🎊🔥🎉 See you later. Ruth 🎀
Oct 21Reply
hollylynnsclost Have so much fun tonight!! 😘🎉😘🎉😘🎉
Oct 21Reply
bellanblue almost party time. your time to shine! see you tonite!
Oct 21Reply
lmdeville Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉 Would you consider any of my listings for a host pick?
Oct 21Reply
jessibengtson I would love to be considered for a host pick tonight💕❣️
Oct 21Reply
poshglamgirl Congrats on hosting. Hope u have a blast!!! Plz consider my closet for a reallly fab host pic, thx!!! : )
Oct 21Reply
reallilswole @jentucker congrats on your party!!🎉🎉
Oct 21Reply
passporttoindia Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @jentucker
Oct 21Reply
saltyolives Congrats on hosting! ✨ if you'd like to check my closet for any possible host picks? 🎉🎉🎉
Oct 21Reply
ajcollections @jentucker Hi Jennifer. If you are still looking, I'd be really honored if you peeked into my closet for possible HPs please. 🎉🎉🎉🎀🎀🎀
Oct 21Reply
jentucker @ashjesh Don't worry, I already peeked and made a selection - not to spoil the surprise or anything! 😬
Oct 21Reply
ajcollections @jentucker Ooooh now I'm curious! 😀 Thank you! 💖
Oct 21Reply
paxwelton Congrats that is so exciting! I would love to be considered for a host pick, I have a few fall must haves in my closet! 🌻💕
Oct 21Reply
nianatasha 🎉🎉🍾🍾Wooo hoooo! Congrats on hosting! You are a rock star! If you are still looking for host picks, please take a peek at my Posh compliant closet. I have quite a few Fall goodies, winter wishes, and summer clearance. Meanwhile let's get ready to party🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Oct 21Reply
kelseyk99 🎉Congrats!!!!🎉 I would love to be considered for a HP! ❤️😊💕
Oct 21Reply
ruffledglam Congrats on your fourth Posh Party!🎉 Please consider my closet for possible host picks. Sharing this with all of my followers!😊👠👗
Oct 21Reply
inna_lala Congratulations Jennifer!!! 🎉You'll have a blast!!! If you're in need of a last minute host pick, please consider my closet! 💕 For more fun choices, take a peak at these lovely closets: @olya22 @marikasalamakha @alinasher @inaver09 @alinaslivinskiy @leahpid @rosaanapen @dianochkag @kristinamurash @xoxolesya @jessbo19 @denisyukv @bootas12 @ericarose1989 @jennifernicoleb @jayjune @1roguepuppy
Oct 21Reply
maggiesfarm Congratulations!
Oct 21Reply
thisbrightstar 🍂🍁🍂🍁I LOVE THE FALL🍂🍁🍂 🎉🎈So excited for your party🎈🎉 ✨✨I'll be there to shop and share✨✨ 🎉 Check my closet for potential HP💕
Oct 21Reply
nativenyer Congratulations!
Oct 21Reply
bwenger Hey, PFFs! Please congratulate tonight's hostess! Show our support for her party by sharing her adorable closet! 🍾💕🍾💕🍾💕 @angelomine06 @amyfg @apparia1 @believebig @bjgilliam @brajab @class_act_ann @copper000 @coutori @crystal_iris @donnamz2 @erikagannon @ericarose1989 @forever_chic @jen03199 @jill555 @jml2255 @jteach23
Oct 21Reply
bwenger Hey, PFFs! Please congratulate tonight's hostess! Show our support for her party by sharing her adorable closet! 🍾💕🍾💕🍾💕 @kb2008 @kla5815 @kpawsrn @lifebydesign @lorilouie @mandapanda83 @midweststock @mlknoselg @nolagrl930 @ninascloset5 @parpar15 @santinagirl @siennaacre @stelladotcyndy @teresamarie01 🎀This tag list is not to be copied or used for any other purposes.🎀
Oct 21Reply
jentucker @bwenger Thank you, Bethany! So excited to party with you and our other PFFs tonight 🎉🍷💞
Oct 22Reply
reneecali Congrats 🎉🎉🍾🍾 Can't wait!! Please take a look at my closet for host picks!!!!!! 🎀👗💄💍👛
Oct 22Reply
euphoriallc If you haven't already chosen all your host picks, I would love to be considered. Thank you!
Oct 22Reply
vanessapaulla 💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting tonight Jennifer 😃🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Oct 22Reply
greaterfashions 🌹YAYY it's almost Party Time!! 🎉👠👛We'll be there to shop and share Congrats!! If there's still time can u pls look through🙋🏾 our closet for a poss., Host Pick!! Thank You👍🏼👏🏾😊
Oct 22Reply
thedailychic Congrats on hosting your party tonight 🎉🎈I would love if you had the chance to browse my compliant closet for a potential host pick! Hope you have a BLAST hosting! 😘🙂❤️
Oct 22Reply
theposhpanda39 Congratulations!!! How exciting!! Can't wait to party with you!! If you haven't already selected all of your Host picks, please take a peek at my closet I just gave it a major facelift! Thanks and Happy Poshing!! 💕🎉😙
Oct 22Reply
modamecouture Hi Beauty. Congrats on hosting. Have an awesome time at the party tonight. I will be there to cheer you on. I just shared your entire closet to my followers..Congrats on hosting. Hope u have a blast!!! Please consider my closet for a really fabulous host pic
Oct 22Reply
whirk 🎉 Almost party time ! Looking forward to seeing your picks tonight! I'd love for you to check out my closet if you have time! I'm a long-time follower of yours, and I follow all PM rules. 😇📖
Oct 22Reply
brittschulz Congrats! I would love to be considered for a host pick! I have a couple of really cute FALL items! 🎉
Oct 22Reply
bwenger Wooooooo! Only 35 minutes! 😍🎉🎉🎉
Oct 22Reply
jennsclosetxo ✨          Congrats on   Hostng a Party!   So excited to  Shop&Share🌺     ✨✨ Hope you have fun looking for HPs & seeing all the love the Posh community has to offer! -JC♡
Oct 22Reply
isellstyle yay- cant wait to see tonights awesome picks!!! feel free to browse my closet if you need any last minute items.thanks for hosting!
Oct 22Reply
iris1019 Only 30 minutes away! How exciting. See you at the party. 🎉🎉
Oct 22Reply
needsnwants18 Congrats on hosting tonight! Have fun!
Oct 22Reply
jubisboutique Hi there, I'm fairly new to posh 🙈 but so far I LOVE IT!! How do I get my items selected as a host pick? I'm really excited, I finally took the step to starting my own business. Congrats on your amazing closet 💞
Oct 22Reply
daisydoodle323 Congrats on hosting your 4th Posh party! 🎉 Wow, that's quite an accomplishment! 🍾 If you still have room for host picks, I'd be honored if you could take a peek in my compliant closet! Hope you have a blast! 😊
Oct 22Reply
vb2011 🍁🐿Congratulations on hosting the Fall Must Haves Host Party. Cute Picks!😀🎉
Oct 22Reply
carlyerica @jentucker 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂 Loving the host picks so far!!! 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂 If you are still searching, please check out my Posh-compliant closet for possible last minute host picks!! I am trying to grow and gain followers so I would appreciate it so much!! Have fun!!!! 🎉🍾✨
Oct 22Reply
stylebymandy Congratulations on hosting the party! I would love for you to check out my closet and see if there are any possible listings to be considered for host pick. Thank you so much and congrats again! 💝🎉
Oct 22Reply
afisher88 If you are looking for any last minute host picks I would love for you to take a look at my closet! Thanks so much! Have fun!! 🎀🤗🎉
Oct 22Reply
samanthadoc I would really appreciate it if you would make one of my listings a host pick💞Also congrats on co host😊😊
Oct 22Reply
afisher88 If you are looking for any last minute host picks I would love for you to take a look at my closet! Thanks so much! Have fun!! 🎀🤗🎉
Oct 22Reply
itscierrajoy If you are still picking out some host picks, I would love to be considered! 💕
Oct 22Reply
mrsalliexo CONGRATULATIONS ON BECOMING A CO-HOST 👸🏼✨🎉 Hope you have a BLAST picking great items that I can shop from 😉💰💗. When you get a moment, would you take a peek at my closet for potential "Host Pick" items 🎀👭💐. Thank you SO much & good luck with your party!!!! See you there 😘😘 @mrsalliexo
Oct 22Reply
luckymia Congrats on hosting! Have a blast and if you have any extra picks, please consider me💕Mia
Oct 22Reply
pinaychicmama @jentucker Elegance is the only beauty that never fades, do what makes your soul happy! ♡♡♡ I Love it!!! ♡♡♡ Cheers for being a "Fall Must-Haves Party Host" I hope you're having a blast. Best of luck for abundant sales!! 🌟 💳 📦 🌟 💳 📦 🌟
Oct 22Reply
resellthreads CONGRATS🎉🎉🎉
Oct 22Reply
andeyg Congrats on your parrrrrrrTAY! 🍾🎉 Let me know if u find any HPs in my closet! ✌🏻️❌⭕️
Oct 22Reply
solucy LOVE your CLOSET!! It's so classy and beautiful. Love it!
Jan 28Reply
jentucker @solucy Thanks so much, Tammy! That's so kind of you to say! You have great style yourself 😃
Jan 28Reply

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